M~itoii D mote bn ut -nmew- o 74t ec thon e$. for. 9l 'or......91.48 d- 20- )ci 25c, up t0.50c. ~S Goods: atntd Mts, Opriument Miltonl, ont. M 1 T.ON tt(iloCCerv- pil ar in s 'arc i .4 i Tri it ieri.- Sa-ici ,, ic v?1- Heihci' . t oitage FrNia c cainr 4toIi iio )ei eID-A - 1 ifi - i. i i D TRCcu,-ciRO-icUE tî-i ii .,iictoy ti' AU"5GLL )17 - Ps - l~OOin tt oIt Cea room, Prie 1 MantS MILT > eac 'ThIe Batik ofTobt PORÀAlED 85 ASSETS, $SOQOO JOCItNT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS may be a'penedin thie Bank, the înoney in ciitnoy be withdraw-n byo either of tw-o ioîuavery greet covl'VI~fe e t timee l!i e test te petd on boittucea. A Scosiigu P'il rtment aI every Braneh., MILTON BRANCE T., LIITTLE, lManagers. Mail or Telephone Us Yi Alrnost everyone Dow, hÊs a Teiephor il t to ýdo vour shopping Peî'sonalyv deliver or send hy Rtiral Mail, YOUR CRE:D)T IS GOOE FARM NERDS - TOI 1ice Sulpter for Sic Idat i n 1 Ce SoIttefor 2ic No-deBrt i,:ci-encie's Cougis Poceder Bed Ras M îckenis5oTontc Cow-der RCd tisPi -' ý Gentoul, Pi. Licorice ledtPo -Lobetto> PoN oÇx Vomnico Ccein or 'i Cor, Plire Sltpetrt Alrnei i iof 1cr, Chlorate ef PetcesCluo Icitîecr of Antimony5 Pieli 011, Tl-m ci ccl spirite of Nitrle, Zenelees], Cilet St --Helîctore - .- 1tiusage 1<î'o0 lllfetanÏ For C9lnghs and libidO 'I ie-e10asukiods of Col Ltvc4OiI Erutnio$c . Dûeoscet 1w-re Ithe baie CitL.Of 8omIeOied'Odi t.f J. The best dlineceut'wit e Ineai Ce o IlCt in tales, celear, hltebes, itae'WnutCdfre01 ,)m, ctitei drains, chieen Othte - or balle reec. SuCe to ute eiflehu ý-iabtew'ris lvcreesdy $18X beitte Sic le inp. i8-e trlem utt4bt WINTER TONIC f in d tu ic o& $1.( i t-N e$QO ttt, - 'ins ae iroh Tonc 1 (00b ,,i TGcbo.10tttrs 8100 tatate N île, Dtgeti- QaToeOoja d îý ud's Iran iIIpfj 5c bdx2?ý I O-live 01,~ co)ofI7P de th, Mae8 ~C r y -- li D- g gew fy A~Isorf, 10da3 i t- to foet ueRY [0 Icure s e ce uordhA' cf thbo d ced oand tIi. dsy. ab.iiejtho qgcea, n nees. ~"~~ ieiil Chet-ie u a enieeo g0yea pn oiw&etq 1 ci rI,1 P - lerl, deeghtcr Lettece and greëe nie J.eet Pw i jlard e 1.1,le'e4ji - Tetîp te ce i 2e0jlie cere erand plante te btoem ;fleratade. teoco. Biriegl oi zrnb,,j qoH. ÂGre lsto R-eeiedy.At Beeselw- , F ay 1t ig ee c e - Ock-OnAOÉc.tl tees eoi J,ýLsec -ro leeth Ibee Ro bertsene ti, ;Lte Mtte Geeeiausee.- J'eise oerley's e tmtcen, Witlii u sreso, M ea rec 711f hye e te.oG. Kennedy, ý JR- Jehesah. Phne15f, wevit ta GuLc f; leepill G e n oday F.e.lob Mau, ne loteday haber ape - Thecoday A. L. Ieeierrnîd yeetejcty wft $Rntatt 3,ChnesteeaMcsý s, ' eeP t9lrg.wll yIrii c- is1 deteg -Laundry Bago (frnw -aMCsctoete Dice, chargea. it mking o - tpatensa Ch),chere eppeured bfere teitcefieg- cecî ihn21os n e ti ern. liet,11hc431h -er. 48 cee. 5He te es ha oeeu. e d IONmAve7T101 voWceBi-tg carnp- Pcc e fr îlc e pten ultly, esipleteîeg o e, r ri leowett, Hu iornits, InemleeCoeed lie maeout of ânud Gmo. W. Tetibo, Brfis, cere erdute- - i DO~o K OW breed cf full ivetlit.fie w-ce 11usd $5 ed ces priss lut!Sundes'seteamitton B Ys' Tc DO YOUKNOW cad cstoe ilac19.9ef hread w-es cee-,ho-the Btesp et fliegera. Thaie tuical qualitfie ft1he pi. sted. IT gT , ate l Sol-a depiued limie edt o teie pthe ttccc The.ladiesof nx-Ci tic aeUatetthe 2ceil ute,5 tlifteesivill $00go - t'O-. f cead ecelle-ec f Itie tuning. pleeue l m eeeeeieg thatýtheyase camerp et Niegere ce 111h Jese. Thic ene'lOf serics cii o e lPics aep rIfr teee o ciecaai st ilfi set ut rosIltse mse thut the ul e à Ao h Ccitt cf air e-csof tît ngy n onfl Berne M r,'hc h i h l î clal mrr1îo ernedeergaecel There W î e i Ivr o nseu 1 h s e i eg u h u i le. Peî'tcelera leter. wil lie 1w- eam ran r ris r i XESMngr..ue The Haj Brallsys Ernst et vaine aethe morket- one e he i-s iit-tele e rv ceîsdeeeî , hocr4ae <hoie lut etflscturec lest -Werres n a t reitesteaeaie er eSuIe.pr..e - eîct, s'eirtîegcettîîc gîeetcgcci loigit lisichePriecrs Theatr e hteh inTcrante., fter oteîgteglest Itiy 'Oearinceacdcecceee so as e t % ."TeWieLiead eveiegatcabeqeterw-as recented] eneos. Addesaecrcez'Ilctc ilc. e tr "ci- e ore cecir !giratio- appreel- e'ith ealieeatite,, cub wî t he ic- aIc y Oerah Se.. lilttnOt. Whrri,- NOeet. c tirirýs ulowccrit fler Prie- Mi t tmpreàin geld.- cric ciii eider iiuetie o-lices îeeseetheteNante-ce SeOOvOie.c-Tllits teiiî - flc i m d tw te. ro t- hyIleceiilîeec' Teeeen-etts etScecli -ene lcu eed the roorn.Leoo thoni tîstleleLiePione ih Mc e i o-ie'leetrpeicdr.igiceti islhed l'it T oto ferm 'cr died c lhte 'elten- ycl ,lissethet Pic-ce s-n i C , ad refuge et firepeo le nPlN DTiieces'.-Bis Jecjei e itareros aec nece 4liteisst a nd jas. cd lu ide Osere- 3 Acdrsn-ccA.T.C.M., oetTorento, pepil A.Liringstdilei dter. cfaaes lc heIi. Di' . .Vogt, hen. gi-cdiiete of fa-oivC uc-elRne' e Bcnîec ~etheofrpTornt ee-dtetoy etieni lo n orning subjet, -Che Lereto lraer:' Shirtsand Draivere, ail ci: e'iOjctceudthrnv es Elln ieniscbet. w"Tic SergeoetCeOa-anduclarer, 25, 801, I5c ANTe-ri iîe'sdee' Apir'te Bec. S. -.îilsionn icifa yeig .ce k Ciiseeas-rt7ilC\ii.. T e îîrdlacet- epeciello- tneited. Al welefimcd. ,h fltbrn ng cf tdl(-ini' c I"neti'Vl tir cdA13OUT Cu>eeNA,-Tle101t8tOeditien Whte- Wai the ccii uftIhe rtenes. Sa ur.erti- f Frank Y teigtic ?ý?eee Abelit - -OR - hstîc e ie]ir e cuti.bahiet in c-tiîl Cadea ont. It W in f tinfor 4th gr E OR tee cd i-aseiira daerltStch tes pas- in iccallntnd bhue ny-nece fe-tuinsgre cî- iic mibi c i ret - tee tirF O er a tond cd of ticei L *ght I.un7ch &rin te AtiIs, moiiiran ailinga crte '& Canadienn ceaie tin al cenada,r reptîerends' hy fliet fiaie. Therîs e lTorone toadi ly irti i al n led t te c- wJol ist ew a -00 --o- 'iretre4flu if ii n got.(]sa, roinestti ofI es crs- octo.... ...... .. fi etc cI dneTe(olir. Tià-i'lie.rslieri y n e cd hie lieni het ifii i-a ec evdnna". clnen ci001 ceena M -s ilierig td of gr. ed s piepaindlPeaslinsted îîa Ci e Can fecr.Ai u s f ot P, oeîr orsc e. Thesre sioeucf le f41plei ece ato Co o rC ooae o 'quaeeibte r eothec nie rcof eo 0a'maaello ttie.idOnrr )p b an ttr eesic, c c aid cfiilîr îht is o oginrr . TSeITH, ist Dr. feili eon Bheîî IA scie i ntif e lu rc i toadatg . li VeelesoiferI .ô,cnqe epa tyn ut i napst ARcTeUeilo oîîsisîeitagH. J.renis 880 tfli beroirit nle%%,c- iea lbastcs wan Mte Y OU t tter b....glo e J, t o e ct reciifnrr.Thata v ae . eccrek ali i ed n The Conectione. PV1ditirîcoir ic îoo-Trel i, hs o tl£tai Viepodcin thectoireepBrdi- r litgîerei o se ad intuenadnsi.SoeDetig e wh te ec rîcete-litlc s re saite, -.e u itte-rsd oo îeeencdho ueo Prilira iy.esp ,eRoberson.lMratoh tsaleiiîpro va e stc rei i r heeiîîg _______ee gTilosedeealceadliioitaeiea oie$8i. 0 tBio (o le necs Afi-etgo fierii ot cre.aildre e epioci D A O ________________ re igbord ohall vrh- n ec ie checc Orrcct'orace l ea bok rrlca, i l tdall ic ueir Mi ST le etl lth tCue iilcd îe. When not con-~ cr fie s i fesor. att ldiistie. Tlirs nPlSr e Ot. u e'eeie W. .fi o n il i en htn ic Tosreacedin- eînc pec ns hc e. eehlle .0ad7pn. fe.wt cati No. 40 andateve fînc o es eteten i. ad e . cmail H mUS HO bi G tmrneto . BE, t iielecc -eg th- for thoiiiiproeiihottef theeeealoi mograi r alcoeBnde o o l s icd fs e i esac ets. edoer lgosrficnrd ic tigi t u r ficauOies teee efe 5.ltice ltetprgruen lidcc t heet a y liard peTop -e Oiil T s ybicic , t îlts cereiiede. ihrrels'teelms eee ourOrdérs o p.redsýi l li^ OrngeHal, orno u onie.lanan e-idlCpot eees ccd heeuii-ct eet irogli a rit Mle mn mtew oets1is ote-l wfouth1ellicee cel cillepi e -cî. ei Orces ctrta, ea fi ceecusoOrlnus c e wl Mt l ie t-t ho- Bwis hol viruet cce ree eri s a iî e xs iieO tredisce Oee e b cd as- m ite ria n ers, e Br.Dce e.n ri . h na ail - e . sîl r s%a p tr Oca Il oot ,le . ie t eplea . 0k -c arc u il, tbe flîcc . lie nn m f e r. et ti teSandayJ. d o. B lir g W .hJ.eBothic ic a- e s litco ih cens miicuuceidnuel ai e e-fil a nd lic preecet f ervW.eA LET ARTI LES Ba'(), 6tanSegAdigî o snio tec lis'd 15c. etPcnoPs.ý ut -. d cescCre,eh tri2.80 adrnleoiseAciisltc ce ltomr ckie , ah l,, se 2 t- sB ee e call No. 4 and we li-eu iden T DiE tsir, îleDeppestheon erAil tie n dcc use taec 0ruetrenta illenf B god e su y he resues~~l tOcte icere îereeleomae Ite erboitah boeeiOeîanIececc éo . O --celus..os aeeaihere, ree liii iet oeet e t ion boonao-cfJXee o ec aanbe V cc yeeigfe vl b evd tetico th evente tasiOear, h clothn 0=i 0,iccdifl e a ndaa, tr h tuLç g n e ct nith ir i g lic e eecce- cc albr k e, éovig bok e u x ele t p og a m Coc Cr ara Si to 0ba iesîe t i ce gpu tiero-, ce-iitM'ruapt ie rsceu. cy,1ý% illcei gleetes'd tte a llo i ehte aprtee Sic o i Batsrofpbooks, beob fesaiaa lices'egercenavoeal ageo2chyrcea tea ei the ieclo- l ee ndpicartle oe atrc. s n netiea"eno s HERE. ~ineeete taenrer.ate. onlieete Ocete eilns tiuo Vtlee i, cetsc e Art"ed es' ser- f-9itlx lt 1Wl anigSlswl cgvnb ieRl Pomnder Sicier on itins, fln c'irdsaJroffaeadeP Jr:R .M.Bot adJ.D herge Croar Sic - erioeh Yeî se-ii i cs'cicocioi 8araEND 0Chae. A S9N S flp ltoSe CaîcoSis co Opof lv neca Aet c ccg.(u eyIvt ates u BoeeestLadie. B allenbcanresritdes'..'W.0F OcoeSi, 'g dîcpo 3 0h cededUteda se, Vreitwe -io Aifief egig , o vleaaMstM sf u adsan . ushes 5cto 50ie wers' rs tin neetdfe nt ferno t q a y f -hePino -arer- -. soutiherfl Balin Pueyvegtablc far ex- te'aria.dternai use; excel- Iet for pins ced.crampe, and exteBnlltîFfer-bruiltes, opraîcOq sud wetnc Sherieut Leses fer,$Lto, g sessld negiîlenlyo-er $3.50. exeensed l t broc .o-fi Bglises crIs' eplicel ecnqn, fente Jr Storeo.Croete. hale closes eti Shaon i Saturdes ' liec olieueneceossars' teinereas teig1rteh sti tedpipe of the ctîtAm etlien ete ye tto tu brom r tieSbp ceb i h licol Chos ; o-ýe tcelrm- WIN~IIJiFO0TW[AR iýllgC m ece ATURDAyi Fobruaty lit Piîd wilLtt o uttuedcr e umcith cf Folirrn. tý,cîtîil lia- ay uclitg 1,j nb xt Oefion. XViio moît mterooim for'- wibe a - % ire ro- 0cr11 iBm oupOok Ibot te ýcemtnig i. 1 Ai Iuocdued Cridos'as ns -o -a - s vrai Boots Sh LereSin's-feMn w lic- e1 OSft ~0/ -IPriées Rdso»ll Itdued inE cf eý We ilï ai o oake stoc-k-and cveee emýp-y ot to le- te ND i S merch-àn cls prices sw- ee pie y -i atgeod eetytsa d-e e- te do SOo-atndOu'r eceseîty Le yeurc ctportunmtt i JSUAL 'en"41 on any erticle je Oui otoglý--Piiecos tioviin deept'y rafle ah d -in àe ortie boti w-ye, for ehite couirag echance 1 a iince 10 dCelan out ail ourbroken 111 eîoýt.ebotegti i it nroaurutty accuiaeoodurieg aic eypar. ts great ctean-up before stoetk-taking canenotbt ,ir te eroglv mueint be too, enthrioteettc abolit t. cf the hendî-edetef eocti.i1reduciosi. vritees prîte iter 4-- abl loyers, il, a A Rush Out of SiIk Waists -- qcues lVeeieii's Sitt is t tclcea.. 24 bidg Sole . . ..o _____________ ~ttons Women's corsets ýtsoelitokjng o8 lieguter 7.5c cottr, oe sate ut. .....49c ....... 1.... PrelAsto lu ci olr 1fias ,IoF" eto, uC ostgthýwtt Illevu PVestoareths peieyî Lrn %V A Rousing Sale of iiaie25c. Winter Coats nderwvear tdetîr ie%%' s tc te2,C0 oi19.50 ues, eîîîatt reg1 '00 -~value toi...... ....4-95 U ývatle for Wlle sCIotthCon le, 34, , ie. w1-. 19. $7, $8, $810 valuie for'. * 4.9 t'udre sCouic, ireg. $0. (X) aoedl 8-4.0 ,st Sale- tc . . . test yet. - n-thc tieci moite Clearance of' COliden'- Uts and uip-te-dote inDress s - coisae 1ay and ivil Dr 'o es~ebîses, 1i1 to 8 ver r izoc. eg. 85.C.0.nd et,'04J lii, or..........e_... .13.48 Corn, Pptia h le ilt. ,1yeir clora, 1-P, 9-1.50 uni$ .44 i912 c pac pret %-allie, tol.- - --.-.1,» ...... 2.98 j le C et er- 10t.lu12 vi-Ceeu/ca. UeL, 98.30 1oî rt-et.0) >00n). Ourr casi cole, foir.......... -»"" $.4 [toen te offer ehein 1. 75, 6 andit8 ve-iar wrpa i-cg 0and8$.(Of oa tin ce $1. 20 dcc. vi-i. fer .......... $1.9 rg. 1cr oeil 15cbolttofor 7c . otoet.-aei--.? pairs, for 5c, lotepins, 3'00 for Se, fa-0 or 5c. à .e w-Il be placed on sate thot w-e caîînot eniiimerote tee> e good place to visit dtîring ttie uext t1wn w-et19. i& Comnpany of Milton. If You i vant to save rnoncy, this winteî- in Footwear and ail kindg of iRubberS buy the best you can buy. Our, stock is com- p'Ietc-. Bri ng youî children to this store and have them fWtet] as they should be. - Repairing and Boots made to oo-deî-.::: YATES' BOOT 8 Oppoitc poet Office, MILTO tt tetilst c É eod Herlitte itgteed, preeoieduhctteetcrts, so1edyreoe Tgw-ville have cdecited to p- 9%4Ct 6 bddt Ce iG4Z 7iùmuslsa waliend etepe ce e7 fee afteî ceci. Tlse ,Epc'ethOeepuuc~ l.eagit adebaeage uf hee icnt OP lut sve-foc' aiet w-alite thie dIiscls- Cà 'he ncm- ad mci.- i srrrr tille> M I i Il -il