Com", iin a Stl ement ii land gold; 1475 leol r i half H-eto-day. e 'of' breakage-at Compan>ii OF MILTON~ mbhan& Hats, Caps, 'Coltars, 'l Underweai, Rain Coats, Ready-to.-we etc. Phone 8S t Now in Stockl The Newest styles Summer Footwear GRAHAM SHOE HOMEý ahripent 1of s4ipes. bett tW ual, while priees g uouç,b advanced sitiothèr lunes cof merel WBE ikViTE Ox NPCII Qnalit-y and weight Re found in every artiçie sold by the pound i or store. Our figweon for everything that flndsé its field of usefrll- nesB in the housebold is extra- ordinary low.- If you appretiate the top notoh groeery quality-ives-- tigate. Are yon using more apples, carrots and onions as per Food Controller's request ? BestLOrange5, Grapefruit and Lemons for making mar- ,malade. City Bread arriviug daily. Tri Hoe oG@o 8h0.D. A. H EWG ILLU REPAJRING: NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. PHONE 30 MILTON 9 ~ton Driving Cl MPTON ON 0cock BhaPP. Lo Red Cross. P CES Purse I( -l-, -IurBe $200 113 11 I l9-' usec$!900 t o Puse $200 Oi- i(fve percet& ,.tIl 4crtin e very 505 1 t isresrved iy tieDIi oI,,1a, ff any evenulw t1-oposi vlrCou ed ( d Stand Ile. llIl: SPEERS, Sec., BnsUpw SRA DE ATHOMO O DEDLAYS WAS11 c lismsere eNallon s e Ran ASSIES 11V X1ATON I De iver! for g th e Court o (isl Dlie At FL) W N0F M[ILTO 5lJ îîOCTOBER th.8l <o-o.1 aofOoe oaIn Il justics o! tie.0 1 0inrnecd, are h oc- ad a tvd. o- oIdoîj is eh e Ss Iv .ffV0ME, le o-. fOc. , 188. o IrMACKENZIE~ Make Dur 5tore Tour Headquarters at -ail Iiu Wc cxtend 10 you ails cordial invitation ta visit us. W. oent YOD ta feel that you are a welcomev voitor. If you bappen ta be ose outheO feo oho do not deal with ns on watt YOu tstart ighî now , as you vventnally oui. Wc have eveything yon require and give you good service. Thv quality of une gooda is paremount and the pricee tlght. MACKENZIE 18 AT' YOUR SERVICE. Oough, Colds and KODARS I Grippe Remedies Thet in the Dame cf the beet picture Wr belleve bib tese remuedies. oe kno teking machine made. Rm ieyubte obaltbvhy contais and or bonesly remmend hEastman Kodak flsg1 yuSte Ibem to yen.-to any aiber film. Aloays aek tor EAST- FInal1 Cl Taisîcta, for grippe and influenza. KAN FILS(S. WiII fit sny suze of Camera. .25c. box. Belng ue ysue Developilg andi Pint- Reil Cerys. . .ug y2,cue oý ing. Wc guerantee ycnou ilhe plcaeed HezailiTesteless Ccd Livere 011Cotmpounsd-... ith our wocri. -5... 1.00 a bttle Onue enlargementsarsecs oork af art. Re..ailCaltarri"JëllIy,*for catarris and eld in Corne b ansd let us toikta1 yoo. tbeisead- - - --............ 2atub. FAR MERS'SUPPLIES , Toilet Preparations. C C ION1EIT We -'esMeial painsa la We da nt reeaminend suy We harov e sse ort.ed bave cverytbusg in Ibis lisoe tiltpraJàolln that oe do lineo!fblgb lame Ohosolates lise fariner ovedi. ualk=o ta b. o!lise bet sud Bannsnea bItand Yeu ean be sure o!the uanad sot isjuriooO t- boxes. auality and you ouIlbo satis- the sOs Mt Bara in gneal eety. cd iiti tise prices. Harnasny Gara Butter -Creain Oe- sMt lr . 1 Horne and CaIlle SeIta. Violet Dulse Van. Cceam, oeso a " Morse and Cattîe Sulpisar. DOSi" c'pp-5e e ar, Cannere eMapt lne . in hak. Pare Salt Petre, 011 f Te aTa cs Pooon . ad bores. Swcet Nitre, Neatafoot 011, J MF oule delilIt0r. LggteOaiats sbil Crude Carbalic Acid, Giogere JeueM"749Piso d sud boites. Finh O011 Disinfectoota, Jonteel in mPoder, wlBarita uhaeolab E si là 6al8 Vermin DestroyersCoperas Peuid sageCrean. ai botes. Po. Gention, Inset c cp. Bara) ma elyceriso5oap Mdct Fleiinga MRemedivs. Bmli.B..leiselCn oa' .Enveoa n fr business & sjia-elodu - Laies' ami PentsciHs.n ad.Bi-rn upis liNO. lette .$Jp( site flannelette in lengths- S; wbile they last, per yai SANDERSON'S YATES' 5110E ýSTORE We are showiug the 1iitest and most oniplete range of Foot* ar we ever Liad, iricluding staple lneg lnd a wealth of Phone No. 4. Repà Ing Neatly Done. Prepare for Cold Weather de -ose oie. te y s~It5ipi t brca's n tbn eu cLWaieaof a aar saim.i' t la Bot0 01Y1CSW1iR b"0' oiduited, by Kox Cauai,uc,-Tisnkigiving Br Xe4. Ir P. COnlN, BA... af Branle, vices woli belseld on Samdav qang1} yds. of Wl) SPeelalmusic. -sabject, 'Reaaso fl, cr,,,%Qrus0100 à- sc.Ze elis he air Y' Coming ~Pece.' Mr. Backay .olil 0vts iied trl;tèî ug fbui,, . elBO5, -pr~et Ibth services. Thereoil ie M 10 4', -Ile d Georgeton, sMr. and mi J* . sL s Le Emeadltu0 Trac, Steodrttawn. Mr. fane-Mcs, B. aiptàe-4 J. 0. g b las. Chri Hal HPis, a z GuSToLuze-Yenterday JasFeatis PeOBano. Lawrecee, Wellansd,'W. eou i -as Ithe ton lise. Trafalgar, 4 JeA M r. 1a i9ms, George B. cause tthe fir lt sPr mtr4% CtsleJlnBsrteb, Day. Blair., car, andel 117 and a gertDuanc At 2 Canada Food goard Lisuse Wesley Coas, Toronto. Warden p.ihle parked it wliere thse ore 4 - Ne. 8-1957 parr,ïOakvlie, sud Mr. and xMcs..thera on tise James Street aide of 9.9 B. MtebSi.Part Credit. Hewgllrs gracery._ý At 6 pin b.lent _ Taso AnimlaiarvesI. Tiankogiving -bek for it and found il b.dl vanlahod. 80ujartbere le na trsce>of it or the Services wuI b. held la St. Stephen atbhier ne thîres.ý OhiecIR Hocby.on Ssnday seat,liltis Inet., B as os :-II ar.,. Holy Come- Su 0Alsdln and thse Wodcrfîl munoan sd sermon ;7.80 a.. eves- Lajp', tl'te PrIqcessu on *Thanka- LIT BuiesCg e ses sdsermns:Thse 1ev. O.FBg yucile t = ,of !Mltan, woll b. tbe opecialiviig Dsy. 'Drngynrnînn geL andT BuIess.,CToron e preseber. Tbe muais sud deeratlans thie malines ut 3 p.m. - 1sceot z ceso sc-edOB illi b. appropriate. - pmrmSBNTmezC-Two B a r- of tn,= aes m=cesdosittouadout of s GRÂCE Cauacas-Tbs ladls o aies esdo boys ocre committed for trial et ths loe a.nrd m t0sar a5Ucaio Cisoreisares tealb. ongcatalated on Actan let oeek, chiaegd1oltisbreak- cr nffip Suosfilllsd »osi» ls, Ics tbeirbarvest bains sppr and enter- iainta A. T. Ma=osbosene ee ss co r. tlmnnt -ien tMonday evening Basssckburna isool andseaigW1 lanb sebol hsoe.Wltlsout violat- and a evalver. Tbey womrraecigard MÂRRIED. Ing soa tbe foodi regulatiose, tbey befoce Jadge Eliotlat Fciday. pleased D:ick-Moc5e--on Oct. 1, at St. Petersa sevd fp otapetîise sapper guilty and oece baoded over, 0n0sus- '0r 1 ridaeby 1ev. H. V. iand th~eai eit of tba masy pesded sentence, ta tbe Barsardo 0lom ci. ton. sons of Mr. asd polwopartoa& of it oasatbat ianpeple, wbo undertookte to ok after MrEres. iebrd ie,'of Georgeton, tsewar times it coatld iardîr bave tsm to Joue, dagister o!f8Mr. and Mis. bae botter. For tbe entertaismeot pna oÂv.O coa !W. G. Hoor, of Clarksss. tbhi olo ed ise am e st hse shortage o fuel-t hse readiog roomn gien bythe bor esses ore wil b.ciseate r ud y s olYand DIED- 9reedi losu g Thrueasiolotsex-ntil fatcier sotice tbe lbrsry ouil li glyw.eil oi 0(08 ctpn o Stud yNios-At Georgetown, Friday, Oct. Mb. loc oo p nStra af eccoono ' b 11, r.JnRdiss hle oeke, sopano,.neeVeniogsocoly, a i as 1 alst woloko. t,18.D.JR.Nxn Franks Jarreti bus, e. ettal i e- Mo«ma-Io Esquesiof. on Oct. rd, ceipis oece very satisfectary, btoesn Comero CouNcit-Tise minutesocf janet Mamilton. beloved owife of $W8 and $70. lat Taesdeyo meeting of tise coosty Jobn Mafosso. Anniverayerieoib.iedt council u .pbioe etoe. Warre-At Acton, os Oct. 5, James OmabPcsbtereoOnn onSasTie prIncl bacses oass f L. Warren. eldeat Bon of tise late day, Oc.BObe ie. s7psebridge. By a %l f John Warren, in bis IBIs year. preentct. Tet 1e.. T.M.o-8.to4 thecouoril refused to rcos5ide o tan otimTemier oW. TNelas-o 'sdeciioo t tise rvicass neisg le Hat-ln Nelson townshiip, os Sator- atn o ixeen Prsister N elsucsocfc t a rtbe pde .t o Ie day.Ct. 5, William Charles Hast, olll eoaduet tise services. A fcee.will ridge. An application foi a grant to acd2 1918,, l onis ad idn.e ofelngle skd fr fom is pepiecfthie atisolic Aras y H ai got favorable pay-Os Sept. 2nd.198bieds tfe9ise &e fogO eti o hepope fconideration. Tiseïe oas no provision lie omessiece ln France .Q.M.S. the ongé Ibis yea estimates for opecial C. H. Fay, lIts Batt.. Canadien Es- WÂstccflG.-Obhief Constable Cisap. gransabastisat pcoposed, and tise ieers ; lso PIe. R. Fay, Macinel mari bas received a letter foaSir A. matter oas lefI OveC Ontil1 oral mccl.. lin Section. 471b Baît., formcrlYl P. Sherwood, Chie! Conlissioner of li5.i8lt Haros Hait. Police, Ottawa. Who sa eil bas ben SrÂcsoe N IcLusNzA.-Spanisi in- brougbt ta bic notice t aaenpus- fisenza bas ibeen epidernie et lirec- OBITUARIES. ing su a cetunedsîldier, signi.g tise ton for about a ocet. Four deatSs naine U Crenoibso, ba bein frauda- ocre cepoted ycterdey byea George- R. L. GUNN. ently taklsg ordees luoesetern Canada taown man obo o as et tise fair and lbe B.W r .L.GoradSc foc Mnaaines end perlodlalPartica- said severel patienta oece in geaI .W e.R .GsGadSc uevelgPtand Goad Bouse- daogeA. ., Sehoostls, ebu hi xsepLlidgtdrs ! i saiiog pitare tisetre woee rîord. Tise A . . , dinle oins as 212th addofibis eet wsituation le badlin Brliogtan district, bosse is ailornu isonW"sd Y WSdasc21TiSreiOch StreetW, tas. Tise Gazette says over 100 cases He i. oas bcueatiMmitandOleaarity Windsor, tie prtyje nouc ekooindhvea 58t a nd lis e e athis aed dtieleMusMerya lb. ool tb e afr a uod. u and tist of oGis . t, cf Nelson toc-- Division Court frose 1872 ta 19M, oben not miitaken t e pubilibers Of teh 0e a.5Is, adtemoisecur rn Scea fict of tise &bave samed magazines tiseatre bavae be lsovngscr and Sre atersuAieldte. 0O GLPy rvinayge. 11,Pufsez Loo.-A sasalblack baliser JAs. L. WARREN. AT ansR Mna, c.14;ý res as last in tise fair grounds yen- Jameo L. Warren died et bis borne Thuhsgvlnd Lasy. Four ChaUpla trday. Tt contalned Mes. MeCleana at Atos lest Satarday, after an ill- sh ,Rcs 12 show cluses. lest registration card, noveraI. keyn and a seso! sOrne years. Me oas abaut sbo us. Dntmisî.Ths DEST ae,&Mou tssnt o! money. Finder 1 Te- ity..coso g. He oas a sn of B 100luiezs. Tstuqested to lauve il et Dr. MeCleen s the lte John axerves and abrotber of this eu.ý$ 0l yoees.Tr ons ie. R. D. Warren. o! Toronto, and Liet.- 5 I ate.2t1PRcI=TLs TûoiNG.-At tise faîr Col. 'C. A. Warren, C.A.M.C.. Dow0on SoLDM Os E..s-Pe.. Bd. oisi- grouns yeserday tînts eoel dresserd bis oay to Sibaîla. Me left a widoo, son, son o! W. C. Mobinson, base lin*.yan oeni b bsso ta a non and a daugister. Before bis bo orne >estecday. He oleait in ging people olthis rbion ooi W seli eldb a apeielfra <tue oest, osean 'original ficet, Ow- oai pcinted -Out, foc ae.,,e. secelary of Maltas Farmers lb- T a ;;ent deal cf isislfigties ami No doubtethse taggepople ibelieved titata. oas usseaiheit util abonnIe yearegfO. they oecleslpieg ese kinodof ptel-- ohms h.o as -erlnuely Woonned-oiewark. Tisey fkedout reas 1.te Dpes. J.R. Nixoce. thrns>u l li0 e piece ofaBo Hue r raocpumt u«king eoy qauetions- Dr. j. R. Nixon died et Georgetaiso masu neraplase. H e n tnslsnone of the gils la stFiiday freas pneumonie.Hle oue i. illt oa bot la an leave, mirn#t9d tat tbey woeedoing the is bi. 4711% year. Meozo sbr aeo'tAs- nat db nUe ,acm ~ntsi oos." Bise aoed grave. Oc reecclsg maturB7hews home on (ilHamilton. Kmuof h renmVaneouver, B.O., c erioch er for a asr iIs fe WiB aliO MlanHeMo 0ni okdni ube ftir ,u hiehs iseent.ered Toronta University ovreswth tsiiIsBtalon. .and far ore.s ork. Their gaine «a emedical atadent. MHednaad ieon.Ha dIt oes jf-talus pce tenaseo. Tisey sony setishonore. Me frt Prac tied t mooatàflclto T1 Ïnd aj.Tiedi. Malven. Me removet taGergtoon dtotbus beençu lle loolk otdu, etisera. tiirtees yeers egata eaet*ina e- sise.1r u Slady'Nxe. oti isc irn- . A. W. th icaestrFranld sat dY ioM.P.P. Be Oas 0o!atise Dot eau . t 111* ad lrtiu- Enle WIllalsMset popler mena! tise vile.M Sun - ês la t. ~ f "Auuu LU104," s sausatl u$as aecoSer esud oaMdiaReaitI Anni srvice ln S D&wi nufis unfmeLU 'O»Meefor Esqueelng. Ho oas aIprom- t 13* Mstey, i - - y inn l Masn, a PsetMater e'Crdit IL.. I Ab4bàa, À-0 * ,Ir>d « ed e orgeton, ansd a membier o! là L *ýl & t.d] jrdaiArclis Ciapter. Moitos. ) 0*154 5 t -Th; uersi.tck acesel Honday Ab.fraomtise halieo! 'ZaOuAsisiove, tp Geenan-W ie tu et yn-' oe oryareolts-uini S»iaa nrelgnsft B575t5i. i &cieas Beede ifather,ae~ thé ither menèelioaof Dv "iiaa MU e v ,M i Saupke< . -iiBt NixocnMdt, 0 IaL EL Six, Tornto y-i . ti FRESH GRC and the bout plai FARM PR( Canada Food Board LÀcene8-370 6 E C. R.TURNER fuerai Dmresat &ud EmÏbalmar :Agent tarDalie FaneraIDesigie. Picou O MB. UM F' mit t. Pe.Tarann.eda iave a littie heat in lova cl at ne of MATERS FORE, ERIES UCE. MOCERT Co. 4ROVERF' Wiree paid for yotir un-baad tise businesut rm. Welr. Ail anquires beMtm tdmao aus. ~ ORTH dLOTI A g and wefrt values wg priceS COZi et Stock à ot really 11 ise. i dal lai Cashtoe 14 The est lGeTo b fw, The best Pla0e- «buy ar tOnkce m "orth oldeae e the evening,' but before orderîng y CLEMENTSI and have a look at thi STOVES AND:1 S YIR'S Ili 1 ý