Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 1919, p. 4

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I CUNY _ HATOfk L_ _ _ _ _t_ _ _ _ _ _ - OvA Pbaeu imaNulMayJut Boi Uloinat I"p 9lmn hoa accu en aoieoand ha, batit mn4irw POU t pla@" aeia aliea t ddovtr tht ptriad batwwa dîchage Md their rc-adjuatumitaé ivu mle. $OleOOOAOjnuut be.praviceai ut: Loan Bc 1919, iaddition ta the W#»I0.00 alreadir paid aut af the proceada af the of (redit "icli eath-t VOrkeraon thte. Loans thcir praduct. T cmiii forM crtis=o tagive ci-mite, xc tmo tBey nM aur Alits. ActuaUly. nonmanty nUlpm au o f Cul"&a. If Canada dota ual giye ceodit, othar oeuaalla. an hvwnau t UWIC, Ol-O.D-V.a tO1.---i--O---o. - L.ad t Furtlitrmore,, sadieta wha dairt that ehauld be ann, toaiVjute amangst th*i workem-. i ta hecome farmeta rna, inider An rr ùbe, e bsoutlymee teo4«& . as 4eiiit the Saldiera' Land Seulement tain emplaynent. If wc don't finance thegh ACt b ewd mapwy hy Canada with which ta pur- wiil fmi the depress ion ploymtent nulq=,, ciNum ld, stcacend itaplements. Tht manty an plentiful, and eCoiditiana v«er wilI b. adveoaey i1v Wocd ib. d acle; meazitinot tachl an iw a mmaim opa. Up ta Augut 15ýh, 29, ~appud for tend under thet tna FrTas- Mot uisa i viaft oditai. - ttfr o f tht appliçiot apprbw*d. Prtt Pncriogrme n dtt7itb' hpad or Min dhia year raqoleta$24.,0000M. m&bondevelopmnentt nari. P.tha or whieli. wi&t th FerltaImm ta Pragiiiiii mmiiiigCoonaiiiio wboe Vacatial training a and&di' badii di-tepiCtd *oufl. Seveeapu'inat§a. tdium a Thet, thený ee*of aitt e thbia fe W" omUa ofatdott »Cd IetiODil w tWou m - aL 6h. àin . Ibicclaie ai " M fa gi- read wxuSg oenpy, a»M itof Iý f c-~~. Victecy Sonde aie thte bareholdea »10 . .. .. ..ouatndntoblitations ta Sl *iý,q&Itîoeui à4# Sali « o e;IBNNMoe4 wlth the ii~ -ncsfy u h a. - hu m Rxii aj o tn o awelain 1l53 N C *Uaî.V.P.IOIJIO i ea , 18 ONGtixding Depatinntsasa.wiohor alout 0jury. l1______________06 paaa tamda. ýPek O 01&deiermnatioo agve a u t" iJ, d 0 o~r 0oj.a oiet i~a~a<ta e îioOna iOf this eetabliabmnert THE'Adi Gi 1isJ Ao»».oaSM r y.T4h1, prl.418 Jaly, rd 000080v Il &MlUIÀ T.BY Order W. . DICK, Milen, W cSUu, 1oa i-t hons ALWAYSiciel,. Of____the__Pasco___triatuaa? NItil I uN told 1 d S Lamber, S hingle, Etc ,TlaiI. 1ÈwSud ismdciegr imds 1880 ~We bave everything in the Lumbher Line that yau are likeiy tcaÔ,tr~totaI*20 1YO~OTICIAN 0RghndDeed Moidingo, Dooc-, Frain<-o and Saoh, a o aNm A le mi «M.ce, Lath, etc. IWIU4W ê.Ide a dumr rmoFoi-ti e--, w IJ<iguEpM. ONT. A lamg stock of XXX B. C. Red Cedar Shingies (en hand. A a ohortage ini thoee isîhreatened and] nu oili do weII b anticipate MW ho MW, i ptil rzet.bglN MABY'S MWNTABLETS yu iqirmnanw l ~ i 0F GREAT HELP ~GET OUR PRICES; Cail, Phone or Write us, Caa4.Sc 4PS o otpen i yor BXESA SEÇIATV ~ji'T~' ~ni adinrt wooled ahaep. vnnaiotivn#0of Motera f = r wing o=it o ýdI ZN a.ewen lyr andover, and 2lamhe. p*ldi.abhicy; If, n t I ~Builderaofth Ppuiai "Auto Home" Garasge ap nd ,ed b5 exààibitn. liben by ou et fllgt; Ilhecrles a~atdeal - ~A~ET0 ~ ~ ~ ~ (j~8tMeréhaofo Bn,,IQcrgtown. 00_______m laKY POMT TTNTONTOAL. RD 8leFe. 5M-*.ûOOfor bout Peun oflong flo orl.gigh, greIyI Ire andnve-. ad 2 aime. nwned andl -.-fl all I eoy o f A. COATES & S NS faits bOU-Ilmhy exhbtnr. lbe 7M W.. fgili and Lumbir Yard, Phone 66. Burllagtom. On t eI. 1 fauta I. iti I.- n , p ise i 1hi saig i- u ae ad Saby's Own Tab iu. B ý:._ ICie. n ,pîe vefo tttelaexcllet fr j W isi ans 210't'Î4 T* l & l 1. Nw. 6 And 7. rb'swiî(be 0 tbeltittImoumad woild otble wjtli. - -----Pda.,.Pappp i bO44tbma*o Lt-be are a rildJames, Mvas, a prominent farnerI' .mIi Tn ireor îs i bani thi 10- taU maotaibn no hliarnievrg bue _W ..u.aeg ztvbdae G efr mn. w on alm o ntn ehii oniîîed haies abt flMd N .th, log fer SOuir donations, recele late lWhYthey £lwaya do gond and bîb.lexhbtooa LI iO1e prize liai Coaot 4oi1 tO nefial" -d ~Pari-y Soid FalilFair, ezploded M1 lm lu7 muriaijIw~~l.eriLMo,,,,, 010, He Fahri n*rjmf 61 raa. nia 1-cir when a solder toucbed Lthe lever. E * J FFordi1 t e hstil morbybmrat e te a box fromeiM»ý ~~~~~~~~~~The Dr Ila, eiie~ i~<k leCanadian Aeral Tranopor tation t .aué lUatN~ l Villa. nt. , &Advertiming Sysicon. Ltd.. nf Mont-Ut viM.'~i-a. hua porebaacd teu <'urtia air.ýr m l GuepbWt1hve 0* ocerand nok. wlilch t wllluoe. asonan e.1 moumylimirntap ali <nama e a o t. Watihor.-01- okalbngarasa ai a ooin ip~i. lane% lu tOue wcinty or Mootrei. jfro.oeatla roufobot won't iu acothm .HgtCae H L T I __________________________________Fapm Stock, lImpiaues Etc. R. J. MEARES il. V. si., i 1-4 nis e trhnaui ort e W hY9 nMomday,., Oct. eth, J19, th e r ,ot i 'ciocci macp. I&0followv CATTLE 0- Pure kdo-fjo)w. due ba~ euf- er dite.Dc>,Il-biher. 1 yeer. Goad«-, 2 rowa. dius ime of sale, Iv i to y o a ýheifen- duei'tin»eofni le. beifai-, doe V ictory oan,. Jw. due e,16.e oÏ.u Feb *. cw. ueMagh cor.due Bon, the mornigk of November il th, 1918, the guns were hushed and Mareh 17. con. due Mareb»O. cow, due. glad tidings fiashed across the world, there fOllowed with the Nation's 11fi-ers.18 iielfa ea do. letf* Priyer of Thanksgiving, one yearning query, which found echo in the faster beat- Valves. 1liai con. The ab9v L~ onsa ing* hearts of w-ies, -snothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and Sweethearts. That miilker-a. lledunteragi query w-as, <'4-ow soon will our boy be hômne?" And, from France and Flanders, H ire tr~~eu S jthtr from iýtey aiid Egypt, from Palestine and 1:17M far-off Siberia, there came an yrs «a By are. Yrm4,g1c rSi. 4a, * aa-erigechso, ý'How aoon, how soon, mnay we go home?" dog, bwiloiri.3ysMu.IIltwasg PANADA caught the spirit of these longings, and at once resolved to satisfy Qiîantity ,Ray aa*4 Dt e %,d thm w'as an5appalling task. Shipping w-as tragically scarce. The com- ~ MLMN j~t'In f t~Array of Occupation had not then been settled. And other parts of B mener (Der pitmwr X- tu*,Empir-e welI as Canada were looking fdr the speedy return of their men. die - Cs ra a orI u L. 'TH robl*m was.this. The haif-mnillion men that Canada had overseas had l1 0 * enore than - four. years to transport to the field of battie. To bring Melot. reAi oramtnr -,orue - thàm horme iro a few months was a gigantîc undertaking-one to tax ail Canada's fib.eheinies o u - uiy and resources. C anada solved the problem, but it mneant crow-diti ntopu i miohrat a &W sfhort niýonths, an expense for demobilization which it w-as impssbl t- freDefleerous tO mention. i pssbleto7ENse. ARNS %"EEtoo, beuides theîqentimental aspect of the necessity for bringing the -e Set4 team barnue îBllsigl br. home quickly the economnic side could not be overlooked. That ws, t tras- o Umyn form oeffciently and speedily tbe nation's* army of fighters into a national ariny of 100Ouaredrse hce» 9g 4- f + + * 'Tie Wbow l o . ilwâ*eI.aïbrv. M, 0 N.ed The anser ta the question "Why These national expenditurcoe warexpeasa .Tley dota Canada need anather Victary will lic acccptcd readlly- by cvery citizen Who gîve. e-aopoi1ro o80sk MOL t Divdes Loars?" dividesa lei to two partu. thouglit 10 the taski which Canefad d fa olaWigthe, L J. . ALDEIiSON. Aàutijone&r. ~ the expenaa kmiace, and ta thc aucceuawith which selleha.met. o demnobilization, ndthtoblige- îwi ts tions e ailS owe tir oldiers- National Canada needs national iwçking a cin S l n- T he o rliga i n o m li r i o s l n r i g c it ta Q <» t rit f Pana S t aet, I .P ie e t Thdougainot slies Capitl and Our Allies, theg pénducteOof That alrcady incurred coat of Lu fria. forélis, fsah.e The o4.cujaai tambiaru- ,tsd 87 * factcies.Wu. NEILSO N - Of o Sies atiliindcmabilizcd. Thia You mnay unit "Why oeil ta, thern if thcy can't puy cash?" e- b uMto 146 e.ô inbl"a moe 20,000 l it and 'woned ho ae The a-ewr te, "Their ordera unar bulutely ce tiei8 u aaiealo ,oS Whoa Of caurne reimain on theArn ta the cOntinuance of our agricultural a&W indétotrial -MNDY OCT.6,8. 1 proapety." aOoii ar hhlnt5 and teriedc'aldnrlg The magnitude of theat orderoandtht amanunt ai anUt:~-imbiamoeter'ed a adyrm sairm W&de.. ~eij tht for thein te ended.ploYrnnt tus created, wil dpend pnUcsceaU57m - 1hoetlwSle B ïerna cwifl ueu t Icaut $200,000,O0O of hie Vhctor; Loanxi919."1mnao- ofthtV'icoftthe919ic'ori8lusOv41919. Gntgatees note laaalw the gFattityr wiiici The"' Why " Farmcrs and mnufaturm rs (Nd ~' '= ew -b" Ua~fGamata, ba amiig~top e IVt.YWi u I~adraidI~.w Le.. fat. i maif fal i. à~&o.m -MURkn -'---Oc i il k ~,3E~Eaj I~~svl~ euMsums~be lait N lu b I.,a.Of.,blmlâb ~aum&edOum filmi hUIS h fS e e Aaswer Each Qu-eoB i; tonnumus ua* jreuroawmte mcb U î-e ba.sa1osrwttî~ 1>41M I4fleoa.-at. mawk pa~u~I8 w.ý*paa, N.o,sa-aeî Leu a1dm".N. Iwo lah kittee NT. &ni Ind marn 't 'I 1, Osent. Tant- , if nom

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