dbMOCoLIL, MB., c c-'a ricce . uUUt s P. t.. k)sa .em.Iia Tofda y. c Ca.,». deto om cck Lc. .. iiSVL>Nh. ., MB POilttim 47eeff uarene Sam Henson 0MFP ýER and BUILTER MtT ILTON Insure to ur Live Stock1 YORKSHIRE h uicCc, Ltd. YORK,. î?OLAND Jeu TELPcO . 9-Agt. Butcher Shop Phone 57 BUTCHERS B rcîqet that they ilcîc pened their 0h11 anc d arapared FOR CASH ONLY ' 1' i rli.î Sait Mieat-st 'li.Poultry, in ~Sie8m &c.p lmo traireiléra' Guide. CANADIÂL PAIFIC RAILWÂY 0Goum0 tilT. 7.1em. 10.67 a.tm. 2.0 p.us &47 s.t.12u a. . .45 p. 7.18 P. Us.500 f.. ou. Wtot. 9.12L. 8balp. GRAND TRUNK AILWÂY li t I-t.W. Drlslo. (1013t c0 0QTH. 00100 00117. 7.22as. .4.4p.m. iO,15a.m, .&47 p.. amuosa oomo mur KMAvn J WiLsn.BA.,taser lacada rvtecs Iia.amdlpm. .. W.atd ondiedr et at5mS~S e,'.0 mthea montot Bar. «. Il. àMcKA. ar.stoer. Oooilay nav:Isl LU .e.OS Bibeuj&ortunisgl W.Sesr&S4tU P-a PIr muss- e a 10001e idat evrymontbt s8-P. 0 temm e sast. OocaO 1il,0.0Md70. oeo- d, etar àdcins alml.m c.Ylairtiemuatufleicsanda,' te the MUth et l nm sudiad duedayeta la.U chfaui r iat- m1eUspoenec u3OfL&M CATUOLICO mUoCUs Me., Paysan BAras. FRUIT and ORNANRENTAL TRBEE 8 #3M&LL FRUITS StormU aisée« Sd'.U i 1tue04 o lo 14 ho 414 bave lad"Cou e-tir la IUtt,~ L itea alto-a Wellud codleaksc and fa-lý " tlte w dglbns 90"« 1 190 4 ittee u stec. Sho v» ont hbo nc'b T h yt b o nsI U OU U <O an 4 C50 1udld o dlh to M vt1. fs. W 8l u C eros &adidat 180w nolain 'boni .J!5~J pr et u ttbSics moaI4 e tlUot th* .aUo 5bei p. lir0gIthe àuw. a'ti woin v & Il r 1 s..yî- that ho.0" e ky Au km iou -la qI~I. .thé bleufalhia, dova la thé WtohttaiL But Pl~ e. Hulelutntiors a t&bT OBIUpU Whé, sOJvnrdslb b v*spn.(oacub nt a COMPRtIoScm èrs tea iosbadov t h*i it 70 Cd Mont N amun vs.quickIar tbt dmh alatothé 0180k.disrocon ci' iClota. Ide Muon joter-le' "Se r i i05suer an hot e awth Cub01y te dvut c f chir vu - L. t mévient l itkely told teita vt vwsbrovin' lhttrd 'lie tastoveaed liemtblaizew e m bolt OOêtd 11.00 ti" Ot . 11',sortes, a voonobo. Anphov ha ~P4 oOOhutOPiCeCR-hu rdtheobàhrp repotof àasn.,lae rvottmtram 0"Yattack 0« 11$hm" 004. e otilleou. aHie knov tutoit all i 0pop. au'n' o a Wüttlfflwordelwmugen cubeopqu-t ý«tldk oye. vcul.odtheoeahoies oteoo nth 9 toa i li W aout a~Vuncnml , 0go -ean - tb0 On blo <f e. rvr, ro. to'Uy gatbOrOd Sp our long-ort. E OIt Iebola i g1tabu iio'rs.ula. iTM 5044Ml £00GO000i m o n 44. UM bea. theot ar. od t' 0 Oth'« od do stitàtrop, lcD'a 'ro cmdd odtélclat 10W th t tHt'n %0]S p circulation, LaidsnPentusngt H iii cHilneaonth ing 1 to. Ot o cou A d dto i pt- oetbe06lub i.ls u ry msc i!to nio tlo up crsuc.-.i no euddenly, n o uetoteiiy, theNircîtHots." dsaa. peoliae-taosbard tilao hnls sto t tho vilean o. beraed euad d .a8 vo ns& I e t %t% pctali mcv. nbey veebut tht the lois liintg mm loft 6« jodle 0181 liporai stwbr te us&l"s"Sdb'U.. a cb"tithe. door. o altt.su iiop. a iatrein t dl~stmrii ap.1 tbe aarets,l y refluzei abat hbcdfbappoaci. Tt'bis ahy put, but iohai n Iîiene UOm o"* tt »tad cte aroade iahed a.t he r a D> 'cons. etai d e visster o matt PIS ti 1114 el 'tti. oytaI.l Diut,. datrd unho aco, ocoo Swift Impotéelatgilt thUmo b«",7 ldise tnz*v1181111 tomatty iatooedtoigr sliiy. pooro yo.hm uaceu op gl010 1 00 agne orea bar wniaier ran1icom siVept shont bÎ7à Ulielléovind lbthé ng hlm, boudins, tlctho Maincansof cotpasser mut lamuOdtite td" y"vant dU'"17 hist théarbay t us MuOv Oft.thetalde 91,tthrd i b brbosch."tarud o h rct boqeselud tegtalte ostortutin c dbchie bipoap. anda veu asho toit. th areog tica 'flire, TLti 1 bxone b, caoe i.era cro!rslo Io ot*lli«il the,À ba ifuOttlt, Inantsdl0oPo" le ta Pte or th' igh t 'ls u cmhed fingers grlptned fer lie ccii janstiircua h tbo w -blue belnt acrt.bvadmi peorci.hUmoe 4 cloy vs.hi et. OISttou Ho gotattai. >~OeàtOf tha 500w the trot tal rvolver t bshi p. Thoebuiiea thm w u bt co@meeefpea#%aunéd i etout soi tremapdicaUottrscot. giOcI 8 ta a t 1waa't oerporticuier, ta ad oî h athctlsmau abat talce, cvtdoatiy dt. that &long tii. Barrow tift laete aarWdt,,edoeiocf theciet. Thé. follevts oicuie sastot baieraebuta cet a1 s thcnd bor "the. suethr.AbOvabsout, th- uas'nt-cit tigny dite utlla a aebt w iut dc". The 011w uy deep baste. bot Ari e Sbtce hé olwieied ag t*et0at epmplui aoie.so vsudandegsit' tegethet by thetout ' Jules, &u' bit e vtod hoWli. ltsi ly reih chli- ulr the, ted oc discbargo out the. th"y floadmeod 5&ken& 1117 ablo t rie, hésiaios ad ebscutcd by the @tarte lp tetarri tarlnc doubna t Obo roi lae trol vii 'cm. Thion beil sure log " l-ti.boue. Carraitltiottherrî -lucure1a n nfe. On aipuhar ur omattach@ tta. 00111i ddoel etiffirloto10bIéSUStetilg antd pet Huotlue bond; thoe tiehou te5ioy osame i U p- -80pen 0 su, whito ta bléaloft»thetii OOCOborse oobr. ci. onocteusctOftettuder. brckelnoe. 'Toto yod csot that iOscgt« fre Ocl ooImse end ipuin. ilet ln Wude'e bore", aoi tho itricI. shotrdso us.aii th* ti ifin bluhie, saopt clar by the. vmniréeHe wu K th. ~iia<bst@d. unntmpt nlutaasc ' caille taOOty mile dtan The Olilnrs, stmiutg about lne ihtccreaure loppici ovor, b.atlac 110 and swopt ttoea by thi e . Auprgt. tas Ita eglesm larougb thc banc of tiual amilong hait. sud shag thé ii.Cmarron e aswna oudel uot dmp Moa, ablcb bcd iritted OrOud dcud hurden iii hlen. The Setgeaat ]yp h.ouathb.doa a s aIe claftIla lie caca. Netile ail the. oupanse unsas àere. ll t-c trugay. Theoaide gais 0*a'Chayeneku ins.badod hy th- idubthéOieblethall, eir.PPed rîpped otff isaeou thetiriggr ibook, dialy visibe..appltear Ii. thore vsilet a mcvtngabchot nor1 cI bi tface and noci bcd a tua lei.ookthaton rtncrYiottda. a veru bora of chu bloubsi t rom 'Taici dead lied,. itîh hic hali-frozes fIngore, andd fred Dene tfflcof the. Omarez..The trank ot ny bled. Ho ans ilote, lu ahite i nottevas ProclmanstThe'bc.. drovc off.'l'har vînt neo ght, Mud tncked It lnaebont Carroll ano hcit 10cr Thon. viii an caa.olà, a pod MtrO u abut s&Ttly' trou.. ove', tlacthe modatotfet ldearbo.bt.désoaitto srgoant surveysi hlm omoaIt, bis the danbutkte lttîgbcd 5t usanu, tb.y 0001. ruudiy la hic tet. oend iuhed etu'lgbt Mark curreut otestugin d géttman-à eed. dadooi.irlouadocape oo rvolerOc tvettinsthe motion- 1 '11 e IIeopkkng andl ibrach[n ii theclilent bihj. betaooui a. hebaahs ofteles atd inca. tHecame ta the littie patch oe! tut'le iguOre, hîî ipe cet crîmir. Thoi ica .çsa ittie' tiiror ut te i.prairi About, tOri$," erdered he.Orrtcnet Ti agac'blic bsotceut.adee in.ntc ro astepped vithla sumi c i cened easo OI'lal ,140i1111. '1er Gde e#sie, dni ou CHAPTER XXV. iereendings caUtiensly, uXpelig oL i triverto oigae, tuotedt no of At thoeiigbt scuai iith e hr IoaPOdl Hatoipd bistice. aid elet 1t-c »0 soop, et Peullho ahere Jîiî t etn eb to pnb oeie îrartpin rtto eh abota.aerturaial the @tacti d oeirO.. hile htallnbat Bileut. sol' 'Wellhai pu ntet bi, ldU osaeDnger. ouce tee. Tii. vlctencoeithe tormc itarontir andermicci hy tha welaer, ohîriotiabout eaîîtlp, bis righi. boud n ahai. bout. pou tairo the trare, aud iCar. tcce lhe innci. hiloodb,'tiie revoald cu is mlsbcod amoct.u atalolg teacoaibuor.ench hiesi dropiiflta hieshbo.it.tl.ttknDowaas boa Le )'avre Put roll a ulac evetp few miuttes;i itunt. fuues up bis atm, Soiud.-perds, andtheus atirllog aec orpalsat Ibet ethaOu. Hoplng ta disccaer 'Thot viii de. friand'"- HamltIe ai'*iolota aloO ta thnt gameur t i break trait. Frvardt tour. iuratuing ha ena lac drem soecf a bitded blamioho toa lethe "oryoet me aplalero tor a Onr, Hetuilo vola. ring tra u epleon inanoet tIen.' . uholet Ou tbe pusth di oto .iivltnee u-uih ig iml.Tii ut h sliwiol sasoples dco Oite vTee.ichai a cierspot ln thoe nan'. yntc .-stand R enaunir-por ei - rsgretfuir ' wsl, ve-thar arts tbresh i.drtti he reltacc nou returo aboi, no visible muement. cilgmibsgs;n cutrab otbotcnnvy aadtohnf n ntelebpoo.Raiber tour 0' us-beootdIl et asi 11's homes drante bock et fnal, and Reklero mviglionNotifia mrcblos glcé;tapiscoil toas. fetpouc faibiswaysntiwa. the.bltrncns onmtheeencb tonoer CourCCluk brftn ee re tier ce smi rt, D R % rn~md alt e, h 5Pr'ang cd bis osto; abont it viedola-ihie yzvglnl erln o n aosso yui hscutyIo tuksm aceso irttnshecr tecetee Pep.c he ic ndeadecl.and mrchés! teon, unbren abiene. Apprentiy sbilnsfOgnte. Bilent a. those dea- 11 vouidot nait I f 1i o8 rau; ttis,iosot the lb.batme npoules. Ther. ui. t in piteof teverp effort or cid. the crelt. itn'as ios.tted. oxcopt tor tbey aoo icnsIn &Il 'ttraintens oriserrounnlge ppeureil, the oer-' 10aOabir trisser." i airuckt alalse the umaiu bard Sunc. Il Wvea nauul laurtcey, evrytreubs niroatir narîr obItrti hr dremptuflof ctogar. The eotame joue. grant kmentha wan not ace.If le had The felicur erd belipless lnto tbe it did't labt m o n i ssranoetari, step toture, but Hnmln bhttoIlcc.thu toert. wlnd. Hellses, bai.ibohehoianesot il-tii doâtelientir Olou1 eatuelinttie o as thingte rehd, etgeut'a trac epeo dliscuter thot o eut neObord tolcauei clngtugfIrmlp ta the bit uf hi. uel, Sotgeaat sirul about hbmlett tie riverthle.dae aty, the vIda. whbts o%. apiad epon; tiat omouhroe n a li Wo-vho tbn beillart pont' ha But i1strckihoîrirmritn tnr I. ma,bis ocher atm lroecilut hie Oytt diiot flabkebis uneiioroi. stiffon- pu»seot plaie, Oie mai violeneo othbod. crouehlog le that alitudu.httubmnagud ta nrtlcuimte hoasnora-Forte hod drietn 'cm e; loto IMiamurr %rom Oicesies at nie wviid.Behiod, lot hend grippinge lcibult Ofct le ttm beatins égalant im- el-sf u e trdur tollonted is cuerry i.asoidior?" ud cathcdala e acl Wasoeniatelded a quir, crlesn hie Cut, ready tor aY mur mEcy. broamaitaleiis oa teeleg et boplesa'memoeant.dair ho slrlgbltend c liamîlo tocided. vîllîrsea out acub~To b etnce o nu viihithe islub truet the hrees Plthing bcuitaor a caYaileellos- u. H vas a me@aore seairas- up, @tarins ai tic hluff ntirnt oit!lott heoaiiesr tait. La1canliohoti i îugeabout ftimet Souk or Carrait. And seo-oieàmthon. cuntpescî hm. At bie footthOe smcv gllng aient agalot atuonrs aid Mtabl ercho stood %Vaoe t e ".You're--ynu're ot00one L- Ires moaho bel' tertketch upc mcc. b. ie tso-oerdpan o Ri tl rmld acoutil i n oedTbon the feeing cîntobol hlm Feresoutait? hbitebut I orvet dii. i buord telii sadmO t na-aerdt-b rh ce eii ltonul rtc ie, a' taughutanho stcrm old tran upuu them :c ru urere tbe moa h ld le tOlrl tbat bh aSoet losé; thstam, ,~~--Whose?"'Bras tmvuelle' cadet 'Datt tlatut denbled for,', hinidlg theit epes, uhrehatbai ran das tbéoPPoitithsomevicre amîic..mebot-re aisvctat.-esL ar-h ei kn;cm unFec otato- tis etctc hrplesît hoaide ot the bil. Tiere bad ie n IY hostile oyez aatcbod, skGoo LlFrr-ibgdamtshnt taking tem saserhepissy ie1 1, auD nw i,,, t'as uoh as'roeve o fnit achct tors lis blacia, oue-a vhite min fIomthlaciaPrit-'derors soughi bi, lir.te, t wsiSatidg n à.the gpo nv 5 orgat1 chi as math a Ieoverdte d ta'n Thar vcro tiii aaeiug 0cm, lite andhhaid ced cauin, vaniebtng le tic cîguofoanp préecet. He centil:Sud imol-loimtand ahed.mergc raFe bro uies, 1 oeoa eusil sut cunales, vbn thoeitaie sichit dcuru the sauteur. Oui stand tlio ndieu, nonr pana ho id biteOra, Bt &DYîelde dutrn ear 1hrceiartnotSiudhorrr tams. revualfiE inch bybpinch the trend 'It ruquircila foa tfrte e-uarolt fe n hencdde. It f c reLt eea e tcd a' min,'bo ai Ine' drtt becb pore. i ilggercd ticýt désollaion, trtcib iacabsead ghaat. teent ta reoavar, ta néalse bcis re. vouli la btter ta tebe acnce, tr- "dou'aonstroa 0rolliefMa yhe 1citl înbup sema c'tLbue ly lesaiowip vîdeotut circle, Thé position, end the meoing Eot hise- hape ther bai ecoto cettusai bp the c onr feelis sa fau oz 'a cocesnad. lette coîuIn &gnin, and murîp otucd- mnbatercifinesmeut mat-smrer.l-teriace aiach. HO aws ne longer, Storm. Wos et-e xOID btgns'siiaelka'ce@nttutllar ir dent! itan a et remt hrir ooe' eumh vith cdl or s5lgertuO ros1Fooi hy tact, toeiighs isg.this traili 'Auphoo i cuuld le 15w fer a c cl. lfegrel, bir pta bre their sur- tht boas.T heod pitmet ibraag h e a aned ,it"Y... i viy;'Rst'an,'tauttno pieaà.- lelcu Le hleas suirtr coin -ý heho bon PIsngtbout lSIdrgira biggin orm ate bis, nt oveiOu1hersaa lvl ec, tartit ohiog _te__i ta to. Eayles t bu ev tritur- otine; hnd rorgtibock to bIs hein noBi e u b t a In ria i litHo roctptbo i icaod t iw but acus n ho aan'u Iolmute les botthOe bars, cona-dropo lapin.,lthe gtitg instnct. LNverdésrelurcil uthe autbera, tb. asidien v haiis ar! Wonsdn'imn iso u clarnais n' ev ibnde' Kuir la. air tl of sait-iL leso.Tht-to urged blet fat-ard. tlaasnrlng fot ne- ieg ee the bockothle lest, avotidi ' ai ot oeil ta quecaci soufur let wa p ethelbsteak. sol tante dyoi amntin gide Ic, o mark venge but heon" poreonnectunlad et'gilaid delriuhlm lue ohuet cf ideetification; teeotferaiibarrtu- plateabolhum matinnles", Sar c- coalateo vih ble bands. Ahtuthendi 'hinquieeut.naulaidcarr" mndteiant néon lathOe mîdt ot yul-bthor van- o buiseon u e of ts-e asravine, neders@baiier nf ticenIraned bck &&ainsithébotable.l10v 'Wbet chat?, deo.drasing ibsin hai-froset ini hua, dovn thObntu10héb ictucabout. ilatin tramld ibcktheb. nov , .l einibsvSo lbta e "rthemuIiplodyigr bore&el i.dai body o! M'ieohed vers buddiod lia homonet f ils ont- 'brtéa icmale coe, eo slea maccii aatcbtlipabouttheicroua, tergaiher csuascae. herded dcu c. thffîen.ilonoegrosqueacape, h.ad fit. scarcelyi ditinulcbable tram gasiine araui ot hum bie.. HrscutIiii boath. sue banir usat the riversa uys, out ' sisht le rtc blutto aad tet iaailu,. shronded tlu eieg-1 ahere Ire sdcci. If obcoiuti vene t her wvon. auli Prtected frot itho en-ui e nesad*ehOhT u evlattrkepmg ue ung SUca, Carroll bai taeioc orurrdatuer off, heauight noer la ablt triesl5 ta n ie a,, oidteuhr seronsebscdl oml e ekt n a ak&an vn1 o so hc wae ieaadm tis endt' esYtanBacbisn.mure huer, he 'rot is inrpqu gray igt ot danho cotild me a ditedbicheor end bigcr hrlrtheopen i bIs elg Ioread' lr eeup'amrgTisa Ceictuar ng ist iltai idoson tarde distaflt. épi eroni '0*itg teverislebI. Nolei.îsly, t-ic Cuit Polsi "Thcn I tecton oyon di the shoot-,efors But 1 ibrngos ol-C. ehille' out Ad Wason bhti the oamitSSu.Th$ the bit!agann incuiatc ugell aleait, eImttAtio igorehOiito'_____CsOIdîeab nhroteeet wiu ibo-thouibi vbitb btsuglt bl m nnii hbis relue, tOi e cgeani isk o IsantAcio, ngt hoan bitd - &go cut auspe ipt est war le tertigc traminil ackt lalouSii la.drtte- îp do'ggi blantetu from the pack, ,a islt nvaIa cclarun' ih at at ê~ nd iuabt nt.dl c- wonson 'ed v dead. Carrait and sireai tteron uthe grorud. e ipe ontebuf n agtm ltl.,boter but tho scoUt lgiit bave poiting Carroll upan ta. Thtn be ly tic tront et i cahun St the hase out 'Did pou?"Otpddontehua' egtmc eltrog ie50v10vot hc400,anoeifoHevitwonnt. the ebookt iis coti ect l"lle -j *"IseitIr alel noues0' deP-1 'fore eer i snv hlmePleut-i laid myes bouu niInY slibhtîr wuudei. o adust abot vigorouaiyrunbbing the Sel- possible, for conuti be ho sure. ut a0, in' it," reinctantit. oeleringothe ue Iý n 0t her '. aore but bhov as teiendlp etaz to, tc. Ic oc.itîI ~ ~ ýtien It conSistai usreIp ot n root the corner,'otIillnt casie tl ucw't ntioech'alr le iahin' mu tur mnaYfaedawnnardisfce SUOrI am t f ,tgte hterougit-r o rdctun lb. aideOcf th. bil, tbe ahoot uitno Dtâsuit e LnFevrros. 8 OeB e tac evora's erirs. HitenDame grpptss- ithe rola. Betoeo ImUt 0MM0Of baudldng. aroasie hie-latter oponîng cissed le bp coiloavoul loge. hait me.1 idlînTt ht oda»nseago ca aOackh Oue, ann be couuun't turas i blusOvr, i.oc"W tho iaggcd frcmt letlsarEy. but Rat l gaorlngit tla eo var ozienild eutvari hepond wnia s tcoldeOnec rseiOvt,ébat' deib o t t ntls ehrstn', ol vounni ad kmew death hbai heen tu, refft ,grlppoi heti*lii e"v nour et thb okandmi as i t noyer spaoi s, n s nucneti nilknoaa abehl itanLtaneeoe.Ho atureidevna t tir altlibande ot Irt.nvrcpasIesiaiahicaae eiloiiri epit ia. Thar ailet beau, nO In Mon.Ho aci tee dira bungrr suc abnge;ate.naredad ou oovdrivt"i« endedt ell ntti buesacP.Inditînsulishable a dossape aivRY. whitetani -loeg pore itires menthe.t-aed to tlmuctutisîpiia. net i got 'incy sa; bncgeiraoulier tc tiédirn forsI ovra-Tt tboeeramvotees, rcgaIarly, aid, Dido't iii noese or e, dii tV" vbat ivolute tkouat' hlm"- 'mnkpililtoen.vlvr osr cePei bt tistlila tbe bîcoktetan cd bryoai a donha ho au certain ho 'Yen, peu lii," itstrntiHalie "WcII, go oche s ea re Utmak action. ovofy nervo tbblf. Gocil etced blsi meA tei off fgrom tba d.iected na e lb euîotltinos rIof al', sétiing ta helit blmselt in Jus a long aîurr cnt ot h." tt he ever met Oic MrdeovetThoo .n4n2MIM.CUft-oit. laret!Up et blUdo.ai tlado bttr i'cocty, 'o ulio.n b it "i ett hr nai îse eyslt e ttîo f ame.uairo boidé.m ly ntc rdrmmi07.. a the li 0w reu" dte cling, hie' falcai htaîerrrode the*@ plaine, b. su' ni' tisloto.a 'Wa poug Chey- ea nd bého stofta" WU l'Il EstM 750Mfa- "bt. ORam 111Ebot' e " aadn ip ofe a emsl ivnioa. lisrenmneatmng covari. pou. siiot itus Ous buckti aieotmbagni"rounod ondsibue bciyThairot al o r t b-soit&»4U t o« itbat"btuwt stieet gipposai t i tbatInatb LIO la 0ti il&@s 0110419t 9 rtaif trets.-n e.50ilobt-t Mpp"oais< aoiment, th i*.dead vlth bibck otte pou. Nov. &a searonss the.rivet tram Doi5e tcr qhti gripa lt u ba ltant bUt bs tl Mot oïtl b_ tee TuOtgodeiPil asOttotlult lbere, 115 a thrav of lb. dîce vith it allaatin' ter Le Faare to pu][ troail, mundloftI bem aoat"a cbtld. flhlI glr." er prOtectiOm4 8VIUst Mtcu§lyl meviitier I1 iyen Isul f et t rit of soacarter atiout, Maris I dildn' But the m5cd dlt ' taunt.Ltle '11=g ita C4. 0, a" o e ta oeron util ho eanvtaeed bmlt or; eit yen go, t caoe le boe.intendiegngl est lb. tralat o ' It, butat îîba - litto beé gan"d cssent, e5tultop*11.1 ber fouto bis toeoli t bis roa bort 0 t b l e kt,cyeltnp. I îm alUlw te lImwhthe y eglte Iba. o risueau..r Taer &~ gaathéeOi. oca.s" hélon te 61'b dr 1,'tâhscc04 po ites eli gte og at ftran e ilois.1bp u kes, p u t yen'o O.Ti: e higier h.u pafra bi5s ale. eat ne00,. .ks e wa n etanouteldo lombi s uwhyoeobre. "llont it aie a tum of babitation oetBennetaeabat pou bat-e sot ta say. lesmsoi epecti ta de Il golat lits. hou îlhe - The> Woe *ditm1 a mus aek. Wtlaanoc0b61l-c11 «ed h l a OL TU11114, & ChH ticoauidktod boiond enstice; apperentir asn-,cOPthe. igbt. bushplaie mrder dOSI ecrc.r a deyar o s- lattahe désert, osite. hiMuli te adiot; 1 16010A tre lo«o. 50b45EiidLci1 Foi7. 'WIM"tu ca io.ter tiers 'Ves netracts mlait at am.HaI9i rcp*B'tn U-lbIw100t ai a 4. ol-hitétant hartsre abou le a h W* auessds OW > »Qthoe McV atItolu4 @Md s no a t.k@il arosiyttit'ept îî eut. *anl" the-m PUBSidtiat Je« onactir al-k. ~'w , b 1t S-oaatloap!ee.c"IUl tl yr e bot lt hvs" Thetelecfe dngotet as vitb blet. 3Vâapn vs. Signlnms, pw ms oua iwi4mnei* 'W 57 sCofel.-"no.It mr my WYthion; &»W«e hOela ploeP"VU a e , aun ubc mg a aa Wfth he' N9 mtoi P'M m190 ssir l MAPTEA XXVII. tralgbtwat h1aak pou. Who are bkit e lb er109 tec. Thon h ffl«éuN p", y«p? tWiiat arepe oigts10horst" agiternmacstX* ' baitle *00 -"Kia aIt evor botu, S'Le VoyO arrsied vitb tht Yse; mao it laborl ow;ati1othOn ahite mon he bm ulOt, at boîte , bosun%" is de"tetaebisc an la <ats. IMbifeL uTientl hi ch. ge on thelr 1 051i10toletito e t mpaan sin mebe--el bande , aolisser laa beill of a11% agents .ugpfièsVer . bd luty1 leiuuo ola 0 u gIhem wosUttr. ond Mi esoi b~ u 10 cet l >'moud0'110finied't ea tI d&s < , Id iei a a01 sto i T e, ios ôîià asa Aat% an'besWh mes-i la ouai.: at 11 mltà b. ber PUhicm0 bu u 8;~ o~Ilei.lva n j obsi*tsI Mae8.t o be s a #4 ti t %« n llu. Und- e« e a Nio hn OfSniedpt bpomter a - bowm40 rV o jiý sl "bo ,c *t m lreto *Iuglu4«d.em.4 ngqtaitb ol i e linthlI op T tig j" uit- ce e s imrortttail unflbe eni t op mi cf tht h t' lu * 4 IF