Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jan 1921, p. 2

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A big gmlhelug le spseW t.4uthse Priaeses Theamm neît NOndaY t 2 p.r., Wh« omu.Hmgue ehieà )i- igtar of Niis, viiiaUtros'th ib14- eai and coimvatlve Partyan tise questions of thse day. One à h ms interesting of thons, l inWtlton. *ta Of th comIg appoltmont ot à con rnanding oMfcer for thse 201h HallLIO Rifles., Antise matter la 1.1 Mr. Giti- -ies departanent bis attention sho0ulsi i be ditectd teoIL Lieut-Col. James Biflantine, D. 8. o.ham reignes tise command of tise 20h Raison Rifles. For oneune lhe han s d a gond position .as lecturer in a collmeta Hamilton, N. Y. To have rerigued it vonîsi have homu to moite s gi-at sacrifice, but retaniaig it ame continuîng ho reside ln a foraga COUD- try diequalified i hm as aun cHier la tise Canadian militia. The rtiremet Of thia distinguiahed and ighlY qunlilesi ,ffcer la great l1cm thoiss id regi- ment, but ince It, has hobaavoida- hie, nothing rernaine but ho appoint hie succeenor. lu the Britimh and Coaa "dan forces promotions are under. stood tholho gnvernmd bmpioitY, prO. vidcd the senior oficer \imqalillmd. in tbe20thliSmonloroitaeélMaI.o . OBrown, in notonlir tiorOoa¶hlY quai- lied, but hoe roatly dstingulsisesi hm self ansa Catain la theoFaI bua Fou rth " Batalionat tho esonsi nattie ofy p cea. visere lho vas hadly vouad- ed, 'Net only in ho availahie, bt aiU his junior In tIbm ohtnbgades bave overmssaservicesta thofr emdt. have qualifled for thefr omIsMion andi are reeldents of Halton. They, ns veli an tisir seniot, aae, have rigista visinis honl ieho nsiderod. But tisougis Ibis le tis ecane t a isi htisaImre of th iseher miitauy aulisorities propose o foist an oMfies of anoîher corpaé. a non-resinent. on tise 2D1h aosIt ommander. Wisat in tise Canadian billtia cooing ho If ail riitary precedenia ar e hoihoignormd, if oenirity andsi eit &are ho ut fr noîiing andi promotions are ho ho hy ~Pull." Thoaevac ton mucis of tht kinsi of tlinin thUe 0.E.F. darlag tise virer and vo do not vent it coatanuesi b our militia. lit Wlinot suit Haihon. TOWN COUNCIL. Latyear'scoaiicli elsi il final meet- ing ]ont Moday moeng Memehrs prenant.the MYOr in tise chair. the Beove and Meurs. Chambers, Turner. Ramhav ir dMNAis Minutes of the lut meeting w-r rend and consdcmed. Mir. Tuner mores, gneondesi by Mr. MncNaib. tiitiheMayorrTacite tise chair nnd that Reeve Byer taksethtisane. -Carriesi. Mr. Ramahsw movesi. ssaonded sy tMr. Chambsers, tisai-tise lianka of this ment- ing be tendercd tise Mayor focbis kfnd- nea nad courteous treaiment of couacil (s1 'gtise yer. The mlotion van aspondesi ta isy ail the rtirisg rmmbre ci tise coacil and Tise eharman presented tise tisanke of tise counnil ta tise Mayor, visa epieos. elpremaing bis apprenlaian ni tise motion and his regret tisai nme af tise memisers sere nt retorned. Hie feu oncre tist tisa only cuse for thisewumstiseiigi ecisool a ucetion. He hnped tis e arionS eeold oventuaaiy ho a benefit hoelthe tosen. Tise aewly elected cauncilimtos Man- day nt 115 sm. bine-rdsnoe ilsMuni- ceiat, lmanhornil preent, tMayor Erin thtie chair. An adjouroniont vu guode th Tamday ovEnlaf, vison m11 wormagmits preemti. Tise conclioraaisedl for tise yesr 5v r.ppointlng standing cornianhee n fol Finance and Spoiai Comnrmuatos- Irving. Maxtes. Biain. Itreeto asd Wiks- -Itinisnen, BI&Î0. Pearen. Wster sud Fire-Msxiod. Irving, Me- Gregor. Ligisi and Poice - Saillie. Fenren, Maxtesi. Pritisc andi Coniajgencies- tictregor, Smillie. Robinson. lsduolcîal-Blaiia, Metiregor, Irviof. Ev-law, Ns. 552, ta appoint J. . Bligit and F. R. Hutrisinson ase Aditors for tise vear was rend ftrot, Lecoasi and R. J, Campbsell van re-appalated a menhor of tise boardoaedasmtis. Pr. (iowland, Medurai leullis Officer, presnted bis suainaai epoartinvisicis ise condemnrd local laghter hue. and thcpublie c arIsalavatories an very un- Panlary. Mr. Irving moved, eeondesi hy tise l'eeve, wiseaeova iave heen niorimid &isat Lieul.-Col. James Batintine hbe e- sifeed tisa commnnd noflthe 201h Hatea Rifles and a report hncrn tthatn ont- ide oltrcer in ta ho sppotated t tho con- ind o tise above mnnt vae e.d- eil anlinjustice te Bolton ooonly offi- crsviso iave emevei vte distinction overseas and are nov andi alwsys have bers residonleofaitise connty ; ell tisre- fore resled int ti counicl go on re- cýord s bcbng oppomes ta tise appoint- ment o an oulide officer ta tisecoin- 'mand o the2ftislalinnRBlles wile voe bave' full),stalified offteor in tise Regfi- ment capabla ai i liing tise position. rhtsthLe Mayor ho autborized toa ign tise ibve msotions andi forserd mmne to Dr. Anîcorson, M.P.-Carried. Mr. Maxted movesi, econdesi by Mr. Poilison, îlot ti. roundS adjouen. th merI ai 8 p.m. on Tueeday, Fai. Nb. sud chot dring tise enauing veir tise reua moeeing o thiia ooneit hoe hld on tise .101 and Ted Toesdsy ofieuhcanot.- Tise Cleman Qaàlck.Llte Lanlara. Maee is e sîcongesl, teadienl, nef- est ansi hannoest liiheivec offeresi for o ut-door nigîl yack. Il i aseglar inyîct aker. Il giveas biîii lgl i of0MOcaudue pover-20 tirnesasa muchis sa common ncilintern, Il le danger-proof. fan-proofCant apiSior exploita vhen ippesiy oVer. t e1 ne a yack. hcein t once a year. Il lW tocm.pcoof. No vIolas No cbîrnnoy. No amoke No mcc. Lighte vitb ai match anoâ un ceady fr any jaob atany poutry boume ansi ahauls ho a profit. abie investimeat todU ppesaltesclr. Quick Lite lampe and I lteaui have been examainesi ansi piaci o tiste, po- mîtei ist b y tise tI . f. N&toUàB Board o! Fiee Undeepnltere, Olisosi haye os demaniteate at the AWaDi Iarnandaoépla tore.. J. (C. HÂGLE ., UbyO.L., No. 16,Iesthl ees Se- an o"mmils beau siiel5Usrefm Oce a Nata = adth tacaile eUs tmom ba shum ~,miWldeh amSig4eaa sereorea. eatiad lin~ ora end oenned lalmm lOanit provailmore auietuble- tUe'oe1ni nt Sadeumpel.d pastivjlle dlssived cn the =ea 0otirows off piB. s»Ver, iicsla a m ctana 4weda tee s te seb ero te Ibm atpaige sI lmge. »muilg udb alingU mageaf snosb"anDest s ocloe muai. lovaI laie thes smacis coulai ast abie rusdSe ailaffecioans af Us0Ue àt dligi, cos"s millo sseee.iàUs broue.. dhisse. Aul 4" oorr ANNUAL MEETlFgG HaiNa Agricultural Society Tise Annuai Meeting of tise Haîhon Agrieulturel Society yl ho hld in RMa ulig ilton, ilBace ay a 01h 191 tip.r ilnirdis"r are reqiamsi h o ho pcesenio 0. E. GAITLE.ý A. L McN&nn, President. Srcreiary. CLEARING A uctlonSole Tise asdevoesud bas bosssefrnrtpd b, lIRE. R. T. RORSON Hek ttia.-rAAeR. a. Thuissday, Jan. 20, 1921 st 12 oanlanà. th. faolwis Roaasspa ea. n . mres kasy drat geldinaOJà.. habeyai"in, ~spar C lr] jr% ria~ re. .CATI.-&nnnS tis oU atai ade. mbits ewdue M"es, lOthak env taiibig. du. Ma. 218t. fïsen Jersy nase UnsDes. ltis. ,teMyooS. mIikingdesSept. iais,. rdea.. miOa.dnet. s. air8 monihi. hll PIGneO-1fo rd.arntramd IMPLEMEltT5-Mouya-Barrlilfice.. Daa 10 fi. Fass ài *oodls iani.j raei spinsiotis. sedrtll sm. don ce1'. ar. mtiranseeose. Wtk eupisse N. Mt nish ait oo ar.co anespI oy r..h, stanehoat. sei ssn ehhligond top btrhagnibte5tielu.1 rasa popr. mLIVCuank . h ostIseng o. 0sgiol. weest1sOs'. 2 mi doOh.tc. 2 seskYOhm. eroomaseM. huobesmana- teaesplk, ahvefork.rsksossdbss. Meses separaor. 5ew. nad RMS-na hcess-anate&= nah,- a miIa, pon lin. issus, ate. cannEtc -A qta,,ty oaotairà qanatity BOSEO D oD-Onk amen.- anal isOstar.00al if let. Perfestion coe Caiism slare moa, e titubes o"aire. 2 etesgon tanise,6 bloneenanc"i»sMsd tabla, 2 esck- 2ea.4fesibse tlk. mmd = bes.hd i5n oit aelampe. ].-P. =tiy',or dinhai. Nio eanre. mu tishes uead.. TERM-AO lmmaof il&alS danda., moi; ores Ibiat&ontMnthemba' sm onaprea- te oasi,5Opriaentpar ann ffrlcak.t BEN. PETCH, 4nctioneer. SAX BINaLET. Clilrk. oW AN4 EPb Ilieri o"«Uom ad exnlt pls~upuIaa Guoelph.--sont maiév soeta yu& Hslasses tsrW.uM. A USeainc.aseato ani seslt Il. Sue Mfg. a hei Wornen's Bolc!M Kisiheuot B%4t5Louma ee.redhuii weit mole, Rme 2J-7, rglr8.0 Sale Price $4.90 200 pans ad soek Empro. Bee., SUil mimaitithe lot, reg. $t50 ta 87.00, Sale Price-2.99 Womss'a ubhe.. ny lit and : le-price 99éè'- Why Grpeintheflar? WB HAN= ir-,LKnEm 0F Fairbank-Morge Lighting Ppnts and EleôtrioixtufUs Arrsm lfma&e fSrExpet lrIng d aIl k"nd by EOBhE>N8 DI90mIuMs CALL ANDS.SU US. MocDuffe & 1fS-4 Grisge HILTON, O«T. (ireat SLAUGKIIR. - -0OF surplus Stock Of Boots 8 SkeS' at values to reduce. It-wiil pay you têeSUTY NOW. -B Men's Black Blucher Cordovan KisiE Boot, izo 6-1l. iieglar 86.75,h Sale Price $4.99. ber, ceg. 03.85, " Sale, Price 2.95 Etuberrnan'n8Bocks, vool, $jIM MWOn ptin Ove, Rubbers, rq, -%le Price 1.> do»-e; BI*êk UguW 09 bt, dsfo esheo *rWisesmm1-5. Regula Sale Pfice.*3.49 rE3W laco amibu"eb»"bev mises% *m1& fé%Su 8.w Pre 24 Ul,dam 1. ,ei f1imiS- -OiLi - ý i l' The r.emmcï'à - OhiIdm'i Dlsakt-Juuo a, buttas Eeg coU'u b*si due 4s?1,e I "IF 1921 jAaNUÂBYý EnlttigWool Ob.W Nercer Cotton Ibo. baU. $ilk-$1.98 yd. Fi~ 201 Pric0a GAL iCoi inelette eut to 49c inelette eut to 29oc te and Glnghams eut to a M. nelette Blankets 1l-4 size, $2.95 -ke's Sgioon Cotton )0yds1, Î& aploOl. Flan . Kid [Pei .BRAITH & -COMA W(eather F-a9t Comfo.r- Yon are wearing extra clothing for oomfort and proteotion tlese days-but do yoti recognize that b foot are tbie gatewav throngh which rnany coadoenter.- If on are wise yon'l wear extra foot cover- ing-ead uatumU$l yon w*l expeot this store to *b. prqiared for pru. la Wbi you'fl nover b. diaappointed. Thum'a nothig you ý&n need-thére xtothing tb.t oold or wet or sinah or snowocan deuad- but it. hée and Iihue st the lowet motl b you. GIRAAî MSOE HOUPII Th H O m*of G00" 8h... tIOAOMeu, la 7".qaT. fO a &mtoe RaWid- ellk 70 a= o u se- bbseb à. 83 melachida26 acres pksugbsd, Ç49e * mqdv.C bn CMlinovel.P1eus yak,,i ~iaoem PraFme houes ci 7 roorni, cellar,o utS Eaakum OmBj, s.u7hemesansd20 caLttie.open yard. Wot gabes.Dat~~unes30z20, hogpeyen euhoU..sOaM10O. Sah i ail, curh * 1 auLsIw dpbt file. pomel dBAi m w 1 vas km lion.6 Miles AilU erk"Ubl. scin oeobaed, 5 me or fur bes Ruca iii, huu. S FssusMhoua.of-O oome, valr colet.*d~ 732 s~be8x2~ ie-up 2 hMï WR IPPE»D DIURY PARU 9 a8 a855 geu îag ta - ~ i1 uber.Fumeit. I , tou 9 "oomopw~ dttn0 ba~ 0O86 hgi2w ~2,, 4z mailxand olo 3x1 WWMsik MIUM M aPainy Sal rochet oton bal] Ribbon :9c i.ý' 0'Sweaters BOY eavy Rose risti anti- Biscuits >as, rn, Tomatoes off Java or M1oeha lb. Ion Tea goo e-2 lb.5. 7&e. 14ILTON MIGli SClOOi.. " uav lis &-iid.îoesii- 111. tb, m are thi-Irethe pass nr The cm are- sri'sgrianrfdee n arn. 1 <lu- I J. O Rh lt-cl. LiLTbie,, esoi PiLs lot. Ict-roi i i ic. 'lois rît eener lloi'-l.. iii L'e' ose, Id; vlm. tj1aIs s Nînrtin. PI. 1s aile Ralit oisEla ..hU.Hg telair, Wn) 1esse. lic k â pnaon. l- .1- î sconk, 'RoioýS- s 'sa .Pîislip C liartoi' li <h .îtiý. utegoî': arasl CIi-os- ueeWlr eoby BRutlhIboiebOo. ie Heorp a& Miie, Lars irLsds.ue, Rîle Aerny, isar ac î Ice Gsdys Bar' 4 M.yi-Ie iârrý'. lrt-B lkat-s ne tiiras. tre :' Plýern. ýrde Fratisci-t t i, cl< lisa 511 ilIt-ceLwt l'iat ;à, 'George i.urria tî' N gret El.i5 ,,s Alexande. lIts castet, sîl s oPisederà1' egaret Pick uiep-i 1 ,,~Helol3r&Sdlyluilerl -e'5c a. Jeper 'ros teisuC R- berý Z Ch». \",an eesBrous-. I-ý e, Anderon Pditi polIe ris. MmII irs Bsou.. Ior,,thv isaeNIai-s ScE. hsO IlareC lbj. j ean Dewr,-115tec na Featisce te. *s-aec I li-i STOVE W LO0 1).- [îrSl-Cia01di Épie, GUal12 nr 16 irchel long ;de- ewc la nny qoalsuils, ppIy Silo me@. phase 179. V - .~ -se - - ouI - -... c maen anid COll ptiOt'I THl Wi I NC 5a' . ut' iEvery line in the.store 38 E L OW 3000 pairs of Men's, Women', Bo:s' ud hflru' Boots and Rubberé to pick -from. Look "hsltover and BUT EÂRLY to b. sure of thr mimsoyu w*4. "r-- "- ,Ir lit Bla Garkei

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