GET BUSy. Icf t le 'tsiy NS al pric- Coats 50 501 est Cash IS! Mi 1 TON ONS g and lis hni en t P'-' 1 kli Hats (hi Cilices. SONS. AIT! 01 c. i.- n h. w - t..~-,iThec becci tcte D ef li-cn . T ice u tîlc - \i,.t-t,.cn tt heM'-c dococtcthînt - ie. af clom hM. S cMPBELLVIILi' , i ýCi very attiracti ý2id.g pape'. 8118, Paint: OtIr1 Il.( e t 'eai" of siOOOftOl155 po ]ir f 'lle Bank.iTor huIbeen1 li c afuli rl - tjism maày ns- itrs. 1to 'tfairs haIMIe bodh oundfly a]- cîte cldli 1HP= SU mIT id-Servies c Iept pic. c ivth ( *iaa debeopm en t e 'm, oil ai to 4cf gpoctitana i nce,&. TH z .....i.... Over 4l.fl,505 BANKoR 0F ' NTG) 'VTS tOR BASl B USTNIEU MILTON CE T. !'LrE& Manager. Chri"s(m ,s Spe 191% Our Big Stock hrst Poýst Carde areD o,.ady.for Y( Bookiets from.l Cards from e Prijvate Greetij, ChristmM ýTa CalendiWPa Bristol Bo BIo#tingi Tissue Fal 4 lo*0 to 500. each. Oe ech. tort o-h.tndoef a pave t base do tvorb iitot M a eaaeli AatIo fan ~ ~ ~ ~ u Gor.a adenosnasiré tAhlms a&leévnf at y fan j noea at . rtnsztrait vltbc ? tbe ohie ,gaC, t, gnialin 2. Bo u ,,f~ ana acra tinf V o 'tBekeen' Wh enScltituci oIo. aVaal al lait Qaeen Streetor aa eTaratataetn1l-t Btit and 21i1; blet., t thse Mme tinte aute Ontario Rotlcltxnral E%- iibitien. There ain i.ho redalrail. Cap lare... A Vav.veek aplacîttare ettreW eavilivra0Viet the. A. V., tGtelpit, heflnlng Jan. iSti. K-K-K-Theontiee EKaoigitttanai fer -uki i tsa." Whettec they dic or tint yctt dli leran na te dys. SPOeRIN M.INIOn-john Wilson. There oothing i lpshabout dcci aveatona 2rd tlt. ta renehlo stb. peope eha aear unir teipiin feriite Citamtpion. He taid he and afrienal iad rtt n tt 30,,..iec BOOTS and RUEBERS front tec dtpainteir car and hal ina Wn have the very bient. lnclttdlng att eheblken titcoalng. Tltey hagient 24 In nive Mltan.matle Sitns. one day. Hs Intendeal te go fergee later. HfI. party cf fonr got ~io YATES SIGE STORE Op1tOff-oin- 'teI Ttal rnkMreyhvn bhtbontt tht painting and papler1 hghng btusiness of Frank Pearen, !s nmcm preparrd ta executeallcrde. in abuta ilaca. (ice hitnt a triai. Oyster " ýScisit pOyole. arc herec gaia tokyad e pennrd ythagn You *tn geV hem c ither iced, ayn, mttchiavttt beye. and 98 pige MW or etend l gout.Ttl hall een takon frotnt a - Ail tvers recoecreal axcept six, té Let Tour Llght Refreah- cluie ofavb icnet sceniderable. Aoy formier cf titis itigihaohni toawhtcnt monta hoeS too. scUey pgeha e niadecotni.i ________ acitbthecCP.R.egentitem. WVaimh eep anlihVUe ictilihne-f K-K-K-Kida Kiot-W bat hi thoîcterace ail titese Ko ubcetecy- CHOCOLATES way., Wbydont yeu ry anti gucootP Tocv. v Cora;cit-The cotîceil met on CIgros' and Tobaocoa. Tiictlay cvcning. A nt.mbrrof cf caulita ere pacocti. An appicaton foT 4. extption fr a te.n effp.'ae. Arthur J. ri.flA.LliUAfro~nt te perial Fecndry tC.. ui.. Waec pccented. Beare exenmptittnteao ________________ begranired a cote f thet ratepape.e clbrneceenaey. The centpacp lto nant a tcvcancit mater plt..lit pra. patacata pravide ita oan lire pcttee- tien. The large anal fine buildngof the eompaely near te C.P.R. ntaticn Iocnvwceady for te roof. Painting anal Papcrhanglogwanleti. Wall papier oaplIrd. One 10001 sampe teselectttrai. bieatre patte IZIEromsand lotietnigve Yett a enti. mate.Ail wcrk guaansted-A. . Acitbp, oppaite akating clnh. Miii Street, Mitoc. Heu. ja. H. Hoeden, Attoey Ot'nra of Manitoba, camte to teaton satacday la visit hIc tleter, Me.. H. J. C.npbell. Frot MilVtonite drace eut tu Esqtsie .thc hantaetf iboy S lita. HeC i tac Tueteay for'Guelph te oneRo. W. J. Haana titere anal viaIt the Centrai Prsnn ure elit hlm. Ht' ait tat la Winnipeg titere are fartycanvîte aad terblen te ied avent fer titeot. Teyhave ten t ntvantmore or leuo on te reuis. Ha hopedtea to gtome Ide" tramnite O.tnipitetacota vi Ie to etahliing a sioilr one In Maeitoba. 3 K-K-K-Kiae Krlo Kinglc"-it's fansy watt a cambinatîcta of couda titete Et.etake. And, tiil. er have nettitli te triitabout theto e sinage tinte. F50 vTa Catt.tca.-Ur. Otttaa of use Chitldren's Aid SocltY, ad- dres.nta omeeteg let Friday. caUndi for tht' arganitatioof a brancit fac ite ct..nty\.af Baltea. Heexnplaîneti ta,,onetitansd ettiodo fa the etY. 'Dlelons ~.A ,le attendianne waec oailçr La it BLoo..Je1 a .ad ould have heen anal on titt am-antt litWal ecteltahalda aotiae ment wr inse ction. 'zig l it baflnt.t etmetite tan' fo nef ng affleaignern elateai t-W. i. Bih diss jit, Mo iles ddySe. T. F. IVtide. of thanklieut -=ïeot Tel.TOaboooki ho a lange ea- tn oathe loth14tat, ta proasoten ito wo voo h f lSietY. Annvet w 7utleecl o belai tu taneB@,sshi Metisadm hned. am-' .Tc. o ir. .serrieor vIlihe ou- BS 4 ea P. lie W si 40P N.~.daep SupartheAdrn. BoaeLl 0, Mithaif.Hà laug gic oat v tîci hoavii tm ci % onQot tet t o e clt deligau anautiter odloa Prvr. A lrg snhr montatheia onte ou atnt fan>t b if ý lagebi o hea ben atlie wll et ; Mm.egaar 'sce Atarg VtcFmerao r 7 lo»tit. "dvii h heela l t feilo av eé P ina.Milton Klb yrd. c r' . i 2Titt jNral, Ne. Ither.ard vallou@ . ile U, cId ffhat.c- e '_ _ è lard cé Tnaranteavili adroamouhea ' J tt. ntaeertvo. ers ien fev aag -A i~t shi e i e wée tJ. ettar inpetin.-Ne a rtndlag _ ;z h tratI t tel pten ca ponlVi.ltheBtrNo.gtn; Gac ett ovt. ~ _ avtier alto v.eeoce ndoeBythr na- z- r, ene lc. ot. r. tiott , e tto lh.OMr. -M tien iofr abiong dandarticle am Z_~,C~ _ thrd an T roaide il ae a ding c thei» Eni r Ln~ < pei faco, adrroln i an hangW Al weidcu ae. Te 3az tteh. e l r~ l nccain the p r ofonnfau ea, ic eiier aet tlaiIiho watrcc a sTe aey menine. Coac theU ankca, vecmm abeo the iohibTh-- bhe. iaid ae in e tain erecteal U la foras eatderaiengaaslon h a h e Zpnt ael nea.. T ieGae te motid x Ial a anthe po.ofa nd Iler. ieY J .~. pecanli camc.onacrspttp ableiticC '7, mrngand ioartttl t rean t lt e rat li el a i avtre" fit e. 1e a:Lai it.SWlneye. avchcardaadecieted ______________________________________________________. theA.VL rnadte ,;LiL ghtlag appa r etldcbe itdavo ,. Ther avuedsuva. SL deaeady Sliacie lest la hachanrchoie.aTdelaadaiticttz ita brn ptnthehecondingor.The_________________________________________ le oet. catitrlg uand eau tireae BdÂR.> e tNiltiwCa.. onti thRalten R fl .e Ti the cavl e atad TnCl. h tieigtn p a od Me.. Âitry Hotlc paed aLg ye tRm ê theSbigCade. a v Oyp tVt at fIitiueî t___ - earlpfbouc antionttcthe tireeccligain- m ait cryhe. ter the tmiy entio ea. Dcaaditdbrnti a tuai eek uloitar, hacf M einigare ttaytcVo dsthtbbi lel e Non 1 . 2ti ta n vRtiisenea re Vtrbythotf1rnltbycbcn c 1 I eti a in H E ictWFantil ottthealir fgv e . e ti ian, icAno Arloldehir' parente. YiiiSto r and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n deeM.lsiomntcroai e sa gtiee aml-tonitcta1'- clctoi"rn îîtd syefr eso cga A ny ROU hat itdn CtrecSElce ye tehm f isIre ta itnît ouce o htray moinh.OgCOi sormens fac ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2 ma. aae. bd edwsilaitcf etilat aldpatfeor. li ilfic i adWe lytaof MN a aete anifse itre e. Hrcbrtt eu- stkco peei e ry eal. htev ie ant lM e..Danfor lrt nttd Misarenir aliiyhee Tskl it-io tan eittafo.Oct 10 Flrenebé n, e t il tt, eni c. tia. tbey fare w ear otin e h iiS yO u S il itic 1M Te ent ahie ofOc-lieatn, ltnso fol 0r. e Ttc f.tnctti tac 151. a M..e.B.litiit lacutt he an caatrna. ii t -ceet hee. nd agati sf iacOtioiVoutokkfoid oi adatagitter. t~ntll'y.1tat tncetthoeY ha rgh heeiiiyoîrowtio ouca gVof Blced Hatatmtg" m (re , .AelsaSae 1 es isPr ent, alct as slfrnilst es tylaeshfor wsow igt al;- Cituoret (toestavo. an UnT. he ;:Accs aieilcf fhe b aot. impie- te. ban e .FaieT mta.leelan eteccfan MeO l . tVii 5, Toron BBi beey to , gatteln. o rde. f an. il.% n al e a tie t. o i i ~soy~daaAt isentnee Sle aicmteramtHnbt ~ib rstock mleif M ery Workl Shevrtictest flsloin.C oSa.Nv ,nFlaerofnHaitoen and s. et. ii the aeo iîn n te.ý ctesyuwilf Bmh-' ilo n on. idy._ta_ M_ tan lllaloano acfr lIe and Mm. P. B. e eo tet. Ta nt e i Ce e Sna e ake afernofantt Plnti We. s ita. Reed's Cshltoi on Sole So e a dngher:F.IH-.nlitencemteiv.the a iet hrei o eaîth. yo cn tex Hicke-Harman- t Roy o. maim SaleReiltev actly as us.mart te od W e kly Ma n eiad g Chamb* Georgetown, n Oeg alt. abct<. Baie papeen w stoc, tni., iPitcitfat lai 111-- ?Say ho-v- My Roue ydeau- mendmKemctsof John MA oev st tot 8,h Deo ne eea.Ni.4h N. eo r w. Au b roini. eal'y ail at îina lf = ll , ta er" Lev« B mtl m ,ITo onto,_ __%e d_ _ _ phalen. *printed to your oruer. red, yuIwand M.a8P sud b 4h, ý hOWfl