> -1 1 1' :11: , 4 jg , - ' « - ' Milton and Oakville have been mumiiz Al. v d duili IowII incerthe tmob'iriatioi, Mi. inaie.J. V.r, C .C d .vtit, t d o tbe ino olthe 164th Ba.Il iOrangeville L.Coo ?r, VBrubi. . mtitiS. au$-, f$IM o__ r ecpiaecr aut .Niodav. Lieut-aCoi. Domville Fdit ravis, 0. 5ademonG .Avaler- t= ,E ~t'Poice Vilaes~ lias asgrm i 'Se res nibiiiyfor son iv (Haori.BBa t ra.L o OmpeiU< US giviog Dafferin the preference ocer ï Heiae adMbe atn Wn.ttTBUa itbuPtitot H-aiton, rxpilaing iliai he ba lauAleen eau"J.Bte JI. tit E ic tst~ té. :'ipoffluett conSider the good of his carpe be -ni.H = bisB enSi.r.ra .i ~a. . u "aiNé m t fror vrrthirg else H e wak' L1 Ch. 1 Mi C atoto. M 'it pqeW dtfL-eW CeC-iiandlier hoped Ihat the mare D.il, k. eeril ea l cOclita rCrillird Claa- Iabel Andeirsont, Edith .t'.aa..,Mde«4 W. in Daleran. SNt oniy bas Haitoa oin .>, .igiBtB BBOI ..iiDuffrrin c on5v4itiot af p. Recroît. m. McFachstti: Ma"y Me- ta____mm___t______Md ro aieldh Bai., bai the Jent, W. Bradley. M. Wison, Neil SaaWBB ttep w.tOaP, W ictsiigre ccrirdfrieih . cEcahemt. F. AJilporI.A.,Brut. C. idPd a 1110mU dtftsa yal btt u aeIleefgureagrc,dToroilotho Re FMaw. Mrie Ford, Alir. - : t$ mle go- Hutn Agurtt . Aiiao Mary iiardy, Toin in @Wb B 55 Fatafir la.te MateraiofiNdm i.o S 09TBOUÂ itdtti bhai cilce the c-ar bl ,approaî- %I the :.last ssa % - . à 9 ceoiti 1 1 i mrec have- hem elisted itaan 'VI. "Irtl s i si, etU l rtt1it t th- h.00ci IAuit g. ilttea ei 61 teTowIî , her. , or vrcaeîasrviceagoiilMai r. 0 s,11-J.aprMarl I. Wai«. I , '"l une apae uvrgi ol iede,è a -t-a--- ô7 in iîoffcno n.'tisoter is soame- obertao. A. Tight, C. MEaetn, . , aatafl saooat.qnir.d br elaaed. llegoocg tC h er mnof Dal li relersEî.an8 Ftd Lile, ., mns deAtte Iatbrd~mit îrlyby thrgvon N "a nsi oryi«thmiClark. nat .U l arl i. UBinetaswfl rai ~SII Ciari' 01e uaifcaio fr eaciier.J. Tisaliet.Vioeliit.A. ditOBBotBt . 74. i - Ce ý" 13. B»toaé& Atoproartaith unt ofthétoB o rate th" u eTousBa o nlc elhope. Ilis cxpîac-- 1 ,'î ac. Ado Cark .Sii. Fao l = t t haa ob thd.f srhtoatc- bas t rasiilOWe NumvwB Who ,ri.eîid h accrpied. Hus loiaoemVif iii a.at rtad.qtatt td redhen Salnd h , Po ar 7 lgr..e -l id k- c he blinir Hoc,,rs BiancerHniibtrnE. Gail tt c, . ho.tath t aY COCeNTe OF 1HAtiB5 r,,leceing affciiag the mefare ofbrai h, E. Diet, lRultlioritat, M.Bro ot oi..B ttrtittdla aaaNotice lIoiterei'y Il .eýita.oloeo Al reacatimel îto e-iîbr.AnnaCroitr. M.Teadae i eroThei5tiN m coniloat the cuir--1eaît.iaa "mdht. .11 dWèS7.7iUiCtrio ceriS il- 10110-0r laI Xk iiady lyB - - îB thB Tote t Nctt.Oas bL«,u$,r Ats témid gisen tai lite Cut0 if i88 '. R.- ieosNTodPaoi-J,,,,,* filleeo- __ ,aaooflpPeaifeanti alit litelJouol 'l bc injuýtL"( to "a'- A i l 1. Tayier, J. Sinclair. Stuartl 1 ortie yurpa or if aal thtRaid unithomutau eid. udn Roso tePta ad&$th oit r .-c ci erepI-ar, ad tîle eorck ,,k . .le =i r=aMoiy=t aBh.lioahfahmaitaOUdt.e~Couît otRaid ciel.g.' or tercetha Mor iey. d. .tr ft.d Wail, aWtt..tii . tt cîaaaa s elIItrf , h . liocoiti..1.1gon er. O - ,«Wdtia.ilolni Of ~art îo i tâsO bti ho .1tht aM erB oupàNTYOP 5-ALCON ltiocOiOCLe---ate ' on the iOdate Of the ittîh, III .etltoitiait of 's éti lit itiia lCloutU»S ote il.1,îe h-ici ld o-jin klIaki. M-e. t , îRrlaNaLyirr.Agnr5 laUlliparnuda ithi» lrtcilt- a à bitat 9tbt»e rBth5 ttB lt ilel. .T,dair. Foo-J. KentoI no -î. nthr. urstcy f eoisiNt Didtit'fttaldftJttî aie Dlc i Milrn.-twu' l-'erd Ciiol ai aaux Of N- . ti aoWI 1. iDiCa. Town of Milton lihai Pp n ulos Rceîcdî. lllffod Hil, Li . Marlu e E 1""Vtb. middaeau hta al el i.Nton at hE* . a î-al - FrdNiaHnrry tii Or thtRa o f tht taM tena ble , i BetioBaAiilatr i.iî:.riîîe 'îo khle 'ilîl ic u I 'Ilànn.an y h Tenarr teruTUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1916 il.cI l Jiii1 liua , F i. a wfth »I d Munaiat hhrhih ,111.1) fi. AIrII$1.dn S le sttebnitr ofOCre 'ctokio .. of in nttMiUNOU re iL E5MVUt 9 IVwttitail Jiotk o thlie Peatie. Cor- Ad. lc aeîg i 0 ee. 1 l-c a.B.illlcH.Tcli oyd F a laryat tth e t, c Eati san tetisCrat"Yf of1'tbe, al n i fOc, cccL Jva otae, " tlt*ettOt mi .]htC Cht d jO0f Merses, Impemenis & FsrOilarC ohct.et roaerried arr requetiltu1 ccc-I ceeII o; 'lcc..fei.l"eccair Cîi.k Aeeeee. ieTî 1-Y Jean c ctt r p us 1 ai'temdt taisadatedd t o -.1 1)( îee"d i]ilkîîi.Iod, ,iîldC vI. Bs e -i. -P ... -all Ilgie - th...ce.t.no a îtic e t titajnlta cM I ei-le.lîceepsitIr tatratlt Or bIl 't -cc trho tnceaTltdiiOrtiatdttailtttttttotai[lic, îid,..cli.CilCtiente.Fîlo e cara ,hte r Iter flt w.'h ai n e T h..drg. - euf5fuitc iet . WEBS TER, vc.eainlcIe1lfi I. l . tule recl e . M icaar tE nnatt, the real rpry1.t. i if1b .i,..t-e c.C C ~iiceiî lie M i.MaOff ic 1 Kennedy, M. ('laine, E cec"" VCilage o a mpileeîCCtlIce t riailon os L.,il6 fIilC ', S Hdr g% eîlî i et ja, toi Temp1în4f ranol Hous, Cmp ll_________ cr lceî ic.icaely '.Il.îe ... îl-e- OCClleC . A Matklil Dat-l rS7%fiC ..atl5 -ON-Cilab e ,L-el- hec lye 11, . Cha ian. M. WEu- t Thil IIas t aliat i c-î.1 1l -, - ieee Aelîiirile.lC.iîa t,5-c0 ltiiea """aanc.ifu r"if FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1818 CIC-lle Il s eeIdceS1eia. i ilcîce . llcit tflriI 0hth oie ll t h.a os ey1 Ilil. . S îcc eol, lui- - la ,ac .l1, îet t î hl'eeIf SI HOWy-'fb,..he u l. 11111cLu -d l C f.i -I i I, C i IC.. n iC . - Jîae1 i lioh- caand1ilac Lois,5fe- eoiL- -,c1 i bru«. a te 0ro, . ai1 barii 1C1e1- 11liCeill iC cC- eeIl - IlII T eo îî .C, eAhi -bc rtc "sll. CcO I caici Mc CC I C.0 r Pea u.tLO O Tian r -C ate, trlai.lt 7,r u, .i.clec.Mclî. tf h. c -me h taceI e - - - biiti ti, t lonl. t tiTht close-o1 liidail lfilutdtaCAToto eoatctha -id 7it1 1 e. e rr eyCt. i1 ca2 île I cCOila cclLcletac i-re- allc îs t.aaa.sn t ahale il- i i C l id Is i tl iS plcti tc É'K o i ( i - 01.1 CcocilLeI .r. aLII 'lI. I. cIl cc C .01. îîcor att.e o th. I alleoîc itf.r1-d ..Sdeîac e S 3f dohccod.1 luyp -Cr ilil'. p-ec ic 'i. iMiM s eCI rit lCla.,-de i i e ta... c tll IL theCee k. ici ît.îi.iiiithacleett,,a-àk N, Iewîc1cturnip fr ara. hi,[. I .'L TU LE D N ii.i 'e . I lle. ' .. eth.'c l 1,Ct CiC ied1u i cciiOon n tas etr». d50 I ,ai li T e C -.kO IIC ..,i I e Si - i ,ieiioî n d .oe a Pc NoialadPlu, dd6tî." r i IZ eîe 1 lî I i llee c'ne coo . « iaîc aoc deI ilsi -tosIiýroltfo16e -ime fie Il i . hf f0 i. e.Ii. 'M y.Cam . i C h. .01 tute n oSi , Il 11 rn sit tS-lunia. -tnt ONtH O lIc .liîeiier iClieiCl taa e, i inueeleC. a da rls ..fi. Nii Id i neptrs 15S1 .e.cfC0ci S - , u sol beihila.nd 1 d-...deoa.l I AS IL In~~i-I i te~ 'o l C. -11LI-1 -1 ami rcc e sclatlaisan Cd etd, etCa IN E SHLLH E D N II i îclr eoiieî lt-ci. l~ii oie." i. rî . o n. Ni dcu.lît8, cciio ie- ,. i C eaý ce 7 do1,C e rOiilIOs.OtC Crec t Ie ifil.icI 92ile Ill. u . Sdi JrI L-a4 d,,-, ..ei 2ill tsail et s oo ler hi, C8.1i, îcetidnetli.pte,,. 3 a-CilleE cieLcea AS.-. kic usa. ,O1, 1 111 t. - IL ef iil c aiîia. .en lSr.N î e h - e.... ii.c. îec-e , 'lirnîecIegl c- cirufCcoundrct5 I L I"e î. i î e î t o î e n t c e l l i e î i e l c l c r I l 6 - - T .HWtC U S d iSra e, ilc,. r r. -d CIih-he-li rcIcII Ieca. cuiurTcc I-tc .....c . ie le. Ci.ei.io i fnlC eOIS, II- '. lrcre lCt, Ielar C rn c.e.e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - li 1.-b c1 I c.cOehafcrINeîtalla. , eIoTPlTtiflc t it iiSc Tf .. . c.. ,la, dtuhtr r ui o l i "et "Ilta c i, Ciandli .lai ia .11 hI, lie,, lîliielc ef l'y PROM, CI, IIDI, tSOitRS OII ieIi iilieelou,îecî ieaa aan - .e.i a. id lu i-ar rcclLIsîol ocTîcueuuCC i îîechar . p I I, iuu b i S i -îhîuîIue Ce e, l--1cClîeci ie 'îeli.-CeHICAGO k e.l , i I Lr noI- ciieiliL-iuii.,elutii-11lu-g iCuiî,i.io.îF. TcI-tacaîl hie -CIII O.,'II.,l g i -Il- h Ot iCeot JeCiruc~ ieec-th, lIl -eh i l ,,2I cA, t -6o IIIiailaIlM ipIl LONDelui4.481-,ligi .i ... i i AWIDSROI i LW 0 Ci ulul.HCoul, lii.- les Nli-hicl,. -).-8ehfitI., i i. ', , -ilI lMli ouî-r cc cgîtoecs M C -ack a. h gI hatca baA y.WINDSOR iriiS iodiîc0etali cii.ci L III-iieaî-1î.cf, e îc eI , hîî,liytoni ue i-irî li lsîî I-u, Oa re l834ep el eC o tp ie ClIlîlIliN II,îLLiIlAMP 1,nC IlaI or llel.Tih Soe tlfruiteacaduIrIotromtChi îCA HA M -908 I ho l t h e'I f orB a.i.teuTeit l, l il , \ I Tîil EI l bit I blt s le -c- Fîîi- Apth i, F.Pt l.er Foeegn A e .55 h5 i. E.TiIktaerlauîucW. i Dp ci il ,g, i .111SCucoi -n c,., stac 2.-.ti. O li c e sîi ali rn ndrtIm'o-t .- _____l-e A.-(Io, hcit, d-r hi, efia anclg-na tocth, iiniaa c0' i 'eu--e Celle. cl-e., ie,,J. Frsdy EIns g SJun X0 acilili"î-cTi1e Young Vllage.Docto, i-Oic f clOeuc ii.eou cieIII.,ppa-iral 1tîlitCuIt l iii rlisthetaoatu ao Mis cl III. i cl -c. g us l oIeCC TOIldi uIfeet suait a et. rcelet-I9., aitic Thaiurîoaeii ia lSonhtdof asi-lcis taare, la ,tt i l aLt0silc. iv lic taule. ieîîîateuîî dieouciacIb:;tILliksfolbeBî,taa b Il (III. I on, hiI e L.rtroIcfn,.L su iiiiitng ILaIs-s-r, orda LesaTortttUnonStaio e'you11- 1 Nil-itoneshîLeeîêdgii ('aille turoloille front fi ,niheS 1 0.4 5 p .m . Th, -indrwaabon', tbi-ehBat Caat . 1). :. tiai. I I, ndy, ene, rda hier, r----'----ield- Ati Ms netjhtts ail lIc e .....etli. s taht --aGOnS w l.h vs F rPJYSun.Sduy otA tu o- Il tcfîîsilp alttîatnîi.j tira, V MW.s, radon Rspîa,'8" ilh, ecppieelarIire A.r,, Ma SthTiktan et efe atrnfrn ae, C ad n tea-pestr--In Mia.., iiiFeidat-Sati kolta ,nly fl Ath, Juta iil. l'itartaCarrites.n ht. AdI 05 l NlllI) n.e The s<am for: lht Clothing Ouistok l ~ay ~r s, dm..I. i>~e~~Corset Covers it Y white Gowns at from w .~toi 2*. SOMoDit Wit(rpec fit6i tff1~ ~LdWsDAlitYWhit.e Waists at $10 I O stock just opened. Underwear and If oslery bhort -Sleeve or Steeveless Vteste, white only .. .. .. . Short Sleeve or Sleeveless Veste, porous knt... .. Short Sleeve Oombination .. ... .. Al izes in Misses' Veste and Drawers. -Special Ladies' White or Black Cotton Hose,. ... .... ....p r Special Ladies' White or Black Lisle Hose, per pair ... .. Special Ladies' Silk Rose, black only, per pair .. .. .. .. Ail sîzes in Misses' and Kiddiess Rose. Sanderson's Big Cash Store, Milton It's the firet complete car at anywihere near ta iow a price. It stands out alone-boldlY--unapproached-a power. fui five-passenger tourmng car-complete for oely $850. Note that word tcompiete." That means Electric Starter, Electric Liglits, Electric HOrM, Malnetic Speedomueter-in feet, every neceeaary hie. Nothing is lacking. There are no extras to buy. Note that it is flot a mrail car. The wheelbase is 104 inches. The tires are four-inch aze--ny Cars cotting more have sinaler tires. 1 And it is a perfect beauty-enappy, styliali.apedy. lu every wsy it's a car you will be prouid to own and ride Ul. NO wonder there', a rush tO POOMes the car the world has been wdting for. D't delay--see us at once and taikit over. T. D HUME, AgetMLO ae G roin th i il isud ~ for CIOt 'pays to dccil Iff ewgill X 14 19ETT S ~?Id rocery tjimd tup 0 tc WU, S1iepeak for h, gim talFa' ~and carridi d knowing îthattI . thng you gel Su pecia1ties Cottee, le baik Rlail Cotie, i la b e ,5Swan Cofee, i la 111 1 S ti' se B. Po%%der jIIj Casbeti Goedsr »Wk Swssasni McLare S't l jeliy pswtiers pestdmecarrans. osiityoîtr Ordr e- provision$anad (o THOS. ]MCJANNETT. M7u*1. at GF WtE () R1< 1 We are the othel innv. s 's-I Forl ,We have stoûbiit We have e%-er - Store Goe i-- îl1 ll CI i Healtli' S uxall Friîîî I, oexall ileaitli ,-Dru-Co. ie .askenzie'sIl 6xall Lixeî mon Kali SH. H NO. M Th e NOtIIE 40 le- LU T Il ~~ *'r J,