eady BtIsine ew Dresses Shirts wçHcifcs, lette gie ws' Clothlng Store-- pHONE 58. MILTON.1 IiaeYou Tried Ille Bgy Store aPair of , kham's Shocs? IF you havent 1( tin o yendîd. Yon have! ne ides, how mach mare stylo and wear anîd cod confort you'll got iran Graha'si Shees titan fron (lie kind yeîî have brený pettting. Wte are ast building up a bg (rade. Hardly a day passes bat soinsone 0conOO in for a pait aI shots like Mr. and Mrs. So-atid-soi got- -hats (ho proof 'we bave ta offer. Our (Sood Qualîty Shots are doîng the ail terttsing foi lis. GRAHAM SHOE HOME -rHE HOME 0F GO&D SHOES., ai;.iie L 7 p.m.. Monday, WVednrisdayand Friday. Fe Ford rwherc Litd e of il Il Ca d t c.îe X 'tc T he 05' becs d MACKEP Sohool Supplig and Text We are ready for Sohool ail the Necessary Supplies ai Books. Exercise Books, ruled an( ~cîHberiLead Pi N\ote Books, Rubbe s E"xain. Pads, Pens, Ruleri, Pawit I nks, ans Crayons, Péeil Scliool BagsPencil I ountaun Pens Sat Plain Note Books, ýýAt Po Public and High IPQl JNO.!IM Itpays te lie W naed DUR TAlLONINO DEPARIMEUT s ever ready and., mew are anxiois to supply Your wants in the' (lothmng Ime-Overcoat or Suat. N OUR FURNISRINO, DEPARIMENT YOU wiJI always fid a good selection of Hais, caps, Shirts, Gloves, Hase, Coliars, etc. UNDEWEAR-Stanild's, Pepman's, Ceetse, a à# ofier lines of Mlens Uuderwrar. leahodys Overalls and Smocks. t~iNLItL~r MEILSON'S 1C-CREAM Ao n Pcn De V rins U18 00.00~ Ho.~ase.naee !is. EqWs. 1baai aatered. M t Fa n n e Fl aune Linens TV (ZILO Imm.eetkreery>0 r M cJanne tt'su.oze-làeofe. Abuns, Fo sorces which tonce dispose of any quesianeregardlng thear sue- fuir "'V In- optasshave coame New Auttapo ad Wrnter Maflanery,-amd other importants- 0cr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aa« godJr.rs do he ~ adIHO Tras KU ft~MutNv cesmoraen of dresg, te the early anepeetonu of whîoh we cordaally anvte the beet qasaliies andAt-his %tr % women of Mltonnand vxoaoty ApBposas we bs etqpe t prices are as low as lr~siooaygtvlng. lni àa itoi ithto W 8 the Iowest. tacoernobRov.C. D. (Pis.) C imli J.M oys .R. -KIL ari -,T Xcannett & . x hofild UT T havoeeSontad svancedi-The NEW , M ILLINERY jobi- A. Anderson. of Toronto, bla for ienete&Coe sadv. . CALL OR SEND US YOUR urcer ttire lserhoasstrd o ORDERS - WRf DELIVER seret'On iet Bis ewe N. T. Sosarri, of saolt St. PcMTY f lot ou1Mise21ith oocofa mnhwith hrlieosr coMr. sdgisthis season favor taupe, tank grey, niggsr rown, purple and tho __________ 3o!A. Wbilowohip elswn Ms.A (.Meeabb. we of raisin shades. Thssle are eometiinis oombiusd with touchess of braght ehades cHOoINJA ET atinrof et il nid contPAfrY. __ ctig ta as fise cerise and saod. Ïi"tranigsthere are a good hwigo udr durethe ladis a = 11rotoerlotallion. lýIe Leadng rer, SietY. They pt lu the aternoon WAsrrs - Two furisnhed mone brimea ad beodiaags of buttât gliode made in a fise quality, in ail new shades. decoratng the bandoet&"dand rrfrosb- anti or wtiiout board. Apply ta Ms PHNMML ON.mnt booth in VictoriasPark oeth ptraow-, court st.i, rsuEs - flN ageaod hotos for these gardes esgLet party 10 the svesiog. itistaad o!ace KOXbJOttOt-Th sb rct for Sun. eras o cojrdiloksthey pre. deay robog ci ,'lb"TeLando f___________________ paetdispene hot c<os onthec" esut. -oreEveingsubjet,"Th ' West End Srocory ëolEr, andwiches, re. ît W48 1priblesa of pemnlLiherty." Mr.J roder in the sveniog. bteSthe.con. ackaY wili ro,ai at evie.FRIDAY A1výD SA.TURDAY _____________ idenre af the iadiestatthiear atriotie Sealo are rr at t cre cslrPiowoie spredvirsmot Thio werthe Miltan braneh otheS pt 4t & 5th inmopias e ii a o doobt the attendance !P aSeptRd.ros ooitypakc As virasmot as lareasoit wooid have Cand iieeosiqSorterth ced o A5 lnyear8pedsttarbwiIlurrters the oi- CU Otuc a r r y een in more favorable rether, ieg ticc Y aothmng but firet lasibut itWvvs very iatisfaeto, 'drtse iaeki. 1 tite e ; 102amai r oy Groceries aod Provisions. Qutttofaosre. T Malie exe ats.ihfrto with eciioro, and as the boit timo ta vew bis- oprning display. There. witi bo more to se an lent Singerosod tbcy gave a varied ukaaktoes By buying frouaithe Prormca ialtro ot oo urooTersosocreOPI those days thon later. hea woleal hoar wr wsdrrdtgS. Tbe basd played several wtsait famiiy. Appiy ta Mes cao therefore guararteer efrcsbsccnts warein good d.ssaad DAMÂA s cort.-AIco Mitoheit, the quality. and thecwatresero1.th oothvertown Costloceut Burtte toho wa krpt boîr. Ini asother place the Kaiser abot evieios duty osaine0,0 ec, i - oeealwhti "traafedo effigy wth bali. Mensaeins te t iecooncît for $oowae L ~ U * J k E ~ 1 eer andha obys peed beas wtb gotO asd anddamae. HMc bimsoeckevc U er5~ * printrd le botter t hoan gi a tidy sm for that pries e bers dismserd, ondista ctiti lte bis ~ W ~ ~ whttestore serls. le ccec a ffle ottcd ffl and iary for thee tioe iehmhaahconit of ADR OS whElgihePatterson wosethe arbore. Thet employascot. So when yatî rrad a toid eceipte ocre $114 NE h S rprao.FMlo' gCs tt KIDDIî KS e$200 soi 825 arck.ÀDSTenwpeaain o hn o .MlosBgCs tr à tatement about w h a t Wit)e the prbsor of $1.00 wortb of mie ai Brswn's Draf Sore.PhoeN thias tars anUsg, you dont Rxall good we rive you a coupon mGA1 BLEDtON SauieÂY.-TWO ycos have ta discount it ta get and $1.0Cash and pet s $2.0 Es. 10 iaplhwoebwrcefsti, PoledordMoteal- ______________________________________ a t the truth. Just take couoneîs ad $.0Cs u 8250 to-day oborgvd oitieeolîgt Swhat wr say s t ae Store, bavng a quiet littee wmeeheu the t ieoTreiîî5îvIlfI1bN F value and you will find no FtTRIOTIC Fusa. -At Tuesrdayo siSteor oppearci onet ecceae. Thcy TeriCrc sott eîlreoi1 NLLI M# i cause for dissatiefaction ieretngpof theccoo ty cosecil t wàPedeuy and eere Sifi soiadTe e rosScit - dccidcd ta contiec paytopîsoiders eevd coats a ch.-Gocpi e Mrald. evorkin otheiecd Croie Roocit ececy * Our prices are hasrd on moil it o fth ooyPtiTh. "ie dtes et -for tht School FoireTecmtyotees.lies an buylng eomnethlng whioh wili the Iowît paisble ana- tiers ti thcendodfaithis yetandI sEreielos, Sept. Sitie Trafalgar, Se thc rosi thtog. Vise osast rcotiy yec 'i ru' o h oe the lwe8t ossibe tnr- thu affInli t iter National Ptri. ISet th; Morsby. Sept. i7th andi t he cthetrecta morcoevni t yedafir euntoth oe gin. Otic, Fassi, ariciels in speratioe OinBoeviiOct. St.condiSatorie et .15 charp. Itimrvetd ther Caootes sndino the cities. Me. tstd Aiways rrady ta give Little, the otovere, ai the reaso for Posity tearge arr oooiog aeocy- eot o O.frcidri e metPrpoaiwsoot falore inesy us ta biekeeers and criostriaseHcn-esCULT.ssa,.The onterhî- unr bst service. aray ai the cooty fondl ta do justice 7bro thry foot the siedct need plots itioe cf tht Miltas HorticottuaetSo- to the dc andents. Ht thoopiet It aIn aintoftht homet. 'Thiesivasmore ity aras Sdi cethe ton hait yettct dose stot ghl. He il icoutold mrttiuarty oieved os MetsnSeret. isy. Ther, .are piedidiepten. A T E A 9 -O hyeactits-edoadsicagd od erstry bird tooatch thcetoreîte machItrgee thon e noy peeioio_________________ ho bssca biedempoyaient thislei 5qo t ab ~rQa aTheones cf thteshoiw the ttasdaocc wm ar4etr fomity viasooct aosWeittff as t bai1bfjriS y hecaleo o cocottccnlss but vehavre a dhiieoo bren wecodrawin en ottowaice frin tthe nuimrsanelaterd.-Cons. reect. Tht priso jest wiiibc pubhied give full value rvrry t(me, imply beasase beîng MILTON u -w 1uthe ccssty fond. Nw is owhti ainl-1W.CT.U-Ametnofh.'z e. PHONE 30HLTNtenos cei d acme ot ofthe cm .C .i.Aoe fc ttooati.honestly made, they aili wrar as only "good" e eisWcme'ristitTsempersectLUnion FORMoys ANDe GIRLS cAFais b, shrsca war andi ttwaveatrilleseuthan ithled tees arithhto t thebhime of Mes. R. E. BaneisAsociatio,actingi og eOop- he a e mietee cvms wey. Mr. Lttleo preocetrrioce Tîtedor. Sept. 18, ai 3 pot. ertice iviti the Dlominion liepert- ïpst .a sillttseitie thec Natiotal.tmet ai Agriculture, LiverStock Xou may boy lower priced shoos eha 001rs Pa tic Fosi ta puttaend ta 1EXEMPeTtIN TRIsUNALs. Tht foil-icencie cfferrîtaiepries tahcboysad biit when youdy a e uigo piebss tesmbitngesndconstanet demsonowintarioe.rthetappointmeits mdeby 'rt ahrnoteoic if ut~~ oyuaebya napc a t1 oie otici oifor alonther oem itot rnttnttotieWr s tdywàe btcaltes orpig,, wihecoaomy ai a socondaîy consîderatian. Hin aec rtci Htaisnieepii rhioetoe i e t thc fair bers onOcte. @the aed 1tS MÀmito ipettat, ohicie ho seti ierace Att:vBiriîeeto, W. Y, W- cni ohecompar iitiethe rue ol a ao ho rrwrh cn r s 9nojustifled. t viras ptain thet the Fieber Oaketillte.MW-A- Chiehotm; rrotopcompetitio Noetryfrecritl te'soe r wr evorycetw sfo ipeotetar viaisoaaset cf the foot Milton, Jedge Fîttt; Atoo, Jas. Beho horpei, nosexhiittor wartttihc suait thon Could wr affer a bitter rocommendation tient, iecideoots t atoigi ene es5,M Lt6d=s. Teroimose fctedvita make more then cne entry ic s dicrecpcoestithodtnseiaoi5S tthesi eitiiec eppieci iy the dose, ,or marsthaonsmeec i er fOO? last year ta thec NaticoalPtricttc Domiioen Caeremot. fereiiy hliecarri dte compoe. Cci, e A E 'SHtS O Fondta hodtstriiued ainotbr Cotin- GAasvsc.s.oFIn EYFitis.-Thie.andipigsetered musetih ee o hr 11 E SOn tiet. Thogie ail the memberesditmot yrsr the Ocieilte Feir dîrecores ae or after Match tate. 117. CroieRecaro N tl DnehnoS support te, rtolitias, ail ogreed inarraigrita bah rvnitg oefTI oochall coiyeor pende btass ot eigibit o--.sing eal oePhn N M. Lttesdefeoce cf tht Cooty o osa e e lo soAppication formas soi fullsstoaes . Pstngrtciesni. e forotesbreaiet, tgroiodi arr ta h. brightly igier e y cas h.ie tained tramnse y hoisi. Tht Stetiecoseliedlo fe diobeete snd osse'l tpowrfui Ilgiets. Thr grand tad fermensmout h. prcpeety S iidoct etd Osinlle, . bi inrslgtd ni e st tara tholimni peopte. Fityfle unwith the manaerefetaca rate, te.national fond psu iccordtspexitbitiaon iti precset titic day. l5thi ist.I I t i' tacctrcsmstootti. In some taons the ceomsand natioaldaes. re Bue-____________UIUEli amont as larger thaiMalton'îsoindin tir~e brigade wilgite afancy in othcccsmcieloarer. Mssr.Hysds, driiresn.oîsng.sis 1 1Q eheMstsinemand tienSp11=er. bpmen-t î s hrsreyENLIST FOR TRAINING aras Coodoo. i fr criticiso rtet-o hp etasi tdyt oeaii ienoarlcdp.. Mm. Andrear. Qocen St., by Satrday For Businiesiioe cf Sieas UNTIL SEPT. 22nd FaisRoseN.-250 ccrosrniaboee'eeesisg. Sept. 150h. Scieotls, Troeto. Fait Tertesta j Oienwailiaso on SOtbieline. Large boot CcaasseoaD-Hnsry Smith, Waltle Spteniere tie Fret Ctetogoret.- bora, pe tels, aasis.po -SctJJ.. MeAuliffe soi HeebrtAs- pain. Write for te Wiv.H.Secw, Tireo have advanced 10 por cent. sînce Sept. lt ilB o o s tonoet.Geo afrmifor.9otandasi atiseecomittri faf trileut Prgidcst, Yosge&GradSs gran. Pocsession Oct.t, 117. If Mamiltnon Mody by Pcliét Magies- cae t horsein your chance te gît New Tires rwn1lOto 4 Interestd, came ta Gorgretown soidtratcJeifi for'oslsvvfotty killiog Dr.cet lothodpres cee it. Apy ta J. A. \Viltoîghiey, or ouglas E. Mac'liehe. snscewans cn oo h i rcs J. E. K. Catta, Terra Cota,tOnt. ~gives identicai aith thet et theine HisseHesoAnahe qiec. On croe.tsmisatioMr. e n ru 2 acit 30x3j Dunop Speciot, ct pite, only .... $ PTE. BAY MEA hr tora-, Ms Rabbis sadliber huBbanni hscbeisf2lVN( neemer -.e ed Milton sclier we o ired heme siuicted ta therunsof isser. but fe e h ee 2 3ix3ý h TryTees, 18 as Friiay eenisg, Pte. Peter lBrady, qîîeseby wirntseix mcoo ariease 2' luI Chat.Te.,..-20i o! the 801h Machine (inn Este., botter 3ube .M aist bdt MJICTAIE 33 K. diS. Riibet, ' - 1 knw osa eg.Bay s for sx els brforc Stîsday, Aug. MSCTAHR 3 3Ox3ý Peespen, 1 Opening with thât Tank whibesonedmet bisasieste, loihPiano, VloeinetiiTheory I o3.tOxl Goodyear Plit, -5 iog oas-ram. He in a neteran of ISuites I . t t tandThep....18 and outhAfrin a gs.for The desla for ot Week Ed1P1,'3xjSatk lso, .. .... 4 ,nd New Text aieh o hmthme mOedalsaod vri;5 Choaten hic obisi aistc$six i 3x d.3,ol., keenogisntie re E re a~twre OSe Yp5,31 oPiano Tuning i 33 x 4 Goodyerr Olsoond, onl ......... 38: torolist witb the lateCaptila5stedo, DMgStOre and Repaira The above are ail lst quality and guaranterd. but aseiertei onacsimtofaeot eT thmehiog bnipit la omeivhat cf He ried agin Itee0thâiSec~uod 1 velty. ci te farmnera of Ecqsm- Pfoss2. - -MILTON. are a ew gaod quality seconds: r' eesteOd ale With t -eiop trybne eerythiig posibr ta ansWgase néo rned doaro. but fi.Sa- el o aile ,Inereaemd Produ - ________ .4 ccty î0s3tMarathon Plain, o001..........814 slly o.esoosed s Hamites, ...îis.îS. Chisnholm mas tht Sirnt jcoed the Oti, bot un acSint oni he t trlby tbrnbig s feldiai pos PShone 199. 2 Set1 âge ho was hept on iuty at roa-freaspas ostiimidnitht. Atip.m. t1-.34 x4 " ' .......... 21 boroigis, HngandaSheo the Oes o!. aist ls made and s herty sa pe a m 6i ,3x4 Tuboeas ........3 d unruled. tha âilwest taPreanne. as tisOY 1providid for the ment Aout fi04 .3 - o H eeîap i-î ..........2 didindrata an fnaly iebas beeni Goa. Irvingecheeced te bohysta gretece1J, .[S In 1boseeraiel 2ýii.harged. H. came tea iZ siopise 'ariinogin tht encîls, Canaa eleu a ayeux beh.oh. neispesoebrenhesi -r othrrsk, ieaving bis aile and i l-,the -c seni"'ht' naiey and ire of Live Stock 'Cool Boxes te go on rassis! board ef sny @ot, snly,... chiairen in Eopbaoi. hiitb e .Aelen it.M. Charer f eaer iatep oof Covr.c foc 30x3i Tine, onty............ sut bers a touple of wee sm o ahe"yaaonty n risChinomenh Daser Goodyer 3O i elineet, regulse $2.50, cnty ....... mieMilten thir home. Pieer.. Y sisnirng idpenofor oent yer. Mynlip 30x3ý t1. 90, ........ arrived on the &15 CPM. trai, bt Books, tieogb notesoetbis coming viais moetrAL m!.MaL.0ty-MmCarrolail mliMI LTON, Goadycar 32x4 3.50, ......... receivesi otil thi afierasosC, ho gg o behi failand ai ater.opeing Qu ~Brtleheme Speciol Fard Spsrb PIoge, repsîse 6ic, oels'.... ad Brseg reat vaelcom , He 5 set Spt, u14ifi& ihon ibe aibihoin ai the oreoVsHIP ADS: Hystcp -toniy.......... byMyrMrtiobud siae0 e'seiroar i5r CM.HLO aoHORNBy 5 ib. Poil Cup ce Tranamiosion Crosse, asly. . oxesCittzers, issu yo! thees alth noe. 'Dun'tnvîei Speceet -ond Metar Oit, rerular 60ce. pal., ouI,. .... ~oehbs aeivalh.e weo eoncted ta Cedattie Me n 041l, 75,........ )lips, icoinsilua Chambhers car, bl ie h aTa.eSi.a Rr IDGE.-The prnoipal A. & L. Poaorine Mates Oit, 7e hMr.Bradyysas âoeted, ailibozfor "sba o! lent Tuesisys apocetingof7c. ....s!... hien. A prncemmion vFs formahitbo5-Ithe esnty conseil wanl s t aenu. bres fJ- j-h m-e ARgFO-CAHaOL asilhytheoband. A liasiisaiéat the p*nsoln of a hY.Iaar ta rai" esny ~'J~. ~ r BV RCSAEFRCS N ~folios, te atofon nthe a of ahic deb sou.tunm for the building af tiseENT 'H RD A A welmecl Pt. Bady Oum- Te ibutvent na frther on CCionfeoDW A e t Boolcs. a. -tiss e drali ket hao tg t a " eity bond andi Tobaeeoniste _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pahdPn.thal thogss ? c .E. McCUTCHON FARM FOR SA 'gas asillsa noe e ar lse eiar e t i ~Hot andi CoitiLunchs FIAI N TE oosbl al konMiytr e.~~ .»~ ebor i li-ater bot I anoro B.PVed t tail houais. Paiing, Oatinti P*pse.sgIg. nîI; fortb Concession, Esq soi eooPitig of ailb beds tas hanieed acet -.ýsdà land ln. osits for ai i t' k 4 Il p. lÎ.~ A