Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 1914, p. 3

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eÇaah M.kiraciç ftohhed MOre ricj, Fruit@of Hie 00 aire o eroed coi dis of tarvatie0 at. WhoseIoo n.os ,of dollars for t0 aou Overbaror or cox0 ,a0s0 h. "ras iaras~ atte!rrcon ,o ille fatî * CirTrller, tho 8tocr Ierrlked tua. c 0 0)10elwaere 1 r r ~ hundred irr , ',r.1h lerrrory * .1 'r rl, 1ýr r, la Butar 0't.id.li rndI i c c e14. '7.d Z7 b PJ &qlLf* ~,1y Thfrr .f FOR A eandinexpelisire A G eflep&J Bankinif Sdks & New Dress Goods orrr D V ~ " " m0181.-Mlon Boy Kelly Wiilonms fleealnaASttention.t No9 r.and bi, de. beiee pla gre t Buanes QI ~ e?4 iiý ilrmin Miltoand onaet. ine, of alola[Y r doglt(orgrea Crioiaa). Gat. sarent thre holiday at thefr home mlooed. here.On Monday. Aog. 17th. Dr. Bort, of vil, LfrmSauda a oda fmlymutnwasheld tae mrt' g ting sare. Montreal m re k ae Maiiaker. ck-AUARbr ovD -e, W i ool- lMDoad =Brtt-laerorlh'oa oOotbrha. S ilks are e cre nre ae nesdary, ' Aug. 2nd, roore wth ireloti n tome. thoe caroo, and if this grand old mon te aGee riaA oen y e ccor.Fsertet.ApyaiaSary oooermahain odn nln.arket is cleaned up. London huy- MU: ous ta otCornr o Quera nd areer a n hai I i sntereo ct hai Me fRcad y c. te. taTlons! incuththebrgspplies four tiînsa er.Te ra Mr. nd Ms. . M.Bastdo, of o ffair of the word as een rofatore.' DIED. ronto er the rr tira o fa Mr. anad Mms. At the maonint ere IrIr ther o ealdr L IVE I N C FOfRT 1I Gitn-t arisolee. ic-1t. 2ol, R.E HarrisonSnoedayond MoodâàY. gentlemren. frieadsof theadearer's, tira cauh veith practically empty shelves. ik r BcDy-bnems owy rrMrido, hri dMo.Wert coreh m iner! ora f tira fourr Wog .28 a ght them Sep 7ir.Riher trreic-, c ri i ftrrpnd nr ester am hPe-yer.Bartlngto Gorete, nanufactured in France and Switzrad "Pt 7t. Rchad Beile, in l.brouegi. tory laiieead piotstal n Du. Ua0oroo A. Warren a nd Mc., Tr,()r mOnths of hot W ah.ýa heii o uny 1Id yeor. iieTrntcrivrr.Warren, o! Toraontoe. arr <n o r wo~1~aea f et. DhiTÀ-r.T T.arice ei-Enlod ie dacaraom&i ehv u alsocks of Silks and Velvets, in beauti- ---A - villea. ill onvisit Miltoneprofeooicoaaii ltirF d balaceCorps of e-a- fui black and color. Silks that we could re-seil to the A FEWlB l ceTro-îah)et e, and asva looterefor active sarr Hanraperta taSiept.Eo leadHrade at teva-e.ceHeoflèrino to vou custornerd KilOrde aririerai leirere' D lieti et the tiotr Royl. oraty1 cr ie frt !W"c. Mrm.cVar r tt he ric we arec ,, n-toyo , our u t ne s ahirealil tcourac ericee, ir e Rr . Tl. or and Johno Lardir, Hoc-iiog- mr- lr eui r inoEoglaa ir tire p c r e f t hre lo c a l a c l u b ,e rirri i reh e iu c l e rre ire p r l e ntie c e Wr o a lc r tie r , h a v e'a c t a a - a - t ur n sf r taa t hre n t i e t . D r . 'r~~cwPerfection~~OiIStoves ahcghlyoeaaa feierauec. rugr:.. her etoeeaTIII aiele oi paroisWarre etan Aco oand crothr Yo iifd U t~cdwhrihl Newe Pierrrcrtioe iecrS trvec ole! cît-ai- (crth retiAYa.WaepoWliserr M i t o a d t h err id a c o rr rr ll-r' r r r tc e r L e d c a m i n fo. c e e o i a e o rsa ame s Wtrir n , o t on cdrory i yt c a r e fo r o r c u t o r e s t e rsot o t e b s t o u c ir er h o b w w l I s e l a t t l 'e t l y e d u c d p ic e p o t c c. a r ci r e b ir r , . i r i t e rI t 'h c rW c h cr. S cc a y .a n dP o liy r . D a e n ,cot r nt i o cc tr. c e g o tc he 0t -c-krrrrrrr r tMe. - F.AcicccecMsi tt., tccannloci iriegclcrcoi orcia0cr irepderiiread abiitv t al lmes rtir. 1cor-tiacciar-e ref thinceei, C l v i E I 4 1 T S ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ o cir .cci n a te r iaccc- cf ir l .f-r K nr o x. C hirr r e c i rrcc- gSic-c c-O ec . ic - cc r c e ir c - agitur- e ie r the c a rg e 1cr ln Teluccol crrcr- n rrrrrrr J.r.cAan.,i llSt., oferl cceadr'i i witonye oi eii arwdT N T h C___________È ,__________ rt wecoci Migrrc. irco irr .iot carroie11icacrrcgire. enf-it.M e t lt.cî Camio bs lV iru ailty atal fnis taccrueled icerec-rctieetrtfr..'r. .. rrcc IcIccepaticuliorretertic J . I  ~ r-cccccr&cc.grIrci.th ci rrrr rn, - ceKi] rcitN l'r'ccrgc arccrtphci. crc.cc- uiei r wc cc-r.e n i ec $'10c ,vs in n re- ei, r ,tti bar ctir , II cif ei rcrrn te iccreccreetrc e i i re tenrce, ic-rc i ccur re ntrari A MI,. ~ rv00~ e or epuercce 'cccr ici iirgrrr.'.rrrr' irrr irt idce t c i-crr r srscorr tW irc. or ecccca exhirldpi.nira e -3i0 _____________________________________ ý) o . arerdil ili u rcg dpi c I i rr'rccrcrr frr ctrl iac n rorrcf - 1c'crcc ,' .c -,le t oticcc r .,c , nce crtccccg riK bud. Ic a l u Vivurcion firrair i ll Ofrcc'c rrcr'r r nt c ercIcf4t Carc i ne s %vacccgceceuccucr tomer a Friend. hIvirduc Acta-andAici)i-, nw, t 'oIrviril, e.ii.% -lrc-andcaaHit SaveitDollars c c cccrt I Iirrln- %%I. Y g T ev,[1,HH 'rrrrc.sticurr r. Cir.. hc.cc cru iirr, M ISS M AY B, KELLY u cIrkc rc thii -Mcv a c- c ibac- 41 rcrcg cIl- pil u . ed a nd Mr. whehe tobîy o sînpy o mu ~ :,..r errrircacrrr,,rcieOriccrccocc lac t.credidl0 at O ur B ig Su m mner Sale! V'M-lY PERSON Who entersouor store,,tha,0- cliii bc- ttiutt 1-.oorir r" u- r ci.ork ,i.. ci Ai le t ry. c' osrc i ntce rnti nj i,. r i llira I.àn c. ,IccR. aiennedy.n. 'E l ed tltis 110111-' ite edc M'..k.e L.irtb i t c'l f i . cc. Accrc it cratflarcirctcc ilchr pa u it u a-yso i te soeifi tu hi lira ccuca.0c W- 1dceirJeiac c B.tecoe 'iYe oil Dr Red's u s hion Sle ae nd weBricks il ýXCc rciarraIriric-irr c andic-rkccC.eefcin- tegccntil. SI of E tontaic ir c X 7 D ýhw ut vryshr i hestr ircar-e , S o a u n ai Ille, AAiltK-ic Ac iarc ic -ecci bu iltco an Ircla.'îe U e ll a- c icccet ciracitin cti. Zcc, c V c .3 * .he i'asiet ahoe on artb. NelionS Hond EefirdiC1-s r rc er,. ni rce a na r thcc-rc. ra ei , irc f Ar'r rarL > N' ic. rt 't rrrrrrc 'rrt, rr. rrcrr c l -ecacc eice. -ue cc aace & Mrrc'tc-e.. breeriraco, eocci icr icuci ia Vr ericriegr c cr- Mci be Occam Sodari r ~ ~ . T acF .R-i Ki gst nticdkct t i r errir b olrc ntrcc ,rrcrrc 11u îu1U oi \icn F atnd SBr i r. SiEI FRT ic ie crr cr c rce r e ciksr roald, Ierc a Saltrir -rcnc e rI er 0 Icc IS ii We seeccDrcaeidcsc .euciriccrracricc1 engc-scMIcri., T I cr iic ", irrr t i.ccc ilcrrrc ierrrrecciec'io ccc '.o nt S-orrir e t irîe rat*2irres 1 .o cccila irt sot't..at. eceed C ortns ale..c.carr rit'ri1ulc-ioirctweccccrien criwrfcrrurarieS om m erenderw ear G F IA I-IA IV I S I - I Q E H O IN I11E1111- 1ltirbutfiisaid lie lZ e .-uf gcrar c"9 f tic- M i ' c- - - - - tliacl i T B F f O c E 0 O O O H -~ - t l i r . c -gnN c 'cIc, 'ia :tbrr:B ck c c& r c n c g i c c Iclc c c c i tit I ,r Ia I r a ot n t-e i or t h , cc 'c r r n i ii r i c c' o.. en u oo c-cernis t- I andi. s ite c Beluc-cinnnr'.eifciere iii ccciii od silcccii'. ili tI w b in i c e N eth 8 cun-I i r Ira On unlir t r w H s r cI i. ccce ccr.u CC I Id i af ,i lr i C ccee-c i'ccrc- -.iiî-te e unoncr ircera aiaa liceM cO E OuE cri .. tIl I rII s cc- a rîc,.entrr igr rcr a IcIac Icnîi uceIfIcI 'tccarl - Iniri - Lir't 1". il- 1 th,,] Il ~ ~ Mo s ant oi'.dr I Bfoy,',s _ ,Bei.. .. . s.. . ...... ..... .$1,00 and iSI 7cr HOMEOF iOIcritru iUE.ONFE TIO I 1:Il, i ni rcc rinrc Heci t icic'nii' uec-ice-rlgII i 'la aiiýl' SII l ,,THElcit 11.nir urnelcIcM 1 11 . i r-gc -c I nn e Sciriri ruShi ts - . ~ ~ ia ______'g eecefr'a t ir r -C.ei l ic ccc -c,riIrc carci inc- nI. runrra r. M ens W han d o ck' tiBat s .... . 3u ,,c 73 .... ti,, b,. uiirelfi, res.i tie n elt occtciccicimlr m tt e n'l Whirate Tic cti - n r ni ccc ccan nr ae. Tr ir ccecyl rot ictci rip r c IcIrc- q'ccr ia icMiiicr I ,ît 1,.i..rcaco i c iccer ic iit i l ' fcrunt eicbeigi, . lIre'3 ccci cic cru A tI, Mc î iruuccru ic.n Iicccul 1tcci, oeciie'lcb rccc rc oubci irccedoeI, lvtr - ecra c er "cIo a rre ie oct IIIk ii.' t ,C p ,R i o t ,M t r D s c,,,e c - ri n ,eA u Fcir a i - (IrIc - i i - c - n M c o e t c ebo y (c - c . ci e r n dta ri c c c c iv-i r c a f oi d tc a e krc i n C O r c r diriccnici-ond12h. cl ircecni rg ct rtc- er . cc i r-e c- bac c r hiYci-rit c. 1' .iiuci< 1f a lo t i cc crri-ccc i- acen I .a c'c-ceccc e .ta.i - îra'n i t ic (, nc.c I tri cc ircnr i. SCHOOL, OPENINU1 rIl r ...... ...rre .ecîl e- IcIi., i loc hc- a i. fri a ecIaletionf oct i it-r ka tra i no-e toI, ntO u, li r it r n D e .. 1 i te.iec itilliei Hii f . l,- c--~ 1enrrno c-cie. ecccrr i ld Ilnca, geC-ri ii ,,encir'ccc'~n fcina ceeldciii, (;c,5 . ,__ ,ale__ ntt_ _______ lercthicgicc t ai . i s, te. aI% Chr'il o ircrn Figoc-Set.Iaa ht 7.3 piAu H at. ~IELEritlvreerca-tvholiccnnie 0i.critendio un S pOarr'ar' f" eeel edt-Ilcc e yticrNI)ccc W B E S 'S N 0f ew Scibler, xecie Bok, nd cri cnsciccet i IaIcetriCOrcii1ecea ___________________a____________ n") ning lit ~~~adcc Oo.rieotec a-. ,T iers'raie n- o" rorpiingi prcau i D 15 L A IIýuIIn lit1.lhirlcno e n wy iecee- n,c a- i cc-ca alIlle tuec (;0. orerc, r 1Onast c ac ei rcr e d I ntik Il 's every hiflg requred i IPubieMAY rorerîgcau andeccieiaairelic-c-c c1io,,t In~ crth orioa Oly og. rae taccynfrcot Frac-cce c L ieeicanire tua '.ere irigue%,. 1ice . ccccnWi n rO. s, o f N w hic hOObler work, the 1m 0st- icue cn oi 1 a ort fice1rhO cen c th.<o(rOcOreaeeeecee itaand ncr atci 'Ir-Gcru o n r-orblie and royord.orIdn 1 t-a ' cea eer __ _ _ r  I Beci ca uoC riOc- Mae. ououi ~ orenrc nt t t . -Plirloai cotplt e ve s ow ciir eebtia 0 v t oni ha e r eaac llitiocca'- fiedy J goca c1-9c..raid__ __1,__ 111___ r-__ i. or. u t il__ __ Fa. pt fca iflc pat.' r - Iicic cii D P B<J Il S> L( ) jI 0r -Ccr-rt '. ilacCcin ccf-rCaaa .1dt.-t.L..to Ioceer-dea- t ceîî r ond ri aice-rtcie ectci i .ee 1-dWnti ce tacecila r-rpiaceciir. a Mec ccc'c a-uc Ah e rS nlo -co fae Ot ecef \Iupihoos triO l aeceair , larril.arte io ',SALErc O a cc1-1le Oc'couie f ireicege cc oi i t. lcii iac ~i'i tîlc<rs le. an 10e. R bberseItobe.pfibliM, SIcdccIa,,d'<ibut,îîorili Ag ccceccr. Ma fortie tr- in. frrpc-reetrc. adi rting roiorgas De-eeoa Orl t eoStcT O REic. I ~~ni.. le Hle oid r2 l5c '. 1 e.cc of oacin r racit parin etola S L Dkrrrcr rotiMr. ce a uficce tiYca Ru b r e t 0 -1egre i-î aeprr re ic hrge and 1.. , < 'O$063 a oal nd ,Or 3(1feel. 'liî- e. a10 cee oeBor rren inge'nlJr Ia oo A cAornppodthltole. ON S TU R AY E T.e2h 1 )l P u N boo10k ife ' ds, e yir o use nitrr- c ti .ra!re Miltes-n F Ihpra ws ook& 10e.te.l otn ior cd irrel eotir tha Of tealinSTO CK )iwi nd p ioder l tirriritiou dehon trHe RieaAW- alra \\tteu, ~ 50 eD n g Pendd Se eva heb-a roi a t r Oa tat a ira c-tc iatita fe t ir ooae e I E S1ýitcs 5c c- Seïene Note Barr Oearerot.atAayanaA Womtlot NPati I3Corh a5i &10e pI Booak, buelrd,5. wi reencILefolre he agitratsepta.isefr Besna -N W T C Hommarirandle reg~ibitoc nd te aprio, el iiar- rcl Drwn e cl5tts m ega ndom aed t h hos H aekSar A gr-y ieura rgl d u d i Examilatîû~ Pad 5e &10e ftC otirbue eantai ri os h 25C.baris o theGuelh Crta Co.Heo have iare r gou airi cocpr-ornd. 'le. earrlaek areahedlattera o anrrot ir an rlcr'- ThrW Dri î o kPncilBo esSeto 15. ned gu.OOllir ar ad. tné t ,ccc. ertt. h r7 rit gace. daysin the county eu. He imý r lr aeirialibora ban r g n u d i s Paiiit o! eramon Phds 5c rit te helpthe e' momad frntneti eareotar tir aer Th.,S t leu i P u i s l e ' ie aantiS o t la tte-F r harsho e . m e W er Irec ita n l y rir vd. u l n Sohool exti B ><~<~nd as a hoa warrantVO groul ~ los ave ered n d ' S h o uc-c i..' ooo, o.eIud. OnGu lp .. Hevai d- levllC gý8d sri, ls ( e co e s r B a P u O U M S . P ch b u e7F Ï - h b i d i g s h eben S tO . t a rC n e t o g é e I V En:"t obVeb ath c-t a/c'io peni oniin n 1afrdfn kat~ lN stio' c- t' ad mii be naea , ýýj E

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