t I The Canaialet Champion For tht aecnd tisissthia a sen ski p 94 R. 8 F- m Kae D. . . owland good havetfigaredea'ierttth ct. prize in ae imptrstantling taures- taet. At Torcat,oceAog.5ith, thpte tai. cmsei fC. R.Turnerr, J. W. ie, ase theniceltes, tractht Royal RteeTrophyand a set tf Nippot chinastach in tise Yrk Tottatîent. osaI tournaenoftathe Gobe Scotch q Dttablea, thry trerebeteyttne shot T EA IS Ct the finals endgott.as crime, ttrt paire ifibolt eath, wtth s apait, thtetinstalliae tettit holc, wsottE oSold ocly in m tluh Est eech ie addition. Thitlov îtîîIRtfront thttltlttrepot Tise fautleotos Alle. Lcdo u Tisileu, ced Feing, Milicn, tus ________________ ft-i ty pecitellt .&Ilthte wa, bathi .ttclasmoftplay sdsctre.Jus&lDCe tteistesgmae sanhcam bot lotingtissa t aniud secodasaoftAlleand Catsritciaclise ayteoittsdit- uaiot four, Thre vu n cueeaainaptmtaceof he Amerttnniaal unesd. ahbtiaofs@ehsnid. Te.etat ce.cisp Cyclope, rhtis tanialied l Yata thejaehehea tht tnd Ieus tnshed. atto, lactheCat-ibesat Sea, itis a "o climatofaam eoftoharle tiitt ccspltemeaof295 mrc, tise sottet tas a leat tala tic, vtujenAlamona lioCisptt oteardt Cat il tr-t iilitd Atioal payih hie luaîti la i s e 1,t Cisc Icu of cIllt-oea ho gla.a lutlaad wtht, hr scekinece vide d-r,cîtti .weaceuesryEy lise jack isuinga.ece *teItcaoin te i c tegarSed Cloi TnallrIe hehuk lcefths Sthh scd aildostrti. Mate tiltieishai ose ula lirabaimis h oeî tuai fh. Il, c neto ite fe intre tcet atieretoIceielice orthCe dleioth melorat-si tcacle tweti taC and Almoeiaoppoelt Ile jck. riseOPteorst - v eelongiotantd oTCttaIort Patentel' useel lt, a(e lise .'«,tt î-ticaittfeenac. Tiepoereothttt landieiaceeiitedite jackis t. litsontstte'tthýosed-ft rtenu Ci, . eboet tiCeae itche. Ce h. ,[tic a e cc tîd atd aMt ont his wet oIlle1hjacks. aorisudly liste. i[steTtieii, - i etteaac-ccty, and isîht faieillho Ait', Tis@ scr iat o se ,rhl n teata Éotilletin is atith.@trti s e lentil a s .es lsCie t ccut ortie ste, rieiet Chit .nad llrceimksht onthe Cisc ies ilaoualre. kali and rt 1919 irauie.suloftThtIGlobe EScot i go at.g uh. tallaSO,, hc a isoptaiaal îteîaîtnachweod. Willgose, ho t cûm aratvoy . lCtheuse o f OChiseCycle t là Os liaiaolesie àsdtedcidt U.- stliitase avstoe e-Iou faradoteoereulug tdeileIIIdesiei t Sildtt thdsat eelstl heiseoeiey oret cooellîcsitsicitdistghetis, cadt hat lied "otîhistiTi tatlscd ti thec Potetio leta et lua ..ii Fleming. Telerpi otaàltiff ttise ot,itotaýmtéseetli iîoacauea mou, tih slemspteîeet dtectn thetcceks f itl ioto re, csd tor e dlepley et sptrts Wbisle oct caics LOl I t il Irsaisip oold neti litihuat iecll'a aOdtieilctternitii.ain- ce.iaeicegacain.ltiiecada Allo i,.I 1eiîttS, t eisnthtie wotet opecteluola abat aesnte oitdictcc îti-os, llct oftcid îttti «esldsPeiac cttato,. îapeaa It.cpt*e-ld Rt. Mr. Psditt tht penmiaitd isc 1>îl lîco l I l t-ast, c- il- titlit du . o rocfficeluonî..ooIle Vîtitet l l . t 1ato liseacîhoci lise braes!etaisth ,stael of Tht.laise. pioaiad thIli cerSilî's ShaIcO. trimea. Ha o npliîoened t oolca, Ai îIcr o Ii l't fleet -t ]'o'l e W", badcaeiisîcgisued Th. Glhe îicltou-liicl.iidCccl0SIslsattc eldaced Th. G(loise Scotchis -.n.e ts -c . bu.iihc toiti onic Cip ih iisaidom.nu disattl 'iM.tsc ci ce icin, oilIleIl 1t1a I Icelatis a pektn o tent Ittls ictîclît ilt, I s ttcîti' C 1litt et nuti i m pule ntaSel -le uoa-.tti. , nE, i l la -, te io l il aisî oaahotL l lacestdisectac, cp Clilt-1,..lîî paanllsch oct Ilie otlC hait i ot lica biitylt tie . @Puraaiad iy.as es 9c M.191.le t tuti t iior an iît isliaatleth. tl eega d Cesii 't,' îiç il 1,c dlccic teaienof th. enit zCa1-siaat Adr= tt cI "' ,oto e t y,t Pl iles .Uld bav Race taF ...anild l[h -I lsci iII Palla s, ittat'peee is ieîtii ' .be. ot , iii lctud beanlîteîtlis. tht (ilo'buor bCite ociiki i- touha oFREQUENT HEADACHES .. pt. ile e doahle, tocîacsudoS i Ctu isoîces iti i s w on tl- hell latini la tocnetus ott lcdîd ihl'b e ttid a À Suro Sig' Tisai tise ilood le Tie tuetloita ic h clie d theal, Naier, and Impare. sa litttiî L IIy l tetO it l , Iîl i Ic 1-tilt, Iltin cuti tiiliil ....tIl hic ii-ît II li iîg c tî l cii, îIlh t l ha.cfull- Ciiaiiy 1,1 l l Poic îte lîi,tal tlhi îî.,îîîîîî, icg ili - c A Miltnîral ofc. likipeit-ireolti hy ei lu mie. Calltptllcbas ledCiiy île oie ii t ItIittliI i titiItist-t 5iC -iii'h, I tut S l heTois lîa eti yat od C ie tii', itit-lteitlitt l il tu-u tort, s .til t iS uîs iîiiciîaîc i ng htIl ' l llo iosostauiroli oftiti 1 c - cd ,it t ce llîle. ',, , , tin tn l'oit'ait, Oht i'irit l'ill th-sCCiCCCt ci c -i. i l, l i i l 'a , y 51 il ill .5 lu R. tîcet.ct is , tcd ic. i lis- IR. ii bli,d tolu t eu I nc i , t i i i t e at oa i a d tîi - p , J i , n o ý i l i f W é o i l n trocgain 1,tngî.a dri clttith ais , il a'oi k n na-dyic..> II Ali atit OSO[.ottit cii l i s i x-tisigoui .1 t litittittr ,jbt t i o hititcsiiie ic ct lit 'i is.tîi t t t taiil bi s c od b a , l - 1 osll h's il)o iu al o pttIl c , s d r nl il- d l li l, I 'it li[ tt- It a -bll h-i en IgdbodittO occDI[tlt [t i. i t tii i nkis î oI l etao rlint lt is it l(il tic ci and th, Wtt"tt' I, : J Cedtolut's i oli "R elt hittil' t ,il sicl t îît :1i taoa ist' Ct . i leittcci cut icnkt ils iugaUCI or n SLES l ta eai 'fil acS, isest ittlitOiltriitttttC.l[t I'itiCat'ititY'lit u p as a, M lît ii \l ,i itwý i js.v-1pli Huit'g -t t e r l' uil Lt i , h.)tel titIL IIIut,îletsc[icil re - i] t ,1, iltI , i 'teiati talc ingfi ' ) -'iii' C ' aiti, t"hlioate ycispet .,1ttyci . pt.t I tI.t pI is cai. T e I fioar ,ili'(,l Îh ri s .1cî cor Âtdlt Ho'AcTîctcce."" oi Ctisîic i t. i nS AdaeIa Ic ilt.h -Ilriet titiertsit lIaitatlC.p.1 Plid tid. tcaAirn sthe same ," tea (tei t,Il1u(-tion Sale ,hi !of iI)ISES, C4IlLE ANI SWNE - ,, GEO. E-, HUSBAND TUESDAY SEP.2.l Il' Ib i' - -ly l 1 i l' Ilittisc 1t1i ,vdand hil c- I-d ccgIi( ati ISGa tD'i, tit,-j lit,' tit tIl.i II ki t.iiandiiI[ tig, i i t ,ir, rer eb u t ct ,g 4ti ii. t tl., i a ' set i. ili- i lil ii r ,ilt P O E 3 , 10 su: -d tithsi Foot ..d0,01 al av %V. J. AGtAR, Ai upe. ci 4AGNET" iSeparatots. isoline Engiuîes S LWAYS ON IliiND AGNET QIL, c ticl, o1 lisal e tcsc i ahi' ei- MADDOCKS' . MI LTONI Baking Aways inàgt ~ T HF, elarglassdôosoe<ofthe ~ .modemn féaturrgf thiedepcendable range. Its bakmç gqualitiesyou kuat. The, Wtt ztop it est, ththe lar ut 1hbe - - cMthaime nahaag say ta nask thte rguia eeo di., «. Gete, -"hksscothly. lttsusuq, sesui z -d oay hoe siov fCtrcl Aatdhts Meýtaits aâ i ies-tscastl s 1.iie tege triO te stisty yoaag r-S30 "t s~i.. Mdd '. short, everything to en- aleA, .houseket.per to prepare ntppetisng ulea l easily and grades Nwe baudie are guaran- teed to be pure and tabule- D. A. -1WGLL1 . C. H. HESLOP. V.S. LiveryFedmSai sI.S PHONEN.2ONT AUCTION SALE Co)ws, Younlg Cattle,l Sb.eêpPigsGe"e* bI Ttc adtstttd mobit ealocid w, ALLIE EVANS fo WednesdaY, Sept. 17"1'9! 1Hltei ttW.t-11atlttt 'jHall 11Acciier co. tafit ftt 1iicetey co. reh, twice atttfoot 1yel it, callitlfott Jese . i Rl ft O , PHtI E LE R 1 ine' wRedttottcths.1 ACWER l DtthaintCOWadue inZtttosee, W rd Tt.ce i -Holst.in o ttiti' . - t Holtein ccc, duetin tFebeuatti. - li t*tO Jercey beilet, due e i otebr r, 1 Htlstein tc, duin taMatch. i 1Ptlled Argute itistti eil. 199Lmhr 'o, mv setccl litt M ITH ise H o,.pigaei YOUNG CATTLE ther tock j ýarinbhtes pli odtsprig tec to eC erlSEEPS, pIGS, ETC- foc i] Sgood breedhaî ewes. Cart LTON. 7pge4ýmots lwas i chugte4 msuistttld, [CHtilt IYorkshirsît t, due Sept. [[Ci mI Yorkhiret tisaWitt, 10Cpie 1Yorkisehire Cccw, te Sept. ]'Ci. Vo want more creoilfl tO bntter l e rY monroe, anud vilS psy the highest prias for butterfât ut faoroy.. SOLICITING YOURl PATRONAGE ltem Cream & Botter Ce. [OE3. ITN ýET END OROCERY ,ady-to-Eiat ýatab1E)s - - - )oning the heut Of Bsommler ýre are a huit of appetising igs that we o1p.ply ready eat. No uecesitY at a"l ineseif cookîug rmelse Our îuned Gouda Dept. isa- 's ready to serve yoo. -Frts, Jellito and Jast, -Grapetuit snd Orange Morses- laite, -oti, Tistgat anîd Nîtat Loa Cotned Beti, Paria Pate, Shritcpe, Sarinet, Uaddie, titericeanad Whate Steaisk, anoicit isdfcifiat, - clicacicoti iscitseta no end. rThe Frecstest Fruits tram for cuit tîcar. AUl the new abadea in stock. Eight to ten balle kuitis vour Sweat- er, Knitting Neeples anîd al re- q ir ements for yoîî. .Pick1izng and ýerving Needs Can'be supplied -Heiutz Pickliiîg Vineeý'ur -pure Spices -Preterved Gitiger -Parke & Parke C(attup ý'lav, -Gem Jiars -Jelly Jars -Jar Rings -Sugar good te£ ieted packages NluiStIi Tîs etsc Phone1 J.eW. Sr Live St DealE MIL c. -CR ilitie' IYO)UR STORE Suits&ç Nîî . iI'it M c-i lin t The 'b-OWý, GFRAHAP PHONE SWEATER WOOL DINNEIR- WAIRE Cups and Saucets - Blue aud tabitF, do/ Clover Leaf, do ,- ... Plain wbite, dci . Glass Tumblers, duz.. jugs, Botals, Platis, Bakers, &c. N Oakville Fair SEPTEMBER 17, 18, 19 & 20 Thi, l',i,, 1ý1- IeayI , ati P e p edt thse Chamepo fce 0e ýit Ic c It-lly P RCY A.IBATH, Oakvtlle. and t ageiy tcreaed P7e List, the Fair t ilget ta vr ADVERTISEMENT The Referendu m Ba. WHAT EACH QUESTION MIEANS AND WHY YOU SHOULI) VOTE "YES' ON AL FOUR QUESTIONS Vote Tht rpeal~5 ThtOstatic TÊPeranece Attdota net mos-.n a ctrn«-te geeraelofip ;a2dodds.Ttd aes o entmajsosay ehatt h"y themselrez are opposed t thsa r ppcd ta t. Thtbretrerasksythey areopposed toit. Hao able saentlemanothe ot of the House, who are oped ta tht prtuea Act theyt arecqaf opos tlad order. The lahor men seho ash or strongîr brer, say th dontratth sl MbadIlur.11"9s Treidraa h .asnraleallint this. would flt h. Partiea toc conticcooce of tihe ge eri al 0 Sina S adr tht.Od.1c4se" ytet, utwoid andthe Liorose A oct naecrd w Public m BnMt Thia.WcW cin heepesgwithite polcof thse Peovintial Goeceaaeeoi ai t pas fatw yerasehch aveimoe t tet amscaded the License Acttte coforcm ta i trta o th pipl. T 9e" to question nateher ont would enahît the Gaveenrettt te pr vide for theseamle of, aeer sud Ughswn in the hotlsad r ad pit n G e sm Thtlet' ' lrtyLagedosfot waGt a relsrn to tht conditions snder the old Liceage A andthealofiqor mbe. t dosae, howtser for the Cetral sale of beer 2.51 -acoi hy wlgh <an-ltoacaaog)aadgh trntdaat thtGjovrsotent shouid ootl ioot the sale heaverbeu~~eduIsem h aeackges etahllsbed and maintaaned under Gottrremett cpe vlaeaaoooetrott l, ae, ncesarythat question ont should be answeted "Yts," reprol mg Tt GoarloTwüsiAe«rsoetad maing la tPossible fWr tht Grovetnment ttae at ane tErnprnemael odltht oteapresstd will of tht people. Hertwnh do qad oMBbrneR yoo trilýin Wagrement wth Premier Hearst tehenh soad l! »" &0one A satiOUs titizena. as #Obe s ODUd tooaieoiaas atherart in the Pro thne ~ t apiseve Attsi tnstoday. Vte iTema Goquestion nuothar ane and repea Igis heu m NieMt moethon 2.51 "100 VotemjMs" '* eaLua»g m od aieinastate ote"T"on slooqbter.This provides for tht sale oiflght heer in Goveneot stores for amecasaiselonaodremctatht eeemdtyai protsilaga dotor's certificat,. 93. Arejnl ace laeef~f of t eureeeal n et nsere 0thonss2.51 '100y V(*u U eeelea e usanadheesluluimnlulpalftl.p that by ~w ~erRgyvM3eai oulkmae, mmlaong rndmessgte Thse datai. Tesugiranca Vote tTe " On oeptluah i trte. Thata tanbcha litme douht that tht ejoiyo eptl vote "Yea o tiatdoa. Thçrt la a dtotsand fat a hae of good flavoraod body abat Ce fnon- ltoaleaolng Md Be9paillewaat't tai iaulabY the glaisas wsll as hy ahe bottk A, heer oit5i% aicol hy w 0 goometter *n shatqaiitcnssel boulycc- latoxualrng. la Euopan couittiehraistreo ngel odgsrlysilcaIonee tihout exeheau drnty. enrlY ihut1cns n wu otingst' uqumnetwoand ta a bc a asured that no ont cao hetosse intoxioated by heet of " aBse-COLb ette pem'sst Vote--eaOu tanisa4112111r four, whlch PtOvldts for thse sale ofi&mil iquorror je atcosuomp- tiso tem Gvaen asr s oudonsr M galaUMtionàS atthaeGoçoect aMay deem Ittrwime te adope. ThtpuulcR e s l-pcosaa iemthts teslot sul t jga docters tertificatt. -,f* té U«dm'aiS,ý li inMr pwelat Tht Cidlapsa' Liherty -L6x.ala f n avor of tht tale ai Leige coi splrw Otvèr tht bar a-uoer tht aid License La,,. It is, brVe, UffraIh eol S ae Of sontciating ul*ad laftrès..i a ýaj ý I A& Ir -= fîU a 1 MWSY etÏid itt i swines, and the qwa uuion ttmee ,Il = %*fer hOmtose "-ptonthouh Covrnaeent ~Si ae ~-, eua 1, o abelt. elE Leapoll May ID- i C iIOllf DONT WORRY ABOUT COAL 1 sKERO4IAS-- Better, Safer, Oheaper, ....FOR.. }{eating, Lighting, Cooking NUODUS, ASHES, SMOKE Ecili' ingtallchintansy euane or Icrnace. fiee deeonestictu o tate toBarntlis Taior Stop. FRED. D. DEWAR Sute Agenor lotuloCounly, - - MIL-TON ThéeBoy.' spn*u -yon have been îooking ftfOÏM i ,3> yeatS t but ser, godsyle, Tr et Theeitae fomone of oor big- geat ftac","-