The 0 Itim championOIA. Tis ACaIS155 Peos a wrcld ~ On onioDur ohhs.reddaflla snslaid Pronu5I5V gsslorrld ut té rutbers on Mond faameon. l ?4il .=lonut810 51s5O *persan or! iss Me ge bina ilebugtok isy hie r- Elseter, wlsa d"W Sn= y5t the Porte 1 to 58t hce ee one -o! bar dIr-mce . J. liton. U5ako Mllion misse rldiculoos than the Wsen Mn."Caeam sto Mtn lreO'Preuse5hcS tlItby its chronic nier ilftz yeqrsago wth ber. tether, bumptOiousse andi does ls e et te Dr. m. J. Carter, seopmactssd bars osake Actomi bylta jeaousy of thse until i deah. A few years ago site. coiiity town, .bich trope op continui- wbth ber @Iter, Miss Maria. movesi t0 al!.1 Streateelile, but upon the deatb of TUE ARDN'SDINER. the latter. two years aglorawnt te live TUE ARDES DINER. with ber Mater et IVeston. Promn tht - tiessagIe vas iradrialy fslling on Warden W. H. Morden, of 1Ilon bealth. but during the ast few wceks entertaned ~ flbail beau sinking rapld ly suffer' ec«ouy fele-sens1essof the ig ver y much. 12he wss ba'lt and uth.f'edea îsr vpatient al tbmsugbber IonsM McGibbop lest ýhbsraday eveoîng Al and cneious iintil t ee md.whieh laId hlaguses nusberd abut ift broght rest t tIse close of a long ilfe The mens, vas tif thecb t.Aftem I mf elgbtv-seven years. Me air' itîl bail partaiken thse arsen took-the sisrîqeci twIo alters and one brth- rhairand'he fUoWi toats v eir tMss..i.Dalton, Westoi. Miss chroU an ïdh ololn tass see daCarter. of Voote.,and W. f.. To King-ProPosed ly tIse chair Carter. of Grimsby. ina.Mc and Mls.a(0. E. Saisoders silI The Dominion nf Canada-Propo- leatre nt Monday foc Miami. lolridea. ùid by Judge Elliot; esponse by E . to retirei about April lI. 1 leaver. ________ TIse County Counil-Itcsponseeaby l FARMSFRSL Gice. Hilîmner, W. A. Irving and Wmc.,SFRSL Brisigeman.-- Ex-%adetme e y 3-'-F",Frin 25 10 200 acrcS, by Oiver laucks, LttIle, Chas. tearieas and A. JýL Milon. Tl ovic2 ! Our Sister Municipaitie-Proposed 126 acres, in Trafagar township,.4 blubesh Ceaver; maennties mile frmn$ te road facres bush,?1 ayer:Davis, of Oakvili, ansi n' balance workable, 27 acces aiike. 18. Milton and Majr L. Grant, George. actres lucarne. veli fenccd and walr tcow. ed. 10roomed concrete boune, goodi Pro f e sions--Proposedhby Major framne haro, stables,' rural mail eodil Grant; rsoses hy W. D. Gregory telephone- 01,500. Vecces easy. and J. M. Denyss. 10) Nelson township. sebooL. Onr Vlators-Responses hy Mot. station, store and potoffices mile os (irawford. Dr. Esivards and R. Pac- oew cip rossi. goodi day oain. metiY t rd ofa!Banipto. seeee, goosi freine bouse. hsro,stahle. WWsrd.nrecelvesY, Weigarage, veli fenced andi vatees. deservesi complilmenta fronsu the seik- eg Oo. Tenins acrangesi. ers5on the able mnannêr in i sIb e 100 acres on Dondas Street Tansley. lie m a e te business of the goodi day loan. 40 acres seedeil. four Amot dng ise rnaof f e d acres youg ,rear 7roomed frame aotoya s prese.t and net natedbouse.nban aro vitb sater. impie. abeirere . . Stiiar, o n At- ment shedl, garage, etc.. rural mal andi McGibboo, e.-Warden, W. Tra sbol afnbe.8,0 Stewrart andi W. J.NcClenstsao, jTesaccangesi. Milton,. tornsau McLeod.Tésoosto, B. - A. Barris. Burllagt- on Oete, R. BORN Wbite, Mil"oneformer~, aMd thse fol- lowlng eI'55550bm 1 !thes onnty Hume-In Esquoeis, On Dec. lth, couneil: Oba..eýPoit*s . OHTurner 192, tb M.and 3sAlv 1 Hume, M. j. Crton. SBnOV Dynes and j. Ï* a daughter. Wilson, ex'Wmrden. Honden-On Satorday. Der. Is, 10W. te Mr, and Mc. T. Il. Hoseden. Es- Fou itonouss.-The Princesa qosig. aes01. Theatre wu ema ses Ud lest Sunday evenlng ailier. lise services in tIse DIED. cburohes, tehbéerttse veli knoworO- IN MEMORIAMW atar of tse Nayy League of Canada, Rev. (Captain) 8. Boal. R.N.. speak ai-le loving mcmacy of CeciiIl. onder.tise auspies of the eonmittee Bari, wbo entered inbo t erDc. optia mp~mmnt t felen sidirs, 219, 1118. Glaàyor ann va 'tiechiia- gv T ie shit sr1( ,sttisd. lnoSt e short opnin address. Ailar thede. The Faminli. (lgngo oti ODur HeilnAe st o ebe fWi PasI" ansithe-'N ailAucm and Dongl&,In ng enrofWl pryer by Rèv. Rural Dean Coote liain Doulgas, sebo diesi Der. 23rd, Judge EUto pke briefiy on the oh- 98 jet of the meeting, aflar vhicb tbe Short ad addosvas te cai earasan lutroducesi Use eief opeak- ofBrdearneacloves y i] c. (laptain Boal spokie with bis usial W. lisiiessh.u ils bisait h u ne"a; loquene and force. 'holdng the«Kudi- ((-.17 tem aho lied Ses,siin eocs spelîbouusi trougout.MH e- The painsor gan hy sowloghswritain entemesi______________ ibs var, that ee 'sd net, like Ge- many. lok on atreaty as -a seais ADMINISTR Rý'S NOTICE TO of p1er"bt 9amtter of honoir edcew se wc ee e. CREDI RRNO OTIIERS. gloos vas invadesi be'tihe Hon. Can-__ ada, tao. respondesi ta tha ail o! hon- or as the daugblar of Bitain. She i he Surrogase Court of the Cousty ddet vait for a eau froc tIse moth- of Hatos, i the Estate of George criansi. but tonoce sent hem splendid Alvbn Mycre., decsased. fimt contingent cf ovar 50,000 men. In ail sha contributesi nearîy hai a mii- Ntcol ee4is.sssaL iaar lion sduers. than vboni none veme Net e r~5 se. tgiaisuàite ii ms E. better ansi of vboniabout 02,000 gave t s uasa eeestvueaim 0saa t Ibeiriivelor the emire ansi foc Cao- ausisosrOUGESALI EEElaie f ada. Among tise hst of tise Cana-_the TwshiofEliasnaine 0aaty ai dieusvers tiseefroni Miltonan ad ~tetais,&J; et si sin . Jesthe neigbbÏorhood, many of vbo seep 5Twnsi f s4es. atrqted1 et thilp leep overseas. Veir memomry b to oMieoteu d muet - ha houored and tisat ot their rte i 5,00 ay vnaiiieasdb e reat desds and*lorlous deaths must mklà lie e~tsete. -Be aoic uoiiac ns e airtaessasy. ifsur. ly o! cfae c stn, ssof m.si0 Oe 5.aijdist. slwstir and Mms M. J, Carton, wbo enlistesi *01 procsé isti Slsaite e s f te de- es" tte Parttis M nil hiesta. inbi 1i6lth ycar. proved la ha a apien. a lu 's5tu lits the Cà"= whichth did sdiar. a crack super. ansi died on is hosn antee sise, M aaie.tu sast e tisefield of bonior on the Somine 1 ineal.fth sstse r m f tomste y 1918 -VIse honnor of thoos t home for Zr5ti5fuImi5el"ta5 ab mt ai.- vIsontrmnen fougbt ansi diesi wm tibotisa. concemnedin thse erection, utfaa sit- nuAnias B. MAT. r M.gQ.. able monument. Vhs speaker made a 144 Qun U. NM R aiiiss. os.. otrngaeal for libemal cotihutioeg ORE &RTVE90q te the fn.A collection seau then- sauses Oas. taken up, wtieis totallidl 18.Ater Sociosfre i16 LsAdùsasseai a few more rensarks frointIse chair mac a vola of ttan"tet Captain RSI vas oaoved liv Rural Dean Cooke, secondesi h lIeras Syer ansi carriesi uoÈ bie o n r hy hearty bansi clapjing. Captelo Boaol naowed&bisg pictures oflan ng tacrte aiteetthe Seast in history vbicb ebovesi the Tel- V U ICOfi i g ' low streak ansi esck ila colore vîth- outi Sing ashot Besisies tie anounit TIIAT IS GUARANTEED. paidinbcash agoodlyo is jeexpectesi _______ te ha realilsesi rapu subeSoiptiocarsis which vers dslributedsudns taken We have instalies tIse latest ansi away ta ha 5usd out andsigssesi tlar. nit modern ioachinery made hy tIse No wonder lise vote of thanka vas Hsywoosi Tire Equpreent Co., of carriesi vith enlbusiasm. TIse com- Indianapolis. mittes ansitIse coiunsnity oved it te Captain Boa. Tise meeting losesi If you have nt badl as goos Tir with the henedictio , e,'pronoonced lie Service as you expectesi, hmng le yonr Rm-a Dan Coote, tires witb blovoots or any kiosi of tire trouble ta us. Mises Besele Smth, of the tosco lue, Neson solsi 82 turkeys in Toronto lest WF Satumday t 18e. per pouns, ttal 0760. CUABZANTRER UR WORK. TIse Canadien Farnsem Magaine wifl W KN H . make a selel Christmas present te yomr daddy or yosr ig rotber. îCaiThe Miton Viâleaguang Ce.. ansi give me yosr subsrIptios at 81-.0 per year-publisbed weekie.- J. C. Opst neCurs is 7agimon, agent, office opposite pool-Oppo,sto rck n e C ul in Ibs sbe office. odersokol edi haaoi WhatWe Jiavefor Hunded , f rse siepeoteahM -esithy gve »C*stm~it4 XMAS RECORDS Lt Caine Upon the idifight Cleer l42 WVhiie Sbepherd'e W Natchedc ý ' Adeati Fideles-chimes 262 Lead Kindly Li . -216t2s The Coming of te 'ear-=chimeR Lord, DismisUs withThy Blessing Hark the Herald Angels Sing Sulent Night WVhispering Hope -177,R2 Abide with Me One Sweetly Solemo Tbought 17564 Croseing the Bar In the Garden -82 N When the Worid Forgets Now the Day q CIver-260 Old Hundred (bld Pal-121 Avalon S Salonica, Fox Trot-261 Beanliftol Faces That Tumnble Down Shéck in Athione -216123 Dear 0(1l' ai of Mine Any Place would bo Wonder!oi with You Kismet -21619") Hiawatha'a Meof o!Love -260 Levalon Let the Rest of the World On' By -216216 Buggy Riding WVhispcring 163 The Love Iloat- BAN DS Alobs0O1103 Home Sweel Home- Anvil Chorus ~ 3 Forge in the Forest -173 King Cotton Macch -16386 Officer of the Day Colonel Bogey March 2134o The Contemptibles March -263 Face to Face- 744 77. 'Evan Williams Sing Me lu Sleep-89094. Gluck-ZinmLalist. .~Souveir-64644. Mâche, Elman. Nightingale Song-64o66. Alma Gleich. For Yoti Alone-87070 Caruso. ISEAR tTHESE RECORDS AT Brsown'sDrug Store We have a vecy fine lise of Cigars in -boxes of 10. 25. 50 and IM0 saitable for Xmas Gifta. Cigacettes in boxes of 10, U0.25, $0 and 100. made up in Holly psper. Cigarette cases, cigarette hoider- BIG VARETY. Case Pipes make a splend ilgiftor i f ou wîsh ese have lots te choose froro without cases. Tobcýo Poueheo, Cgar, ases, andi Cigar HbIdems. etc. a a Gif t for Sniokecs. haif pounsi tins wonld be thse tbîng. Aà big vaciety to choose fcom aies smoking tobasco enpackages. When doîng your Chritess hop[s and needaeytbing in osir une. give os a eaul. SEE OUR Wl~ DISPLAT. Toletzka'sTobacco Store PHONE 212 farms for-Sale 1: 198 Aoea, ln Nasegaweya Twp. On thse Stase Read. 2 .11.. 4m Campbsllville. 110 acres workable, balance bueh ana pasture. 14 acres MU l heat, 40 acres-MUi ploughed, 30 acres in meadow, 12 acrswf resh seding. Sandy loaïn soil. 1 well and a creek. Stone house o! 10 racia, "taer isiBle, ceilar, -cistern. Bsank barn 90x56, tie-np 6 houses and 18 catile.I Driving houe 24k18. Sohool 1 mile, church 2 miles.Raiway depot 1 mile. Possession arranged. Pries 312,SN. Termes amsaged. A phmdilarm ithBd aidiapv-Ilgt et hiluyStIIMw 100 Aoresi, ln Neo Twp. j mile frola AMis 5 .Ueifrs goba. Ali workable. 4 acres orchard, 20 acres falI ploughed, 20> se in meadow, 16 acres alsike, 14 acrez cloverand tinsolhy. 2 je"lsïsd windmiil. Brick houeo! 9 roome, ws*er 9 el1A) un Bank baro 64x44, duivîng house 37x24, hog pesi22là' X rn 42z16. ScIsool and church 1 mile. Rurai mail snd telspOnte. P'oe, session sxcanged. PrIce 9,000. Terme arrsnged. 100 Aiee, le Trafalgar Twp. en, stesRws. 3-ls-rmMIs 60 acree workabie, balance hiasi. 2 atmeuorchaes, 18 acre MfU ploughesi, 20 acres mesdow, 10 acres f reSh eedin& Olay bsImm 2 w'ele and a eptizlg. Framne bouée of 8 roma, colle, ciïlsan. Bahk barna 80x5, tle-up 7 horsesand 15 catf.le. S&ohoo j mile, chsazhli miles. Possession arranged. Price $7,00. Terme arrangoïl. 150 Aope la Euquesleg TYý. 4 mlles Ire.mUte.. 390MOUIe. 85 acrps workable, balance SsIi.21seacrs eoerd, 12 $ " M wheat, 30 acres 1,11 plouglass, 14 acres in umdow, 12ýe,* ing. &asssl hem>Wal. 2 welfr sn ea crtk:à8 roasus, cellar, cjtqr. ýBarnSOxuS8 b No. J.yiis tW'g eGaltjraith's. Morrly 16 hristm8s 77N D To our many custon we wish youa- MERRY and thank ou for the confidem youh veplacedinua'tdý, eulY you with the de you vant. Everything th ;lien Want Everyttipg the Women Want E+erything the CbiIdren iW GalI.béth & Cmpàtfy c No COHEON OOUmSE aegenlua sB usissss8 dss Toronta.Ail work linRugis rade in every dolad. Studme rey enter euy day cretard HsIt ad a. R. %LINN Grad a ctipoer %y Trà e lel l b t . A DATE -qoI WB MANS A PUT.$'tIIm m 5 ous R r S' toi CASU OR t - 1 1 40wiBh A 4- our inany fïiëndse l rs ci Phone 7 GROCI afnImm - mb - .104.-.. b - 01 Milton ýsto nie r ERY Co. '9.ol TAx COeLc-cio' f ltioio ai tmiii ,"", o- IL the d*wtilear ul] lme about F o lg tir. Il. A M" tfphos thti 010 ibe ~i ± basi been f ,,1 ' o 5*fthie radai rai "' essjOurned te Jal fl4for a grant i ,;01 th? ýxuient ta the faîbe 011lOî LP na s,!I hecIO app cON ast DOesttysaro 11d . POULTIT WANTED. ..i s ee b5 muase t- I(l 't 1 i A 'A