U~ 'il \[hOury 'r!nq OO~f~ 'tllrer'f1 lin ~aIc >1-le (a s (lie 1'aî'iety 'li'i -)ay $ il'.'.'- Laxa- Cold Tablet WAITH Oreosote Cherry Cough Syrup- wi 15Ce and Sarsapanila Syrup of Hypophos- phites 75e. and $1.00, Phone 148 Noi Ia* .ofToronto Dlars E Mnager f titie "DWARE SEggs "I. ilice, r~& Co. h Type oei A PLASTERING -"# IN Ail, ITS BRANCHES. A. ROSS, Week End 5pocial Nellson.'s Chocolates 29c. lib. UST Norrington 's MAC-KENZ-IE~ For Home and Farmi -V. 'lu - i 'liilij1 JS E 1 , i t25valid îîi;î 15e. 2.uu' tutit. 1l 25e botti Ios, 50epkj ryuii i c2epg -llin ' rttuulîu'm-ý Buaranteod Hot Wator Botties ,, rev, le, Miroî'iin îd Bak RbbrL al e stock. Price fram $1-fi'i and,$3.150. Fopn 1$fl yrnge Fittieg.' Rtub"orTuzinug. Seasonable Necessities Ci ie' 25c'. & 50(t Nuî-Drit-L'o. Olit r' il'25c. 50c' tottle. \ui-Llrti-C<î. Cod I Ii u'î il %.siîlî I t t50L. \,Di-ii'Cu. lîjl', C'îuigll CurIe25c. Revell Ti'oilt (illgle -25c. Remfitl Rheuînkitic r Retocdy 50e oand $1.00 Rexal1 Oî.deriis.10, 25, 50C RexaII Vaniiliulg Ciream5OC RevlIIArhotiil Complexen Ci'eitm ;'(k. Rextoli Yuto ('i'eiît 511e Rexali CanPhra':geîl(îlt Grisant 25C. Rexali TalcuinPowder253 Roxail Toilet pa.,te itand Powder 25C. Rexali Crelm o rf AI monda 35C. ' Na.Dru-Oo. Witch Hîizel Cmaam 25cw1 -.,]li~ oyal -Rose TtssPoW*der 25C. falgand I L St A verY faailoaislandi etraasn'sl Cartin. Tisa . . suera nomes, anti onefol, un n Gr«.andB Plano, snaral articaes-oMn,1142 and tiaisr isonosiolti nesatliran ifriens ala Pailey. Tisa happy coupl wull tis hoable ta ttaa .slp iotu tirekplng Ioamediately. BUINoEaaaaTitÂonaa.-.4. R. Bea'a 'ishea ta inforna the publie Ihat he e.han taken ....er tise bualîpm afatie W. tgBraa' Sns and ..ill endesavor la .n.erit tise'uotinaane ofaitho hibemIalpatron. a.ge andaupport aoeorded lise laie lron. Silu OnR aLISEL.-la lie daily Devra- paper. uhe Vanouvrs' vening Jour- nal. Han, Joseph Martia, masait I Oraison Taylor, eandldaio for Mayor, ".)Ir. TAylor' stands for ail thet hi *dia- t"ntbeasticrookea luiacosectioa a'ihithe affairanof Vaneos'oe." M. Tasylor s' ia.ed Mr,. Mart.in fors2;iM 'ititagee. 'I'heJotirsaatands isy lin accuation and avili &-fend tieseuaat uloadIig juîstification. The Journal 1'iaimsasir'uation of 15,00o. 3Ir. Taa lorultnn bera cîrotet hy a ma.rlty aT abut 2Mt5. Biargainn la Waii Paprsfors.ahort tiieoniy. A.ty roos. 5up10l2itti,9. itown or contry, *apK red for $4.0. 19115 design.-A. E. Ashb y. pointer "1 pnpeehaapfr. Miii St.. Millaus, a tie akatisg riot.k, FaO Ran CRssa.-Tise estertaiasaent iveunde' tise nspirra af thae Ladino' ý.ijI 'of the Kithrîioe Prrabyieri',an t'it.uic. i te cht.rbh, a on hesisig lthe ltut ast., %vasa agreat sueen int'uery.ay. île,. (i. S.,tasamare gaunt..able addrrsiont.Lirte ua,'anti 'nu.irskth Te bMinialersa Bitdu"by ine.. i.era ofthe l.a'.suilia and î'tt.tiis'liil iedouiUtasaSsociety, pi1 am esata' -fr-ar. Aillise iuufnr.at.'iapntelr r'gta aplesdid' and '.tt hetr ..ldtiste (* ra.sl.mroixsltI l,'.tdiî bavec[woncorae aritas ltlhe peuindfthei t.' 'tvh. 18111. About SM w'. ,'iu-'t'Irilmeni.. l UI dCr.sa Tho Pi inepss wiieY-Ppen to-.a.arrow Fiu'at'î t'.'ring oi. nsan çtra gondi ii.. utpicftte', ohichitoi harrprasad slanig lt, Msruh2tAl.Speelal inuti,. Pttpttar prie,«. 5and 10Ocent. h'uogram: "Toeieiahs,"2z."ertaiture îy Koy lIce. *',ndcift iiia lireat, City,' 1 l taiv y b'lhashauoer. "A Film ,lhnii.," 1i el canîcalu. by Key..tone. llaaIsNE en FO FAuaE.-A corpsi of c.îgi eees,42 oficer. andl5MImn. avilI iea'.'cfor Frotnc ailisin Iwo. ne ire e ents, Tiseir suait sili ho 10 eanniruacîsirategic rilnay. Casadian andl United Stiiten .'ngiseera isave mon eprrienvlt'o.q.sirk railwaà' huiling han ihtae ofRamE.u n the 'anadianw arreomure lasow p asc!ii.Thse .'rpos wli ho a pickeal ane, a c,'edlt ta Cnadia. Tisere are go aoasy tapplicatittns ai ihere suilI ho la troublin agrtiiog theIrait rf ofilcrr and.i,,,'t. Amoog taise)î.liatsarr îhrcc 1.,11 'gi,.ees'awrl lowa l Milton, .filoyn Vellavooa, Kesnso Ot l ti W. FP. Duncan. bîr. '.sell woilms ntre t.. go,.s basrisecord th.' mat'of lrieteant. Mr. Lett lu a Southi.Afriran Vo'terait and I.. Dun- oan han lit. n.tiiitnr.y traninist. Seat- Miu,.iaoy OpoinoMIseCarrel' oi ai hel êr sprlsg andl sommer isiliiisry Opening on Marris 1801.. ISoi andtu 111. A mtont attraCtino autat- ment of halosiln ladies' misses anal eisilds'an'a avrar avill ie soaws.andal al mont moderately prioed. Ya,,are cor- dialiy lavitra to attend. 2t Tise "Girls of-MiltDn" e.smforter for tise avoanted soldiers, on shîis l92 iris' notoes arremisroldered, la neacl Snseuand avilI e ha ioun laln M. Gai. braitho sidos for a fesu days. Tisa Ried Crong »Soea fToonato le mocis in e~plty suit tise sort, opoaraci- atisg 10.01.tis a nticai aidea70M Usa îossrb of piaiote sentimnta. Tise cosoforto wlil ha sant le tise Ducieuoo Cauin ,gstMlla HoapliaLl for Can. a ,ia siirat Cleea. ThisIatise hsome of tis aA u, tan tisa Tisame about 4o miles tram Landos, amdinI suherr asar Ganadlan olalieon oi ha tm enfor thisar aoavalesaee. Tisa envers ami monay eoliaceid frnan 'isiocka avili ha aent 10 Torçta, subin w.asoe are empioyeal qsalt(ng tissas tisigvlsg amplyant anud lansln unoososty ln tie ork. Tise resml. lsg lanny sulitha sgant on eootfoi' for osor susndeti soldleaa SKATIao PâaT.-Tha e Un ry under lise auseeaaf5 botilisa conne off on Taa..dy eensng as an- nonneesi. Tiseriatsuas not 9aualalîla Tise Party 1i1 aapcor onlo-asrgos lnlday. avenlstgi5 F0517 ai mnusie iby tisa nd. AtolslêdsY n9e, andtM. 1 0e.Goani eaIiyus -1 ami atts ssîomi tsbtss .- the woodis nom Um lai n-dm dbst Chorcci gave a social lai Tuassay t, 11.Gamnas.issuae, eefesbmua aCsociallennverse Moda tisa avsn5 ssart, adsienjoaia I eota gond ilote. Cae nijoi. nrlas Brick lamsec ami thare Iota for me îatute et sat oie Manst. aejonlns thea leaa. For fulstila s 1ii tu 8. B. Brandon, 91,Dontinion 7an. Baoildlg. Torno. On Monday moeolag. sisoP'lY ir 10 a'aloek, a frasae isasosuna theKno & Donan farot. near Fréemas. neat te Geiorge Sou-errlgas.anti oco, led hy -000. Wilsn, m spelely Rstr.'y- cd by tire, MIr. gi Mrfs. trrderlct M. Suiti. Mlilto, nnormese th"euasgaemet tof tier tdiier JeleErcYn ta Lien.0 Rs Wcll1avnod of tise C. P. R.. erit aona f tise laie Hrnry Wrllnat.t. of Kîien . ise émariage t to ke îi. t'lits nonih. Theise ssesu Mrrap haâue'cosuplrtaiy rcaas'sred front sarret teveradthe. iarantine as thelr home has lare., twnmged. lMrandi Mca, ea., Tolnsag 0av cliltren are eanvaimscrni, Alla' getiser thse" er six i OaPriaÉi neiglh ocha.. A Patrlotla iConcert aili h givecoin Oinsagis Preshyieraan Oisarr1.on Weti' nsmday, Marri s lsi. An excellent pro' grame wililiehagia'oo. ooasissg or siduels, dialagîses. etc. A colier- Servics n tise Metisodint Charrît acat saishatis at Il a.m, andu 7 p-m, hloraing athiect'. 'Tise Dynamo of ilhe iiareh," Erenlng oubjet,. 'Uotsg a second Mle'Ganalm..nieAhiearly avlcesme &0 ail, Sabhias Scboai 23). Cjame ami taîdy tise ible aiti s. gasîle ntoek-red.toing taie aili l.cgtî neat Satuvslay and continute foi- ea day... sot tls.rly tayo. as at fista,,' noanced. 10 io atder tise managenment ai E, H. Adaumo. avisahaoa a taff exira asistants,(domsa arre. elag a.l, nt aredutiotn of froui 10p.c. tQ 50p-c. Sier posters for partie..laca of borgnin'.. A hale af loin g eaiatanSad a »aet of drird apple sae bren for- suactie tttie C entrai Beigias Relier Comitiales lanlHamilteon ntoefor tise hoait lesing Halirax the enmd of 1'. montis, Tiseloral eommitiee iah t. tisant ailUavio eontrusted. It i.te Intention to .»end aootisee baie .,rat mous.Kisdiy sestiaantrihntiosnta hies. Ptniemny or ia Scott. Nieiarla Street, F. C 1,etLoa.,.tftise City nf Torno. uss pha aM'a ' c narm Inl Wm*. Fecie Tcf BaopteaSaleOa ..dle b, j.A. %'iiîabh.Georgî We eiseire we art' aae i. n aLiag tihstiaiment that Mua. LLardie, ai thiston eaa clala, the' honrni-o isaviog Élie laegeltn usiof.. ssen IL.tedt la llit for the. BriltihRmpi.n. iintecoanty a' tise Dominion. Ja, ns already la tise treacises. tav,î ana' s'rýat Toronto wwlhithsesecondcaatin' geai' one= ut Georgetown wiiih.' tises anlgent, ami anather la att.- tlanct isrs 'itise itil haillna otal ni ilve-B.srlingtos Gazelte, S'r. Patrlc*a Dnv-Tisn LatLt' Aii of Knox Oisons eelebied tise ansi' ..'faesay Of Irelasao patron saint yes- ietda tiersooandati evenisg. in, th, un2 l y, isy a hasaar andti caertais' ment,.Tise hauaer wt.s avrIl ptron- lsad ami tise atiendanre large et tise uaa tise sketcis.'TisaMintaier'o Bride," suiiîts wéso ialadldly coatttotetianti Pl'si on ael In rvM' wY. Tis e- onlas sera aaoutli. Sieasnsaip teketsq for sle ai tise '. PR. stion.osa, O Sd comu ml se ohereabioalti hae swaed rsd isU iiyaar. A tust lor germinaiosn aisal bchaondncied'-end ne a inaoounssivas aplnItailsua e thitentu,. Tisagecmlnaaln iri ntoylt.e candartaida lolloss santon a shaflosu pan anti pince emte sOt fannal ce blot l~ per on lise boi- toms. thon Lassai al rnaIs of geais anti placesone latis arblallac.Cover 'sit xte taIaicaioh lotiacanal maltrn thas hy end.at0isa' aintes-snnla ttuesiT@ MMlita1naathripeoan a = IW&1 em nd=a mine op. tisae iliaa Csat ]bu:""st sua notti al a e l Iaa hajuie saim na anteab , amip W-111ms - q,hý&Ïê Co4lege sult and- the »Jackson suit in LdUWMranidmake imalleW .'~ rêmth'fc~os Heuontweeds and worsteds in al l he' , b The3 i'o't more 'l.'bs thé î¶ury kind, but they are worth ýmore than thE mnoney w ve'ilNn ' Boys who know-see oiir new nuits this season. 1~ ~ Neat and Natty The, suit lit for %i -Calldian iii foro Lion Bran Céilin I NfotiI l 'prc 15tlî.t,, aneiL>,IId,'r JonC "Liekon Brand G'ipALBRAITH & COMPANY r'..ltan . i.. Nltoé, M 'o Tiý., jai. cfM on Ci5ti. . i é4.i .. l.'v Mi 'll arAt 'elfflt , h ut 1.. ilii' Jt.hn t11(w.i['11m iltk èi. Rit,.loJ.,di ',oil te.'ý n5i11 JN.iori Z tii 'ietnii) t'r.pp i hi. &%,d a. i.~. 'nhv',i _______ SSiea unW di.saý, Ma ttlil '.,1iil. .Me t.rgaa(rantigto iand Iri.i ilar tleSiaw, Ton to"i.n.. Njju 'l . . . inn i' nt ris la e i ne. ét îlia . ( n t'. lis ,n,"'jt ' n I:1i, 1s"n C1:l f e it i Z i.ia. t,n il i, iiflgn.j. .t'j, ljl n 1llî iOiaw-O a kW"dt led , N . né ; Mabel. ildCeai-ldtieghtt' . n'iil 1nul BNilehn,o-A éoi, S.adnv . I sa i li', 1aa n wai e "f IOaku.l l.', 'n t, aged 81iiYeu.m.. Robinoa-ni7litniu.* Il'.Vedtîe'a,> ATES' SHOE STORE.. Opposite Post Oilicié. Mlarri..17th 015 OiN , udî-eaw ît, Ia hi. t("'h y--- The fanera i suli ktais.' prince. late realdenue. ine Street,.(n Pida (tCmpterv..F U L rA Man-,2 oig aaemory of Hacri Ormlias. haloveonoa..of W. O.I m. , lorse, '-Hl ral"Caist ville. Ont.,,avio died ti a laingli.ta. ilen ti, ,Maaih 7th. ISWt, agzetlfou -Gone bat Dot forgttlî FarsumuraBtk Case. Theo queoslas iehar the sisnehnlero oI the defaiset Poanees Bank shail lue compellad ta pan' lise dooble liibililyî%vas angnoti hlora J. AhlcAsturesu, N., tise ofciai rafeee.nt Osgnode Bail, To' rnoi,on Tuasla. Wmn.I laldns.K.('., appearadrth e s haraisoldees. Hi. con- tention ou htisa ly raison ofnnacomph'- ano wis ainsI.. poyeolons of the Bnt Acti tisachrter 1inlise Facoteai Bais ehanta neyer hans iseen lmnsti iran the ltsiun, and ad siihans loproprl gesatei. For"Ibsernaslie n$barhli ars sera isol IliamntisaBais Ad., sud could onet ha bal& .Mr. LIA sla l i, in bisn - er Wsahe zeospton. hi. dnmihuh nrvoal lis heisnet ai na ho mo ati oinaipeoapla ln Canaan. Th Merchant Taller & Men's Furnisherý 'ile hirds, the flowîiaer, lt.' witriui'l-m ; New Suit for [aster, Ou sok fl o hetest desigits <)[l r D efaripn nrc to fill soir ordeu. Wc isav'e te. inlaloprinog eiyli" iiun FOdOi'a, AàtoriPig4LwelI Mi Alo NbKleeegott Shirts and Dï (~aI i.assloowerour st JNO* IR Kenmioro Huils. e,.,f Caps. RBEWS. ;O S E. llas7alt i L etiaOi-2, nantisù n~ i'4 1 MÇ49 jý