Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Aug 1915, p. 4

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ipo-doo termr ?0 eua" ouik a.rt 0 Ià ltgate or ho - ot e aIm .1o1- btimon..Thao lue oJùo cfbu,- 011, .Of the proNoms 110*1 80"10»g elor onterpriso tbat lu movJag fail cetroted th. oaertOl8 01ftb "M08 rte-dmp Jo tho 5*01er of I150. al erla Jo 8eboatt o dbeOMOf0<C32- F lent thon the farm he appllaoeoi mry meute. Thio ste 10iOIJY ad metthioery that are asedtutirer" beavy. In, the caeft0 mP0k If o eeet- al e t-yr ____________th'. ___________ tt villtf th.. opIINe e lt I -t,- Y - t - t , t t - t t - t - t i t i t t - t t t- i -t i., t t t- t - it.t t, t - - i t- - i -t t t t t t t t t-t - t i-t -t i k-t -t iii.,,, Il - t. t-ut iii -t i - . iii - - i I l t ~.t - t FM& d~n1~ erae t ecoomically and soee oaueo, bas b tato ld lisait-Who*%180 Hpy Tht- pregresoive formermtu~ ant isela tafrot40 Per CAMol.taO50 Per Wn .. tmdy ao eorve tho thioglaiolcent. ef the round welghL"The 1110 08là errol that re elog ceoted for hio'frox t. ,rtAt" lo a m lier leua. d6ÏttaM lvote anmd for tho, aobaneasanU butt ILaeotltlOOs a serons loo. 710W1w088B-lOtm tl vd-ai f-tàie him fImaometat lterools. Aererdiog ta a Goreramieml estlmote B0 tolt OuLIldgv ond Iu1vllhil .U h Farte mtai-hery, wlthout daob!, the wssie et the pacifie coaol co- ail hope a g*im latter or livnguoy rhe eorlroniÏat-& mOr ario protteetly Jlnte fro0t rank ncetaateortteita1420t oua 0 o ent*UgOfMtlelman 1 W àKo à ffael human betln ancal the credsofaithe falot. IClmlti et ar wbihtt iotval es lied at cou- fromfemalotre.bk&e. 2tltookLydla e etoa*poaO ta tad -a-hmc at- thoo e-rid a t otteetieno. alnt, dtaleX Pbàkm'i Vugt*bla Copm& i d tire. rmtho~lb t» élavl l- ai I t -r ahrpatee o T ht- e r oduttto tolue "Yta iI l i ngond bWalb And have a mode IL t-le: r 300 1Wb$t lite Y -tt l gocen eaou uI o- Te rtec dettetfront theoTe. Pair of t* b073 taie meoth ohd rd initafimd 100 087baek lui W use t boao ht-t n tene oly 1 tworJductio li t-O areOe quI aeajofor growiag ial. 1 arprioodecctorooand lb tee t s very Y8.m 8 ee t-er, o n htttgrelt tmproeommnt& i rlle adfo i.Ai iV@rsge ef meighoosfer Uoyailohknoov hat s keldelaelàOdJO10 iNc opttreat ad ierfteces tf wadi îertral aalmysof ethoeoit-Wast e wreckIa. wmit thte'-ttemntatint le i-at opeo-td tep te,- patteto inm humpttc-h lo n ot e ha 'td t lAler htt, te 01800andi bslits"g t-c thte -kot frt - he neroma e ~ctaluet 102 Per ceal itrollent, 'New I unhMthy. happymand hearty, - tt-c etet and1 htlgjIp theîr Ot111t- ThI oOfOlice.t1lllha n$ teu.t-t-fthe advett-tttgtol. 346prentt. hoeephophmo881ad andode iailtmla Lydia EPlinklteeeo ly Mrtttds tl-t-,t- a duos kfot .th.abW "-porM~vh S*adN4tSrt~ ne -t pt-ar latin petoitl l a attof10.43 per tOttt tf att. At reliait prt-es remetbo. Yea mmy puhtisfh thit rttaier s.tl mue- thelt-t s th £0 1 80 k Aofrâ i-u iteO ur. tg cht le -t,- t that la ec' ad thia vattd gti a a e taof $20a ton. if pea tîke. 1Itiab e mre womenm rtat thnt -efe tu e Y5008 t-ttttt tt i tt-eteattt-ittead îotl If-t-. i geai teedeoarat-e. thetofOra. eet yoer remnediro thoy would have home. Thte t-ingotlgralee leb A a ii0.jitttttao -- -rect t ethto th eeeis - t-o tetor heslt.'-Mro. J. T. Caax, Lot fa thit japtal retere homo &filer a £d shattw ite jtttf ttt tedandaheta dat-a tht-et-t.gt-tt---tad aof Lthe lare con 80 No. 7, Cape Wotfe, PE., Canada. tfeilt-te r a bra sa t u 0 00000 pries, kî Froti-tiveLll a J1rl: Itt-y thi-lt- t-tttt-tp of1ttu eries ta t-tiize thea setha.s soflvllod and- t tttt , hon tt-ttei -c One dttttaitit,. ha tter. t- es -au Beeamoyoreaueiodifftteltome,med th oeeaatttl cd e ,ý1td o fit i .,, tatdett . omrk that ttheatete tttiJt-l i t-atcrted dctr hoieg done yaoa ogond, da na tl,ii-tat c ave tan, td ton fat la s hart tfinaeaîh peor. rontinue ta Aefer vititaut git-cg Lydia BEE-KEEPING ON COAST DRI OIRSFODIV n te et-tk. a attit --cittt- ctetiicî t-c md, se tht- tî-î t-tdat-teeplane eetE. Piathare'o Veglelabla Campeuaila O O S fleF O tit tttit- att-ttaot teettalc. tjaitrahle apal o ad trial. It omriy ha remodimi mmy iPt-ttucîe HctionIrcsenO e h re!bcaun rct trt ieltt'x il e tt., tt--t-a t-t-tha t--t-î~- k-pîdit dttî teo ofha-tfremell fil, omhau moinflmmte- pidly ln Bt-tishto Clumbiau t o Pma Nuooury bi EvertPor gexaCita" the ,Kindel Di ranet$e haoàw ,l) peciaISy uaI. IL, t t t i ml., -rtld , ct-t OtcfthtAttittatl e t aiofthe tilt-d tit-e, lceratlen, diopto.temeoUs, tuora, t~ be ecettig ' het yao eceitInAlthatîOto attteiitht, peo otftIttt--t rt- ad nt-tt-ita t a Tht Piehham record lt-a e lrean Bd rta illzota rtiti -t Colpumi Idclttnai T h o eaet b oomtecea YohMiles]t-lt. L. R TlURclyIN, ns iOta iiteavwetttt i a!xtot al itiivl t-apta -cl eo ee Itia et-O ict cadl.ad the Ietelligeett-obsr- graphies et hrala-woikarq ta Ccd oeC R OO*J lU iri ) ltto -tf o-tatiailett-t-oi.d-luttii .ecocrd oftcoestaent-t-t, . l t-t-tsrat-d, ct- e a t- e Ttit, -lt-t-tir. In 1a1t-t-hey prt. 'c, aitveut heaO-edI ,itî-It4t-hito-fa-d/santfutre tho aCeea eeolatlaly a t-ogetaran. d g-îd-- ttî tltt - i i, vct-ti ti ntieailaof vomer îonet-tlte rt- -tet hacet -eo dttritt Ne10han foot o evoirel e-na frtia a _______________________________ eii "cti-t- Itd 2otil te t-t-ît iiithat del t-t ent e lt-t tii ant-otinentt. regetaitom diet and gara tt op, but tat--dt atcisdeopair. It inaneso -. Tii- dt-tt1t teta tpiaVt-lteIta faletla int amp Who pet-aitodtIn0Il. aoî, i k,-ia t-att-t-t-t-ot Illet- tahiimhcd tact thet t- i] ' tati lt-t- te -t hao h rem- arh- He cites Benjamtn lteaeklfe.oh-j Pa 1itit --ae -tWi' h at-t-. Itesti.tt titi t-ta li1ot heiti l yeid we- a o 0eatt o--î Ilt JLIl ac Wî Lpd etae PekmoSteel for e pear er more ta bisto.j dttc-i tt ti ltîft ttt tît oeo-eatpud d - a tu ,t- t-tiadert ttectg tbtl>e-Lhe L t dii ttt--t- t-alitt l- d ita tto hnjt-ttatttt braith-h ti'l-tlt-ltadeear..ei ialoteîm m tm toeadic otit tctco, itt 'tiitt t- o tctht-aeduo tf At-th ouffet-îcg eet-mtean. -at-aioo. -lt- iti tt-d ereo t taIfty @iet oUoethe takhloef antmat Itte l-lforf eii' JhIt aitit t-tettt-ttt-itlit-..ttidt-titti Why dotiryaetryîiîi ta tc tc à f.,,ý I ti11tht protiattoe asmnoa IIISes0 ,tIfodoz a **of----. -- 't he it '-at t I l Iltut-tata (ittt-Ptacntmie pt-t-tted a d t hert it dýt.,l 0I l ol r oil OrDf otelln, itt-dt-ttlt .îtht--f it-tot-aOe tha iomat tlh removetraie the oao-b J, ta atrt-,j ,tt tutt-ut it- tiaid tie Doî te tt- Ilîni iît-t tîhuiiîe. t itht e deotety 0t -oLie 0f targuer-anes, lh o raaemedt if pto 55 It-i kt--tuttg ih. . tto itu jairsitot agîi-iiîiî-'Ilgrounaid fot-pt-aphtcp mo eetetom îe ---- tatiaîa- ttd ît liti -te- lithe ttii-t-esaifprtoetty estah- ho uitt-. t tii Iî.~i i at-e-ýk-L- thtetmagnitude t-fm, mal ott yo;ao0hle dmtdupac- at-itidt-, t-lt-e- l-ttt~tt t-ttt t tttt-t ioatttit r(.tt,îata-iy tht Hte-weed. eod t-ecy heetlytt retareteg anit- sec A 1) lta ,t- ot- i-î ti .- tIudet*jt-ý and -toififc I tlot-e- and tbeeat-tastoeattt-romacrgta-iàc il JýadthetIidý, t-ucid atîwhte tclor 1dit. "!) tait 1fl .;a tttt tt-a t ttt-et l rt-e i h arr t1ot l'o-ilc.q-ardtle A it]. L -llIIil Jlll, enoyson ccoantOf Thee titece e-mo Herbet-t St-te.t-c, il IL al tls IlL -i, i t, lind distinctive ftesot-.e l s t i j tatît-. t t at t - et-lt- -o tetd tall fil, fouet htmaetf totertocaticgstnd tLl a, l tae I- týeIcat-aîdret t-o- reteted taaeof ateî foitd.Ht Loui.11 J", flill. J, - t c ti he ita r-aserî Valley, 280 OY 'lh d t-r w ie w a a tii.ttt ii - a.c-ve r rtte drtinthe ieotm-aseavege. t-tî--îî,,.î. ltrtom. helcause t 00 meting te fi - ugo,- - And t-iotot cWho aititp- Ily.SLLIOl1 s on doped a o tetrlae diel aod Iiii-Ii t-)JER fl ...... lt-Lt... at heret ta tittroogheut te remai tc-ui fi f tmlg tetet-fita poarsoef hie tlfe. rt-e- tulb1 1,t'f lted his a tete oh eee 1, liIL h. f l Ilbegae thi Ildet, "and bt-s frtenda ha- -IfýI. . p .. L I ohavtlie-e h Bffere-t g.meeitp fet-ain t-e 1, LIAev ceglmett - t'ILtiti. i-titittt EttThom-aJeffersn, vb as a -'l ..I . e le etlt-t-re le cegetabtes aed t--tul.. an t.l tI tt titiq anttaestf-t-j,-o ttol, ü,býýdoo bistt btohit f e I ffisaa -1,-a l H il I t IiLetoeat'a condiment, ' Jaît waet ha oJH WC h. toceet 1 hIpb tileexpressionie e-r e-t t-t o Th IltutIL t i- uit-tu 1, -t- 1 teati ht-t etldenl ha faune! bis LtIeato:11et1,t1-ei.m t o ea-ttLv TON, ONT. ll, i l, .... c atttr4- elgbloocd, APp-rtcct1;- al Il ,b,.1 extratctitest-t-b ucut nffett-u--pon________________ --dtigtetoa iaoaea f p tiu__________________ tîtt, ~. t tii i t--i iii ee-o ta Qalce geecai e-etaboae-' tib',WORKING FOR WAGES if ,If I ýI 1 ',Ill 1W l a., yPu-ant Wtt-k Diflor W erlt-î Noeto Plut-enN W I S J tiVOtk ta ecoztloe fer tee oitr eti p- cl'I' fýI,;-1 abco Iflta toiug m-bat ve dent lt-le t i- t iu~ iiîî~~ ATlAt-ta HIEn suGE 1a-mta te abe tatado hat e do iep tai iiue-t- tut e sitlttAe-ma- mtent-at- Ptla Io eopifrtt t-tt ttL -. iec t o ie Jh, JI11' 1 Jl;ijiý,, ILI, 11, ý- t-itil,, Ct-rt G i tt Jaesaale h I...et i t-ltdtp t-p ttil, V-lle.;I Medtaîc tlt-att-tt- t-thremrxrtîot ItBeoif. t- t e-ait-. ic e r Il ou-.t- -- At dat-t-t-t- f Wh"e a eefohie Pt-de ant Iter-ntta-oe a-o-e-iOieii Il li àt- ,t-t- t-ImgI e-ae mItat ce do tfs1 moau e-at-Th ce L-9 Ihtoe-Plui <o:--d e-....tc a..-tt-a u.rte. it ttek. Thatf L'lt-at-a111Lt-tdoit et-t-ettp HaaaeieePert- Iat detîgit lu tepttg tSeatitr-~t tt he ma-i t- L t ., t. I l \,' l il - -l e r O s In o d r i l-h eti lth a tTe Ie-. !" ý 'lfu A rtut frston the iarpeoter, Ptame e ties o t-t- I Littit1, ti-- lt-t-e thor-Oir-ts bu te r h tp i i o ,ht ît ".a"t bisk , emctrthtPoa toBteItThe BellTelephone Co. of Cagada a t t-, Il., i lt it- a n d c ot-tut- n t-t-j hie t a it m d tti K at- e o r hf r et u t a e s do t t- llltýlfý t ', h mId t , toeAi, ci Eande- utý'e. Ir i :iiiIlt1t-: t et-te pigeons LAKES ServicegStheTcarS 28 Cana oaIltil Ni 11 1, cot-nt- lte e-me men.htm at i i-eteO-dtomt~~~-0tdd ci tc Cto4tPi J tlu-l ei eitt hie t e llad a ndboata hs y emand eI tht trehit - rc ai c T Aî Stc i, -ode-c t1 Il-îlit ic 911sr e -ldOfrî at ttd -o at-el Teot 1 fillt-fmorer t attmo.eîe tt - o d î orSe p t îî d t t- th a o a ru 0 fTerp e e f aleu e-t ii, c o ite , f ot ar T e c i e s o d t a m e h îE a t o cIN G S AE o O o c - t t otI - t - - utpe -tic- tbt e-t e l 8 P n w i r a-ms htt I ele- t t attl tth t-t- t tu;-ac a tootp alte t he matal t1 M nay. "CLtrNI N a i nlioiliM1o l1- dotigery 1 '11111la turealy. Tga,, 'Io j b letL y t G A L T e O N . ahifnejcetheom ancdwOotela caepable A ;ht W e m e o P <wad For ga0 let " 'lAIc , W i h a lmpoai r m vl a Tmot aa lê0eJo?~ - tt-- Fiee-amie- talltîtt-t ~ ~ lîtue-ti etoit0-MoreoSaandiemoreommdhi or ha. AjI' lactue sta o u ole n ade lc o !lA! titan kPe r boa ] en- n- d -nva t.18 -.ltou, T e C rs alt Io11 ,l t e p r a hoBmctIha 'tr a nt t e P"" M Ntj1 L C">O MIDICIE C ..h 10ho he odes Briishsteaerwag. Thse ho lve nW, I tit cfLET OUT t lia - Naval Spectacîl,,j, w.)Sil 1REVSE ailu0Fn ndabSt heILEE tade1iNK t-,' coI oeILLmom'a-at- - ranu abon P li e y cou t Vn S t PlaId Grslimbe- Of th. Idm0 rket f n h - Otel01av _, ic m er p...L t" rontoW etrTROPHhu-9S AtiuofMmn m p \iroo - . e- a t e .' seam r 2O P O U U d W ag1ýIt Wl IPE &cin Woll li'id il, ud md Odi L,' - ,,r te Bardof rad ta 'o *u ae otes E@y1 --P __ _ I C Aa! t-R cy-b t-g ilNm w g site was -iitai Njvin-ra P ln he co nty e ryig u * t ~ W ORTH 'UWA 1 T5- --1O irIn187 hi . otÎfr i. aabe -tus&tj &,, M Ne thilton0 T OcH ro"---a.'a - . ayROOr.WowI takwr l h prto -- 110 OCS KENZ E j Pt >0atue j t- Mit-i I Xe st.t,0000 ,11YPH1 t 6ORDON P iA S1 tti beCl 1, MISS t t tent M, a ORNA I-l he t- -tI I i I t fIl C- EN1ER and 1[ uteus ti- t-ight-. r E il, ~ fe- - af - j - I t-- h

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