Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1914, p. 3

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perieci! Bab Goosy Pt.z MI L TONS C AS H STORE VER & GO. cil e 't I .ii~îii A MEICALFE - I I 'Ct I .9 I ITTLI Manager i k, I 81 d,, d Ai 1 A cule aid ýq le urim of rem é ..'~. A General Bankilig Bu81lilfla 8Tm'flasI"tt ____________ (Ruegmen MUa i a . on e,1914 Militon Bpnfncla W. B. CLENBMfl11, uigv. eit t ut ta ay M(cBreoai Lid.av-At th e mideaee cf the bhelebrotfterTo ntn . hlav e rileilîreeived directfrom Eng.. 7. luae hiydth Tociciii c ln .H ia dmy. LndnWilber ý1]1to hr., pîîîents of best quality T.Meruca Wlhr DIED. w-u4.1914, GeorgeK Mace. W indow ***~ Siyth-At the faailyreiaieiice Cam *'*~~ bel i nFridîy' SepC 7t 1OC, Roiert A. Sciyh, agcd 30lycee. MLahaAt Oaki'illi, on Mccdîy, Ot th Mary Sliicy. reliec of W in dow G lass e(Pa.*tt.thiîM c Leugh 1111, i linr 75i1 ~tl îîîii v 'lseprices on large or P-iy-t Rsenai icca . Sait. Cl. W. i. Ptic»ý" lciiic ricay i . h lice77Cli Yiî. CLEMENTS'HARDWARE V çO"tt) er A AO*('XîîCGCloe, w.jj ii ,ii ii Ci flow we Make Every Cus -_____an _______ay tonier a Friend. H. WHEOLERl Playlng. i E tri ciitrE cir1Xcr11, li r simrply Cc lo ,i, IX ccc.. '-Yi --11cl d Il i. ' tic '~it i omre. He can talie c ciiii.'li bis i' liii. 1 i i i.. :Lshcc thîît suits Iiiî WY il ' i. i i and wc gladItý .iliiii i. '. h- e thîe stcrp if tiit m aic Il r Dr. Re-id'% (ushlon Soie Shoe, GRAHAM SHOE HOME And Be HRappy' SEALSHIPT OYSTERS are the best. 1. î t Non'î'iîîgt oîî risc i . 'i PCti0Nt' Rex al Liver Regula RHEU MA TIC REW Xali i bl . REXALL TOILET Preparations.' REXALL TONICS ators 1icaovrnatoniiTaleui Pw ' 'raitîcg Arbîîiai Ta[i iiîl'î er, ieacl Fouiot oiî,. tîciToilel Cocyî. iliiîii'Pore l.tivccriflS(1 îîîî'ca crhctS'iiide., mcaiii iy IRose l'e'iliiiie. 'i uic Tolcaîul'cîcîucr. \i,î.Ic'i Diiloe Taletiiiii %d r m'tcc., Tieti uclt Yuce caiXlcihiniiini IEDIES ,li co (creailii Ituxacl Foot Poîî'uer-, Rixait 93 Itair Tcîute. Xiai ci Illca Cciui liîcl. e' r. iX ai riii F'î xýli , 'i'\,'~ i. Baien cli i' dPli . COUGH CURES aiiiiTa i 'iii. i (aacphciaied Colii Creamn lhojîîteHlllî'iloA Diarrhoea Remedies SavnPeîitif Rexa.l Black Berry Cordial. Rexalshailii ît Il x ii %1[-11: -jixalJa aiaGigr. R xall Sliaviiig ICci ii, Rexaît Jmaica Gnger. Hdrcgen 'oiî di e iii. iRexal Diarrheha Compounid. Hexatli km (ecani MISOXELLANEBOUS ru.ii l i i Rexel] Headache Walers, Ha'xall Pile Trealmen't. * hr h.. i " Menthaie Balca, H ot Water Bcîtîles, *KXiicorn Salv:e natSyraîgi.. i ucI J " arkspu Lotion, " Neuraigia Talltc, Tooth Braehe., TN Nippleo, Casto OilTothache Drûl c JNO M.,MAKENZI E The pJ. jig PHONE No._O L e-ot uP w e Dapa wuat ah ie fr yemmeday sameeeiy iii' Mill..b bau»aMin- sud àmet ov f his aid echoinate aated a a adla rteeth q a He vwu barin lMton, latuin PILa AL.Z-Upyfit goda .B LconT m-ASdfme nec. A yto5W.J.CLien, eaeneot Mx raned dweliig. ai d sat Mii EdlizabethSf.. oeiceew woehs. ater. fiait aiv hie garden on DaaxiiuEiAppoeeeu«.-Oeeii jfatTer," rsma Appiy ta, 0. Maeiatt, of Oakvilie, han deeliied la [>10.E2 faccept bis appintment ta the Tornnta TAa Dâ.-Yestenlay vas tag day' and Hamiton Hlghway Comemuneiaisfor the tihildren'a AldSaeetY. A ua- ciing tii peure of business. and It la ber of ycceng ladiee eld thie tflanad undeetciid hat W. H. Davis. cf Oak- decaeated a greot emla vleltac et the ville, iill i appolnted la ie isateti. fair. The anmantelchaud vasSilO. DairraL-Dr. T. T. Hrie. cf Oak- At the Prince«s an Maaday and vilenitt vialt Milton profesionally Tunday, Oct. i2th aid lth, "on the oniThaî'aday. Oct. Dcli. Hi willbea t Flghitng Lune," la theee reeie, and one the New Royal. ceti eoeuedy. Thac HeiiroElcCric Comisioioîle HAVE Wonaan FOR SOLIean-Tra- îhowieg Cliii wet ie Y. A. Metafal lgar Wcnien'a lueatîttite clii morut at fin shop, hoeIliggiîlaîthani building. iiobn Wedncmitay. 2iCt netl.at a great iariely of thcoklng. heatiîg 2 1 livhethe menbrreto bing idaîiîrrtriapplaîcci chiolihwihCle ail the artile whhrh they are ini geeeraliuse thriîugbotiît.LierlcaI haie kîitted for theesoldiern. wlîcrci'r electrlelty le a,'ailable.j nneitA .Hnoaec h MaîroS licii ac graC ahocare e titCanaiean ad Ainerlii ciangel. W.e'i-TD-Byriiiddlc.agcilîioiaa, ia, ell conduct fflioiee iCnhe lîîîiCion bly cccl. or mîorfil, as houille- Methodiat Chîri'h. Milton, hgiiiig kcc1îr re iof iniaCid. Coîcte7y iCiiC îiîCSuday, Oc.IliCh. Iilili.tcd Cc. Appîr at Chitso. cîîr'iCEnT.-nhîrtcîaCciy ce are ni]- ýS'ArricLDBiOEa..-OnTicday,îicac able Ce report asa C deirreci he con-. liroown, LCharte, Watei, i'iiirii. cee i gurat the owa hall yeuterdliy iadtlioi. Adai.,i,, oluiii a safolid at ri'il,î'iLety. The Iiperial Qiar' woriionIliiiewirbousea, Che icaffolai tete.of Tioronto, .gave aepleniiaipio- lii'iki, 'd tîîl 1-nii' iii l.Cthi ,'C'iiiiii. ei'eiei. Eciorea Ccr r i ro s l'iicrilakaaw-iiikciianiihe i.ITl'caCcCiiacciraslaie. rc'ieccdi iii i,'îC Ciiliii' AilaneIliiiaialoiiCt 11. iCIik'iciliiiil'and iabiiikI'Irilra. .0.0,F. li'iC h (idfclliirec Airiici-tiig of Il li iîiýeileiýifCthe iaii'ciigagî.d ia splecdid aCCiaci.e lllitoi .ic'ia Chli ii lelîcîlinithCCir lit. Oclirii Lalecs' QiarteCte, forlhiCi etiiiiiici o"tiicalav, Oct. 1111,i oC iii'er, ext Moîiday ecic lit the 4.15 îI. ALithàL-ehàIii ,l l e liiCt h ll. Theiinenibersiof the i1iaC' I-d 1 l", ' e . telleCcic -v' tlia Floirinc MacNeil, ci lCîCl.îîîîtî,0~ ".fî and îî,a,, liiAlai.. [isC. Kccl-' iii -iiii'd tîî l i î i oi , r Cali.i'ioliii..andil lica Ada J. X.i'I " ')'Yiiist,- ~Ail hCciiieiceiitlihighliCrac- c i ini.hiîh hey haie copacI'clý tIi, 'a.i l gi,,'t ii.iS tiîdc1' Nighi î(A Mica -ciii A t., IIII. n, f, .îgc c. iig..ilCe aîd oc c ei 't'i-e .. i ticiii.TI' Cur iiaiCieii 'ttlI iii. g'i. Fnd I' bIig uTePtieorough îîîî cCli leitli.The toniuai. i o Il . i.. , , I. i Xt fc i..kîsic I'l gil i g flI IIi fl h' ti 0. , T1h, i ie oifer'soute ieis.iiiiili 1Xi.îi., ki C îîî 'd11e,.liii iilDiiciCcCi1i i ccc'lii'tîi, i,'î,'tiii ii îîîi ai Ixon's Eard' wil -nd Il'ai 1,itar alugPoiliCaca.1ieiii'nt.iiil'"daii atciiiiiii g lu'aiiai ,i a Nl Snit.. the 'X'ii. ,;oiiMciiiiiyi-t the 1-t'iliii iliaiClc odv-ii ci a. i'clc, uCaiehr hi.'iiicidial Cc Unive agd Lîy aicthrg Calle clth ahoiýIl,- at bndi. lthe cea.r caic ho TAi Cher Plicc Megctcetc igiT aen afttcr1, î. wrî t, apprnhed Cat poace iai ec adir telaî'ac ipadaoc- riatc rie YiWiac. The i iîeinaft . -vlerrfc lat er hoaicaendiTh hli ia Sl.C'oedotthe ehcctno lng ectLothe has pec rthipatlcoe. Sot as pat id. heear an ce cae e- aord the Plcbe Maiid.te naley l atenoaiyeitaianicli ae bien peae tha tey hecae biend dploat ie- dehie.aid thtIleecffeeseive t arnebas bh ine rcandtrecîbeanengtiim wAtepeverfieey aid taneiivn0" e vlue a s lii .hi and cole'. El tJ- iltbn eiblaniaa.oit.the.oporaiene Ttli id heldafauve: iOaega..iee an te tole inder; . It.le cly ai DRESS GOODS N~EVER have wc hown a finer line than. now. Never could w c serv e you to better ad- vantage. New~ goo]s, attentive assistants and a nice, brigit, attractive store make our Dress Goods Departinent show to the best advantage. NEW DRESS GOODS NOW READY! 11ýUfl1e OF THE- FOR FALL pGALBRAITH & COMPANYI W. Bews' Sons Marchant Tailors-- Men's Furnishers ATTENTION!1 \ic t. c ckicii f( r t-iipp3 ('(tuIen ixth Ii ., of ci t i.- i ;Ll a d se, aur eetion of F llii AN' INSPECION \i ciii i d us Ready for Action. REINFORCEMENTJS iii f icady-tc ccuii >wii )î crcctiiigs, Necicîx cil'. Ilcî, ,Shirts. (iii c . Xýý u Ii ('oas. etc. AREf DEFENDIfVG (-)nr- rîttaticn a> tLr h i i style amd value. FORTIFV îîîirseif against Winter Chilis Sto i, i Pen-Angle and Sci'crcigîî Underwetir u -i'i i t Defecce. Phione 5c'. W. BEWSSONS W.îic' i.î.iî.'i t ' d T t'. i. ia'ia ANAu-rîîi c i i c ti h n. i. ctn .i. itl ii 1101-1 ( ) 1 .pi ',' tiii ilad lna ly ,f m.ici t . . i Ch-i XW. JCia ilArthriDu rO.,31 I CAtIPBELL'S DRUG STORE _______________________________________________Il"___1,___ il iii. Xîpi M - ing, Ma, il Si Now Open for Business A complete NEW STOCK Drugs and Sundriesý, Statlonery, SC4u>oI supplies& 1oi lgtiii . piiMx t at MVi. M a, cC .1r1elcaiai.;Laiittl Ilaa c.nditin.Aîîîl XV.t, rAE.As, hiic1l, W.uKelAy and . r ardîtb' aof i Haiiiaiit. Mixiec Riihy auJ Raclyn Outllaws)a liavec rî'tîîrîîrd CattcHamilltionCity HacpiCal, after apeîdiag Ccc wceka'M vacatio ut their thae. MilCon Lodge Noc. 92, Ii..O.F., wiii V irea cocrtin the owchilo n Oct. tCh.FileC clama talent basliere se- eed. Mille MyrCle Smnith, of the Hamilton Cil'HaePitaL, ipent Clhe ceek end 111%i lir cam mnatieMis"en Hahpand Ereiyî li lovay. ThaIMegiing Day-At Lhp r Pelceni WijI i, Ohèwni-'Onthe Fighting Lin, SbeUU~lai. l .C f.me , Tët F e, iTrll bl. "&Db il tctio ready for you ap~ress" stock, Wc dcueuns mne beau- .a*tIuseanon. SStore ci~'.~i Rexal Family Remedies h.. ')le aent for these ReniedI es (t)tltltUr guarantee to --ie satit-faeti'on. PRi' C1î ,an b ieka-ip îoii. bv sîlt a foodCi 'ii cct.va , .$tî. i ohtox ilîîadf 'Aýheeibarrca f. SNo. 9 Tea Kotties vare, Milton. 1 1

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