Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1915, p. 4

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Buy o~va Scotia l ulhich i.o u,. i t uet 'zson sea "pu :00 0 00 IItLTON niANCIt BL - tManao DOLLS, GAMES, XMIAS CA NDIES FI Il' IX liIc PLASTE RI NG iil ilS BRtANCHEFS. A. ROSS,1 -, ien Ë2tr iýeJuOcolenors pcîfttBhshes. Rc~~ ~aionery' 0Trhe béat ~er shown The Latest Books of Fiction, Bibles, Iryînn Books, Prayer Books, Toy Books, Boys'Own, Girls' Own Culînnis Perfumes oif I£11vaieties In atindsoutne packiages3 a5o. to $5.00 MfooreffNon-Leakable, in' lether gift boxes $2.50 to $10.00 Confectiônery Willard's and Nylo, In beatitiful gif t boxes-A big variety. SOMETHING FOR THE SMOKER Case Pipes, Cigars. in boxes of 10 & 25, Tohacco Pouches & Tobacco. SAFETY RAZORS stnd e'ý er3,thuug else thai giues wjt t lieit to inaku s nouei- fortable shatve. The "Ifleventh tlour"- Shop pers' Doomed- to Disappointment. TIh enututre we advise our cuistomers to (Io their Christrnias ,Iioppiii( asîth t IttitlItlC~will allow. The early shopper not onl.v gets best ehloictutif ail )i ýlut so the best service and cati niake more ýîstirelv selection 0foi f ljin liflice putrchases are postponed until t-be lieîeNenth itotît' i hiii >tore is brin full of Ideal Chr'istmas Gifts at fPrWems ltat uC oitîeti t'I (otie and look arounct a bit.u YOU ARE ALWAYS A WELCOME VISITOR HERE1 TOYLAND A ýÀý so%ým auarray ofi Childrsn's Toys this r. hat in, % r oiginal and amusiflg, as %WSII a i, Tr ' licrs Wicoîc pnges i k piî-to, Cats Pper Expioders iýakb)ris Mouth Organs RtIsSwings Jews Harps Sci inships Moving Seliers Wl ehhnrds Boys' Own Annuat Ex prsion Dolle Story Booksi Gifts to Suit Everyone! Ladies, Gents, Boys, Girls So iii Semt- Ink Sîeui(.s TeaS 5e iiuci Mnoitire Set tee asCes- Perunu i hdisue But. tetter Senlo Smokinmg Set, Siuisuingluii rmuco fluTsu- oioulies Bieuse Sets SIuitlete. S ummukiug Stuandsi Puuumuce ioek- IltpinuiSets t13i11tlBonuDimmo, lttiu - ister, Vsue Ch rist mas Stat îonery This eirns sotinncisiu 0the lient ce iav muer ishecu.n, 1iniait.v tnd fiml lImheae uut nd sui cceiopi' nimuibc exiceeltehi. i the bito p- prvici izen rsceicatlmorhusiness eerccspouidener Pmuit tî insmioiit- iv ueeocOihtpboisnn tlccfe sti ()f destgns. Price 25c to $1.50 a box. N~I1~ Tcau eîuog Caees Toilet Sets ituicitBago Causes French teece Ebonv Sets Mltutry Setc Hand Mirror-s Bonnet Bniiticu Hatr Broches Smcinir Raooc Foontein Peuus suggestions Kodaks Thaz Èam HelP YQu Nt:iký Kýdiikfilr hrit as ig Sets Deskt s. lic iii tfoi etd CIIRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY W i 1laIrd'ts, g. liwoeco. girlc, Hyer'i mnd Leggeti Ctiocoltond iiBell lii h cil u n oiuî Bongste pot ap ta fancy decocnted hboces, 25c 1101 I iP (iii gt joct last READING READING-t0tetbooks oi fiction, lu and-i- iptrofittceîuu n a Magazicné Poriedtnate & Iituîtrted Fapci-î. uki a n nimmer. Subscrtpttete loken fer )Ntgoie and it -i-I tralii lut ep - ie Datly Papes opcec CRISMAS REQUISITES-C<aienacm Cctcn- iw[im uu tii esetuK odak. dccr ai.isXmas SBus, Xmas 'l'gi taet, l'ilin m<1l l.1 us0shoiw yoc. Butai Paper Deceattaci, Tiosue Papcr, 100 upeui uc Komks Crîpi Paper, Dicerislud Cepe Papar. aro-1 fo Kdak c GREETING CARDS-.Ch0ritmaLs Carda, Book- lite, 3Bn-10-100. Primate GettgCad for 8100 o. op. - - - - - - A LITTI A Few Timely Hints for Xnas GivingOn pe.Cie.c luumtimandtMireicaes,.Bhaidcopbin Ca JOMe cal Xmas boxs.i il.Setain mmcci. C y Hala Býeé,a§u M aibrand kFreneh eia.lanay Tie t Ci th s B onyeeB caihel and l Clte i-ihi bsn a aeony nlle d Teclt Watr a n iE oýandcitFecchStoyancaue i de. VrY Gnee Coînleli. Voici lisem,,Haie Beceicer,,0L11Uer aBa J NO0. M V~AK Phone ail its--teyarem- ïtappreoiated Thse fti lFÈei .moeb -aceeptable on, Chrietmas ~rs~smsy onthft oe antd pleasure ' monfaulnIo coceu Coems and ngsit fyD get bers for M %iu g l ia t e R o ul a e e e t a a s reé o l g t ýiçsaio e.a--Tloain Hal, Milton. aiMOos ,Cuiumc.-Neset Sur i Charocelou lB. FPBoalea, MA arýiitaria ]University, Torntoe, ai. Wall, forierly pailler af Meteapolitan1 ad serlaîiîee thbarea. Tomate. A cordial aieca.ae te altu enjoy thear 1 ê«pecSilalluegea aitb as., E yeglausanad .5pectallcles proper- ly f itelut aCampblls OmugStore. '%VANTan-Taio or niereamen boardt- p uaa Pei norka. Appîr te Mme adon,. Mill St. lit. Suiaol.eits for Chis ttmas ns ta nidisai boxes - Ncchties, Silipea ers and'Ar aubaada lit Ba'. IN HoSPITAL-Lance Corpaorstea aient te Hariltonîna acv anaîd , rrpe.-ted et the hoopitalt. ieb ie a exaaaiaed. Hlaaioaaded aroi iasve ________________ Infraaftlr the jnneey boulîetru lofgbn ad Theciope of t aptrs lFor LADIES For Gentlemnen baSets in t.L1He as attoweil toce boeona Mondav foader ordeen te ce- Fui Muffs Kitdi;ioies tai-siicieîhsdy. aihioh hedid., H cn- Fr rStoies Finle Mochiso ui necteit tii ndegiiani npecitionoai, Dresi etsio Susteniierc, A\ceî once. Itno tic ehnpei tiot hic Von acr- Ic-t,,ti Si longbcKidgnou se ierortlrs Order year Dates' Cas Fleaiers torb Christmas ai Canphls Drsg Store. ac haIkilivTe CcSece-.ttso.Toques,, Ptiihodrd 1 , ikIIiilz dervear, Sheep Liieii Cents adc ewciil Nc todw' Rub-intte r ltosoi tasini an 'ol %wcthe'.tHewie. Sl ousU lme nriWîisio toeierysccisl-slne, i, th Fin lied Cenoi-niio- cel ye& Slk Ský sud li, ie t h utithe ciiik, a eni c iccît onhset 00niicgelî adiiiîî iedu i h pwiiLuoiîiOn lic ltvîl'exit uti8pîii". A lcetean, 0.S.A. li ________________ 'i mu I onv ani dreiso n tiierra&i)i the liaiiîcni, of îîîning prciy ofeunisport-., sihietici n yoîîg pcîpteî deîetn5îciccgenernticv ohîîii îîîoke îr'tlep-rc i e nîtIleoon ,aitt th, iiesiiri..eif,,te oIlcA ltige pieiiseîîî ýi1b fcecltittcfrile c Mr. Mouea SieoliîtIeYMCA i t te 0i fAtC. mîitieela]it in i ai phtîy-r The Store for Values MILTON 'ihe Agciiîri, Cîlitge tli l,eh înîîk fn , toiiityiiii1 itîî iîg- tiocîîghýtiîîîîl iii n Ontaioi. btnte, i ',iîîIiîîîîo i ttil i he tîu puî- i. -t.Nixon. Nie .P ti'. o 'bli and VV ' Nî iltil.. 'îîIîi giiî-d tui salieitosot 11,li ýilniîtccoîiieltînîitîl1m 511 i-î I0i 0.iiîîy Mhiiehetli. Boîy 5 i ii hiîne-Teiii lll- N1 l r e xt i i i, iiîucnî. Tieîît>1i iiitaîîcin.gcs oifiît'Iltîciiiî Mi ,,,,îîs5rîtieiotiiifin. *-,iiild 2,i A bg sorltiftet t ni SigstIl fioi r i o Sorl a>'- Stoutti Organi ai Campteltte Ding l, i îig 0.oîîî au lie ieli-t ilSton11 _ Sun lii1jiît aîilldian111 -lo. f-l, a ii liristi110 estiic- Wii I l., c eus 10111 ÀigcsraiaedIi lii War BotteC lll 111 i.lo lii !(ii-,,il 1111 îutd lhea eprsitist Xmasc Gît. Gel iii i l e îIoîî$1îloS.i. Con, si iCampa l'SDrag St", ci- i iîi-i-scimam11 Ilt ieal inos'itl, hi Econorny in Shoe Purchasrng t heci-itl t5h. Theeîii of Pig iîîcl' Il iii f c Cop li i b ,t l I lîlln Don, til-, t.it un, 1' îiîîîîî iîl'Ilî i1,)tl.îîn .iii l iI-u ulM ,l11 i Iv 'ho- Ilîllll th, l, aptîiceiliin G ci. .., of jhc ii îeiiu.Pie"tliteîîî j îosuofifl,-ind.d îttr-îigluiî,eîi s i îuî-vîig ro('l": e1111 me111 i iein ncnlhe 11hin hirit, St iie i îîh l. P--uic. 15c 10sel itiX cnh d boie ldlot îî fîîii ' cerifict,. Ilî 1 l ls iîî,ling Ihe oi a d i iiliil î oii } î- 1. oI c i.Ii icglookds ieei audiitceeiici.creil , Tic l iC.,iiiiiATES' I Siitsii a,(iof he majorsiof liI fflth i heilic ill0tlî Iigt- c Pe.3s, 11 C bct ii lelîeno o n ehîrlec il heu e li îîî Urleleor 10 o ie lîllel lp lr ti i. ît hdffepe n i lhnlif h, li,mitiîtiv p.isî îlîî-II Iilll III 111 mii itiiititchi uafctrin he hgeron nlîîeb t(:ootn .î ihilsdiili- î-îî R niio y tin i ei r c c t c i, o i n iii r)i eî Pî.'coî i A ni . s c t c -. n s iî , i a Maiti fiettro ci icl b sg.Thite i d en uc UTcîîî ii lMtîe arc Dnami2,t nie'c, t i.îîi Sl iec . .îil o u.:.si.ii sud ihý i ns k nhî eii teb. m-. Wuiucîi îîoîîvl.îî sainehysî i IIIi Sle .onota Wa ilca Ge.. Rick, Canaiisîîe, C lHnci il . I i ii'i1cî ic-iI pieu and Chas. tieennî1.feiliiJersey, iii liioe seCiii iset, 'len co,,.n aa Ctîniiîîii cando. Johni r xdi. iîiî.adi ecrStlsfr le ndtm Joe. Tnirey. HldIilecil S. Poedllii Scî 1.1Foic lîiîl and Geo, Suoilit. Eigtiih. Alitexcept 1 tVis ai-elobe w ' al l x isdaýYTS H ESO E poiePs ti1 j Seî-îîn oc Mitîin. The khcti ini-femL cîîî iEg îni, îeoli-ethci oîîî foinn ietarc e catn aec lics îoerd iîolîîîil %v I e l xpetthlcstore YAE'SOF SOEt.1OpoiePatOîi intlî-ccrs. LeillLiiîivitte liî.îictîidtfi,, o-îii. AUinîcilwiteC itirels-dcyceeeigicgtfoi 5-goanm-stokroh i iieand oitiîerehos. i.tle_______________________ tien. eîIl lsrlccy itiî,ec ci-e iicnohed ci- S-ecil snir Chrî.aisorieteciiîgfil,î-îîîcîsrloî. îyo and chiie gi-eri f til t c.-. î t. . -eoil'tMeec-oCmic teancetts.Prcipi serviceoîîicolit- Hic iîiiiîi-kpeiSoiîcs-lhî.biîeioitC eoits rlateimetended ll. oIt H %M os Slleoui i E. Mcrchccdissoweaiindiiîithe %WitlhinILi d"icî.llOco.l5i S 1 . LSf cet onti dliiieeeh mut hfoi,1aî-iibiof Thi,. fVuicîî id y et S Mlîttîl iîilSlR.cil hecîîtiîilViponi OccîPcinled Chiienaai W îuîîî egonliithe 711h 110.. olici- î, celttcletifeXttuic ift.oýfaou itîli;t, îcfnlisi lîlîl li. NI'. ilon...n lt....ite laile a c o ls i t bo-îIîîîîad. c I to iltion i-îcî e1llati i-Z11ed He- h i hi lac- magazieasatit b e a gosit ldeaa fîGlace ttiîeriîhnà oîîît o g.nd f er a Chrismas prasonS. Gtit ilai -i,kcî,i- rIL hud le Suin~ day tiuîîl. Cml rgStore. i-eefnit hluecin buinesiso!iii Vicsîpeg I Tliiidic , foi. seine vei-oe. tic ielto a ieiand. e It -ay.s to D ress W e I Seeetuant-Ou iii cîulilctoreHieopou-res lie o atiterîetcu tion. npjsec; eeu tcoîe I..J. tacubellet e.itcu an.]oeI-Mcm . W inin. Hi. J.F. 'higu îi iot ng oni' 00 heideriscte url...t c cdii i e A fuli iassîîrîtii-ui i îof i Iiittîm on 1o l i cthrci nîîî tir Feechinctlaiotnn. tmliie ndI sitii - ýaIan lb oppoite ide cf t-be 1h lfme. MI. 1 ltn ry îdhi - u p. 'd îuî î. u Fraklin tIves la Torontandimiithe Deilntfatil ithanthe lecture ad seleeion.iîi lii E 1111HI. charge mcc aid hy hic scîcangccW. nea tha War PiicurasintaKno a cm Soîthentt. Neotouuda iuicciedII aîtton iltocdoy escuing. The tlisieaig bais retunîýd tintallit ay tni-thei-. A. irmc e e- îîÀ the pîctLurs:i - 5 ietr the ainîe ofthecrataie eesthi iniii14andii1915. CciscdamCoenatra- $1fin5eaith i.apioaianat.aim an-tu. a Ccmp.fresi Ciuict I. iea,Tbil- tberineiytIh Criamiacl Cod.i heic Stre. of h, irstConingent. n For CHRIST MAS PR [SENT S iuaapeadsess natenceuofitioi nt. toi-sscThe lais dia RaniCi-oi se o- luisFiciniîhig -piie wt leItýti Boiait bisbrcther gavea boad foee iot n is rCanaeitiîîAcaters IlI for hi god behaaortfor a yer. ia hou- cledi-ili. ilasda's Foep-outai Mr. Bouthcstt'masteiyli thist5a . Fund, Caîntodseie in Great Tîcie.îc P tAnbon, lipnes, i ai\1 ou. Siday Nov. 551l5, he beced is bi g paog .anuigu eh ut nat aitca cfGovs lt om 'vnr"is maia theiicue. .WthctvacittngtLa Rama CniatituLsOGu -"ütec ai lil.li l i t ecC dressiulhi toek a ehetguuut and gai-e arecorsd cr-aiAat L KnxChîsrch s'alA riiîiti ls "'oo)sadlttrnis1i - hacec 1He haltesl his manina Nee-1 an hsoad nighl. It wan Bit landan lanebyey inn$ asiht oeor bis N iShtî tteci!atate ii Neirtoni tîillurclieut FurcL'oilice %eil iit heMaBal i amaithfý asnBenians.Ltise -câie me aniCorporal Frank wiiHthe-branonawheebaccoiiuAt- Sone. nen-bronofet pace aia Vu-uit,]cîtShpeetl inetTivLtin.( tactigfi tahuel masancoi! Mec.OueI J3go Eliot gai-e abnhrt auu cUillin'c -1go. eelasa anor- instructien asdreon .chue rusêanca de- Tp tsledcciintckirutwc. l titoalneO-,heb w Vbacib-and sulapnent et tubett, ln Bitala. A To pui-b Jwiitere ie tisaigehit. He pano itaet by M e. Il. W. ana lMin L ___________________ 0 'a ira of âge. Ug.OS7oac'aa6flagi. litanipheil. a-fia the froÇn 4«w ar nsaeeeman" lySr.&JafPca a Phoiie 58. ES. R. BEW S z W h hsttae .Vérins li t -c.iI &IWDERTISE in The Chamii ItPays5. Il c) -t k b ~\f ~ 1

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