HU.-u tamr IIcy it NI li Ie ur n ~ NîîINlnand N IIN ed IN, O i N'N0lC Ih aî t i, I ,k en1 !NN dNehN NoCied iiors. N --î th-lîî i N INNNe IN N I N NNIw , IINN. I I N î NI IV N hé ININJ ur ii, Oea Aý 0eetai BankîflgBu Fallt"3IBuoinOîis Fut0Bricin W5 ho NOOD LAST- DIED. re prg ty S rn gyNNnNNNN eNNN ofNUINIIuICNUNNr 5N ajN*vN INNIN,]î,NINiNLNiîî 19I The S~righ1y SpringySteF of Yoth ~ 11 Nî, NINI NIINNNINNI NI Corina-Atîîî BîNî th NIN NShanNîNI 1ole supprt yourfo aîi111 N onunion, lie b,t tf t j.,goûlil,îi), BL - - O ýmied Il hOur Footwvear -qm., Soda Fou ntain 1 Il Nathe insjîle aîîd î 011ii î l,- t et f atd 'reFI NIi- îil ICCi Neilsonîs tee Cream I lît of shoes cmfeiî. and Bricks Nelson's Hanîi Relîci Cones N and slip theîîî illtîîI) N I ef îîr N .1 1 î , Nil keep theriu. IeC eam Soda ________________and Sundaes GRAHAM SHOE HOME 1 ' H HF E ' 1 I If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a Kodak! From $5.00 to $2000 IIN IINII NII o.I ofNt'ah - la l I INIaIIN letîNI c I , N N I N N III N III II I intN f orN -i k îî 1111 CIA N IC I . ; l 11 11t. NN 111 P I k aît1î 1n am; II!. N INN N INI N il[Il IN III. 1 NI N I INNINN C i IIINNIINg Il A îîî N N aIN N I IN uINI IN R eNIN N ..... IIINN IN N N il îi I N,, N INN_,A ) 1,ngI .NN I IN lI NN INN N EXCURSION tl Toronto July 1ILS, tiCude the auspices ci the lIlcIy & Scott BcCciI Society, Gali(, Itaîes MILTON ci 8.10 anm Reicrn Icaven Terontc ci 11.30 pNmN Farc -Adelin, $1.05 ;Chldrcn, 55C. StepCst- ers for particlamr. '0 1 I IIII INIQNN Il , 120,N NNIII I N Nl IN NIIN v' l III îîî II 111 N NN l IIII Il 111N INlîî N lýI 21Iî INNINNiN N NICl 1 kNîiNlNNNNiNNNîIIIIo.NIaboutlîlîîî 2Iîîîî ]"NtilNNNNIîII g NNî Nillî Nîlîlil 1 gad . p- lld1 IN NIIIlN5 IINNIN îiîîl I ofIîX~NNIîNNN XîgîleI NNIICIININiINgkNI ce t Mm NNMilleIt. fTI-nIohIcNi of the latiie î NlletIN. îf the IICIN 0-,Iîifle.NmIlle INN Miltoî n In on IICy toNINNnRINNIIC f.,IINthIe IIN at thhNîINIofNMI-.IandNilr..ICNIMIIN(N No 11pîciei I INNIftNINNI NNHNc.~Ino NINN thN THEOL RESUIT hNîN I Il IN CNNI NIN INIININI I N IN INN NI11 I1IN. t NN '. Il- 111INNNI tN IîN hi, This sNiiN afflj ilItlie mninL I HMilton I a 51 to supply îhoîjr lirt nuî<î iîî t~IiI1îaîalleIel NNI[ 111. ill III 1CIt,q lg.N -NI ,tNNINN The Price 69c. ANIINN. 511 NN MîIî ~ . 1il Wi îl ceINhIN îîI- î 1e the NNC e h NiNN NI v I II NNl..1,,, NîNî l II îl Nî. I; M- k e 1 Iîîîe'i l WNhh NhQ l lN 11111 N i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i EI IINNNNNNNNN andl,,l-ýSolioj"tCrescent Mixed Quartette W .B w S n ff tIltil, t Liï h. M iC NIININNNNiNR. v ý Il IIII NIIN zN heNN, N-iNNI TNNNN N- iCI fI~ N l Sumnier Underwear N 4I Nl 02CWCC OOE SumOlet-Outing Shirts. îN NIN I NL I 1"" Nîe0,0N IStraw Hats H. WHEELER Mens and Boys' Beits.......... Nil I îî ilîNINN III i IN Insrucor nÂriiiic Pianoforie M en's Black Lustre CoatN I I. tling- ,I.i N' "- N Q ia3ngMen's White Duck Outing Pants- . >1 1 H NIINIXi NNIN INNNIINNINN N.1 NNI Collars and Tics Hats, Caps, Rain Coats, Moto!- Dustir, N N NN îîî eNpheI.24 Our Tai/oring Dept'. NTI(eN iNiNNI IN at byN N1NNININN NOTICE N J- I lNý,i p1 il i- 1 NýI ' I -l I ,011 aNNIINIn ooiNiNNa1 n i llî,l CII-s gNININNIIN I 11111'v-NI theNN l INN ,VN 11111 Taentl:l Cit i i vyNIN I À iovIIN i NNiNNtrai>NiN 2lias Ih-N a îî i t KNInNNINNiNNIINNNN NNIt N NîîIN«lo gaINNNNNNNr-fII theNNNNNInNNInvNNNIINN gNîNNININNNNNNIN ilî C N II 1-, CI IigNiINIî NINN - INN5 . IN,.I. lI . V.NNnNN1ICINNN INnNIr" hi iNii iiîINîIIINI.CNNNNIICI PNNINS-CLîeIhîîîfî II wsi o"on SatiIICIy IiIh hi. rNiNdiNI IIICoftNNINI isinNIN 11, ihan d.n i n I N NbNFkIRI t XIagNnIîim 1111Pi, 11fo NNi. riînNg on . bC IîîN IhNiîîINl,ît hiNîî. li IlIoon ih h eîîîiihNnîNNCNINNNiIîti Niva iNlton by-III CC lIC CINlNC si Ncu Mlton iII brigaeill"In aiexI tjýat Iv apKletmtNhad ee, INNhe da e ofthe loiiN il AKIlI.- t i n Iîm îî tîicjîî n NCI lid,gilîrl n NINNciNCIio n Nl!iriCIIInII. Thîe ,us NNNNNoiNN îîî îloiNNlt eof uha N lîl the i Ill ake tiîBarlntiieguî. Siil aIimgeid îharclehe l. The jIdgInIOGergetown aîd intreiCNNCNCINpoiin. i. .Nlong nc.IN AftNNNîNNieig thN THE PONNNIFIN(-'NININLNNNINHenI e,,ideiie ndcI dineîîning the apIiNcaN Mn1. lakiAng gond pregrene nih the tinNIN IN Iîisc laseetf anIICII îîf oterNn tîîdalien eof the poéIitlice hbuilding VINNINIed 1»,te CJpNifIln elîrn the at the conerTTIofCtMain and Martin CNgNnt nNd as feîîeIn: Ne Boit Stenta The Goneennent han sIJa 8lIICA.RHC .T. e M3,NIFPR polintd R. L. Henteet e lsuperin 434 cINi(NnNNCC IA rIT4âeNCshowtend thce workCnderinstrîNtioncfrene ail heiNNkNdci.Thele N4Cn ,ethLe architeet and innpeeî ail materNai the InéNcsCNFV fIre NNLt Ic etf îîb- utwd by thcontracter. nINiptiCIl ancd ailiemnet ns fham., Sp the direneilnathetufniein n eder Le EarIy Iabbage. caSliflCWe el rCv make appliianin cahareeiîdeen and and tomcaLte plants, geraeîuncand all aise their nabiity te delegate thene eedling loIner pan. Spectl prices faneioCn te CuhrR Oiving the whoe o n large cicantltice. eut flnwme cage my Set eonsideraticn. 1 am fofcecd nedding hbouquets and funerai desîgea tC the conclusion thatali the aVpilants at thn M ilton llreenhccaeu, near C.N P.N Wbhopaid theîr nflney FIOcN and ,e- R. Phnne 151-J. R. John&C. eetrd thei ticeketsa a~ had their 0On Wedne,.day. Jaiy tth le peple Damesetered ila abhochin theacinnecf St. Laie. OChureh, Palermne, and nat out are net in law ahareehnldrs cthers met St the. hume of Mis l and an yet, Ia tii. absence o ctienes ', iettgrw, and preectel her wth au thes dle0entne.Cannet Se h.ld te b addem and a etiful pin ln the neeh. This evenight n aor eSofD h saof&t ltSat wlth 1earh.Mn tcneed te dea i wth thm e ttarisla nP g hnlesush e.haine JIy intenta im a Tneeh ueslet pe .an l «MI .They srete Si eiAn~~g4.l le al in e tslàhae te clubca Sua su .-an U Tb.l &Mth y.d . W 0f Shareholdtrs, Meeting ni the Mil- ton SocilClub, LinieNl. etî Ne- heNNI ci Nil pIINIIIýIh et h chII'- l iîîq,"'me t. i h, lath îîct ofIJulîN11911. eî 3 pil tI dval with eprt ,f bi.itNi)-, aINctNI l'y INN 1IIIII I."iNeiIyir.g 0- a Nl, ICININ i NIl NIt nd foe -h Ml giNiiIIIîîîîin- ..N-yCI. Nilîîit Ilî IN 1914, N.v. etN 3NZ113 ne 4 I EAIN II- IB I N 1hUIl IP l XCKS N pl i, ate PILILC38 W.BEWS' SONS I - 57 Years of Safe Banking Sînce Ithe y(,ýir of its iInerporatioiI, I e- the pIicy of NThe Baîîk CIf NTorontohh b(-i to protide i full serNice to its icanuy î' 13 toîmers. Its tiffairs lave been soundly ad- mîînîsteréd,'led its pD N rtyand srNc have kept p îLe INith aaasdevlpien r F'ed p zi 1...... ... -BA-4NK oF<ORONTO0 INVITES VOUFi BANKINNI BUSINEss. MILTON BRANCH T. F.iLITTLE, Manager. ~PYSTO _AsRTSE§ JNOlë.ý ýl[iý 1 '0