Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 1921, p. 4

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t athe IuïâOe èu our ~W mu Oe.. ~geleztwuatt-foir *,rMr ~la the 6001M u 0vo j A uftory vila iffl thé 110blaoout ru- r nesag fle s. tnoseula tuile et 1th* tarts lthio ouWni Vas thiathe tructor; the md..PrOftlMO mOchISe 11tire su le e oyJ-al for jluthe ont Vblch la 11sd t M Il fer1 111h er t l ottaid h0lold lesd- tbue humndre fidIyset 1the YaY. This lug .111015 la e ~ ed of sporit, m»lia«if 12 hu but et010g bat 15iceb 111* ut tthat lisy h*d vork te keep the machIne to" for boe eoegdou.lly rominant lu ver a certain îeeth 0utlimte etch YOur vu verk wud other patrltlue uvueete WilIulo seig 010007. bbaie @4sollVtAlfg t. du wth th11e The debt which a tractor muet tige b.hbh 1 rDuer _ sTd upon 1am,. oul vbez Il nets foot upon a faim Lu ]aua inr. Tte raclez men le Sir e Vofld one. Furit il mut MOr" aam"Btiua sud Sir H. Cubiglîfu Ian reliar 9peratu e«Panâtes. and Ovsn have bildbarmaOdes coaferred second Il iaWt puy lebet the maso- up1010them, vhile OrE Gergelddel, facturer CAS 'çverbeed effenlEa. 51etbualaato glfe,bau been rais- Theo machinhban DO reaon ltesar ed tthe o*,y-teferImer obligatiLofl Vhen Il la Pro- Bure le Giauv.Sclanl e perîy bsedled. We keoV 111*1 the suIv-eue yea urseo!thumble Par- <nat of poughlus tiir .a tractOr Ceuts ents, a blogruhy etDSi Jamas would uî>, fetu $1.25 lu g2.00 au acre, lWt.0.0more116,a fe'Y te lias 11te white borse-PIouI11ing VIlI Corne 10 taknlaîed luOldani Of a urevi, so- anywhere belvween 13.60 and $6.00 omeful businesfMm. WbuIi sîlîl a pr acre, whlle other WOrk show0s 50 lad lie wafld*i'd lu Loadon snd bo- equnl favorable comparison for th* Camecncited vîth11e great tis- rraclor. Bedes line draw-bar vork k7 house or Bucanan rOtbell, the roclor oSfer a itute a asource of whlclu f teir a.-,malaated vltb Ban- belt power vhich vor hormesbae o0ier great houa. et the 55ffl5long mince reend eduperform. "blend', for a aptlaiof $25,000,000, The 'overbead" expenes whlch 1the yet despte *Il the moeret Iblu rom- Iractor muet face coust maWDy 0f mansd the new bautDoreer yearn- nteret on Dmsney levealed, tffoseier ed for a 1111.. but on the tout-r iwth a ressoemble allawanCatuor de- ehuaneel alythinlg tint migt brins, prociatlun on the5 prlate oft 115.1puIs hlm notice len1th e i olbtheGoterD- the prlce ef sny mmbriluenT 11o1<11 mlent. lis mighl b. sat! lu bave sono ezpreasiy for nsie ylh theéIractur. llrouth lire abonymouasir. antd su The price.or a three-ploutb earâClu i incident thinb leaked ont ouly recent- somevbere near $1,400; t1e plougha IX Confirma tbe assertion. LutasI testcol1200. To 1his W. muet add Isay when t1e lo! AdosIrai Nelsonu $500 for part uvnership of a tiresher fiagsbip Victory wu5 purehased fur and ag silllr. This inakes 12,100 lu $2.000 andI presee th1 le nation aIl. The letterent on Ibis at 7 pur tiers vas an ualimîted amoual of antl. la equal t0 $147.00, and liné de- e'uessinc as to the dour. Nobody preclallon nI 10 per cent. par aLuu knew nor voulý4It eter 1b...me pnb«. je equal 1e $210, or s total of $857, lic property 50V bt fer a lok, wblch out tracterrmunSi face, nu Mat- throucfi okW OovtUrDISeSt cam-'fter110v mucb or how lttIe ton It noes.- dues. If tie machine dues .osîly en Not aleasma a'etisa perulidoo- dais 0of wuu'k per year lbe cool o heb Sir James rate 111*1. but bu la n overb.ad per daky vould 1e $1L570; f anded proprlefur o mark. He otn if, however, the machine is useS for eà ountry resîdeoce st Lavinglon, une bundred days the overbe.d drops 81 x, bh aupples somle of 11e f0 13.17 pet day. So tloal lb ealert lace rcame bo.ting lin111e soali 0ft1the number et day. l in c a11 Engiand. lhe houe. as once 1the raclor la emplored pr year lb. more resldence ef BIabop Wilberforee. profitable wilI 11e Machine provre. Buchanan lu a justice of lb. pete There lu plenîr of Von-k for a trac- in fiis adopled connty. 0f utilcb b. ter on mont Ontario farina, bultthe was 11gb aberif le 1910. -Alung vltb vork la 001 lu suth shape f bat th Lavington Bchaq owma etatet leaclor can do Il satLlfacterily. A In Eutl AfrOcsand Brlila11Coumba. tracter cannot do god ork lu umall. Hie sld nd hat Lavington vbere lb. fields. Tommen arouund, even with a îînbeten Her On jad anlry ar amal tracter, la laborlous vonk for the sultans, aud it Je couduted on 110t theoperator anI the machIne, the mont scmOLtift pslinciples. Durlug andI la not conducvete lu1he me.xlmum hie early vetures on tins turf Sir amounl cf vurk per -day nor la the James ren bis horumu ondr the as- best qua"lyof vork. someel Daue ef T. Xlacald. and aI Mot Ontario fermu have ton maur one Ime or usother hoe experfentetl fentes for profitable horse-farmils, varylog luck titi snec ood ouneas te sar nothiig of usnta araclor. Bîsek Sand EPuon La. Golden Fences mean Vaste land, ticy-harinor Measore, lInglina Geordle. Bayodée. eeds, andI Il rota more te keep the and Tlllburdlus. lider bla prenant usual quota of fences In repair Ihan narne lie headd-the lot of winning Il dose10 build a fempors.ry feoce ovnerb lut 1901 uftt a toal et $l0i.- whe aeded andI rol il OP then n0t 000. Juil nov lie Bachanan sring oceded. ttemovîng nome fences lu the of racers in traîaed 11v P. P. Gilpin liret slep toward fair play for 1the aI Olaeinsten, »ud tiey Include a tracter. Itlalu a;d work lu cultivaie formidable arruy et Younan sud 14anong stuflnld bouiders v1111 on t1e fiaI uswvol sas sou.erarat e herses. With a Iractor SIlal Impoi- Jeoiperu ln The Centsud Abou subIe 10 40,5004 Vork ln sncb condt- BIen Adbem. ions. The second &teb le srranging If 1the reports trou Nesfireare our work for lb. tiaétor 1la 10 removu te 1e credted, Buchanan bas au oeena Il obstructions. Give the trarfor a br a Oyin the Drby vlt B arche- fair chance ea ie110ork and il will ol don. vhicb viU b11etesrai by j. H, disappoint yo. "SOkeet' lIarde, lie Ameicaunjoc- lu oummins np 1the trtrracase key. The, rumor luaI lb.theColt bas as a buasiness propoition temunir wintareel veil and hbus hue off the consoder the. followiog points:- dsposition to bore ibis ovu vay, a 1. TuaI 1the tracton ilîl do farm Irait vhich uarked ie rnnelngas a tork more cheapîr than bors e au two-year-oid. Ine epmersae e lu a do I, if the work oa propery rrang- dapplie gry of grstuel 1an sd qual- cd for lhe Iractor. ityi d as h1e la clos t seventeen 2. The personni factor lu tractor banda, la endored vitb ablîly luo peration lv s tgrs ihatil atone rover the grouninl marvelous faé- may cause sueceas or falînre. Jon. Up ltisth middle 0f.July Barche- 3. Wfien a trarlor je kepl bnsy don wus rated us lie best îvo-year- cnoncb, lis upkeep and overhead coul old Inl England, but bis star vus 4ie- per yean lu far Inlen 111te me ou oed dbr Tetralema. s haif brother and 1the bortes. wlcb it lu able te sub- asotier grey, bth bins bu The Te- atolue for. lraucb. Sarc1edn-Va bongit by 4. Bell work contilslam a large Bucaunonvbsle o yearling fole 11eportion off lhe racoro usefuinao. le Sain of $8500. aud 11e ta out of a order te make Il a paylng propost- mae named Perfect Peacli, hy Per- lion.filmunet do the farmner& bell simmon, sa that s fac as breed 'ig Orl.-L. G. Iteimpel, Kemplllie goes t1e Clarebaven candidate ]cave$ Atrculînral Scheel. nothina te b. dsired. On bis ral apPearauce Sarebedon b T1Vfi?~f. won tiree races sraight offt 1e1,ecc II U A ~ I * uhovlng vonderful atyle asan over, but fie fad arquired a n k of swervmng. whiieflcean suri n vetecan Pilot an Martin wnt ual able to, mas- ter. Ilin lest tions inth1e July staa nuBewmrkel, vorth $18,510.~ aaipe 'TWTE >9 and he was sawell faneiedltbat be ToaofiREV P.a bEi5ISOimlbOD.e0 vent toe teost oas odtn-o.n favorite TBibler fIsuOsuf CBu" l thes>D ut 2 01 . Altbntugl i e I4t4 un non bte iaut. î--Uvm Uo. fils treo course the coflt won raher - 7= = 'no' eaîitY froinonel n gond one ao; He Gonda oPreions vinner. - L.ESSON FOR JANUAVýY 9 tiSe mO-t self-made men 11e alury - e iof tle new baronetîs life vonld Dt jEaUS TEACOIES otlzal bc cumpter, tithout a da11 of ro- Tnance, Hume yearan ugo vhee 1he vas lunctîmur tbono vwith lie arialocmyer.1 EauOtdTEXT-Matt. 10>2.1. .edwas ftil nainchelor, 11e -rau GOLDEN vEXT-tf cie fociasmem ..fOmOt a smarI geteman, thou trit11.11i teSuuo.o urseheLveae ltas ci tir itusinessoro! seurlegviesof wilanIB. forira yon-Mati. caf. He uppter rul for velliv common- In loti-B. T A T irSL, Or n.§:là- '-r nid vices Yom. pFrcueut on lie L e 7,8 4 Ep-t: M W tn>î of lie matchueser was a lay PRIMAÎT vOPIC-l'lrgtvilug OnA.- wili1the bluesl blond ta ber veln, Olisc, rut sfic vas villiug te mate vitb h UIRv- aeeîg aFcls h usfinnd of the ordinarClans, pro- Jc-pUtMteÂ- lONIOR TOPI-erij oFri Tldeel lieposaesed 1the necesa -t'urgelag and Brtiveun. umont o! casi la support lier reslt 'OUNG PEOPLE ANDO ADULT v-OId aud Iaity- traditions lInteir accus- -Fcccuti-eà$sis ts Moasftgand ecIiao. tmmcd grandeur. Sic Jamsai as1the!r natural mark, botte10the1esurprise nor tt loo r av IIel the fargain lissier 11e vould ualet Inctisnsason w0e beaverdiluneaIn eocienance an inrnduction, muclitutOs it u ebve aa lenota u onfit 10 a matrimonial o!fîl1-treesment. alliance. 1. Pelr@ Question (v. 21. Sr H. Culiffe Owes aveu enor- 1Tit.qostios,*'Boue oflen shill My meoue tufiaceo ltreetS i Eugandsit frotier glunaînst me and I1forai acnd Amerien. and nhuted New York l,?"'prnbably vas oecuaed 11v lh@ receutly. Wtb lady Oten.ho aes I eseut IbPtr a inc hornes tiner lier ove ea 11be aSp- celvo a eboude etbfer llSton do, ports one of the bîrgast tablesine elpîca. therande tmbs ellow .1Pet EngleotI rongt flm. lto- th. lîmelUbI v-bW T IT Rsquestion f the dbgcples(118:1) -Wb, USING AIM TUfTORS e f realestinlu f$e ilegdnns nt bout ______ li? shows Ithslier.vswule lest OUoy af Peler emîlig th. disciples su. Viewing the Matter-as a Purely conaequent routletn amoag lien BusinesProposition. Frnt hie Lord'. teacbleg &au te b 'effornt'a brngbutr Mf lîtu Soe buIsulalhlf Matenwams Their Apgrecatioo. cork DOu"am udDoflaIForest Lutta Ar" Boter Inssigloru V"Wod 9"71»hor cet-Ehm 'rem- peralur. lu tlb. Rive smpent. U&thl i tugen mlot l iuat 1051 lva h e fltranu totieta! vhea.t ore se tieslsalmwel a'ite fout un~ a 8Mse eMMe orSuaI wm mesua Ibesa»duWine.. Ise bae"l a 5'dlimm'=lav oe 0"pmesailh*vbtvl' (Courbu.d hi' Ontario D.parti5sUl of Y""ielpuclamy. Agrculture. l'oranlt . ...... T flE reselta of 1therelative axsultioa a lt» pellet tabed noe.condctit of seule bee- Il lu ýbave b@M'MWWsIU -fiolead- bite lnaulatlng mateisisare iSd 11ÏO l es i b. glyeunbelot ast11e resuit lot îuesolar.<'Ii'bmpe l u.e ut tets. j" belng 11e standard: deaili hadbsdt.err e eta large Vsry S*black regranulatsd ccci blotaseM mtr- -dk IU<due. té tli (dont fouia). 100. -<iplj~n a e uo»Unsle Cisoppel strav . 1.able fuidt ousete lic poultrv- Couva. black regnueulated conk, 8S5.mm de o la »in-eg donflm- Foreut leses (veIL drled>. f4. t » adb AiyomsàaIn *l le 10011 Gemlated conk, lighI or estursl vhen-c Il inpruqut. Tie " laueromio rather th"a cler. 'Ts la tise grade ûsaaliy uaed amute. liait I.. îdose. net case as packlns about innPored Maaa duli uouddlv, but tes&. lt t de- grasseater instance,.lit. Te thfli~. si eb bird -lu 8-29 grade gesnunated rork înaî<.nuv -i là" e, le6tais pej neal color). Itlobobss Wullarta pre- ammd , nuispe eug-iav-DY cdlug une bul it la a litle coarser lig'lh redum i a 1 ,lul0jIo&uî lu grain and llgiter le veihI. 80. To b.u,1e- ore s, laisnob a gavdust. very dry sud froue telIcoelfitflqef 1l 1la lea dila ý-due siamsis d d ean lumber. 68. t t0beule.hU il arue.sy't.bstd Owalsise-gradeued le peekios ap<tt-mol!lm-eZa»uiueiso"0 .or boxus. 60.tlies.Tisebird iso kll e 1114d'n Planer ebaviega. li..opos . ng. Blube binau reet. 1 Te lessoe cf Iis table le tiat 1the lieltersud .pleua viii bu spolled fao black cork duel lan1the poorest wi vwhte or resu-ceoned bpots eondutor 0f boat or lie bet Insu- eaujlag la " &Mfra momulil pie bend latorno se r as lie résistance of lb. toas pu or heam. and la nomiser hm paesa af t binconcerned, atand a w olu butd. Tlau a-elise planer uaing. la lie but condoolur calied tuboed he,-eaose g ugm4= of bat, sud Iberetare 11e pooreut f1- dead limbeths as bumMlleS kv slator ufthle nnec substances tested. lie action et lhe pehý uun essIll The tent aboud b. suphaslkudliai.t é caitu = iaterla uhu. have lins résulte do eot Iselus aiyt.t sdeveleel ltra Tieulau gge about lie subetances excePt thir trequatWy hua su'tieé =ulme peter t conueot hutt. Il uay b. andSi le ci1 çdae.e s*01e liaI if they vers tidSont as luulà- le th*lu-I Wou.Amipuel lion for bee-hlvee ve voold arrange uz ýnlh e pr -oefuee lieus diftermnly %hansu ai gleaabute, lions lnborctem VIE . atise au v-bas use ther propertiole bui e outtaholrlagt resut. ceaduollety of buat licure le v-e..cm ad .euf -aethe- pretie.sud a conslderaion eée eucause oet ie saime. ve uee la My secod purpoou as aseced saAa .-.almsin et the. beaseie. Iiel 1e see e ps n A mu oumaiagmalerlalnce- 11r1ubeé< ~ a m e ua4y lje a poor ecudscor utfhasi, but e «~ioi Am takeuo unai %-seltetors e mot feonrily eld u~ ig good Issulators lu practica. or, alui MIl oMYe as u- r mis, sot lvava deela-ble or salie- gglee i aee ku c 0. elc i foN at 16."l beuidnfe.ttile hO e~e..B.- 1ev mostm asmoptol or lise abllti A u4auaaedh tu keeg cu*garatluldry lumi51 vli SainI45IO1t. votulir efliilns. Sflperts IW buo n- at titiu 'ua Md mo hsu mala 1$moleta»e on- et O. -ouli 1 u al>S. dtout lae bIte la 5fataplithebc.u orbed lutbu m WMU L eohcuIl catmsadeelery &MOUS sud I-ge cise taus 1 u l * lieua. 1loI nsassume Ibat lie air-inle bph trlrea0liU tey 1 eei e a bWitlavervmoisI, My at a sur-, ta t sue.4,muem al~Iuj I pei lemi~aure. anS lie lgupcta- îtr«»MUr e ou...n~p tuégm6qmsrnadogmees 0V- ulW e*d sesl l 10 tu e ua ktproluctîoa or lu-TI-er nfe-ua 0 Alsle à. lisemabout liem sud eue that arouad ltb" . hgt tedi m haepp ons Te reail u eetijlbthe vue k 't.avalerolezhe on" of a voter Jus W tair. Molitr. congis os tisé 0.1554e of 111elu, as 1M i tbe«od ud OWRlamsyud tise ter dm15. fi Om v-et. làkWuthe- der ttua-& g m asuem la. <utpi.t s r of11 lu. I. 106»& ia Laupf.B' flA 8n11 matbto ha uetc 112 RusseOr . lisE, N,13- beea mai lestIb ts ts~b "Ilt.v-lb îeursial viio ruadiiY #vàlisa. Md r"»»sbi --i I Vthpleflretht 1wrteto cheap, and la IhMsepsrliumitn taul ,oofliegmtbeaeuft, reeetu et 1I&caeem copaI00%"a"u trou tine ose of your mcdielne saiatîgsars em' I 'Frite'ÀS" eod. J3esfrsut b. asy and agrM.bl* e do ls dd jaties. i maa d a ev-utssier for pc e mltomi. a 0 obett m yMfr-om !oessIEs.0S Thîrdîr. 1theaMIR 1E05for ins' mjd Coa*)Wieu. I lried erMUtyla latingthe lb. lue cueally l lie consulteS dolor; but uohilng vister »*"0%u»4, unleiide oedi- acenseS lu belp me ontilti If ieS <ous.lula easul e cbaove î1Orsi.a.tivu~~. vrutb go0 lietlh"y - lvtc9co- f orabr and eot bave e0setsuaetra- Afer taklng ieveral boxes, I vu srdleary ameiant ot fusd iu ordér te conpeWy rorllsed of tlie.troules mialiata normalI teuperatore.. Te and have beau uniisually teilI vcr béecsgel tinir vant and enerfy etnsc. Mi A2(LE W1ID' fr001 the fond e«tes. and il lu thne utne'x, StinAr 21tiE ai D funtio orthl.euesad tine exra Mo.aoxfor2»,rWge42- lusulalloil lu kmeltiltbuat front bu A, &X deaiers or 5set pPpei, br Ig vaaed le cold wtier lu lb. ltum'imou3.e114,Otsa. ___ urrulldla almOsPhere. A second reason la 10 musal"An *von tem- Godalai wrvcr lcoeleslr~ Iperaturs le tie hbleu, sud Ibis p- Cdmuet; y f110 re oee ed n- e.tains bth toi aumuir sud tinter. or demnd; Y te gR('OOf 'Odw- ersta any sesolat tact. Tise lazsaolno fceely pundoccri. atuie naraetlug extreuleS of9 .Tine cruel crcdllor Ire. 29-35). tempeutere ina ,le i s a large Tfiii uma wbu iras forgiven se uuch body 0f vater doeî.tthelb.adjacent fosida mannvlia owed îîîîu a suail, lsed &re»-. AaslbeP reio nud net samaint IIlcn o aeeulen ol-thinut beosuse entioned flut, la an.,Ou lie huor bs eve0nbee d«Iat a good luasaitinga as-d tins l 10 n titho Pial rî Iteu e tn alIces protide, a drîer, sud lisrefore entreflîr spaint thhm.fewheàltiW nde ao il Ureepece a bal- ai is tirdat andI crueffi'Pat lfille10ter almosphure for lie becs liau juif. The crest mcrcy efininm dl 4 could b. possible othervISe. Suraly nal toani fils beart, asefie refud lteeeare 8aa1cSclty g00d reosofu b. mercîul. Bc l cet fictrounse» viny a bile abouid b. Prot»Ctcd by an aneal a debt asmour sine acalul nst OI, Sle eusIn uatsE~ v-e~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~- ânnî ae008sî0 iuiutdCe esclior lbatve-as ood v-ouI1 fu aloueaire totad n es Of1mtande 'n~e "proo nt0d Inslations for fogien"atoad n hestnar o bo-uei50P ILe Graham., O. A. Col- ullmlled farcîveacau ltoard tiiens.legeGueph. lu dealtag wlIfi oliecu ce abouldaI- waya ieep Ifiese coasitleratf eus beflre us: (1)1We ourolveo teil i 04do Pulets lavez TubarcmslsOArc eeery day cootne te uedthie for- glvouaeso o d . WIIb atl anc Impur- COIDO laQ O M005iO fectlons ad psiutvee ins ce tend the contnue inmcc!Oet Got. wfen v-e pes bussu croule Ruer - bas prur, -Forgîve us nue debie sau ie for- .cute-..syapeu D *d. gl'. our debtors,' let us le sure liaI Th.ie tu @boum wsll Ido ff pse bave Bol 5waY ail Ibogit cf sis . iand eyed. ield againstol hfers. To prai- h0 - prayer olherwie 1t. an aiominftio estrbld p0 2)Tha> v-othlen-e lu eday of jndgueut AgilcuitiiI1.l!5Tor« comlug an4 aittaIday ire beli b. t.BEHCULO5I8 la chiakes reted aus e icet olfiers. Ne Mercy la Te"sy omfon la OtsIaio. sonmecci. T Provnce trou vbhicb - The ieart, lie, ofr hIs e fson la <htuthave sotl rceYtid ton- ex inalon Godu gracions niîI lu ard ni shound hn thrda f fe2 b11e flcstandardoe! unr aonts>eouele»54et rafrn trard olicre, and tintime nul cIcrfrou- iudase loIitsal cise teau.rnespritio!ferciseees a lellr en comi"a '" u b"bfMht- totard ounr frtowmeu if mew ouod tin t destis ar e ocUrrla lthé coninue te elJy erlds fergivenese. flock ai uregalal 2eotufa. lie bIrdO v-be proe~f liaI -e are Goda Childreàus usuli gSut a nissd lame beforc Ilia tâse manfet lhe sprif t 10. dltl Tise foloias lua Lample iet. "Be yr Iherefore perfect, eeu su; rour ter recelvet: - Nthric wlrlqtIlfiels-es fi pfer' "las. 12. îý50. (1fuit. H <i. . -os r m-Wti n oklai e se- me"a at h ellea awegdes therr t ati in.o i . u td- YDssa an mduf. Miélio l r a-9rtlEs lat bis nom mple Par islly mm" u£fotca u ilorryaBulllne0Uta.. pr -e Quslty aud sou'wl hbs aliYs lo oa-l .At tinmilhSb'omiitg Iy M«tdhuloha. lkd te, l wus due 10 conditions bhuyo ur trol. _Ask fsq and desLaudMIlieu i B "rd.a A o dlsband fOekurgMr a u s eoenoom y d r m f y ouap.d=Mi wilh ou you wlllsvpm m"nelanIbe of a yemr. lto.usmmfor j or it yl aways reuiler yuu a lthA&l 0 cousting. Mcfltlo& Fer, i " Ifyer Studeais 'or any othor e ld on forder, if yon nud, pumu. or gteBee, coinsluae.for oulce auie t the itapdoesddont 1Oguld . C. H. HIDLOP'8 9ARAG , ~tJbuyoeit f tofdbOU ftow fl ~- oiltr puspemi nMilton wiU l sCoIFe Uene to Boost" in OhSflIPiOfl 0AM~IGN n 3004 ~ ~ ivie1. ThOy n%" w. ooe~ ..ao~egthU sunt thought of before.1 Pa*~l~ be ole :ho». MIo. are here. Th.Y 84E yU @IWbbPBand will treat you riglt. The monley you spend with them. stays in - ýirculmtion in Miltôn and nbighborhood.. AM0TIES'lUT $LWASTSRUTFIlL Sam .get pe Rul sotW1 uatrlous»MVa UIl a Skibsjio fuhs a 'Tiau cmle ,ftrcli," I 1ba I5mqf" i . <hep 5buscmfl admeseetyles inam LS' ilas la pliais G t. flel m"Bo MIST. IL GA OAELL, IIII4 Tukbe @,te b@? Te bu îoyal4 yomr lovsa s b -t ss oouiut.0ol Ou lMut Ub m m your mener at u Pi town and Y= Itl e lYgal I Ie.Do.e? We fted ît a. itaiOdpIve Inand vSltti iegSd deto bey lu. W ,uandhr IbtoirMsasuit. ulP sud reetc el5imw, 1lp~ nt l5Sb MIs5U5Stalleftw anytblaýg YDyon S e ind upot. amaeur pliles, .statiowryi. lscy0amgr> phomes sMd reeande. l ama. se your ceey eed. Il Ovmcs'Igetw 700VO ventW itcneâit i aplae ln gel It for yool. ThénuueV rem" en bohe isbeauoeI w isot the.-M y et Mas" 4- naiton vilI be of aMulaib-Aedtq merchsul- éî àtel qw«esisl. T alopu of "AI là leoonsdoufr l"a gond. Po latina Pull logtier. iu es, ii. OUR AIN 1i3 TO SELL Dry om. enu mle ihiugs sd,orees, lA T13L IMlbc-hmbam qwâlllyand p"icaof wbichulîl k4yor uoneyi lu ftotn. Wé ViliI oADOie Unit e mut rauMs».,M VIll mnyone soyahue aud strousj P-'r-s cm a iniso.W m au mt a ifineS1 l pantasm &pu" foudry *e rçudsr f0 ounrclen, ca asawafgtVIIkeep I hem mtlaud. If IllinteM o<aîn e wok l.ug lh@*hlm to10 er tle mei .5.t tour ever y tu is ilb1. aISdiCoTMILTON A'CHANCEQ. By o w boc hile tbevins<Otty lhW - _eI monWrisue 4rtst adharevSd xcrd qe.1y -an alu lueulafOer Md selsar bvstand eù i*ufa 137roaumv*mallr thel they remean boutkMMte ade vinalsSs ibu 1v eet4hiy de. 090, domteeor sg.*,m t duy vbb iqs bu dace nehou puu IBO I Il-or bat Ousaturc" to wtfk sud forc.d 1lu do your beel Isl ldlaue. stem t 'U0ft.iI ouent sud à antred vrtuaovh5ebtbs eo ýve 16 Mwl*g sudu i cf peleuuarla theibas heu tinsa tUn aseal lieue vtu tesq ewrs geîat tî lera maj 1e »m e lisu Ouse s.us"aver Chrnm -Ae~ T-usa eue -s. G-ALENDPAR buy Ik, tell y Ir iýj try l' s-M ed visit, p Ti. "Y *lut he on IO i ld ttrG rtrein. ît ~~Wi, C. PR urneLdoib Df lir a folb , a t o s irp erd, rs. acn )-, Il f Talolfli. ar 1rtM.'- ad- --r. o nte in n . vi- 1 W- RA. Turner, Prprtttr. 01 Brad Ym bu ',fo t. hry ucpc %t l@ttm ant dofng R'ak trial. - il, ..lmflmDre le" t b 5Bt e lise m ini i a~ Cllsed but -Iis la tar frout 0inu mte swituati, 0,Iu the1 icm tu-u¶h. vTbe defaultte Who bas»"li- antida ciecO tbav-bhr« t i adA lered., bis bauds t. aach &sWtta 57uNiOi deu OZ.isc c hobu sestpel 4stoclle fr ye sc.oàtoat "~q.iettss_ bacu t latam-es eu a b.oma Jete10. îm. daulute imenure- Thbe chrfwdpelicls, Wvinl aomuis lic lescriptmoave A»a borte tjuglie sules. ku t t« baimallvrcorv.. ism tbuue cia u mIs 11.*«aDe0 tI dy 'upon ltp5 »IEs l e lu tir trou lie tmdli. ture. VIIImabe a fer de«M1Ocf M But lias lula tber medu 1to;alan upoa thI I!fed th11e vov morEu" wviicl saiso aopupoed ta tte ebuyrnIbnh iea lgSures hou aie#àwuefor ruth.bol but icb lu la ece. A ptre te"ld hem a grestu pnèab.leC li510fiS1Un 35.roser probable vil Mt eOP te tlui is & »kW». Apicluce 0f 4nj musure off-the idtliet lie led as Fa periuo»or ousa. uvpooe edi Me lu n aduerbed In lie cataloifle sec ail exat raproâ*sii6 t' tise oaoal., vieler Il la as vldc as lestred. bul 11510 la '0uli e0fi m Id Figurs.. lu, 1he abtrs#t. Mea IRle 1 eugpostios. ITe pluMooaier r0botaeate eaereater sel de st eos- li <ddM u aks ieapiIu l lnta il !0 'ai lie lupresain Ibe la it es lu fi »VSetU 116 eiMK moon go jitthc plclsre. u s bulaket ýatnujssàt Aoreren- acmer ut à mail erder at pielan-es l inais t al«t U plctoosebav>effse e 10occbova purpueea. Piclsrep 0f1liaebaire Ver. tsl'y important joce Iluhlie fcfracbdO1h1ls aseee tie vortd la reosfllveas. It ba2 an lacis »d a bail la buacter boenutf«d 1h51t Ir aevsper r-, bu tb IN»v V e lile. à tissuau pouce4L pltuitb" achtlit.sjorvInchn. Il made narrot bWe uapnaar it+1111i17 s i nn" IMM il ol'lu Ibe pictun-. fa ho vIde wsel é - i = 010et Mnillte d m v end u 11e ole rtable- Poulsoetiron thal vere puI- T si-IcI Ieveppel su% maasi- ly an: IrIdisueter etar "slete baveruatuelli uiaet bu trtappur as f. laiere lbrooeu h usa réeaIt = .tur einel ro lu thîcknm& <heu. tilngs am eftaur lia thiali etsnd dfor a"y coupaenut artsIta do. N o o n . h b 1 1 q u lc ke ? 1 0 lu e ' t o r a e B w s u lie ftubillea f ipctffewsec«I Tisroncere. heteter, adiereol itsl-rIl sulbu aeld .ri#ldli 10 the bath inth le meare-rs p$.~ery..assed,111e. ie lit Oiren lint. Inludedinlut11e descrlptions. eu lndla iiueCualnuera hthu eud. then 11ey r.- do mre tlu euil ldf r-oltsd Ibeir scouda. that 11ev u ch-inase tha a ou ut vara 4 net vinaI Iber expecled. coîld kick, Optoss.On.neems Iiajse tbt fil ould do'tbemno eo oI. vThe Il la harder te a 4 umlodc os cndaov iII lilta is 1a"*£. bal mct forth -Ut* meessrements 1 sEa ttatiiurla Se talogoue.,and lie ' tA Was5 me recouse fea' lietaI _ e isere, l u, e ea mbut tupé bu* et liuS, lie lethreisltbfu a If ~terse VIIIle. se0fUestbiout auy I5E fl58putek u a"bu persa W ho n eti r , e u i aq& sr lb y* a us a rt i cle e t m r e is d is e fre in 111mb.but kgheu a aýlctrinlutabl tg tehausees. evenCI ~pe ~ l y-aur aterel te buTrt'a -ruzlipres -_a lorfe apo raeOt tee tilt ite a v-r.g Idea of arriva teh luchies vide, proportians. hu eu on t c wi ons" ao ici. The ouly sutc methal la --tgboy - basu sm-plQ,601 theasiris trou lb.e local archant duelsone told hi* ila e msy vsI ia ee1the article ltse sund nul a pic-T etable vtg li lches vde. ,leyeof il. v-be article Itseif Ot L 51h11la <sli tugigue. lîe about itIidimensions. aItie.. b Suseunseralpuooa mail orderi ThléaNewfouncfdm deaaraesalMite tournsbave taies adeautage of tlis bave lie flecat phYiaue Oft anY e.Illaapowet- f gcture. la a cen-y tl-.scukina peuple. 1 -1000808008 à VOLUMZ 1 HAIS ST.

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