Dru g Fm Stationeryad Store Shool Supplies A complete assortment. Camieras and Supplies A Films and Printlng Paper. Cliocolates, Willard's and Nyais. Rubber IHot Xater Bags, Giiar-anteed. M 1 LTO N Cigars and Tobaeco, ON T. Magazines and Newqpapei-sý,. li attention given to thae Fiiling Of Pr'escriptions. anid Fariners' Becipes. PHONE 148 Next Door, Bank Of Toronto flow we Make Every Cus- tomer a Friend. IE 'sEili PI R S(iN asi esteis ii liiitos' usu ie In iss's' ou' siniply tuslsoi-, , sus sije tus ted 'e t i.î i. huus fe. l ii tus lie i , tissue liii't aseiiig ui i-hui ta isu. iîs ieers s'iuuis \Vts dsi't fi) s su i his i ausdi îe glisilu h5 55 Iiiis, i e5 ' lise in i tî o'Us i'su" il t su 'su \\seil Dr. ReId's Cushion Soie SIpoe, 'île , rsiei'soerrh. GRAHAM SHOE HOME. il'I'I 111iONF ( 0 D f5E , Ms le* dseys luacaeaahos ceeiei Soýa r ionesepr.-A&piy ai ihli Office. Un leA AMsalT-JinZalesnki Inca bass eopsesliid for tril for hie raid on tics C.P.R. teackncan'n cal' .m peuted tant wssk. Ms le an -'Acetelan Pais and a cese-vint, Min trial han lieeo dslayad. as an interprater oilte seedeo a t it. Skates sharpened, reieair wark dose. -M. C. Pdnaee f. aehinceShop,IMiii Es es snn et Menry Cale', 'n' N.uE ùt et daugiaser ar ASAIN PoosOen.-Winter weath- HaranWLao.-At r. ee and trazen grnnnd yenierdayacu Harrgon-ilso-Atthe reeidenca ai itated a necond petpanrement af the thheordea parent%, Mrllfffngan a accoamatch of the Maltas Macld- Nae. litia. hy lier. John MuÇal, D hoard Assoelatian. Na dateweaafined. D., unneeai the hride, aeainied y hat If canditions heeamne fae'aralale tic, lion. D. Andersn.nChrantin,, jean pomen and athern Interested enOl te oni danghler aif2Mr. a4a i .JG0.nal5ed and the match pcled off. W iïaontrDr.liarold Il «Harejan. onaof Mr. and Mm.T F. Harrison, LargnMail Orcer Hsaeraan, mn ai Kingaton. enrwhere w'llllng ta srark a inn' harfor $Meeeki'y. Cann'atgîneal. DIED. Positian Permanent. Esperinioooo r neesaary. Sanîplea fre-Tha Co- Jsîssn'-AiBsîrliigtan actWodaeaday, Opratire Unian, Windssr, Ontariso. N an.- igtlsJames N. Jarnin.aller] us eEliiot did flot isentense tise Sheýparl 'Ai. Bcm-apon aThora Hamiliton rgiara ta h,, crntral day, Non. lot 1h.Fre- Shepar, fPeisan lattneeh, ns mprted. hut tb Baciington , aged 4 'ear spa oslix nonthe ln jail. Thicaiants tio McCudY-n Tpsdy. Nv. 4th inthe borne thing, aa s n atter hsse MeCacdy O Taeday. lOCh le entese'l they eraaid have limItu psut NasagaweyaMarvýMCcsad,dereliet hi the, îme in ali.Ae the piseoneca f lise lair George, deCariy" are ail yaot Llaketter ileat her da No,.îla-thBurgIno, on Tuseday an. iThey wiih e ln lenudanger oaihe' s,.4hSrhLamniir, 'relicèecnng hardene reil oiale. lise laCe Peter Kartin lier 511h veut-,CARS or Taosaa. lOr. ansd Olos. Ilessiersn Ssddeniy. nt lhec home, Wr,. Ssraekhamer., of Paiermo, heg Xeias. an Friday, Non. OCh. Allase; ta thaak their friandesand aeighhors Cisitie, elie ai David Heneieraîsfor the klcdnrsa and cymiathyex M1,P., sher 7ict yeae. . teadeol ta theon i heir rereai greot Ssnaeishanser -At Paiermss.susNoth eeaemeti.the deaih ai hessisiy 2. 1914, Gardon D., Blof aiarn soan Ssnsieakhassseer. aged 17 ycas's, 5 MoREHAtTON SSOtonIEs.- The iiiis iii sil2dys. Helins gncas trnngthsstlthenseconsdCasadian cons. i.' is"iisigent for tho ose ha'iog hero in. 1- aN NRORIAsIL reasai. a eau for enare n'enbas hemn Nîii. isgilis iOC0,ing asrosry ssf air. made UW Liest..'..Noip of the 2)t1h MM. lvn itr H ala ie.Miaienrhicac Il M '51s'Hhi, is,. liter 91. ihsallrec n. 'i'ney go l, oron su 15e Nn. 21h, 513 tCa U-day in echargeofaiCoiaits R. Mi. Cicaîris, W'e have coi. hearsi hss ioany tare tosgo front aiher lliisse [tle or ai s m ilo CH OCO LAIESý OnH&4SSHR5 Y n5'asss no nisiclkesifyass ssboysonse ýaaeehsse. and rssbhrrs la lhsireliab ise t.aei.- s, inereyasnil id the latest andus,.sî i,î.LauerW,'el[ Iris -Phir. S pecials 1 -,n'."itnn ih'hvho Foi SAS URDAY, NOV. 30th sisadM Shara. i hb.Box Chocolates 2 e. cOsreil.ase i s, sîi al asselpe-sasng lhtiheeerowd.ssîatten For SATURDÀY, DEC. 5lh- tho lesgsse meetinsgwheis Isuscn idorthie qssality aiIhe prslgrssossea 1 lb. ILeose Chocolates 2e.gires Ahoust 180attenesdsinist as da oigise assi lhmoghlynjsyosi -isii")gesasîsi lai tise askiusg. coialisgkr. Its'aahgseeec -s is 1-tlp , i' urca.eoi.not evrsyena1. Reii'eshsects errici-ved Coi ands'sus losok osofs sa anwihes, pie andess.Iie.ansdstliss - 'u.',,sauî'ti. aaaossi an eacerllen rci .5sgameis s a.i fss. I',Týi-. ain-, na Caii,, iDois 't me useaes cg Tes Nsghes in a Bac- lli'".ui ofsssaislisn 1 raaasoa Maîdayisesi. 1We shail haie asoroonrd Aehroairssssis. -ese.ris'. i Meutesrs and fiesdssof ooher elisssoela' r li u r Xorri ngton iaii ssl ordiaiiy iîsî bol.Nuiie isg. Bri'ig asmoille andlahearin isasusi l'îl i 5NFF.CTIi1NER. shke. 8 p.sss. shaey. MACKE-NZIE'SI We ai ' liow îng this year a splendid and artistie as(li'inCiit of Clristînas Gifts of strictly British and Caîî- tdi1an vianit' aç't tre- gifts of distinction and merit-suit- ale for oid and voung. Prices to suit every pocket book. A. dollar hiere will go along way in piirchasing unsieii0ill)ioslî foi, ail vont friends. Prices al Shot to pieces. Gifts for Gentlemen F'or the Soidiet' Boys "i s i If' ( f s" lîs os iut t i tl bl suMItici hil foui tei. Pi. l . c -1,i ligis s su ilg ( (I) ,es ii su:is' s lIses c "Iissýuru'iui Gifts for Girls ll li . i -. i Wi insg Pa usru l'isciuîrFraîne'. BIlisi c ci 'tsîssr Rali ulCases 'ulesis lursen iluîelBags, l'us su'tshionn IliiBrisheus C Is u 55 Ca"senla un l'is sicaGameos B uSetos II'alelsi Wrfiits. Gifte for Ladies Riînemsîies sue s utathe lu i.i 2'sus lisen Istî n rite gte fsto Ih g5t, i r and-Suef ilsel'han arissuisiftH iatswiii --îrr ] ....r sar C- Pi.'. Nuls i5 P- "" l'usUel lli-seuss o 'u [I. Ti,'SOcT Disîkinioisîîs i ic - ,(iireii e- Chaisa ug Ss us1.'iilacO' Brieusn CachetS-visnsg 'seî. iss , aisPen.c 1ai5is sCa'useSi "sIau.ili.l- ialeisB",r, Gifts for Al Cule '-sus Su lîssîet iiisgs Tablie B' .lss'siiîuler sp-msuîsTrcî a Fietsscea8 Bras, vas"'.ss,îsiie Chasie tlaldrc Feen Foui hiaill set.o tlues ica Ise Lsa Drck Fada Vi'sc Ho~il ovss ila iStans aiel Micro, o ihsiary 'iSisss Bisk ak. i'apee l'aie. lBridge lad jealora 'laps leivessasulr Chaies Bils. sas lsro Bs s, Bls suibenys. SBrass Goods ont feinraf Bras@ Iloodîs mlii est irnih 1 Iurc are krach poilihed and iaiuered ; adols Us therappecraceeflthe goadi and prerente the ilsusaspiseiraui gas-s fions affentieîg thoni. X'as Fnrn Pots Seîaokisg Sete isk Weli' iandie Stick- Psprilo Çeti c isardsnern As h Tesy issusTa e1,tiere foldé ee SnlgTe Miscellaneouas Blsen Cclrndne Bihle. lac Teanhera Papateruen (Saccea Xmas Baakiei' Xmas Carde Taya PietareBMos Deilt $itory Baos Boosnaof iction Sn o r Iak Basketn SianicureRetsu Tailei Sols Hang Bags Msirrors Braoh ils (oîab Rnis "sI'iing Paper Porta mes Sewing Seto Hdkf. Boxes Fans PaSf Boxes Jewel Cases litanie Rails Hot Pin Sels slaunîs Boxes (car2 Caaes Trav'elling tsmîsasuson Blouse Rnis t'a mes Hai Pia Holier Letter lieds Penu Trays Address Books Phot o Frames Photo Alhuujas Kadaks Partfolios Ehony Bruahes Buitisn Hookti. Glfts for Boyis Moiiîh Organs Match Boxs Coin Puises Drinking Ounps Gamed Jeos' Hsrps Ksdaks Pencit Boxes St'ory Books Sehoot Bags Boys' Own Anuai Peu Holders Ink Stands Picturs Books Fountain Pens Paint Boxes Tie Racis Ptsying Carde Siamnp Boxes Pocket Books aNudbl=uoIf sho'fave g" Maïln ra Aeeos-ali.g i Tis esedao ts e th ai va Bolrgo g auce Ptnis atck on'.&largnc al iwhe . . I *aë o aiwn hr 1 Mto nd rnlng."lkYg Thora IL No.l1, anoagetonaOeta ayae grattieat ofthepatoie 2t Bumioaondre Autiane i DlogsosatuaT M'iton Tiareh' a ersihitianceaithe peaalh moerweenadeaataio. there Til. ateaun mi.tio eds an emhgcaee itthA.L. haa,' bos M1thmonat. e.sd Mos.D, 2SwankhGo.amr, f rema, tioate a fllyan, Gibilan of.theisrht aNnkteirrkOrtartii thea1 Jer nhen ts herr,,lai lee athe Tc.sationinhia doaih. y ara. Tserscr ,ish.îLis 010e theopala ais tha nit eSc c i Lanie' oh ist. andrMrm. 'Ne eraaahiofealerehsta Kof Cas a.HeThc asitioe JsdihrPaenrrfh lnr. wmthr aseofr 5"' eth eh prrah Tursersthrec i eai Carrail ,niiioil iisie-se 1 and t'iaPowr aofteGspel.«' 'arseivetei ssoi,,?"i hMI.s51 aiSa By ehat s,,'rsservlis.So ai[sfaese adyissssill ise ircisiu . Bsigaoiagccesri ise e es (ad isra Fairrds'at. 'iral e raesita. T rnis a ss al iilis sy ais ii,v ri egnaci, i lao per ioitsrssdssg lsevn'en. eiIsilis i Îiîseeand iàies',r ho 'suaneit- ,iasaos ofsssr s law [5h $1e liss 30, iîse rsssseai i, iaes, a isoiss as Iacre tien3d sisca n, "sIr. s, ie hser, l hs'ssss tOPnlaes. TheCsssatres. 'cSsis. s 2aiîs henressol.a.dayS, liseas 1 (ih)er ofslass Ossarissssssias ssiaei ,Iaiiah.n Heq5freso il h peplei lhriogss observse soc ls ueîse isO 55 ssiit, n siss as ssssNo ,l lt, is Th' a11s i ps"noli . :'hsî'els gessoa hasss ailsîs 'isi ;vi t pes. g is s s dnYsengis lihe ta ags lise untisa -cissinîs Che h,îri Meùi otssis,a.eceoo aalssgesantIas'si. cai ri sioaksa n sîivieissg1 sî*isi, lîh 'a nd . u T he iles t puaiss esa ai Boa olntIad tCha se Oas,'ýý the,,i,',Issi ilasChampissnsi sa elat sii asi Vslcsiassi-siin, thhe sssti pss'ebbssi , se 5ugttp ofheinsiGsi is.a i e a dlffo lIao%ç pson hs tosdsiýsiî'n a % 1jom 0ýpny Wîr'sà- STORE FO R VALUES~ inj ilive Christnas GrutM&ies e-ti4 o New Valencia Raisins, 2f lbs. for 25e PutyDeigsgsvr d~r qi NswFaniy leahsdSeeles Riis- Mini, Parsiey, 10e ean or 3 for27 i ac -p Nwn Beai d edls Ri- Mince Mest toc pkg. - ail À c New Sesded Raisins., Frys Ccos 15, 25, .30c tin. U op New Ssedless Raisins. liakers Chocointe, sweei andîîI iiS'-oseIl if iqw New Curraiats, Paradise, 2b, lbs. 25c. 15 and 25e a cake. ath, ait M s ats10lb.Iing Sugar, best, 15e ils, or 3 11-fo New Dtes 1o b.Loaf Sugar 10c lbi. wil qi Nw ip8el.Cake Icing, Chocalate. Orange. I neta iq Ne w Lard, pure, l b. brick, 3 lb. and rllnii, Lemaon, Maple Creai. s, cI ký ij )ntila 20 IL pails. Maipie Leaf Baksag Powder putsiiip. arlt q New Cheese 20o lb. pressly fer us sîsîd enery eaugisii ('bristie's Biscuits, tin box, 30e. lis0lb board box, '25c. Maigie BahKssg ioler, 6 oz. liti, soaketin ia25e. 'iss Cbristie's Fancy Biscuits-Cherry, rixs'aÀ Bakiog Pswdcr, Aeehiis BP-1 thel i, Mapie, Arrowroot, Marshmallow, Jclly Poers-1Leasaî, Orange, ji1l ' bll 158q Fig-Bar, Assorted Sandwich, Raspbery, Slraorio'rs', Cici tolase q Apple Blossoas, Lemon, (ireaiti, CjllieiCîrîi ('. t ocoanrît Brittie, Oingereeii , &e, Faisc Pickles-Mas kassochie' s i * iR lb.Face CaOlices Ciii' Ifî01sa, iÀ.ll qi Water-Ice Wiifers, Social Tes, ('-ra- NOE FRGOD EA ua 0 p hamn Wafers 10e pkg. ltIoe iseIa :;,-) 4.-,, 50 andliih Pi p Fsîniiy Mixed Biscuits 2 lbs for '25e. Kalana Tea, as gaasla.s tise l'e-i st, Aî i ii, qi Ns eisson and Orange Peel 20o lb. Salada Tesait 35, 45 andsi50c. 111111-y q Citron Peel 30e lb. CBalk l eaaladerse b. e., Extrade -Leinoîs, Vanilia, Straw- CyasTa uelae,5eI' welapais Tea 30 aisul 35c 11). i)erre, i{aoserv.Pepei nt, Or(sîange, Siixed Tes, blensies, 2.5e 1ls t. Wissiorgieii, Bassua, .lsnnisi..lrsio, L.abakrlla Ce *Isn Tea, a gnod ts ,il) l'iiiraliîsle, ('jîisaîssas, C55 ,,, i ssges'. Il' sc Tes, green, 40e 11). Ca,, heiirrs'., ilsissila. 10 ssie e Whaisl ite Rivais Cafïes', fnyts inii, l-,, ! i i, mli h i2cc;lii Medi i('oie, sesilesiiad g i ý,li fl sssiiFlosur-\\IliiteS' R is cusi i t Hoîs 1"nii. i aisss eal ilthe Pciile ioii ,iu I selfrîs.isg, r.ssslandir(l.iabls., 17)c p1 ireafss t l.s ie ctse s ,s iipi esi Oulis exisarience lias tîtuglît us tisai tisa îet ia the elseapeet. Su s s . Vaills, wîe oRfes' 5oîs mil I ttaeis yosî as a permasnenît cusseiner of thui tw il t h." ý"Coiiie anid join tie Chldren's Christmas Carnival ais i t i ai1 ýë tegirl os hmatsi %N-11 es iii ontr Chisreîa's Ciristnii icCoimiît. SGALBRAITH & COMPANY. Ir i a O ,i tiv' Ba ils, V lis Wedding. i Si sr. sandiM s". .1. il55 ' .sk fsN"oaugasos's'sa. es' us ilise -l1dinîg ofs5lisicusollusý sîssia i'iss e-s"ai'uis. ofuinias(sslluss issu l'slsruur eeisg. Nus. lst. iii lu1., e selli At Ils e fi-uesMý , '0 1 'iMls aUe'il iseur Ms'sdesss'u Private Business Schoot. ' ss'...... P R i. i luTE su1ssi uss Taî kýeVs siiea. iof t he tis 555%51 la "- - - i I cusstleîesîssn f o -l P ia s maeket se ports, editlcal. lifoes-x uussiissiuIsceSsus '\\e sîsi.us speesail frissgasii'.peaurse sus'.i u lsssr l,ihss messlalacail the allsia, "ss îespeo- Il5lte -. plo s opicion,"." isrer iisrreads iuss, usu- iss ('onus., Say iheitsa>' od a euutss istsolfa 1111.isu isunt,5 hright iratssees oficterest ans i ua1sa in te earitheSu s Oe n ucle )Ob.usDo Shooting M atch. yaa reral uS mI'iucen eless'ing 5oas iacriptsuo,s 1 as ipaper eeoiiils û A1 ilb ,Ilo plraasito taise case ,sisasi fosis 555 A Is>tsli S.sa-n.s 7.i l . 'seisi issu M1Lo roniPLseS.n Aoa I sla. Thi.ýsuiuslîes fiilargerfesc. 10i yaeds ;fus oegaiaticiu. isllUss'a haose gissesi cussusiflesOna40'li eoui. Open ssghla nwlias 105 menioers. AlternslsaiIilssuuaiitsess a driitcithertee'shclloon Fidan vt-oI,.sotngtoýata :0j" isg was 80cnd onTirnuaytenussg'75.j iu Hoeli, es &i"ursilisk Cloudlpiogeoai iheng mallisssussl caod ocpay driii. Arîsi dril vl have to an'iisnti ifles have benv Shooting M atch. cevd Theiolioosiag pcanioioesa ais pointinîorAtaven appecresin sus r W'h Iciocarpaiedcitennry'drill: I.1.iA. îsoulubthes oisslug smatehst,, E. Bradea. lieatenant, J. %V5. Bas,, sicdit as issge Ps'ssessk'a. sun wuaihail ghair. signalancgraesl, R. i'. Sines. 'fîles, Il.eusr. M, crsubhe50linissoner, nolor sergoaot. asd RaoeiSart. 1.R. MNw CurIes:. Trafalgr. onssMîssuls>' Peaeok, H. Heathand iE. W' IiiteMusc. i5!ls1 'sî ,u'oek. fi-seisîrfevo. sit caniiigorps. Oiher nppsstssnnla gesu'.ulks aoul ehiceea. Ransgefi wfi'ie madeoin dsteourer. Drilita-ian mal[osilessoudaihot gsus. mocrewansingiiihrsiatthersmour _______ les, co thrre s'il i hossicencthnaass hall.TedrW ntd BOSONaCinacH.-Tle Boson usild Te d r a t . wili meet thlseeinginsead of Fes day eenng asn ial. A coprernats i' enes' iii bîle eeeis-esi is the tire ai tics Knox CoiirgoStidens' Mii. sîdrccigîsrd usp suDe. 11th, 1914, lac cioeiary Society le ta gire an addese, hictv eorda f sîl Srasbo cdy liard' iltistrated hby the atera, an tareign woanad ihiciy cordsof ai ieseUse, tUs iionwork. There la as affering inl1, doinrred ai thoe('asty Buildings. aid ai the wock. Ai llome. ahI lao, Che cSone eimmodiately anad the 'ossd ou, i'efor Fois. l.is9a. Baiai mad Lecure. Aeseoir, MeoIBBO", Covenoaeoflal. The Wamaa'e Aîîalliacy ofi Grace Mulltis iNaov. aîîh, 1914. '2i Ciucih. Milton, oilhald thair sunna]i_____________ h/ase n luthe tOn hall on TtTEDAY, DEC, tnt, rolisii,iuinng et 241p. ma. Thons oi ho a ins display oaiusue- D U S R T fit andl fanay articlos iuitahle far E O TR I N Cinins presante, A georral haoth icy ithe Girls Ateiarse, aise a ncy work arng, icsmaaenady, IrehoesCAR wortc, apres ecdrrn s e eseiame %eecadtaks mynteey ho1hn, After- unen les ouIlie esrved. Ticers oiih/ca speeiliteeat for tic hildees, a Christs The ear exhibiting Roots, mas tree5 laden wltic pretty gifte for Grains, Cereals and fthe other tics onait sm aSofSa. These gite oi nef ho dlstrlbuted tilt 1.45 p.m. fer tics produets of the noetîoel cilîdren. In tics enenlsç at 8 o'le ica " itev. . W. Teicho 0111 gire O E T NR HL aghasat nteressing lacure on tics oar, E T NO T L N ,iic riraglcsnt vi swD, Paitriofe*a OF ONTARIO aeugs sn cf uIel'y ticsorecentra oi ha, lnternpeeased. Adnmisn 2c,, scIL sEs cN Niltàs.. on Dflop nel. 114 a - - AtOI.TR. StatIon.. Dû NOT FAIL TO M57ETMIS QEBAT EXEIIBIT. Economy in Shoe Purchasiig \liese ' u isishas-Issus Issus sliss'.a ,',siesî i e o ioi o i lii 's hIiti i i iss u oi v , tl eiu isî ne le-.s:i.ili' , su, lu d ý i,i i ' us p i A , 4flI)g jdý-he i l ii a Ilndd YATES' SHOES liaelicasomical 'I.Var Ciener Styles loi Mes and Womei. YATES' SHOE STORE, Opposite Posi Oflice'ý. W. Bews' Son~s Merchant Tailors-- Men's Furnishers ATTENTION! Are you lookiug for Susappy Clothec îs iii s1,1,l ot style ? Caîliaud ses oui' seiectuon of Faillii i n5555 OI'ercoatings andi Sîitings. AN INSPECTION 'ssill finsi us Ready for Action, REINEORCEM,<ENTsus I eady-to-wear "s sus ii Overcoatiugs, Nockweian, Hala, Shirts,(ii, "s Coats, etc., ARE DEFENDINGor neptifatina., tisei t style sud value. IsORTIFY youîrsslt agailuat Winter Chilis . "551" Peu-Angle sud SovereignUnlîuderwear anr' Issu lus Defence. Phone 58, W. BEWS',QONSI ffa With Champion- U bhfg PDaîly Gloe ...... $3.50 Mail and Empire... 350 Toronto World ....... JNO.e M. MACKENZIE PHONE No. 40. ..The P ople5p Dirugtjml 1 1 sure to please her. LI 0 1