THË Wben Yon reacb 'the age tà li i.f f<ft wheore you need tell pairs of ~qt~~a.O.a. RIeeTisIucOè glasses dol t e em j 589 RanaLM SrnznT M* B3uy a single pair o0I i- LESOtiN FOR JANUA]r M2. 'tnito oaereen able Kryptok Bifocala as fit- b1 lais(Jeanaînith0 f Se. Indigesian an t latdVYO M te y~aaeLESSON TEXT-Eaodu. 14:12- 1 was a sufee frant thescu t-- 1521.plants for Il e ~ats, and nMy GROUI) ON TUIE PREmisSs. GOLDEN TEXT -Titan the Lare sirden t ccpation, Muslic, rffnght saredeth Isaéloies tiait deyot ai a h o iad of lties lparilet thte bands of the SIyptias. Exodot ýu f:eont IIed h~ectt f3%DII i.AT ÂLDo drarroînesa aI f rat àngand pain in i' eranzny 4:32-40, Puaon7:1-ta the bacb.ri ~5i lOt vai l rs n1129. 1 nos :oduaeed o t Pro t-a-tves The tenth to oharom theaâtrontan ad ooeefraoeaoh ;q1ltarbeen i e i AXONil band of the -Almlgitt1 tmade Phareot etitet Well". A.-RoSE\BUittt XacÇA wligta t ilarael go. T' lt enS -. Il 61for it ie25e. 5018 tl Iibli irofit:he nerew or amnopoteaet &tatdIlteroo aeotptmtpabar >aoomat BU~5ft gaootathPrwytoiteronttodAt a daleroientOaw IMME 41 t IE UST l waaugtd hav e lbe. nThe rtil rive rvs!îie, taa tara f ont thot -tay t ro gota 0Torotolandhe: iuhthea to nd.throuPh athe ft h a d te tOa Ohtthei r ai Lord ad rept g a@ upm ntin Tfe (tt T oront io b ditpe that rUhem abre ohthne areidit Siaro 914. Hectot ra'it Bain g tOad Ren itng Bon. thé aetio tt Lral iert tOttnt e r 40 00 heît ordmer esctm fottArA IZ - t e " li ~ r B fro n ee n, ntre t, p a todto h t r d. ' e n eo teet o atri t ite B tra it n i E qUi trntta ai, tetht tei-reîpM ANetIlbrett t t f it rou@ e i s e c i e t b e t a t t e 0ar e d o t H n t a W t i i B e , o r eI0 0 Itoi t t O h nt r tieralet oen t i e o t drtittr and0 tara4) ree s .ýo tt ralat V itr n et ys c Rpa <Iiri n i as .. pliiudi100hatbatIl tadonttaomCTtbLoSIte-tee retrons[,ai ta ef-a ri bp h rmr n t bomoonit. Att Bt O mkbeFurnEu t'oCO dta nem y o p e t ie : liof o ubydlroo hy ad .o lror 1o ttt:eothoOtr ertetO t orot Wil i mt okitteottnti t t enemird5t y. tht id att titetmnurst optn tiithie:. tt' ea tdntO h e rathem, and npa~ ttire l prn lus t e a toeVirt e l a. rtt.o to oe tte n:tt4nty am,- 101 10 dOd e l veronan th t Ora tie a m yhsed ]onerot t ,t e h o 0 3 e mii b h e h itof.: irtu ite o ne ur c oa ll T ie n te M 1 0 ' 00en D ela els Gre s of r ent m n t t .0 "hIfo a tro l h rz n f ra .to10 t e n hey t undo r i t 40 ond at -i a ed y Ot t: or'lte ag n a o i tiarl nt fator/tr tia s te ri cre@d t i aeý. 1 heir e't c tu r me and tht:: ae tt:trit a i o t n w t ! 1 e, . t<î l L . a tIi Ib G a ~ s otitt e, titi aaleato nat th 9niatn g , fce a oe m ng dMcly T ed r l T ,ot.rSltcu a n n i ve hatapi ta go l sun for'atssrennatj for aatit;r ttouttoteretetiry e te ctoeineon l tellnier ; nul h ent oi, hptg e or trent, and eoantota i ttraar rodeîhtoitr ng aeritlat and h az alte rs;.apo- $ .L I T treohheh*fil oti bi wontcdfort ongcil aide.Th te sretry. oaS oerht ato ngofete r a & "'osleatn00 d lae o~Trnt al loe 4 0 ood iptcintay. Eitz e "fIdrdot t 00100- j uit M aw thtnensraie ben t h Eorra atngaiie m a Btr -t a l pttandty ruIrentha nta, O r i L a a t.s' e w l o te a e te L b toîn tiS 13- 1) aI ht t n t a. Ml arit rt ti t e n la gtWood taig. o i di, o d O 5).o o n o W rl 0 da etetaîd the otyorti on or a nltt)1 te efta otitie rao pe au ipe r an gaer ~"T r n o 8 a.3 0 3 6 ber ht ~t eertto t <bom lo tt his et ta eau tt oesatd tun. art:. or portofahane ilttn ra otthe dlr ouit i ne10 ulrkoftheaoLtI~ $ s 5 Iftme Wtt i th M ti Serot gilo t. t ta Lord tet b fahi dfl Beo att tij t aiea a "Ilt _nooemeatethetoi ptioierbe re tht Lordt in ur- chinetaarton ehq taitta thoougToronto ,,h oto w ahe td o vgtp:t it a raeé a lu t, o i yttabe l e t th: t trSt:.rmoritrd. ot witbaetparlar tquî te s -T M o n t oea ...........d t n... the otald ltteattt ~~~: ~ ~ aooovattaanamitarIad al a ngaTorotnnntoe. 'it -tir Ê1 i d aemie plotd the iutionore1 eMrtao: ptd-i t. T otto Eotape o h t he10 s eta rre et d l cagir o ndi- P mesa .h oneer taneratnd ta at rontao Wkl . . ...2. blipnd Lat ey hom tît'rLierrt ta i tb Ite o t ethn th a doltgtaî. 'ltn arte i l a t hAe sr re and tha lraT-r on Sa r ............. ec..... 0.36 taie e ]net lect ion ' ta n e t eto eRnece r oita 00 aterrt ata dima. pay rt t r pat orra o ns are ons e r te a ig ht a tn.gIL pvtltrasoir. wt-inanea et :t go at t oterLiond :, " ob o 'tahu t n edî o b ert ot osî t t ti e m t s t in t t m a h r a fe. tr n on ui ia ds h crdT o r on1.50 2oS biaisa t sdthde Miiber t:Se rvc At. t tQttuiotoE ytta eo bvo ns, . .ar trtel ta i oo iae hr-u l a a r azngt ott t .ee ...............20 2 * < , o e e t e :et , mate tra b hir eea t taord tet oM r d, bt a chinttaes aIhoe parts o ghl. fl lte hio a n th am Ltm i ie b cl t t hîe h: otiaootheeeflatto Irttianai etft ot. ga fileand tee th iae a oTe ar rttai etete : et h orltadegtero avene j$ g osedM re n tatrerons ad a beety neoîeo a n !arm t,litiw llr. an etten oodleel Ohorlec ytl:ra Tre et (i lott th ce pttdt br, h emte baht o - lî h ehtaootb olgt bctaIe o a idrestieaa n uiLn dsAithead2 tractta lote:.itoteuihetei.t iie labt- InOead thi t ThisJeti::tie arm:oottar a rs etin Attnnga eùewug he buie t-a iloy ea ia hlld gt: d p)îitt il tectl rio:la(e ta hîtrngheîte put on d ntt pars. Tttemaayarks Fgba .ts ite rnoeslO ta ý,Iprc:oîît ey aetto::.iel ,, rgeslod fih ftepopede trte yabra l tote tt rep o I lt lu dee pa ts ndoilih ng i tresand a itnTm s 1 oh rttn dand for tT e rehe mot h i g E e r e F o fer 11 rie f e]ireuditin hirl :unbeiandhîlterpn nue Merroo. taitberim.a fitol congtt. gon ilandiet e a leaait i lrd asa ets Grtinie h e o r terri.tire:e u< r oor i the lous a e a In the t rm y ess a bu g etîy aa i-o r nt sot rue rethe od ar atad artrosv l"nt" ' t rfl dttO ee-emeatmurs eeete:,eî îhoe toa to bpot om ea a c h d n r eot no at ootlklg.A h fjýenm u m Wt t , e d a a i , W h t e l o r tt e e t O rli et emu e tl . db rt-r-a it a d a o r a tl a g u e t m al b y d t t i 0 d t l, t_ _ _ _ _ _ l hi.reparthet 'hoD amR ooâ e:tha et oie m"i- e rysnesad totoad etht :. S Op it a f tt iu ttesadgfo eltet ite l setoith . hoirtns ate hot Otn 3iat, 1i8ue haltehi r iel a ::i- t oa ba Solote iior prSta nng te la mc d h otsa eardwOr eilg tehs t it tn B 30oto h îh Canaienabattit dlatl ai ted firdéfend t:Ll, hr - ardlogtmtatd ghve boet: terandtfilte ron o ole, riou lnd ct;lito nas e it oendird tt rr aiea l ilatiOt'.w, rhtctt,ttrn a abftd sros.Tht isg te r dfo tra the g goefa br hedo(aw eieu a iana apr ta pr imateaa r iiad athe 1W, t tJ aot e a toma cta o nBel t eteral 81tath -att .to Ora naacen tr li ittof !a treken atA(ig Sttcie itr S o nae .,ditIrlarlnuiogeromeioea"iitcIp othe lbrll "agcplier be andititth.a to ndoltriaenDilaheî bndandbetdapail wntth ahetrOblSo e hi g e o etaetaoreandaaaayt.atîe.,oe nori O ere er ttron etogir h Wt.Te tmbaah o ey ro stockaprak.Treound etlora Rattete S9oloeyleapaO tthintiatie UP the eOtOrd il oid a ron tock ilaotharen a ntj (i os1 ltsaltlaeciadaro trpa ,oCtodabotflasîhafiniettOO ht: oî e e mson attaai ' l CthiesoadOottaOrmodelt at chgtit n ofa butD a tctî ron 8 h r q a l,î a t e a e rt t. o U t : t l a î t d i e. ot h a î a i t: n g h eoa y q t le t e.o t tt b etl oAr d t t e rt o bh t ln r ia ie n . t ii a tl L a s ia c e a y d t t r uel g r î î 5 3 4 8 p . 5, t t n . a ~ m .W r n i t e t y n e d i . h e tTheere :::tett!ombame tinot ettttnr!a s ketch a. Àhot tpl a.e f eont ermeatforitfie y a etae:di g mervh d,,B ,ofls(aom ohjt bStgotionery requirlmmen6), ned ind mp .terdngqoltt at.etrttpnretr lb io,10 otaadgrO.ta îtu tofldl uite. thecml P oblacationBa b ltaof t epate n t:tIt ae t rrated le er o l aet n cosrega oupleOrof ttig n t e qoîrs a aogiilltheatrpe! iar n odSemtal' rail-.a.t. 311Sro-'eS o Atr ttre tit lta tte, tlt at I aIlThe e t to: Ilit , doncerttheno f hItem O te tiatt sod e ad(o.itr S an o ncIlSbon pattrot pan.~ -eiente tari cf on etthe <ho teal-a ustobiS OPe o t t r detbrtteto Bera ahall ofSbe rdwaho r ig h cIfi atian.-ati A i th eoaO. A. Oteer tftare n racood tht Ma Ofritt e - romi e.eîT 'ealift PO t he o td an apor totr a nocla tp t oldur 3atgc, a.tphas'iail InELsketchEIP ral aeort t:t ut ot tee il;het o s.t;: Co r vela o e E agbe tewok h lm anlem d rapn opIo on l r rCatnad1 flito tettoîcrt. 1.9)2 ah,,a ,rta goforwrd 'li t Te trd hold hoctaded lu ttent adoda tD(I,8 tri i oulte.ara ae t:ee :ter O: ttlim e t-lro. ars I at 00d hi' Hnd stentr a cct g t a lthe otr tent t he tirietpashigf 0 ti E OfaA. T TE E T basan talWt oo<tehthtod a tr peen 0 We airCite AltatO oe CIRCULARS EiC.aETC bi ot r m at:iontthe r neve dulitor e: a L ',îht te t S :: t ttr tO rc t tdo ot o nilt wo r oa tm ar3 ro. la e t he i cti on .rr recle: I:îl inpe iiet) ttb a i tt, f.. :B rl etf i,.. ttl cm e Ttht e e bri e t agethor Nie, on tr on- b a O a d b r or b c sr f. eed a almttîthreroîene, ::0 -:KIGd,ame the po'weStto.rr T:h dgo r elro nt îs antd inrade tro , Aty l lodgf0 eren. T ol ite r ad ftto S ai ni e uie e t n Invesigatin@ inflaiael PTain poftrrceLt. vaFrenoit.ta8Thta Liseand or hevp tat.higatafis t G eleras.l PritnCt(Ig8 brr pott. 'l te r, ieîly ecîr .~ Io thîei r , e :t a s te t O m e Oa t . a l a T Or.o cdr hhro ioho irona tr i an l o a rodtnieaa m n taeS L til pat.1 Btisto luet bi Ea:trllt:hi I dt tt :o o9ht1oomes t e <e rPle Soe nttaht igit te 8 pt oenietiltiit,17 rtttt bý teî r t t o f ti ri o .pre th e ,rîtt e t O d t Ilt h e L o r tf i r d1 5d W t a n dl t m tl d t b r e e ra nO W d o wvap r e s A m rto r il~C O C R B L SP P L T eed mt L wen a nd h a e M âe r e ti t tl e e t h î e e t a i e a d t a b e , r ema k i l l I ' glito a tt S O e th « In0 ot . - n o e t i lJo h n I ' d ttEv a n s , D DS0 .S L A CA . < S e y m- u i a l ir o r l ti r e l - ne: ti e r r a ttlt ,fo o l dt t h t EO n y p t hn e R a d r m t t O r a ogit e m o I ,D a t n i i , s t btagee,,I ,ou til 1 r . J I ( . . . i R U R R U D F 3 fS T C E atretin roioroede 'itî:.',Ottodt:nnghoîah eb -rtotmurOkea e, it oataipe cptlitti.tNerOT.~CALNCAfSE M S CotaitttettrBatl .tt'et,'lrmbretoiyiitora o vigtpbadtandbrrhrTLa sd ao terk. Fenitad itaspaIPo. me: DIl thegtettr,680oo:prroattIo r t thtFi tLbtm e k I ntt , thtgbrady e e nrd.tan, t h eilra neaet 18 p-orS B SIES C R nrini6 11mutilee.l 2hettt3 o .1. he;29 etndsl> rnt a Ctedetryaa rtFtnrtRmlaOrep Pom tlj te-d t Won INTER WEATHERfiguresHotte: eair fookod <PaAGS Nýp_ aiflU NUIEO NES., trhCrl, ti:.P îe d t1bem e reîiaeg 20stb a a edraitlog ttbrnd oit.p m peu t oent. Aattr n ! it tîhe 4 P' ee sRe.Onla. RcUSfAcTMETon Serp friteec tnht8; ieIi O l l dîreî:eod M o a d :rrhb it, ol asta aedthe r ogi t ha .e pe tant Fen oh A illna rtII ' ~ Z Z . . i _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b OfCtfda.mntette otttr ot: bît tod read lSn d T hittt tn tte <0:00w.x'in righ O titBraw tttnit. O! Cita mETC' traherla ttei o atrettha th I Itt att tOrn <St <:hu ide- nthete W tt hetb ndsla fe ti htod poli h w ,e e . Bei.eîg ht ite e atI-, asihB toottoe b <ie %att a-t teeottpoad f boi bý a, ti etha lttito. tep ot K Ai t ln.anic o8 r par tnt. ofthelan. oî ' etad ea i ttra . 1 tht talonof:e at lcm, titi.d'itt eteg iT e N'ci' <.. otit'rbet eail gbnut, oa endset e n, la reBita isaa h, 1en a rei n t.000 osret i e l r ii i i l-ott ter tadvet t'ît:oestr ad sl woel aieaî.t2îadî - cea th, ieaghe di etoi nd vr ae n irarras cientt. eh. a T ot» plah Ro h tî i lhe ga r ît S ri e îe Stl ie a tth u l e a ut rr a n d &l tt te O a tr, a d r t he a rîr e nda aîar - T h7Caî m zto,,Ga ed t h e m i l e r v i c e o i a t o e ' O r l î r , e t o a t t t l l ea n t .m a r i n esoc g o a S a t di nrt h e s a i nean ( - i t 3t - ntieto ht t i re, er iehît i , ttor etlinrt,be ad ,he of- m eotetrittrItol wihh igt e7ptGn. ons, 7pretS LE BL SPR G A M :toaiigrete inat rereetie: hr dt eoplre, I od okdbandbotOotWeiltitttaoo on FrTecnd Oelircelteamcs,, CO CRTBLLP M HL T lmre tio r om Ththeprt il:,.a f to1te0 tmeotoe etlap e and wi. tmadr a. edappl ngo ee ,dil itme n ftheol feart ard a ttr el a C L> TY F AL. ro )rifmvermtyeyea!oroge@min pnrtnusoo monlita royal endCOrw te trea trouh teALENDARCRD rain meO l-therebete::ducbeorat 50 S oo naietPor a c tsetmCter t et ,_lo :0 0 St 013,0etu ttIl o 0 1 1 0fo r f la be et îin g ro nt l it P, i eh a: rar I O i S . ..... o l ro tcr t A «m t y w lS t a u hou1 86 r e n . Bit n i se h tie r cent.O pa T.g Ja , a ap J na in u. ht l e1 -htî theetPtoinhts of,î-the < <hr0ea etand 1twi sIFrnh nd Chre etd arcent. Amail-eALL -. i I l orns her t etpotctoc tt te nt io n Ht ectirntl nt heb dyo teth éd e, I teCldaitran al gIladel stst hi Otalaokono b0~tetem bu I ti o k'offtt e, b tagt net anaeFr ui tieneeznta itce tc agieze nd.a .. As morréellWh h a Bdaflaraptiraiedhe baihtdrhalte.heGhreeohd.Fonb" G altwa ino paraicedn t 0 mc ginOf Ce su0 v NAea Orp Nd IT T LE t o S E ptt UtfJgg la ca enr n een Blii LII tfnu f i eu D Prni 0e eaSJ s onable' . - Su. teee ftilatt acie it me u p aol aire tttgMo eta Hl a e a Ld asa nede tro g e fo Ci r pa i n g E inlchae xtm'aý t et ct.iV Fro!nchmnndi1si ernalhn tlt Su fol trgh ro h îttr T or t mbr e tt gr w 1 l rce.nro h 01d thn lis c a nim os aes Cotmpowîd.rntiu t-os-hetlnttletneeOntoetn e is eiteutinltiale igmp. capanal ospoeutand fou per cent.italien. o (2) n oin Te coaa giecetirad li. riearb a g t ree n et (obs- ttitel e tagtan nsît hde t mt e tntsait hrov tt. Scahnd_ __ __ __ _sanclsaa n ot Tiire t e Atlatcih tpa.c. 1n C & M O n ge us. sep i.a 'opeat o i e In ion A mq y, Ontc'- Womaa rr O btoFormp a>rd ta itai a plitadle tsurfa e n ti s, n 27;porg cet . t eci aasa vanee.ctosta and 0i -e e aî- asuîtar îObth- sheeî t t he ton - ti em reodc aSIber 1,upr-a n tee ar t Fr enîd ch.natti- cBto <Tabncete the o ist te Oaa enw_ _____t___ tt.zîtqtn e nasal dire.ttrlo aipomtha no .lot Citat- rallie lIO orSennapanrh . aievee m agenol,8 sa g rt tritehititauslee theam i annyn a stro. ROf88eh sud 1X UNR . . en n-L-prhth<ioo e e at he r Manîetoas alrtie Ant ass d tbs.T hei ly h reun illret. a-'a ~o d .I D c ,fl An~~ ~~ sn Wot~onuteDat iat eOitod lttd motl e t of tri et i a t o in Te Cs ra n cetuta itaarailbo.!o.nC e4nat pnt, .-Ove, vrt ot.the etotot- b n, l If o tnl toîî b ,loo ft n h u É als-i ate~.iTTa<f E R1~~,O sir, I) a l ie i n, dezit rso r asldeari ai i ns tp truets o Strng e ngeth. tepe l id c p t(F l i , .1,tt4t. The niats Intof tntguan r uin mnte dyitsi Y n a a J u n niax pus pagcet IxfrmT e ailiteaI tc M laosdoAt, o parttat Lr.ithe royal t -C Hadda'r Co., r oc thar t uen ot boe a d i te, abl an rss s of e i A.. bri ga. iiltHant ne. BOU ai A f eri a i si hetLnmlatone eet tethe a St op0,L ted Blpne d tadareciemhbe 1, is agil HaatILomt eû* f tth Brtis t- piy a van bnliof lnatalatnenOfamenesIREqa'ià g . a 169tieea ya 'oetP~I POSnnanIy TION cuitlîl LE th dz~3~0.o it o htta e i eall475,- nitenaiemu o Glàol Wo f> tedei r ýý4. - »..Iý . I Ilc ibeelt t a ei rtt at fehheNS rtS AV $ F rmeltl.,I«wlite e *o ten TheReoSiel ieai aoess întat, uce, tie i aen ( aI A eea e bcsh o meUtand Wantan nto re th vieagtwsc .l l asolitdap re oth a a e t elier O EIL o B.. salndiéaieutand (1 Tstai I kow aith.god IIlal fe il t r aumuotas, Btthea7i9eV G. Petedy ...... a& 1 a& .2 tLo rl an eiv in .3-r s c ai iithnr h atsmpsr 1#f ÇM nebvnne D to tj ute evcwl o rta a tt e laant eqs noOIa ensevc néel rts at en , ...... dée- aiy ItsnSns ii l HrLdaEP UmitM44oftlMtItdadb ARES A4 El ubih----- port nit for puting hei neihb ts n F ouive re fotsgest e O g e claeghaia.giiZti C Oa I 4M tom i ai nofI l À wie amk- gttn sitee n a ee ie sa eieo oal VetbeCac.i. te ae:fm mCrm otbi i h ttsll pniadth dtf i efot ore . aIL C ' tt2ld ]n bl Jm rm> o. RllFuibum S 'a ah i ëTAIRH JELU eColds in trite vr or A.ny Ct 59. AIhet" ptO i.idao. C.,aaao C e. c05 diP Dire ÀA gazo<.0coecou t, cel-,',, M v.ry Ie : 1 .hn A 1-11,00 1 . aLst W e, e: - t -noltsCrot. asd p mtte , 8anOlaeta. ai C9NnADoot !'At I 125 astda 00e,1 Gant 1010L 1 il day. atla prve hbh MEARSHA LLr -. G2" J. cc r . c t f tfta. ~jct