[ t I i 'c - lI g t, "y j 4 50 PREQUENTrLY As TO n.st MeNaiT. mamciwi tI u goWCeE expert - neouth"-'>;A MARE [T A RULE, CHEAP.4e..ue. prcg mle a alit depaSm iIEADY-MADE OLASSES [N la MMetof prodecti. sid 1lu élI w Arepect t e od cf Wpcv Et mil10 l THE FIRST PLACE MARE Dpiayeo icmprtant Podr Tien EXA'ENSIVE, COPLICArD deilsus teroc indrtetde4t ttBd N "M4It thereen in thie province. IS LIENSES NECF.SSAEY LAT- or indireedy rteints onue« bot _ jjns. lu W ERt ON. GOOD GLXSSES fore o f iccal enteerrim fitMe n ülele 7 1tane it atMaitoba han età" A> L WId A Y S S A V E 'iOL cpplyofeteominoes L I tfOlcMode-, NIONEY. ~eet. Interecties teicinte, sMd h 5la >i hA tAID)I[A0WN LSSS.conideratio f goe Iamrte. timt mlatei WGIDUONLNE 1Maiohet le faier iosc;t s celda.cf coptict cai. lignite (or - Sorie cool> eIofocrd ieh ncttshals rt5SU. b*e41 S mille t ine~te alne y ers - sit 64 4j1' plSJ m ocf lgnite. Mr.De . X ODemliesngnld[,ie. ~ ofo!theo etlogcle ottei rahta o f 'aTog- tr.an ine #»af b,~~ien teDominlontett patmrnct er Micaebespethoet se.dec«.cl nmd tel ble tne lleibmheTorte Moutcaine li pma haan tbu b cf ouac su.td nuc, tq sp<w. OP< ITJAN district wv]love àdeposietf &bou baS e n& galc]esc eesse lgAk 16 l i t ons tee fetlignite Thlm co ite Ce alun m ii « , aie.sEo gu i tands., c 4-w t p «m c c tIm tesuea tying Acl-on tireoM tinMDA a ÏItrao i fest toeietht tlo nti eioteco., aed aS mi Ther ast eexl nat, actc e.hE Àhi W m__ _ _ _ _ _ _ et aee hemetibette he bepese Hlgh St, Bf k, .Y.tii acU.lut aie aid lier e ot decnela tévu-ee. i vuatranS sSca~ l detmnet enteicl ny tae cc 111e Young vmemen mc e. tcehled si i&mscy aecnfi IpEete. nar »0;b@*t ecuol pma Elaslàu4y t-irs bt De MAANY ODOITIES ros lt at ete l rt c, and unec the p"rmn oret roularei od 4 anime ine te tc.. sarc t'onims Iller tu- ije insU'li cga ase fe lt. Iedde lagtsdic t c. rease ehe vainéetf tee fartis m eat W* s s'e a5lm ti-1iEi7 S cin, te etot'etcei H neethecîe e t.peet f daWn-Uo ""d"4iitte expese h e avoer. Pm6elahMyur cmuan eds'MY elt deppd l ýd etoste a frtee li d ic oit ceeble t g"]a r Iet ignauetion , ,. eh. setee gr mEaien s eht a pairie toruer tc<ollfns 1M nuletoi 10 pende. fi îbt deteeclticpcîtbttRentrecf ttt reccl dpco L& PinimsceVtoee tc hecilla sis eosh térsistead ser a o frlîles& advledsnmttl sInfini anbtte e te od hettet porpoeeand acide.:"ut mouo. Thesnds have heen r-litenetedPit tena asoeee rio tatvh cd adc.Ts ia fliu the ometle ossbilliesof tis ain ht e t elh thie reet and tetbernoe, are thte eicymeot lte dsttee ri--Àe n idsl rî U *e& 11W l h ,tin. owr rpae u nsgiiac de Cm- todpreid l ti the ut llposiltkem. renedje. butee hes le laist mieourssd etc iglat sethes e. luiseJi4WOtO un,"D e)t! h' umKleithIf et tOtEteetie eteet ccc be eeraeed hy I e so fam O sWo- apptecmaicc cf hie irth y thols la cst cittlà i tcl tose t esn rtitte Cemtielc rcgnesaciet m n wbile ek and d neede lel0 - hcfliolir hier t ife.eMecn fe avirtunelaaac ttnstoîr itt,.]c~ '- ttoettc u g Z à suLo u ecpt it blasletwrttte -c md qeickir as 'Ftnlt-a4tirce, and b>' et the ttty oet detniee ut isIaLySiaEl hmMediciue Co., iccc.oImc.cceecceucflflit-iu p d i t ani etu ed lteot thditltttt ctse t tcb ebie gee Liff iie ywcmcn wil ufs-n a epet It te ocid te lece ccd receive ber letter, and lit wlll tle SdencàTs reouble, andl ail paie and mt 'ecpeet tlitei tcle steet ilett otecpeel, ocîit secel beld la ictetetcon.fidence. CcTeeBcmeioalcec wîc Csteeion andamialî e verre ntee. I c lte tt te ti eec&ces e, ting blt _____________, Litery andfecrcatise Rameri? -emplettty teevtttd bhiteusecof ce ri, o l '.-'. det ..Ici'.tdiet . 1 let te.t; acetttc rct.'tv 1nd ccrt1cAtf 'f-,c ioetdo'"tc r itet b lettt ett ltctpetite roetptes.ie, ieFciPcpti .ecotirrceeeetc.s pectilede I andc ravtrp1cA eFri-ctl 2M t te etteetot t'e e eetý d tede ttutt 1 i esetd te. toordcicms, ehtp- FriteceteteJ lWodotcete i ret o h ioi 1Cnetp ieFutàtvs 1t, 11- ttPtcot.d IntEtt Uîdto atl etotto croIettgîtMec 18. Pettb 'tee 1Receeetl toennui" H. WHITMAN. t e d t. t tio t . tt t d e e cette i, , dd ou, byc e r ce d s, cot ue , n f l Bd ti c d h o d , t e e ti o n n a i elo ntura l co cdn t ý W . b o . f r 2 5 , t W i e 2 0 ceet.cte eepeteetcand It ttctordeceelet cittand lte cbtnoc epenitteîtt. .'I id.tottrt w ~ rite. "Thlet fsaiemeof te, u-.At ai dealeec or tent potpiad hi 'c P_ ec t t, ecef tride. , a"s ltti te celireette ttd ttc to fo ît ittien Pr tit Bilte it Ot t a waoe . portaent rc o cluty probe i t r t a ree rit-a-tAvce L iù t , OttawaL tM e, tcIetfde ten b cbre c1-ie e ttttee teIdo tee eteet cilher Inle va@ int Attediscti et,-Ity i e ltt he bc focing t hAb elceete apon er catte- ltttce toc b. isttetdyd les Icttcrete fct eoeceipetete tgecboemhrdsei']celtecuiraceîion"heyar. Whsttall raeoui useo g ttet e e eof,8 fla I'ee teettc t oîttt etîdutii 1 tteeecîepet. tinfrmatonttepitire-1telti rpte.o' ailicifote brtc r a t wht abli eeI Ytceoîccceed ce ictc itiiereîptCe f it t es.c geneeeced halai eeee ca socil c- SLUI jKIN Itl Ilo ,dtte ctt tt t 0c, tederi ee'tftront t lit ce. slimro. Attet-it'ticet-'etoi ving ire? Cutldatcr oi ntil e tidcd ---------- 'ce' , 't letoe-, ct,'Uie t e,î- e tî, de t e co eeete ab e r y hbcccylte ttt it eltedîffitlt nteaech bti? Coid the disteict Say. lelleeti, ,cicite yott sAi it tîîe l etitttprotion nute eoccupeeroneorlitecfhtena eiftt tt ttj, o tlcottctîtctt cl r ]fctosnayite.ta teit ray4n rain oo oct vient taied, maet iser ttone.o î~.t~'t.ottete ttcctettt î'. oit i ctet decipteio cetes, tertîî'icct l îigig by ced gcet aet? Ili@a a rleet eeneror ceoti , esecitlrY tc.t~tt cteceectîce t"te coi cete et,îî.îc, tt tilte e bci Ihi e îtte i oep.inittoy it leeed ele not-eti dle ImmegcaHc leaetbAilleo ect ed t wlo ft bkl pteda tctteti ee ieec i ui c" e .-eh pi t lete, te1 tt t èe t fible îtrid ye ,,tli Hceldc iicce ttcait odA rcibr ctc 11:1 'a1 p ai, l lrch , Inell dtin i ftotettteoîtete dtej1tc. tt ie reu ed eeontebestic it Hî hee hi oIncd e cit iond e. ,'ele îe pceecete cil ccptiube tetbeattdtti'ctAostr.eHietthdleeeec ilteeci Acdcatiebfircdetercccme t el'o tt't ec i tid Il ctî tc e r pe got te e hti ' Tee e tee t re l ittL etceeoced u e t carc l r unrclt ere'Rierc 1" ,tfttec t c -Ici ,O ' -et .tttlc tt p rccovi ee lIOutbtel50ad6 icofhe Y rciden Io ecnrbtig J tcetîit t c tettct ttpemo yteyeel tîî l c t i îtî)ttr.ed !ctis e Aied Irdsais? Have Rtt tivent Idd o y ceu intrnet tht dec A te L -uee-l1 c teui, st eoftîhtc pro- liiecteetî ypt'tee tIhe fte-i théit Ihue a lair demi? lîcte vie lttit bin ae Atceplit betr e tIef gîe-tccfieeriît ettdec cg chacec lteuocoEetttcb' Xha ot cyl, Ac lmt e lceb cetaie dogeta te fccin te î,ct".ct ilîtetrt loult uitte e i0l andeti eee pporecelîl e c e re fe o rtee itu put l t sie id. Ucoe ccii ! Pellerin BROTHIERS NOT RIVALS e ilce, ,egetbl,.. ainca etvvitet of0o' pol¶ cal Te bod oftesdcnitefa th &a l'dicrdS ,etîtilntecritebi i vlvhI i re. "A c beetetg e fr et to chpttellal Tto bead a ttc ci hédies .d ed de btelcput""Iltî t i tote"A neeicet ot'boicniteeontirl ile e d cbrcI edms ,Ibcc-e tf îaia perairies, .'clgît'igittettceu.iccuet.tntto curreitcten luo m celete P. c'- tit itttettt i Ct I-e,, -tt'tl t c i tilmtîed ncee i aoclit eoeral districts? ___ t i.," ""c' ,',i.c.J cît. dit t "itt citbat", the etclal' teto e ete e aned gtil. tfc t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v la e- etc. ' '--etcttteî~tî't ' uttîîttu, et traticningeue boy AIlitileauae -- -t egteeet-ctoa'utnit-' tt'effcettzenscdtclrl ccitstsi ppes e ttitet'tti'tu-iî ii"teetttttlt igtecrîteretdcecleeocw te'~ ~~~~~~ cec.-c t i ii ' -gtecilc c tt'c et e ecît s Ie cbot tocîà td. gel..Titi lalttie ttt'tttt.titi tt tegfe fe tu o be ci ceet'là lr Tedr 'ri" ifitjiut 'tttcc ectefitîl te getecItote cd otîhe peb .ujt' ere titge ýe L stt't1tti itc ct'ttt ,tt e e c ote e urcio tet c otic omce- oetet . 'cdc ct tit , e c tftvoable " i , 'tq i e g it, ne]tc ter e t C oin n te pe ei ct e t coîtlecceth p e ' e c e t e h.e l l r e t e tto n ditte ' t . t î t e h e d e h e e e t p e t i t a ndeul e c i d h I i I l n l n l d t t t hle t t i e if t e e e s a dee tier ot i i l e t t t c i t l t e tr.Aqc e b r c e y r .~~~ ' t 1 ' t t i e tv ie .i v vO e t cn t e o it ient tdeîî c c c p Oe e t de t e i î o p r c t i i î c Eg c c i a c hi le tep -l c oile < e cg te î tetdeie et ce i t ît e c il t gl I te tlogedi g é dliere--t e c s î teieo a ced ttitudytorte dett-ort. et ecî ce by lid b 1, M lEKece 91Sc 1tt, (eece. "ind oct ced ofgm emfuiRate aik ilueit S SK TC EW N AY W l ,eg ir gicIe tt tv eda ede of et , I iv i tan l 'l i nl i r c oe - e ij e a c t N e V o . t o t l g e T t sbce e e t o I ,al -1edritctgtteeef i fcetc 'o n fyuueg T ret I bitet boedceIln ecers adeat eItdta fihilccteottl -eîîd'BacciNsleteaed.ctsdeitgabetyliue.eevelopbmcentctoreaeeeb-te Tireeusîe Mec 'o it c c lecee Oi epl cte ee ectt cd f intî, eeie niT e ent' .20 ent. sel ytendIn thev t.:tr ,'( cit hi Ve h nhninorcm uiyriensR cdor'eC.Lice. î¾ ye ciIe g elttr , hipponger letin p A secnd pelui tenai oh.ld ee hemar 'tC) the A ' ieer ced i elltroct et rii. F Eii .E . -N Il taon fai o lctrJ,.s A o rn rt rcr w l iy w 1te "'eran'de-t eSalinct.ce thIrt Ttas.t--jamanI Idla,'tonanit. tiOtttttîge ettîal et',iOutoedbrde lee e ttcthe Itodtoé Cnusee T' Cie. t 't, andcfemille u tt.lnetoic c e eec t O ue t 'd e l i t e e ' e dreP t f c ic U tte gratner il Pth e t her ccde ro p h a c e 't U c t, e tlt d l ' c l 0e' 'et t ~ t ' ic it c il' te ci ittanedtel ece E c eî g P o att e ei L ekee Ss e-Yu n ir ge et et A', b. i -t( l itcit(0 'e t cecce t i o rd R iltc e e e re e d e Iltocso rtm c K . t , ; t " ~ i l i t t l c ' ' t ' t c î t l c c e t c î t o i t t t ie t î e S r t i , e t e c t e c i . i ' e e e h e c l e e t ho i t e t u h e e g i t t e .r e s .7 ~ h Ur L ing ToroTOoM5.20 Jai.oDeLaL ocne ei, eeDe, lit dîî teet ho art e e a.e ttoui cl t e .e lotee lbtltc eoeeeb ieola _ ____ e c e SAET FRSI It ii tccceuteiooî Itti Vceeoteandet LIra jera. iUr M e e t ~ c b b e tt b e R te P t U I U I c e e e e t c h a ir-t e 81 C g o ctt is th e t e e c e t u '2 5 a W c e ite .R.o o d N .ep p tî t e . T ,('u p c m e s'pCd b y r i p u t i nd I ete,îc.odeeymcoard, cl ent adtceeec clsI h.,titet ec. Atet'Pfl.Siittt e.aeeteocilcetceeeoec trou mcg Pl tete Iteetiol O r elc us co ivtectteeoloe,. c.ig i, f o ' ewe nttc p r l e "" h totet IeU cc! t ttîe e ke t Yed.c h Ionie.Ai . lu etot. tittiratetQPteetc ic e t titt iod1)il.Cal c ei P c eîe tvytean tmFo une rsco te el ot lette d ia ge A î,edleltce cc c Oretite tee sact o r hgetuTeenetti le rhale T tooart.iteettt.t- te ut th lIli:dYictoces, IIc ) Npc slaerp rt'ei e etu tecmatte ea talr ce dd'-I le t-, TtteIe 1 oe\1rhtterdect, et lat e se-t o ntneten i The a o i u__ _ _ _ _ _ _a n t a l T r i in_' il ic u taia le tinh f. rc [ýr to tc a g vio t ht Irc etn f ont, TUce ade cre g ire l a e legal il, l,, rpc,,ttinitbotdainer a.,.eipt e lhuh ââii aii:GetlaeSem l .lwitIititPs rgensYuaette tedfor datte A It elii.Tbeorr teeett frtto clg m llld u lky atIreccebond d o Tte it , ttec pete i e,, IL: r iiuid ho d, tçlavegohcoServîcecetro t ecdti ai ,te Iec eteioe a d]cW tteye lùtb et rec ge ee ee ay d t- t e eoî ettetetet ol f5ceprctcdfreciAbeRsblut s ecîhere eteeeI- ry c e ll I ice eed t On eetcii eceerete eirteeierts il te.o ,lu hue, d et tch s (.. ý a t. ne feFtrtoe ime@i Loddree 111-1h, 'ce il,, ild rrlahoeI n ri e, oolu 2 lte. eocjttcttt' hL'tecdauauPleh) F;rioctePjerb t. yp 't A. y g ec tU c, elte g ee tî he ia ee tc e lc t oc liai ieX e toortedfeitHed Netegenctol.eP r ot tttc etiit- île e t oniet titio cet aene gmosa d oe frn e ici. clittt ci t Udt , h re s ladentpcAtuica - ebooîIldev r r. ,dtu c, trn eotrclie n a d a h p r l c a__ __ _ __ _ t t I î ec l lle Y ec eht t atd cp d -' e ,, a e o t e r r mo s p a t lne eO ri e M t lXoert e es e . p s il a et luit, udtpîe oetitucl teoleaplioa ir',ntrl n ipop r m xng I h d ig w i 1 il., e thid pafl' 1 Proer Propo ti er f the fonered arl "Ileede te eun eexortitletici-t grvc rtefoloig t1 lu etsu d'enstandIraccl I eIIc ftatoito iteietperrd pecdte edtb icTce ILth fre fVmaua te At HITt t cr s-lAbl u cTIALte osrcinpo iigWt ou.iEveceot t. Sycici t, erc e ' Niedthre. Plong rc a Ttlac U rt irie- i eU-t Tecle 0. pci Ec1.Te. Totetie gee e e fCeerai on: ced d,oc,-iit,tecifMI, duotb, Doat- "Molet" tr d coc o ruS ath ee-Oý ahe t uiil yrsdrai xat ~ c itî--an Marytan sbs tncppele st, t utal deUru il.1a ele dcom mlenkem entitgoa kitch n as eteg dlceercryra el li v ry lo bcietheîscrt'ttedstetbt-et ftrtitth.'cefile te -aet irai eade hy c 'eIth u o e IO t rarcebelea en tu ercy lIteAppeet ei lt eedul aa. cil etît fedrmon et.nca wn ,peil Vuley oe. tj'ity ats.die "arm ptearc.c, MOT EN UGH CH LO EN t:tetteittel' it' ottThe m.lO, I orUP ag dt)niantu ste- Uci-diele' rckt uttttte"I. tice, ertngeuiti' zethrnnt ec nn e te e ie b lh loc A bt. et -rbY e e llionst'ife18i70 Ancrele ceslng t hto dot0 Ib recce peott rbreîeeeebue ekîtliteente.' eette ~ sav enogh fom wiste a moe thn O etcce g ouerse isai tie tcf t ~ ~ ~ ~ ' tit.dccemmc8totric l îe 't ,'ccero icefeeusympcate ay for t ledMrana -it JediIlkun.ef 91, tin tA ea iotr ltbAssY u'Ithn mefrethds ti. 1. Tesi le abot ie;ca eon le kou c t dl i c e, c co lc cc Tcar -fcl at da tc ritnt lbre m t . bardanday g H FIandre Pe i me tir e i momtrouene u atheeair e, .t dchatra. 'l'Ie m an <tae m i , tMattal i A eo i 1 int - h helrg rmûepie liant di lois etIl er Age MachinetMixer,'f tiVf N Eo-mer a aa 'o s c $ r A r us c nc et l a Âccee Ttcadc i aottrciebxs i ~ ~ ~ » rOaci i.l Jeti.Oyç 0.lOa LOtie- Bnci.e dflel $1.09Acte, e-. blacea 5aciacf ts euc aid Uoni CeU etîtee ci, - ,, -. By tîtiet , I lmAi. I te rh- HAme seeme. Gerdgson f h E xMM ouycurstn it c' Everir T eda March to OuuobDer CsAlI Ral" Ever-y Wednemda During Seaso-n vNacî0cîti -Grett Lakea Route-e Scoîcet t o t tepo*eah, mtte-.t.totc-1tt', C WhtvccCecp csptdeedht aL.- beeteeoig I CANADIAN PACr t1C * a. dimepynte eýOect'oe -- Poo'eicelaes fîcu "YCet 'cedlce Agent, Or wente W. B Heutard, Dieuý Alteougt set' inteda pipe, usepccodeCcîdrSceIîî.dt calA., dractiçie, obe ýtet eed ontceel sdr hn '1ýhs andil.e'te idcloee:1ýanc acRailmet ThtkL ErceceAlietle e'ttîtoe nlivre eont mondrcd e,,AIeeiePct Wteo V ,aleie4 freece dlastecepas à" ,deeo tu îpeeetli mca.ui týee'eDry SSci(àape-ola'j. min ccpoeiîttrýie. - mmev t. geme muA t tc sgemita«mlitie addlititonpro% t t Parliocece ee'eo roeeerc.lal.SmAttet cey ofittefutt Thuecvoel'Y lySieC ha'bres i-cFtamatlck î<I 7tut lo1bu itteilet lepooby Gterttt-iercl. -fttYlF't'el up j Maier'Oeerol Aide'co' etteercrit*k.platial .lccitg CIe'.. ' he ee[AceiOie-oc ceet te Msjor- Ctitt aucoc 'll-oc I2r1rs titn, b'tifof fthtfeeemi thec titfitable trou-t stff of tOilia Hecdqiterttra0«&air. pacceegie, icledittg i yOUeLL HAVE NO'BURNER TROUBLES WITH THE NEW PERFECTION Yote can't becauce the New Perfection is cim'- plicity ta the lase degree. One turn of the burner knob putoehe filame ce criy desired point, 'h won't creep tep or change. There sac ne perforaeed bercer tbesto t waep. bcdge or beecce cggmIwieh coce. You a ccibakce alest cf bresd ora.ps foc ttr themweln saccl tange' t bocalace thesamtisen L cndtecaaasy otodece. Tht New Perfectmen gies perfecombnustion and greasecccii A44 Me7s. t-Cé 7C 1.adbrntjfgc <j ~ \n. ion- jONT. y p eet fhrccj, i Md 7 P'.eH Guide. c fia'£Afin 'e 16mLarmie u 0M N acc'dtA.cc-g W. Dncu elc AjuL tt-amei- bâte,, tce, Berge Guide- 1,7 10 1 i ANESN Niiic . ) ACNDERS IL10.P., -,c' TIE L I L i-N LE-AN, I. D.K I ia ethe lte mLe"nî *A. B.COLL, M Lato.grM SC<Ma'mi e . peIfmec u li, ioc 1 e 11 OILlpe uOAN M p' -ftteo IfT. J. E0WARD MACRAT cmo, att BattsliiiOxfoed and ýList lfabry, ancher nemm- ruinet et teront.HO mawon O cff et the ToronoeGloe. EMENTION 0F ARES aimarc tino de dispoeoetal oid alloes, clotten and ether aceomolatedIn u te boue,,ln gatrein cd closes. irdleary mmeact caeenir e cntly' ouedt laethe' cauecf 2t et et car fcrea.t..acrd ttee e atety meatches. ytcuetclder aeould protide it enotist ope mit a mecrt- >-tity cli betleomuall--aod cccw wtere th e ocoeteneri, ce lîtise Anthe surent and mer cetecaillttc btigade. gréciece dcner le gasollee la vapeee --oiren oelcg le for porpoee, ume It cetilcera anti eceen, rage, cairdese, tsr or Od and dlrty cveralie, woe dtees erelafice cof air, mlil ote ombuestionce id ulmiWI sair 4meptcro icad tthagccaase lec--aeoter t abanden ttcir use for eafety ceci oAA fer ctcrcieg or îetcct dscri5ied citerlite. eg torsgc e asm ltt a entie eh eoccily Moe t, and tAhe YSLINDED SOLDIER rypeetriter Letter te e ii- mipe5 Frit.,d îlypeeretto, torreetîr pmme- id pccecccpttd, a letine tru ucAdler to c Winnipeg fclood nrtetited RuerttGrraes ote thbolAteor, la ecir at St. ' Hoceel for BlinetaSclier, H8 ac,"Iet tpent JoSi are dte pet a tYerperrttuenlutter ~ t, ut i hareionee ry tony taebac tecuand have e ecamimtselce lu D1-aImout ll utlerille. and tien i y qolcil'. 1ta'm&Ien atode-E anse and getting e ss ery oeil h It utdate aeveealmenthe Sfcienteebut If eteréct- p. nt i1ehculd - . a gond fa l' li e sMMen te «Y - L e maswon o"dhewt e a post ln a tant a"m ns ll at IL But 8aimenfeout [it. and, t.etnnelade@,-1 Bii celDtbave te reusi t ci long, &0 me lock feroard te fi tcuho e intlse7 8 1<1 I'j!