Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 1914, p. 2

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thnat mof îzteeon in Cand i ofte reeh. Io sev, e Mtise are e as n cray itii seBr- ~ttiE ii os.mm conflitIior the de teyain giotting the Canaden tco tin get Du r Lu mmbh elhlm od thaofd*u seuervi end o toad oft rale nsrei fti loe . b.hm dve rytm :~ en oe for ur ope.fIn Elitshooting be te bu «m D r. tiai m me h remembered tsod.the y tncre.oa of i. Lha1m0 Slam frais: orotvsi ore ud disiplne. Thee w re teherm i èent purthe h yt a of st e d eeele s. . . B. . R. a..... ----- wrifles asd p tcaiy o iik coth Tblo nti ues ts e orves. t tM soma ia o itoihir eq napase s n tre ir prtt.rES. edrethe cka.h e ,'"f M'tei.s,&a the marrie a in GofmAsewhtte terrlttaly.e______poison____dlemmeM-_-_ vice ei ns sito , u if or s Ou m n a e o s, Th r8 ee bo d Bs&W the, mor 5: iit40o. and s orse kers iane tire worksg p re te bodferng am o u btoff [hom e hec o ot dtatut m nigqilts Wnd day. nYortenr l Wss 1 the n laetbisere test tiA5 e IOîaoBsd yoram theV mu ie and oaie of tires rer wr oder hd sit s itt>tht yre c a ditis, . in55E51 needin traiing indrill ohnotng m.Dr. eei'îau yPink isa>fuetreofa tigh rt oranss . TUkov build pthln. e y sho rtath e lEe andthiscispie. Tererles eRomse ofhthe dy u r e dlemm . r sua i thofrie rn fsn u" ber rirle a ci cae y. Tise ae rcrusi e rslgitrng tereisr, sEc pe t. tro n tiihoed tà«vla eo n g t h atueh .ar si e iss et. t i nrv sar r e. thoo e app rti e , r eatm rd e e .b c hed h Roa nesrd b> the e te f evat sudth. e nî,anlsain".snslcoseirsssorkoseor c'îo- slerpfoilày»berhaof baker - BEEd At E ' Ifs enr re snanrrpin s ad or sblond w l the baesofd tt B i vh c e.se lst 51 nidght sand i r n et a i e w u e ls e ,thi o m e . tnsrnn a IWith roW t . e n y l e flitr sEtn far Ve n A ut. droppic i E o ie IU j P sp r m db feoad n s>- va. de, T is. b ve r tresr ari eîun sce t ai euer etCldir ait alie l's o ur Pille tfer P air adI teG r a .t île t> s rînrst f M lsls tî i thoescondri i n f y eeabl n . t i5Y p% 050 a s S dB 5osn s tt h B el o tl be r id wl.s'rifsle andiiCislrete . l'u sl hreeg a y nt, EE owAntstctase I . tlutIe w vi BE puthst a f(e eltigadohrsuplusieîs wn lse abiin . Mrsh to bea e yusr o eir ree ie fEraeOSEEout N ni a l reidy'iTie ra c ru ('n e sli mie .le, re ple r s iowD. 55>Bu lt ileyaCEEn ft , band fr. aufil iesitosstimt baý-lwFitrtif)ýl. The ar now bav, I,, apettearenot frehedILI irei Rise e are d on t ei m l i s, an lf irn e u nrk l ,r eC i lin U i f i h v as eoirai _ _ _ l s ls sr s hd o rs ird frs m IV a t e p, D eistof Asmie n d tw ao-he, i lhenis r'ia pains orlfiloTtri il te iaesiin the belli rssn'een tise stelh asEdif ersl ll il frtnae i lai inth s Ictbtie 'co mI n TennithDos isaisyeYorda o mmet etfrchn t will b ck Uploui aes s Podse ttire ea lia -Pnkeriliîle fo ae Pole Iin ren o otmand. ht. pl.ndîd e;rng.. i lui ,11 , ii i el Iî,- im is >l i . 1514. îîe if - li. l ieg r ,'ee nlise dj . r o 'Inseer ti n t w a t v iu rr o w k - b rL'tîîfil,îî 14 ss oti nions l 'Ill or- duasst h il a tss hens li se, I , 'lîol' ý a i ewn îîl i îî the l > s i lx isî foi i f ,s t rin l si r t a, ce tr l c tof a d f r m O a d w ie f r a or m lu ,t sirsiîîsis o'sssiis'essl 1,iiliisii sai as l ieies isinief.. r s'rs Mnd r b ca s f h res r n -s', il I Ccith, îti orîand a0 sséla aîuy dexp tledo>îîî'rlstîffnr D el'irenf rs iesofa s'sCisseîîosrlîlll'ln, t iiiii','.'asd a Whons>onsthe g tisraakrsis or iiîliîisllîiloîîss'sslçîîeriiss Aeneer iiss iee ,l e If municipal rromnrnr IL 1 essLittthe uniionuisp>'ssfn sesslieraididraslli fe, io m i l lI Iieis' , ssisil s's il lii4.. Il liais nIt e f i J mrite exclusivelfeaturestt t fini Il L yt1b.ug III. h.gltâf o. 0IL il ii ' i i k ssii"so'jsJssiss - j int s lssssssessssssrîss'est up.' .... J"I ss J LL'îlsJ. î0 . Ii ilss. IuiLts s i i;i'"'l ssus useIcîThe ler fi P rs e /" S / IL. fIittiior iliiiI911,111iani ndilnd1r ....' ... 5 .. s155' .sî'.siî'l5,ii,-. ' Io 1'Il, GrI ii. îî i 'îîl " li' I s' 'si exclusi'aaas'ireisfj la- ; sI i L 'I l .îiî.î I ss 1 s Lii'.LLs' I l IL1ý l i"~sîss l norms l ciersglîsssi lu' IslL ill,,.:'oux A o pro'îde . dalserine t us flt CUB- sas 111. 1iii ils 1' t : 1 ', ' .e ý,L.. 0 l lilu i ' ssi isiî'is'l Insee e s' la e t p c îli (J n d ' e e o î e t lii i lis L L r 'fii :;, ii ICi- i ii ia i 'III 'ii1 ii sliIsislJe' ii li Il ..... If CIin i sery i I n., t issP roi . of Soi .. aef5mOe litinr r fl,1.ii. i .. s' I.ii ' s...i: I ssu, i h i oLâe a k iiiluis.. Ilv -II, I 'II. ikîaTO ONT I l isu I i il i sî, 1JI i'r e l i sl fi. 5ii l i", b uhIIIII'l -e th e XIl's Cof e Ban fr nto U SIN E I' ' h LI. .i tI" i l I.Li s... i.s Is' . i r.i l'Isu V II, i 'i ls s1-1 af liiiil.J'y ILi.! l siiritheut) o p o ie a fl s r ie t t n n ue NIL Edfi'.f- ll ILI te or ov and lulo iiisee ,a d lt . F. eit La d e rvMicae r 'ssii I l lLI fisl is OU555 i riosu li suilseW: FlR i eRSed TENANTS,.... os i. ils i ....ils o IL v dAFMLAND NOW JI III. -IL iiii I îî10 INVITES YOliiiiAlu:I5 BUSINESS fil1 I' ....11., Jl M L O B A' liiii ~ ~ , IL haîl loîiiLtsslirlhru'W R P I E L.55 lILI II ILI. LIi .. ..... .ii. ..AC ES..rîg hrscrhpallt, 1f n is thCoc1een orn lusi...lii" Iss~iiii IILhnre ii nrs, eu hbl, 5eresbnh. sithyeoac. eatt IssîIL s........iiiILs.' AiissiiT NANTS sîsssel rre. Huieeccnise f 1 rsss sd urer.1TaL soi hlii...iI jII [no. s sîa ssîsrîsî' leaesit p u drrn -vsaine lot.IWood- 'I slii , IiiL Is tIC E tl'iiii ii IIeIiii', i1s les unaisît's ille sueesis rt te. Tea ragd rfiep ,s le' I e ...10 C E A M, I in1is-sa aii lo 21n tie:- ou e.I n a ses rs» nils, errs ayae 10f0thee ES eirin aheIsl, hallnof lot Oin t se RIstCone ion, rn -Illoudnttt ir>.li . S.ii lie Taxj~ eisit fil]acrot Bto ubro e and subaimn e witsw@b le., et>a- -rifie _is niralth 'it arrierhu se- , Ig peu, iillof 12 rl u s adill eo .rme S. 1. arn 6 XI15,ai- 54x60,wib abi ig p ut an u lit oue .R ral~ I LI, L Ld ý ir i ir il îr sa a s e 'er e sa s s t.. v e f s i a d T el p o e a d s t a e n G v m n n o d t T r n c l'heIrlr..... threil]. aL-grens 11 lsn weeî n sortis ide,111a nde i u.. Bollmimelota.' Wood- en.., n 1 l, ltiY W. 'rB. e I110. r'00. i ruge $000-Treirag Sase.. Cb.b., kMiimaamb-«T,Ibl ams blas oà ted me.d Ur *"m. a bot" 50ACU FARUbng lo 2 m ain (ho S Bolsisip t et b"B rasi ba 72. Tva310 ad Ul mi ru an sd 7 usîtutusm »a-Mhdn !ADE No Mý 1 Rbbj e ca HIClt "b"e,('bs 91, ,, lisîi 5. a Cu id s c su . VId .s '> ' .55 C 9 r. 41 Sf sacs' i~ 'BOl, 5a0 lj~s a se.Cil. ....... pt.S1 s. ept.,>-, i .JI si -~~~~o il~csTW arti Fal Opnirit9J ire, Iiyp r New Dress Goods, SiIks, Plain and HIIow ,Cord Vl t 'urm and Velveteens, Coats, Skirts, SiIk atd Mýoriy Undorskirts, j4-est ai Fail and Winter Underwear many lines of Novelty Goods Ill be and the largest lInîe of Staple Dry Goods we have lever shown Aipn l«oite las Bulirome Court SPECIAL!1fvi. ooC A Big Assortment of Boys' Suits, Odd Bloomers and Kniek- andothes is.l ers, Sweater Coats, Jerseys, Mitts and Gloves. wua "i .outis, and or. elv tise&la,., i rams tise esai. Il - SATISFIED CUSTOM- JfLD fl 9 ILTON'S CASH auggctate.ý_ ERS DUY HERE. . . UI1IUULION'S. ......STORE ete[a -u~ colts. tis ne ' ' i~~i th ie eaCoail sEdth ie vork FandE disE O.b i CREAMWANTED impeortance -%s. Mi lihias, advanced and e a" are ICLIIIIsI. Wdort ei. nson, piîsaf CAR priceafor gseodWhte n u. i qualitîerrana.Wrl'nredyoers.Write CottonflBia.5 CasseIl îupplied. t[cr his rigisa Tssn0'lnCn IRCn~oC., Lt. Please see that youî eggs are ali tlauî.' i litE.30Ch.'ist.agood, as we test them hefore l;atte se. T i PHON .3. MITONshipping and can pMy froîn 2c. to alai et thie Te Good Reasons Why Yen 3e. more per dozen than anybody hasE received ' Sheuld Buy Yoar Grocenies paeti od. -fen ts.a" ls or at This Store bis serviea eîs lies_ uasi', Ec raiss,,ertise E.SYER h& y el b is'pI iaarr nf Iglettingl alimn-4ssalilyo entEEe.. Hawvrn l 1 itsiait,'geris. groirre ira ue - - '.- ________ . ratura nortis, e 1 Irsatha p pi esa hirertis EEaEufeture tri s tth aa anu U you are going ta btiild (il.made Bore mari ________or repair your buliditsg gî,t prîedu MHer nUEk Liscice T'iataes, frel eccci'>day, aur prises on Thomae s I-n ' I" Oalsns, Cariete. Ber -sr, situess, markesli n w it Oraiesrsnd Leilaos eail, ea l sssRoofing flot an tombue .u d istork. bis Invhe nretions ibi s Pl m i g 1 umatis 'r,.. Pickling Spices He'ating Innion nliv uiWhle Mse iing spies. Tinsmithing Tise smtillsos.î Goun Ilîe Psiia ind Il fier Cal- of alilkinds. lace and Darewin s.' i .ip, sa".etc.latn i pranui WtiitePeeIl i Back le-ppe-,. iirosnd lrto paas S eoser> st i'ai.inn sl AlImIpee sd hiiger, 2 dsoeyo mhoe. fior ise. er PE. A. ECALEe- AlexandeGraver i pier, (iistarduilCrrel tiseiPp'Al ~iM.LDrawisagis. Tsllieii').t 2er, Hforder. arM> Se ILTON, ONT.outise saine sEs> ..s ii islrsCayenne Pepper. Curry Psn- derr er.ir ased Celer> Neemi. - -Tirer jastices us " .s Brut XXX Whsite Wieand Cider eatistae ialm 5" I 451; VT erga- trolst. o Yuted for Bel], ss. .'t Ille, kolimas. r-iuse.Rmvs * ~ te tisat Bell s">i =Trimn. rat. Rn.us Be.. À d OPENIN o0f DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE 'TbCiietil's ' V.ast.i.TeCaiofte.a Wet ndTe.q,- ,A.EN ILLeaa tissa add. WetEd icq -leA HWIL TORONTO OTTAWA QUEBE C ' oiluSeet sere hsur iý Ustias estN.. O.t-I(iai eaTrulisk aussasu LU 6a. etPrince Ruert Mieuh;t isabitants nI v atandes.i., McA ITTSsd Valcartir Miitary Camnp aifarMIpoutli The PALACE IGROCERy50T5ATB-y -------- iDAY ll~e hamelt.whîuh ____________ is 1 Aare e.a*g " i iifo 'i,1, " j BBse mbouot &Mbonei BlaSas. Weisassg au al ta i 'shel, ,W.awes- a ys a à, [ll.tackofet y TO " Ar 0.6 7. '2-7iY pr nireritp Oni flirir. rhsce.t 1i MLÀM-B il JLOG 42 A -- Groceries andL. f , ¶or i .r'pvlqins Ll hw; ni Il. 'i s 4 Sav: adian Banki 11, AÀGenrirrai Bai Fuarsi'.' B flhlto n Bp tie LIVE Twios 'New PC loft wlýr c~.1 tlb" %N' GRAHA S (f bý I \il Sllt os11 adi' PHONý :1 j

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