Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jan 1914, p. 3

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ST .1 1) F,1 U S ON. aie ,n lots are~ Lir the way~ *1 J ~ry one ds lus- P7'. Sons NTENT sp Going. issue Of lis paper. I, ina ,io ,, v aiii e. i ij filrgeto... rr1d, ci l,, en a lg ,.i. i to Iicl . . facces oft Sombra OI e iaytr~ end New Vear I18 Our wislI to Ev'ry body GRAHAM SHOE1 "THE 110-NE O O S 1HOEW' G aci-tPerT. D. Mne bac ýlatroee4fc (ojt.aon Ratt.etay! On Prhlay efterncon leett Uole eeshe .nc.evitGat, cgea eenncllanei~Jrpeenavetno a a-ka-i sums potiocof Nelson wchiwhloh tUn D& Weycc n Mont r, illagl o p.om t anex, e &con Lo t e ronce nla icthe ek'q office. cikha go aoekchBriAek.i n vew te neianglng terànd a grmon hec mTtl Y. epen hec'mach landt they wcol hi Bmnnf IÎ- n'%enM,, avllitg h, elow tholieaniiexet.Ne la bis i. ffl(3 . ePPIentien ciii ho Irat.tethe Ralt MUID Atpt"eon Suni y YBoard At an enrly atet.-Ourling. Dm alu miAtEPasto. on Rasueayon anete. Macintyre, cUlîta, o i i h Nen' Yerec t thie ïPrinceco MAl ceta 7 tro lt e.pni. Mue will --On Mie f rcinhetrh29mie ef Elison'c lateiet - c O0 LWet the lat;e a lZ oursngad GawDeipnSy cand tanghter otmuiei. theteIàocce e) Cul. Tu£ MvciREa.acc..Amndcn loden. Ulgtsn..cocntY WSck mec et the 'th Ballen ifles ccd the l hnolo& i 7th year. le et the ecîînty genercau l ii ho J c. rlet t hear tat the prsai tth BS sa aU PolRegiment lia noe u hoon e I.IMPPIIU MII Y Wh ar est Ottawa cnd e A rrangements cill ie aho h tho teiritor)- ciii hoenlcgee A coic Wet àny Bxê»of su e on lucide port aot the A eliice ot e Panc Bexi cf o 'f Pael cnd n ieit, cmanad. eg r inn b!gztt] h te select freMin cltidung efnltgoin= lxy giment. Thîe tth Nilisonsl, ilelic terrilira'. Patt4ansons, et Toronato, J. L.oc'oni'eivliic ihacto ltu hic p",@ 0Mi Dale,@. ",-- t oen neilthe public Purs snd Das'.. eeernlly for their lihoral pntronage, not forgttiag the mana' (ili ot c. Ahic cafulnicorl ment leniero fier' thîir ceetintl'oîao support toe of mco'e thonn aquaerter oft na entury. H O M E PIPesCIGARS, Pouches Ws n<ai ene hpin. a 1il Arthur Norrington. oait oh te valieetancd, l th ereîîie . the cificersofetSt. Clairtl.oda Bmri. A. R. Wililoott. nseicteci hy W. Broc. J. W. Eillinît, JohnIe rving act Wi» Pantoc. Bri. Aire. . Ponli. M . l W'.. -E lJiii. R. N'. J. W. liroier, Sci. %'. R. Clî'meaîla. Tri-n.. WV. llrhcitle. Chap,. Ilit.1.0 f. t).HZ.eR. Il tr)7I. e lne.pie iia entnl.l-go I.ugqu O.lm E.an bi aren. cceerof t îtoc riccgiing haene ofthait Fnnk Pearis- frthe il ic ptrn e duhi lîothe r.vn n fc Onprt'io;d te exeet. cai eej O A p~oiancn h e îaeîoNS hte j cone lirA .8e2uma ril. o M.iiliti. Mr. MntXnarct han baea clenale . Ryker, W. H'.. e theckoodrgblnh'otît 2 enîeraorf ài m cTer ra Uc litarCO. cofdneo h ulcn itnad inceti ondclcy, Rg agoc teilcr . R eaii, vlicitXnac cW ha lece palF. iter lik'ed.Oret th 1Toro oec.al trle iin et l yae etPmaipestd B- ric m Teure 1* i tbek Me., dleed lices arct nO the etni town.and mde thmmeles o ced Paltritilgcît pr iuaptiee ed. B vicuîitin as l ape, ce liding r lti)l Popica e u te,- e Fîbutthay anaenh ee.trn.1ecaey aho-ed ieltandttie gtlihen conliranie ed lT nie g eco an ecG oc aie Robce inu o Ccnc tah Rcef ot n.1otjr lh e k i Th l iap ut n uravitlon*. lit btl tnWi3eymbadHebr che ev roe cntd P l e lau. io mugimmon der'IlePd GilsI, art UiceItiteli, the 9:hon Bare Tbe deui aee miilient, ickey Olino made. Ther areo c the, . a. s Lwnan ldOliok o at uce g ond eltat Geinhaîn'. caasce co eamw te ot nt teat c mi. lilioeniue. thie hon'te f heti. Tho. iiasadmdtebotndetm&ffl &A qiàntîy of nma cea cegoat. Lt e io mnte. cali ln the. cintral Prison, On accoutnthe lb. Ccwa' 'tnu pa~grand ~ Wdlg laidttUniantit lack et uin ' conc ai " nm*c. naft hUceipkou thio 5ie anT trempa1la L ftONo. cmr ua eccio fiteececîlooseO *» Smv a c.eAL3 'cb* eon cfnitcne ac chU.e lim entiL It la ti te p uni Iliat the sentnces ~Iat b-. %à , .rooýg @% tn M. isfl bavo tbe aa b n~i hllsl;C'Elka s-ter L, = i tiat or keeping tlcoirey bèsfennmiAueJL::mont a àMt Milten. jitLci IsaS'Naol.a. 10111,Psee t ofLOccith.. l Elca c et Lea.lle. 1u1.051. taago"W. 'si T4 o4nieM I wxsh to thank the people of Milton and country for y o u r generous support during 1913, and espeoially during the Christ- mas seagon, whioh enabled me to do the largeat volume of businBsa I have evér doue sluce coming te Milton.! I appreolate ft more than I can express, consdertig9 the de- pression insn sS il over the world. wiohî~ aU ~bPPYand Pr opWý7ýza aýwp 1il. Jack 8tephengoo. Rock cokc a a È 1 u.0 Nolze M.at M,.W. 1Foi n IKaem-hr li [ho àashort rencla apicltuee ii h 19 latil to the 24tbhuit.,nlt th,; =1 e- tu4ira W Qol G u.«elphi. Na tee. andi- ne examlnaticnn. or itin flStrea I A Irw natit. Find11er clU pielen"VeIlA t Chmpion cifie. Fiee1 IlclrepotA t et on theosperous N w*ea hglit e care of o hcen 2R cc 3 qM-ira Muet, netGuelph.inbetO and c kilndna tlaol ret hotmnn. chlii ber von ccc III ln tho hoepîtaî. site ~B ~ i W IŽ ~ l pileccitu n»Y thcat oblmprovlcg. 13 S*WS E KNtOX CaUeec-The cahjecton $,a- daY inoonng cil h, "Go- Fcrward,- On 5cndayjeccmg noorlal ier- la ietl mm,' i tO our laie Mev. De. Maclntyi,. M7.4Mnky c'ill prencliat hoth servie.. ' numnerous customers i 3ir. and Mim. Et. Stphenson andtS n'A u'~~c ccldenad Mater peaenon'Nqixon.C£Jandfied Ï of Allantale, npetit Cliriotinma wltli bfr 44Whencei'n parents, Mr. and S Mm-. Rl'hSephcenson, Victoria Ave.' roaiu2l odHat I)OWTt-Dr. T. T. Harris, etf(Oak.' apISi~@1ii cr vilcllpyMilton hic cext prfe 8 o ic it ceThn au an. Sth r 104.li. e ýÏ'avli l 'Cnt L JI . Royal 'p Mec. Thonl. Wilson bha liait I' eko ogstion ofte 1 n, lit tMyo relations be as cordial in 1914 ik ic. annânancd ie grau hlcn a 'The Disoiplesof Cret,____________________________________ tepc .M venien t oaccecAioll t w l e etend to t l].1 e nt'a7 b eoe t at udwr <3 h Compainy Ee-WVardc Mf. C. Snilth.,ofet Bcllnir ton, le llkcly tole ho ppintet l ederal S A Frnit ('omnnholoaer. He ctentad t i fi 1tbia n« l bl n SPerei THE STORE FOR VALUES. 1cA i T i.-Fmenk borley haiec 5,7 Years of Safe Sînce the ,sear of" its incorporaition. , the prvhcy of The Bank of Toronîto hus beeiî to provide a full service to ite many etie- torners. lIa affaire have been sound] y ad - inistered, aand ite prosperity and service have k'ept piace %vita (anada's development, 'rheneflic.ir,'n cla lain -ieîy ,.f eî'octh oand Paid ul Cp itl... .... . à 49G,OW INVITESVR i.RBAKiNg M T*e MILTON BER T. F.LIM -à4M-NT DEas~qu Co. ri~s' 4X'

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