T't 0F' HAL- )UR TS CAL 10~~~i hl., cao -- d N it. 1 Day and 1 1,08iciof Ï1h Jrniturct and Funesa eas lei] É - I ui i p - ( I l iove Q ' nment 11iiway8 i i triS. l'~, & Cou Ici S %cindît tn tpreat ptiýhB llt.'nthy o fsi6 cli 'etcsai mc i t ht ltttartrcf Mie iil nos fOUsdti ti c. taiceiscsn- al.t h roff c e i l'l' t thieufhiei f. J i-t t4dAtlegFel ùbyite çI4 ScOibIîag Effegt. Hala W.]il. ing n a pleri zm, e Cspt1t-mtX 1P1aJt . 1 . oo. ý o . - 1 -,ars aI'ds'-,' H5>, 7 -8 Thl 1,s U.JW '»^UtOriSt UtterI y a 1 - Com 1toto1 »y as F.11J. ,C..E-1EX . ,Cl . ToiI Il,- (l. basdose ms- wbo le ca«able 0f . .W . .hc.e-e-e-,cï.,aýtL,-c-c-- Capital ped'adiah.oticai soetrge , a1d wh j- 1hl-:y- foc th- lest L ,ye ,c, c ,l.. : 1 captle. 1 - 1. tetl h, Ilblo1' o ht,'ct fapeYie t ansece. s.h .eha mMMe eî e 1ob-go-ont -od' h, >t fettt ,, 1 J 1 1 .N-1 LU M today ta . ', ide -the-I- -- of -- - - NeoctB c ah1t-tty1Per',n:,.,. t do flot i eeà5ye a'-mn St:,i-sha.h evor agater ao.c-the ' ý 1 It- .1 1ClO WEeh ttt I Tis '? it . " , t - 1 - alma ana -1 -,-- aa':y' , * ., ý r i ^0f- meypofsseraut, ny mrs .t1n ee allderett li îttt llas Rmor 'J ,lTS , , . .y '.a bn pwdrO, 1tcxiie ,el slv- 100 ci.e.cflc îeo -ýý , ' - ý ý - 1 ýýý ý - ý 4- 1 1 ý to lii ,lst i aea dt r le y.ie<ds o a y c se 0 C t r ii ' tl ,, - - 1 S 1 a" tho.CHEcdcý&Cn>.,e'.1el . ( " b l ed1t e 1 .g.t h ie1o u f e t he-h o T O RO. T O * O N . M N A L - u e . b t i b t fi1w C e l s a' O a t o i o - Ber traace hie ilochetlie Thepist ail watted 1,E,-W 1G-lLETT COMPANY LIM 0:, oa o esvide aCimle og*'f a h Wel-hebodind , have îtom m ho , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ShS~'dca bit- by bite," the loopectorgs.an O. l llny orte a@ I eat u bli' I WiitiN.ip-,la terEê t. Scient-11t . c -cri 1mIfevr 1bee lout e oile lhonoaei n a ilot. ohe 'ac atac ait te . -1 arcehie1-andàp1od t bi h t natil h ionocoacd thote ia ailtc s . Ibm.tol, ed ater uuIe, le hetIienedenikiy o- daO î,,fr . 'e ill ' 1et t S ,,rer it aleseare It e t1fteece et eitk odtoe . osee -tdieooo o. et biabad"e lm Th t-ps hnlei1.-tceodî 'i ,'t h enralai adpe ieueag w th 4sh othte aobigatioho madett' ttc oii. t sea.tele dimend tee fcm 1aL mcaly hie beori. 1done belee . leo,(f 9)ma3anean eae Ies' is ' th oc haiattcg.Zm.pSs ," h 11 eo, eane.Qce.t'coedot i ad àan t eoddicet' let erIctiý su d.Z.,s Q el itt uit eed i ho fhttha sboes su d h Cî ace -t5 tc iledslo , 1-Otl 1EAO à. ssee Cng b. pefsecscu. -- ---m Lt. lf 111eR '.llltJwl. fet Tk als auj ilsfr ..ýigl, 7 - ý abd1 tbemr 1 " .oe'die leot: m" hueto hc pchd n r m e n opb ettt BIAN S .,. MILONONT ~ . s. ~ 4 pse, baus. sý .- N . To Bset elokyale e i. mdeaiteeu r .- sebenst o red'ct ota eit bfea boul d*6ete itou th celmd heec he ict, 00t h l m r d o t e t i sc e t o e t . O h e s cra i p t o T e o ? u s e o l i h y b m î h v e i d S d a e ' d b c e i .n s ied - t ieat n g f r t . L M .c ke t o t t t c d o c o u Teueee~eccooîitys * ~ ~ WOT.loprien'csig. ua thet c as tuot us. ctctYtytllMayo yu""eutimen"le 1 - -ý "In rinta j ag hla o ut or h e b y ai-,am- 00 Ccr uch t o t eo a d i l ah t. i l i n e , a s t ato mh n -ad duns&2.u. 02 ue n hs itumeu-d'a acco urdieetho ad "a IN ,ýo.à O O T ,ON .flo Iag1 biice it" teecolectr roc Act. N4 NTseL oe r osa. noeer os ws I aetin lacDAui Qfst ges teoh-termitce.nt.rî1 l , l.e~but b llttiioccd oe td u ot hintalc ecdrarscepli InadProtestdime." ao ddroteesebucou- l'he refuc shoclo hicoutheod sot cocth, mtncd el son' tera claseh.theareoudtBiars bis ,. hom rlohobi longetbbis bhec. - 1- 1 lu ihu ft caner,'h itdoiuel7Iftsneafeore a t heOnclits f tBrtnoms Oficeu b cî', - - - appea"Crairo"tti,,h,,,dn 'ioc hcoe hecttg hce Bcd dcccxtsecedadotretier eerd. AilVnuTleic--ATmariRARD T UNK RAbLWtire. blasck lttesy, One er tct ia e ceuned a ,ea" lb The nse pechtherecetca ce 0. IfA'odteo ~ 0g e conoctor îe diiondOsoaont fronluth.v diped Ina cou.efmO8 stadinsebe-,clirygit. - hl ibisthat Sayeapibict 1dot', teti cIhere ýuR I a ente ih d it. Tmac fesscr Oceuss bca r saby, rpairsLe arof______________________bies bord, as b o ug tos f as re t iina bth h ttr ih oeb n i euli owr nhecar ou1wn. Nvr h Ca a in C a po r a eie s u d . bne omefh itng lu ein e ftae eaîoce ot bs a toc.s fcr a dcle crhe ohunsd'p's hg l ttmadl ea ht1iu.17 ,.em T. usearOClossOc o uoudotoe eus 'racetIng lhaQute ce et tcubincnhycbumshrgeo r ic oi oed r b oc d un oin ceer eaiuect toee-ttge lcceQua s' ectu ch80irown Tis Oesrcee hehaleresdeeeieValecethte casBtic bi ctî l Os nos sass Othoe, ic tt l6~0,th-a o ahl.ieof ces. I5Svss.9 .A tohien e sfd on u l.tatha lh hgstr.dmne.aemr M IL TQON ,ia eue13.4 p M o e a hage, yd n pu checd f Ocf loo e hget a ested toae u eth Storce s fo t t h f il e rodl . . IccAIN ST., instiuilta"Bc fouVoeci ho OualaEtertons, itm.barf"mhuoectaptaittcfet- ,otird s iI ad~0e.55 hl fasm.it cm. ' L utt g ud L te the i ost"oslodhot -maieuo ised "Wuccorsat BocxctrIhtp teb d l hrhseld.oftt io irft Pouachdsoa fsrtis ch ilioo tjs aec ea ad 5sth 7.50 p.s ai anr bi, dmihs.ued nrhteai, - y.oc Il" aedupofltblacke box!tHesed 'ferctho strostTboy bis bttamerst asi1d.Crain TERM OPeslcd, ntc'eselftotthmomtrtOr Ohrecenvesaenyi-tdumetbhm il) cfp.ailicfdstriptiof'&Ta ced? Sosihlraskid'aeOI ha1e udeet lai Il on t -8vsct..ee .' yi.&,. tc1t.00 1th ocs.ai f b t aealcd sg a sacwo al. cr n l( e.t i dl..00N ESa th r air f a mader Ttblaatckdddcotecucy.soeth bno gli. to 1aebrave fomed a0f sttthe ncdee l'tuonise a rai o reslatate teologT-ilh, n Oeceeitety ht ebolIntit'eee rdiclteetac The eiTtccMdYesocrvuantr To gumeniBURS-No p -ome&n12ria. Qae 9.21'aiinu..tht ' est acoîîcJg ntacu entleetn?" aiebed. oeiltc eprot e oc .Parolig. etiogtng ta theMamadea 'Wnlai dota t ceeauc. alsurLeutcrawit etrg& o,ýlu, I WlmANO, esus . 'ehmaholterhcecr as nî o Ic teacsr -totollc'itog-ourhit asvep ltlest moul îe I Biler!sel ci staalugidui,.,,,,c tito ceued dtt Uted tct . sedlayoraboasO coll __________________________ WJMS uests ,. es"Ail00 e euecati iuldcug its ad ytebuierple htthe ta et Qtod oo e irll"j -. II r $-0 tocy eauh t8.2Km. 48tuWsesu c ae0he I.atttcLLu.rMENTdlc lte h 'octl o 0fnoa Inutai earauc(ur."'rula ice tt teie Qatt'" oado!ht og aIcM s e c o m s e o i s n a ouW i. r r i c i F e u h ,lh t t l - i i t g e e d . l n H e c s u b ib d c e ma s ,te r c r 1 fî e lo as o n - T h e r O fe re @ boi o ke e b i c h e o d s u r a'o e c te o c ; o t' le T- -eoilact'Qoeaîuîaoî"Iasesetîîîî cheiantlaedat th j , , G A L u s d o c f s o c s . e o t e h u s . c c c e" p u c p a u t r i t , i s o p c c u O t o h t b o c î s e a t e t d e a rIc h to h e c i t o t e t w s a u n t h e i ver b y l e f b a v -o t e . d o u r o h r c c d c u t h e c o e p a t o h i a o i t. h h Id fo t e t ' a adeese stlso'.6 n hs H.N . Osoao t' . ilCoc u .S OUTHl . aeleiu hm "idag btaccce n cf m fer Bso rne te eorc. ae mscnee cihlah )r l. o ha trant irservantattet sldmtan ever lied.eBst ~~ W I. U M 1, f i s , t o a 7 B e eic e l a c e n a lt m ct c g ie u T E i R o ce t h t c a p i " G tso rc o o it ue e ltho I e âi t he o e. fap a ir, .a1d s b e fl e t o l io f e a t e c g a e î h ea u l r e m c a c i c o 0 l c t c t e t f c'u t a c ir e c T be l.: ý' o ts' ' . e r Ic h .M t t 0 f Sta . M lm Y m arckr ct"N o ent at i huo . llo catse hatimees "ttio hit cat 0f thaPce tsld cci. bo coo a ceer.hara. tec. he cor er. & , o e a r " etto Mo a tsor e nas eMpur euohseg n uhinat red auadc neîrla rsîs st'slen'....' 't, et tere 10 centr.p' 10 - - "'h' thehooueiacxbleb0.35cotabtrpicte-l.tco s idclthahnfYuarh,.y uy adfsll h ari , lontrmu he jum tsta lm.. Whl ,cîhomcu-tho .tuaaon'r fr a domicielfor badfailleuadddîo,,ri JA .BA E.~TtBoosrgaed Bru O trhnspietoa hlf u.Ittete os gn a et e. o 0d e eea etecso l a yOauoolaau î MosalegoM ut uc0.,-i, acat oe irtleIt hebsLtortilt for o uret h o t r ce ase offîl e boath ai aliBe tue d tst i 'AOotie t' "i -ud u.p"@U.Ct&tïrelà,Dfirtetoi-v rocefflo ln tihtotnnnidirtac tutug tlouo mouw lu e île ,ac. ctletaoc Nteacy'ttoio tlteep Girls. isocsdae 7it0n ceeu tuest. iendyBoteeilltttlttuur hhoar lu fIect;mrlzicI Lotre lidlenllgtute 1crbaud it ttooîe th e thet tocrds bi -reone , T lîti tt oilhs ob ut b rttotacecoa.odcaltedi"la ,,,. = instrucBicnsaad't ne t e te ady e o a Ite e50 That aoe "l .e., cb u o a pn l els i e l ou e p ah l g as he, e tif t b ' eto ed amtd le anc et tht da t An tc" tNetice.ctdetoc otttofthtlds id "sc--,sta--a- --ebisih10tIam.sThcigtre, wotihiae eroutn" "Thcriinela."e"Ihahsecatelcd "rurga .n I galcg ta tte tht hoatoeluopetoeof -YSannieuiieg hafeimpeluienceptheci icteaulur ugleai auouafflacitîltrthut ofb lido Oc trelathvLecase l A. caecsa, otos hone 57 akednce: t.o tieeleootfshi IbA If Ic ycao odle arecclihe"ooPloresho aliglaalug ui Labcoutei orQe surcdprise t 'It ho Oh c Qtcst iloac. onet1that gave, o iieilo t ýuî. ouad",so,t cai .Ocaofnd 'lihaehîcy erioi; le..."àliet da"nesinem.i'yarot"teicg?"fai offderati glacclofe erenth tatntIf ba .,crigy Bwrh .Mnae aldesd'e thea-satreîle c1biobt.ree taie ee t Yteu saetby e n t o acocgstlac ynetht.a utto h& avried TI Cn in. a fe itof h tt t . e at s s u e uh.. u W b i..slu : ibdn U y . . ota fo c a a p r lug . fc i o b y e u c ro s u fra c L a o o a n I T h a i l ot o o t o e a o h r .:petr d yoft .irs.t1 i ici. Y a f oud l ottht tc ' re"faoar m uter Intsppo toctf the tre ch, ef at o ut l e r f o cr ta t e ' Tatel t c o e S O ,h tc t o i 1 1 Ibe îta;sc iotacoMCE InIo w y & ofo ih.a ..etniac act,, wal ei o n soec te?"cteut Mni t t e Fe acos@ It ee tb" hL letoc ,,ýti, sed 5 cnt.loteFOR rbuelutbebyu.4eer .eh'.1e.Ioiuead'eaticl t thdmuer c- p îtt... ,,, .u'c, IOtaI .ti. d7p.. ndhaccodynga apofNe Yok.'et etavts mdhin t rpot ei ehat adoenofin bet enIn heilre, ad taeethur lae be lehstrldetQîtt w oî.... Edtradfrpit ibe71 ..Mst nte ooàWouaa f o o t etpeei t foie re , ý wyfu o Ica ayluta .eOatc hIc la tOf d ah tro E. (iO LAND, avezMB e ]Y [ atstbr8gP*it? Cobdstetcal ecu Th"ABvagueoul"ols ofsatrourboe "M llaii alco iutate"' le .n 10 httdeos aoc ote tt ttasoa. 'nc. of tbtslttii E G A L . C h i e ie e tI . 1 hie , 1 se uppa e a at h e"orl m e a rnao eg ed ý s 'es ad p o l tiu g tc ii.ia e rnte e c c o u r i l ru ; ul ac a t ,d atoy tcg re h a ft n e "bssî seI t o e c . O O- 1~ So a i kCdHUcu rua n'ri adihhl@mIvetiguatin reofth.veu nWhc ti rs-T e be wat i lo rdlnatrkt ais- y oh c'ce .a i cas sc - odeu aforivebe bai batit, os cCO'OT£,itotenor abel bs1haie. n h .ýlte, ocithe IlI cy. aret bollrTa. eod "Bfia bete iVte c e ibsl e claed a ýFtet i<iIR . ia , H Ay Sicsf . ...tisMO7p. . rnerd rceultIc hotl ethe a "Dont selavnme.""hhoinsretera my slan e otte ' "tilutHe w lîc or dt catioht1ctat" ta1C.1 tt C A , M4 K I lBT Ra efu t eur . P'rdnc, 1 s t a ed "k eu f t oal de recetziver t ram te- "OIa e btir s . 'a cetd icw I ta. ngcasesthIa. tt ebiutc c c a oi"t r teettie Lao catestos "IeoPeran2tb rougt ceatht cai adolu sle ofhuge. eptri t." Quaildt. baot Lta i ton l ot'cmacll i e e ait cuTh.. 10 lcosoýutr .i.tran .s. .-,sM..aauc tu tht du..paIte mi.cote.ltrmet tsnoaei. "itudr oIem cent daît Itas otihi, 1 . c1a e liol u g e l oo h eMd1 ,p oL ei ,,,hOr' c ate sI t .' ause a a ,u C . o y C n n tti t tlot L nt he th luPO I cfs.t. orc 1e e ue i a u be a d er t io tr e p o ot Tus r e r h ette u trshipp lod r ia nd s cs t ec ' a t i 'a : t. ý e. o i l e. h t 10"Nona-t la teue' a. t-c 1i'. 'h.tut Coconr o C l-O ur o s e . M t n -tt tcc u tîh înd. .t . . c I e s e lac -e o îî t c h e n tra y . ' T h o r -' M o d t e d r ga e ea e o r c o r h b Ia n tu d À m e t I a te tl d o' a t a e dor r ck oo g " r r v r i a es - -- - - - lcays78-p. ro a. .t hme1so0y Frammeth Tees dtlste Theu Iudightr-ndttag he usled I "Hottit. ulrielced unserfl .g. ......aci m.. cotn Qasrresta "leetaaLurscdd 'esei is 1Gi'een Ground BN.or P.ln a nu aciid, uilai tot. ni uliet signeiofhtoc îboeed lise île cerd cci tI tC . o i l , T h l d y 8 P I a sice e dc . W a u peiit u ' C e d , B n d t e l e d o p e nu tî l l s r e a l e luS t n d th e r e a t a r e e ds c 'd h oî t j n ka nd tîs i h e o l al]l ttln b ih i l T )i , .r . i - p .'ay J .-ioe m s r et o.'tclbog a 0fnitte ttim eTeeco ,muc u t . T h l pcte s st rl n g u p t e e r c i e . l t , F c e h I i is le a o rig in a l O tt.lr " Tl tcbn d H eO c to i c c af .ae t' l It o lî, c s i r e P t eeOMAceA * OIe proH. th t hessor g htl a a la u I tt Te'nei '"TIt ed fnaly s ho h erber amngte w h o w tB l n . the ro 1ek i ga le b Ie dto ao i e i a hi prtlly qotth e ld at.e t e Ho at- IlNcd Toci iîdtBV rA itiac.el saou erIcr'r thamoe t.adste or u- tteholldt te. ottroeddneru.'l"heDrhm'Ih ltee, ý c Tottut Collage airMtate Teeccît riote, "th.i...i! s-.90- o M iss e rued oac' o eniitte nf' sicd 5 h bck ho .ts oau sal be cc rusî i hoa l att,. natale t L mir a. 1)ed an damsnd thge-esitacafiilosrnlitha lafaiethcgs-folplcngertt t IL . M COL, MB.,Pho e 7 - askd, excpt hatItwasailhoribl, _batlaIf he otig ldie oar i.I1- T"L sk telephone s maclaoln oecg enco.witdQutettnd(cote "I'aaheath Mr feuIl"sele n-tît a bos oia ocan tigthtri _____ MAiN SORBE, tltLOON ' Qoot. tiet Lcetrua.eltpeuhe uotramer ciof i ee ta li îe stchg ad Ys..osi e a slng weedpleyu ,a sumcu'1an * îlo t bec banspotsoormthe le tt hutt h m "l L eea Yû tti c a v e a ie d, T at is e c a cks , o the t" unls ff alet docy pon O e . h ctti ta t e an cu eh ts o t 1 rtitt td i, htg ut Il i F R U IT aPatî e t os l e exclT ae tioacestoi S , tOu t m he e aph e b foe'a s hia hi e . mi. l o e nt"a c ea ro er . a tî ot e r ol e ,dcc na l," a s n d t e 1 iib ' h, d R. K ANDRSON M.D., ersited "Ye hadfoodbroght n ý ,follho o w, tstluexe er bo]Ytoarrsie;.out s Prout nle'huer hiatMr t? iltit torcaTeit totlml 1r,,, lic itandh to gl tht c ed tcarrbtre nttt il1 ant i ,~, - ~~ ~O . o 8 a e a d:i.. . d S . g . . E I Ug aR ,0.e ~ to I e , d e i a : s i l v . aid al rutthittoe e y f I m ý r n 'e ttO ti c nethc ttvoo "I mlt Tl ( u a i ld ' hI maý.pil ettuost ch oý l a h t , nr u a thebcsbonres 1 eA'ste Itr m e rIà. "iageess oat cHeFs g e r os c'Weoundtht Dtloc? ecd l nýthea. Il , . .9pie hi - Oote t c ri le l 9om . thaRt ea utca ri. H r ee s c r lc u b"siu e e ellgsle y Te t oaj nir postMe e m s eu a.,Ic ea piuai 00 t,îecld cupeclauCE. Gateirs Ir.L.nrea sida. fieMe afs hae4 .14e.,Beiesoherfsr aeeutathrnuorhCual, Thorasibacis aurThoreesbcplin"iha fip.icia'uhoîlohu tatctc.mel' 1c' , titt c tirt t1 tata Citot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I .! g s reç eteed Oe ae"eaiut tp i, h cufiim4ot cnqmiatrlyutalagebu mtotoc cfl esortu eeo.1eofil at, hutoTu'Fia,,, ttoit M sdceu rshdpcisa&ticasai, 0aoralc l bot ht.uen t peicl edlou s an a coepp e d kth pte1avohe itrntacphittei teeseu- e moe dms,. o lr u a !j 1OctDe. h ht 1ast asti iesiest pan1ssrs ebo ceeu îlls eer iug, Mise Lacaa." t 11dohoi bê iifhdrec 'a f d t-'ts a ll01 e unI zd ees m'a td li t p ig e0f s u'frorTh re us T.r.-,. U..ýýrý- ss e, i sweredunsteesis th nel hie meacpuepng"ua .55~fpiro5dt 4Bo auti has'di. t ce ut ss lise h.myams b te n.ad 'Ssbrthfser"herlîîd "oni(.rtat Tl)I, ! Sa ru liens o n te Yeo . .,Sa>,, petfis.iplreiaofedl kigdetden effor'. She bâi barely, as Yent.D A t ssk meý ha :roamed Myosde hurle," lfcntfseîltacmoîodnGreaarte '?.hc1t "N lio.rcvrdtantesoko hoeFec ui h eevrfo t eflom, a no mmd. n boe. ay hamsaeI i ee rtysenIe, ue s, t ;a I t'h c' g %1C APE T aid & WEBTERI S - -4o "Ti g p e pfevie fi5 het p ers w a b og or ereth e 1 "IdsaectereFrench spte - '. j ha t fe te lr and es ie o t t ra h ni la s," e si sa db t i s te t l jefu il .'sle.ceIlt ' , ahugr c-ar Nopis, i.dia.r utr. c F IllehoNDfI POsemul enisragr A iac ; auhMmv Qu ilvitiasGîas nrtet ence asatypo u Imltr t he a t 1 eerar c. ten me0oKh eepoefo T e ' upre Osser uss hbas>- tepg efofeail, 0h h epun ttittittP t .ear suibssythetlbl'er ,? '* T hi nspt eruf. open rhe tel@ r c tes i de a rnchîl er ted- t1 "Hn e olr i li ute ta ' h, ý mllua .pril;. il- -a-ee e- taIeheI I m o,?l and 105 on. air of ane . ste ne..t e r p y n e hne uim é r d a nd suoti or n a ca , -n t Je p d as t teeh o cak edst tle w a& l uera teala' ' ,ilct i , dci t',i '1 tîs tf h a itu. N o ta i W e a to lse ' t m n t h g b trtien t. m i o - . * t ' t tt , ssîiatta 1a h r tio n .b J u s ,n Q a i h a ! b e ý Q u . h w d b i i t e c r n h l ISotît, K LLY unm ak ahoi ns l eeclForsae et. gocmdb . heews oh u d .Takyo! H'sdn s-h red lo TIciomo eatemdte irc e ie dermatti,, ho, sclaite bolea~.ti .rO T1 the,, l$1 uf e t U dnte .-t. 1 he nsectr"Gîtep he itevce hoherechIbi l th"orfel taformer ort.t, i, :,ý lcii miih I ~ -ieed"noce'Vtbos. bOre getrucks,""' hotamaop lie lit WhorWar, Ai esqs"leenBrown. The a$c r 'Ne' kbw i beféâa hee asarac n Tha'i sme rng trasdomunewbr uhmpd 1l l,ý,, a 1 , i, tc%- ai s Jo a e ar,511 Miutonsc .t.cité 1hin Lctî1.,6sU bséfýîaie ts er30 b iO eim in oI ftteti Il -,-Toronoeu3o melteg.ic eronto a Co ,ealog, genleH , Pupt f D. . H Trrnétn orb ad ouIldes Seeskis.i'a m sllilaneteneod lste sok Oer>-t fortietir Wo e , urseabut u.ibQueens ihtdotsod uê. ],-, a4 a i!-ls o,] . . fecauI^s 'esd nt ' a" " . P> onn the her la1 ta r$ver cernie c '00% tedesileba. Sastetabscea 'IO f- ol etef MuicToroto ri?-t noonefAsanexprt n i"seaffirtb.,D i t ey sWdot te auist bi e a il>- tw ý o-tieet ý -hou âg crme oel clicm*a cn. he h t rund1rau ad , '5lmn.tandlie 8 uenasert;g fgata. ,ii.1 ,- l' r . d O N.t. U t ,ra; "3 M IN ST E E . - A 1LT MkQes ,Iosf ail s or teY U ne tI n sa e tg ia ed "l e e al ed ou o , t e ro t on . .1 elsrd _ - - - _ __ _ __ _ -_ -- - flt e l plon OD w sJeta i- gi, ht odaue pke frn tl I,'nn tî@Oens- o ^ 0 ' e o î' T etd ed e rthdnaIan sO os. ON I 11. ti prsudes Tee eeetahvet case Ahe urid noale rechbew. Ierifu joddl US t P'Se 'Sf f - I