Heie For j--- -)7 t, t A ih ( h -: ~~~~.~~1' 'e ~' tcJt ~ze t-el s' e ~ *OTTIIa- -. "'c Champi FOR TIM *Otb*il. ~ ' Safety Raaoyg Gum, Cbah i OO-Ao c' Vo"nuno": EiahNan luro <ame & ,. ia %IAIBO ST.. ITao rBpaicpada. emoe aSIasi ..%ilniu 9eau."nSabc. «a' icaînsa etiu itlb i. l gi.5n.UaC aai ardmoeiet tnne«,,a. mp« oie Th*Vaumil. 211 a b.i ia ot Atirwdtl mmusd antau sesalal hoa1, onAit -9"-li feabu.ti, oni ehai uomtbiat~, An ithe PIlaUli. boà.i f al iil ,teeaetiinB, oeta" i, n -b.rdlul25.oe Noauliet e îii a l W. il b imorel b u -a,&bi a Mdota-II5a ncaui ia, eMuanlaemsba Wma PASTON, Ldittar and linoprlelor. ,JauI, o- r-n.ýd jets. Taosdcyu tut an ccc àncd iteace.day t t-.teyti atm yboa-tm unt.dch-vcn..Oony, tya c coua c tl.ect 2.3Opr.n W'o.ca .yr--l- -e -...an-d y O s e . & ta iu . O a a e ta A O Travellers' Guide. iAeDIAN PACIFIO IIALWAb' iNltaice Sept- t2.,i9i8) 1.05 a. aM. 1.40 a. 1.lt$1,.rn.lOtO p.7.40 p.n. I 55l-eedighe $55Ma.. i an. c M 8pa tg .10 li...57 p.n. cet0 tVet-î±O5a...tand 4.88lia-' t-RANDa TRIJNK !ILWAY tetiecaSOCTB. nie -aeS WILLIAM 1. DICK ltce.ttCloa- Attartasi lonecett-ý. Oce-ab a Ceeol* 5. J. A. E. BRADEN Onreu.fc leotto . svyaier -d itaicr -,uio'rerc mtO tby J. a. Dlas --MEIDICAL m. A. MgCOLU, mB. and 0etia R. à(. ANDERSON, M. D., t-nB. 0c .. . MARS114LL E. GOWLAND, M.A, B.D. nasC.asBao Mi0 sa d.- - utà teari,."- t- Ia .and- illa-.jn. ro ai n 14CAY ACRAY à WEISTU- uleIidausLe"i 55o5iBiO fi i Bgt5sM - Sam lieflMofl --greAe Yodieus AaciOn10 JlashoOuh "M, aSa 144~ S»ZN V E~i 9 - -- ~lit N9 14 4 . cf i ta. DOWttlor Baflîad andm ibe njuB~ tbntirroa5l~T~ bere- ]BANK OF-HAKIL1rÔN h 7 bt~â w toiha i3bteb irb wt NT ait I@ùe àwwto tti d 'b ~IC!bWiOblCLIp 1iýbor4t. IMoi ET alwayie pays tO Bave, but now there je Site mut liane i$a7 ometlog.3ait siilkciooth ,Coul eruil ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e I dnbeicnie h olaeae O oyiilty Tiobat adolli'sbre 1 aBthimpr,t rami Idnyrlbee br . I uy &bBwa aerud at tetth aer now wilI buy a great deal more when prices IViOIW orbusand If avalI, iiWedrp Vrai, lookiig botter fbet ait- bOeenormal again. Yon save doubly if man's aie Et tîid fiao t n edlaarïioet-tbht ho -baedWbei I maa itailnny m mia acntOba-i iihI, a a efre blco ia i lraauitr you sav now..ttart a Savings Accotint 1lu- afd d aa1VioçigdabndHnmne flti aia 0m with the BMtIt of Hamilton. tue anid aidoa i*iiete airber a lir lcJory affecteil ihm triîmgeiy. j ie etU.shýM»atetibait secsthe bpier, lhitre Il ,anie o îm id~~~~~~~ h ave ne hn Idé o ~eltined oneaa me taot e t ali toihH ey fii ivji if osrth."ili entered ibe ilbrary. Itigary onet 1The way 10 et th aye ai.moade t-Il abet hi aa tècîew.coùr LTON210 save somet ine ,idi-a-aid ia-ayî Ibere auldna te ael Iiahi gteGttieitthat you can mae beC. H. STUAIRT, Managermnlierlface.c1 tbct i od oCt eei oer- '. -rili ielrite fi id Ing. but Ibis momie ieemed yoaager "No. net DOW; ut liait t. i3 leotntrea- w'ffry andiamorealieder. SBhat a-ac irgo- cms 'Iig, 1 litbglnei, bot eafi atod Jlomo- 11ij kd lic haornes. ________________________________ bile, sc>rutnl; ranirbglag bis. Bbchieiriennervoily. Mo- noat ion Decide, now, 10 let the nan'a cynalocamored lber non abit. VGVthNVOlomntDeàmoo Etma bvebeu ny woorÉlteladn, for be pnibeiirrd ta-o chairae t10save. Il my bre eanoni tae orIbie M ZON 'ar Ier fly aid nmywef. inuntee, bot it soamed! longer. B%itdri, bolb of ye," ho dîreciai. -TUEi n TL Iop th. a "'ragot o- lot 10 o ay, aid t1a-cal yen * 11 vi<iw thewow1ra sîppoaled ble a^a0teilagsbBanki oficN berhe O tOa-nrabtLiisantta -tordBbca-ble tory abe probcbly o be i h v theré a ba bc dbi cvi will deplé me for the trst of ber ita, rad op cpat. i vv mn a-an nme. i ceuilnoeac aven 'for watner rlîb tenin ig ber apesa. 'vntbel fit. 'irea.it te u l iamrePu . l-il at he be prfi&.d Prad-silicica t t liof Ire betwen neora, and IL ltâ»o M NOOtO er ail at the arp e ne bar >whitelips. Lt ilethe ight nhe Yodldnt roofmec tedy.Kr lit a o ulena le nny'mini. TOi manc lrew "Di iirnch roy baed,,," eaiit n cBut ho conhii't maire me tella-ha W ie Cat ouwhoDud1eificlty ,IledM. eingngose bsbe ad Dy MARY RO& TS iereheii ldn to ot litre eaet '£Licttd. oit. thing fitbai driven ime deseatee._____ nocif:mement oa-a -e ntenraine 1 bahped t e onsr rsit.Witt yen tell me a-Oy Iaboud ho oe. '" WATCH RINIIIART bar rlghtb heai hO incihin eIL. mont bafoe ote inred n as a-e paed cf listing i bond le tOit a-onHeFi arerfere IeBa la i i tee aur nstock for the iceest idenin - 1 iYoicle Schwanrtzn le aa.ra.hl, tlioan te theopeertnlf meo, butel s e h âtiod en lo meber tl emoIif eho rcatl. o r a i merar Ieu ni Ë aaha. N mtie abt vyr c k .ol.u. bot lh adu irauiiy éea the-reolver. iîy tu ia telier,ande[titetoleglve a a c e a d ablte cant aoeaeame; Il ahte retl ewn nmr ail n watChe. N Materwha stle OPFM »0. y gbb.bim Ai ha îtrecb berbane od me tee e- theI des- If racelat po y befoce 1 le tinief and a-c md ber ihsc ie 01 bthooing ot aliber of ne. let yoil refe le iphif. he d Ce.plenien cime. 1isaitra h a leger. gel ber depeeien. ced leLiaih ne iayee raa t ell îîyea-limî 1 knw 1 carrIeot lin the valise, a hendie plat you'preferandweaengepplil.T he elofi Aeu cei fitbok edi-et-iar _ eev btga ilg of 10thetoe terrible besiness." ilto i aci.ahe a ne'e * roiiblit te tvcecicg uîlly f Cecapea i tao O~ bayent ny range ef vieien. r On Moday i looh ieiegeny t le a 1t- 1i om qut entrn of fihal, War- o OUwEER hlto pj"ortecrm.f â Than the. igOl a-ailout. oandt 1ota-oud SbO aitcd eeVed ueo nedrop, 1i luerpetei. "Hasudin, i iblnh hes OUR JWELRY an idai 1h01 aton u dlebardo toa oex. e l su tablicebech a-oct. ihot Mca. Butlr moecalmya-l1Ob 1 ibaea ol ita h oluolof thet mys- t are tac aWil knowtn c o tuta tllpainaMy ponit ,aoai h -r- Iftmhrte o ot 't atdaurta. e- 'sltat en.lohd eauety b yenI ob - Y Oec n gM micnta rgsu d rood the goa na WOth c d@CrIwiili e'pour aem," nIe eatd. vcI th ctsiit cicoot my hnod. IL raot lieacoly ii SOÉePope o'tra Iliwatte ClubnbaOeud rouiectoaieaore.i iouttIreouhle. TOe ieeer aetowasos n- !der. "sha baiedl tgentdettvof' lyBUPIIï Sem pepledon ci a -kitia aite a t y atcb, leckcd, as Bcrton tiiiold Dh ou-oti troeble. Bot bow steince-oa-tender Tetlg .a.eUa lchaeos O ybeanlalcI -and ubatuiti h etecn hae. Donec abe oa bnîld thebal&a' cave and ci ram10aoai vncnt etatne imcee iti -Thme ig ted oebblackbay Oed botught hein aI modestprics. Into f saconds hnea- bora ibay di-ig. ItudOo le ghle ca ti e clabrat ndea ne ee anat" rdrât a tt eiwet e doa-il t iuh.t tiJa e 'turi ______ Wiih nMY ayan nthe rir e rç.an d ofmd a o pupacr sag. tO i dd O cotc e thte two. anet 1n i (o ittavb le fcea n îgbt1't My nager en the trger, itotendica Buron oea tiereolnte lte nki it -h lait 0th tin et n i i t Ono n stena-net ,a-oy. teck ltubthefnM r.t ND boit 1 Coiii. At 41D minutesa1i'RU-n o tnher nan rhen i diiinet reog- Ithea vceloaebe oated, "liol t'o ou t In îtra- lieolv iectrn o E MACA Ctroothire W9-80cOu ic1l' ieeBcltone holding a stilaf et blOBtbbd c sont or home'de eal- e occr rother. Oargery. a a i cber.ù atcjmake an Jewler on oar 1 a-n. ABuho tenla iwoatd bue beldioea00 ouDia cantdfltât ete itedtotekiltin etth ."Butler acee ct a beuiaobmo.re jiae tdJwlî oué h a.Adte uciet ee tn rying Il cet mp ernfOnn? tie let to mort reepecsit IlBi e Ideraii EnaaoniMienne lia--1894.e t. l cw foiru ft 1elicae omewaaOre. brean h tnueittt e. ciad -c- bts a n tatleioandt boa. acc-endta Î, ic -i- te etae. ie. H ail ilaOui nTnt au iehosoit. Alîbeago t-m ieli. i a- tecltndta utite ame t h s120ie1ndntd uc n- u _____ bigO tamend ci I ciiionly tee tOat catenardw rting jo-oauol aid Dnaitthe Oac aeîaaty lotInet ven the peecet iv owngalton Socwatz.Thet en n-i a-"n tt ,cwaciaclarge min. ratto ouncali angy I -ec't lin. This a le boren n o afie a n elv net ner macie o cne, or scn A. E. McCUTrCHEON uboisdetsand amirk tear. Ot te Blar ant itiTIghe of the EagIL bMr-."If 'aeryoecmrntg te bave s'nd Itlter a-es egiaciîe. VTtu a- Ilfa-sa dMulu areoun ha i e Knox-. They heri te hot le ihîre. friand oe ceerete et," che salta, ani enbc. iKnox. the craa-O wea tOn. 0o vAJ T Rasindoun. After a-luit minuta.,tea-- amdIif i hadn' ollad 10e store tisore thc littal e t iattess e mli iemy hcti. rntten e th1e fore, aent'idari l Paitintg, Grccis1n, Papc-.ai-ictg, crar, ho iteppai te oe aaide,. and i rannii tire beeo a pont.- Wtath1e henrt. If asiet oIt gîtecltr aaaitaasdI wnfeilo i iac-gcamiont ai' - aid cccalia cfttî ar at eha1lbobu ilhteii a eette and malter tiltityn e ye i -tlpecttg cît aornnt bles. -aeatIcua*a 'roitg soid-atn r GOcdoa ahe, ilpelen," i pontai lin afrait I a-ee i gletineto- yba' taa-ne1atgnnhadpp rseai Tara Mdor~a, Mai St Wel. tnriid"cciii'~e*i trraeof' rit *ichgel cptaim qnieilv. tdiiot alre tratOliWarieetdrfoteght Ftemneg' -ta ho adETCdI-tr ______________________ ponaut1nmaitsO~lplo. i a cyA oeL.Therc'sa c aenadrad ep tera. tleraery hat fints la non lme ta tmtnce 'the fa lis csO gi ac1iclfs~iJn 100. i It~ei"We roond Mica Lvtitlce tete uter 'lords, Ita-an Fleming wa odst' :th w»sy i. ' me tra hUaa Witb chareetertitce potg the lbrc a landu c etppl.c o t tînbe ue a-t @a thedI o ne n he 10 recbed .hanta, at T. G. R~~~~MSHAW - ' erfer too tsictaetona qiltiy. hatcet. Btna ha-ntecnbtO~~0-ametinpea ba e Valuaier ccd cîcisîBar d&WB rï- i u gern-ti ctly ns aa e utd. a-it ibthe:dont c'os- Bee tvei u lea-," Meientsd c îed t e hnivaceiildo'n'dl ,,.spen ti etanet 1m .l ias bae,,1 ai. boa-et-ar, a-o Ibra- cauilonide. ideaneti i as e ppadInivtOn doec- laeehotad taahe ari. Batler a-ait 0Oi Yoù h luaab SIl& iThoma1. " h il Vaica.une iromptly fttln'ed ta..overed. belu ldt -n p10 saira to 10e rlo a-ay. -easa e-ieetmaae--Io the ienltenttac-y for si. Menoona dolai uh~~~~~~~ a-eth bfenwy pthFetgo pun ng-ht1 e leeecgoa-eo lta'- erennrcet o -bai o -rarlit hi ttoary-Botliet oetir ticm se .1 u iin c te a a u i fctie ion guor- 5 1 * a-uaag. ISa l-theu a-oa- e re ef oud lr - tetyantarabu th e zs.gewa pr a-bot laNov a-aeir x teid le Itd aBoatar. l. If lt-o mineaiet ,cater"-crash!.arlig I 'etan ue ba bathï a eclet -.pur Bthti dbibIth e mgnnts ont 8i.OtI e -=t1Oa-c~odeabl Pnen la . . MILON~ iSof thea altia, agitecu a cgarate On ita- teming at t ieto ofthe 0 e t nitb oeen Idte.BcOwaerle lrtetel hisia ioeceè a llrti an-tt oliai en bave1 PHOI c108MITO , ti La t eaetaface ril DOtI i "f l tttieaml waale." idatt.vo"y ae' nt.ng foreotîgb ont c et ntoocnegiigcnt, bet not cinmiani- aCelisl in ut auil 1rned adtck.tote reem. oair amoL, o al obdbm ftoaWr iaIêmu âig ube a n blyc noea-as ael *lone, gar l0e cîtresai Bohbcdalaclive n d aai i dt aii Ii boiter let a me eno ab tOn-0 a niithl l'enu fOn-n-rln -bn ain »Mae one lih 6 o eitbetini. JudeigaMeVeaiy. O so on asryteg bto et-îat a-amelrcpilotiete a-btei ..,, blidhiel tth h emnicraie rot-at th t m ould tar H. CAMPBELL c r eepb n'bna t o f nea tehe or ar te Mra rhere 1I tidtilbeicti the Bella nhe laiCnt p te eter eBultoe o j hr aa~~ui, -. - iFIemIca bai bilen abat a1it uaiclt-naanad lite thelb. d. et.The artceefli t cnager ac-- -e ery Paea. bu tiaâl t aca h ctasa t t fbsbrong Coaveyaascur, Nelury Public, laaifaan fThe aier pcr* rame i attît raneg 0 bey. Bat It wanaboitai initie. witc baiaaceet ttet e lgoc o? biln e 0e omt rallOber Bangers ocdinc iber trlit tige a-euh hère boas dia-n- er n Marmna LniaveImti. cIrlaau IlSa Daihal.l eigîtth1e door oe andi hu]nat LOltaB uanenty years aintboeno e a i ei,- toidherC-ansocWardrtp Ont. rbai Ageut far C. . I ternehti c". Ait Iboe , hir Ilta-re l. 'fait Srba-artnlo hoavy boni at my pot o et erne no e hîcitl et c. 1 --ut ana abai buasicco," VWardropa I Were YOe eg iv Oa eil the lattera?- bc ro wai We,i -Mr. ttchw jart root>1 i t ai ngbrra cf alir.hae jaie utnt ran an tedy a-eutonweanry. Flemin 'mived Margote ddcmiuîatd, qt:-a- rn. iira pfnf i.su12 band._1e lee ne iaaf baillasf reli!.nbat-rrouet nora trom a-y0O a-i0 u u . I Ortasl-TOWN BALL IrTNu-OT. fa. ,ee . Bun roundoith1e eobtîn t iteaarotaacilraboat sert of a-ireILt a-.nedtibto Bnticr'aplacea rea-eI"tinteneniiite, btil-lil. It a-ci 'a î ________________________I ci taundIfilon. And tiei-1l matIe ladya-ico setse me riehl noyyc il aas 10tîQ Lgialiietas igOaoebeor. Tliut acitHlia 1tfoc irty. utten ail' 1 mat hardi hbeleve my iaaa. The raom coneOrby. Tbet t Iîne e ia-e lept the lia en. once or ta-in rabep lura. Butler cartbc see iiel We av aebiei -behatun i aas anuite. But t ptcked ap ia$mati f rci aneacsanad htatroceoeoîs thri re aan naiaporuad rail fei.ru lron.100att-be gain d0viû-hOlI me a p rrai the lite Wn Weir. A il ecquirtes ebititpialci ncnincr hem thn'erlatcool0-aolemt0ltto hi1etrcia -u ielemt.tn n rr'tatao'toagt glh nbeuiiteattdreseette as u.r'oncen. ftcilu, aciwon ut Ïlcaut 'rameo folb inemadto tieetndu. At Bebarti rarriei Iblogeoe-bitif. arom Pilitmbrg. '1b!1Wlaid ca-a oi a J a-Ite of thot ai. t t O pen Qu e biB)a-on wh ite excitemeat aeerned i rao eu t at birût i lmna a b atni i .b c tag l!f,' CALER VlORI- . .i cf Ste ta-e da ltucthea. raveuiing' er, lbey fot c atot roeck- 1n t princtle sororlary a-bcn h0e bcrne ,Itn itoe Bil du lier.' Acdthon nt the. CA PR & o 7c aubelara leiat albpiperai wauîîîleoer corner oetIhe box, and 10e trcniire ardtcoicm taeanal t 1Ineaý- minte 1a iWBot isi ift t troW stockigot. One of tioemm on uai ver ag8in. ige tata governmn. b ment entit Brima avnuebouse. f lt-ia te thc fluer. A.bit if blat&e ciatb teî jThiers oa DoLtb thesightes iéyea- ta Schwaartz andiFlemig bodla blI lhe a rai.- Sue asn te 'OCloar lber aooklt GALT, NT. - . a-agat ilItem-100 alier se. Ou Ibenndar; ut, mtte OLee-i.attia rat-- tegetitar. TOe at ~e ac allier. ond bdabdo aeyundIaeln G . roneadIlet a cnur te theraie.Ort hset, i er;ppobutty le tnM icie e 1filgaaiaolu abiKmPi inaa-ciuyer fiiud [-Wl, rr ..b a-all ttONT. a emdO . ' ogloleaBibBfaoie.aiIt urn deslthe bterieaadthMocl-gatbtbt it'n laerming mmaoibllMnIlla an t ceci Moulai ~~~o fots teint u a bnop on cdnaaesnWetltes'oWast bat-t haaaier tefia-l iLLvi.iic-ip (tstd edai mideIlaaothe'acr pral VLPR aila o ux logTin. ar fcta -as Bt od ut Or niie tif-idema be i vaitna abi reeh,' o n cm'6k ai W'faidpi a-£tris , 1 ;D D Ii a nt[ tbicb.ae. il a*t ou bl E %.a_____a_______________________ed JItoclmliusneraboalt t-eu a ou oerluinai oes:,1000e cOWýur lump ahitbe a ail eofhaal. drOtopid lt i Bui MITN'"KB. u t " o, oic aibnal.I Ste if AnJleha toaiete."int ueni. dut sÎe hman cii canpr.- [ noml afmy uioe icis-hl the bodyorlutat1e-rm n O 1e"U cilietaogtthva -bt cidd rnyrmitudopraste-aieialnhlgOl bn, -t op 1 . oe ab c teitient na-ayI f io I b i s O ion lai Tram bchaar il a-hou abo-gavo îp ta fl fuin oalide aalia atle Otva eibitescy.ca& 1telt ema Bcand omptce lct OtOfM gÙ u 'oet ht aineWbo 01 d lOi ll tm.4uot ca. nInta oever grat e fo rr -weilWrdopws ajtt weiRt dli u:My de-tholtter l, Wegt brint throon aunnth t If i J oue a i llan n i,-vhfo alt is ng aoiat Sarf b c it eir011n tW.be-" itv 'at hti a irie m ncf lu e-a r. tiafir b a nthe mid0edbeotijhe ibar p" an "The I . 'ate iad a ie hptaen ait ane bias aig0 tide 'à nBJabsoa , lui.pi fîeeoiy l e ti i.ea er grae~uto. o Il a b-ted gitaàbd lI a a10 t dt titny.. bd lit e d j1ete, - oa a E OM l i o f_ out ? Ir n ow Jto uili e a tla bmttteli - u t b tsW 5b n ii he atda-pe C- aae ckbrtand i uitd't ii- r ýf it tebhig bonis buraie 0 gris.en chaat ght a c. . ,, ivue~e ~raPae Ir fiOnyatol'rOhtur-ati Ite' u l ii 'ob ir wt aIth e it Mdu 4s l aI - Il - 14 ln iguiOnc m 1-tam If nhou ts i.mo' -e, Os0alIaiu* Cse.aO Aille Brah irIlta Asîd lOi e. ~ph~ une~oh* imibu en lad i bu V tai gelidtahoauna,. B, bottaitBdemi andelèt - -re , Adhcalpde dO. Ilijrhdýe Tii M l. a . a 48" e .sca 'Ile. tae Ca, Heion ttàdsclàr 1d0bi Mid* the En. me £lie wu$ col ha a, bu' dertu -Pl& tm ÉP wejtdal' NW.,teyeryahatsitldie to,- a d e b o t ? * o L 1 b t i seS sS0 ac a r e Io ei-2 d e Whnlcitsle ishthflitomtewncperrtWt e 0 mmii oàbjec .,t tepulaitâ, x t. ti? on-m snpb l4 bOv doea-s«ý ErneUi having a ýt the righî Uril' ieyi the timi. Scotlia B. *ct-EnfFte- IM -cg', wilton4ct É7 tevonîvnonieficua-llc. bocli ttec v c t . and th g1le atuci cnt vibneet Wkvtc t Sn'aV, I.ta Uked - 4e stir rt] îe1toe ire. t-ad. antt tîn cec 1-e ttceee1 i. 1too teck tt ersteuvLet-n cio"et beciera t1r tt tee te i d Huilier, nce t ir 1tyt 'leoiubebgi"7, -c'Y.tcand lttot ittntjJ)4 club, i lii tan. but net 0W-tetutti,1 4 amarnov't'l, Ibttttvtî à If ycuiee Onna- Octetteete v neeccîce o? flsttic teeflt 'it e at-y uneecett te t t tL e nit bbefove 1- tflËltu: a-y well, bovirtý îe la that rcrûa-et bthelliae icbht beaoeol autivteuii- Fieming mtgttt 1Ml]bicceait t aise. I1a-eni th, iet.iri 1IOeoc-tneeht At te ratai. tban oyceei il qitiet- or loto ave but In t tcrec-.so log. Ilt must terene lbet 'insantiltlareitoo wattbit bialeigy eecttt r a-oht film. f1lîttepet t, Ije. The ta-t belote 'tee ae a lqvnotle, vivnule c-le Lremca-bc-. and Sbcîa 'nte tt.e bicstelrIIle ae en ubohet tIcJ.'* lon andenvteeel e'by Ita coter cîcceilieeo on-c e that olght. Tîteie.,et ti' ne heegleg acceîîett tlt n loa-1 wfa-oellct. 1'r, aid fie mc e, ntl I i tl raîrte frite It t1teoit lece la ferty-otghe eeetce 1 nber wat I dit. iI nva- Iteter, coidI1bvcet tht lm ne and iift I;lbu the venu- analrS haine I na ia- a-lb L t rang the bell Ilitae tend Ihan lanear carne hit o c u ; Dr. Orne tiintra. tanut proud ,bnt lit miIgbtuae he fi' thé ltO Sh.t cleairs p èt'itt'aii, ltoant tl ih.I1%,laor Worab te qffli. Bat it dao abtora -our faîbar. Abd If liont i giti fer-yo. tuoýr, f44e art tOuft. Yea-can'e-Bght tué teccartoz ulaglo, bîci-. thé twhl-ols Ibi1pgi wae2 L'the iuoat relIt woodi0 a7 1ac oei Ib.#' çh>. Wv u yttoutC', - bIl d I ledt ia