VETERAS4S' THANKS. Nu ~Toronta, Sept. 1(), 1919. S.-Ktsdry slow os tu tlnuh s M U ES oorer1sci], ard lal tbe goodidss - peop~le failMton, ilois tbe badse.tfCf ~C tar tbh 0oogiietsrteretians neos Ses8h Ti. stSnTA.IVSrseby Our boule w5.' Il for the fl use rw i beattl r 1 laleeabe iwbeh Tbob»oritM&îw l asse andd bersoreosR S bel 8 OftYoot at i.jruos, ad InI KloioF essbrOnote trPart pro Urgrd Octoe in rereeet-W ilg Muitath Oerst ise ibhosder rt of tIc Esapire sadieri sailee ris od an u rre. This a onifiteat reeep- tiloo acliamars teloîboroshare I odosai OOdPc8' tbe Orson War tf or edman od il«Si nyl aae akg tnbaito tor sos eooy agalluliatiud b,. rrnts e.toasdin theobbrbautitol -ý" - nn.o.ed e eaee boss8 Whsaoet tbbcatoi rleinganounitr5ty* lef 1t it bot sere b bîem. esdosed bardohlpo toceldosengeso. ordtythely paofedato and oeosicagns s. e o~~~~~~~~p tbrirliebbtoIreigtie tANt MF31tht terrdehtliv i OPIIN miss ANNIE WAAO 1 - 4s foiroe as rknoesoldge.oeo oegle OP seO Tee essNeor 12Rte fS. oi,3 . is.seMlt.disgroOrd e 112 uen t.,St. ohnN.B ýfs nane.oobth te King andsouitOt. Ai if PST it la itbyplese tat 1w"teta ReBres i-oladisg, are meot ogue P*aggiwg GUEPH. 0- tel] yourifthe greatlaeufitlsccised seceani-dsrpct prciOien te i11 ODE.ta sruug îstre. tioo stee oaof yoac eediior, te itieno esMltn Zes aelYl LOIË.teNusig isers 1,rii-aties.Iwoagclpeatsaibcsrer snd igifittsu pport tOtil -f.r asy years rin tAerseoa Head- 'd whehWaour 5gssohab toaroe- Tbe tatolloog j hebbcddresao Isos ecates andConstaton. I trird aorthy of aiplacebsan tepthapy par ritn iOMr. . asi, Bokst tcets. ryhigcosed deters ; but pedî i t cr000sotrration r on b trot. .osihiet îeered to e Icpie srimt 500f Miltonforite;sa.solyai sobe. Te ais itrMo eceet ita i ies, gais. 0e oayoi eettcaitot Te>oMoro Suter M.orieter.t-511'.1ailea nta-tives'. F dsnrd La H. Smith, MM-. Mon, i"one atlaosoy. Minoo %Eiet1ecolen vra otesI1 rsI Mogirs. Missbtard Silo Pirro Msseaili7 s c 11eopleteiy rlieed oet hete H&sseld Heath, Detairtiss o. LWsO as seîseand haseen urnonso.stly Prayse gdcaa. WOaro bb. sais breksaned thet aa- oacr_______________ asa coil ftise siisebrreogrand andt MssOANNý-E wARD. nbleinderdsoabh, "faO tîe mernr ay otiiaaandi laboy-.5Oaideasfceaeasjecin IOk -4 OO-OpII mort, eplendad thoothPcseoY la'tialaj 1eosaoaaoatsted odeear ad.e&s1,15ol' "0""' TdO lor eaeanod and yeob tho r lioee tiicaagli,eesebinedwtiîfiocOttSoi eedoar.i seahe d.-f teaseird tereraotiOg sttonsan d atî î ic. t.ool-e t i 1 is a apositivaea hndîs Oa I aea rmrdy foaa a-aiNo. O. _r __0(. .eer ndbhto lcaaaslend Contiption. A s0ndoiotud Aong soth ta ioýll firis1,.,othees a0s .b, foar 2.50,aScsire 250.1 aTH COOKMEDC81ME CO M rd. beurarer thae wooodedtIrel iaao iîk5 I.5SVCs sud thr dyiog. Acdit ther ropote etf ' Obreomen Wsasi ptcdedn. e.sen ctdid y wsthbIcspdlse of etthr serenr. trottei oalt a set ey attcred tIes eouoy plaice sbcr ereog Osoetng ists e ady wterae su sbraeoencr ad aoyand ray sabIr dangesijrn rdec blt tltry rugît sorve,.2 Nsscs belsre hon pobioie piidc hait suceeao ptrdtd insiratoin. Aoepis peooasubooi givoeutehswsIeos the aa____ oleftraeitasti r natonasil ceiase s .5- als. torng tbndoy a-oe 0 h, T . elosetsalitiOfusrittaerisabOaîeel Ene closs aend eikleeobsas aw and îles i.ibrsrîy graiyisag t, isa -' aeebieooa fst llîte a t li th'iess s Oai berco - c as b alsid th, l555i. gorilthe O bIse.saisit a wstI e gagd re tra a .. The Work of Six Mente . 1, A yot e 1- th î s î sash u p l , rt s .ida i tea , g a I i l a a a a i . 5 a 5 5 5 a a l i e i a ii s s ,o. i ts ,, is e , iis o id the rcn ýFtO sd e s o o le .a sa ioasao tîi te P p i s l. Eios.'0',s oi ai îiss ii 1 Aso es Igt5sss.easSs S cei is f ssi .asiiss eciiiin mlsiisee s til u tedit preoOuobsI, t t etesfroan Silsa a5aschatacs osasliu ie rv sianksa. Encorag.e, ceeaie si priuûdsntoaee try sIlie tii eo.seksni docsîti esosc alhiser s5ateaa tltu. eedseo pideosoeo iiritinnlevi'seaei Aio aaasi aisesassasctts Saaaak lusa niia - siiecandily eo aoheaf.e s t sesdsiomesapil ioaa P,,b "d 1flaaaia.theqip t ha ttoe feret Wasa ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Liiesd Wr vaannesb paoo sithoteisi I eecsAttîsgiijoA,..T.,srte on oineeyenpabt)theCsabh tnd M.c s8e. ts Oisi Iheans ehi hoor tolîrseand n g ______________________________ -, aesct ptyr isat NevrAirai eIniiaiFeoj--elseOýissehn -,jrre Plias IselsefOf asiswlh .i 5 che N i c Margoct Lisokli M NI ON - Mito ,tallYabetas sEeN XONsMlanOnt. Chilelhoosl Constipation __________________i_ -V- ns, C55ss leiitla5aa.. i se Il e toi is a S iiaa is s,. sa lo lss 'e Ils t se5aet Ilasot e o tîses aySil pt. 2 lia A .IiýIs tao a e lie t..i'Pb M UCTIO SALES aibt M. ftAlde .Aoa j> aed me. e .lcisss sl IN MISERY FOR YEARSI Msa ornyTells How She' Was Cueilby Lydia E. Pinkisenis Vegetable comnpound. WsaO',IQs."ful yesins& e liir tbt at 0.1 itfir tri&,.'h n. a. oc ithu werk~~~e s-"esma II îwio t at94r5-KheI iligts 05absa -15AYLIGHT THROtIGH THE PLANT Y OU flloo ed foat.thsil,,coraitllsont jsait eseulallight when i uss5e 1IY DIAO la Istiei lons. al'hbc osckearsis ls aiiole of the -G-,ov romarollea ostwssit sas gtad ,,osk osaass wl toithe seseckes aseah b a Sl) tIRO(tee.ilslled Lanps are as gscat an 1shil u o1l. ais-s sassa o- -ethlIersai basa tilareet lot) 1 l lI toth, i, at e 5s w sk se eh s-,,la las th ise saaof.1 Y0150 a Thse gasaostceosi oeaand 5cftthe Ilydre- Ü,",\1s i BsDl-ICI(as 1lioliArts55 ha ecy 0hlpa mit is esteil bs espeata inst Ie laoratoeirofo ahe Ct.a itttsoi alie tsts a eorbcellieooy. oattestoomaptine île ansd marrebsloper- Wil soie uI ul t the HydrceShnp rosieIrsgsive stiaisi o piciai dessnstrtaia i fthekrHYDRO .aFiles L ap? HYDRo-ELECTRIC POWER COMSSION FO pL Y FoitATIO Hydro-Electric Comuittee, Hydro Shop iSE THSE HYDRO MAN. CREDIT AUCTION SA.LE The rîndereigoe srd oci d intasttoas ftra R.m J. MEARES To oeil by Public Auctioo at I 32, non. 2,N. D. S.,ltmoies eoortlo st of oPAILFIiROon s-be Colowine Farm StecklarpIarento &c PareBrede 00w. dme anoi. 29,. if.taBtodee (Docring) e).roa.MOeSar(Mý er. due ient,CeiCc.lyar. Ceomc) ash>asokr.orditl, rolboe&te raer da s nc iue MmeobrBce d se, arrwaghroCka isb. 1Qe m. .domoOct. 12, .w sdîme plOwn ocT.Fleury plots, Ne. 2Ila] Oct. 15.,sets. dao Fol. 15, rats, doneitinena-l. paîpr wagaon (AdusIl. n Feb. 24. rasa.due MîrebO., rosa.dueîrs.rtay rack 100 et n abYeO~ Marel 1K csw. dearrb20. os. doe MeI)eat creor poirtecalabome sir. 29,4 hritors. dar tnoopriog. 3Otmmsrt hralrordeionrrtbol sifers, 18 mootho. yearli ieer2fetiges.sauter,3 ns berge, torlo, s ualst,lttos. Th btovre owrdoblesdriichbarrietas-,wptgrra aoigsarîlobedoand robragod pes,eipp.r aoodai-aerbieso millirs. neerm rcesie s HORSFS HARNESS Boayleesne.àiyrs. Cîrtoebhlasse, aset troes lhoeso etsosingle ha rs, loy00re. 1'2 yrs. grs eascO sOaa9 a yrs, grîdiese. rioiOg 3yrO llIy, ring-Ml FOI Ix.T FEED l iobasd rock cîsceas, It? gos Qseantsby Hoy ond Ools Odtet a TIrhe ssîs astisll e ssaid nasheseuerr s stofrn ses uld SAL.E TO COMMIENCE AT i P. M.,a NHARP (Olil lime). TERMS-Aiiaaois ofI$20 and saîsles aash: . eeelses 0050 10 rnsoohs' osedil on bookable popes. 16 per cent. per atisocosoff f caeeL Fal cois oad palieltr tbe osaah J.M[LEROAcIoer "A Joan of Arc Machine" Q abuse alesanoditii9, th. Ionstard 1.)oly cartmosurvive ontil the cssaoofn hatilitis-Extract fioo Intr reseisod by ForedMoto Comparre front a BritsholSldier, Ovas abatl-tara roadi, throgh Tto. oaked fields, second or y ta the tanks ins ttopower tu eldrroîand atsor boisa, th Ford narumade a worîd tiornorecord io 410 fietise ire& of h.greut war. In pro deptsîco, io field reporta, in latrs, in rbyoe andson te prieo theiFord wereoeded. InuFracer - 70cors ot oft10100 Core Fords Olu py- . 860 sors ostof 1,00 soreFords In pypt- 9ncr outof ,O0)ere Furds In500 stmi 9 ari uofni1000 serre Fards The Fordpower plant diut esiabli8hrd Shis world-wide record in eseytietauothe siereromins dis saule.. tt onu be in the Ford youoboy. AG.J. AAR, Oealer, ILON COUNTrY OF iHALT-ON LOCAL COUTS CALENDAR P- .1 i .g L..7 ofrH... a,r May o .ThosOso ta5n, o e 6 se- J. . T-,y. G oeatn; .sG-,t. W ùFse w- ojt P, ... s as, se ne. ssd $th OesesOr, auoe.edors1 pi OuVat Oýtsi"., adianosJury, At is -Il.aa h oeOser. 10.M..0 - ft-rc By oralesW. 1. lDICK, ite; Cletikot die Peace. uhortae teetio t heloord nd 700Lille dt o u ae l e Lah tcT. RPIt; ai ui rins Duildapa Of the Populap "Auto Home" a PRMPT A TMîTOD TO ÂLL OnimES , a- A. OATS asnN int WAOE- ETTER OPTICAL 5E1 VICE.i Alwayu Inproi.continues the Sest Recent additions b o eqijmaat' in Examiroation Room a weil as in the Lens Grinding Deparment speak of our determonation to gise patrons of this establishmsnt THE BEST. ALWAYS IMPROVINO. "#No !-Four Times-No!o Aswer evnrY qustion on thse Referendum Ballodit wth ans Xunder thse headira -No,' and forrein f ail fotor >our vote ns bsn ta Temrper- once Proeress. Ontario Referendum Committee JOHN MACOONALU D.A, DUNLAP. ANDREW S. GRANT. Cloaoesas Treaorr V, eCYi, sss ad Secrtory (OIsleeLeBldg.Toarob) Endorse the Citizens' Liberty League 1 The Citizetw' Liberty Leagu e is proud to state that the followin Organizations of -eterans have signified their approva of the League's abjects and are supporting it in the èndeavour ta attain sanc,1 moderate temperance legisiation.I. Great War Venan' Assocition-Toronna Bsanches- Parkdale Centsi-ai Rives-dale, West Tor-onto Earsicous-t. The Grand As-my of Canada.* Hin Maesty's Army and Navy Vetes-ans' Associati on. The Naval Vetes-ans- Association. 75tb Battalion Association. 7Srh Bttalon Offices-s' Association. The Osiginls' Club. 83rd Battalion Association. These grean Organizations osfsmen who were the f irat to answer the cati in the fight for liberty are endosing the p latfta- cf the Citizensu' Lbety Legue becaume they knw, with the League , tet the Ontaro Tempcrançe Act unduiy reatricta tht liberties-. cf the cit-izens of tht Province. These men mak,-and whet men in the Province have auch a sight to aak ?-that you vote *"YES" on quetions two and three on thc Referendum Balot-and au amureta, the citizens a becs- ctntaititg 2.51 per cent. aicohol by weight, abaahstely nnintxictitig-the Becs- of tht Ballot. Vote "yES» on aHl Four Questions Rember, everY voter muat vote on every questioni or bis ballot will be aPoiled. CITZEN'LBFRTY LEACUE fl VINCIAL IEAD UUART RS -242 Gaipf l ueS .ý oTe is T L . Oseeshere Seueenu lisPstSi Edissi . OdIer 1 90014aU LI Cul HA C hihi j&Pt' V ês- r t . . l. i. F . lu - u c.c . itas. T ressr ér. F G orna O ier List et Fat Faire. MTILTON .....V. su r'. -- C . .......... .. -s pt 3 a eL Fria,. town . ......... T ,, V A ................ C U V R.' UAKS 1*O feei, *Au <1)* E pdé;o. Ianpo 050 île, ts lfie es Pl on J. w 6ife é i5e52i Mg; Youor.I ie OeDe~fr dotinYor Time à ý ro!f~se fi bet d deaisaao t dcà inko aoaes3%rs if ynd s havet Yab i ,tua i . a a tr laea fw. etyp a rts GMe thes uf t bl h ine =:U 1t susma a nelp t a psy. or ecesimdets 2nan -nMoe e - sfr e r. "ilno"t epinA ier, Otariaeso~fiâore otr t ai à rresidernt it prs.tcally wortlslena by the propoaed amendanents C.ÂNADIAS'ý , 55 ,5 .o.65 Dideigh a 5 GRAIND1L LEGAL Z -- II Da j ~ l&tbb~ e~MEO1CAL e a if 4 If0~OUL 5111 5 o. . t e e 50 a e 55 e g* K îtiîLI<~0 5 MAL LG~hD-~I Tee LUER ~ aONIRAOIER ~aaitiaitt ai i 5 55et0,sAet ~, isbas eC50 e y~sr AritstinubiIe~ Ht N E. !~ Waf china Aa E. T. G H a t~ il il tt 5 CA~ E lic ,IASSURANCE Co. ta OOoMiandQ aeat i ie PIA a --j ra aAient espîa ~uexDirecttary. Ray. w ilta ea.Nueooa, . titi i Cam ho t e OM M. -d0eb- L-a- a- 5 puGs .mePAa1- a Girls TIociiOs AieS.SAIN,5 a,.1i Oosd.e eCoR ROMn A N A Hos cCU d ur a v d'y. j,-,,o 1 w te l ý IN TA lo , re