ye g tscB wutsyoge gseewnga ma 0tl B, l . ecn A. vvyWUS5 s rv n b onsfd~acup spset5 FestobeTt,.- lte th Weil le soies t bl No. ndd.4etel, , 1 Wllne Pu Pieurteat etace~5~bOte Oe. the sh!etgth se!ittcss w less day re. B l o a l ie fae, lq lat le - W-ck bMI athsandars lues#nssded. ans feb M. teb eonet?à eedb sse tetes ao, A" sfi Dhis mes. na.C. P -. u t'ned vud pssei lssues b ilo n mdM0 aii1 us8 e nt nie20-dthlite, wllo eiej rcie ei se uln t e Gis h t . AP l tir s W erOf . w evexT WnS' i esPsI are s l! b da tnJO e&we, ses sLJ«âsrdpb se__"_béa oahretllsa cin bae aa"Pieffisop frsrtepiewS u tbsy r ief rt ere, lest" l suvesseawton ter rechesg Eeg- bod.whc l Ïm Ios!.eLwsteafl t.s- I ,show to show the irsL rens uL. WILL HOLD TEI ATfBRAMPTrON Saturday, Oct. I Yea woWkl tee rie e nstore for yen. and theseigesamm5S in life tom. isotil YOU bave a Pandora sog set op in yoesr kitchen -.dsylght oveu, tise- moneteton tics ave dmortint baniasa tice gecsfrote yocsrbsk- g - a n- oste-Ace -- mge. -aesur e d cm-aos onlmenoe at 1.90 oOloek Sharp. combisird in onec rangef5 per cent. of profits donated to Red' Crols. 2.09 Clans, Trot or Paon, Purse $200 2.18 Class, Trot Or Pace, Porno *ý00 M4cc1a1y 2180, Clans, Trot op Pace,,Purno $200 Pase cdivided 50, 25, 16, 10 par cent.. Morses eligile Sept. lt. Fiee per cent ta enter and ftve per cent. ait- aditions.l for msney wlnnero. FieWi enter and thee te otart in ccry event. Tr.otters ailowrd 4 seconda in racl eent. The riglet lareserved byt tDrilV- > a n d o rlu)1b te change the order of the, peograen or to deolare off aey event net P a n dr a -lirg suîlsfset4)rily or for any othrr rrao. awEntries poeltiveiy clone Oct. die 18. Association ruies te gavra. Mies and Vehieles Admission te (Grounds 25c. Admission 50C DU Toronto Monsnrai Winnipeg -Vanouere Ladies Free. Grand Stand l0c. n, N.B. Haneitoe Caigory ldmoetoe Saskatoon ' JOHN PATI'ERSON, President. JOHN SPEERS, Sec., Drampten. US VICTORY LOAN. 1918. MILTON OBJECTIVE.-- . ... '6,0 DEBIRED... ..... 58815 Cliresas. . . .....,-E. F. Ecri Vies Caînes....... mJshnIrving Buemtar?...B. Glbraith Aoyvciaele-Cbuitssas. E. btef; R Wbias. W. Potos. J. Metiessil. iiecîsa-Csitasj,. M ac-0 ïensolu j. M. 1)00704'lier. W--W MK&?, i. C. Aiitldge, J. B. Marclus. John- usi5,isaIrving; Lta BeSdb@gd, W. j. Mons. Henty Terner. W. J. Mectllabon. 8. Barat, Dr. B. B. Cartert, W, I. Dici0. ns.Gcise. J. T. Hannanal, J. W. ia, John MatedA. 1,. Chaumbrs. Carence Tetuer, Musa sBona, E . Vue, J M oKDula. W. a. ticCaulssy, Aiea. porere J. MeDasaII, i. Wrigislsettb. Harey sHater, Hienri Mal, Bonsais!Moioat. Jý Sadiele. Tbss, Mon.. ., tclIiceaCa. Ro. t rise, E. . Etbsiblisos R Wbeaei aeWaiiac, enryssre r- mas. E. Marcband, &E.B Grabsm. OGe. Tbioaoe. J. W. BiiebiJobe Cos«a c (j F,. Bensfeldalt , T. Brocs, S. Bave, i. P. Roes? D. A. Hoessili, Ga0. Morley, it. Bock, J. W. sille. . J. ArmstrongO. Lno j. w. Croier. Pattert Boki. ue Eo-stînie nudy, G. Buafft, Saus e r, C. P Preston. icn Meffa. J, Lusses, Abart MeLesesu, J. Sandarans. i.. P.iuboff, J. E Brada, A. MoGiiebe, Thon. Colo, . B. Del, . L. Haseatreer. . C. Ailridge. Fred Ma&tis. C Mrlt, M. E Nixos, J. Tscb, E. Haers. Cbus. B j, C. Bail. D. Cmpibll. RborgeO oba hnIrving, W. J. Muet@' w. t. Dik, Ioba Murray, Dr. Andarson., Dr. osîas, Dr. MeCli, V. Chlbabtss Jsdga Bllisîl, Frunt GraelteasDocus Campblli. Emrî.ovzu-CGI. Ptloies.?.J. B' Me A. E: Iille. W. F. . Joasa. ToitrOPOeeTGI-J, F. tulle, Dr Anders. Ce;v~Aasire Tsàea-C. D, Motirseor. Frati Robitens, James Bousins, T. D, AtctiOn Salen Reglnaý-er A.Otionse o e rie stock, iseteerte, etc. otI. N eXhi s e e wVle on e8dey, Nec. t, et 1 pie. Ueo. Andeee, Aeoioece. AuctinO snte oifrim stock, empieente, rtc., o Alfred G. Rogers. et lot 29, con. cý, Taeligar,.one TbesdeY,Cet. 24th, et i P .. J. M. Aldeeson. Aetioneee. iportant section mile o cloice dici 6tiret-2 cow, mnsiiy itS grade Hol- 5ticie, ted 2 rc. Hostinie beiSi icý,edofnH. & . Fetkerstone, NesOe, .i Neison Vitilaeone FrideY, Ot. iîtk, t 1p.M. E..rmtroaf, Fep.; Geo. Andreew and J. M. Atdeene, Aorte. Antionesmie o kooeekotd leenitoce. e, o Wm. Deinret, t Jçiiride, on' 1Moeday, Ot. IBiS, enpte. E.- -Cbep_ man, AUCi. Aution smie o ferrock. impiroient. tc., o W. E. Maone. nitt , con. 8, Trae teigar, one mite rast ni Horeby setione. onTicndvss,Ct. 36t, i 1 pen. UGeo. Aoitrew, Aetioneer. Messes. Geceoloco Bren, bovine roid tbetereiimsii ly oSie Rusction et iheir resideen t end o Martin St., Mîtl- to ne Tuerdy.Cet. 29th, enil p.m, tkc ,hoic ni ibei frtrinto, impietnects. rtc.. coneitiini e1egieiered paretierdi and grade catte, berses. pics, etc., aie a qneity ni cal. bRYa estebotd gondsUseo. Aadeev, Anctinneer. Aîîtionosaie of Farte stock ans!fii pietneots cf E.oeoey Brun., Liceviie. on Tucesday, Ct. 29. Saie nit 1p.m.- J. m. Aiderson, Anici. Auction Bais ef frle stockanîd lirn piemeois cf Fred Steeokery, 1 ilte centS ni. Paiesseon tondueSst., ose Moodny. Ctaile. Sale ait 1pot.- J. M. Aidersea., AnctioneCr. Aetionnsale of horses ceosYOoec cattie, p. im lemenseblaressay ansdRgeai et tH. . Crton. ilot 14, cn. , NasagaweEa, on Tocoday, oct. 29th, aite. F rart e s oid. Jas. McDoeaid, Anetiesseer. James Roberiason baviPg sold ie farte wilt bols! an section sule On Tuesday,Ct 12 we bs luEabers! ef acadaberle bf ; a~iuoeeof ie bet ocks eof e el hreed bcep ie Caada au s aU alfarteImpie. muent, vii lieas. Credit Anctian SAlM etfarte, fart ,stokand implemeuts et tbe etâte ni ithr late Herbert CatPepleli.lot 6, con. , Trafalgar (Detuqin coer), On Friday, Ct. Beli. t 1pus. lGeorge Aadrew, Auct, DIED. 5tnsn-rAchSlad George Bosse died ai Georgetown, (Jt. 1112. 1918 Duncan-Kultled le action, on Sept 3a, 1918, 0 tpiu Alun Barils Duns j>eos se tCaptis ey- . Q.P. loto rest, Octobe SyMsn Sdai. Dacaused le cr. ~iO5edeadangis voluter The Provincial Board of Health, with the authority of the Govern- nment of Ontario, has organized an "lOntario Emergency Voîrinteer fIeal'th Auxiliary" for the purpose of train ing and supplying nursing help to be utilized wherever needed in combating the. Influenza outbreak. A strong exeeutive has been formed in Toronto. strongly recom- nîended that each municipal council and local Board of~ Health, working in co-operation, take irmmediate steps to form.,a lôcal brandi of this or- ganization. The Volunteer Nurses will wear the officially authorized hadge "iONT2ARIO S. 0. S." (Sisters of Service). This "IS.O.S." eall niay be urgent. Classes taking lectures are already opened iii the Par- liament Buildings, Toronto (Private Bills' Conimittee Room, ground floor), where tbcy will be earried on every day at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. until further notice. Young women of education are urged to avail themselves of this unique opportunity to be of real -service to the dom-. nunity. If they are not needed, so much the better. If they are need-ý ed, we hope to have themn ready. Ail towns and cities are urged to or*î ganize and prepare in a similar manner. A Syllabus of lectures is being sent to the.Medical Officerof Healýth of ail cities and towns. Further information may be' had on aýppI -Ïation to John W. S. MeCullougi, M.P., Chfirman of Executive, Parî u t Buildings, Toronto, Phone"Main 5800. h. P. anc On The Toronto Rallway Oomupa' 165 Front Street Eet, -~ v I prefrO C -S NEWTON, S ecretary-T?.asurcr. and, -fmptflht quality io ,14gr-reW1 thfif cvr-the-People1 .%o -,and gr a -J J. W. S cILOJrI 47l A good and we.i yaluen prî ces oc atcaps, Rau> (Joats, J Pho ne5. sde t1ia$ ~C cpie alway! 5y-~c.'eô ý - au exactil whato4 ar adyou havi Pleasefeei'.th0Y8 & uT ta. muei trouble or tim îeq'led if we can oniy fin, what,-you waný.. ,.- canada ]Fod Boa rid LiO euin. 0 ' M i l ftotormen and Conductc Wanted. Steady positioi Ten Days. Traininga. New a a u average of $90.1 mr1onith. Otherêm&ke from tO $110 per month. Tewar will soon be over. Mi preparations for the future. GRAHA REPAIRINI. Maka oui Reveil t dI T FAR MERi Si , ,,, tii Fit1, 1i, Statione ,ii c " ' i 0Office ticppli Prncii, R Moatet n.if PHOP Wantledg 'cli -t c i iltarjo Em~rgellcy VoiIIIIIBOP Heallh Âuxiliary Wi