Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Feb 1919, p. 2

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The Canaiaàn Champic 3MxLeP, Fe Pb. - 20,1919. Luat Monday, hy the death of S Wilfrid laurier, Canda ot onue her greait et teumeu. Sir Wiltî wan a manu of the bigheat cultar grenteat literary attaienenin and or torical gitte. Bp i peaonual chu, be wou the affection ci ie folloeer while hie opporients rcnpcctcdhie , a thorongh gentleman, chu nevi etooped tauythiug unbeeomnigE os mourncd alune by hie follecers a hie oppoocots. He necer failed in h lyalty te the Empire or te Cana, nor ceandinhbisendeatoeuteoproo laceeuy betwcen me tee doieer raerceth is country. Hiutun Guud Rouds. 'lhe geed roado commtiee of th cîoty coooil metheeonTuesdai iEnery Cooneillor io amemher of th r,:ccittoe. AIl cerereact, n aine J. G. Wilson, Rond snperiatn ,rit. Mr. Moedntmain the chair. Maoy ratepayers were inatendnc ,o etftbem t urge that Haiten joi .ther eoontien in ankiag the Dopert mecnt of Public Highcaye tednoignat aa provincial connty highway th maiol lo.diogtrom the Toronto--eami] te Highnray at Dakolle, thinongh Te, toigor and nig hy 7th linef 0ennet iog ,tuh 7'i<eErin. thn 1thtbioe. Garfraa, and thereby join ng the Orangevile and Frrgus line i Dufferie. Othero aied that the ho., Une betwcen Tratalgor nnd Esquesing wriein-n nomînally port nf tine go m'ails ytem, bt a hockingty ha( mail, bcoeoed tecanthe Peel bonne aryteMilton. Tinypreentedapeti ton, thmany signaturen. Thetfol lecng ratepayers addrenned the coul ,eittoc, <eme noppocting oneofetht( nbote roqueots and sortetheeothei .. llarrep, ias. McDoevoll M. .1. Ca, tntin \m. Lindnay, .RF. Rrl . Wfiteo, L. E. Fleck. Win. Cleane, Shinriff Weinste, toce. Anderso,, ond Peter Campbecll. Thecemmittor ared aresehter, facer ot the Oakeilte Dufierin roe rtnd nppintedl the fllowing dopote Lo owait eentthe Depbireno l Pic eHi hrayat tienW naan, îlt,'.Mrden. lForter, Htlientee lGront, Standinin and Reanihead. No tenolotion wam moved in onc ton, nth tino banc une, an the Wne- .reraond Maor RarI ceminded the. t-oamittoe that the coneil wa eai ,rcody ledged by a totoetonne time a. gco Se the meek anc edfr. The, -id the trk must go eon ,lenv tiner trotnepudiamn. ilwcreceltieonon-ee paseilann iteJtje, Freof<eOntario. On,. eppnenthe ceademnatie,, by th, turcrre ,rganztn of thne action of r.? theilopoctinnof ,Highnrays pro- trding fte opayaet f70percnot. e't cpt,, on prtincialt ingh- neye, lTie otertr enprcnaod mie lcpe 1lbat tte tce-ernet wcrtid noct c- du- 'c he i,'eet, yrentogr toeto optditur- -i , eofettheee--.1 ktnttntoflighn'o0ntrrncwiliilrror THIS IS AN AGE 0F WEAK NERVES Mien and Wnmeu Aike Suller Front This Serien Almenl. ire ýra rn ve. HE ,nd hi, Aa )tý ,nt he Ly. hý la, kd- "Ne heurt fer onythicg" lu tinonr oftitondofetmrcand moment ah, teiginirebumalremli rnd trnghy thne lcw, n-ein red blon lic. iîIiatiir fin Pillatutoty make. Msrey dyoand night ir tino lot o hostt of et nod omen miwoare te. -kloythe nintim f etaintercet. Thtn, puieran faece and djecerd atter tudetell a ad tle, f or neun meuh laýme-bing torttoet by mon-ire tinengints and tînuccoteblo Sfte ode- pressiotn. Tinep nfiroco arce ai rulniy rt'ntttn e oand ranîly agitaeoni i 'bruît o-mark. tplen- 1roli l,,m notenrgy ond tregtlr b eil ' t-p re utw.ke.nceot ihe irl-e temble : pitrtite ispool'uand meinrry .ritn, tour.Thîis neryetr rauentîro rsuenn-thbn,rn-trerr"e rOue otter't- innrt î tn ,oftrttc-doy. The <tny waorte irinng bal otrind.rnigr .,shilcithin-nume ecd tir- teî'rod lll*e.<n wici arc lai'on-inetg for nctn, xin iloîtt. Tisr.ct'e rîeed rue bc nad tirnrtcgb trthe e ot rIt. Willims' r'incînrunti. til aco ccum-, fl h -e, brcurgtîtlinert irVthiin îrran'ni blecd hnider n- d Inct otrto Tinrengin o fair u.-,roctfi e nrdierin- thcrorsndn nf dsotndrot peoîple bone iteenrimode inigt, aen-ino tond trorg, rîmoncgthoe n tînno issîbrone CIiaonerr, SouthBeach, Que.. wheo vs:-1 'l, ateun-inr by pioIOei,. ud perbatly ,terteoeootrinennt oand ardru- lnchin-l,,n owcan and sufferedtcei cotrermccoerncnne. Thleaotttno nvoldatrte m,uandniy helancnottnir n rctrolntly. lndod înîy 'ondition wan îttn hep pyrunr. I hadon ton toarnl oft tr.SWuilins'PinkhMls as ona curerorenernen,, troubl, es ld ýderlti t, gipo mient o tair trial.1. imuihaprpr te, cuy tachic medîýnîo ttnlc)Itclo resotrtîy healt,ndt1 cneontirî. ietlylîtoi<iletod itntil uercrng tino-tr i.i trouibles.' Yo' tinlrtbeeoisteiro,,gir ny illecdîn-rc(testerocr mail at i5ncets aec en-tiittroxen-tcn-$2.50ttretît 1,1w Necw Shlfp<n Propuller. To mcrýeethe rflIeienryoyfOCthe ohîtu propedior, litocsgeaote a mto touPlace a unatiere cepeller. bet lin na iteuer plin, in trent ut the anual prnprller, and on thitué nhaft. Tic 9=1 r radnsonfethtin oacIliacy erez eilnno ten-olte g, ae pit. ,rnl ningte n nonhie nren. ThInv aenterof OIisîdouble lire- onitre cîinu tinuthlie au-tilian-y ere inaunu a inen ol illuation onthettc geanencrpoer. Thenciaoiacre, plact oS la froent oftinheo<gaipreineler st noue tireutnr near tehlai, winrr thc Jeoger seoew ercrieboa littotej powe. Bee cateude liaI mhe addi-1 ineofutheli I e urr mre, ,5non nrease the inneden plae= pothin rngins feet lc eip. ami liaI, cithF tihe Mme meUTe InOreilcV1ti ndd IruSa2 i tu 39 percult. tu lie dole mgixpuower nf thne rupeltor. Tiere te no doubl liaI lie addiionn er suiciller ecru ni Creeter nlteh ceaIlucinreecie cdlving power ot chu pmoeUler a &test deat, btl iu Sp nmeanueclear inn tite au ho. prudicedd.,ineu alaun tote ebue- dca ufthleeblna nciýgin.-ioOPtlae sciene mon utily. 1.aug IlisaurrMesriage. h lu ecicieted tathno e rech ciecreS ethueltieravmecrecety crect-, -a lai~ le ieoo 0bu lie mosc ,_«veul eteeleusationu hoinhe *suSd. »ad wichin lecapable nofsed- im ' eautar an usntraie. Ir etijeale -1M.bu rU "e, thc italion bus; t 1 à~Ofe an t lucanbucee'.e ....... ..u.a... laSer. le CUI Amluisale Tàeuademeluuebom hbuac" bytli JAMES gABJALL n"ehMU u-Ihinceei 0el iiun,7u. N.. .m mIll -W'g "ai Sl"s, meciueneeith eof." tetWla, n of LNTI helo ~ W.dn.aday, Feb. 20, 1919 of LNIICheh»tibasti1pci.. the canuiegr color and txueof uoaam-î euareui. mui SdS, nre UTIT1~~~~ uheetu~~~r uS ci e,1duliSe Marmalade because it dissolves at once when added to the hot fruit. wJ&LL% ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES LId, MONTREAL. M.9ILITARY NOTES. DIED. - - Wldin-On Fei. 19. t No. 9 Genetaij od &gain. He geto a eecond bar te bis pnennumonio, WatteScott Waldie, Jcraufiuc au,»w trceiuud ronait PMrcseire pige Sôceeke, due-tfine ofn mie, 7, 'e iiar rqhi hr ecrto. Leutonantt. CE.,(torenerly 12d Ru<uIIM "eriuuieodeuieiv.a ucne i eh clsore pige, eue, due miîddte ot4pril. irt Pe Hrod ecokwh .kfi Btaton.hrnband et Ailie rntocu toookeWabr et mn h,- Seauo.c-WWeli bred Leicester eweu. b ,t at Moenad nentto Englaad, did nom Waidie, adsoneofutthe late Johnu eriar<digpi.a@-dr au. de àco-Leicester tIambe. 10 Oxford ete, 15 lOn- hlgo baek te Foancer. Ho nnrnepeceito eWatdie. Esq., et Torono. k U-urr.rraucn kbý.ta ý*tford and Sheopuhice anc tamba, pore ilrome home tory lutin. _M___=__________ ecu.e te = cet ruo inuchlc odSrneterm n- Athert nue~~~~~«-hereugabge ninue ndanIapmNTeenu-Caeeyall wagon, 3S aeuied Sigoolter AbetH. Marchand bhm CLEARING o... Peuue mni.WU;aleh iao, enorerYlopr2hugelet of iamond c-, ent hiin ter o targe German r nn wa . ne. c ee imcic arl e wctue h aceoou. muy.Harei'eff , h lop o et touorntry about ~ ~ u on.r~ nueruiurre o iwP.2.rea toAmieo. 2W1, shoaing ce'eythinget mc U Iliieuecceeuee.nniuxeu oimportance ci n JSaI~-eecnroueneur cieje- e rmuilaci otMagruttepartN2,rcevaikuhticol ur 2, tlainy Imred. Icn teToronto n-O ~ rlesÈSueiaur c, edepihuyoeegcrluadnm s dny W rdo 6tiis theco in a pie-reOFcpair Segle hucucre. Leelue enakemn 9. turcetfhietnit.,nhoving hie and Sig. R S OC ha'0" a'e e ueip li..acarcce. csetey .huarw, et marhetl )d nattlle e,.Wollacee, etTrobrdgC. ueucrlne. ut rxe STOCK rn ea ingcbarrieueLI veey li(te, set ptowc d PR.her.rrotor borembatocinonne.dtmrGINnhuuaiuc. bii= ,net ingte haruomo. a nomiter ni i. Lient. Waltter 'trott Watde ded Teedetgn1a ce ctote e GAi-About MO bath "tne,. eW tcn bua'r, ettha. -Y. N 21 Mdo0A 0.-a uitinofCLucnerae t1 vrnterdayofyntpeuoînienî. ot Rinyr JOHN L. LESLIE ec&butnne0ntom "y. TcERa-AI aloaie ni $10 aude n-Wales, ogoti«). He wa n o fhet mn Intetteopblotttaeion "lonteIl eou TauRMe-liare d ..a II.ceI; - tr mineuhi; ovee thal ueouuis8eontlbocredit oat Johnr l ie. 1Ho ban ed ' brinnnei.g, on uMaillot ennhe CI.$-hcbltep napproed joint notec. 6 per cent. per at urlngtn.He ad ered n a..off frtac h. i innem off fur cah. Foetry Bttetjoo. itir, bother, THURSDAY, FEB. 27, '19 canni M gratauni, lWe< hAlau b mdc,,oaecroe E Lo,, C . Wldo, t tno mb oyl aoen'emOcbeeaeellomnn w.a GEO. ANDREW, Aurlioneeri. au.Regingnupone lri a nd have no lue- WeVst <Surrey Regimet. <novitîrd >olt BOosm -B <oa t anen 6 < y Iek hr e.1e inhac ,osn tn <eptembior. 1915. tene- nc rc. ugýir. cod -mure «une Iucmecfletorm e netier mie wlllho Onteo 0mb nt. tino Alonnoda. Cl,, cee. neenco ed eeti .u u i nnlodndrccr ceI i~nte ,n Tme'tnr ropootod tino aaardicg oet 0IIMCATL&-edoôlde UlIlITmfQmn1e o ed ure.tyo be e A tint Frenchn Croix do Guerre, anthIf -e.d1 yýdcc.neuMeret . cedcentc or W e. En.P- )f plt h, d.dH Baotie titeîy.teOnet bed ce,_ ednn ritdle _______Cîcri. Aotioneer. t I tline.RdaoedH.Botro, ~ do 1.id oereonedrn. recoln rnurdncos______1.____ A I' S. Itteetry. ai, neceLZti nd 26tn A rl. rcov y. e .d uoAcrnt.eren,nnVet, ltcg or, etcuir ai iidernol4 r, ýnj Lcto inthndemebsaor olthe CLEAIRING rSepteborlatout. ooaadicg a pclu - oct a ne ne. rer cOea4t rree nMaon, Peinte Of LO asltortin thmie tintg et Ria- rail coyse Miadde anal, Jersey Sme, ville ntill.nTno itaion or, 1 et p. cd oneta n 3epY.eea. e ledrevltTerr itaytion n ei~n~%e¶e-re~T. ALBERT KING Auction Sale' r- ay'."Il.de il terifietenil'e(Miutin Y01PNGuATOffice),r oe hardimnntm latitng for nerîymaoenmy.- crùauo2yr.îte0oMiltnrpon leee aleofthbe Townsip îRguudShre 1.fnt o es ndrner inteto achuiner couac n I.Leiaserr ereof Trafalgar, iu thec (lnutp of Hlion, 0 ece rdShrhouCaile, Grade leg.rr n ierce band tu band coct- IcnEENTcoccc Oninue on. imdneceee Province ol Ontario,faomer, dececasd. Cafllu, fumre Shugp, Implgeutr y itt arnin grendet. rifet, pisoli aed rîthors.ooercg. i..oe -Mc,oeu,,p.r cl sel] he publie auctionuai tino laren,,sadFrntr boyo.eo(n tinsse MtP.r. andd anndicrs aocertn t. cpeto.eeo eunlrc err' ing tieh e st but ni lot aumbor fior, ap. Grale, Pufuleci n uufr on1tnnionlse thiotminnoiotn and iroee r.acn . m y e e uege in thOe fth concessin, NEew Snveoy. nt Ttc oadlerntcued tb as ne nreold te L' o rLte ttooks." Lient. Roea ottteettru' crc10.0 a d nt ec ce tdhîie Towrnship of TralgronBR W T10l...th.'0 nodeder onuctroolernaJ<N. H. BOW r~tooabcoroo5ectiot~ne..eotet Ooe ac tr Im iFRIDAY, FEB. 28. 19e19, bi uoc u , frtrt8 ft li,,. r o tîr'l'trI i tted States, Mna-Ccorticraecen.nmb..u l eo oocn ini ulIltona . .-fi..etag Js te, r -, init 8 utiNo.?OTCB.Aoetneno c., tbe tollocricg Vaubhstc of t TEDY E.2e11 ltoiettiai oto'.. o'. . ., nan sa . W, n l,,T ES A , E 5 11 t. trautof nt naîpoli, P. t. Lent. ' ' ibenianFIe.îah Himala-an .-<»nget ai1<.30 sharp. ttc folowneg clfcntrd Bletsn-a. Sron. t.,loyfon t i CLEARING iBun-ý.0edOydneeeane ana usotRaliits Roal urctiue 10<02 O rt. sec ad duo teth tlneAatine 1, t'ttp. t e etly e ]Top.lilu en.; teec drain henni ,J;ucgreolitnul tino reoii- yai ana1area.1. fiLoe<4t. am'. percron; Pee- I elh.iicrgn- eochnnt di .o .q5ae ndHes. mars crl .murýeeil r. t fil; 1lite lictteitrtot'tef, aenoftMr.otami ri II c ringeoflet . . tere 2 rs:ri aet 71<. Ioy hte iAtort lre , HlMAt.AYAN-1 iucin, 1 ,. 2tore; 1deloenore; 1drer re ofthir, î'r,r h ixon,2' of fle.,CatIle, ....cp, Pifa, get. E4Gt.ISH SPOTS-I buri. 3 dose, 1 nnol8TEnnnATTbg - Priace-mMead lîîerrrri frtllrlear itî T hee drs e m e.I.t.tdby 6linges 216yle , oru.cal et aide ne na o c r--r 'anio. i"trou. W. H. ALLAN =Olor s. Sbo2ehs, duealiyonng. "di SIBE IAN-l ino le - oencnebc r. 7773,12ore. elin cuafi.t rcerteoeeli.tîreocnculot,ec..n IB RAN 1 utk, 5 cede. . nce59c re onlef ne itooa cc, I. ce uriOteni. noue utcI«y 1M 2y- une«m thene1,1linn 1 A <Rial Tînruco nSurvire. T.UESD267AYyr, .. 'ttc Sloboejiin e Miroro ua a, MAR. 4, 1919 7 etommntrabih ietn sn e;ior Bella1Y,;à.tr.h Th aaaa f yoehsaThene -I le citt bu ffrdemerm1. OUtLO-Burc r'nnuof n. reni tatintetUdeeof cltd gotdibeautitol- t one 'etoei.thaceellownng .. uo t. evi t b j. ud Inthemeunol dwardXemptOOO. enoelo rybaned aned cet crîtin pecelo HR SEOn-.u-Clyd ee eysfount anneght a ilei. te.te ,01 dl b otte ce Chienr 9...thnl.cco~ t 7 e.eole. , nd ooînrnc lnoue tonge oceecînn. Cyde maeu6 r.doetun M e l i p- GAEnt CAocd.TTLr e ntce.do n Jusraise of soend culaocAnre the neoy At thensaie lime and place Iere n la ei etiers inciurha m . o.nnlnnti; fIe eldged Ane b oien al<c , e nbro enbofred for Baeiny utoct fo - y2&h..r2ýl f ttrb rrrelrî feeotetoret old 'ninh In ntel r Rengtte arclu, .. e.nnc,.. îug mcl AMPfEUR BxKZP...tgc tie.,eso3 pma ;eoec eOrîtcl tn ntn n dî4yeîPecere' ".. TURKEYS....î y . ii . .lmmthin 2Oee i.rennwO..e cnb rurn ih pal n rr EnnnTlRenC ATTLI Coea 'ycrucaf .< rneTm 1YugMm o rne.POULTRY-4 Ololo ccvii2t ru i1mut, aud c'Srt erb teno n fpe -noonfeenuo ci O' - nn1 y, fron.).lpoun-li.Pop4 .inh aId' -oi yarig Ma oBroe ocliens, ennlîcpoena eore'o tpr on ehit ns agolden edtIl olntt, rrtrdbuiri4 tellr'n<yr., Mnmtn enobn, ItePtu7cNTo-Dnera tttadceer 6it.eut PeOcrý (in Liertrrat d tdonends andl ---,ehte e 4,..f t;.c ;.9 Youngf Memmnti Bronzeliens, 1year. it.t e re 1eerv .. sM. Aoo . mcrniý. iec1' emrads hldii i is eat lre 1ýr)N "' a fOt J] lBg Whie Hîl dTom erigRd t - id lsc he- cr e o t onntolt telrttgertboîitcoet lell.cdooc- omry,eciIo.c_11eceînedo-. ronnTom3ungdorittrenrconlnemerc'ec caleait penduaer dlvrlee tepsotrîd O O blletetrnde ceebyrecoîîcg om, 4yeel n Red Burbonbeett.rI:dnn nl ouffclrG, 2-n eue eip rn-rhre cor oll.oe'e4ecyearlinglt'deBourbon oe tîb6 . O rineo,gonu oarhcPnon 2st YOUNtG ATTLE--nnc-3 ,.oeur tetre3 yroung Red Bourbon iens. Il runcao.nnermecwagn e, Jýtp,,n a, ille.GEESE-2 floin i1gandereendî2gerer 16i lorg ng tot 2000 Thit, rnuckses, Jres,,ion2 ti;boon cdded t ed cu. 2 lIc',0 eifndcm5tnchedohuodoigcrtnceenn a,,-I'n CrTdh"e tc'.rtt r.Jueyte montbî, White Embden ; 8ynnncTgeMl fftndesl w. bupecuanu, mdi roupne.k tSt e bla d <aldOolel'lOt5. O<el rorertucecacec.e ambe.1luanidor ad i3 geecel WhieCh, oi, rOac.nn a ouioexPalpre 7enBi.cinalec .el notitedeteae 1iganer and 3 gene, SooCB nee- nn<lre.ctroced Vookns G--]r.eG t-dYokso gere nnd gandiers, Afrima .teu-cnben-enl Oamhe cSsCtton Root c & .ci..hd de a pri5flL noc,,ncnneLIianeeu rendoutldrte br. oleefrSt-tderin t-dog ecrtoîerkshre- do- .,ltnîMe,urn I - Pebins duecs adl draine ;1 pair NSun,: ;<,ico ilgtnegn earniesc, .accter of c etr<hNe . Tri. 2 erdot Su o It <noocvtSWhite Indien Runeerduobe andîl'boiIN-eex icOaie tti i 'n 1 ,.go , se , rnt. . 2t or neorrîuedYre toui i.1 draine; t Fuci anid WhitecîdndlcBon-. aat 0tr oure' , hutInoichet' < ir ncce r rnr,..1 unEntANaoc's lente <n2;.ruckIL -«-9tofor -c e end ontIu ceniea. î1tua A 0ink On I t Ifnl.o cn Or Oetr rcnet draine; 2 ducksuand1 drako, FuctI fed cîeauce 2I mt do elp outnnilou. f., 4ee.ettc AdO 1cet <d ae, ttoc bcgycct. nCirr India Slack ; 1 Ceil deake, white- lEaoTruNe.oiauerr THeecOO Ee DIemnîCIEci. TIOBO cnt <n amI u d oer, mait; oecebr d 4White Leghorn eocberete. rm2 îe ie dilu eo us, -Macu' BENJ.PETCH AuCinoer. olteeed for cle r 1 Cophein or20 t1 d eW ht eutedbeod 2e , no8 TiOY.tin, a..Ouda,. eu, enadr Cln t i .ou« ou i leed mon inert CLEAmu wter ineated brocudere, 40 exhibition i?-nnroutomtnnn-ta'Iprncd l nuf, AUCTON S LE cTophe' I. SIY.craie, Pconnese an cenloro Cordwlood, Posts,&c UC IN S L Ou.boec y mp oire t TI'irrdos1 ue, M an, L Ililïlll l. ubli OfFARM STOK, Ipleents &c TRMS CAtiH. Pareira onrebaed soci elt bu rdo: lienrM, T,, ,Tthe ndurstnnco tu econunrecte Pueorlurte paetiouure appty te tlinobc Mee tlt2nî nndra mu of non [o1cIfitýderOignrd Solicitor. rer«_ tuth..orfo na-l Luc U Je se ditane ICcruntue MODY E.2,11a JOS. BOYD, un.. W.1nIC, =e i1l .cnlnu ie ner dur SEN. ETR, w. . uec, Thon e 1el- b. kbellero bl, litONDAY l),FB 24 1919 -Ilronrpt lcr..ncil tje4,6lin e, Aoclionue Miltlon, CeL, T'F.C IH L , litoe CodoeXq ...ting. e_, Miltoa, Fnb. Io, 1919. Solo mfo Ecte. WT, F. CieH LIAcioer Jril tt totl n-co Pot., 'TUESDAY, MAR. 11, 1919 'Or if VIrOlîFeu'Ot osete, ni oonce eteca, te. eltoetoc rrrrr'cet topr" r'rrl.ttirr n fhtC- 0000RSE Motohd te m6&8Y edn ineiacer 1 d. ms1 for Sale ilM.. rdconinrh« e~ Grd nie o t 2lire 65 u't.c tere oodorol . 0000e'tIrechthicifer 2 t ae< rm n u iet co alnebs i utr. ce rhr.Si H a lae s -tupl- I - on r. a lect u t d ei eAr r A rn- " crr,- ced o Il ý re-.-d<tnniu oenu , u m lîyefclrM.nîtbek hne- n k br hl gteblîu o, 7 hecGradenDur8anatîbeudryPrit.beurhamc96peu, heu in Po e ttc,.;. Anctleut ieu Th ren oe r ý.-y..te ed eart-u. ae i ta...ceiroi.NeancIilla ampile. tero eC rtOOrrd il t' eti d o rtL,cay, dIG N r _65a esW k loîe ti ereOdc i-mdrliruOnb ran7 einied Ieaid loffat. Ro -ce nuil nd poîo. 2Prges rh.Si toced diI. n-rc Oth e oe iaa~enn ce e ansuc EMNS--r.1boer bngeyocce t IOI pet fwtr Cretbokbus kbr 0 cea9m tll, oi .e fa al rl , mcint .th dbal, a Oc. ;îtininno 3500 ,00 roc-iîr Palce io < nrorninenure n o epi mr. i i o9A - e ad1 Ctl ;diig hd82M ele te,',~~~ rkrE ne îre, c ng eg,cu eparh. Otudct turtnn .'n selon hoe.nicteoto fcno toc unir'.1,. lire ll r-'er ho tcvrrIotroc 00rtiee lerolnago t rot' ber Crtn.r ctMo.hu uor.Ià --. ternd .t r.uni cl dtrre and b-1caideu ptocret7NI " < te -I W01'trc cýýd tte kaisec and hiee no O-.$10. ntoc. cent'o. doort trlon iee tetcomo n tm0ntr" d ...,.-h«--tt Thp nywomen nnecte noit e. hepurn-ecteed inthe ' 'srvc are eeei T J.CRINHO0.m utno Fuil weight of tea i. every package REDRoS TJEAIS W, e .4.1d M j",nme1d~ cî ei 4e ql ldtr1--g.od-houi'.balaýnce crchble. ba- 2x4, wih hma ter,- 0rme bous, 7 ro*2%'i7goud'oeîîai. Frame bnIi~rocsnable i oic end ; <bivlgeleu]SdObmAUCTION SALE CRSBE AotoialRee houte. Seblool 1 mile. Rural mail anu] telepbone. Pde AUCtiSoCKnMPEupf c husdiapPbSleh-Âucit "M ____ ,IKLE4M CCredit 100 epe Theundndgad h bea intruced yOf__r Atct s ion " h" , e.Lt a____ Salt" ÏIC e Nelne Cr »Yeq erel ut P 100 opea - - - 8 ile.fr. Aetn' Te adeetgucu li. ben lnetrcimiby Fie,, SOckl5Villague.st Veie2n *2Pus ntP 60 aClecrorknble,, balance gno u uh md an.'8eran.~ .ABADR Tudelan&i uebe DIertnib Saudy e i.-Auciion. cad. Poil:e"Mu] 9loas Ioeilgiaier. cWSluso .n on Id@I le aie gn THOS. AQAIR, @be a n Fred t he.h OND ,MeeRiCi nHlm3, ee91ue - t î ubi a i t . sun. 2 Traal. Anot.p.. . SAlo Nec~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~a beiktntn'dock.ln (r20beu; kbo1dMnasb Iwpoy, oRi3. 5919 gar iles noeih of lPeIe u'c.oau nda eb.2 lti-Auoou jul -0 ' -' mm% rsu-4Orory I'Il uporgt5 pOMpop etipe., P.îoM.iJg,- u.Àct. andwede@CAY.Marh 2th-AOcj Alworkabie l n~l rhm] Ilyl u0Peco de. S Ii x'leinGnreami iR.f lsa- oîtinCdo&icf inx r;p eu.351 i P'rame boucs, 8 ones, dcole. PFumne bain' 4000 diivirig mIqjiÔ c f.Ap ae nv.d , Vl F.Pui 18X24, bem oe, eao ntiaposxy Csecsu. S rû x-%cee.tm"l. pnceMciimMIe Soaiu enOtjeiith cp.n eiiOn imii . hmK . n ' Rn I el ,z eaut. w i -l. - nint tmoe. 1 1 «atrdne jw e.xod O&.' fi o. 70 i b LOOK OVER TOE5E BAROIM PRICES H eavy Flannelelite, Pink Stripe, Grey, Dark Patterns. soins white, yard wide. For this big sale per yd. Sale price-33c, Big Range of Wash Gingham, Fast Dyes. Per yard. 25c. Balance of Oid Stock of Prints. Per yard. Sal'e price-25c. Fine White Basket Cioth. One yard wide. Sale pric e, 29c. A Big Aseortmhent of Real Lace.For this Sale, 5c yard. For your good, dress-Beautif ul Char Meuse, navy, brown and copen. Per yard Sale price, $2.95. White Embroideries, sale 5c yd. Table Linen, unbloarhed. Certainly a ignap. Sale price-49c HIand Ttnweiling, 1timespun. Per yard. Saleprice-23c. Galateas. Ail good stock, bsst quality. Per yard 39c. Curtain Madras. Big Assortment. Per yd. Sais price 25c. I Galbraith & Company. OPPOTUNITY ONL Y KNOCKS ONCJ Polakoff & Sons 'Going Out of Business, --SALE- lIE would like the 'Publie toi know thfat this 4s absoluteiy a. clearing sal'e,_and '~that everything nsnt be soid regardless of coat. our idase expires witlt in three weeks and we miust vacate the premises, so don't fail to seize this oppor- tunity to save dollars. Ca., MnsChristy Hate, ceg. Menas Heavy ULàn or Blk Linen Colerf $20,sale prices ----25 Grain Working Booto, Ments Fineý Men ad Boys' Caps, reg. $5, sale-...$3.50 $2, sale pri c eg. 75e & $1,00.. .49 Menea ll'vy Tweed Pants, Mèncs Baîbrib Police Braces, reg. 35e., reg, $5, sale .....43,75 wear, sale1 sale prie ................ 20e Mens Black or BIne Mens Black Boys' Bries, reg. 2rie .-15 Smocks, ceg. $2 .... 1.39 Striped W~ Men's Odd Coats ...$Ï2.98 Ments Heavy Workîng reg. $1.50, Men's BIne Serge Suits, Mitts, reg. $1.25, 1.50, Mackinaw Co reg. $22.50, sale 1495 sale price -.......85C $13.50, sale Mens Drens Shirts, reg. Men's. Kant Krack 2- Arm'Bands, r $1.00, sale prc.... 49 hulde Rubsrs, reg. Men's Gmrten Flesce.lined Underwear, $3.50, sale pries,.,. 2 75 Cuif Links, ir reg. $1, sale price.75c Men's Tennis Shoee, ceg. $1.00, salej Mens H'eavy Working $1.75, naIe pries.... 1-15 Carhartt Sm Socks, 3 prs. for .... $1.00 Mens Plain Ruhhsrs,rsg. $3.50, sale Suit Cases,reg. $2.50, $1,50, sale price .... 1.O00 Excelda Hdk sale priee-........1.50 Ruhber Collars .-.. ..15 Combination IMen's Corduiroy Pants. -Merino Undsrwear, reg. Coat Hang. reg. $5, sale ...... $3.751 $1.25, sale price..,. .891 sale.pries... ýShirts< treg., iggau Unid.r- prie ..... ' 59 kand White hork Shuirbe, ýsale-...85ï loats, regnilar lprie $8 O00 reg. 35c.* 15 '..s..-25 reg. 50, 75c, prie .... ..25 loeks, rg aprie25 SPants 'and ee'9, ceg. 1Me Many other lUnes too nurnerous to mention, ail reduced in proportion to above. Ba. POLAI(cwr & SON, : IV1IIIT4 Oredit Auction Sale i 0f StoOk, InapMemtsUor. j The undene*eed hmu been in@Ue"tdb Hl. R. BESSEY temu ypblie enetisu ut lotil19, cooe. luq cone . c e rt nf Geneet#uO THIJRSDAY, MARCH 6. 1919 et l oclork. tbe Inlowlag: Housu-HoM r% peextra gond crch Ler ; boae, ge. 6yrs. OATnee-Helteiu ee,oe let uaie,- Hoietcin sue due in April.GadeDu-. buae eue due ine Mareh. Grade Durhame in Sept..Gesa D h-Sew,.mle- Wreil. Amire cow dueinuAcg., Grade Grade Durhamc eedue iu Au*,. rad Durbireeongdue lu&ej.l;=reDu,,re mdieAprO , Gae ubuu u,,fat.. YoVNG fu-eitu.rh.ug ail 1 lai, 1, helferu 2 yee. l hilâe1iyc. b tecJ 2 yjscunudeedlerl euduer1 riefrcxe8itu9acieGrdDe b _hug.rade 0uhu algeSnu Yorksnhir u ah i ee r ofhlit4lerk-1 Here lis the Greaest Sale, of the Whole Iý I~,jx CAPS. A]crrr - ýt i Mi, Winter TJnderwý toi OVER GATS 7., asa 1 Do t,t t hy wna lorn J t-r Taiiored Suit s a A goedt. did rango r roeond - r t(i ' l PHONE m U Mlle&; 2 aems of vünnceýhm : MIL T(

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