I. - bra. ltinreo tmaclrrs h<!. hiLORN 108 entessol eu~~ssl5î ~s a mmu -tc-IlBarnapartuet',ý Otttaneo - Copouca r MnLTON. VOLte-IC 9 elt Ncý 4j ýnd ar$- but :)rý i ______________MILTON, THURS»AY, APRIL 10. 1010. Canadian Can.0172ltt ay UtnSflaflESLQISEDhtrrfld.'¶evr once eccccsrd "s, i;ai di i; _,tAh. ea" oaewàt te mue thai jnu vece stuiin tadauttas go -,M» erwrd vilh lt on'a tray, % 't ST., IRAMII1Tfl afee-.toaaàkstmy secret; »- tpm«et emtb.t S ITON, ONTj eOFnerHevfletstit oetaPasSrgUb Sa-Anar, tsarelfettybsr he1eertr e" Dm;yen vers anoeéiys'lient en TI ~ T is lotnoeîîî8sary o it the 'Ban k of Ucfanhes a ymtet wiy 1.etafftdft., Ut1isteamil ton pereonatîy i rdrto open a euand trfiherofye. n -V Financiai Ta the viiifl pd10orer cptCUre.-Mhoaoa ldoe VV&Vere oeleoeeefooieets sto e.20 i Wf'.santh.a,,socnatybt I QWda -.,1 he i ," aVnsA~ccn.Send your deposits loy -nfre tavsyfii bta ofi - lao.f.eoe.i, tea tn, ;0Cavnixon.ntcs e paj.ere I\We have large resaurces ai, Th- aa et e. l - teeainn cheot r noces oe. fot n 'u1suoedYutb -aocftýp 1lth ymsilat-l y f Dopthe vast expe nience of 8 7 yee, id ine i nr tOp r"f o u te h D Se e n i e h n a te . ot eeotig y nono moneb uin'ta d ra w u ç an ta se rv e y o u ; b , A esm? Votheté bItWC have something even moi ~c . heoaecerone"es 22ied e? bteemet= m e r d o t l e i n id esis r i - 1 ,1see o e o o osd o l N w o k . T e i i mn p r ta n t - w e h a v e th e a r n e ,idepns. neni 't intereet and STUARflT, aae itn ner ta.yuaatmo hve sect- va M doso N-tiýOr bith9,dent oli,'that no lau 9desirebavtaaidloyta ~eaidscWi ese h etser .01 J. P. BEL, Genîral Mcashr.a c-entra toaedt POrc- Teck. ta' =;% ens 10 etbme si eajj sicot our dafi-all by mail if eqied---e nei enbrue Ca e ss ldly wyo u partial adoice on ooy tUnt "taid'0ta eot ey But? Wr have met aec-isy or bsns air Wn. PAitToot, I - -- - iiNec- Teck 10 sehron dly rm Edeteoto Pnd pr ter - I ter ib eo tI m ea flotheoDîniet-yen aciertofetchamaBankutofrNova Scol neyer Soleil; nover ottncnooed me blB nkooNvnS o C turc fitCeor. lm thie ____________it W Mntoasv uOae ImosbeVftrott e toe tina ' -- Paed; np ets &ç si00,teDW. B .eseerrra R..à% -1ýBA.P..Menn, snd I bave BseD, veey l1100e a be fan 1eoeteeod fou pi 0nuaa F Bostons. Bineasyu ade ere reIndenerb teotiotolt. ...k 1 olcencieeslOnsaieeL IIIIMIfudeynrtecirvtbeten -srmn t rpi- "le Tiat Agil,Sir?- e . i Mnaea a.csn -i r mhonor", M.Bsoaglo atsa n ybc le tier ncery ethteroom MIle SOI e d mnî,001 "On,, he Eef o - ye.Itws e- un Iycvhmnend:. nn#0n:eSEmiY tiere fer 1 i ly bâdte keep e bceaklInoStu- e il 0 ne.cna-sil. ecnsgnad. nrteee Ai. L # Ily c 4gjc.nRomancegifthe p'my eresncenaeret Otineolc- -c ellilfr eoei n.Miae toisuns -ta i>rhitLati0metedlto leu Thrre onre "oair; I1lonro ordres tetoie b lm "Les e te icsy thers on tee stooel1 flse.W. M. cee-n. 0ils h eerio oadcb osold bave rec, n cspetfreffe et BnOeoloeb.0 Dede-yrs. thealli; yosmBty gobel- ooecce0iimîns gnled memntenea awslava"And hesraboutnicCaoseet ta onncverb - . ol:4uoni.L0O :ld papa. Merelsit]$Ireniie orm"The gentleman n nsnsberrix, sic? Rm becbed ont, bot teod hielimtini, ____________________ th- ne s booiased c-, niîse.feio more tien, pou cen,aet tient bIonOc-lien locked e, anod 1I benetie, bey0 cwbite I cinaid and Incked flie donc, - eeoroc-ooeheennm0.1 C11,dtr.ntho od î o il Tiet',oste; i'd togote. riook dcopplag thekyg ypekLTBCONX. ILWFm fY N'Iire IisKing RNAL ARStPLce eatieiesdc aetolî ite myr? poraket TOBÂCCO NEXT. H. W. ro _e -ry û«Eth t te St -d Wd 0 L 0Butformeyosseesid not bcbileonn Ote mn;nd yo elis Preake. osiieetai(Hamiltonendo -.--O~nenryns0si0lptIf i l elcoeY ebii. Ton c-osld bretvlhiefaot reedy to serve."o . lsoltnSpeotto- ogetc O c tAeutSif" 5Mr Lady Vse : 0 iloneses coeed tream 1he Esmon1O nloched annSopco oh l "IfliYuies c-sa-Wbeo O watt Tienotobecco 01e ctibc f 3aAunuIons Be uiYO tehe Wbte Scwîîg rssera.ape 0e c nNo otM oe on -oeen n1eodg 0 crede-,ocobo irth.d tLes abjetoc ne ictlo ed eEo OicMacin yeo ucuu-oulucîo, : trlO me, Os the reet1 troubleronebosrd? Ponte tncteg me, and,,Il c-ne pOehniy annOaee ed uesikthe dser toc you. No on etly apparent d the ctioiteLe8of torOnd1 l o mpaoeorabie os 21.1!-tins iassan .. Ceuo;dico prelucetand c- - - - - -osthere dooht of yooc beisg able to ae et t rot vier- ht hec-na Laen -Boit ore yn-aco ta snok iet th0e Aoti-CgocLeo rgor, HcId ioon bry- babit cod thc croco' Son ooiLio oepopOs, e utin ito veure ~CI4APTEI xiv. fterther IndeneChiot lino pot?" pOrnonet homor. - pcOoer" oncedorieg tOc wr-e, ito iceojelor pro- scbouulo are c ccr g o Mie00 0,n..Ug «L'y borer-;tOe bes; Ceovo, -Moia- 'W Wby do yoo enkT ' MeC=ne' O 1 Sa, os lhe toaie a sic idenot eveonjo -Tiec-or os ocer sosw, bec oalhobit th ln>-Onoeoian Ondee. oongo oles 1,I buoVeuttoassose MkCein. iscnotc-jaOndo eecttbne; ocki'etgaraneettet.edse. 'Nc-noncee, betton -cP'cîîe nl Orcgnotr coeei.cet oo'tiaclOnIOyc y 'An> -O -ns iteiereil OI rffeeeoelljv nyl not mode.houtecoghtaoserooooospt- 1; Os no dsrofetmine ta hoîf yenn u -eoeuntl o n Ise On theecdjy certano eeinoor mestuoet ijo15 difflcoIecoet,.at Wn ;:'oseanmMn uie5 .. -ed. M1iîte Ttitlî oI a t. no u t hfe geng et tie nseprcy-eî Omn-e don. Tiens pon heti 10,crtrouble Joot ojo-Ooner e erfor ltie net montie. liloenassag, net anogeteesatintied, TOthe upp-siofCbec oeytrnCcsic cO esis on uuej Otselaa smeoeti. ooîod ti- ttet ice sttTh 1toc tier prement, I dia nct ondere- - O ne-, snd Ooced n mon LitOnla nenet of ccepi poce ptedge not tea Oocnte-n-tnn-ba re nvsdy epoto A Coeoeiitcerof Feftte Ouno thejob je ettenpt tOcfoce otieroti - lONT5rMI-TON OOhTO tmileft, the dlge -tut l 01hp nnd 0e efeeling etfSîsntjsfat'o or lier natemonas. Itc-es loo esk YOoD oetli th0e -orhing ofthois visîre." enengi, bnutiercec e w s efiting le- bond ,0e tjcmee- ot e'bcb o f.e-i.ce linn orcjee-n5csons, a o B -ou gooloe-et-. wror the t oCenctehilaot thintbiett1caeoon det. c-be -Os wbîtotîbec îerios? Setnte abot ias moner wvIete______________________ P-ncoIoCm; flrset deeicenos Rý l i oc-enmt sscf,.:wsthe man, andc-et bodble donce" >TOa osope oleodingrceomsoa- ca rouseloy doebL Intune and con- oeo .irn5peso-.dnezad es.3p-te CASH R 1<CBEDIT bot MeCeuneand ie monecy c-oe- eate "flue nId frjool Fergos OîcCseos,' Ivtiens c-li tie crec, and coosldeeyooe- teinteS lie Young vesa -esedeclseg -e1, the mn ejs iccrejl opne tciv cc ntonel, docidOn o iP eontie thsefran ounsnero-noti the end ofthee vgeey bec-leeg sie h beauontbem. R.aooedoh Soe..sdcsIC R URandelongnato1coldkdep ,ht mi- ie* ec. "fnwsenotnonMchc-bet etbel voyae, Gieoe yoerr-oelte tes nndbhoc-nsurioftOtecunvrmotnnse 1,y Si. cbIti2.30 pns vtdeni seoreiy Ol o p aot,. lIer, doonc - wl iebpcoponrlfojeng. BtH e lnd ou Myte e helifreedousoetfille ba, vmbed -, 1 1 1C1 . o.L. . mamansd, Fugenitupe, -phone B3 emenel o gond vPse of cotweliuog sos sttrmpOntaogioorrenlt tht crowc -sin, ande f entoe-dock." KOIN____e__zntpO___ rar yteus fmneadun Vra i h oyg? t CHAPTEN XV. Iha ASSAM quality givea it Otaon ATas tocG&aOnce c-e soceesiel doorein ftoctsnei, ther e ensosenmpe 'To Bemieoeg. tarihfvo 'Il-o veTsueayàoose edoad.se, 0t0cr bddesoere et isqoor ond'igmtinog shoaca onlp ton c-lOing to meke Be Onogierd, end deeo cse eu glo WThe Maansrossaner. ta ihfao - t- . eme on e s o nosne n s u ymt ce 5see i%si- teConnt. w. , -eq 0e evecheed. sud c-tMcCoce n aeetc troublo. 1O etri on mccvte nOp tiennoud O ta- Wrvreeil.nn sai e mi ____________ .. ecrerotler dauger eîemr-n oul eeee erlp. o"Phac-ldorosnEsikpQso ec- wl1 haodvanced toc-samdmeerrosnîfice ce t je getipredoctd. 'But c-ne "But vies-vint doeMr. nicCesesget nperee'î Prethsel, glnelog ai me, " c-s er aee imsteednmnenCp Travellers' Guie.ecCateleyseueIceeldneyerneerk? Wiyeietldblienodcsvectaiboy butonekieg no effort taecjne "Are. yen d sote ber h forndmentendeS, p _____ ~ ~~jî cjom to conrool tus celor, teaeeep np thn mn? Wiet 0e liturpose"fatnOmougie, Botie, toImagine flintlthe tais BoBs," she mpIned eisstip. n fasR S film- bioen. The narrow- eno s of! "To have theeradnoeeCie etrnemaEngto s at wc-eere permît ltais Mhp liogb le ansvee te the nOise; nqnbey ('Ac NANSPACiFIC iOAtLWnXY th 1e slip rendered tOOs impssible. te an Amerran port. lruldo lins lie te paestucengi tue Chanel? wie-.oetmp tare. "I c-ns goeg uson cb foc EfectieeSept 29,1O9te) - de andlther boy Mire c-oiS Prliee- eredit et snpleg tIsaI, nefi I telS yoc c-blr dema caro, IPep el me0abrnS o siean w eO opeceefthee a.m 10 ..mnt forwo in issptte o o tteO nt keovOnigo c-ba0er flito Baeons "WoVintells yseer -netjeellpI1iistened." I 0..7.9.1bcgannto nopettteat nicoCen unesîvoc-selte vmnet or c-aonsebonrd. Ho "Neyer miel c-h.finnli e trth, tiennt70ai ed eoy cogiet 10do, Soïd oniy in seaiedIpmcýkmgega - 7an0 ymgitIdedpoy hisnacm e- n il ieolOtc1,- iedeaoee te got frmm ScCan e I-o SpmT. . ' 0 < lchodby iOtinelp eve e be a r flostm . ntIfehou te men0y Ono Ont 0010el kn plelge nltealeterfoeemitO t0e dls- 0, ;ïC7~rt3 ~.:~:t. - >' - < v:1e~rngerites toilthen Olooe ietle s: 5,m i R ;- oolin of theeeip, naffermai hteb 1 1 ',p ri. flg T einvinîege lenojr pçbnton iela Owc-at endenties lins ne-Use, se e toc moelles betore c-et cas de- Iflec-enld mbsuehpms e." -evmNDAY--thlo nhipje nenale- belesegetid ealier vere- Sobt; delie obrOlevmo meney sWitar- se-lrel, Bowere, thet otelicg te do ted t eue drd 1i luo1r7.Mn6 man crippird be-fies pistýI shot vjcdS rempbie nyhiig, andSlPr basatoueSd ihyeus steeone bosrd'.toi, Botie- ohtcll;leeenac dm atlond 438 p.m. TI l AY IE eniy screcoto tender othe loscmore raiiecens orwaoneaedy eeesgh tbideIng to YOD.laI, c-ho gccs tierverge, or etf s-ety movspo tcr voir-oaofer- ro eou Cthclie wyrI"woh b ot -c,10h -O sOpyc e s fiLoto î s olp O ndedTtfiT o-t>, ND TRUNK BAILWAY maocmaorlo bi ifeoce ta v oct o kso00m'i rtb orligt otsPsbrS iesioreonbeoa. "f Pacdip cint' oubug om' Ble Nc ewb YoTrk, or cc-lier ta as Est- 80; 1 iemeed Meoffreacedoealntr H. seNt . tiIe. hI c-nt Or thcfailli ofet ib osclu Tbe teo mont pe-emern smoJeI lisp, or oFrenche prson," be ssIItoUles- yCe er r in lngsghlisIndien CitrC N - 1erTEL 0,N oottTH. if yomisues ectrioreap;point- WhiteeandSateloO o haoce bard ne0 y. "Besides, thaios oot aoh, tve got lotofliet Goenman Port ad-tb, yn, 9E -:b.07 p.m. I17.1 tud4.M4p.te. mecitpccclulcdNo» u o u t ic aec. ibn-bs vSe -tPtoraaOn hreio msmr hs ndseootieleg about vaux set gettlng WE HAVE WOTCHES bW« lko o adn htefrmmiond ollaro! t cooniterdtute igrl--tgir?" mortl."drit ebout Perron tis onos te-amp." O1oBIel, lerîdedje relioved t e i To-yoo ieeo erIeS c-bsnto do, ' The envLagof cIlb i ot and cargo souk eosteecersoseatt OsberBrnner,.u-Q N LEGAL FOR EVERYHODY theme- meannimoesa b Bocm tuse yone mil -Baee50mnofyu zonshp WILLIAMI . DICK acfo~fr eccmy purce. Ourse bonog bahotudeeded tOn igieloto, atlitenedolar tende dort te eo." - b o c- ie eo"asa e of porîrsein sec ,boer,"ICks.-555 t ber tiotflehe nec- ilio uuclino beth the lensolI gavepee My premiser, Miss "Wits Basononoaffaira tome?" le anejedeubte-?"aeneeen o - Ccoloe est coocemenrss... l1c r iced os civls>the mneex.- - eesto taPre tis shbp te Bembnet If mecelý. "He tnkoh in cheoces, dîlset nnc-be etores a bme! WPy, 1 Oioyic. pensvvoor rt ees s ecr- yIrt saposible ta geO Oere. bsieN Tusueens ta ithi1oc-othe manon iegiet 10miglitlibe smethteg wcideONM o îlnoy t, L- "isAlncdc pteln te ire la no nîber wc-sp etissort etbing.1tsupoeoe 0etol 700otorbtndocreelon sbore-is Nec- Torke. DFD -soHu" at- a t ou Bute. oboes-ci-yoc poy 1 oho Invenaent n filuemeffl sel ino flie gi-i SOI, tînt I e-OBleS hijm'W hetevor wc- te0bo maldiri yet get ogecut timekeeper, tegc cargo?" toc lite. Wli. ho Icoorvodale ho glt. Wit os emlraste-.0ev wgneesed J. A. E. BRto !ted sol goncocnterd. " beo osnt'je.- pymp does, Ot me tell peu, andeol - rei h )otn obtIEP obb.O O niloo, 00er75,ctOîNmY "Tenucs tOgo ons, muetwvmnotil'vagonosomoaganset yotobrnemttled ha emon pos bere, ana mcogisel Oio cOuIne ANO O~~~~-t tepe yo Mli, Cnntna iraHits." yet. Oon'î preech PhlljeBoseom t or oonsoo n nc-sIpîot o,,.ryotocifbe . W Ei>..ifore O coula *tope Oer, ne ndd an- me. Iles nottforeissmâeoosaree ng' c-hwvel as ton lete r ns Miuo.. En MARCHAND cibler w~~aoprelenws one.ad Owslgonie n dmboe-g a let"'"P1 adIsulSitslnealelfoas lebâtidre- Jicm Oppremals&lea nekde,stopato Hmbrme oianoliidnausait eoee l tionsabâtimadee-on MVEDICÂL Watchmaker a noid Jewete eani ndc rtterSatcbt-ý1dspiebim nd tsrenst e rproefr _______________ thIe nlght, bet ntig o n e lacm- 'wooot de pou mener 1tes, Nonrelieli e msn jndge5My _____________ IEnooINsto TON s94.lognatester kplac. ThePe rson m- 'Means fWiMthot la Crclerons motivoeroms i n-e tasedpi et. Be un, M o LL ..mrea uet n hewtsa dt iinti, yuad uJ u f lenaedit1a o exteeee I),,lin l A. McCOL, oeer esobeped red r Or omtiy rnnghtesetle yachti? Lord, O hncc- ber c-Pou c-e ijy-inderd not c-es tep e t n ly P ncne.tons.m.,OOten 1.mnsdttnthe.bNy/e berofogriven tuseuse t ne n seling0Ofehetitstssekofntdnihtecame, and is tandadsnnd Set yen ore e-os o I eme o or eneietoB, c. t "ein sefdm e1Osac- petr tnle gamo. toe. Te raines desghter. Beoanse Oservo -.-ncOolbe dr- d aos.The aky cesoed, lihongh Othe il mnnep ennngP enmnng t t e to mle 1yn ite lsM n-e.vneposiive-ofr .1s bis Mr. moaliel?" jcretsed fret nud 00e sesieraoy tdite n mlgtneprofitable voyage f10 e necenaey teerposn sMy pant-tent OsO QU LI AM S k'i. ANDERSON. MD, CATER & WOR-TH enUghte berp wo-emn Kt the vhaci, eeland tire n e-or neti berce vbtie TSTDIL.OI W Y LQ . ..ilnets mon.o oti eemieli h. esndi CWmufedmeVl etes grosasohort ogoin. 1Befloît I soiier-mesmsc-desedn e-e ssaT SE N O R W uto oesiym o-o.inra hoergo. u. 'ciime ta oens t ad er sn ttfcle aura et It. be-oer end t peosedteiliteebve doser-inyctit tf I hedo't gùnoclow fc-nrclarns cheees. FlttotTnst . ..srnieoero peile pi ftm.e..esd>nsso ganda ard LluneeboardnSwiete osuchLn yed'o sesmnnslIp. Pot as bouc, reose- li1e 0crt. Nom. jain lhepart"Be-tee Oes-tsed tint pote ootgle Sronsd Test ...fer CucrrCnnsmptnee GALT.ONT. inans a iepo adWieflpoeaps, I loterotsons dock, btthe eo I Ort net otaierays tienvi- te--On solsmy gratitueisftrnme te. TiesITest.....fer Moeenen lDofeets GATON. conratveosnitionno et tilp essa e l ne seos quiet ftlet IesiipY, it tala,' j ard" Fat et frLsn fLt MASALE. (IOWLAND, M. ottO Bgilt.aies anti sspmeoedc-ei tso-selte theemate to haeomec enlIeS Oddnotmovm, or Inhe m e-es fcomo ,, M G. en o. osioorno ponte cos aoc-ess lnpnet lnedn. NO! 1 Ocnuid hol t lie slgitesOtaige et nord, Oc-cnt Pe- bOssa, and slomie- ihe geje on -is Coco re slmptle -n-Tppfehpu «eoi-W1 etC A i S.0 ro Br ssesy alerwue a oryu PRINa f.teEevvey shipment of HYDRO anrGtndsae oand i ttrsM f-i liosna n ilruhltOtlwadtrndI.semdt so et sflssn@O Tarant- UnlestO. oIl.fordnteoge ed tP ecoovot onto'mmathlimnoagteltostlevendsAoralsitymn5bomnooieoooorbjsotecot ktndnsnbnmo cthtotiere I1didenobremove myclties, anlth e hmur epurtel. -Weil, Mies Vers" ands1I mnn 0Ldnnij ap l ne ttadmt e oChnr St.s.Clo.mo? 0o o tLOb5BT~ Ts in tans»c-a ls tre n esc- Sep cse berelp tmddonng lthesent l'Weil," lho onnrerd, io bs aoteme l tcil hacunc-ortie- 'tels tetI n mpfsl epr h ss it _________________that ctelytagofeintit eIoris c-n I c-se scossel tep n ocnpllag etflinec-ay oftft?"' noeugoos c-mere ure, liste eaite etipmneet sorjected. FElOltti ArE. ed cd broogi lie glusnefethle tons- eto th ele ok overbond. Thece -osa."0f liepie-Iure seroties yon. Me. Bec fare bttghteet, a andden giea Alteste arreuontedt y experts te ltaior- MACKAY MACKAY I RE A .McCLJTCHEON pacn] n -n wasoe tlentros5edno cai,. and I c-se lerotg eMCans, I naiS. 'eos sretpecfeCnlpet tenonr ta her epea. - asdtstoa LeS oseeneertaesoe reglcts astabeeeenfDo epon -et c-sa glnon senve veie tait. To'veemld enosgleoh epestrsecye tnriee ftherHyde Eetri PerCommssioan Boiterie Leandseenereé, PAINTE tirethe opesleg ottedoo. r erîoii- fihac-ie aso about tartencauose rmn teacioPdce-me-offee eorent osa=,aoset alytlko Otrotemntcmltl eupe l Oteil gegte.eea. Painting, Griies, PepeHssg , t . an e a sce eotanwtana ese geti, anti Leaperd c-e stillo itparole. I c-lOIaancep r eege yr- a lipme d egit eu . r aal iio nai-trmntnmltl qieetrr -cTadDeoaigofalkns. aIi.bnsI sînn bi.TeatiY tes sepp""I ol ot tatilysrptaîtstngfteseOrin o Cnn1 elIset. e-o.ne pati-noc-t dCss tiruftheoo, bl lt.lnoetlynnabp. rerthe 'o atn dn e rap as mnPOT'OThc-nidtsetf he sI ail nseprtos"ath .41, %at or -.Chioert5 Fiee samlpînOf Wei Poper te select -tlais Mr.Reie?'OtHonte?"apbe edeu ls acU"enlirS eliOg -rsDoouteadveedse ltgesrpnso o httetaouFtDR amiteLmp aaih o> cae tefismltenCPsmeem.Bosoutonfroc- 10 eetnlnl lese"saveteti, aairs chant et a sang os lie mas tsblod aeatarneIeg as I ans %btoard",tem r-rce t fthle nnUntlo. 'nte anlses lainee h tjnt o nit Telephens i rent hegbjete or C.c ___________________ Tesa 47Mr.. Mati 80. Wcs.oc o bodn etne eia e pmens reevdanre duio mppresesces jTes bave lbOt me n le eur.holly In ise c-t Mhe type. Te me, i10 c-saetent-to fareal hmhe bso pomsibIt Term Modrcorsvendinslp sitisgnieshilie thesc -m ws eut reiet, amd I fti ul i e y figt te bis frlet angrisy:el woî wne- nvfilescwteth fpeu att esitul _____________ o e t br epifii f t in oulein pîear et efflieten b holoftosOne ta s lare. Robn, ein. blansel OIf ben seli gnhavaeer'bntc-ronsu.'it rdssSt -tvetenct posbet rates. Wheea liensol e scIi aesnjed e-e lspleanua tbarge. t epre esileport andaloobnd ny une fr rcpeuor sa" otfeose enfit. ý"ese s aa tilmrc-béa yen seerHYDRO Qsutlity Lame are usrd fer home Sarn_ _ __ _ _ peneec U on e n ingtt." ose nt the fguito nrslg, t cmIcclltgr unordc-ced cm f bas1 Ota -elbhp fstbr, or Indeed lghtieng tenonsumseer le nesuired. maximusm aUIDRun CNIICTR T. G. RAMSHAW O Wbv rosier te tîssi sevt repreacr- e lonly Cntsm ae,jet vitaIr tea- 7011sgcrraicteeelt TOOaefglOiyotonvlerblsaa. Angileotetr r TORY. "tons Bt se aigttl s mn-JItstia. vcyh riscathe ola tio- t iteranror eeoe-aleste soug wtu Ws 1O thesatte.anntieso lnrni"tsltsiany mnd long ie esmiedroith minnimum Beetaies, lie.aedv snomnn.a.so; en»tus ]&louieOfettise«5u nttog One cMSdis e stumt ÉO1 egsMtIlsnteot quitte as Irecrtid. "n ctli sigant an mUre curenea onsumaptln. seent.e e. aai7ies enjtl' btodlbo c- et! nc-nstethecge, 1 epe e old rtxemtteeretostigealon synutaes Mmtarte. rt'i aft psoneeian lumbthIe s>n ie p YR ott ap r soimre h 005te ts teeseelsCas colbrtuesOdIet ed g-4mrSeataT. S uloebtn ebtlr essifvS wt tibi e 1u0" ihet; tOUnta~ e ir e lm r»ýa ehn. bot fisohoat berampenare'os Hydrsa Sutatm otuatornh broasnfr. stL eTON sles CU leeds y. hemstr 0 oeas«t rde eisne ot ewt .al'latruap U pri-,ll iue ods S- nox0e& bartir i onser ea pa - - onrui Étrip. ntend.ilsc-eue« dStbeqyumIlain ouer0 dwaan. une ergnl, ryen, st oi e t serùai.p" -- a re Y u Atmbi R i L S P . M ONbIl- a. C A M P B E L L ' > ear p s3 on Ito O pa rs edo ni: e bia. arenter l b seu l m m- proposot st , H Y D lt O ati. UGIT $I0 O O H ITifT - mlue, ardqatrty, mie satrtet-web»Bu h tt inn, OrnoAU sm 0-Vt.ms sport -nomptqy-u- c-" 0 t½C i. fo2 -s - - - - - - - - --"dceeL.1" 1à W iÉ o n - --r m u- eo e- UA M 'y>N.. - The ROVIEIT SDWC CO.Obso wu n wal-b, b- il t j 't O et 1sOit,n b do, Pr-u b' -i