Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1914, p. 2

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'tii. Canadin champion - ULTONS PAIt .k MILToO, SopI.17 1914.O to~~ea 1fT nomaeaw ga ai «rhsidd u-ami111l pecial G.T.R. train whàlé ft aq WU o .-Negeo Caicuiatioco tbad"onbe official a H tfaf itnat IM P.-.On tKelof> 8éonl. wuaprentMwt rcturnosisoued lit ioidon ,bow that Oc t. thetontd day i0f the.far Pt"utouf nailut e qng iy Adm - l - ofit o! hir ori)Great hrîtaorr od iiftop at &Il iatrVenttflgut&- lozuador. Dsn4ltlk. *eati pdu~~'l?~ tin.The directora are nparng Do thet tanbe, Mla L.mahun. rior'cArîgoc lot lce ceet,îhc ia-, )liitae hecfair agrand asun- ttrsl ln getting_ the uln1 ln rate lit 83,870)000X)lier l'oc IT4c -a, .,i trey haite te heatfsuppor't the. <nden wlth v erahir -ad ((gace oi))i ,'rîor.. 'i 'ilrin ty icident of the couaty. Tht flowerx, nlsutLè and PLASTE RING contnget, aý sl ILt te fIliwiog a oi u othetliattraction for a farga gardoen. Thet nj4pototd ar ic t -r1l1'. t o lihore1riigc a i enil nilSpt di elo and' l:n0gýttiVa fi1nandgrw plendidly untî It. OI. N ALL III DEANCRIES n,). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PEDN tc.r.,c,,orr,'i' Nocctia'ri villnaportion of it wasprepartd for rorUrrr' 8l(X,)i<X7c r torren .exhibition. Oit the aflorfiln ofthbe. OU No,,and Unt a- iio httafrrtin fir lbe trottsteesadralapayrn.wîtli !ial'OOr i ,aut l,Biic i,rt ar. uet t,, ii ladchin ure u i 1 ot Cnflrca 1 4 éitn Brtan ada., t hv 1f 'wie nd riven brO Fnr Ms aiesthnuiît mberhd, w ta raotflia 1 onnri lttelltn l',ta thee $2). , , $i' rd $îI, dih cf tlectîcto front tht pripilloand speeches fr0,,, th.tetachrtruosties Sratane th ,,rnr. ), ,îrnli Ii tanMrHart,agricoltîiratrrprtonta- To do genorahhousewok onthe thr 'q, lt u .r i', 1e. lOct )0. trI i 'a >ry Ooyableitafteri,iofl 05.0'farta ;cnorhildroa. otoall faii Ap- it 1,jik']ý tat caadan'a\ 1 itpent. Thtorieoltoralo'oikroi ttispîy stoting wagrn and taperienrt to r),~~~ -1r-1r).',r. ,,r,a".MO,ichoat,iretot3 ich-1 i.aorrtdt tl, theteiroher and Mma. NICL GILLIEB, Ol lo'-,'i 'r,,t$5,2,$e"20,Od $ th . ruit-aic,iand nict )car KIouceh.cl R. RNo.5h iltaia. Ilotir.,w arîr\ Il'artierndr arrit rrr. i r.I'iHE octaîoRIM4. fir,r.vithhrrhe cta,rcithio Phone-Gorgtoiw 85r. ly 2t >a; R io-ro) ; I.îir0 'r'jii,,rl ti.r,t grercgroicî, , ( rei, 2d d tr. iogojOf 0 ito ,',, voti,,dooo" 1r(rî.,irIli Il o raVndil b, lorit' .r1, ili-Tir.iFARM FOR SALE. fie 1,i i-,tr . ag', iî ,.lr,l ,,, Thei "0 tpa ,rt i ,,t f Agiieitr t i, i,,rrîrr'..I r ll . , r,'r,,-d '. r, .,,,, îo, Irrrooriaiîhrr1. ak gotiptton.c' ,c s1lrr,' ' r). ),oor',,lrd,i a, W 'i, " t ir the icdoory offit - .iporotioi. 165 acreso. Liot ad8, Co..2, Neton fi r,,,., 2 ,',,, r,, i i r,, rr i'r,,,,,. ',,gl,'ri','. 1' ' Al,,og giit. t, , otriaPatrirt, otie ierip. l'ali, coiioiy, cocuof Cao' jr î,.,,, f,,, r,,r,'r,,',r',oao,,,,, rr,,r,,, F, d irOîioC' ,.oaî,rl ' i SOt. Brck houill, g("iotiboiiOfi9, pllatu ir .,,,r...,t,,' ,1-,,,rrt e B iin). t , rt, o, t g boa,24,'iVocIiiok, Onti, i lir Iiir...V,. r i ril't. , .... iorlit't o 'rii b,1--1 il r a, r2r ctc Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so '"'r, r.r . r.~i r,,er. .rheat is forced to travel over top of oven in (hI. 4011. r' ,~ r"' r I.' r r "r r i r r -' r , r r"" "r r rr t r,.Jj 'Quit Dosing Yu0r Children Cti ch. cgCsners tocs, f irr . Z. tr tig i ,cn , , ,*yOs , dor , t mil ch.nti.tMdcine Tomates anrd 11fil 1rl rt il,..,d1 r", .rrr 'r..'r lr.r$r.$eo3, I ieid Crop Comtiiot. r' l. , a' , r ' ' i a riso 's C tri bu(io. crc'r r.gir., , ,. ') For Loss of liair izWt stili pfor las' tyou se 0 I exsJ 1,9"tiF'HaloTonic daàns ot f100010 lbhe towh 01cfyonr hair, 1. Il .. wi. t h inâcr tu-ae on. t ta n@suri t'w I -rndo Iti o, i.tisi C , 93" r . We re,,au r .-h, .ni l- cc ct t'y taiI ola -k,usIft c c r,,.. o à 30da 1.0 ,ot oaip R-' 93)4, Il..co onT j,uJe r.. sr . ur f-kaiec'oe d,r o t , r.rhi,. ninui, -Y r ., us,, t oa,,ie,.,nIL " -3 ,'r'iratt c rf.y lurrt a',ic -k,.. -h l .re -er, of.,ai c j in I L,ar, ic . d Lih r ]' i,r--nt. tcl, ira'..1 c,. , ..yr-d-'-eac, th-r. , wtrt..esniin -1 r , i ;,c . u, s h.a Il., f rr i di r Cu-n hoi.a . n irecniio snca Le., 1i r] 'o r 'Tt, 5 rt tcrc.O unaesîtc- 'y.....,aoorr cr, Il(iitt r.t . 0'n lm r Mi tci.. r"r r.5r r. . M.i Ar r oh , i g t- Pandora down behind it and twice un- ÏèDie derthe bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer.* ai SCC b-Z' c1e1'n.ez=ts dr c- Ontario's Opportunity !' i' nilrl r, icf r i î . c'rdrnîg dicaoter ni feel im- r i r. i n i rr ji r tn d o rîr oinnur )'risriess, fir, in 11- J r;111 tr i. ' ni é, irr n.i e o F rth cIe ire tir,' r iri ~ n ,r.il. ai iririr tn' I l' l i lly l ie d i t, fui] mnn i. e u ari crultuîre', iri aui n dci i i h] . rri r.) tire r'rrrrpric io) (Irirroil'i" i . rn ,],rir'rîr,,l reriletor]errî brun "r r.'r ilirr'.1errrthe glceanît rî bîîîrdalrî' fur i irr ri.i,î i dnrr U ý t ,Ji ý, 1il]iJ i diIU)rriliii' ou, bettoi' prepr d i i-i ru i iiri i ire ustrrilit3y thiîc oliceild Here i3 ani Opportunity to Purcbase a Farm. CAMPBELL FARM cii 4i(f L I, ... . ;r rI, , X i c~r e l'rfi r i.r r~~~~~~, r,'-. lor.ire rîar 1 ir r r.., cr r~,i illiirgl1ro,rr x i À-) i r.. ,,, , ~ , i, rri r. ~,,'. rec'e re'(v, r rît-lor ri i r ltrrriirauhi ()e10tonp.Onir r ~~' r,,.)i F'rcsirlteriair ('hirehec. 4î,i. r r Ni. ~ . il. r) t,ru, "ai oili an 1cr umn lIre J'ice $1000, r s rrrorrnge.r As openings were early this season some did not get in. However, you wiJl be made cordially' welcome to inspect our elegant dispiay at any time. FaIl Openings--'914 Newv Dress Gootis, Silks, Plain and lov Col-il Vlveî', anid \(îlv'CtC(î, Coats, Skirts, Silk an7 Moray L'nderskiî'ts. FaIl atndt Winter ITnderwear, nany Iines of Noveltyv Good, and th li]argest. hue of Staple Dry Goods we havve cver shîowvn 5PIECIAL! 0V I~g Assrtînet oBoyýs' Siiits, Odd Blttoiniî'auîd Kîuiî-k ers, SweNtater Coats, JerseysMji nami loves. SATISFIED CUSTOM- AtfISffp ERS BUI' HERE. . . SANIILLII U IU CREAM WANTED 'i, .r l",iN' Ilnur la') ,ic Two Good Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Groceries at This Store 1l , t t "' v r' "r ti l"u , , i rr he, pnc r k, Pickling Spices ri., ii fî, i l nîo, rk ioo ') 'o orir. 'iS,,cd Ccnii, î' ,, ,, îîî0. vt P o ,, o î rrl , , i I n d c r' ' S,, , i i 1> , , î WetN rn.,oceï , [ G mcl The PAI POSTER HOMESTEAD Grocei [OU ACRES,'ic, i.. ,rtir 'i, uni! "f i crt ithe 90) i ('.rîeerîr.,, oet '1, niro !C> 'kl" ",: 5.iir rc o husii Soi) eiuy loaci. Bti- f,1 ire- k 1.ro - vietuatred ad ou,. rroîî,oded tith thade acnl orna- ,it. iic,'eo. I '-r ouîibr rf .!12rooi,,oand harî,aee. Fracr r" c Il ale,iiror uirer barnr, pig peu anrd driî'iugoguea. Rural an rnditurat,,leron, overicieci roadIo Toroatt) r, 1-' irrie, rir 'Toronîrto.eirroi candleliircloo alie lot. Wood- ea à r c iirro '.Pries.$10,000, Ternis areairgnî. CIRAWSHAW FARM ra Re tieTea, 100 ACRE FORM, lrcirg the ccd balf uf lot 12 ic the Oîd concessiaane!fI alad; Tro. Icr1orsioig ttocribilr 55 acres worhcbie, balance an basI, ct-dat, Tyapu 'oule Iinandaî,linapie. Buildings cacciat a! rame tank bacc 65t,,N ryandc aico r !riiie Fela nd r)diviig shed. Roighcoct houseo6r o oam8anad n'lle. 3 acres o! orchard, applec, pluma, cherries, pears and al ecocl fruits. Thisîc rar ir;con gond cîcce rocdO. Pit.$450M. Ternis Canned C HENDERSON FARE ' Piokli 100 ACRES, I*itcg thia Ceat half cf lot 29 ile 2nd concesseioncS. D. 8s r95 acreo ander ealinotianc balance ic flutb. Buildings consotIof blcik ban SOsO. Frome bouge o! 9 OraOMOaloc cellar and waod- shed. This 10 a great mou, and] la gof lato e sold imdaey Prsem $5500. Ternis rracged. . im tîtI fiDa 4.. A. 'WILLOUGHBY B u eof ]REAL EB1TATE AGENT, - ERE UN MILTON'S CASH . ..STORE Farmers!1 Please see thiat 'vour vgs ae all gSood, as wte test themu helfore shipping and cali pay vf'roin2e to 3e. more 1per' tozen it ha1iamv1)1V r elsec it'good. E. SYER & CO.!ý -If y.Dîî are goiog 10 build or, or rerpir 5'r'tlr lîlidiiîg ecet 0cr prices rn r Metal Roofiuig Iea t 110 E. A. METCALFE MILTON, ONT. c r IL à OPENING of DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE S E'W E E N TORONTO OTTAWA QUEBECý U.1..c sti.lca 0--t-1 aI.ii.d T- S. u... Ct NB. 4tO Ka ini b,, i,: foaI NU*ilorialoir aad tx nettf~o dio an l snt, 0rrrd. Ml.1h. ThecrnmeattnO, ltIat fitl dhi tht,r rrr. itomitai 1ttEirr andrthcdwîtttelt" r. bimortcaîadiga t,' et',o r't., td. Edrnts ad r.N ' The Meutli ), i)rfr, c 'Toiort', o ,, Sept. r 1 thettft, r S,,th o o i ft he Lfa-ai, r -c lt rthtfer .. r r Like lis iiikllrd Nei, rYoir,,rr,. ong" '-roi (cv tch i1,lt cfterl.m... --",oig.'o-nt , >r, 1 h. l lswfaîe il . ........r.),. c .. ........ " t,'lid (ont,r i.,raletgil, ].îî Aid Sa, il. ,,rolrcMoai oirirte $1 tOni, i re)British - i'tuîlec Tui r .4,iRK) ta thr, A l.igri o aai, 'r.i gift "n i -'..h. A il. r inonacg i ofMi r1 rtappeaî' ' i LHrour 'r '., r,,t. it 1 'riit QPr,, l j,) "n , il %e m)' r, to I- rw,' - .. ' - " -FaouoasRse B,, and Valcartier Military Camp Ilu Athoghtiior '0, ANETSEFFECTIVE AUG. 24. le 14 rai ' h ei roc)! AND TrtEEAtoTERDAILY FXCIrOTSt'NiOAY Macnr, rI,11tco r0,i LACE IGROCERY i o Oao, Wtica tsco1,, ýhcro oaaad Ootr rt ih i tb . d i1t" , HI' 0 , ELLEILEAr li rrt torLicE Odt4w -tAr 515 rai A':KINOSTej : hetAhii riesand ______à_a )ri s a d A M. OTTAW.A L, ,2[1 '0 -4A , Vr, r.r ta dlar,'rc;'f14r' ru.M l. bracie rre-ad vrr'!h ,ra ' "uris su'n it. . obarCicy Catir hetghr n 'i " y fln , tr Eisrtr dcl.i oha st "d .. fntP-11-1 C1. .. Th,'oaoi Tr.,.. Thoum' tLe Hildesheim rcse ±uviblOflS bttd rtspaC,~ttc OnhstttaOtt-wea..d Qatiaot tht iI nno h ,g- act PrtOasab n tU t oal n O @viil. Dosorcto nud Yartas, tw Gron,Ior .aa tains !r,-dior, ftroiiadaansîplo adaitacraniaanti to..aoAet. Tht bai, . Intht Wthr and Coffees The i)buno a Itl8Arose,ra ý xr hela inFARE FOR SALE. made cocrr' thirty years,,o rt'y~~~~O th e c flte'hrermata orrle, .... e3 . aad 40c.. MlOOscot,, titing haîf cf Lot 4, third Thtrr c8asWrMMoi tankst,: ..... Me.and 40c. lb. ru5./,SCEERS o any iatrnto ho(r d In Kr bf-dtgn.Godgali a tad Of our 25c.Black 8ttdulock o EXCURSIONis.S a;81» Fo qr sale.ap- sthac rtthere tles,,, )îe..r., EXCURSION y tr p a Imatteroft o! foot rte cd lo iz 11E 4t lt No, IF4'toa bY thtone f tb ýMenruyrinr. l00cme, MANITOBA, EA _________marsar r deat Iot De ymW, aTa pnas sicroorýt -" '50104ElausOa hn hî p .15 o Wlde aod fetr r.criand abmta £1bJîls Wia Adres a t h M, mao n W Ibouanor) e tàt ahilionon b. si1111109M la bleo îTO NWO C - .1 ftssh Uiit,. We h iý% laid N Wini andi r*I CLE MEl Fiom~V. GRAHPý ,A sGt- t i Os r r], i ' r' ,r r~ r, r'r , rtr ri 1 S r) , t rI r iJrr( i i'rrrýaiik T, r oi irrtrrIl oi.beeîr 1 'r,'r% n 'unili r'rrîrr' i, r i lrirrly cis- ir'rr.r'r r i ýi ,r Irrom c ccir oiiiîi cd ad r. rrr'r 'r'i 'mili-' prl.o1îcri-,r v iid servcicc r.'ire r ,r rr]ir irrrr 1:,c rcielr'r]rlrtlit r'. r' r], .,11 lrr rr 'r,r,, BANK orTORON0fO MILTON BRAN CH T. F. LITTLE, Manager ' 14~ >1, I [

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