ompany 9d'y 1,L) isuppliy Machine riessi iwaeishreb Gita einelSs- th kCouel>' vi House 0 -,IMilton ~SDAy DEC.10, 1918 an. cf, zquested tO j, co do ted appeela n te IL CONTRACT. tNT ~to Irm 9» the ew re.~ %mT.e Me. Cy o 1ta 0 8 . 'frIn gd e at ed au.. Iaan'n M A-4Of Ams U t.diOh Orug Store, ionre Ont. ILTffU iu6 m l snA. S e & U 13- BD91714 rland Toaéonst an nBCId Lnce W yae h Wing te largdesbt nd m S S. talhPa. conîplte rane f ootwe 4we teera s had,~~~~~~~u inldîgs~l nsadawth Orof ( vter -éo f- a b«iiCanada Feodmr» Board endNp y,. HILTONtýU MAC KENZIE CHRISTEl A.S 1918 XmaaBoc~ets, Xmas Pose, Oards, private GW 1éeti gGards from $1.25 Up. Calenda!s1 hto -uis Alil Colorsof-6~ôr (Jrep. and T1bsue Paper, GoId and Silveqr Paper, plain sind decorated christilaS Tegand Soas, Large aosrttmeat tloys ý nd Ga"ns, Gl'ad SOY'S, oiûy afd-1>ietù!eBJOOkS, Bibes ? a~b00k8 $*of FiçtUon, i ~ ~bhavy Ph, Part wool, Bhirts sud draweri ~ ~ ~bnese vaigeaat, pargarment, 11.75.0 lijmted.qiiantî$r. While they last, extra special ..... ng edie S. SALa. - Une Rhi, ne,. Api>' Se A. st., Mitoi. j" ttse b> cotrlttto aho cau& adf of ait laitndowaated.-M inie.Miejniet. Box S1, Milton. - tf . L f M V. hade thin new ai rn aiat Gteos cx oi.ery O0. Shanheag e arvjce wullieha heldon tende>' next, Des. lnt, Il c.rn Ttermm ItaniiUtSaoLU»a. Pte. FPtdutillboie Gaddenlictîoiofet h.eo1 lge la in tome Oeua vieil;ta tosiepur- Commin iat thin service or s>c ta. Mr. and MMIa.B.G. Pate, nunè. h Itression _________ ai-ami tituariioi fmmrets es to nric rrn edt held on Friday, mot m'aeviceet the froint, tl s n.ta e vce nlp e. ia toci of ribeatinm a tha z ra$&m-adadsl eeeand hmn ha.. endor in5 oi o AEladadal toi~~~~~~~~~ in Bolo e aeaL odci a14 cnd le in. Ieogtea anpr t hnte17 .caakoforBriiahorder. Partins wanting mme pionese of.mhiawbeehonrmit. eer early.-Fred L e alepoe 4 The Oragh Women'n Institut. han Sr. t iP ieel lie Dee. gred meeting ei tha Vîc,'oav LOAN.-Eniton wan repre . niue of litra, W. J. licC)IenahaS. ianted h>' Judge Eliot Milton, Major ~ ['be Pt-e neya Dundaa dotos aluannt iirer 1aivl adM e. J. A. la 0en forIliquor dengilw lloghyand L. E. Fleoit. George-.mesokwl tOctotr. that te e.tir anorder t t.lsa c ge ttoeof ctaaly.ena and Xnasstckwll and tatconnousers. who got tcn-olalteeof t h e mai>' Onr o 6gi ods andi our usai ,ote, tentifted an the sotie lc nvnaXE1ntn to he ngViler' Lo.n lt the>' ltad ail% ihear iZcoron doc.- eorpaleaton W i ee n dad. Au r' rs. Te Star l ' i e 'l i.eToeoto 00 eid..>' veig.Ai I >dem-ie wio osrworkedan a jintil.iqin dro a ejrr > lui for the ordera. One dootor'a Mon. H. J. Cody. iiiter ofEdorcs feription forma w.enistolen, hisaig.lin ira wan to0edaid tiqueohiobained Oece OhitretWomae's Acotitary i a Harlto oeice. inienti holding titoir anoual taecafà A D R I ab Vitr, Loain Exeo.ttve wiht on Wedneoday. Dec. 11, ientthe town irm thir haetn e Msse. ~ C.hall. Millon. Fortiter parcuicra iext 1" tdg sid J. M. Nioeiie for the. Weeit. ofibi premoine on Mate Street Editor H. P. Moor, et the Acton 4 < U 'ng the.Vietor>' Loca Campeigi. Eh.. Prensa.s present on Tienla>' t iMoEIo.L SEaVîo.-A ver>'lm.e' wtheccoul>' ceonetil ire eie- ,essve-ervie W bel lu Buna egret for tee rei gitin.0'xo Wr ssivanere. wn hed tat in d e dn Ueo. Hynda andlis bigle appns E1 DllrYoulv- tembon at Omegh Praetite entien ef hie a 'i haie srvceo diy DoBr Tong v erot,1 inmso.of thae ll hbie, erieton eCtiyeara ot memiteraip.liwr. inaCoseof Tainaintithe lie, and Mlie. Ueo. Itobinson, ath t i a iappropricie r-ElUott EBusinems Cofle iTrafalgar. itherr was c large ai- ommein teeigb comnplimiento paid YagadChfaSt.Toat adnce of friendo and nelîttars i ; The t oe od comltherepor. ne and tti.ares .ne Toronai Aiuio te thernemte' aind it u ie. ol utUa e inepiiy. Cir ntoe ofn a of techtret, cil Joing tein sii. 1nohe, the meotingýwiIi appeT i»mflti-y aepoaen t>' wite the harecved seenîtokaid j ________________________w itiern of the cenl>. 1Mo"wea s The liorat>'Wousen'o Institutsewil w ititiol and trave noldior, an teatifiddpch a hale for the Belgiana on lion- WRNTS t>' hie auperior oficera and atter day. Dec. 2nd. Donations of rItting. A NTS ing aerve odnse lve esontit, in teddinî or mono>' are noled for, setie inco laid down hiotlife toc treedomo nsbooidh.sfent te tee thte tome and lira. Win. H. Baille. oS Ens. te on Sept. 2bdi lait. Me asea. John Wlleoa, Horatythiîs eei. qoraing, have roceiedword thet thale oter of the i'restyterian Chureta ne.aoîSoeTnTiomtermN.f,82b i.W E y~o' cgt and alan a rumnhr of the1cEI aNE 8H LTIdwardonfpr sOot"N.active2erPte. nW.H.n'ileî ago order ai Horat>' iodge, anetfthelpictase of te Crd rp. Iendacice Hai., nor~i erl or t aHe lo-elCide' ?courseOfothin sermon, hie paiter. Stelter tasenpHactt yelChileensH i ta Salford Reyai HospIltàl. Ens- ries wtteh Howard and s ai yen mcWa.Bot,>'e fteges d tfsa v ad ie made in the great otroîglo for cîn>i concit of Pool, ater cetner lira. Fred Dewar has reeeleved Word te World. Canada dome indeed o , ing,wîth aemoulttefotese iaIt Mal. ibat ltoc trather, Corpi. 1'ha.Qniin, op dti f gatiude e n mc>' ton,0 uiaimoooly ccrried a etoitien wto tan teen a prIsna n . Ossaa> ae tof rataitdtoasoe may f .. iro'dîafor tepayoseal ot $1750, aince A ti 51.n woun aetl>' Ilwitt thoir tlood. Ma>' their eieaotetsco ierpr nes iloln.tnent eo> moyeereminren.-Generty, aidai ddiionai umofW orluEnldad xe tbdhm a ort aveormanthoran. "teie r repaira. Os Ttiesday the coaid exiteoin Clxaha homo ho ti.that a cil votMdlite Amonita, Payableecon a la>' dowssie lite for hie friendo." reportt ram the Cont> Solcitor tiat SLEDDWRLI . .'an db TRÂNKo.-W. W. Fosier the titis ie good. PED W ABM 1faidi>' win>ht t tecitheir triendo CARD ec'1'oNS.ccm.Me. Jacot Jota. Milion and neibortoid for the. son wsaten to expreas ierc r tfeit Tte War A]ltom.lssst.thyThe Fan 1>' attention and war yptytainfrteamat eredil>' Heralti aad Weekly, Star oflipnt s tm ot arere ar e mave. fron trfrea o torecntbrese elbmeoIeto nianro e nte of ter etisot 2t. ~~ ent, the d'ý_mmoftliermotter, aoWar. Fture ganeratina 'l' Ctaeh tAstoNit.-Teere wses a notatle for toetifl owsent.000 tito ek. Itwuili ha acomplet. dlaey toule oyante amilonlant Fri.ofthtie gret atroggle andcoiann TANs46iiT aDoFi.-Neicto.RaiptE. wtole mineofifottraion enroin 'e. ofet G.trand atrof an. the btiehofetNormai McLeod, Lt.. llmited. An>' tome ted faits temne- e iaited tee Hiaem Chaptee.- NO. ,Z hybalbe elket hrcr acp o U rat IL. $1.2 C., and exent iiedthewr ao nidtof or dteodatse cmept T pirecsep>a nfull re tram m he fiesan as oug C'. rprt teraudit of e paya fit e.5. eant h i plo _h tdistant, soban ingiten, Tien. lMr. Bael., overalniintEginoor. sWho ti ilfice. >an and Strattord. M. E. Contp. inapoctcd ttceibridge, toitlthe iof amilton, penldod. Atben- e.unty cooncil on Tocsday titat theo bSollowed. St. Clair Chapter. Ma. uorh dines wan csatactor>'. kit ne liton, 'an rapraamented tj 1IL Ex.,moede.ldihadone titie yoae. Hetoro Weloome to R.liutanlln ~Wm. Panton, V. Ex. Comps. S. nexi oepringit will te itosn wsetter uoLIra w. Mn . "Ar ' B-- the woeitwill lie flishedtby ltheson- s.JM.licckonaic ieOinon Jtrietera or eider nooteotter aage-- Immu. S a anrettd Cont. . B. on.Aptîonelaetl.ciimnt bm A anquet, E. B. Comp.Mitnadvcit l iefldath maile Dînean. of Toront. latal>' Ceoicz STocit Sits..-L. E. stock Rlijit Rfl onadvcit'wn 1Hal n ito ne tenm e trip nt the.monîba wili aBer for snie aI the Hotel MeUjit. leadlng othe.Iiuo Mal. t on30rite>' îglaid. Frane.ce d Bae, an tbon- Gleorgetown, on Sâierdasy- âth everniteMl n. I71 an emnatetoh a"inù nt. se ltD man tiercg, for rnedtvtng in a pubelie meapote atly' tor more thenan uncattie, tth soins Puga. Ses ad.on sdsiaewyorby oc wtt tehad na. e tai teoad age.romte .War. Mz,ya ycornianM r ù wat iebadmmn.He oi seon Pae.ahowly ur appr= l n.ot fwbelttc>' td aIt C.A.M.C. oeita, evea tee A MODîs. IxaiTi'roN. - At the have done; - &ioed droeig natiaa. cnd tadj meeting cf thtecont>' oueil en 3. W. ItOTa, Chelisean. ilde Srt man' of thent.HeMo Tioide>'tite Wcrdei aid RHevoLit- M .Fete erle decitdIamettoda Of tere ~etaied thmt alter teer lutnins)pec- itnBa odes itala Ie ngland, on. for tmat-1te ftcHlo.eltre fr- Mlo eel odeo of t5a nnldlern, minotier for fit-. fig..etDr.eHln«elcli ouite'of e- Aid Commiasion. àrtid llimiteand *tis ird forman tei as ocexceptionally _____________ n.g aeltdl5giriletu.Net god taI itettende to e comnred p e t i t e t a i n stin h i st i to a ules ll  m e î s r tvo S al te>' id ear on eau , came -ta for apceiat peab. M*_e. sien.10,tsaer i opson IIUedit lnmr ferLTON PagrXEWA.E c. îRg,îs Why yu; eatre il le- *tdia'à Cr.m.ofDhzley ao*w Beamfoo d llinery. yours wl be on diapiâ tialimmens Clearing this season's star Vhile the ohoioe is good. lay next, week. We have Bc se showing of Xmas Handki Milton'o Big( S. R. BE Men's Clpthéng 0- CAPS, Fei and winter weight, for men selection Yet- at popular pri( UNDIE3RW1 Standfield's "Rîtd Label," in szes Fleece-lined and Pennans, in aIl Combinations and 2-piece. A fu select Ready-t PHONE Bizes 34 to 14. a 'i ti , 'il i i.' "' eC w.- tIË9 mnishings boya-Jargest tiOn 01 Callars, Ties, HoShirts, Glo ves, Mitts, H-ats and Suspeàes -to-wear Overcooss, SîxitE o-P coats, Peabody Overal and ES ècs. E 58 .BEWS We lhave now ini Fali m ad ,/ IIIOOS and heset I.>', WAT(Ift vvilk , iiitu