Ierson 3H §S-T4C UAL erS .... $.79 '1t)0 fi 1.48 for.. 2(0 o. - for -79 >for 79 98 tif 11 foi 5f(] 10 im. 1 ,00> r, () for .790 r lot>) for 7') .75 .50 A<r- fur .15 I >for- 08 uoid îîdd lots nois close Season!1' Vau FRENCH RIVE TEMAGAMI KAARTHA LA H OSIESEI:KEIfS"EC Se iLeping 3 (.541 ri i ,11 n o ofellls 5i V sin 5r. sa reurn S'5 andsssturS gned fojr 00Sl$C$/ x. s, ot (1VERL and i VV f al .to masure k' M ER$ ;~D4D~>~ ' Iîtoui Braqch, W1- -l P ol 'h.l'o n a« . i a ,O taetlIepoîîsîei 0 th l"Ra shw' ea F 1 'WC litdi; A4 Strong Bank w sas founded f V 41iurn, I 1 etec and )I, ho sing i the OblStodian 01l ;VIne,'soof if> j [Irpose of busi- The 'Banik of Troronto ... . ....8 '000,000 MILTON BRANÇH1 IL V* .ITE Managei Phonle 40 EVERYT' ING IN DRUO., DRUG STORE GOODI Phone 40, '15 lb. Tthe latest 9r yais' Peptomiz» M Jmý Pli 90ni0rads in Witing P l adnig 5c pkg. "Il" ibis week ron, i e anWle to 25, Marsnga a ew lGssc of I îiglefoot Ellpe ri.stig. i.tesandutt.- E a s e e heets fo r 5 c. E S oe s 15e pkg. N 0a hom e t> , e. Ladies' Home Blood Puvîilp îî>> SIîlphur Cindles Journal PAtterns wil l divbe oît-se£t.n 0114 ail waare Imattqf'u \ o t li mu ~ a k e i m m kn g 7 0 0 1 y ki te a n d g i r., N >yais, u'eleg oite 4oj y; C O fl R ern o v e , l 3lu e S to n e . M e a n d l b ae s to tal . $ b t tic. P0 ~ l e o e M ilton a V ie w C a la s M a k e z V il,> C . 2 for 5e. Watep GIauo % O t m i s , a d o d e . T im e B o o s 1 eF a w ~ i d 5P ro ai Btiur 'j'son 5e &,15o. esai,-Beegg Do 20 -.ii, b '.jbOand avethmtobua O tt' . ' i M e r o k s a e a n d f r e s i s li a n, liWater Glass wt]b asieJE ' " an B lank B oôl*s $2 4 . e~ s t ?JYais, ot igar25 can. Type W r n iti- F a c e C I e a r n aT ap e r F p u t s e a a a n ~' ,<'va<îag a> o Lime (Jarbon ËPaper AplaanteV" ffct iiiii , C I0P4. Bltting,Ppr 1OW24sihli K r e s o D p 9 5 p . 5 0 5e h e Y li b a t t l eul~ Od ZenoieUm l250 Up. Drawin P r "-à Oi Jisi 0 Bristol Board 'l tach, kis-1t<t)a xiî'n~c~ (-' lJ >1 eiLye orep J)Dnp~fyes 1c 1 , Neud ,br ï, YOlli IYeý io. Crat go M a mach&"' ,r -lUà es- ............. p e rafrM u Slay &llm'a, rraoî Ireîve eacuesîôn ea', Pl.toToronto and lBania ha ratai-o far, fron Cam . lu'ts- $1- , 1 c Idiren &la t tra' 7 .7. an ~d eMutoiî 1011 W., g, i $"ta goo 1iebi na P -h fternon. osi'tisike o train atie0and lie,_TI io ansrIt & ompany o auPiONE 29 MILTON~ 'OlirdwLr« su mmER SF Plymou.kfen 's Fut Ile Binder Twine lssbmtho etor 4àf b'"'. >lvs u- ysurdoéir n.. NEW NEGLIGEE S I RTS. P'ym gb âflili &à lb.made in White, tn or "lý l- Plylars tSpeclaî, 8l. lb ing G ld Id Iod 9i 4C lb. Boys,,e'lame , 1 . c, Ss m& A verSblesca le s il ----- sa e, se name, a i ,,i s A ~ ~ ~ ~ wien MaslalI>,FrkRpuPalCie 'y hlgh PUs' Papi. Ga'een 250 lb. a,5 ead5e> -eCent- BMopa.eo Nagg DeathSe. lb. SRWMT fi m p e g O r s to k i o pi t !m a, f o 5e to110, a i and'. o ws eDors M NSMOTOIR OOAT 5 il, o Pe tion W Stovbes 'Justtheie o.tafol tise duït o nfmale Htn -ammnocke, Lawn Msaýe S S E D in a Cream Freezers, I UPE DRS and GAIRTEjRS ia I E.The coaýticon OCopende r, wiîl 2. Theu Nixon, .Mialon. T, Male'suigre8 t2ea Ful Une Of m aSunme Us Th ehathietie, . hotl ai 1 te - W i n e tt S rousere, at81.00 pr sit. ad. cJan COunbnatîon UndePvwl;ap *11.00à ths HEADOIJARTERS W. BEWS' S()NS,- lisi -a.Groceries , -e Provisions and YATES' HO a. onfectionery. r tckatiah hHih Cost of- ,d, carias tisatcan ie. liait Ins PlPFesjh puite and V qet- A PREV L NTdn r ab" . Ev .y W « . VAL t Ee TPro pero I.d OLit>'Brad deilvara dil>' t.ail ine etheseno pet ot> r Parus of tisetowo.1 tenn-utvt. t --------:--o0 habits of thrift. B E LL ... Every earning mnan andi wornan Should bu>, goods ,, ilbars of0yt." 2& 0their hest adv.antage, ' tno Oid Dou<eh Cene. 5 M pk .Arrnoni Powdar 2$e BUY GOOD 3 pkpn barch;.25 . bulsFOi OTWEA 1I-tnBkxgPowdsr, bst in GIVE US YOUR ORDER w ChMy ont Seahithbt We Deliver Prorpty. hîh Ma Or n fexpectedy. 97, RMJNITI ePairing Neatly and WelI Paoio 57 ~ MILTON. 7- __ --YlÀTES' 9E 8 Ira .Oppositeé Post Office, MILTO~ pi -.1* bae o... bt u Mey -Comee nly !M Pa Wesell it1 a 'CIALS >11>'. îals MfILTON. TORE/ Y J-- '1 i il rabll îy 0l P~p0 ~ 1410 Ç~eî ON mi ril" ý,I,, L,,,Ia 13ri.t4,1, le gland, -Eat the ch"I't', t e "Ing Eats., IVIndoiv and Sun, foi. d!-pjayý Arthur Norrýngton TIIE COMFECTIONER