eetable $2.95. inlW P 'HrsCorase ht Clothing 1 , : 1 t and 14varrety. of New -- -- -- ---y -for HîlFealth o 'r 'r I. Oit- Yi t ia t11,111 for SalIe. front- r ehitt~ rri F ,0hrc ""t Xiet fcam0,6 rCustoflhrl I QUALITY GROCEIES WWe arearumen ooso 1)A. I.. bseshera i ucon-g 54h. baiO.P.E. st er Apply taCorst.,LL nger- i i pat o el t eb s SatO fl beforthe mAe iV dI Sth Hîgir iva Fn ie chtin g, usblastoreý . . IL ' . k__ Tet y eriwtb c bi st b yasita 'S t h r@"HulunM u a ,Br be il illét n CA on v r " Veil oh apu" IL Sng End ummeof feth lateetlgmooor I h a n tvs amChilden san OuTorocrdbigDpatet fAýLqt %l oe u tC i isuclOh MCplion es Uoesd PBm. HoColry Stuat, geutof ite aukutea tle roulude. rýIru. yuketvic praîceassrtret f el25 ermesn LltiTtd o aMorton.Yofaiton, Clwte auuUtlMding tae Alin. Sxoofh 1 1 e bu tter and , C o la pa, T ies, H a l. C a p s, R a luc o a ts A m eeting of the W .o'.TU . w ill bi ~ t~ ' iie to Gel ph bd t1t C 3 betti Teedy, Jboas 01 lunthe 1o odlF c m @o&Saocdy,butas, l7t. R e a d y -to -w e a. S u it ., 0 4 4 p e t , v e st e roc f the M th ed iet C hur h t 3 T rai louves M lto n t 7. 85ua . h o elo c k . T h e e c uc e ab l e t u L2. 0 . D i c o i r t ru a e s l h ct c e M.0 ____Peabody'sOveralis and Smocks AzOunc -Th o t nu- vIt ise huttdd tb De-ce h nnotid as sci, lst Sun yeven tot!mî metm etn ltg'shzLfr- S t r a w H a t , f o r w o r k o r b o l w a r . s e l -vi c e l i n e ure b h w s s c i e I a Atso l en m e e t i n g l e s t a . o i c __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ O f tar e a Ot orulservice for lord d ub an eYD 6 1 0w y Kitche n r. et hi, sermon Rev. 0. F. Mss Rb adEelo aba. C k . o cf t he great sld er. cf Milto . eu e um o t s su se v c D . A . IRe vvgill YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED. Thrwoe imusc. ,%ecngre- cradstetifrom Hafmllon CltyHec- tIlt iOl.5 8 .d ,. R B E W 8 . vi oli" wa d . F . R c h a d so n T o nsh ipC lark cf I .1t r yh,ý Y . t r r . Phone 5.SF.BoiWe.'ZZ ."saLOOiceyseoi ca. Useo c =ts o.-l the.i .n fà o l MJ AN NETT 'S __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Atptly H. P. Johnsonc, RIt. No. 1, It Theed mer epus avn Thursday cftmrsoc fer vert et ait c ______________________________________________ l ITeo RcrNa. - Cor I. Wm. butions cf old coitatsand litten viii b aser.5."oe. fiPaaeGoeyMack C.CFA., got home front Es - cary gttdolly acceptadt. ~ ~ lood test Satorday evenicg. Whte Re W. M. Malcy. fKnox OChch. ,* toig an srtillery mole et hon-vect'o flnsipeglait aeektoteattend A ~d iffe sortie oethccgo e twaas badi y the tieneral Assemly cf the PrenbY- 1f "U1 COOL,- WHITE OUTIIIO FOOTWEAR theit aottwaaokna-leiolurî E k y h u t , a dt o wl i e i nt e rnaTl s t - -C H I L O R E M FOR BOT 5UMMEA DATS.hmettalded. t, cmDa, underthe auspicof the Guelph iare $200 and ',rrmcon$200 'r? iCreatnBricks aBrown& Disi Store Te.illir fteMitnbac Lerrcwhitt f1il auOtjiIbueO I IL ea i.1r yoorsell r Ie, .- rr IEYBoRIDnt- -80ececthememt' aish te tlc doMt Elnt and t'$ I. r Ii îrIlr'c e rcoi ty rnseceil, thbige ud fthSoc INDISPENSABL u f or tilesU.o trglrt', in a edhlcridg cf n te onteof y1May, Jure, Jo G OC RIESAlwayo new tndrfresh. Try us for Teas tnd Coff*eet. rSPORTINO cloPccat¶Brie t oit i ls tsn h Egfeit ag asrm lrrdfr. Theer1 eng rccttdl ppaerran, d J Chinaatnd Glasaietre 0UTING, CAMPING, and on ir~~t~PSO. LBrdeciioceert. IL n eaten nfeBsçet.Lreaormfl fPne rt cep re tteîiifo r e ccolttfthlrampatenwn Mctcchiaan Ctswae î-Seialties tBAINo or ... 1he corilbut il, . litmi Le.thet it HoocorRactroc. Oc _______________________________________ »IW ! ...iv and doer th cjcavy fiendieeroe gave the 44 tomates of the Pel'Haltoc . 'a Lo.t-0, in bulo o e lfot a caocI to. on"eof refuge att'ip 10 Port 'rcdit, r ' r all lai tIns'.aa~~ Srrrr TiF.On c Oourocf tce v itecacupper thers. Tte anieticglb a t & C o , M t n r iai Coffec, Intit tis g î as cictes'yeI. alb ait.&Lo.,M iloh illIce,.11 patias dccc (ILt l'lire ittirrot i ronrfort rrrrd i'i tnI teegae.t f le , iit"c- -Idd toolcal[a ti by aneclicers ho e ncet of hec __________________ rt'o I lo . l'oýc dr, tt 1DE RNI C E l.1il y 1,1candroblige. 'syor Glcîry Co. yotîgest dotghttcc. Chariotte Eleacor, eooliie-rr. Hiindre 14 of ALt 'rî,c'îr. Ac'c~ik ecd McIJI T.Carter, oî,f son oftMc r rCa ie (; s oc s rtflfforiMen, NN, I ' Ii T c i l],, MiMltonII Bri ck k laequeyte Womctta etititte vilii te feld t te ri o'iS, pices IÀ ('rJYof Milon.e. otî er thcTor ct o f ti ne. home cf Mmc. A.Galbrith, Omgon . I,! Illr l'oc drt ii Otfaiid clildrr Bircîl Cio o., cf Milice, oeil the Wcddlng Bosqucts end Cul Flearer o d eday. 218ct cal.. et 2_1t .1 K A L EÔ oic thle rickt('.. cf St,1111- fer &Iloccasions-. à mAgeslcy nt isecJohnonce cil giOe a tak-oit Cirraits 'oî'îîpooy cr i t-w 1ce.sThece viii tccoeil.t cihlies In buylng somnething w lh wl .1,- tockt $1,501or J. S. Me' .,j Crý c claitof cf ttelc faoricte flitwcc. Ttcti yield a fair eetuc'n for te mo y .. rrr G AHAVI SHO HOVl i. - -eiditîtand Moceg.thceicf c to octf-Cittrt and 1ciiaood programeott. net GRAHAM SHOE HOMElltoi tettl('Cttiliocy.- Ornera si econ. tTetituey end' Mii foncer -The wr o t rîcilîrd 1111 IIOMF UP SHOL' ClOCOLATES.- Rguinr 50tc. lIItI o c f ecctmeetingfthe0tc ' -'ceiaa e et r. rr"rr (OF 4W)1) SH .speclal eeySaudyfer 39c. 1b. n atcty tooic e or the s uleti e y. 1eot-edttdC I otesuhw Irocc a p-io-daic lreg Soe. te Wardn dci-rd tuiepat oceeîtlt . fM L. 'neStet n Ao :).NT-11. sirOnhrm if tlhe metigfoitect 'rday. iMrthcdlatChigothenrflted A E S' S IO E s ll.MCJANNETT, irrr tt--.alo-iolt.orii DOct-rose LîcEactr Thr fciiccitt f fomte bridge to Octario treet. It Ni v orrn- o %ho vttriffi iii, iath-, X'loifts Haltec graduelles cnoMedicinerhaer o tpecoted that ail it e eiti i r"u o c t'lrît-plerut. A. 1tcoed the a. ief caaiicetc t iI fîte ithie s littie more that care.Ti'rc ______U_____ t-e r ubrrlrri,io.i iti iiColicgcîIf Phyaioioco cad Surcgconsil o tceontrctcio cî ttonrvd lrgr, r ti m i rt c l. Oit hi. wtc o uerrof tlOctet-ic ' trotd Cc-ai g aed. fcrtt laouithr 'cadway toil o' e a go e fiii tle t'îer ttrîri tr ipiy ectitiselr r itîhe rreire Il.' oppedir ta krtî tith Miton, Jîon Arrthid f M oMo crty o-dit to thttear. lo e lae hy wl Nerls0J of'rri irn lie mI-as eit- o nii c Atc onan usîtin LawrenecSpeere .1..o.., DEr-rcoTiris tOrAy.-I l i îîa ierýli lrr ieii". - iirrrrrriîlirrif higrr,%ir.rt vai-ii e-ti o0 ircaî. orteheca f Otion Lt.dgc No. it. rh,irrercatir rie vi rit italyi eli a r .-gei'd. tit i, Ipcccd 'The )îctipicsofn Chriat, Omsgî x-t.ra i O.P.. Oerteare.sudc i i oetic1 Hvi' di ti ,Mrt SM. Jones, cf Beatioti c. to tu rotreit frotî ran'oiptot. Miltontiaet roilio ii . o lcrltd sccvices for theci. tegioctce Sun- A cto rl ddty thetcO tt o. Baud, Vouit ray buylNe rcd Flos ti u dcy..Jltcie 1ttte.t I 7.iIILrp. tttacu'ted tca (icrearirci ('Cemeccorn (IoETl frciut. I.A. Mo- tfîeacdthctesteatttcarcrtatdPbritcwhyn tecccdoavoncadet-aorrd but aeben yo d b a o' ia i i.. oLhfll>ing lîrdar. otita. t rt- af ec cchr. A t'îb eoor un' li'-cr rti i ,ad 3 .. alo ecotifl rfp-yiil o cadtîorothesrtc.le iher n ryaaseo d rc ni Jloyie' iîgtcA 'i pc.positod cettn fate catitt ino ii îtJrîeJUPBgra cd i.e RLLVILCtî .-Revt. Wtoà. Bort ptayed atictervals dîing the orro Vtes' sbosaeW rh LIeycnw PITIElNIII Th fl f Z tweOcrgetownathi8wec . iefmccy.-Gcacgeto earcEce Reaortrl 'tl-aa ,citoA. B. Hlciioceas ccrter o te_______________a________omme,(Ll LI, i-ti rt ie liehodc t-icerts1t, og..Chrreh. Mr. Slact. Stacro ttrii 'ri fm 17riy Dr a s iiirt'roin itrtoc.cilii cl tioffat ttdeîit if Tricity Colègc, Taooto, R N "~ Vi cr ti rk eclThirs-diy -ening. vil] iin crhargcof St.johc'.Nsla e' T R NG -% Family r.toSupys -- ini anaor t-acgetîîent aco wyeoand 4St.cocc;0 LoIi~i~ L S urn i cain tth n f I AIL ITS BRANCHES, E HO~ SIcEE rrnirt-aoritoîlcris witi hoho artde.ctoA. ROSSicîtec ciiYAT]à'SR E TO E liioie ho 'cctcihi-t ir îaclte etîdc r.,irenon hirriioi.ttecactidcrahte OtiTiîeay aftet-ttaii,at tcehome3i l Cr omt.remeciltStreet, Miltlio Mu icçrest-aneci leave'a cf Mr.. Motacecl. thea1.0.E. teid a - earfgNaty Donfe. PhoneNo.- urorro..cthctccd.vhiet octyrirccafiiltcidierrt-cotîhcarer RptgN iadlu-l rrrr thZe o'lcf t ioaitho . ~ lt at.ccSUMMER SESSION a- r nth ii ti Bttt'tiB t.. thI tti se prcll t, rind-i affins theîr Toriti lb-groa. n.r I o - 11' rlprra, i l[bea th nf. ring netiiie ttcm k. n ocaoTeri behcct Ho ati s cuietticilSeric s giiecc. ac-ttctitct.Fre iitioc. re'oo g + , t-iciiy cot-c c Sunietci Reliait Odelica tcp iîtheace Vrilc WN. H. SHAW, r1er-. tiio jr en gtI ii a.I r.cîrl i. oîco . te îiîdatîî e c oit a cîdîrnîf- lit tirîî tir'o Ar. Pnibytt- so tct, iDt-OfdSort-,n. îtî' ci nl- te.ceilJ..M.fMaotccrtAveArcîctt'Ocf. cf ic Cream M.nted. an Cfoirrrîi ( recTt ttaiaiSt.Pcandit Pouro Otthodiet ('titrot. Brameptoc. teti'arti cot Wuc.of refuge me-i tirtii i'tY it i cbcrîîndr thleaer-cc 1 hie hcohagcthercicicîitf- Wt-havtbec te re aer ui &LA .1~~~iîîîr'ofIiai oy Bot-coi. ccmeriy cf 44cpolo ecin .I t b l y 65,ccplbuuraccm-vticsDtic tarly caectne ot Oreltd 000sl teVIts 1-1rtirin icl-tt inii ktteiiiim i y h cceii )itt-i-i c I l andlarge cintri it Aeirty t ct-ocet chaettter if Ilcivcireroiitcalwd v n,à li ieyta y law iiivhe an dro 11tiict lrithtir rehb i riHE B N OF T R T , andîc ILct andtie ditr he toccOt dil, lkiytgaveoc ii e r1 icn'cicc tertlT of the oldest and stroîrgei;t llaIîlr ilît-îrrtiiii-tteote caills-ittpulcdtefiita top' i t. 'cal . oad thcttaoilc 'Ilît- c o aMitton an tuotor cc Siars oL ruts ItreUALLEAtEt-oit-I ro'tin iC c-cctraada, inivites yr'rir banking boor- TIt,îctoi-traintcrocta ourcite. mr cihouttorrut-alileadrsipmil-nbei Toronfto Creamnery Co. Ld. nss Witb its large riitog XI Titi .ttiîcc ai tce mrra eroti ttcOttciTg'tiicio i'ORONTO.let arilities and corriipiete bankiing THEI.SiN(i TIlt 15I-lOT THF WHOLC clait.cccriiogr y od The -Anvit loge. Guelphfront Mcioy, July 'Jcd. -conetions and eqoipiiieiit,'this Banrk RU T N'(t tc " frotti "il To.'otec"a"rottiet- t a rdoy Jitty lith &t. o a f-cor fersthe hast of Iankitig uccon.mrrdrt THNr1 ot MUST HAVE A OOOD LENS IN YOUR CAM ttls't't-li si The soloci erstdnt er nrl A t a Ioti b ai oîryt dpi rA ORKODAK. 0R CAMERAS AND KOiAKS WILL lliggic'-soprano, ItnyHri , comicglhoiit. T pofrt-5ct-îîatct-toknghsies;totrnti TAK. Y UR ICT RES RIG T. m t*c. A piano fir by Miass Otoece t'o cpotte bare that prociet Airruu 1Il ircroride, ANO t ltlliactty pioyed. OakvillMa re scakoieg astcOca o na lc hycal(l t AND1OU PLATES Af-D FILMS DO NOT GROW Pictocct lot- Friioy andl Seturdayfo frtte havethe16tttBatt. c"t in1A iltgb r AIA N ET S T ~ L W E S L L L O T S O F P H O T O S U P P L IE S A N D U e oi îg at t e t ew a ll:c i " T he V ert- O t-cge llle to th er e to W m ito nr . OUI~~ MATll Hop coiF ESiI.' cler 1wte MMaillytr.î Hei0en atili le dforl tpooiEleven Million Dollars K 1-LP URItTIHp tr r h;yuvile 2tvi tfles ci Pd<Ot 'A tVtdHi. heItnsdof Me . leau idlspt for a b&L*ttiln rcami. Na foncy tait, ni l a i rn- COMO IN AND LEBT UsSHO11W YOU A PHOTO- idRdteH mn i ayavn4g-i esr mgtsueyils t0R'OONEPHICS A D OUFocret rutastiu SOLICcc -'A uIet- Amng soit mhcccfasb ns fito Hoctrhr taîci GAHCAPPARATUS. BYOEFO SA-DYUicg. t-lieiitfthe Mayorand attndrdait tfaIIs.rFrmi o s)gýý CAN "fELO" UPON us. t~~~~y e combat- cf teeciteicetta vas hIdI udf ci'l'Ouatrrt rieonfprify oftm icctii t N IL O N BR .A N !lathetr cocl châtil t rthe town ISlave f-ourt- ccverPr.s' icMILYce-Npofia griiît Il]et Mcday evsintagccoclder- old beck.a,abberc and beolst tot-e atp lu O(ieýrir decathe nfatreofte T a îthe fu enofthat (cci atOi-hiF'iii-T. F. LITTLE, ManageOt bars cf t uehTe cm itheefanda et that i s tiieed n tu e, i e teld e teD soldibru retedn- cern raq ha ears- i