e ad v foi- fi]1 b AVs we are W'olid invite yor* v. Oil aecountq~~ id inoreased c~f lW)lller-, to do andi pices veryràb- 14hv5Vattr-active F~NIail Hats. HATS il Ii .~hoo1girls. \1l1îlot-y a Specialty IRE9 MILTON cery Co@ aid for d Butter MILTON, h'ver aeb . ,, tmpli te_... I - P . te d. orp icl]e-t b _ C e -ciita i r R.otsss cclih o ecedu 5 I itd have -r.ejuïatilw badliflg ImMYn ,t lowest preces. If we are not y4oUr Gr4î" as an opportnnity to t- uneîie you that it pays to wijtll us. - We make a i*aIly ofi Thle ~ oe roeres1 . y0e% lfd swi4 Rsràby Lsdge. OOF. itattend «i 01 I ; ,J. 1. MdssesheI4ve sctse Highe8t market pri*0 Igaessruïit s. Alie Js.. onbssa veet pdfor choice butter ad wj* « a 1T ta u4C&Ope,.aL tJ&ILJba' e iS 110W 0on P6M5Iink te, for Sattle ad hormis.weree ssd. -The egt.iu4a e1PLank ,4,Sale amoneted toe4,564.40. Q"MUB &Md e oOf4oetekdwe-lag.WANTED-Giris or woueu. PJ ijm V'tJmw£6is waa Sj s aehI -Eu- 6d waesAppIy carpet I1actery. SIP& Ht, te lid w ~ pply Ste H. Lhlo.4tWe av ac mp teso k fC - ev. Mr. Abbott, laie af Dundait. W a eac m lt tc fC AT ÊBb&M h beese appolu ed ta St. Gere D A H wgll OU PT~NGEisAPPEOÂTD rttssJucs. op ; weasdba med I te and W hite Pickling Vinegar, 1 H0NC 30 M 1LTON Phone 58. E flW .Coetely sHwden. am GsiIelX pcs r itJr, J r R b 'Dg. 'elor 0&»d senir bond 'ter c la)gen eamiltn te entecithe pcs Fri soeiu lcl -f i o ele benlSchool therbavine passedl -_ _srd or urtobonMUnp je ber eua. The teremrebegan on Tues- The Palace DroceryesfgrddbranJuirod.ndey _______Yearing______boterseiorFnlay__i hol loft on sda o ak ' ik g M xue n chn 7 ati, and) 3 front oee sire. ShePadila., theesmiles ires. Cal-.ikig M xue n flhITlMl of coies eteors aetishe Motel laohave oee 2L« bashels of po- 37. W ITE ~ fhOTW AR O'(ILE5.LnThr wU eaaC rbPa atr Cssarke' s Catsup Fla'vor. CEwn orbiie OOLW IE stN lTW A' liat2 X,.m ' oToslrhd.l A set.e feer;. Arstrong.rye.D rit he month'ol Septecibor.the W~e wilI do orir best Bd 5'frh Ei,,imiyeDu 1~W . 051od.AE ~fl MII RYE Orted tu have hlas)a narena eselape edes auj close lit0oe oclocis on Sstse sere goda e h rîg tr béaU MUI1UaB iembnmsîOM0.teniiway steon.îîChoice Groceries alwayz. bestgoos rt te rght rics. romomeO MitonIn!eirar.Thece Fred Secord, who reccctly tlok were Mr. and) Mes Edesn, Sen., their Position as selrl inspsecter st the musi- min and daugbtee.iis.law and several tions oess t Milton, la mocli pleaaes) Cali and see ou'r complete i i@ of ) tbei Vdcilren. ( arifro ithbis werksandis complimcsetllby Otckofe mamacrnrm-t ea nd Goffees a specialty. etokbfridOe. . A C.jothls aide of Kil- pet is bis duties. Actes Frer Prcss. Chic roeieINDISPENSABLE for Prosachuississse la w ' "' E The Re1lias00 Shce Co., cf Toronto, ovei, aahemastintime, pattes) off Prposes to eret a 510,00 fauoerplnt the roand teî th ag nd see.Aton.ansd tc esspiey about ciaO I or forCA PIGTh. rivdtofth. d B2e'i asomave teprs8,wtapsaereollhg« ees-sise-oc ouir Basement for Chinaw Fancy Biscuits, 'ssot secs ud came tagrief. The carelu onsiderstion of as bsn et $250W. ~~T N O T NG, rfo m..tredrs &vdntie >cem t Confection.ery, BOATINGipses) unde it. De. Jo.. UPandama su cThersimeswt eea a who oves witls hlm got them nust RoTccoThe offioe ofDcH.A i Fruits, ~ iîoc-~ WALKING.Fortunateâ no baus e cre beakeseCleon, sictiet wi edoc t Provisions. a s ho ilder hurt. nem y ose nocCols cou Theutmst n cmfôt ad MLLIIaYOpEIýIt sacopecethat the 14Bit.StGaBsraithiio . i Theutmst ~ MLs.îfnc OSceoo-îisa Carcoll Band, of whieh W. F. Dewar s bond- Fiye ,i1pore Gsods BERNICE itndee fpirs eut bherîsait sud ealY ntereopen. masto, iiisoppieoosîan cocînees. l th et ,SPs. 1516. Streetos île Faie. 'bisc s e o f tche______amui____ 1htg LwPle to choose from for Men, Women su t8Pes wil lioe Bit ;aiguoa cverybody sheuld cose set aod hcsc îscic0t 3 tines Wegbî an chidre. sveltieisntrissiglg. Ailsrec invitcd. Henryo. icejeis.ofWnnipeg.~,~~ KooxGLDE WDDasconosi.y1% -Thsbet for h-, o bis vay teQibretet bis ( ' .Quicli Service. and Ms. Nhn i S tes n ofu M 8ons .Ssus)aymûrcsiogcii cr"The Fouds- parets.R - villeet est su Mes. Nthe icîtethaof StratiosuAre Thcy Soui?' - eig etTlusay sill bc the last day R EAE Ô vill, clebslr Ile fltith osice-sujecet, "The Bcoid snd thc Norcose for trosît fshisg, Thie close seisses la reat ie we ds.n otth cairto nC y." Me. MaokcY ciii pccaeh at'frocs Sept. lth to April 30tli, btli1h n bslg s m tlg W tiRlE-H IBREAD DELI\ 1-RFI) I . d ~ L LI ff eaie ceP-sn.th c ibliseccicrs. Srtsorsioîeee. Yocs'daysisclsss.lenbyngsmt gW DAILY. G AH M-iO H ME,.g-besognquse sIlisittbe brideamais) cii hivb rIcoer e.IM MVI w c -u)tierommnfbIlsctryFiSeso. Freso bs yleld a fair cetuien for ths ltoe were amoug tise goris . Thee orin- Iu the eaent ftise lsith Boir, pie. criigborliood say Ébat onseucourt 0f lnvested, 0? e pay casli os teade fer Bottes TEHM FGO HE. e aMnEiaehCuannsse ednoeeteLde'WrAx and Eggs. 1 OE0 OD HE. c aMmiiaolCims i ciuîcccehsadr.O sethc rutreme dryneos of the soir fair of Mrs. Steen,and the latter wasWm in ary wishes te eprrpardtenive the edig is retardcdsud, iftILi sglrit MeCraclies. cf Meadowaole. Ail the Miltons recîite a fittissg fsceeýIai, osd dors ot eud sceeu, mîîeb serd may members of the iamily, logetliee wilcondssto hiie1 esad eosscpalgssis' to groiate. THOS MeANNTTwitheleen rnc. sdrMcc. E. os _ ______________ fr latpupoe A E 45 MlAIe STEnET, MLO.eut. Tiey ares Mr.Frida .Y, Sept. lîlî. __ Mîuecee.W. Steen, ci TorontoTownship ;M f. CAPEoco LEs.e-ss . Tlise -cc, C sscMARRIED. no)Ms .i.Forster, ofl treete aw o r cck 05itiloniscg srerîss l -ocisrect Btis-At tbe rosideoee cof give fisll vallae every ime, siroply I ville, ans) Mc. ansd Mrs. J. Hf. Beamisnb, emeat esaiksorte chiis ssccscr Lcilti r Ie Mayor, Jas. W. BIais, on Wcd- Teosteý. Mc. and Mss.tStesnscore hoth ceoin@ eisn the csa l ebcclc eB-l 50il ,Sept. th, 1910, bp ier. tW. lionestly made, they wilI Wear as hrn ie Toronto Towncsp nabot 75aidesaotebi ldinsgstcs thiics-cc ic0 ' M. tilckay,sof KnxCbcrc, Frank ycare ugo. Sliortty altetos eir omar. hesdsomeie ici. jwec11isg, a icc. esc "edctsilen canitreet. of Winnipeg, < shoteen Wear. sin F: F lge in 1865 they setttes) sn'uilmot rreeted this seco.ecc, sciiillic c \tecc -, 155Alice t.ccrii.sBiais, of Mil- *Township, seer Osît. wliee tby lices)geiug libelle. leus. Voit may buy lower pruced shosi CANAAV P_1TED UJ(iS 'Ptii 1872, wbee they meves) te Trafuta _______________litsh-Hacthorae tn Toronto, at tlse bt.we î o o r uigo gai- Towuship, t miles front Streets _________________esise, o Wcdsday, Aîgîset230rd, rtweyodyuaebyigna ville, tucmisg tiiere tilt 1912, abes c1i1i, by fBec. D. MeTavsb, MA.. D. wtt h eooryas a ecnay osi te eieteSresll. FRUIT BU L LETI1N rS. lamseKis-bcood Sith, secndr cnfd thyrtiedtotrrlvite th ie lotreaieilSSmith, t.ecit ar-evryl tImportant auetion saleot hielhgras)e -PEAC BES-Thc il ' racilc l vs- ac.MarI, dosigliter fclWiliisYates' shoesare Worth eey c - s.a eookes. u maen lt Hie l e il bny ford Peach. e tis eeocsc Hawthorne, hsth of Actosi, them. Could we offer a better recon: stus nsnSatueday,, Sept. 1stis, et t2 sow at i10 beot. NIACA - o l p n i gp.m., soventy-beas) h' c iSest-classBartlett Peass NSiDED etees. Dent fait te a tees) thia sale. and G renaen - eedeissisAL Torontose leteies, S i P eMr. issey is the main whtsbought the19tisl eMser, cifthe ~u - vos) unes last Inît. Oec. Asdrecr, Pusaeas rt ae .Hd-roo i- A E 'S O lier oeeer. ready.lon, in hec 00th yer. Cocro-erFAia Tise direeteru cf tise Mousesiven are cLel)Checeh, Bc-InSUcptoe.oc sugootR ilng Neatly Done. Haltes Agreatuesl Society are net edvised te seeabeir grserc.scsru r, 2_ 191, by the lies. A. J. Paul, _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ eq r m e tsquitea. A ther meetin5bli lanstas thecrop wili be t e uc -l CaeLouise, daughter of M r. ond) gs'ust frein the conty, ses) tley belle Rbno, i fBraons.se temietesbow i ggec ans) botter cIN Esîcos esc. thonsevec. Noeeofîthe pize list invii Ben pcebth e nucs uctcre iccietthiearcr cido . ' be rat decrans) blece ci beadsiions as. alies te Guelph Hospital, ovli e 1 iolhec, Win. Foeci-, sthsc ceeskillil S r n t -Alarge supply orSchool Needs ito1 oo s E- Unpizes fer poultry. Thee rizesliste Sein consd cvus oees)ans) sîreci1 Acg. 21, tilt6. urbisgeuesudrllbqeisses)ss ans) thehp sest su plaster. Hco. -sOolss eehi- di, ercise Books, Scribbîers, Pens, Pencils, Rulers, Rubbers, f hant e lets. hhinMpas cusy rogt onkTesdaheseningose ok - . .,:, ,1Y n vi Had itbeen droped eves bas Asefferes) a goos) do1, cithatees. Hdiabecs)ca butocipain aod Ocdcclc Sc a.d.esoo Siats Seool ags tcforauyear, thecout ostaeld aveInosrt ibctcrreagkssrforebecoue hopelcresOa SaeSho aset.prestige wbicb ovossls)have becs liard, te bave thie planter reusovs). Itr la ____________&.L. i 4 r portaips impossible. apes)aitbeTtouatmeut gice iercI'L L> JJjJ the cosntyeosne il rfssdsrat.ttseaped peaannt eeocOr. ATUI1Y.SESION 'i ters conrit af Milton, crmîclins tise Bramlclptas Banper. UUt ESO £past lies) yen runse, madc iea Exercie Book, line and u lined,3 to 10. grat of $00 litTusday eein,1aCOAL-Terente cooealear. baccOpson ody 8l meeting, efier tise dirctom ds )arm-e snee) ansadvase of 50 cents aecs MiiS.vnBuu sh, c BAKOTOOT eldes) te haIs) the fir as Intal. This ton. oTee Ceetrelees are cosiclring Toronto. Fre e T H o teslWhobdstones School Bago Drawîng Paper Water Color Crayons mrocii esrlapsu iespofoai t boy nido - c100,18)0 te il)on ME theinvdes anotrobnein stccnuands)iohiglily appreciatei)liv the sMOaston t y t ebosl)tc eco a idenut, Yosge and s) ( d i .s5 ~ u aad or bn Water Color Peints, Fountaîn Feus Loos@ Leaf B 8 sdirectets. cvlo bave asked the Chiam- aet. Mu- Hmitonmayi o tie onTeeto. ' ûý Ipiest s.thisg. It is seTgoes) htfi e i_____________ tss. With ibularge resourcesi 5j c to 50c. îhlr e t O Drawing, Books o egys.ecnment shoals regatate the trico of lent fac [t tis and complete i ail colors, S 10 Crayons . LÂAsTCeLLscesccsofels)stcrspapers, fuel and)foo)sriug thecrur. p.connections and equtptnnbth etc Hlder i to10..le to 25c. Art Gum Rubhers ma e ron Sausrsay, e. 16.Dofoc mir baye (A Ca.)i cf tshe tb Butt., came te phemcuiossofthe limier-ofr h eto cnoo co Peaciers 1eatePec0Cs ioo 15bitSatnWorkBoqkte sletcrefen ttetats)ersetteas) tiishty1 as fcc ab. cne 55sroto her av ue orlyt isc e epettgevesa rr actt. ed os or about Augast 8 Stb lree tinoal hhvetoeyo LedPniC1t 5C etW ok sMembre eef osmite ri-br i tise0 51 ~~Mathematicai Sets PblcScoo e cu, Milîl St.. frose 2 tsi 6, ta ceive cloaecsigtcdnt e - ates I pl iasosocbseaesmssieute, bforecbpavie m ptcvsg pet.es Ried adBu PniaRlesBosIlups, ec,, cith trong cord s)e s ho ch O arge et this scocl. NnsL Hlicrece, Peu and Bine Poîccils Rulers Books cccbst h ion fos te 2st. Tic to iace.ic eMs ,se-cpvs sess audPenilClis oloedChak iat Pncis liudes f. iigi. . sticks ace te bc made trois 4-ply l3t Canipbeilvsilc. S.PITAL AND RESTî 7 e n P ihs lps opoeEd NteBoke ChlkCryosAcacHzin BcnssnoSRues - scotch *egerisg. AsoblEnceNote Bookshsre v The (Gasette and Clricite, of Wax Crayons Examination Pads High Sehool Text trates) sear Bsclisgten n y 7 w y hâas)the iollowisecierenting Ee e 'Iini Pencil Boxes Copy Booies Books toe f .Ulma, t Y&th po einç of theWhibcoun- H W eee Beach, oves enteres) by a thie so~eescets ia i made off aitis ever 1 , dr hst:ceselves arettrep eom F.A Wie. MUSIC TEACHER MILTON ~~T becsloft in bh ise Tee rot le, -.nqsslring as te whut indace- 3U N Rea Iit O e~uOO Spples vercarfuly, natucally c ees)wibtis sgtee anI.s)dbaers bil v iaovoîn5 Thoory T. F. Lu, Redtis sjsfe olSppisovrcreül, ofTaylor Beo#. store aS Borns tseorlocasueg aabiesmesefueoy cL- aS et -iesNlgbt Casistble nov pg s te 100> hans.,Tise Mayoc Mitcellsab o iSbyoneeof the thssvs. isa eelaskssg fer aupeesenlin- check off your chlidren's ueeds and send them touýs, Consable MeKee, who leacting asSise1 tervlscr cuthis.Mc. ýilliume0 "B-amp- Piano Tuning0 abnsece iof ostable Tsigar, bas becs, ten Masser, n eaP sucesiia i P urngousefise- En MPLFe.LOo.-Sisce the wewil a- yusos..prne, can e ve)te ncesisuen. organisation Of ttise Mc stuirsi So- F50552M. -MLTN Seance. andlise omlWHo bccompacts) iety, no a e 190sag, M5 11anb _____________ those diecovecos) in te pevnclecome Cseotoste tsebeaetifet gecens6 béry Tbe tie,, mde is ntr ca ofcitins. Tisere awlndow ,theie et tt ec iis oassen. On Mais a d cin l ià- s - floces. ins t va. IWU failiy. Ai thtes. Iin tse ulevard J N O . M e A K MIIwucata"s. A cleaiffl d siBPIaY in the Abouît ilhouris eide, rO 41ajhM onbya aettb tise oise-In s plae lhey ral Georgetown t of Ps,), j. A. Wilosglily cesîdes. i5es a DccvdeilS eveylie u 0fueferenthapofervs)in is Itbe litNofaicyü5.1ku noidii yarssetrca Wl. e s5.lOs PHONEe4 li sEHe lissasabout 400 fermer pe 4 4?o4~l 1<~ 4- will >ney )ES se hesng "good" last ours, ce basis, il. s aek for datsin ? ORE hone No. 4 ars anager