print yu VOL Camn o.01 uer ta tey wuihqd fer. Thb4menî -P ofidend t lhpeanth. *uêw itai& b Y tê WtOidOOiiOaIcoltao m efi- loa.*IR&na lulir uosttu& Cul tnil au h mutaten.tmmlnglut tons to bdu iaeOivke toiaçtoionr. .For butmor.Ileri WUlm laiieds. 'Throcr ene tb fo s t- B. .1Hani- > of e the faid the tmo plucied t e Yo ton boa iined miki power and the dlcnitay. the. qorirge enboting hi;t Y o 'riioIinitioatly tq hotte. Tbyareas_ë potan t bo *Éalm.. ce or l o0 "MItt 'holeader pnag d m u by hesasq iPnied lig serice ia to-day anyec tf%.suoocottaga *toce9 Mid. "It ta a termeiity i mn on uuiu01lf piy with.'mei. metâcbînty."Wnghav ift indepewynea th founhng of" Oild ~ 00Adeibetdcew bock.II dun ot "Up wth yneur ho dlle, froisnQu weuim lthe. onigo nadnn aiMiv. orteo.-t'ho11r ouir ule. 1iamnfot anelther III Co ienched teethL. 'What tux&dty la i. as eeM= n f'ortochuld&at" Id 1mot oee ociee t go.' ibie? Woid ye pay witb omter Tht buluga dais raid. teO ôrw i<eiio.nct binai,.ian..M M -kD'lms"I hlll end yen And I But nid Adelboft anWhmy.d t'D' Kuitiieanuhr.lah le. an hhame M.c .ao notonn atinMau r. *,,l tsair, t cu tan, eco." Hen É nhonh eUn beadL I. 0 nuut o ceeu.uniana adt bJ uit.blletd," hao e I cgit 0' S aiT ~SUR agr Mi*ltnBii*tli. Ochicd utaithe thouot. But olli %dnt- gratterd&Mo tuneuiddei. ..'.-abh n fr* ar frlal>m orec mi liat bnew meli thet ho nouli do 14 Thon th. conlilUT.atond eect uotd arm, tua. u rai]no. i iho0bt yV acpedecnio rmoa or totciioor ton mnhnooiWh athei ho wonauoa u bild te tlioa Oeiiai ihW.arcut lo&ewhlm chant. "Eaf crao. h hnclin ~ oncoddhl-ery Wid. PA4TON, bandae; Hoo eom itt .Igec*u tmnrie 1î »a l0h ni.:-i.îi.te pd1OL EtOonand Pcnpietoc. - ~- that Causa ite Coucirge to amie. U .t. a.h.-le ii Im.daathn matte"tt ight t L'IIUOhaletatoj'OuriL oity, eh, I gaoh alllmtote nhow tetss ot Ban k of Nova Scot gemter" o digy, alle toit h aima. na.1 oud kete W O CI.OVthé --- ------ u au uhtiit La te.end." caInte> auit.cUi>hec." amRuvo npid MM.» urpaEoDur a Oitain ZHeIJ5jjVte te voteratamnng the lath Tehnv vtrao-ho gane" The nhaellurVaismot: 2211,011in0,00) 4e OcOceo IL l. & MÀaaà,., iA. panitoBotli a tue uaiy at the huddiligSure Thn v raube lmahd. Ita ni '-duryMeiin:U n. M.dîn7up. grave ith se ofmui tfmaluiicty. lu the cac-"haa commatroa od uO,= nte IL. es mîteremimeun- ,ecd t o .o . M' he Mn." S . mteon iihTmr àad*U"" &0 "%M mm. FMUW ay miller &nCity Wall.and fnr wb dl ruse t 2 e. o - Vo ava t *difforat to .i a imt d el l fo t Oh RX.W«MOKY Beio b« nRdpuet tsbswrswih.Mmen ina mal a hm tùp te the itoiyiOW. X . tp. st.a. 1ht they werecg s<if BtlPiOiteret bouea.Bu t o lu ent eda, te ho c.codacunhonii~~t.on. .on a>- could bh. toid.hy te crnneg tormatd g pspet the . bni y hostileo bmndme____________________ Wr MO.miain "<l"> funy Do top chat W KART ROMIS RHEMI. "Theountrancu e scnnceaied at the ëlhait rame fronhi. e Mt. Frmta ntn hL ami e r Ofen oo ><~~i o.mJn~"adtecar.]- lu mastat tee orc a.7Mia=he musnauhe oila t iieooeinmn.ehioametO-q aiIitvl,.22=7 bae ofthe oid Gate et the Mm.Or-lf=WIt,&dth g» 'R utte a enn;e friead. bore hroUemed il. and reports loir. "h lua the adonto. They Wmiiend quioa h u a e di bdtet liin. . - ~~~~~it te gono ndito.For n mie or!lulh, thut la O..Mloonnil hbec position bya mludowasi. but &a iltoe «A a a W hite is King h«but t oloa h Ueofte But II eMa oiooyni e~m n niooet lmt idi ho b a agi liuV4xi.ioaMOnonit aou. _detnoyed wLThit urc andlutlna Mot. Led thise graOtuits. ber anc. *h. imt rinig of agiranegot boinWo lnt igre 1B -"y servie: i .M. d 7 P.m. By buying thc Wbite SeWlng a hiO eeccio.on<tet a1ons to ch. palace lu3eMt" muid by othuiu.tee cr-d eur ehe h.COîa@r M ay teoqMri 1"tusinid Mari a deOi...hnona, inice on O> ,mcy Machinyno are edorsi ai]&Htheepeope arn on tite tneets.e n- 'tto thee pnicer' rouadoL thentantcrtaM n m t emi. ainag grâvty ma. ho toc. T-CemyomeTta. eaMin m obdeu u teu er,' eelà d e O ionk Conedion 'pcoducts andtsev hldenittnit nuuty a flght 0futelcu lr uido ethi terlag. teonu yMil. A atone » nqfulced as te hi. amIooWe hboMit "Otto wamia aby i th- '"làutliayaareputiing popon t elvmei.Bor gndthago mhchwami ltcbed. h. openod, havteg Anoteer dotai theebody nt tee taO: laia&iideo ah. did ont tOI .Aadthonta nrudtt ei ireIrltt eo tiontgmtetnrccp ooa i *mi, endn 1 h ne.Ttodon otl.adsurtmee tohcte e en<.ohnAuocualàAv- au ia non mli levli.. cmcced beyenil. teced. ' g .teaiayneiiuauned om i ts rNe a lhoatn e.uscai ed , fi nali, a mute eys .hlm. The d400lite rioge A mou mite ado, fraau '*uitw"H -e la a ecocimua et.ttuiduuegom .uaenu. chine motey -caribuy. Iwaocng the coince Dt i. mtade mu. deanbihola te etome?,hA it anaChigti d ovur tho lower hul o itghm"m.uniamgaisee .e uhraif<n.Whiter on locy attachtatrots lcty. Titen itli oet Ur ocesm.. . gh o lie ha uid tes eucleucii hu tfc mooninli the ahouldenso0f taufuweeidau e oIe l obia nlu e ALtItOevo-ToSna-x >- LM. E> ncltcatritfn tic ndore andi npeecht ookenn. Whu an I the.rcnetutcht poittla flot." cnmalo.nuli hd aranguai theecromiL. fron Iuer te plante.ex"muea Od1eh.mdlm q Du" m-a -.ettto li. ; Pon' ud nd n. oufflor, te rgrtittehrr andi nh ecere tee cowe prince, itc miii h.o «Stantd op, Adelhori." mid theoleader Thery aned neofrlmuluup it unKa te.miaite yen. pueca:? D lit ou aMmcaehod uti .n :ia,>s de oo, -- ifoot oherrrc. o e adj , t to Cotume unoilhaeanco .Cou- -abanbly. "This that eut ccordo toaia i. Worm teye>-tale ther nationali m ieahit h où tuliradiy? M rom] ? "Ho t e thnbut* -d LpjZ.aedjýe, _*d foot athere. 'ceged. Thy will soekIf theédhoelnti ilâmotter. it atterr, oit yem year lorCdaetootitly..-"HaisJ r t ectoo ad ohretegi.te.dy.'tinCSte, theePrince FerdiaandVfntLlam /if tnolote h, muhanetA bon tni ud0e1cldchecie mtel h "itClEje tte. Whto iii suspec e child, mw o>a'- I ti> n a nlea.of the OIC lbi'augh tee hwiauigeombl of. bh.]of nicbbn'er -u ne roe- leraly tesfr "',.ttoerIuma i et ooo2.30 Puog one eeltati r o h e eeCar eouayn l iatitnis oor ai. et amilaahihu trgtea or.bha o."u i tnom onnlrna o - n. oa lcatitelsmumitl lilitapRahnival?"th îuminte un. aIV Ex tCulteiin.* cota amooCoeahot -R. TUR N E R,6 Oid Adlhrt sntend ucoud ibm uronlthe~tu ofuaet rmaand the "B. haa alongad con.plcoouo nrchdonhmoso ateIy. Bet. tite blet?' "B*t r hokinguly. I mon Ad.,Dene ..Note- idominadag vines ut thee udeat cc Kr ari observed. 'Iuta a dbut itedmIg haro doncty t ~.ecnTmoaonna-ted 8o.oo".eo.30Putniture, -Phono 63 hrt le o îhaitoies or. Boasenaîmg hatoutelO uny or eto»Y lu au leu M n.Thaïs ai lent a namblane e eut aulcomm te jet. I hep.@h i i oc.]>." Jateeiaeloe tind 1tOt. - yoti-setaey, htiiuîhe igMer enmou00O Bndei tordelo Vmttornlg. aunenert et h hIw@ 0 m. Ttmuehyly deae.'Me fload n Vtern Anna ~.Wl h. aeuiiate o ar 0 ed. piOablete OreasMe.vahvabitaomual te d te concierge beete Vt cboar ovo cha theapaace ami pact! oe tho tebin.he ie- tarnigo, ad lu movol niau. -Bqdwig Mid ber Motle -r, abrp. Mar-te udi0 a i 'vles ud..Tbe conieireWou lder ete cael Thcnnhtahit mithiebancelier badmtIro-ruer l"y lac inai.g lneold." , iro bII , Olguei physici'Gude tben. i on eiet n,th flmesite tolaI ara.Onu hWI. vid tace. Bedai turogd tumacd thea r, m'ga bal beui nbt tû N lAtiAN IÂtFIC RALWAY -Th~ "e king livesnoeooly bcue ofZ"w4, Atold 0f Mo pasieplkLtory. Omnml .b.datei Latunesi earabr an èsaidaatorehaolng for lte m stimlans t thBhert. ie odyla vtiau Otee coriago movod on. h. he mtcheillber. Bven ber Caildoass u , bad.ton. h Eircd ded Whe ecotmtdat ">-, u2a9ad.rtht1nngh)BtMid:t "A fetomnt s &go I oh.od aplnimo ehlm. He hnall teeling There mere maya to d cetr. edy dia.n. Wbiimlats A e n an comnpig e. nd i. Buttcin .dbem m Wanes, But ibat tee roidinni ma oui>- a youogsiltuaino f cour.. GOIG csse li wll ie. cm wheh owscorupion an tan" ilteere uadooII pocoiv. etolr ailIa irlu urnor, teet puder utImeasadeep. Wai hm telo girl t.enW 6,55 <. itt 1 e.00 ,- h Oid Adelir, etrced ibig 0700O Be.H O thign, aniiperbaps aet ait. G- t 1bs7aa.1 1 ypnaontemOMane. The teenght etfnatetY. adMchu boom Il 'ta ie. .il .n.7.44-.. ad ton@tocearttcto rteat now' brotclintea ecrIteul. 0 ha ne." aut mayh t oeeia bier Coule yo deep, vibc.nt lie bea »mad about Ihe t ttdigl ,0 ieD.4 ee î , elihn b riWl ntr oublco t db- en. neablbtho 6anto telOAn> - on"om. j u dg te" 10h>te hisimaecn hriled hlm. pitiaI ber, bot Oc tait t La. dag &010>-e .5.7t.. J j meb.olî e oc eru brt cr..mid himet. f s mc u> oiiibs0>urm bouto e cie ertu eb.ho n OnoP nl oo fk nl &d, H e t ilentwietcnire "Oui>- a aniltul kbowo f tel. meet- lla tohi.c.nmI4 rMovima thee dot ceteuoo e. "iil aad e Ou fb u -OA- - c t cinClaccd the table. eed pt thee oh.. Oaplaue",,Ilutatete concuerge. "I, ' ho ornay, broeob>- theeautomobile r eOem. - e > tir e r..A nE l&oi 7.HLIo.. &838&8.h.Pm usa epee cerlitshieeeco te weoh. "Aad atom oteors n w mrmotrip nceoue h <iatiln mhoc. the1 "'M e0nc.' Hdwig Mid iuJnhl. t mtu h-brDci an .8pm hoi m h vnn iesi ite ih l omte ae ton onfabacen-."eau t a irais meld noeu DIneOMothenba oa tth ibmO 1uml th.tbmj Ha . - - A ucaethef bttu1 uudngt' hie and "oommibvp u noenee," oh- Kart relectoil ou tha Iitiation. A dosi Mari maid and, ahcogglng U ïu0li àCh. RoND THIJItK RALLWAY hI sehig e do et -Tougavm ua IIAdae« iody.noarchy, mua portion et it cosleso ahondern, tt led tma emou. "BigOt. Wihoua anaoia H 00W.ilieoTbis G T IM ote e toglet Othn t iltgrte e O A" ttùgy ana bis pc.LWY hean roin.t -wn e etabenw» i nure.'n ae' ecru prisustasou S 7.iSoc THE0p.i. la Hoy olai 'tchcsM cooottre oti lstee. n ite -Id e"t nral theeguilde.Hen ah. o da>-Y t h n te rentouceanued onritt onm>-' haveaunq k oira hn e nIl'tm CommitOOl ceOBof te mth theai bu - iter to i ii I. Power-etrMaai. And Mrtl uconiagioos. "I'ut Po a t I tetuoay me oall.»" com n,10.rucher ou-v SUH 1 00N NOT. t u eibeW ths lkF otîdieco discoey nte le . &l hoW.- or>-puaertai. orotde hh id fnef aadfiel Mjet,,sldEla to abnea hrtort lu hi. e 71a ;45pmBat velolof, and neecat ibis gtevancon hea i eâf Inhvie O a r- p~Hoos iti Ohiontl Odffil h e euiy" LadHeuIOS fromiiui mu ________________Diationds tnd to ebe>-teem arin. erl bdÇmi. ad itownalarui poulie.hicteeep sîans a 'mAg*termandtbishm>- "a lck Humbert, wiing formath er r u mï&l lng hbothi .mI u u YU"Sh g- d irWeeondiataitoirub ____________ aoitar& repent- ofaI - emaPnceubrt hueia.lmet hi suditeole cnp tbeminkfecoIL.umpro. h. LEGAL JEWELRY to strafieete bis ti&d e"sl l dlgr.-a dah twzWl »g o et Amiittt amneeran "tbilogrya cdiy. grCnaloqe>0oiO S e 'lâi.d otf "e." ini nI ld ulierI. "M d i tie. i &ythm. e f e a o ot ib f r u- "A mornlge ' Mni ieod t hn.e on Etit iongcolpuy1 WILLIAM . DICK ie Nfl', aid te right p1lace llcct. pot aitecn le whlcith h Tprnd hon a1u.i niti avât nO gsi& l t a>-te 1m nod etipni&taxions .0d mIti> a ta earondBin ala b ,tatOytOlSOcioetett bo veo. e te cns?.Oit Adoibritho tngt aebeO03paeu huem Ia>- looktub nt ua mon te do grooud. "Strange fteal; My foi atel e it. o CrownAttllY 1 bs vaie te he Case.lte puo. As t is, 1 ,food &Ion@. Md o morde? MKart rodoctad grimai. ehould lbe conDoigdtg neo ii a et04n, - Se o. Silai. e.d ... eo scîddooc tgehecelhot. ifle h bd not uCiOnIi put meOniaI]. mo.o.eWe carry a aoncdecedsteeklotetcemme prtncead !t>-y BueOt. t t Waoua burrivai ter tao n iltee P-'alA hoppy nieslag? m etfi ai:hW ;;u-,aon L_ iw.Ot udrdteliecOn«oîdo not #tetal aome nOm, $a"unI I uchcea' mhite dcaluog coom, h.o Fqaeimth.iah ______lnII. l$ tiag. Bmlestblurned la, an longI spporiuaL TheatsuT. 1hMd-aleg. eiMOu-Th lump. et nnamc. f le _____ ltet itaettco e ioai id cte o mte.h. hd bee .. n Dote milsniend. Thathahbondeofuthe iioituesand bout bapPy. Eut Ionumiler o te.. op ne0h'tOb Eje Jetrii' mte onsiet>-. Ilu ano ebad i tnessi ronulacchairet.tonet i. trinICI n2en. E. tac] mltedfor' Thugon nrieedod el d rt briubb oenr Hedatr i.i a lashD of Wt hito shocbnd ahen I ti ono,n on a chear Foimeu D.A E RADEN adh conentolrw- ée p III h hul e teh Shcer o0.èo r ..dtan n ur o I-ie"I sl'hnci-],," neoupidmaBiblWeioilOnou1teoe.'ahtormtitllachdi io .'woebmd hm lad tee chltO, sliegolte tet uh rThon hisamm GlaLhr, nd ie «""hKtrt, anai EKart mlunlai. 19EN AND WOMJEn. ame tlond heceniu am cu regouhmac>vm.' h4nol ' _______ bute h Oncie. ' 00n u vai jiI d ie.oeu u ed eoogihtllt ut1 ehecuaescaeYO ir 012 t M m- th, oluailles b, j W. b,,,,tldoooc hchl adntho huaitego.un blgd? tirent rbaongOS cquirol honHeetoTlçi. Dagtw raa pru Fré omo ote onoli 0t entri.iAeuaour it luauebecaute he m" UoI> u aT.r. abodTily oi-mrd, curtmteaiumas miho entoudeeld libfo ens prne od >aooriep'. IuBottthconr.AiemehoOttnl change. e otumaoad MEDICAL E. MARCH~AND 1 mater f mb~I h 1,lee. tio lihed cep00aiessage. cOiO teiui0."I cr"h iebar lipi. The>- mon <iite colo. 1'Bida M oorlod thee archucemifrtout. s lq WmtchnEsoakei' Eutyon gay yon du nt mrOnnandte Blto iau rt$aiommy mlaoincg-d11sIcI foeeeconter."tthe oecie absha eb- eilm tiMu "o ussglgt anr Oto. biBEd a TII Sn d A boboeot a emarmnma.1auined ahi.the odi moc-seb l ecbiy. "Anod iay GtinO frgve WatcmieweaIr- chilÀbaletOffi___________»»,&_mefothe______Ihaedoml oadteconcire u rlieo oge h-09 OmotL:eto* fiaF bo.oci MtoOcC ave a Dose for,the aPbnc Who.LAschob laid beau linelimreheniai OOATRJ aai y. LdthmvcéDa oe unh hlmnoudlas old oez et ai rt- o . A. E. McCUTCHEON 'utanchel ' 010Aduihri matuP0rIght lm flas, botfliga.]slea.n litco din lv It ni aii,. t ' tn L hoisChain lie dia the hiW heurt taiidd Mari. iK. AND£MN, M.-O, p A iIr E R -Aye. BfiOcke].Eaecel thee JOVI& u-",n eu , w.aîon eer-*The Chancelor, ah. ma h..ida laits' P.uOe iSOcoo Pittt iootf t- OtO b cto0lcr bo ut1 1 taing h bai l ie,à nrduriai saisi.tu theeopal caccage. ahcoggad h- 0»or.offikS Oficce aneed DecerOtiOt of aoh kndt.s Ftdb. tBeVi iaveul eiinaci>the baut OeI ceh- ~-- Fine e.mPlnt of Wall Pept 1e el ciizeniilt4a ohtddra.iethe o .lA..E AM.feom M uSurWstltrb, tcdmah-O16W"sot hebrE atilezm bPa sie te lea. tge pRuat ueaoroeny'O EnC>.S. O. Tn A, --ýre.e Moerate. BeRe.n ana m ecus o% ot nciergla hW&& il mut . .iqgw be ad te ccuOEA pe ejeuctclailo lad no g tour. eui b ttO Anid etut u hi£ oastiz, h W&&NIIYe amhuinislîctin etoapital ieokwhde toqiOtIlincnlcuth lm.'0MImvaIn. bail tat jls'bravade,. d am nue. ulm n anaothec carniage. O L & itecptl okvb T.utG.R AOitSaHn AWi tue g t mh ii h u4o u jatc»~n~z. ta e maot aa ne. m horamaa z eno mc onScSmno MMPm]1. ghtIFavebto ho ne o th ~5co rnenoctol mdM 010 ulteeri me.uttibisfuextr u bal tuonafmulai t -or W Thon meumit muiiuac uct ePIms 1F A Im Youghaveheento e-dayo thi » malt.t.lG - mdAlfR0r.A Io dr ofb ienChair, nes. M eu etocoeite. aat t agily a vit etf.ymgathy. al 4 r ougoa ..asie bu1t by. eurblapi W. "ne ru h .~ a o&h.Iimicame unelialt t Who, agir tiat ïfbuifidyôlahave pusJ wu& bu IL byý roliam. ,utiaed tauk tha ho le allWed Th Chanellorwad mt nouclma ar1 anddleemeo go4e ig goinhtoioh oneff iho Rt.A,~tAY a PERRIE îîy ai edoïd te. jolgd iai hm. Eya araediim0 tc. l «e @u"lebâflWla.' ncicla n e ici u im o " ~t. m eL.d a.rnvlotios rOmsatsfctinoga t.1aoghtfhlm" Iod tee C.un]orgm. ecumion anutule" hg. ppoe4 HBeda usIlu.thmaote;W easyo at. lé iomtp Lo s ei t oa uI t.B utmae- BOTntru. îeeai aes I»À t -te 0capottohanor tac ee manu et.4 enu îa ;I bî eses, ova dtee." dujorum-Celsti- atah hjan aitCh"rem edag MILTON-hll Dmestor.phocs. »oeus. osi a i gonme âm1teacrisLahnauld aitheut tllA - rom - "Theno ha ta 1maI?'ler . titmt- hatao e- leumi tiligefI.ha4h .ntua% !tosthbds nauli heg n codeanglrg.f thaat ] ciim ].te,-o oeg& i . ..«. u > g Asoe a tu -am b-ita tgar ralua TaH. CA1UPBELL *"1L 3 ,gda10!=k L Opra-Th 17>ça o min accop.h ulina. are not> TgonO o e urfe, aho M aa aet unnueI~ t idteiheriFbuttkeilliti ndenteiouo c çonvmanfer. ohulft anulITOoo; ntheicanh ai lm'un n tdem & nu ne5or' uononu-, lit, ~ ~ ,imoIsed iOnh.iEooa ; mu uitli~iiI. h.- " . m<t 41d B 'YeRLL -se-duehing e at&Mmeilao ca Mahàntm Aln 'Md 11ý slmtOc,~ i~ teliainiWb - mojiè.toaii* "bete e '-bure A<eédtitir leu t't. aiefg-c.ê ined 'e .e,"i titioletm, i1eï0tý uae. IPe ta,-thcMot, Y;.. ideetydem .touctst WM. W fm PAN' i Il c lu qite mg Ma Igeymeal.i i" "0ade- I. that ne st: b>- hlm.ý et lImton retha 'mon dis- monut &ad ah nucb n mare gIn- chair ome la haDot t-, nil>- a Laie. te *ttumamne a' efe te ~, .the mul. B* n0 pattalu aeup and n011 domo ltS black: M, and hl& ýe dbre a î1h.m ite. domon vituah imtchiai mylang thm obrute It: t ai Ont.