Il 1,pu - H a e he IeI l IL ' Il Obe *II GI AVA EQ ,IL Ty- . ý hIM. R. P l l o . . _ . whn > O1 ton1' e.- Ie brntcght'. ..nn frc li ga ulana ho Il A. D. AVAGE dicow&rod w i taHann 1ay lad 'I'e noatartm o titieM F gl . a VSCOci 1deesn ato r1ln., . nI o r, e ei aio fEn t lo t annolaun11 en, fo th pealt .rn n E gls lalnl o9eîl t îo r g on À.lt-0 l h o ilIl thn lad ina n o yor ,y esad t, bepvbe-,xmlnao -, ~~'..Or ( o ~ toroie ad ofels Boy, toi feo ttc cssiscy1" O ib M ednee' i -h en.1111'. "_iIsl il.4tîBL,. nknnpi i.n th e pi Hoof teuitroiiyNi, ne r to tte w e mII eelt 7c l blIvl 007 bMILot P. de a h erttyP.1..13,Opoiiod.elr c ilyle ydb E imltr boa h et e . ua ltt _ X r fi l t t l e lpt o h a o " l e l ts o dIM o g ne i hem u im o lo o' ai r c. n t v e r o b t le o otIl e o l i 1 1 7 *- a h.R.,oti ~ e t I n d e M c d n A- D,,g . ttc, iAppE discterai! In Hudsodn on. laaIl InalncIl lla probableItrdolIlnd'Misdl ttnone t.o Lpî op tiât & tg.Oic i on , i.a i v ntiltisaanemn eiorPPUnra l ion tbainIduttin hig ic cttimcelrme-oàn-dulyenailc'ipotel1viica-n n ie ad# .afredI go<aa l,,,eDja r,~ ii ' ', 1h alh ps, a Pf et t o t i te t tiaadoFaher icne aitpotny st co. , ou e lstr.eimoaeoieata linodeaeed Ielteaohxuino1c wta.. w h 627 .. ,ttii mo yrhet toIoOtet a'te htter pd Batnstinc o ihtîpdý, T- Pbbbm licratfyat--,- Ma-e. 1 1ig 1, ' cgii, fi 12 ,,, .o-,, 1i'tontnhl 'ton o otato et tan mutttt tth,-aeaoetlfet. rIcoolno n vd tIstr.je_,a rn1 rniItae.bir. thohe qikl Ideei àà 166 the od charetof Hare Hut.endure Onc 1 fedmmgulil cà 11 1 *O " ' 1o .oe tint inaa int1Ce .tTUR ER,, _ui . . dFnriDr the ttpnt lpt'ito', t son afndto a dapiclerae ftiintatin, a fiilomneprltargempotace.bdetiIoandCedn'nb /li Soenod 1- p,,Pt h'. tdp til, tloentinatomeroglr, t______ idcoi-/ ho.o.otrend'e/ oa front, ý't"'L, - ,,, t ' tlyft ntram ~ t oigvase. t',c , a odiptpt I e vn pOllav youl ira rd fp .Ikett nopo OidJut iipth ill up p Ipi in, nd i a psr.k, olabo cyctee-M.7',ivcnr., ti ,tA , 4t l.d ,lioai foo Hdsn Bybu trmThem lottrL 1 bODossd te he or I r n lsà".P .tc bn fr2Bta antc.~I LC LI4lBl l ,.,t imjtic Y f uénIC eetip nmeî,,io, fflemetaatei, ' j, .o..c1id en ~ 'xt;;tti~. f'~~ iitbtd yct notld ex- note;" :':y < l 00 Bruln by aiure., no ba'e dzl toco 1J I tC 6I O hon, npi ,ttiott. pont io,,,g' ~ ,, .~ ,,,t, spit,,tt, ,ip ,out.,of wa t otinolo. lioy rotbetao aI md Uey Wetic-e-iîy lhimîX&y Ai P W t 'ty g ý I,,,,,,,,,, O iI'ý Ii1, lo erna itgii 'îi'o apro i ini » M plio W in 0 , h fie . jpd i' ý_ý , K i i e t' "ix t. aar . pttia p ,,îr lnt,,p t , 'ILt ttnPutic Pi oeo eoan eîtdWlrCetfn he fWa M :. llint- l em la pu ,i tare ' o etppp , 000 - ,,,,r ,' î p ; ,(, a ît ' ,,,0,,, ',m rp': Th t planrv e ta yh o to aI T. Poop; - 0 ho l t :: t a lood.1 ,e , tacth bt t Wt. . ,m ai1 't 'i~,p1focconflitnî tp i. OP tPttd - up brt ai '0',~i i P ~ ~ iothW. RMih . 1OMOU 0*004 OI îaucl, 1 . _. 1, BodP. Wîe00 o in biPt . p,.. ,.,, t O,,,. up Otopiett -lavtIeri latstorhehoagan.. l it1. 'apyii.rponr ,ti,,,i,,th. p .. a o,.,i'ar o itr mn 1»Ps t hantune' ethihoî. o.o, s 1 .-ý 1 SLII8Ia ne ir<ii 1 I ' u ti-" . h m f'o'. il,. ce 1 t is e7.':'," e dthe s h o y f é r o t nü l t o v d ar o n i t o ol e l t a ot R a1il - .îll t iI j.lisax.lixlt . n,,,i aa milesnp. tthe lat Pt i ude .0 i ,,,, , , bo"i."'Co' i t u thpi,, Pt,,. Ai, l n tuil in«the mtt l- lgI troon Uakt&"g o molinu nit» t. L, ý t'., 1 l, rfng thhr ovne:olitlwiandu - A Md Ft h eeril1 I tetA Z mSHAW & Co a'l',ru"'bel itPiiliLhtinng ito 1nrcontiloecas.antooniyIho oda IlcmIl ta i,,, t,,t,"OPont In, k.& Ating ui Ui actaW, 'epd,,,,,, ,,.i-, olco, Ilhonnmainl nto ,.ni t'. Lit, . ,,L "" . iIL',Pi ,,; f is,, ovry mu giveapc ntban the 'ttoute ltremeafoperturplu-tigg h & hn0P*y tmit nr, tiv nettefl.iblofcrack l o su, lI'. ikI '.0l, bi, andl,,k , e u to-tArT 0F a'EtheR Wicut the 'î:, nI fl w n0, sud p ','o, u th iaethu heonuror he ate 'u tdeu îlts4 t,1bh eànu)edvnot ydv " " P P e i l e u a o t p n e a t' ol iZ a ne- h a t ' .. 1 _r i1on W it. tILI 'i c iI in - ,,,î,liIl l, an'5Qoaro thal ii] arilet bu uenth t ai tam, h, rok - iii or ,e M I,]du , ft.T O N,,1 O N T .tIn ttic , tu anovoRuà7fortlita 1. tiyoanIrtihil. Ho ifi: îîîI,,i'I,, . lI li , ,zl,,l, Li,> h ,e Il .-in hrg p tt e ,,,Fortajpto ai i e "",, ihan i I O tPtohelohhe îlatand-t Ili Ni.I'-L." SI '. .I,,,t-. at yi, , Lt l ta ,N'i.Ma c - '-,,tid c ei,ettentw l O terlmtte ue e0 a iat for O'nr - aw u- eti C . T R ER e a n u e lP p p , e . 1 , I I I I i>c a tI t r a o g h u o," . u t ',- jhBllo w In th e sb lo.Id r m ao ar f e mIleEfilsr aou dc orsAe - 1 . ra % dttu neaaI D ir e o' ""t'edihe 'Wi nont tusarn ofIV..enltteft Ir d aeeernlaOetthe iturrhoiW souet.hPsapp. r , EN .,j, I,,IJli ..I .g ,y :I,,I I .I " b fo . Th Là ,uI ( ' r:" w ' h venIe t ohteei lu&II ti 1 .. i itt'(Ou.Lrnau to wuch nd si pl M. Trsitrnerale fid At.-t_ ccvania"ii em -- - - ' p"l ,,1 I,.1,,,nlty oi Mn,1,dIitîala ,L t ,,i moe f lt. 1 upEtoinrrifioi Buipotacto th', " ' ' ,,. Ifata .,. [ l' LI'naga , lori u toutia m tamîp, Ttuff iar!toe , etc. a d eam ia i disiy rs of m nd aiso body . I 't"' Patta i,,ai ,l i,.iIg ,,,,i,,,.,, «A.,lForaid an atth fu of pett, Laa lut Trublta d eBtc y i Co stiatin yP I f 'modîtinoI, lltlairuitPin J%.'.sor-eEdattounDrclrtr fE.a1 ne 1,,Farnlilwoholî " "iro n a ei iLat,,, ,,,,-,pVIlin iu1LIp CoIl-EOtaOo,.pr' - - Oa'P p c-e-o, o al0le,.til iii .it ' .' i ,1 ID on l oi ,, ,, "- r . tLIlIetmor se t u A caf Edigh (;,,,iIl,,,g, a tiot](I EnkmliaifoeifltartanorI'tOoros P fnrd hOold l stPorter ff. eaîlef.sCarfad Lia an niim, pi cl,,toa Il.bud bu -hemdi ' . -0 i 'a a, , Plna ae- artorece oi-1 . ail. %,alILI.,I Il 1t'tO11-o do .tfid:y'iepd tha o iot 'thone 'ffaCsnBruta V. Nourre , %ý'i,ýl."",ý-iill,.)';ý"1ho ltae1,!m uesthee theeea Ina d thc o- aeon "A"il(livnunth LntitthoG'Fordy T.NÉ tocNo. NAT y D n lgip I( IL f .IIgreuil,1 ottie JtthooIL O.1-8. TeaI toLur. Tao-dayd Wie lrrato tChht i l I L'L n k . . . ., t .ILi I _ î L th ý , , I I , , n I, . b t ,II.d ,B oI IJ p I I uuI ' JI"pR oi aco rr s pmn d. 0 fh thyp 'aro1 -no rd ,1 t :III,,IIgL"".I" a .. 1 ,lil ,', t ,Il LIL ftl(,tely ,[,II1,,l 'Ieuecmofthuaatlai ItigiI-u n.,-Loti niilninI - l.ncg, t.,incr tbr ,rtlicitl.,,L to l.Il, t. i A fýI- d et', ..p-. ýý IL I.. ... II'I, L', fent Il- lP,,t,(,, iiuiriofyni alban n la byail f Wtbet e vendeng etn i" 'LI"n1, iL.Ll tit t ,f. , ra tei.rh ri, I I . L , ý ' ', a ,..l. -. ' " r la t o i c h la : s o e rm t h e t I lly l it, t e In i d t i t r t e o f B g ( o e I R ' I Uýi o , i i I ' t - ' t,, t1PotBpr a Pacte, 1jtîuoffPtatMdmiay Nl,-ui Ono TIc 1,',ýkIf f tra, 1 L";-> wd.c ofIl, . MIr,,r, ý 1tI;I'.ý,L, ri , Id ,, Il1,-','7,,,ih, il Il, l.I,"l ),.,1 ,1,11 Inospere y te acionOf mnut forh te atue. 1 0t' "l 11i ]IlI 1ýý"lIýLL 11,91,1 II (.,,IýIj', h.b.byF,.iw,; ,r tli. rilo - t. J,,], r," ,,, IIIlt IIPtý -ý 1Iýýk-'1II1ýLi1 4iII,;,II. l 'Ili 111,Jif,;ii,,i,,1 boiesconaired l tp grenleive.l-rit,-, Il. it>', , l"I' '", - ý-L,,fLàny Iitjl ý"l., , ! .,,ý,ILIll 1,1, t, Iil , I t,,,,,Il I,,ýIl L, Ln,,lt, bit Ill1.JicMdicbrinansmor -0 n-IdienRaiO% Lat rt d- D' to ,, iL l IIIl 1 oIlIIo] IlCanada1, L Tr1,ap1 ) Il ý, i-a 1_1 ,V.Iln - 1 Lfatr E ri- ".,If Ita, p peopie to aunone Oc ahno taI IL "',,,;,lîI olIii/Il1u0 Ilthe nidis. en IP:Ioîîtt111o. cet'I 1 piautnL, , 'rrIioaîl-,î_:- ' '-t rnIouqII th, Il,,- IL 'Iait I .11 a-,- f l i% L,' . ll lI,),ýi, Oc-,ý , r t Igj;,.-, ,I,. uoln ,,,e emfn rIsl I Jlt M h 1 i t , I>It iI ; , ih -" il, ng ut'ahe porg neelest ruc tauB tel 't oii , n il r t oin aao iotm n i , 9 tîPiîîth1,ti;:j,,î:,,',:,aiî,;, iWL APOTpirP. 111; dtn : a~ n Nbs c tui e nhswBforp IýPr:e , ý ,-; dll , ,, , f-ý u bj 1, ,',L, Ir' r,-ý - - T l"r 7 ,,, 1 . 11( 'ut -ý '. l.Iý:LIIllli 1I ldup oisum l glenfofr tImainrt.hl Lais Il,:-t 1 - ý"' III'I"iý "ý;" I'vid,,, ,,,ii.t ll;et J- , III,:.,,,ý[ý,, ;ý l' :::ýý:,ýýýýýýýýý,.,',,ýý,,'ý""ý: ' """':., * ,'; , , , ýta:,ý.:-mw o aIIýI ýýfý:Î,ý,h. X , l'I ... i, o I ,r -z f, -ýý. l',rli,, t- ý- :1,- -i'LýI, la:L .... . :l I , , ,Jr.., Juer h,.ghihee lavl, ustalsilteeing tt n ti1 i t.pp Ill i.i,, iIl ,urr1-II hmeabhou.,laIl în neertq:ý IL' -IlP1 ,a"Yp et- Jt-tilt1'ai a t e"Il 1 -_ __a cal, Oozroad e tLa ocrak itt T .of dyne t C o LI,ýJI i. j ý lain w îa-o . o no1, ,.eo.kro. a nI rl.d Ie a fti ,r). *1aYcPanta hlw thlathe aunftdad, 1bisigins. "' , , "'t , t rp 'i pa'l0ý'o u ~, eaFfPornî ), "teIti tP,1 "atiQo. t t Ile:tlC:,,: Opi*t-, 'III _', ' ' .tB OcaPiîerpîpo IL ' , , , , Il i- 11". f- , ý l Ihe i comele ioaat Beiug mudn of-iýweri tatfrgmet f omteti o hie 't. tLIL . .. ti 1'h', e- 11 ,ITi-tetan heltabot lea abo wit bfoot'- ---conte.-- IL 11 týu .L L 1 "l" iIL II,,L f lIl,,' liý ohe awerynad goo --- tct2t---- 1 i l . 'prt 11. Ippntle bat%!hs, ' ai al f cor01",sscn. - Ontarlo Lî ba, halitV voltrd A.evlrl oeera e.,,tl, , loua nil.i watft' fý 1nd, miIL wm li-d n te 'l L,1.1% , 11 l "k I Iý" 1Ilirnuc fancpl ap'Il l nel' 1 'O uLaco thn ý I,, nt , b Lr irtlan cftatndt I1 y I,,fLý..l I"ýy. mr tmro I ..ot ap. I . lest cotoot la1i-rAt thetaja la toml t t. , , Il I. IlI t'; ,,:i,,4 "d ,-Itflud.hnniro iýIJol'. 1",glLLj1l et le ffr ( ifrg Mian Chaîl<i -P-N bui-d-1d R. K. ANl1) 1k, IESÀLL 1 M .,Brai E188 MAYB Q]RNAMENTAL 1 - SMALL [Bih i be truop C AR PEN ER aid BU 11 GALT, ONT. Br~ Had 8oap -t - cçatg 0 if. but ut ww AL ~4i ~ti "t 4, f i. ici 10 I asn makt good start Savi l 1 té