.1 1 ý 1 d ý d hisat to 2gue 'er F. & CO., To:edo, O. d to hae arsn-in th ínind1a Chen . , a 0n iv Il ,--: , - ý ý 1 1-them .. h un e 1n-all1busm es ý 1,F-111, 1 -me,"4 he-said, "we -must put -asxde nan.ob, ma e1 by 1arry ', ,rdiapoltentfo te reen, ., NKoFCO-EcE pro.> for-a ,ittlewhil. . . Mr.Qaes ,-ecu uf sse .Tsioil IlrL Tiga --addedi-a few minutes 1later, a 1teyse- ,re. yacets pe1btte ..e ed t h..u. n1 toju- ee tohae.e, until -u .n- ed o up ol tors ga , uko yu a. h le ecose h:erae wugdw 7- in Profesor Ash1e h1gar l",a' h-- en, clouded1,he d ae e only left -he boat tw- 'bÑ'g E iM U S IU E et, oe to"ateim e ep4iseysfiedo vely- throat11 , Ilby a1 - ore , roma comeupon abad -pece offamilyhise wbhn.nte they dtom p arm 3 thecoydet open a bazaar.DolShesis 1AN DIL ACFI.RALW Y et1 u e u rn n meeepr era n -th 1m owahetorgaasSTeyyca shwt teef Diner srvdoutofcoplmet o t mgie.Slwlyhemae liswa QO N E R .or , a du t d by i e th e n pp a s to h v l v d re u a l a h e r l wi t he lb ar .b yo d ha elo u u f t e s en e e h i t a s tl n i v st ri he g e t m g ne w re al a ite2e v . r : - -(3 4- . . res' - a i n e ou reb fo so elyar, a d he , te q a- e célsed th ' doý .ý . 1 1 L1dý ori a d earou .ther1udepoceed e(ems lba e ing a ll-b, was to Quealste sp Lad e- n ght he rem arked. Tre enoh n. ~ ~~ ~ --sUNDA -.jum, amlsshads so,-ntre-uTsevie n-88,-n sth e ltte r w as oneredhhs- irtbhee- lusfthm aliaog adwhchsem dvatyresnifeventak inIg d noth odr __._- -.'h e re w a s "D e r m e " Ihlpr o e ss o lmu rte r d . W ll ? ' d o n a ion u c es I of a l y rW r ti i nca z n g abo ut h i m wit n ai r -Ih&-N. W AILWAY row ' raajaela'ig loor e hs m osne xpctd! Aheih oniue, hemsthae o t a e tony I;Aseg inarge aan talin5paacewas l iby Diison T EIN ERTE*IN , Qustsid 'e r-t, ng "W 'l ethi.gan,-Qes-e.herdte ayngofte og i lwchdnaroswod nhad care dze wxcadlsan ive, cnde Questremakedasithy stppefro Teprfesr moe1touhfuly e prtclas 0fn e e rdth cet.H ct uadyif hseaniesge;ishegh aihecor sragufrmanisroute sysh f 'hOuom bl ndetrdth.os sm o ets.hnhers e-ohh , , urshsfo paealitefrte.rs o heogs-ugesIor slig-ooe adca-o-r sH I '1 'Il -"Cud nynefelmuh ypa t adciio. eanouce 'tal-"h a rfo wo ore h eal it h idl ftewtr, wad- o;:bfemrwihwud aegadnd'tood u for yabkngot acers Epot e e oa, a18 . hana hma beng.I tin tht een nglndbu aprtfromtht Ifee"i h t ws skwhe th casereahe grve recsin o othrslem -faedscaceleatoud een ro th0anma prope thLg tohavedone" ow-it ththelaw o setha he aysalapeaane.A ay at, ltouhf>sttie n islfe-fltalos ls, etrig orth igtwa cr.ciu Rev ,W M M KA . Minis-r,.th s... -M Landwnmher for p rposes oflidhteficaTd i l able. Banda scol:e2-0' .ff> ciar "Mn-iketha.ae bt-paningyo, to ,off thy eve pcke1th'sentup ne ethss, h enterta ne thme lit le ' aar uel ae nenly 1 GRAOE , c F - r1 X ame,1rngn ito ertohm i bl t ra e. t7hs m w ud1 e ete-o a e 4 r & -v - ;n , w.efhopa era b i e amet almost opre.s.sivMr e t n col our e ;tth sy em rsi o t B: Ay cho: .41 .m Yug eo-s, Qus trei oe. he:ea i.o I1tismydty" h lttrdelre. et dgar t hesttont, ee beIctdo nadienondthm miis uroudng w sobiusan e noatsxitd rorssfrm plc unk : i s la futh moth ee .ovr hs houd: t 1ny IfCai i os 1o e te trtdfo ere, Craig anduedodr igd own heiverhimar d tehis l b rot nvers agged.oi f trac s o athsuseier yco m-pai t ay eetne sauonet. pet yurdesritin o Caigfond the s Iae time I wil bra nkwih ac .sa , nd the thr ifont th smkingygrousy. e seftermters conc en i the s ayd &ayseeytaveleh a ru- G~~~~~~~~~ r ,Thrd " d. nDu am Ha benarsd , c o urotwithstan inl the scc umu- t e riv me . bot haf a -Il rm'h1 Whtasoihe-e oe ta ea n whpe h ht 1c e cem nd yinfo r ed.hs ieWnait hndadaw" Chuch nid, ondy--s .muesrd adwilbetke tfiabinnteeil orvieceIfelin mysuth ntacet teIaklh ra aytig;1e rnoned a e tod m tinEen te ey evat MH.v N A D T AFA oAR-2n S , . , o r, d Iul etaIsl to c r g." t hes olesad akn i h t r anin etsde W h veha a ltte a t ace it t e fllw e m h d cry e d a e h 'lo b efoehi ratd fom t e ah or w s.b ae a n y c o m i g n li " o d1 o r S o t an8a r ! " Q e s e - t h s t i n s a r t u .-eh a e'ae d t r u l e wehp o c e r t e e , a s t e r e n s l t e p e a a n e o f a n e a w n d r f l y h a e g a s i l e w t h f o m i t b a d v n c n s r a g r , i -- th sa e, thafllo ' ssipr sdn eta tha-w av.out mland a lolittql E way away-- ga. Myedalo ude hr pigo o l w eonds befor e me and ad met ehéhshedonlf "I shl l oveit, Leora repid w ithutoEganM . us hsgounh ims el t fen oadtr ,Lr slih '"h ol a eeie y i ees ty péase c o ther n thoer ?" cau1, htÜ suoiàmade. oh t f oe of hese1 Ltord Af ush e . Ire marked, ih mo a rerh, foncast bn g hite dto shkIld. Do. oumen t rly ih TélokTherobl ailatterrete raiturned, m his; head h enmyel.He ldyhA bc Quyaesit ndd e i. pC AP ERXm. felo s etign ta.ae haehhm'elely ma i a bow vlvtenthn rtena cutey. We h A l th co e t elyha e beRe ed t oit ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lu In Thatfessw oer m petth wllan moe agsreeto frightenah am su t w - ithgttr adtick boo ts , te wrdar eay osti f ed hecniudDbtsm hwIfe ht Tepoes rroise fom ehi ea n any ethIn ls wenbtt- h saghaa sedchisahatsprespectfully ed.h H E DQ AR ERS unI etmh-Oand s e n u m hisatirnes ome exi e lent s tea riage - the fe, ll was get iting ah'ired "Tisismyhea epr,"Ndd e ty, lr.1re hdtétocteewa ntig ýý ýý l Ithey' l tath em re tl h t Ma hr ei passed t hl rough th gre a ga te f h s u ,ju a h e d gca t w s p ss. t "h is m ask nter line d "H o "L d s lej i r mexwas t r angH e l C hd i l onesehellef FhtRe a l agh erodi tdy l. II don't feel-Hamblinapark. Heaacgnowledgede ing.rThe horsevshaedathe whent wlthluckon= thelchase."dAmong the manyf extraordinara c--'ý -- ý one nt aio et an oni e se fi isdo faitma sm le thtr sp ct u c rt y f"au htaare t to e y he si e f he pr fe sruhoktardahe rtlycu to s f ^-e hi eswi t at o O .1 Lote jo .G t a y r l ti e v r t e e " h o a h el t o e - t e r d oa bn l l o u rin n e ro f i e rith t rhe e d swcom er banding years together in groupenof "I hae an unt i lanon," enora You hve nw an pportnity my trown ut. Te ma toawomaCrig "Nt agayioleriMedletn'"ohrtwete, caled cycle eand aain toodihim, t"t e àd tl ady ouacla oi ne eat re ou f p Eacdof a pp walha ndufe as stun ned b t agexcam d S o r tem nwoec eroftesre fe O'. l k in d S ever sbawn eds giferalyithg t h cimsl napas t hvi bel uhrt asogivye nd elltsrobe, h? hi aial Tus1hefistyarofa e haveme Lakeher at is i .t wa onrfu cutr.hoearheho eHes ibldup to teke o hegntem nannIhvecmeovrfrmiylet teterhfthe a.Wh FRES , S LT A D S OKED Qust ovedacrss t II std lie ad suroudins ofourarisob-rdadcun dthethepoioste-uNwYrkoo puposetoiayrandsonceconith yer oftheOx. he hir Trave .ler ,,G u de, and too k up a lsa ing 6t n rturn erc aYou seetheseI o 8,ak r ee e e de r th 'b eit e h 'le C aig. theyearaofthe Tigr. Ever Chines -ce , i ne or a f ew m re i wgan ent .wiHoarlstte ave ofen hsgomorteohr ctadYadmn I mvr ory ithe man07 e born tn the yaofue. Rtbeog F 1A ADA S.H l[ AND P U L T Ry Ibackito ar n Lenorabi s hoan . "hywrepatd ym n-h dreove rd thir sIeses.IlT o rut 'le.Iw, oudsthave fired ya, gun to. the Order of theut Ratompimenand Suendc aeo ffi o ceto Sc tlra soithac dr gulays t he n i . I Wif Imhadnknownawhatithe conse- so o Nothng. ettra tanu n e 'r. uCre veyserous ,Hav fu ets ffcenst a vefrica ebt orealy Quet red r upitlt is feet, r. Laitinf rl y pu sendf me fuious hirtastani ie, I and et i h lio e o r a i mpoertaucri 1 3.,4 warrants.'" chracteýyr, r aplndor of gttrowth ad ..Say I'sd tlieuro dtak ethis ma e pta' fc. l t hatgie onedd ie .enrudges foretellinglthe future. Anotherleur 'G e n G O n d B n e o r r t o w h e s g e a d h r i e s , t e e i s n t i g i t e 'te'a f w r b i s , b t ae o us' f a c t a bg o u t t h e 1 0 .5 5 . n i . ..'À ) w e nt. t o s ' t h e g a thel e h o t s n0 f r l d o o hth e sh l e i ghbou s a k s ..t r i g h o it e s fo h r r o a d i s a h ae s a n t a l l u p n o t e r e n , f ,r t h ' S h o i n g t hea ues t hr o u g h H m a . e h y s r b u o ii nr r to maeyorhn8 a. Fo.al1tsso as she had f enis hed Qu es t ok Tyrie set rei le," t crimiadsae ihsI h tro nOGN viil'wle ýmotrhod ib a yludritiranoul- e.e u g s e cd oldn' te home woodhandI'e een et hesrs llz at a ba nistHousd be. Li n p re a e igld isthat net lrstia up.2ha.sU .ha..aI n- git. mited. "By a N l l e an p o serLod A sl i t e s eo f thcee r oad thg 1 ere t a o f x' n a Hors an Co HiesShepskns, - chi e's otsid . We'll utgadlo.oew icIem dw re. Thi eerlhus eoewecag frte saeIirlm vry sry h eharta-ouhv eesnteabud suesiIoLo dart h Woo an T allw. bugh.ni igestin ln te p ofesoranIll i hetprer u ffb.h lr f s~dnnr ail aea a oudadade,"o aebentecuseofay oit of prvng mstgu npleasant sOinalmid, a babyh byinst i rs, Prcs ews.7p lt l 0 .M . oor tB.old hap I' afa .i n.he'l eghonte d ay tJht Lady Jane Geny itake y u he uspot." . Sa ncorense c e.l] the bi evr pins w hi h rg rd t uroignen ta kivn gI rl n amtote i n drd A IN S R E -- "A - M ILTON enever .be t e same man again wsn behteaded . u er ein abeh ,h ard, sthe professrw a cquiece re ad il, I r ahe o se thi ani fueon venl! 'Oh! t.he rees nod oubst ab out ta tson d ci e h vioprisfho They foud te prfesor n hiofbtend6thrEatn edouto comnfiaee d e r seu o r o t eystepp ed ou aof t ie rne"idltn"th rfssrsi.the proesor obs ered a"W here fuiw e lary, h e y an b e ai- habit .ands ad kr.ee upon.adusty foorniesa ylte . ,ot h urm wfin"ato ma on to the se oanarro w al. The man who has escaped cnl am e from ran w he wal re on oo aig tehr a osbet Caefly rane bfrehm ee gs ae oe oth akn o ha oaloi ng erymc si a ee soeo h ortciiaso hseaeqetoswic olne fodrearin a zaletil f thau th-b ne.f-s eetnea h lad n mosy e ve t csap et. lesrb 4. a the r ofeyondMur-a d . rl " oom f o nthes ghest o ubt til p r to f the fiscc esully. a some ppoi te lace . " hr' h os? ustin-ce the ofinope n com othy could "'He wn'tgeC r ,il arivirt heI Logtame s- al eicmind.that soe iesuo G, RAND TRUNK"WhatIabotYthat unha py man,1qu red- seng ell ' te smoktuexfrom te gyps n- l eier remar ed it "alitem le oe s eBl ud' e usf He nI;aure of ou r g e n flttRainnt aae, i tnch Crig" heprfesrased goo il. " miestarte n yt h oo m mn. Oherlfthnd sd 'tsared Loaontyitian tnciswilew aehre nert. ery fwaxperso n s vethos e o -NuetOoRouThecblgam f o t e bn f h ieree" t hero tr, oundi n h ard1aneb he ar wthout fiing ayth oin, tbut Chaien plaemuon theiabeand c o kowhwruh angchoerir prof &N . iiio 1 Ess' IN erTre bed altl a eQs.HwINuedtow Ipta hl ei g edthbeuayi thrugh thear f<o 'lecsem aig tetdh uso fteue ae Sha sn ie fotha t er inch or I.7. iýi'; GO NO OU H e red it. He po oa dit a e ck, uho - sra h n I wa r tsanboy "i ce,dtariq kng a h e 4et ush e m isark, andhoie n that th gen e pailrtd Te great afpars tm en w sre e rie Na s a 22ain.4.5p. . 1).5,, m.8.3 P.11 b wit hout ,imm ediat euomment. They swept p ba k res rt n a be Cr agcame alo g tro ee L m an, he aded, loe oig u st , 'sempOf t y.evl e nestan washl i mre se d y i son ure'sOakp ar This :s Qe etr se e dhey he~b ee cevrerin The paveu. or oed thmon thelyhe epatlad. "Tero m 6and rthe i en.way connected w it fthe e nby some peculiar igiicnc in the ntirneyfwroe, ng. In ralit it a tgoo Perha "the pro eorassnte. eHmly ose.nQusThgave vett sace or nq ,»u)ondn, hsgeteaIsrrmteUntdgrdoehtlogln f ane a foeinh Cometandlit -rl th a h n ,e o'. te autble andt, th rets iu xlmto wner sbeoraesfeimatal. he 4ey re-teLotrdanh le a i end e im .riors tsem e omehow toefuallof mutofwtrdecnig napr Thn er gs quare ow I a e arc e k datl i . e. H O. tr nd tothe h uLtI a e e oy u rtcsndo s fet h m e a e h r a o etig gi ,teir s o e w ua c v r t de æn at Thsiswhreyo'en g o sbeat, bobtaiBy th e e Idleton Ihed thals toate s i ghtnd ofthe e py u t wbi id so e sur-an s ---- Cg a o s f gw mat Ilis pae a1 esie ie wa plcpco -Yehw rl sml tnle ah epiindw nthe vil age.tYouma erm iamay b sursi ti ousa," Lor nd sh inch, r oid n t id n out aayror 1, EST ODST EUL pr thig e ll Do you o in ths e A.: l'h, btpa re o his , M ks e kid ofd u l b ac e s t o ai Lite o rao the ancy yso hre as l:th e e aid bu yhea re a tiaime s eo a k o re egrd. vAn ibnch o ra a RV. ARIN . ,,,. BA. P.t.. R are e s h eds81 eai , "rralhlai t a ege t f yuli"tau-trinn r ey ncneoudenycom maun catss he telen vr. toz t c 2 dall us zlte ll, . en I se uem o id o ig downon taesile are of laon M ,S - l am. "d7pM. aniM orsle a Interstal "ay im ngd b hg e ora a ielel adlong" nd,,, t he f aro t hin y new ad ihaefuliqualiot in sild - halýfo heNwYokpoie 1uencte Tewoul fil m reltha 00bre ls ofin M o*a*8 . tt * " ° * o • T e p o soh o c h h is h O e a C. -g t i w s is a n e r a n d I e rI o°q ud .l e ma n ee d e , . u 1y b o d ,wa k , o u o l d,,,, rte l s , e st o a de -ali o .m . ha hm ain serviceI hnnko hat ven ute a aetery wise," 1 h e i . " s he l d ntd ' IL wPa i ge a l on uty I iti, p e n ith y Ca st e think . I know. tis fthe c o nvi c at lyamo nt o malir w ouldr i h nmore earnse dI eeeto entsf syo --o - ddthee oritveerdit basteik, r L na WdutI dhavein tiQlst "thisots wh rere and h n poud ai oft- at wh at 1 dcoost.ou peopflte' jadsenedht d e a th i r1veotsmen hhtsorkthi dnemerge from the tractocoun- H u de nl oet i et uhdBAB' AiE e8retyS rb n aledtot anle WATER e and othe p o r es es aaipac, n teburshsprsad e run.Hbhrw i p adlisote oeltlf dedro h o a nt n Han i'teauQies noddd hwoftrs ae ovtler dfie i.wahrta te ieo h 'i h o ld h a v t it th t I w s uit t e a" th a l e as a h u d h eal " bu r e T h i reéw s n o h in g to-ßah ea d b t t y ne a forD i th e n ry, s c or lra ON • thngtheraeednaboutOw teta tdistants t toletpang ofapean owlt ay and, ltarti ert mmetrousblietllcomal Mu YSev es»:11 r . n te am tdi the gredarkingg he nof some farnto ?ihouset 1 w hndhveIl a »when a med01 -1 1F1, - I.ayebstI; 2.a .ni f yCgae "Mneen atar elmyelnn, ntatsofrora as, dLt lee pceete t iNeetteeslymmeaaie telite ?a îta t l hi ettaS nn teso h cli awlme h osif h ORAE cultil rnign lacs ii u a eereswen s tom ah ad jan adian Cham pion VKRY THURSL ,YMoliNING At the JMe, r noIn, 1N S ST., . MI[, ON, ONT. 'O SUasenIrr[ Niol s0S àayear. $1,00 d o adyanc. - .esRImsN paper will beostoppeý e1ara arre paid, oxept aitheoptio Il. ls not officient. .ubscribers in the LUnitedlStates ,i If fpidinadance pay advertisement, onrats6 in1h- rl . Extra spac, 7 uts"r nch p, rIrr terms 10centt.per inch. nhen--eof lI es to be rk .oned spaceoccupied .measured by aIle1.of apareil* _ilto .b d.th t en irdo specia Notice. the objet of which iston te thhe pecunary beneafi r, o.ay Indl ad ndr l,11e1,h'aµÏ tbirth, deaths and m rigs 5. 4avetiem nt.10cet r e. ft f loststraye, "o.e, a at, e inserý t t 5 cntd for the fi rt and 265..encefor ea... bsqun, Wm. PANTON, Editor andPrptr. WILLIAM 1. DICK unyrwnAttorney E.. A hADEN. 5 at N P1 W EDICAL. nac And Surgen ruerr rce won r alt an and to R, K. ANDERSON, Ml.D, Lp H iCl, IIE .A)1, AÀL L E, GOWLAND, M.A,, MB. M 1' p 4 a nrirsytMedalist orl hiY, MACKAY& WEBSTER I > Snino .ad Sreos nTr.lo an u7e6r0 . civiMEngnee. KLL eachvr f rPiao u av ýd Lf AMr. . WH. 'PER t, rot Hamilo.Chambers. Hamuto. Techer of liano, l andof Dr. F .iH.ToritoJi FRUIT and A ME NTAL T RE E S SMALL FRUITS inltenld planting trees neXt ung be partiwar of( the var- and grade vori order. Our Sgrown frooi st "k known to Il t., name. We slupply clean, wellma re stock of all nd- prosp t-, purchasers that it is ,heaper than in- t n1ygro, l eLk.If o n I catalogt-f r-im the old & Wellington Jas. B.ýLeonard, -rymen Dý-t. Representative T, olmo BURLINGTON. IARPENTER ad BUILlER |Repairs let< t i , the cabruMetal weather E strI AR fflTEET. MILTON hiae purchased ithe usinessut,! e 1,1( e Wm. WerrI. Alenquàiries u&ea·ddre.med ito us. TC & WOR TH 1 fuments, LAT, ONT. IPoir iumPROM ABEanEM frC= an a slipect our0i.i' culay Bomp WM i 'sa c1h C1k -but waln'$ Gh Oh l:trmn To w n n he rC i' thim's eýl' n as -nga 1t of lm 1and afte.i kse -MK wenr n clne in QLalits assager SU mustiýt have iLati Irainulated is and 100 ilb. Bags ginal Packages. Æ si. JOHN, %. B ,URTS CALEI 1R D-- andMNr shoosoo µ380,000 O a te a a p e e Ce H.