Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1914, p. 3

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iies OP' ti'\SS t t tiifq 5 ' lv i tdop MIîayTur- fi - ~much i( ou may iwanteadj 1,liT 0 NjS CASH t J STORE f - stock and' J -t cflp( to-day. SYER &CR im oîng to bale ý, ý)r bnlidingp M i tii Hooflng il.il JijU t il îîg - iii iilîiîîg k tt.tt. E.A MEICALFE - OOT i tt e-- c ,bIic oa Igclll t. (m 00 c», itii die i-c L41«~,. ,nip( p & aiiec Lbt itu1iaaV - and can quote very close-prices on large or smail quantities. CLEMENTS' ARDWARE Iiow we Make Ev*ery Cus- tomer a Friend. IiEYPERSON who entera otîr store, whetber to buy or imply to look, ja tnadm ta feel perfectly t home. He omit take bisu tiîne about.-selecting a shoe that suits hiio m very particular. We dont try to harry hia» and we gladir qbow him every shon in the store if it mealia \%e self Dr. Reid's Cushion Sole Shoe, the -iîtosf shoe on earth. Diet - At New Rai-an, Can..an Tharuday. Septembr24,1914, Anl M. Dlcb. eldeat daâFhBc ai the late Alexandceet aickBrampton, and ulati-c ai W. 1. Diet, C-arc Ataor- ney, Miltan. RUNNAGE SALE-A fumaigesmie vii be bcld là Gi-mca (lmrgb icboul. homme ou Thmrudmy altermo.nanmd mvealug. Oct.2ud, césimamciug mnt 2.30 p..., by thm Womm'i Auxlllary. H. WH EELE R Inlacructar lu ArtlatI lg itnaoerte PIaylog. lltainidnuimnadiiiueo:9.uîZ itadh e ai OaidcIamO aclaam "aY"" " aP" a, hý Eat Oysters And Be Haappy I SEALSHIPI OYSTEBS are the bait. GRAHAM SHOE HOMEArhit;'ign T IIKIitOtE OF 00Cm SHOES" -THE C'ONFEtIONEH. MACK.ENZIE Rexali Family Remdis W e are sole agent for these Rernedies. S oldti nder our,.guarantee to give satisfaction. -Rexali REXALL TOILET Preparations. REXALL TONICS Liv4r Regulators Harmoay Carnation Taicac Pardar, Bei-t, Irt andi Wiîîi-- HÀý at exall Tooth Pomder-t Sarsaparil la Tonia, i t-i- ctirTralling Arbutua Talaîta Prmdcc, Crcap. Syr.Hypophrapltites 13.l C. si1i~t - ý' Rexall Foot Fowder, Clery anal Iran Toua, lit 91iiOrderi- RIezail Toilet Soap, Rexail Net-vo Remedy-t FunctiLi.aai Cl. Harrty Puri- (lyceedoi-Soap, Bam bac Biacd Puiieri- Liffe Lverf>i11ý Yucca Sarci-t Pomder, i Oic lei- tiI Hîti-ory Rota Pi-dta-- "UG CBE i-ranttttl i tTea. YiaccTairuc Prrdi-r, O G CU E Violtucitii Taleam Pori-, Ri-ooi ite iinOe atnd Tai- RHEUMATIC Yucca Triiet Walcr, Ri-tail Ccd Litere il Ex- REMEDIES Rcxall Cold Cream, tcdt, e ii orl Iiot-moty Heiiantiae, ca- IlexailiEteumatite l iits Raxali Frot Pawre, RixIocn .Ch-t ak htittoatie Reniclie, Rexaili 93Hair Toie, pixall CBaby Coahrry rp Pubbttg 011 Harmaoy Stompoo, Ralli! Co Treimi-at \5itie iaimnt.Hai-moy Aîmtnd Bltomtaiat Rexail Cold Trairlo. _____Linmet.ComphoratedCaldCream. Rxl odTbea L)spepsia Remedies Diarrhoea Romedies ShavingPreparatiofl l)yspt-êa Tati-la, RenaiS Back Bari Cordial. Rexall Sbaving Stick, Ri-ali Antseptic Salution, alaIlmme Ginger. Rexall Sbacing Lotior, RoxalDinhM ompond. Retail EHodrogecu Peoxlder Stamari and Li-i-aPilla, Bxll..uhamCmPui. Renaît 8km OCream, Hexal Worm SY RensU Esadmebe WofMIrm Reail puelabbmwut à,, HM .t« M 'aidtn M daMad. f an lnepih i #W, Maui a" cpire toboLW.t ltauey i-e au nimi.tamn the HydraphtOU4 memvu a nddiad oa lai-mSS. OP.ctey flo abeeT 11t,1,01,1, t tlofie ST. Uns, theMai. u-e. LOWtoLTi> Srviceo, viinb, heidlatu chrmi o Sa ny ek oril.. a .& i. Aept ormcn ameorIvice otii, ne t- alalied bell, danated byMr.W.D Fiatt. af Burlngtaa. wmllie hadedicated and ia the, coenlig the rite of 3oa- firmation viii be dmnited. Hi@ Lrmd»hlp the, BIehop of Niagara wili afleicatc t bathseri-cescc. tÂcT.-Betwi-n Blla Sohoal Lad the C.P. depot, Milton, on Satacdayt Sept. 2Mth. a edot h cape mith i lia-: iag. Plader wmliipiease leate at the, Champion Ofice. A Hom UAROtnoPaORACrOc.-Thei-c ban hi-an mach taik thtecpat week atout the pepaal te, aegaala a hamet guaid focact.Mast ai the buaein men In tmn are pepaeed ta enliat.t Capt. ACi.T. eardmare. cf the RoyalE Grenadiersoriera taeasuint ln the Mat. tcr ad givp aeccgaary intrtins. a, and Gun 'eeCold and othe- eteaai willasiengladiy aid in mai-k cf enliat- ment and drill.i-Fee Pe. J. C» Baklock. ai thé, Township ai Nuaaagaa'eaa, ha, purahaed tbh ad. ro cre aiia taita hlaagiag t. mie.J J. McCi-dy, of Naagaweya. sale rap maadc Up J.A. Willaaghby.tieaege.I SOLIRttaaS.AILt.o.Thc Clanadiaa cningent le on the Atlatiot n ta CV ray to Eurep. o ad a lt ota- paît, ad oîaycd hy wrhipa. ITtc ltatoncontingent cathanbeti oa the ateamaer Tyeoteananad ras at Fathce Pot aa Saadaa., arroi-dia0 taj a lettcc maied thca hy hMajor Battentine. Cap- 1 tain K. C. Paataawratc an Saturday hat lehason oarad he Allenoliei- Tunliaa eC Qacher mth the Armnyt MedialtSeciace and capectid that #he waatd soaaa mal, CoUTi FAta-Atltntia la.direc.t teidtttheradri-ci-tîcîtat lachci- ai diso exhhiti Cifte HaitatAgri-ia- turtai Saicîp inMiltont o Oct. att and 7 h. Thecdiroctaeaareaparing no effot ttiakahthia iarîthe gtesat ,to tho blistr-y ofthe iacleiy. r h ch it C x-i lavai-ed ylfie weathci-. Agi-ad: tccertiiue givcn at thetc tamhall in thecvea iîg, ty he Imperial Co-. cert Cmopati- ai Toroto, ttc mem-' bers-tf ai hare ail irticias artise. Miss HennirBrown. ,onad dtaghtci- ai Mr. andMrs. H. M. Brown,.cam- plct d heci-tii-ce eai-, c asciasi tM ti-aiing at Ciiac Hospital.Detaoit, anaFriday. Mia Bownrin ta ho co- giatulatcd rapau geadaatiug fi-cm itat an ecellent tr-aiig schaat. Beidro ,tc spleadtd cai-rai ofcdical andL cai-gical i tciag MiRs Browami hotaten a trao motho'cat-ac at ttc Het-atot Kiciar Isalatian Hospit-al and thc Oa- troit Tatcii-iiffliattitai-loot. Hecý maoii-lcttttaljolaiooialioglto.rctcry irai wtll ta hcld la Ziintariot Chaict to Suday. Oct. 1 ttitServices witi ta teitita at tolw 10a.. art mat ty theaîtat; 230ip.at.. liai. H. B. Chriatie. Bi-iogtat; 7..30 p.m.. Rci-. Dr. MrltbieNloat. Spcclal munaic OC alaervices. Cia Matdap cîcaing, Oct. 12t, a fort atppcr illii taonierd tram ô ta. Tiopraia miii catsitioai.0atatby mia. at-tie Cai-imi-ight. and o famata lecturc bp. Rat. F. V S~ctt. ai Tairota. caliati' oin ttt Atîtatico.nAdittta50,.,' ctiidrctt 25c. Dra'T BE (oi-roT Tat NaYa- A atiakamindieci a pratiagia COntaria. Upaa i-ttciing a tara h ayir1y. n o 1 ppy o ailmai giasei. cooitg l10,- cari. Thi-iehli ile mithtoi-ut. ino whiah i'ha paria acouple ai ahor-t talk of iaiitractlaoanyattciplant and thcnaaaitttheanrtt rut attae ofiaoses, Ha in amjtecpaid toir-- lîh cofildiag ptti-haaei mith îhaota freintec ccichatcd -Ceylaa Ram ait $1.50 each and daca C as fat a, ho m handia thcm. Thoie peopîr na do ntt tend thae amon local papieai-c geaeally tha fit t te bitter. Oct. ôth & th aaechw ar Saad yeaa-c oedilly iaoiicd tarcomc and aaqoaiat yaaicf mith thecmaityad- vantages offerecdhec-a foi- aatiâfaatai-y prhaaioIr. If yatt ml i it ami wtli diacover ~ tâthre ra-e sona vUJOe that makhit faily foc yaa tagc0-lac- whêeafor-your aotw-ai-. If yo afitt hettr- hoc satisfactian for ltam moneY =e apal- ai Grahami chai-i. W, do rip-l.lamav, nyoae hunesad ve nl Lave teai i-ipaireS for pata taehom.-Graham'@ Sho Rom,, the home ai gond uhoci. FATAàL Ar-oDHOIT. - Onc Saturday eight Wm. Lladîay, aged l25, rit elgh campanloic. a, oia-aahanitlg icame Da'cmqcic. aiil trecd a caca 's" Mri. Liacy li th., t.eetu àbke lt daWiL H get na llImb1 ehbS* henhliehaaok t, as diS Jýie oeh b vh is ,caagbIL12 efahag at th tbcaground. One 1 .WWILO1alià bh&MScalle mo e Jate a t lMy eeal «No MMe neat baoue foPlan. lo UL . 9. onai lit hierlm MMSuaian-ODn Mday four elcildm ofa Miltaon maman Who lait hurbuubmnduaMMtimmgm.e. cu lâta the chiigeoif th ulceiAid Society sud snt taulthe- heltec ait Ee»mmpttc. Fos S ic -5 ivea af ha,.. WIi au. 4. Neiamn. 17-tf. Tiie innuai conavectioof aitheHalta Teaihrc! Association viii taohelS icn the public ibiary. Birllcgan. o Thuenda ÀndFplda Oi-tabee Sth beig m-emcged. Rana Lai-ia iorciae Miltaono Wedneuday. Sept. Sith, a hlack aod tan haacd. ReaadglcI-a h y Alfred Duean, aOunr, at Nixon'@ hardware itoe,. Miltan. On Moadayevci-aig afin- apcndiîtg a v-acaatnof a mnith ita toi pie- cna hiere, Mise itathIce Paotaonra- taraiS tta doty au Sapertiar ofaiPi- battonee, LttChe Hospital itti-Si-k Childi-in. Taeanta. Haitan Encaa.pmaant Na. 100,i..UC F., wi l havaolicorh andîci eoh- ment haath ait tc fali-rail Ch, second day ai ttcechar. Cii-C. 7t1t Raity Dn trotgt a-i tttti ta Ktinx u tti-ch troay Snci lot Satcdoy. Ttc ohrhoartt ro iili-ti Thc pictii-i- mcm ecoip cy noad te aitand gai-ea a rai dcaitt fittt Ciat, about arcote- o t hea t tty.1 Josi-ph Bicd. ai Miadaoala, bar poiahaacd ttceSOI-a--cia ari eq-1 lin tawnship beiaagiag ta John Hardy. tf Milton. Sale a oc ,trtc t i. A. WillottgthbyGergett. OrE,,SiA»aa,, -Tta ttpe aa co oi ta-cc and cattaataii t-atbits lwinto tt- dav andrillend onaDi-. 151h. Thce- vili ho tta apetncffaoat oi. aIttttfotti partridgra. phcaoaît.,,1-k t ott i-- sqtii-i-i-aoatthtr cuaý. FtaRSALKaortt) Lc.-Agadrt iii-rtcdldrilitg Hoati atdîatt rati-. t-ait and ri-gatatti-gacdetttttt loC. Tai-ait rcaarîiatle. Appiy tat S. Ditci. . _ Kcatta(aiir-o Th, aci-amacttfi lira Larda Sappr iii te diapcaoid at ttc tariali a-i-i-. Ttahe ctit fr teiomn tariatt brt t. rhc Battia ai tte Tra NVlln. lEvening aitie't. ioittitt(ola ,Mr-.àMavoprtil1 piroat bth -itc. F000 PHICEPI iamt ltttaittg ari-taac titr Two t>ir.. uiSiti ASili GooS AXE Il>1ii wt a gtitd ate..1 lit li-e tig tpea aattt c mri- tagq o lai îkitîg ktiîtling.Ftrasiow Fait Weec Uemareci-e tiiitia Ttc ilancdyWtclbarrar tigh gi-adaeitantledAe ettii-atit- 1ltttcet Ftr 'att %NSc-t iora uste, ai 190c.eccu $4.Wt. ftr $3.54)i Bote-attle Razoi-î.o. Kîtî UiOea occs. ai-cttiti.Tea ai $1.0 Bokco PiceciK itttt-t 8agtt o. SilO Sîat ai cleiaac pi-ian. fci-Si1.5 Nixon's Hardware, Milton. CAtIPBELL'S DRUG STORE Now Open for Business A complete NEW STOCK IDrags and Sundrles, Statlonery, i SeppIIese lr>' DRESS GOODS N EVER have we shown a finer line than now-. Neyer could wc serve x-ou to hetter ad- vantage. New goods, attentive assistants and a nice, bright, attractive store niake our- Dress Goods Departrnent show to the l)estadîig. NEW DRESS GOODS NOW READY 1 GALBRAITH & COMPANY J W. Bews' Sons Merchant Talors-- Men's Furnishers ATTENTION 1 Ar o oo igfrSna)p b I JiIl b 1 of qt e, aI ad 4poslc t oio AN INSPECTION wi] REINIiORCEMEN TS Ovxereo.ttitigs, Net itî er Cottttb le,- ARE DEFENDIN6 toti stylet and valuie. liORTItY Ntttteeff .gatt Pen-Angle tattiSt teiý 1)efence. Phione 58. Il tid us Ready for Action. i1.n un tt.c-- il repîttt t tht- - I tsit W iîîtut- )]Ill, -tii - inUiiderma t it W. BEWS' SONS MI, tj I' tI A, C" lc Ai-h l t Ni i o a t. it,.ct..tt îti ci- lIlfl~h b Wd. lic ttao ttti . lIa hpct hi- it ha C i na . J. Htiiag a -C J.oC. Ttaln, attha. ' AZarr a Sttodaii-. ita arc ci-ci-ti.changai ar otell5 en lttira a eatpage tMc to t iraom ai Ko t tha itdaTpi--tAi.ot aco t.ro ite cdaItio-Rat-. W.P.i.L.tan Cii-H. A.tMCtii i -cra-racc uprilta i ti tta c t; illptt d ine Et ishacd that hewllbe able ta gi-t rma ap mithit a day ai- tra. SAFETY.f lST.-If paomlame kepa haci-ouiS itaffeatyott.LLa aiaiti iitw ta iaue&Yacya fglinat 1-c Cheap, and attiait plic.- IV. P. tDewae. Agent. OnnCAT $.0iOte Cii-Tii-ASOf.uIl racted gald-Ilir -cmeS uPechN mm-- '-cali ii-iieafotiraiply l.a y aptocai maaefeai 4mToron-ata. Twod -=77=7= . 1 FAIR WEEK BARGAINS IN HARDWARE We offer sme seasonabie suggestions, bat you aili find i-quaaiy gcod values in ail lircs. 1 -

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