i-e' IL T RECORD RAILAO LETS eotenI- a l b el i i t ire, li a ao . i I ee-tree pore a d-i i miPtala ili, llu ad 10,mo lie. Immy, pl l oilad le atgl,, Iliesor flin, mou st ot îlii la nd forait .4o4 liai ange,lu j, Il moiita of the ya ~L- 1,1 neigbe aUMUMm "Iih en aInu l l -11 ad fortymi,0 jýletion another twag. e beeo apevt in lai ilein Ami-rc, a w - iorse cndtl., i f the White Ilailoeay Which opft: 11 rn the La»tse .id reioaitIiÇOs. ymite, framtlta hie'as o 011mb it of aI tai hVihen he et&- "a-Operenseveu 'i ided il, and the H "d-greof front! i' s,-19'g Nture Chain, I aiOjl5ty to la- ' 1 ilî 'perPhat for I i i h e dark wag ILsit brai, tube ble aitsolder. ' ilihb the lghit iii' Crlierchain lans. a id d. giaspied'e "Ilithe lhght, t ià L gip the tube, ai ttsheid tao le i hi' Folioed end i î tra i Pi-)?pular FIRST ANAESTHETIC USED * W iLer eHici et 'li o :inburgh -dii li epli !: ii1848 iild vilifO ai-d ii ld dower Il, te ciihprat ii, ka iiii AmerS- 1.IIY edcnrlon !i' lIi s b iian iahi )i IPSOeIlIoWho -]iIi ianii.iiSsthe di 'ley îi'iied lis iL i i iily f.Illlog be- i*Jiesi- halleco- 1Ilpiell gi'ierally -l i ý l ,Iugorde.ý * diiig -c'iiota Tr itiîth, cMa" i a i ,is la hch u uîi ie time. * -' II ii deiihOW LILI llie do- bli' ii ~' ila to i liiother ilii'lich lhe t.il, iperatot' i . l-glnniog, ',.kportionola iwhile the i tii uihe play- 'iii , iiihliithe i ,ptiiiy radiati On,,. ~ - rui nisi a sort ,111-iilashfouait. Miihîîogh no ..iidiaid noletk iiis eIo that he l'uN ie ie to per i aluscestrlcted îi,,g Iîpteoi, aod s L liinliia fait- hAhi tîie Problem ý1(1i thii ile Rugby tri- id advertised for wo' Th.e eply lie ladt ro- Il Il. agi, agifi oiteeo. id iiihlNieiin o"h'a and aiiiioed fr ixeloo- Ii Fl thit wa White ,,pl.,P,,,,prlty k-i hiî'îuglufar îiîliî.îi nîib offive- ' CHERRY - &-- --hl '~ Thi, beof remedy for tecoia ýf Cîiîghs, tiolele azkd Bonchftfg& '2V,50C. and 81.00 par bote1 MIiLTON. Phoaaa b *Ua* - - - -- - . -, - Ma-- T- ON-,- ONT - ara 014, umltttthepsla Vi LUi i 57r.Itr o raasi.ide Tiuaearsian uhsaltui uats se, i.8.OfIPUBIdo.Dco.giThrs 0tme1kteprun WSY iRYMinnllvRTtN. Pt f 0vN604 eiI oe iA theAh..ieaa1t, nolitratIWc4 iCtltlt r oeg hr ,uuuiuui Hbe-ait i. Uif iii,.Ou $soadc ie rn 10 i .81 5 if Pa.1ia m p do . .-oaa]W u9rodhlikashealofn ... . W P - i n c h p a r idiaei at5aa s ait uat ar lal l itratlosta Caiiiiliroinotl m.. Ihauot .ut a isdn- CapItal Asthaeisuffi@se. Theiaodaa difelm.a. o !=ad ebargidoi 1.0 y t"', are by .-tsfrt al.or ce.. __ __ __ Al'.t» E t nr aod ut Prowinstutons use c. e.ce r.a. .atie i,iayis firthsiiu llita.and ma..a. 2c idoeAid l flat Blindai-oflb th..tt "«iie ivom is.udi.m leu-c . sW. M. ..T. mslt. .m iii i.S.-Ia I4mas0- ib inusiWs uta.Oae1-ts-.ath.udrei c f _u _yebu =thaieta4. Tc, ai-- e i UOaci bedl 11U à byla bri.eir io~resore _Toneber. MI. )'fume 8ise adird thel -..th!a àiuilcs. 100 Ce. oed uItNIACA ATflCLIOcasanteIC icllinmit M.. 1. Mitnsua, Travellers' Guide. 'A 1;AtILN t0ACtIiIC RIALWAY 7.015a. m. 9.34)i. mi. ;Iinee . Ù.30cp. . 7.55.m. ii iCi, ISp. mi. l6.57 p10ma. \V- ti a.04 lpa., 1 &l.Sa.tui utRAND TRUNIL RAILWM-Y HON.&X, . Duiiitou,' i 2 . .45p.mn. tlhD.7a. 837paom LEGAL WILLIAM . DICK '11't f our. Milto,.Ot J.* A. E. BRADEN iý .. .iiii eyocoLnOecsud Ntolse hle.neryt. Lias, hiFi eei- pieuidb J. W. glUuit.J t i eet. Miltuio MEDICAL il. A. MCOLI, M.À. mh.,so su 1aortasl., -ria,. fe ,>fi î., îuurestîof ouaaaf ia It's the Narne on the Movemene chat Counts BUYING a watch by the case is like buying a book by the cover. Book or watch, je it the inside that counts. In buying a tiatchgivefirst-consideration to the movement. rf you wvant the best movement for yotir money --- choose front our assortment of WALTFHAM WATCHES We liae lliW î,! I iiîi rd-sat' id a nige of price-eîh Ceatîli the bet vul-posill ii;; t iî pective prie- Aid wi îîîut oui th a 'd'11, YouOe.eeid ao lthrn.' E. MARCHAND MILTON - ONT. h Se- MCWatchmaker and Jeweler R. ANDERSON, 1. D., DerMy 0w iis elts-îe You ouclît to have eeen how eDriseanad happy hiuO.nietinu.ofDiseuore. Ite 1a.Iii, 5 eep.- nd .80to9UP.sa My htiobhnd wau when hoe came home lait night. Yes- SIASHAL GOLAD, IA, MB.toi-day waa hic birthday. At bireakfast ho forgot al M u a', a E. ON0 .À. lBabout it. 11--re îîu a nd si .,Mirai let ut. TiciWUtDIBiL, cft .. When he came hotus in the evening 1 wai ail toggod OFFCE-i-_ni reildoua, 0.-ofrur 'out in my loVelieut. 1 met him in tho hall, blindfolded hiu n d led hlm mbt the living room wlsore I seot himi in DENTAL a big, eoft «'ctamfyt 00W leathor chair wltich I'd bougiat for ____________________'bis birthduy present - DR. H. McCLEAN, L. D.S., D. D.S., Try thio on your huibaod. oeHLN ihcsiusio f th.bo s-ul .lageof D«9.1 1 OFOi-t-imie ata',>tora P. S. Sud-i hendsome loather furniture-reasoOf- llCCKAY, MA&CKAY & WEBSTER able too at- tsario LB54 Stiar, Oefl Siisinsm.vi Feanepal DlP ad]m*#!i flt Of' tiaulif mutua omahbramiaslto-ne. lS. - "8.AGENT FOR D>LE8 jUNERAL »IOGDS Tuirhoe 4Ute IL CAMPBELL - conveyange.Notai-y Pubul nitsDIt, 'cowrNT'Y 0F I- JAtIO..'T Aigen orfnAs 40a(-5 enhp? LO)CAL COURTS CAL R oneene-i'oW HAML SILTfGH ONT. P a ! W ffVT N . .otoo ~ a In etée as nt an tge, ir m jeu-Otseia la CWË. Wboeunlt-mine ilrItad.- ata in éI ail" ea ta uf saeeed M i ite eo NeS .04 SM1 ol e dty Wa uiDe ' a"b w Vau nt i-. ao ta-t i'- ttom igv e ? fululti -eilr laaaefaa t1vi i roi vait y e Outia i ha lie augiiia i-iCiCet Thora ihn ' 'Int at bs rfle s S ore taM :ewhoueid noSî i iue - ti? î-ftCi L n sgss i »ýre m ï ai -111ilueOiFd uehhlt l Ieanet al eula V5 r se t i itî rgaetu ieiie nwtm ea etnit l- ingualia ezed. itb aiittleBague iCu e ce, 'iga tîeiaaf i'ooi e tahe uore .,r Oh, a,, .wit -- u hor V. oe lad Ta c ihe silît - -r;o u-igrc Cin l heuhela iI meat-est. 1 lae gir lnlied," 4 ,ýP i- Duoa i e nd le nii-s a ayoaoeos -é* ni q atlieuSl ."liitColl -lsupp o e fhe at hlatfrasootemgtesd- evuvl u - - itcr, aswiiigwoi Cih a ash Ctou-e IU ISSteiu s d ta baestatbee te: 1't h liai' h ii - titiClo ai-i-iCi. Otbhe tacm .Ohoreaia n o , 5mev as front tai? 01,5kL l 'a Cî- ohi-df le i r o 1eIl 1.ii-' i lgMin 0fÏ srmSod. ft er osulrtat.l.i-îlitBcut"la e ben mit. l îSld-txatu-am 0i Il iciatu l," lc-avoo-oa4nihdaetia-aliihees Iîlu "idi qu 1iial- 7lion th ca I.do i-e. tlbave n o ea e a du duvhiiot hottoc me. hîl fi l h, iii n -'i'ie il i theDi-. J , aesch yaa lneiaisa y b aii,ao 4 rasngLas. dy Monk.iii iheiii St ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl al mIe tdao htIm s 1 donouat tsf-haras, Iov. M on"b c C h"ed huihtio iaîl iii Cbooki-îi iiis il îae? o o s OS~ ~~~~ t~fr e t nu. ru a edo m ntt ovIf dal e laotxi v a t he i f0 aea u al m a - e lm-eî u'h' tu dn 'f îî m c on r Chv t a geC Horglar gsv eamea. 1,d îe veffd t h 1e peleraho w ' O a lle.an t » gttc a llasueîa hell'Siri I OIli Curei ion]d avurd]' I-air Diare' O clad a scon.it, seototiidbaleir lai hre alietedoain0t hepo- t loi-oii îhc 0 o r Ho arggd bt ahshda. seala vid lia, bluu.a tetîau 0an. lu i i'C te ooî l iiv e c uuoiî 'ire 'i oruetlni ero l l iê;lie.'ts.edU "Whî ar 11., aveslgilon et u of "tigto cShe at be? prt amotl SOu rîo am Ch" ai he tp.îu"f suppose il tlan id- Iled 'u CO t erbshad , a the Pag nt nt"abs- 0mafch a e otak sagerte aeeaut pgla.dui-oabtihemd tin i h i aolit iu i l i fi i. ii tba e. "At t trs at. e a liedassora Vin"Yst,1 eir e trli. thu ir haltl rsou theer, bit orth Ia Cilaaleoto. a 'fieutt ipa et ihcc n la: t aitn u Idl "WO mc l arfitY than et d Vraie.yma SrS'e î dh ?rhapayoO rstaot Idûf00 sr fia opeaIt Chii e ,tlîlaleot ' oe-c:- Ir fldefi te ndu "i s ti a ot oet a Il di-oMrg0- eea-en lao weadse odere es5 ih aia llD a lîoseitf iii li il,- tied uoluleehFhîi e î ici ed eminoisotry lra- i.lan e rulouge r bUsîs-'Ieufo i-eue epaay a 0esfie 0fI1 hat fs aibs ltn i.eai),!ui. meiiiueeht'ifig yi' enthaoa euo. 'hteu-a t so tl t a ou aeat sc siguist mean t onirly Ose.ousie1' Msp The!551 odni na, s o Inlitnt en .1i d'i i nlu'"1 hl. -X "H1eai lil ""d. .. o od o asi hea aI -am nI ba bav"exle oid n rt a l era t 'liii mlbll,,? (j t i >a tuse i'halunug h.lef i i l "' Ytd h v r Hfeu srdo it husv Gi r se ig petishl ring t comy e e u o ;.n' ureda taOu a ia eopsoîu uuirla-iiiî,ii l $iot a Fi-ebtlaita 'Ph avue- ",Youi-af,: hat. &tebLguS v stis atonshfor Coai-a "But s o d mu tat ini Se? a &e a u ntid-druoen! %-(uiiî'ait i;,îîîîc t iu gha-i le. 'viii Ah. 'you. Bdlir. lb a th at o ad i eo i e th e p our ana e reservantr uii d ; ai lii ai ui iia",botiuiui di hýiui t iire i 0 l t.Vulha"I ha t ataai.hoiiildttas l etwt.atheCm ay. Tb"add mpe, l e'ii- ofaaehi uimrihliur isaii u'iiithuiî iil'lver it i blu to. i ls"aTh Adtpisshentsmos a, i-e ctîlOss . ho ira ar. e the opavl orlfroe-outilihica obutormeibisel dîîg, ni -ty I du thhu îultlLîU "ott hdroesttala . F s t al t calstbîth e s, rsu o ithsm e sir e Iit iii-O," île icl "ind, tii uo -1 nt i-det iutit tu tîiuiin;.mcld a s s ur ? l a i l i f a O .l t h M n k h o id l o i f u ep e r a o n - o r e tIp e t î i i f ii e i ur p tiisiu î l 1 1 i n o ust i d u reih îîîîî - i i iii-u u rli a n s g- u t i Ma O t. i viii got rid f aI tai 0, 4- n n vb se l tsr ,S t Ihe i-im sap Il C lu Cue iiiO 'i-YoetlI i- hii i ui il i-It ina thuii- ulîll itai-i iui' hthe CI ius.ble maamegta ta pogwo&arSe lteha"othsr,, otn , er i ela ule ti-o" oerat i ioiiii gui- uuci-.nd ien o r- ild ohcgapt io ao tra aS t e art m oeai. hetiass i ll m oi e tbetuaiia oe ta lie&t hik law ii uii oit i. Ok. tei, t u ,ihh I l,,' - 11hi î ,,îrd bed onou ae oohoes oth eare tqelov,dibàa entsolriar , maderT Il Tîhe liutlioa.ilite RieîîsilL h iui, -ihineiîieidciue "WhoiiCoul îJo -d p e t hilisetI t h lirasyaawnâmhia t b e amsiliand"'atl»aii iiiuei-ea îîîlîc.opueee î aîîet ivivehieoi- Ille ilia o 'Jdtha"esil ?01 di'tahsiOw lt e, ac sl earoolte r attaB t wehe ordis- oa 01e-c l.-Yed trlin lu. l ii ihoui usut ic llu î'Pie ont, eu roie anty msTanthal o a le n uiî fer 4lamu-namaat a oeîtsgy teime aa au lmtped 005 ot omai1 1 ieos;. îiiihli-, iî', i l hou ei uieiii Ahsfcau iem?' Iflemt iml afn upoled,," odnd hat.hailoiusinesisrehi ad 0ti t-up leîuîbu t ua,- ohu thounle,a I l g adfi-It 'a tth i mes ahodfiati tuche "Due aalied, ow the t ail t eli-hers l-tisice a(auttildo-t gi e.audiaifhi g. -"TheIl, vsth odi S,, tas, os o. AiteratheaIn l aga reheld e a mo ersine" s le i Mahdî otheileai nod, hi i1u i uuli, uit" iii hîuîo "T th un hul lierh e ir a blep.tsuell- Dteh, o ldngt o oe ee Oalgepe. t an ed su)ald Hh od S Otraind ed n ii), îoîcîu )ii- rth :Hen ii'u ol es t rl e ido i yLI 'N o tiatdst n thet," mp any aI sait il taite eoo ld u i it id i-F-i iiu le e iiii-i ci usl Lnte Ys "ige aîlgîv tDtainti you' hat 'ut eu eaft-b othaira u n thelia t-iiiim. 1i gltY 1,1 I u it tii mheii ot oiipuvire hah m 1ii' Hbie t4 Dadeop Ri 'hes fomenaat bcaef treoûuo roorasit?"la hlMko i d lronutns uîctd O a bt i ,-ipu l i le s v îudoitledopi au 1 cted tde " cAaaarodue blcvl lui a coquard gilet ',c mtovhIl,'. l iit -ry ioo hîiandralier "h i pent-u "I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 fps ms.mdao eud Tesnelaitosl dMaOuhs M1hndici-un e tal aie ita iiiihiiîîîl.-d Vi 'dOnîtiha e, H ani coa i meti ab lis drsag 0 o h ave tllmee' mpnyw aoau il'd y rze lio OuPCeti ru -ii i fillu iii- ii - iiii tuun.L- " o. V îarlev meeaud IloIa t ou "Bout re a od C t c irGalef" vba homîtma-anuladeu aleaid iiiiith u i i-dv-io--ba paîe f liusld, Oevîtatregret ." a'es' healrs hta etr Ho aias er la ag.espluti iteri hing c ou îîtii d i aîud thud, eut " e g' bOeienuhrdb ion u e ma l u u iue notuesaingme."neator ele bface ho boutsMaly liiti-ocChj. L itliiie oIt luave i yTulai g'hi.Od lie fil oaid 1 oar l, anrlnhm W s of i .M s le@.tf dl ho ieblo sald the a o noui tii e Iail trauhh la he uiiliu'ii orîh alluh it u I o, madeRsd har appe ill te uhli"'t el uenyotatu î aiti d. e $ o rae.05d em as i-Wu e oli i' d,-uiandlh i- Ill hîîîîi-hot i lT hniti l ite t e B .RC, mot g Cur.aerwsu bi- logia repied euh ne a sh gifapouyh Mpart t i do ere. a i iii i-i-i - 7,l.i1ît a lu- ,he IltiC '01 eut-e dm iii t e u a she ippoeie te i"Mnt lorr . 0Bn mr o e igHa.svallr s atfeoiH e id ut tlei ii oeila luhv ihiiimmii m-oti iîcîa*'e tit Fodsonlb feer-ili "Nos 1 wbs oba t idyMona' alon a raot ab Incentuemetlieei.ilitlii il il init)i.i î-r,îîioi"NicO." "Iuia,.lieril ushem aa Ottecie saol 'BuSh e ndSeahsroe roualapser"s l SOls vetai. t h sur utead.iil iiiu ii liiîîîhl 'i-Idn. be r ll Yepositto rSefus-Je f1 ter sn nlsoeriad algo ttperansgntherot Vnu, unitd eliiii -tthu - w i iîh iii i lîîîi 'in, m I p elPId lscof br ilsd, u stls . oa haaed ,Siraslaone pes ebiaiirm«,vü nâtsgie arndryiacioe iii i %' e lu i i a, hui]i, i ti, le.iit LOY u t 1' 1î teu 1e t adm eIs 55f ditervThse. Hotsaa?de alr hMonbevs teroha t'ao umhavel'mni-, u to.îicl-i cin . Vuico et uIleney. ti e. Nro g emta lai* eo t e 0, o yas uitf cetell usa'e. liru at iebd SOtherplce mtBut he' iii IF c itiih iiflic uii ito baoh i "I -ît oîb sd Y lapptoeatocd Olns. He aur"lYW e-u ealy o nd l ,tietfanetîheset'etbier. Istw a ,r aodrai. 1ii.1r ud I-it laii hidi hiîtltei ariteui riici l xld nerlbseby etlmtssysoitseioaiiaHeidbsvraiseir abnebauditeuilmoi Poîîiillluel i ii.iii'Sg-ilio ioDe. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i aa bsltbrhserci o r ii oulls bat adytoaîbs ld t S iolîta tegi- t lI I u l i 9IF'" 'IFhhi-hal te s ilu d oî le oeer;a. L hr. h"illspsoa so sere rota Salo a bscgoa u hfe tuoud li,- IC>' i' ii itd Rithî ilers ch air. ta lou ldaosuIfat ean st cauu uc ' oi d lîse, ueotrainiber t u e n lî - i iiiI 'iiFi tfIi iii i 1.1-tiller a at iî trttaata paie. V at dihaOyen aapeiMr. oaVan Ont Cln ilald lle wsgneplieeals( tu- - î-'isoiiu Auld hbatvae l stri lodfuou oa ae opooalt iila foue u uchu. iOo ed liii ltu o hi-hi c ," lieusaleeoffite le 5v. Was'- usvb ag er at.htmpe, wlta r eughiOrmaupofour au a few iac hi h-,fegil .1lirth 'Idun"of O-a i. 4t ahoI t$l-r e a e a gi aehiBooOod e pîure unI e o si o H uli uulits iglare Chah luat iLh I oFeu ha- iwont.lv e'Ti ban lm s a o ma"mnora '."hovrwt-Ld ol d, tnas Impience.O H thon ilicd ic ab"e; uoloii i id lu me ati Hol e a so the ond o b ertO t h s.gotat, 000cr esaout ady M k?" pole bt- i-iand uiil ot wnnir, t ierl I i- ýh-1 1F h d i o 1 ,col o i ouTa avein raleh e iWetAbane 1atenftiovland!tAi? M o ld the barou at- o f" ai 'Drusi-si, eut are uelle Bd ofeluth- i'i-ue Ithi-,hiuil ,.liiiaa? ,eilr. bt socia lpoion h hsta etc aOrv. om ivaostoe s'aueas . ig hef 'l t rainî eneîpu s, adc hi foie.[m- h - i i e ; 1, du.1sit]f Motion f ieri-se d a srertoaillaitLg.Mnket 01,94 Mo, e ljour i rshaeloganillt o n e.1 i i iri oti, lii i- , i - auppeone." ia atOth il Bay sd se ydilta s La ge i s blaat a i ee cbaces l en act t e Ciii couuh ai coi Paluîlîi iiih a l k ,'rii ftir ourseholie, Sea bbNo auentaa lst d vtbIts uo ifelth es orrbeede as tet.oano al Cii h liahi herisiine lo - - ii - li h l li (I'.I ieIIL'" Markf li h lieo,'i vaa gob t Ial hterfl'oa "Yvam a re ai befers yasse gt stht- diii ocuihe iSe ll iiii C eslud to M lacpert. v er b gbîte or iaif behlad i m et I ae t ol -." .0a tueutcîh of whthiaceiiuii. fi i. 1, ad s-î A ndkd.Ci aoiu ihat voudpa eprle.Oc,-MutaesOfeu. dlthedg asp rot o r,, al fati u ut hdt yMIi stî -(. i- g], 11 l-s iF a ",d 11, Tee btes 1 .l tnt ul atle. meabt bt a re had sia no r cai n il foor s - oi.o n i-aie, l'o ai eto Tdoi lithii rid "Hum oiýW. li 'e aae. te noi ahe m tiaie tth ea is ady aho ba s 0 efi a ot-ic" arma; tIn2abouiitierbiig C i-e toe tg i id i 'MIaftoc ia astla 0e éPissas. fîa ib i i l e l Vso st d thoed pic en'ofie t add suofi ur getr(hl h t îce i hi"iii l ha louiici i q utu havi e t t end &sliesmi-. Vosdomwsaag ai enat andbesu."beai, rIdiilt e. Oui mou uClpleata*irhiei hi He s re tpberugila eet lie wa toil Ciler o aela dygls a unb. lo-iliaut1h10abatCpalier.c ii ii h tuto uiîîaî ii Tblaed'n iable ta, uWes ll a theuait 0f re Lady"ones Ld ohcthe a t d-M run Learra ml Ou o arei e t 1' wîu ell ' i ,iiile.l hiiud iiîi-;oliu n d ab moi blue aSout tlt, e tes Bowmais W sttiui ia th îr luit" ,iiuer ,i-i nit maye nipu îoetli I p liil oh hi-I ijlii- "lie. i , gp 4Ib.c Mavitl er brun0eta Yeta do m lSb Ldr Msb?' onk 'ou i- o' bui tudeaf" I e ile. ], i i -, i', .iiii-hipioii ti, 'ltot l essuca, 04 alai ar bedtca su"ine!moats e il a Yhve cbsce,-îlI ihe tiuasd iii ai machî foi- ulu 11ge ald h i-tii ,ou lîg h t ee wMoule fi Plafai-sas@b1hteet oea stase ttit."nInnoc n .hr is goue e t ra-u ci- .j titi - isfli--hi lui-et dcsud i ..he rute' ksp hot as gali cal =emiManasustiCt. er ouossSta dii no ut auai niiiihaahsho Muhnat0ta. ao.ata bod. t e a svpoi-e brela ie tos e r ylt bah es bei f e ! T 1 rs e lat. "D-ua hi o î C ai iii îîîuîd up CVt d 1 ur f Il j "I "A t heOds caies e h ubi Hili e aoo hi- 1u. Btteaveut IYeu Beltdg i ntyou a. et- î Ialu et no . li a uc ii e da -t dae u ai n il "ii lasd Via Ga abave balovsaiaveirespecttghborai-uo. hoi reaii. I sisa]guig t ilit. t duos thil- su, Wh at o rarscd lu- Strt Tva t d is aerGies me blupin a dy "t hviboa da o o burin" tba l i oa la d neta» er ii l 150t",&iiolasntba Ot et heo i.ui adthaiPlisaas ith ahlil bVg adOu- MoeOvoceeonefrdomi. eLdbeoc. .hognta."ccslpfonIith Ilk an ler Motel, Me O yIhoa ige jaan t foc eso l ttile ald blaO" Te'S. ime. t M . o o a eestt metb 0 fO. Wye diii a g iota nI brm.c Od sU lOg Il am atugg gta talC, ta sesu oLu look .1 an rat.Il tlurabutaditsîiim e'iiJ iu out?"i- stîttai u lliln rhie.kl geve rcola sito "vey iteLaytoynaIle t a do i uitea \au'mc. Il sthe rBtîiRCcs' iiid- v-rl 1 ,ol i)ý -fle W'ht ' t rasinti ts bu L a d wdhadidt Ilc h egbnd lia t o l d e o ll lv "'r enfl m n l ou lel.ùllt1i 1aa 1d. tO Ohe li, cae pt o a oier orat n- v la s i Monk?" rîns ou, sdîatéyotc uiii. u A hetoi la hi li oudl o tsi- tan tatb M blx, n ari bn erisa"Suishurae-tasellet r îl aîcresai l S ho d absib s rii fe range" i-ouiefo ttredf i nleu-klovri d .lltee e 'aaerl m tit plaeafe.anrha - T.Sc ie Vlu aae t rt amai Ca, eu mgo i it ne l usIeousu ne idqar -s1,i ùk hn V" "o Ont a mies n utb- elealle bt '-o spea k-n ul dtee sf ugfr n mmenseb ldfa rp a ,- hI tcIîe nt baccte'oNou 11l Wt aal millir ha h e Cmtyet he C Son. sMonks. Rud nt.och om l ady au ia sur mi - o s' fec.Ctt a " d uo S irthles IMoata oiab - hl 'sb- oi cobe nenawe&eedunyleueurtlm fi oo o iefae.Th rimited «ue8t , m adc a lOi tue "ASdo tu rsSy?" lll e t "'oist .SIi-l wileale r ondbetlsIuaiasii dis-t i ate ya.Belgaaead aasaereùu" i men ,,-ti g 1d ti ]owl Mtatue bai aer org L i salooI nt bv ef c tuant. ie coinuan k i h. sdube nlustier madz h c1ee.cate et sif garellg M-i 5y(5 t rbonVas nt e last m-ed 414 afedaitlmiseronetGleas-o,, 1tm Iîta lanbile e 'fol - i feasf Is t rat itaprMo nk nw lhe bsar ouilt ano ioe uthe him asord are. otgilIgv o a ohn jibee b ai~Blga vawîil-opomu sbs e ear Il?" uio mny T heuira Oîdnois"t sal d iler01F brail hleca I ersec e, sDw.1s a s dIt- " i tg O "Pat au Ont da, i-vid t ae Onto"ligefougad y ormi fheo oreosetsudn g eiiari- iiitd esitid efor. 1touraoae o shlp "e, hosaO Ird niibaing i t eha5 u tti l- aYu-oe mhen t otllem-," Rd Mog hdTesr li o He berOa Ceu tonaf 05t tas mla S ta v os-Id axa i-sti-u ehaet l1i it'5l HtD sl. f H I a t h e testa ,ybao y , n a ros d irom -sdo paaIde Suebac , a i eni ie doîI Tls? oi>dhro Ois "l Oi- diii ii ese~iv a ong cmmuniaion . lt roLatd I biet iatsbe Ol ares '.loaod a t erit soCtepî1, Ia., h e oi eat So " udesc ou ,o me ILlatu ibabins fl Ath oe coae , u i ttIe ua i- yen do~ bats rosodn n a edI h ouh l heBaov C?" idea t. 'aott.Yu.sgaydaIino.gilt aid fwh5 a utte -tgotclsn so Ini- ter net . 'oIrallgI' ecid0-Duagtbe aasioi0 aeaC l j yene' veut. S deul baov lv y Oen -u- v oe oaanOs odfela eroear le laaitvionsotaluon,hsa16111410 50<oi(hresoet e srMtustato.il leIhl is esi e keud ~ - Ol nVn stis Y e , ana fnli t,' 0e'50piedIakl iasulvlel thonofoutrSae , s1 at eaaotghel- .ifS'Veo n AepaosSr foi Do userunf ?*Dy .a saote, ass rd-tmefftc idgî tnl-c thet aeatu ii ergai rel.c cin l ar flhl deatd Rmnyara is 5 o.i'dmgronaplisCs Ine esi n grailaitatu'ire',so neato aila'.ine5m iI lle '?iBo1' Mi- ~ SaalOi5Ocs.vs, tlI 1 stabdy li ast i l bith ioti eed-1 hsJlé t.tv7nnre et tast vIg1âo a0u t i t-11 fer5the5 Com py?" lietu $lat i- teis"fn the d basOcIer i- o fas uit eu e bOat itt -ss d pILterew ' t pa. in LaleTO b hua fs Sirvlaris ThunebiJai f :e t aD am ari i i"" lait N s ticed oiapo e fale laý10oi van - u nwrd b elpo hc e apeli a k-in Ille diffe t heing eai 0 e rpa i .e t a letOiM iC hareies.tmaeag-sJ VamtOah pi-ei oa Oi 5,nî' alai. SW simgu11nri cam tra vo 1 a doêuesey id-,1 asteint , aial la Si Rae a i te- tme ame. , rua ssur ou- bîp-ae a-,plng t ahud 'lcs. 'lo beit ta-t5aate a Gac e Mai Mok ait vr le h W lu ýtp"eItll l a r oie w I I.odriecut iema tth neciemnt o 11,aei.Ui 0 I aO- il wantYSlL y, lare 14 dde 1a gfre, an hi e irt mpesio o Rret yCd t" o en sweavaisbialagt- lie mo . &Bk Ye b ca se-o I s i it wMai1çer. -- " ii. No. -31 6*Id'ef thecacr. iar.tomare ratareti- Ïraconditioa et tiil lePstachian1Tttli. iflaoed vot hlii or iaaperfcrtlieoî- aratltirelycLIouicd. l. Usheco Ilhîeil,- àredcerd and toi .nrmao Cohditione. heroyrd firevie., meoitare cued iv stifatedcoodi- as surface. fH&ll Étbroogh the ble.l cea of thi- îy.teiî i osdtrd Doilfu atarrhal Deafucin lOy"Hotte ldu.taeeh MGO., lfiudu, 0 kiilearari oheiou theeooàpoiy I sjda ever feel1 e heoliart 1 lad Dît threatcoed t If 1 dîdn'l do ai ln Van 0.9's ow-i I cvio rnooeshed y may out; t1liai Tlere needhlui îyatery; yei îîuld aho oukei. *'Il o roto me'" big, ai piweetoi le nd YOU nuld it ruuld ,f, the wirld,' là,- ldlnary tîlemniil trtI woe ruloed world-than thit > uil and diwi ch.ý %pe rt? m WUid gi-ci ibid tgILtfrîa yîî i ou moud hLdii i )or noue .' D bout Loii.i therat" the kopi' It 1 had itithià ses, aid horroiied liniaýiwltii me, iasted litii*i the i-up" UJ the teeif il,. smi reiîeiied tilI, neereotli-ed I" ,omaniî-uld c-i lu. And iii Fi- tion i t iouldnt i hidi lot ii sno gîiid Ies. An oiclii ve Yoeuoaci". Sid ho. poiu flic brougtl t ber one Chil oInam hulîîi l hoî )f blu '-cîlititi Id mue ilit, iii bei-ome .ca m et me hniwîWhai tydo yîîî týilttin îî sld ogli 'i le te heep Clii "'ho nthed îsud ne il thea f destleyed' t ieii ii "ut 111 hmi-utVanl id Mi c'i'oly whetta _u.ire ii %ctt fie ior the pnpdiii-om à. «dtd Liii cîhe oicring i--te" yenî leare.d îiîî Iher li Ia îî hou L bkdhall ad Ciii" tue ratîl avware," ah- .îid. Leat tleo' Ime 1ha0 lie'- th Lirtiihpai reea 5ai mn the mi iCi-i iL ii il 1bîhld fidl-i 'il fOis fa-îL glas nai liC.. ivatd bt.Ciialeii" iHitit , îd. fei7,'i Li d5tMsy gaod ipiui 1 Le. .urh it ;Ia _É ' qs3-