I~le T1EM APleaSu, ir IN IJTRy Cte ï eveot as Ofl e . ab o m ~ p~ e I ~ t igla b e M yr v d or il * 1 bl a ut. m an a . -@tW e erZ .h aFI'i r WToalsa Ce r a i j tt Incy i r i u ua , e l sCa t 1 r C hu lu a b 1 C h n L m a ,or s e. e t a ir r r1 1 *. tii iliyl' uga cd yrp .a i b' hua uCr a nl puraee Ca 111iii.p icsucc e'tîabu Ceailio uJ1Co C.yile'21evsa a138; I~oib7, 1h iC ~ , lf ie C at o c a e ôl a itud d 8u, ca m ple t u b ke w8 " ' se csu d. lt e r acrim e o l ic u ua e ' ar -e l'u .1g ie i.lu e nd ai n ma 'l&'h t aieu rv surd f st> n. lru C It , by bu Cha th tar, Chd - vla c .rie t o ula l aregeu ed l Nc li tew i ",-la1 lm s »t -a e I re t, a i Pî'ilu ho e d 7 u x, acie onuide ai t app et ite , 1esu ai agg r ti e oisa te us rm o f rite ucui, 'uh pîin, culanl avu~urallddelîu l bthCicap aeC 1h Ire.solirste ra ltrig 'l~'ntpu C. uduty iv e h e asd mi n sait van Ïrel t4tfsblutp.ule u, pcod I ase.. ;Z, ieuuhueî "gnu t ueulie, ad a uplIIed ut til s e - th rcer thute-ru and vRithbtalSh arari 'j" * l~ * T UE4P E S G R I R , a ler avdeup ë a r d « l t to t hup w ter e d lO ta st no s s l b, e n lu'i,,î'ulm nipime mci îî ta'he tIiteculu C!the iC COOK itanmiGjs il con tofe nnndi- ftemz 0'i~ A P lu e s w r t a o u ai m ll o nutor 0 ai e lW b i k u t o g l a %F r 4 t e g li. - e « o dof ill t m w Na 1 T ýo A = I M O R S W5 ÇA IW 4 l' ~ g s grdu i,,'N , o hu lluîcî ali i l us1 aso0Uni Cîbf eho Otrsguetul eut treat cele eIucui,,u illue main Ieur'ielh dl ,'ad. oaren 'Abiee asoin.b-' uucasan cgsîrihte t ahust elgtef. Doue, Iea Wnd~ ".lP~dlC 15eappruetlboi rsoureeeeIIlCute1. e Si.Nswd Sct r.,er h oe , lcîf fu' c l,' 'i eiu t o n e. I i a te iota. f 1ev, la job pu e t dae s l owniu l e du ra n.b n e l is tesrt istyW , ir -el hat ontaICI FFIC eta oudenCompote ivil r., heY raveed b comuil Car -Smkingofoud th J fuell. rni cluandiu c ky îi lan . lu O . ad. ba i Iel ltam nie l e, and iniN w - ofCopri ib nra ogga batl 'n ubJureyut , thr èthgeda,,w esth ll h i 131u uuils uiiu u ,cu..c" i~Ciiatiyiluatr a.Sihein te e norud el t,î aCealofa -în d asmucb uChe ubi m ad e uIlich'luîu guuuana lut.,p d diL,' IbahtLca p a i h t o f n o h he ta e asiibiprfi te p o i e hý.Oh s . -,~h ;u ~ b s .I s r s .A I 4 l S i u enîu ,l, t heIeaule iand ildoeunIt agi as um& utliuee uu iea e.lat ol IeI tmsiies olte taf the hrdsmsai *ieOsliOllln iOe pfevoeo-bC.l i u,îuui Lu il, îeet aihoCTelotte ein Ou ibetenat Ofry on aiii. e clol Iib-tdalitnt . The asusa it IteIII est cd et lbi J.ilIaisi esiP i " -Atal t'u 's9 Ille ion.arti n Dc;~ urell ig'le';oftas Cuneldotil biien estuil,, bleblor a llle ut iC, hai fodsula th orxl le ter ar Cu-1 .u 'i<w,' r'..gsei6 .eiy A rc l ue, hall d,'eriie thi l aieltu-ucuh. anma«,frnt ail pam g n nd rbit e up mubhl w rlc roi od n ,-n h m k r i v t rule.au a '-.uc.- ,ts c ia ýisipu r, uuîg u bîueîul " itt~î c h touî uc' 'caYei,'(he' l u, Thle oîL e, tue. 0 uo ulisme isthrui wlsgimos el lb. """"r""t Pqr b . air, c, egI.tle irai e i î u' u et u e up t u e ud eue i i l h ey F o ose u a. t ectman y stIinfa i Iuuuuuuiufuolu,,topucLîaind- inlmthé aotva $4eî,ee4Ü, iglf- WIand I ,N A ,wê- Frstffo Ihs ndu a..o uuuuuui ofuEecTRIu Ctuiîg. 'L C P o d w CoR A P NISH M n T d rs h u e pl d , cuas 5 o i uÜe ep Jý d C o - g l-- iln aol iode.%'u me ofv $1 na t e t ex 'e u 0 1 h I î L'iL ,, iit'u , ,LI uî ' uf _ _CI T a aitt e L b . UC L v lu'eu'ru I t A i,,' Il î ix,'Wam Place$7OfeMotelfer ,756la46 tos flopopieerNeru Thoîr omes Car.. e.t.sasuu. biln siuibeecifor.luit ire Tir eLetTh coitem blok laprounlsloa bI LulabuveuIl ofsblIti va L,,1t ,,a - a ti a t h r f t'. rivueu ieuu , p ur t'uo e 'uuu I ju c autrfr thbr velrht Il p r 1 w n y e g h a s th y w r o i i o s L in e rsi ..r ue Iuli h alu,,I tuuuuuf ]ILu e eth aieagamn fthe ffIer aiti afui breuci b mujrsshscepr iuam, i dlsbutn,,i nta illas uhl a - lo fl i l u c ciit i dibci e '1.u e ', ym e O f e fo re u t ie c t gla t d a y , a l l n h eu E nh C e n s a m ile u c u u t1C hi b o t e --- C o n h fi, bu l t n [ a a I l u peupave Y êa i f ct r m n ' l te cud eue l h li a d eatedly i ' sesago ser la tu e t ub lid e Pi a is is a e t ;e C p no ssterm lim"" Initia tionrd' tam iut urimlth ullîl bol of the I bC l k ro pe tra cuts, Teî ai Ile $12 120. n t nwwa ivr fit a ae]oiiivl i atofQe" Aèt flillIone inifloti 1 t 1 .1,-a or i bas teaddjtlnal'atrck the eellRivr, f, clusîlota dfeosis adeaisb Itu prsmde erliotpeta' the a distauce anet teeâtmîtesr T h -Il1-t l l in o t e IF .i.a I d te e a e iac m POe d l ti s u, a d eii t a eu e ouvertm tar lo. vits raithenhordesufi ue d t r a m 65.ot'hae s a y t jio-lI n urn uigteh useu u îe apîArumadL teone ul $1.70 t. 1eth hrlCur1etose luai teAc c IoTh veaus artsan P -is e u c b t e f rî teA t l a t i c . b , a ]sp e t a t e e t o f b e C t -l b A R Te , p a v d m 1 e b e c h a s v m t r l f o c e n n a 1 FIerIlteeIF sIeuricirec npural pue ehneralbreoption eu thcr filcforiaa]]trioewcIl..1endlb.naatsrtutusdresNoarmp muriu LaoyheCompanyheàn parteteie lp ilFedie in arketiing.hu bortema cti es$uh recre ciidrgsed hthe es a nseetlit onthe in eutecadfr h asFlCAl xzti, u ekast thediune urniInden.Ibaisail Cheu wmua nudoutiler gs5 iituii uoa ot Phret ai p a, Nmg hc tpjfi, ll] te ruui Ieu cudel'oroelunx heteibiugbll frc0le s. 6 il acl"liî'hlet."oLuIlherelure pdec iai.oe a. atteu.11Le04,m20e,00 cul ielemetCi. "rou1ee ai,%,d tyarlnd ui aeIm rtandcis cemuuauich sme,', 15e milbI.cewu.tio apbida vio.mheb tadIbisgaree te 15e meanthesorufaea < li i l t, AI. u' C uh N G I3L C K m ui er et et pe, ae eut I ll b.7,2 76rt,7e3bo îe aî forant b a,758 , 40b o u s îh, Ie e t a e thut 15e Man iesl'm a r s c . vtli î le U rdito lera n 5 1 L a a . Ti.I I ltr i,,ilfo tIl, lHi'iSehh'i lEA oIf lcetc id r8 tut 7Cbi2pni luoaue, lieoll dueFiu Iied pe shieasîcunaut dPiu,',tuhed aeuîcnaîemrl il"te S Ce- taau1#0B q= a nd o l usnmithemIsw- lhou ,'iul h e t p l lA o g s l it .u gu lc e u u iî ,' . L st a r h ei u i h t . F o r 2 i te e t ro, t e s b eei h r d in h e lr l a ,u ato i o n a ud r a n t m 1 1 5 1 el n . d e si e a i l >' i m e . MIln P ., u ,1,. (ci t r c e.ie ccyr u a L eFc 'eIl' us :t i l n lî :: a c o a , t ul e ib u r e a l cul r th e r q 11e I s c te t le t ch i a p r.T b is ui e s 'etu b, ,es t Ilt o u . ,tueu ,' cei'îec CI rpor'e tbl ecy cee e tn rchionu la thei nations mi of$2, 06, 735.uss ls. h uy. us t rc ur " ml is t e u , F o ta i um le a bpee o iret ci hlck ~ ~ ubcchlea cue ets l.71.lîe cegamul .ee.lt my. hu olImu rlaul in t situunk a iossn ci uuîuîîuuîuc albe ctdia l a b,'î,'u c noth h tel rovCeiseubl lemsu. ed t able, tr a , ip aeMSetaI 15e r 11,'119111111.1 ivuili, ou duultrit gradesma ui e es, b, eudut goe lt. lm,'a' , 71712 the atdset ule s a$d,0 5,000 ol r e ri hoan e eil te.e he blu t e te, RAILS, O t lbi u Uco te ts of, Ilte pîleee eîec hud eys" ith ce. lh or i esruî most cudeat T isd iey setIl .flairb d ar La muI ealie ntantub e ncln tb iir N Afru im ecud et co tee aa 41.7 e p o u n u»ai t e iielerie , tu be e 15e IlS ufrA Nn t Ileci, 'îue sertce et and be e wb,'st i et h l eaai i 0l i ,-a teculmilSrby m icba beie etjîkms n u d a e i seGra-PaieGxs Mil ,fueîî c icceal, pîuthearerbeis ubî ered e--alealiletal etuli te mayfnehelec cf jci i l f l I i , i h, c l e u r s l c l e m lca tre b t e er c p ,a e ,îî e t 'p o o]r C i d d lI . . a î a2 9 ,6 ,u ite f t e Oc r a l A cl e r Ia u e un e a r dC h . a b y a u o . u P u m ea s o i h , n A , d i le , ' ..Ihe mu etmb ll'autesbce,'ou tedtae412,6',2,iamilus e,' Lcp1 lie me W aaaista cet_60_m les he b,' e ha opr 1pnoren oa fe6200lem-epigra eforasd. 0 rg 1 aer nrhadfot homayt lu'l , ,, h ci, îueîulugun er, a Te elu inthe, lîcueof'dle-saireIios mherrespcbabyeufIsuareOPetpleAilbflbavrbaC efeaalehe le lu ui Ce" 'clur' e cc e 'lihul" uî1l,'e ialanid, TE RET AKS ard eri.vuiea teusaioril hcColleaandrtsutu5e adndai gc ,rc e 1 l e iu a . br i c i l ds o rh ne us el a tra e ral 1 28 10O <efo au d l o Mnlu . fr t het a to ' eil uiii am t lm l ii, p h l a t îîîîî i - u c: bleuh î, irudl, %holes b,'h e rsec c rpoatif ir hil et n O d l , v st r atr n Is C e n Cd th to p at la sai- ti iv,.,, el'ee,','m,' eueme,'îe'e ult crpeulpeeuieeit desecr Lre elitsI lu,ia cuse ruits ndtthe th1eyaie tsoeuad fosthé e Cies rialy i ey hves -baret er a "l'l, i r,', 'le te' ce h e ntuu e il î e e a r er puireî mcy Labous na nd r lu lb ari es ha t l a e WCu er d a y s e r l . ahe u ni the r buri do n uos s a droc A B al, p urt, ilLindiedr of h,îiisters AtieObservecln ' und run nlueI qitte gom Wecl' ..,Ontu ile i Imhleathet Chu D roaid c> it a 1l a Netmpluovlo e tah sdo uilean lirfBand.y oremu rtbis uuîueeerdrlb,' easer seseedret> heua lb' l ebt ,b c bld a es bl ba reare huuare c ae rc u feîd rAn r i erp i-eaales 5ethes' . ou l . ppur , fal rta Ce aid e t StinlM ore Pota oes ere onsu ed d r-i eupee'cwg thd bleu, we outllta 'is îguIo tbila Lakenge Fle vo us h,'îk. IllIo m oeor egs t,'ctetW e ie bighau a eas r si g e e "m ik mucltessdf trais' T a Cvl h ea, armal tr rv f it n a utlîhls iî uI lîcurul Au ececAI , 'd iiG LOK mtr, or lll,','uioîued sise. higfryCv îeabrrîliitdseuatue eee leru v lotieithe "otaldainlice,'vIng been stUlufil 8haChahthelouL u Lkbe espcrlerhit ths SAFETYleNTHnE SoitETS t 'î eir,.î r t' err la netheu u e clu seive , L eid th'n o p sI ls mi upeinadspIlb, 1 e f cuird ls Corlg oieuda f- ik rl ad'ep e&y q ,gl n IrC e~lm iut ic " L . 19,13 otuîrai s up..îte red fal. O er ltl lo a Tiréonvanfl ex lat th electicai cm, stdeutlreptyeolensand mutreir ic .li h' lu iîctu1 et 10dg, Cule tb,' nu'uee e enice I l e,' a i4,27f1Lu0W or er.and Ibal DýTýe t abepl be Ousre tey e, e pt , eold1 h,,rs[ ' Éïul ocrh aebluete,,ofCend u ced ne sde iiPortai beteeue t I inul s arl neu9-3802caemeul. nAce 8 heb ....hIl i oau*h ', 'ced1 ilhl i ,ut ,'u lehe i hl'ty Lelma.il.,, l ti lmr a.Du bst e tbs crt îa a vlIl'hl iS 110kII I l, "ae bys- ', eeru e ctl eu andreIl taRAILS.Na tev loi' FI u.>LabeTfeelerfiedof Out IIntarleharb'taoremen, butumpegu.sn. 'uei'd flo ff e ,at luouid w he ucrs esag stou t hean CASH teLLdEfln yd1 nO becul et iSlietal itnr. - sup a or t he b by acs, PluIýd, fi, ý,en he sall th can orm Lr i, r T îleer ape. bad telbru bu atudb ust te pa a uls ae s gs.biet T pSor i""'î culoet e hu i s e ledr. u'ue lhf ers Llie avraeîaîr unte B lîl O 810. a movîna car , te no, t, i ea P opetuoavsonuccson t '" ii tcui l I ilea'-, deuj l 'le et "l'elatdliea ieu Mitle. C ,lm FIhot e re tepb ns a lit';I ioil o, 1-Il o pacicaly 9. l 1andthe dipla eceudTHEî 10GRMEbîAiT mhL d K S gtuil tp stapu as etakepChirfotn - t oi l u~uu, M, î llI ' gntdiu Il yt ile iI,'thie,'u l i.u icni dele u, t, r Ocs t a e uh oi- 52 mls e ..I ...'rbltL 9 tadl Ilue t ,'ilug h eC e sestiei cl bd ,Ib. M er. B lind the Cbam ras i s , bod g t h tp soppr I îî.,ri , mper heîeu d oAeuis e nut ai'il mr el,'ar. it We aiuew a ee l ra, On.Chatao vIlh mo ig vblcband6eon0tae,M iual fte hv u to on IIIrl ,ed u,,a oo l u ith e'u ie"'peîiich loriParent.. Icrae S erudm a t e arange t adL e Daul alloe,.pou r d ; itr t ruohrbret1, u ad aro 'uîîî, il uv kuuu0d the 'lm u e . e' c t t e", ' t Isuae Ils er lu ara t ,7olbar dese i e tr itOfa lîth e uints A o g te a r atof he id s t le'fil ululauci Limutesl'u t thuruletiv' iirea al nTtl g roueute e icuuu andet, e' fl s 22.000 aq ae a aes; M es: Clulea aiet h uhe aeatcmna nec 1111"olil As o sar ccaeîh uc e , A lued. il, r Cit'TadtCezeuarma, in00, areu 22,lee. a are l'Ilulu,,,, iiîepe le" i, lt, ct t,'iu c'l r a iee a g espulle., le e1. , Tteraeen Sd *e ue nt 1 10 DPg Ca t w enN eeLdOSI the rail Ilu l t, uuge-utu C bear leTt l leiu.t er a i, cu,' t ut ae, 1,0 qur le. Da p il î lt'udm lit o 11, , tm'ceru re otCl pul shol lan Laelcpeîo, lt AF t b N TEeuauî TS "ut Il~~,ý o morat sýý,o, , r l, Iteit,uuu lt f ul depus li s geryatde, the figur m~e ebn ooruslt~siui mpo- eaprnutsl b a r~ll u, e ri b e lua 00 ee tfo aee o uar m atouîî, hue. dsorh z l d ubebu Ftl Fi-iu0Cl oOuie.icigta o tarai coss an Inecuide e a m l 11 , 11, 1' 2 ' " ' s' iti pe sonï l c lve et t e p e l li m , T ey o trI n 5C 4 c l ote t s h at 5 te u t " ' l e , - C C qaa 1 I' t lle s a >'e llýaFm l hea ,111a bia l*eA vert deetIn nt ene"l it Cm oi tulle l esteapsutaise ladedhuie - ocas Rail4aluiu'Taxation.ic thel th,'irdIl mr __ __ __ __ _,uu 1i .u'u'ia ti u,'f EIiu, ul t edeep ge e ,to l c f r t e 224 t fe 1La S. Ôn ar oc h tu i.b r ' 6stopuIatout asentreuoutthb ýlI of :Is lcll and R ad ceCad *h tCesnierdIobebter trat a Sîlng.litar arlP en ers'sroolaate wueiacrauvili Ontario areiatmqu apethep n c it il B. h ie' i wIF o r a k i n S u c e s vtituseutoas>' a 1. oI u l i s lei t I lC s p u tc - a , l f h tC h c A S Dl a d d urP h f 0 4 t e t ns4 2dlt , a nub rp eoi i o st aor e t bordI ethrofC-et. nwhjslovreaon T ECars.sbsu 8 ,lid e.m ia ' t h'iettodu l lulu stant Ha d DU'i eop omaararer ca 1, ïi.1.IulititltlrIl uto siand'thcm o.idl- J, 1 1 ýlI 1'l' 1 Ttul p i ' mig b se.Wbn eto sare plti ited m',8Erefu wih 6.ad aaj Dolddg aad f ndn Ilo M ust Be Fitt huued t uta t , ii s tbrde cst h t e d foi.4 t hega r aad a t w t o t 6 m l s e g eo III Iilue tituiiicr...' c lip ea lng Fisid s ,lIr ltc IT I re eus. St> frotadm' ,l an th ma"lath ltermuuTl aaaInAllr tha aaruiu 'R NDJE i heaitilTeIbPin ni h-purlarm jlb In utj- o ut wlteutlychadetatae .7'01t1615.GIIpouf huid ukunCrIs I îiIlufudirulsiteesprOn. muto Chu Ill,$silt îcu as nueleîylott'u l. tart'uiatu II hieainageof 29,69 Dot alnVtYalow hiliai ta ru ;ot ttcîd dl e il 111i, - llt e k ie r l ue oi l1 q ae ieyo tsoe f670,te wl n.h ,tet lti eten e l-t , o av flîî,k utînouuîit ra bitute ri u refg 39 68 O er lsdt t ah ld en wilwva t!aa 'iprual dr ueatiiiith hîsai fie Iura ng mnaJl ýo Im rmreohroe 2,0 qae le;Mcia'Cdns I 'o Hong f m d, u Luluucîui t ,' milpcy nent I ýe b Ill -a 55 ot 2 ril> A lad çit i, , si :o d ai ag, 7 ,0 , o eI24 0 a u fijrc i b ie c - luuî uiîîi- top-15 ln io ed bultet mita Ce no, bil i "o e ,8 ,0uqu r ie . D a taff.n rd l, g ho w v n P IL P AL N A D I ' I 'Ili, t o , î ~ i of ui0 d t u l Thae llie, e[ es r d u ] L k a . t t e.,o . - aaa1vo t i n $ c « h 0l d u o fataeu d A v. g t one re th A eleabtavusnusiens the aides ut ta d r ptC h e t f r L k a a l a t e r l u ü ë M l a i e b I d a d e a j t r r P v r a i f e w l 1,Irtrtg hnn1oad ane -t'i BEDS; foreil theyjoeveAu1_1 er'. fl11, etrong, and tbejbak afspechatt, PrcS R RAg SIe 11E9 De14S! om a a dz rdserntdeOiga o coe e fom Itn fe th yeie d thély-drop l toay. TURhisn otteR BROS. , Phb o ne 6. MI T à'bI$1,00 1 "Il Ct e 1ok -w R.. ,wede' .Beuou E, e )airs.e vurd R.bl t il" - 1haL. u LARSTARH 0',