ra eý Vi terin IL 1U s "aes. ch 0 iusmed except ýî eputable h- ýamethey willdol yit can osibly Hal's • atrrh Mrdby . J. Cheney en' ýcntains no me- enInternlall , Acting ood an coucous ýtemn. In buying m be sure you jt itaken Intern ,Id.Ohio, byF. rtimonials fre. gsts. Price 75c. per LiHiy Pills for consti. »S NEEDED 1in Far.off Cambodia 0#rotectorate ýrads to Angkor, in ,dom snd French pro- GQulf of Siam, except ;k-cart road, and co- sons have ever heard ilns that are in that ýy possess a strong ist and the architect, ,e archieologeist, since the buildersisstill t, or Tempie, le the ,0 bIlding, the best the most Ornaste of tg in front of It, you rer and two or more r", these towers be- ta forty-foot atone ewhole area being oat somne thirty rode uee the effect ls of 0only, because the rgrouip of structures I a plain. Neverthe- twer rises 213 feet le Others, un nearer ntly tofty. Almost Of the whole edidee, ». bears some ex- ed tn atone. A few o main temple wefl terpieces u tle orite between miil es, III0 Salon,' 824 -even-headed procession of ,. length undfia ou leet. Both 14ith spear, abielid, 'Club; the leaders, ýrds, - bows and ar- Oted from theémun normous umbrellas. NM Y ATKfiNwS" f Great Britain's ythe Nome intimues asked as expression "Tom- tkins" as 'applied ci e foym. Mr. J. " n 'l 'Notes and in dates from the heI "Soldier's Ac- alled lnto use by ' letter of August rMs of the book rantry)'ýaccompan- ter, and ln every %me 'fThomas At- specimeiln name. nd not write, sa where hie sigu- yenU as "Thomas This, Mr. Lelie, 0s that "Thomas ?c by the Dnke of a being tae name Y& soldier In his I3rd. NEW LINE of the area along vay trIal fine be 4Poreupine, the, ubmitted Its re- ýVernment. That 17y unsulted to obut May prove ne, May be Infer. on given by th. 4 the area fs un- rocks, and small Kewatin schists Of considierable gold was found ir development c to determine ying quantities. th Porcupihe pr' y repay 1,breport. tà,barcely be lIportance." AMILES !ion Doses El. 1, ý ý . -111 î -ýy,., .1, 1 1 . -- -- ý, iý ý -, --r' -, , ý Ilýïj& ý,î -- ----" ",,l'Il- i 1 ýît iýý,,'lÈ ýý ', -1 - Ïýý 1 . a , - - ý , 1 1 1 'lu ý-& -oi, ni --ý,ý ýý" 1 ý l ý but, ýjUgî ý ýVj nel ', ýý - Il ,11(.AmaýÎXQM 7, ý ha 41.1. rgea ut ÛFL'et le,, tIôýýtOr, IV4 "bi 'CAPITAL Pu - , "', 1-ýiý - ý irJu - en ji ýý hé re ý ug- :O 1 -, ý 111.1 t9el -QIé;ý.É - , % - -r ý lie te YU, 1 1 ý1 1 1 ut yOù,'.Wýe lit ' . a c OIàel, Il - , , èçý Ige-,,ý"Q)Uýý re,ýtci milli 1 a 1 Il fi: -'li ,:ý: , Réserve aM VIIIIIt d ý ýýýý . ý 1 - .11,111,11, ,,, ; , ,,, BY'l?«kàl 1 kw,&Ixýfflp«tfoelà«. , . .. -1,11, - MI Ji yli fittli 1 foet Vinification wict .., Total Aoui ..... C. I ý ', , -;lýi.. ' 1 ", ý .1 1 , ,: Bile re-Ovii bai ziz, fpr",;»ý ..-ý -73 8 %l8hi BhOý ýýý , -- -z', . -- ,r;ýQýlý,-ý"geëý-,,Og ebç, -!fi exettýý., Mont, and ,ýgdtiJ hz,,rInésý.- . - , . , , , ý - - , ý. ý , .ý ý1 - 1 1- ,' wt: . - on prli ., ,ýý , ý , >ýdoî-;.";Q4 , ý , M ë r, , ","Ibh.ffi liad, a t hllb'.'renantly. l ý Our 1 ýý , ý ýý,I--'N,, 1ý .ý ý--ý' 1 î , ý,ý --ý cent , , ,ýý r ' 914htller-1 Thon lier courait, broke'., BrItz týûii, flirn tu 1 1 1 la . ý - . . ,. . 'i ý ý la ý ý isel ". i.iý1ènf ý'e1àfIi . yeriul the ,110 "t',ed -- ý aitaln, ariffi ,-î 1 ', , thé a eul , , ýý.11t9à11111j Uppli ;âli I-n--c,.-nmý,- h, t.h. heard an ý . ý . tison 11,ïo. ,Mtb"iour. odiE -ddr&uCü ,or ,ber îý-otjo , 1 ý .. - J' ;ý!Ag fôr",th" », or, ril;wold, ý , - .Il ' - ý 1 m i hý . 1 - 1 1 ý,-, ý lie outil It mokas ]Ili Ii dérive iffLû The Bank ni Haji , -ý , ý , eu z crue -HOw You bave Iearný,I ý , ', 1 ý vi, 1 Ween tire e ithe a" 'A' le,élltig awý1i1 ýýt,ý Jýaientioý, mil durerait lie bien tbat lie wa - . hflS,(nIa,ýé '.,- ý ',ý ý. ' a li COIti Preri, Liniltcà,, ý1 ilLaU, riaturtI 4 . , 1 ý .5 une " lu C - . 1 - 9 , b , ý . , ý ý 1 Toroz,ý« ý der arm, Of. é O rý , t 1 r colinot -gti but-if di Il , Lire, -8 >ý elLminatng aý , ý ,of, ;- - .. 1 l' hIM ýwhûjLgJaaCjngý, - iruc"" ,ý te ý . . ý iiiiiiprefflary ýnk ý rnialitv, ý , - 111-- 1 a f bijt frito w-'aýýjàIi ai ý DOri% ý4,Js1fonor, dâtite the Eug.8 Ongellougli tu dieu ýb' monde 1111, . . vil] filmpl, - 1 "" ý jug fingers 1 toli,*rd-'liriftl"'111111ýf ,eôrthe thert or your j et ar- & ce., - ýý w clie thé un- tivei fui :fli.,htltrd 1 , 1 Il ' Ink pal . .th ', ,'. 1 1 1 lier 'pink pal li conyffla lu th, ' rTl4eer-dfiarréotoarl,63ncf W C Ira 1 0, la ii ý t'vý-1>0 opeirýî iii il - , ý ,..,l The woman ,as threstaned 1 lm _ revelation. Gqmpany bava à 1 ý 1 ýý oï C . Ith il ,:n ýu1d crQ0nýL,)oIutgatg0ýni1y on fils bl)(ntl; Mtliicàtit E)l , et th ils lieutenti hil t ' . r t4ý:,-" ' 1 . MIâti a lintfon ý Ofý,tbé prIgélier he.,és ý 1 ' - , , ý. gémi I h, ý a th 11alliti, Ail secouait in] - il 8 1 de,", r1t,2 1 Bd ofie, Racan yý-ý' iiiiii Made : F, OI the dePOsit Of' lllloý,(101111v-even Lb - . C-uriodit3,-,got th w fil no doubt reffigined Ili, er.miiad roýhe comýZ11si,41111 - .1Iio'. ,,ý hr 1 , te= Ofý bar pasgl,,,tC outbrtlhrýoubguht .Trhýe*itia'h.ètritruadgeetoblrýoLk,,eI tMbrr,.oýugh ail te. ,greda'tçvlttcrahgfiýeýdleýnfrsý,ý Delaroch, aïý,i ,,a, more open. ormeet ,,, Soi hv ' Mizot6ner, ,*- ý , fillr vfMýOn u "ADd novi, " Britz Vlent On, "bfrý. 1 t' ý - add Wn 1 e hettkýr or ho 1 ý ' ëar the ru, C 1 , rejour P ý -f nid- nées yotje grill cheri à . ý lier emotfi ri ý DelarocheeltLier étale tbe"ýIewéjs in rnýyOuff m eni ou happi ,millý an ainoullt Vi net aus un - j , ý . vbirllng laward Etralzit, Cauting the dewelivela eau- finale, of ý àer;ýVérforMBnçe, 1 Parle or lii'Né*'Ydrk Tt they ,Ii t la In the Ileutýnant ,,ha aïked: - ,,,, boit].. ' 'ý, -ýý' Iiiliving, and w ini , ' 'ýý1at ýdO YOU mean ,Irýl, .1 tien 'to'the,.,Wlndisl lie strode ta the "Br&voV'ý! ,sald t[iv iletItenali de ,foie, in Parle,' fêta ,,ýb ý .né. ex am dry un rentive 40 Rteý l 1 betw , uý.iis. il Pise., 1 lit IllicklY gro'y to a î4lin] Worth vç , "I Mean madam - ' ' ' îý 1 ( -bile, - . élanter Oftbo' and towered above tective nt tant. t. el I1ý.1 ý ', ý'tLat,ýMr,1 Grl,,wjld, thOu4hý-1 . . ý 1 - 1 , r sits. . 1 1 - 1 1 1 ans-ered Bel , Griswold, as, thunderotruck 'of afght D.larobbeI If It ivere not'for- deý Oalhe ciller nýand;',We car, proive the ty, bava: DO Jurlodlc'#On lit Plie case. ' the ýfare smille the'ntillionalre daub- Pa 1011. 1 ', . voulu ' -'Braý hislroû- Mell. el . aritý" Of thils ailti p« Jeu Intere - ý Tek FlûIlà H. Pl INANZ£Rl Aient, Milton, ý , 1 gagcdýý:Iîin8eV to ' ý". - fýhér-IB hisuelf;lcenteredprlàè,ýoeitalailig.our good fli l'il lutter up ýckIaceý-ýWa@ ,la fier'pffl 1 l -t a. Il nault fi8ý with a pro. , -3ýI Vi > 1 . . ho '8avz You-,rea8oz,,to- bé bat ý 1 ý , Wî mmai - ý1 , 4, luam, YOLI-thoügh W ai happen; ,ho bad, -utterW on où eÙcqYs,'ý' -Rýail;'.;,,i.you kti6w'-, , eoilible, oniy ,B .e " . .. - - ni P ý, air a . k Dette lent ta h), - ý 1 réotten f)r a while ber présence'in youre entitteil, to,,atîý numba ý eve ai te , day or'-ý)uo'ýago M4 » ,thé ,ýerIme P., '; el ý ýt4 éloquent a - e 600ô 1 il -ylý1 yor; èf11c1u1ý 11, - ý JOLI and .ýe -'y;ould ' ' Very pOjIceýýHëi:;d il un- toi celle farý - ' Was, contrai int'hla , fi - ' . -- ,ý ý P ry.. lyè Will 1, - , ý - 1 11 sbortly, býaBý'been -ble 1, marrie . quBrtero-he move 1 1 illac - Dis ' ' "of Il' Mer pres 1.1 of , si gratitude as any- ý - 1 , .1 - en* easlly In hl@ ëWr. . . The bétoine, ,-Ot' the . Éen-...-.,, Call ý'JÙ z ýtfie filet ,.f l mu, cet y or "the Street" would lInterugu' W 1 10 . ý 1 ý ý ý türned 'àbruptJyýtoWord'f an ex ihq . .. - - - ,,,Itrgqi ý mium time pastjn , t emilt, "Perjurel a sereamed. "Llarl a cyos ùponl!ýbtro'.' -Delaroche " Britz --- ý ý, g 1 e ý 'O a ta 1 ab 1 O ý ý burglary, flaghed lui ., a Fre - , -- . 1 .. t t Il tient Bands." Ime erg W BDO or wo- ingratel -th ý 1 , 1 ' fi 1 ý 1 - . MsuIý- , ý 1 Thief! Il ý I - him. il Fitch', dépite nofqyelleve >, Mm. NI 1 01O l ý ' THE END. :1 ý 1 1 , ý - Each ,Word wao liko the unap or a tail dons forEliàor; ... Ili Il ý- . There si ý.. 1 ., ý 1 1 ,ý !!Who ,Ji she?,p Il 1 ý ' li ,oiLthà French abthoiltlâ , -ý,lff . --ý -- 1 . askii lady of jouit, tbai broui & Wincing aider tram hl#' anger. ýÉv'en Mise Héleom ' was CrIme ,Witt, càmmittIdt . 1 ;Camboiffit, a 1 AL--rON. ý-ý ' ý ý the Reu44Éaliceengerly;^- , , ý , 1 ý - ý . .IO a. .i 1. ,2 ý - ' Griawald sui blini suake w1de' ti .Mrs, Misoloiier - and ,Bands Idl > fi% Ir theýJù1*'l We laiton lectoratoi air - 1ý . - , I l ."*imoàýý'natu'ràl 4Uéatién' ' adanli liail orant hihr., ý, Hé atretebed Il théý detoi expuctoi . ý tiers, reil,,2,11180 ,ý ý iý - - a = Is, ' ýIv 1 "C. , a 12 KIN6 AT BM AST a wretched hl hieh , louer . W Il ý - ý hitvis O ', ý sadd, Biýtzi ý "but one w am - '- Métier 'Iý, ' el finnate'hands toward lier Imploringly, Menai face wBý lmpassiie. Hel ' ý ý eequently few AL COURTS CA4EN DAý ý dunes, of a CaCY- restreint ýf' 1 , choice ln ý1he' ý.j troilit 1912--"---W= ý ý 1 1 , 'satisi ,'l-1 '- ... 1 é Il - 1 !ý-1ý 1. - 1 1 ý., ý., >il il' lue li -Militaient", 4e.eried. 11, , - lwao:prepared,;for anyourprlad front -848 zolind atilà , 1 ý ý - - -- - . ý. 'wbgým 1 ,,,, OweVer,-ý thé, lady, Never oeil nie by thitzame aiain," hie mlirevid Ileptematat, ' ' Il -- , o4t. ,ý TûIming ber fitterestinq Facts About the Morminq .of the apieiI#J --- -- , -- ý r la on ýher 1 Il Il iýicinIty. Yeît U.Y of E .... Of joint ab. ifii juillir. . , - y WaY hors elle aiment ,Crealwed. «il wieh r,,e,6ulà;. "Yeu Ili la' Mrs. De 1 ý gýiosiiiiigl- OY-15é'ouý tlho- doteCtive, one -Méal et Buckingham Palace pý-i-gr > , 1 di Il. Nov, iiOW,'ahd'ib h ' , - la C e, , , -ý - Mppeal fer thé aitit ', 0- ý ' Il ait arl'hour et Inclut, youlforget every occasion on which ytiu'eaid Britz, f!t u ri ýn ýtle .1. Il 1 ' ,ý 1 ý 4 ý - ý ,- ý i', Ilý .- .2 7-8 ý;Ô,ý' 1 -"-. à.. - *111 haVýe'jàO ffleasurli seelng her,'Olhave dari ta I , ci &,e, i Od a l., -- 'and no legs foi ' buvait ;liý . Fr d»ý-ýrr,":,77 8 - "M'he 10 Éshe r - WlIeLt le elle,? Wherl and ... ,.,lutter JI, Yeu ýrirëtei sweei 1 id ,bon one f.-the j cet ý' -, 'ý -XýU!,» -arts. Il Bre , ".- .Y. .... a 7 > 1 1 ý .ý , , là- ý - ý ý al . , e 1 , mien in 1 alitant al Buckingham Palace Io anguail - Wed..".y > .... 110.00S.. ýýý 9 ber bande ffifÜl!Y,'aà;" àted actý,oode . Tt= ý : : ý ý 1, 2?. 'W t'. .ý ý . 1 1 lue gréente wào'b ' 6 Iý I»lï ý 1 1 1, . - - rue, ý0 ' vb4ui BrItz.inOw a fui rassi. in the laie valga the LI ý 'the?" oiclalmed;Mrs'Mélâtèche "if 't Il hWO'ýto obi me,'I'fie 1 undeefohered',, Il sillardoi . ý . t 10,00 aý ý 13 '1ý 97 , Ir 1 .17 1 ' l a MMB'O#ý.eýO' Il ibeýUtýjhIs titrant. . boutade Ille ý lâti ýo favori dis. 'Ir& -Jour ]ami-Th.,id»Y ý ý - . lolà.. : Il ý îe ' allé Weald ilke ta cl»P theut about the Juin ou ýhe a go, but thalle Ondy Bd 'OnÉP-1bolh Kfing Edward and Qti Alez- The Angkor 1 ý , enfin, ta tell ,., 1 fit.relly . . . 0 Il 4 a , 41 4 >. 1 , ý .. ých 1 ondes look breakfast » "' ho - trd 1. .1ý..!Ilýoo... ý Il i 9 Would'hav', ilareil badly ut hèr'hiLndp, Fitch cillai the dent, nottly lundi - ý . t th.- ý . . - 1 -, MI.. apartments, but King George and peeeered !ý 1 ' 1 1, perbaps, saw , e ý ln trente prIvatej,ýMhoz-t .reýýcenSttýe ^,ý..l.. Ii1 , _ ý ý ý ý elle bIl11,ýy le ut et art ' l ý ý ,, elle ýadknjît - ý ---------- ---ý a the Multi-111111101lairélooked In. Beflind 'gay et the hl 4Il .se . ý..fv.ý. A"«W»., Vi,09.8-1. win. P..W., uiltôâ'ýs- làrtburmt lu, ,, recule, ut that me. Hole him, Ïtood EBIlnAor'ingoërte A,ý 1 11, - 0 8 the collarette, J ai il M' Irvule" gIldow ,belli in the , à 11, 1 an Agi .q ,ý,,,qt v4an QUeen Mary came downsiatrs ta their 1 . omb and Détective Will" big, belli, le t . ý 1 ý 1 'n tý ngag W H J. Mali Arlon; 0. WM'. Venger. mént. , ý .et cri the 0 a oli belote hie doui jýr ,hin .1ti 1 cami) Ilville; à,,S Il ý ý y .Iol tit * a aigu from BrItz, thei entoired thel 'I'don't u à 'Yeu, r. 8 ý ; - : 9 tiMe Marchait: Meal, and are Joined b-y thei. .0 i.8t... lie la . 1 . lý'1 i ' "'-f "'i 1- ýî1iO pousseur of ManY DI114 rocint noiselesoly and stochi hostile lits, doit! litre, ,ý à 1 ri Inquirlitgly. iwl of th. P.-. soli O.-Ly C..It Olttiqdm.ývlth or Witbout.tury, lui nous," sal. Seltz, "a woman Of 1 , a , a 5= b à blé - 1 ago. . ,The.. plot lied ail 1 laid. Princeus Mary and the Prince or frig , »ýb. î ý ,,,elle - . 1 , GilàWold ý and Prince ga'niLi - iltir 1 Me Weiss, and the Princes George outil,$ Yodmbý4-", Il el lestabil no opening days ut 1 I, la ,ýy, , ack- dent. Before ý Williams could, close Itj: IlMirs. D -av Ùiidèrsiiandi me It do It. ' 1 met,, ctirtis ý 'Gý OWOld - nd ,, ý la wledged ýbemuty and of urdentable upon them, Mrs. Missioner and Brux-ýMr». Misoldri returned the sleuth., 0 - 'iÉgi _ý ý, elett'go, .tth.,it.l.ry 2.d Aprit .oit les qonobé, . Md sil'often et other 'a ,iptade 1 wIde. At a à M lm utidred for the dentiste. r 0 1 dan't nui 'b": thrýlfgb Mr. MigsýâAér. -q Henry. When the latter are or Buck. of b..i...». chali of2 course 1 = t ke ton Bands appontait on the threshi ÏPISIlle Imowi ý. ý exaetly what 1 russe. lave- ta me, mode me,,bollive,'Èe,.Want.,Iugham Palace. l'lie otber two prin-ý.Ist,,rsi miel ý,iMltlnî-f --- r]yT-rma--8tb J..-ry, 181 liii M 't lit lier -Don't Yeu MI'sil Delairoci . 1 ý . 8 ý 41 2adýjcuymd 7týo.t.b.,' te oay fur 4 Moment, limadant, th h r Mrs. Delaroche turned te Brifit lu ' oit ta Marry :ý . >Ï'âb Joie »nd-7Iý O.tý6r. - tattractiveness equala yeurs. 'il' "' mli 11M, one dey, lie ces faite their breakfast in a room,,entire aLruettîî Ul"ljuisice Accoutite, tain ianui tith Apte., gubt- cold turi. an ley réaction tram herl; -Nol" outil thé *OMM tram the Dpoud the piani si thoiewel.o. ,off the Royal school-roci ta resting fiatj ýý , ý . legs, Mr. GÉI$wold, belug an ont volcanté rage of a moment hauts. 1,Ronaisiignee iip,,ÏharpIÏ fûto' pri Je Bv order W. -'f.i J)jÇ - I . alm ë' survail usually .liber R, 11111ton, 1 Ing Young :nau, bas ci more ta ber 'el will tell Jeu all yoir wfoh toillke a paillard thrust. . dyost - ..M,,,IIugh, for.; 1 was ý Br,,kf.., liens, the Coli -1 ,-ý ,cjSit et the pitace. Millions thon ta lier Incite. Never. k ow, lieutenant," site moi "I W : ..No? d*eçtlvl3. "How pri,,,. . la the Bow Rooin or Chiasse Room - 1 el retorted the 1 aires ,.ý them'for the .'in the ait. aiù i a iaý,ý l 1ýUt 1 . ý 1 theless, sheý la a beautyl' .ri . )JI telli urely you are His ýp Ma ý.Was ta have tue 1 View, are But .11, 1 Jeu ail 1 L-now about Mr. Grlà*àld."I..t'rtdY induce Mr. Midi" r ta int.me, Wear en the tirer floue. Triste are aise one . ery signa fi ý :i el -- ý -- - - . ---i Re watelleil closely trio affect or lie - 1 unfortun ' si eV te - --- r Belle poised hlms If la on ,attJtude milstaken Maligne; elY Yeu rai worde un the hig"tmng woman tac- of polite, inquiry. ' lu P r 9 thom One bight and disappelar with or other rooms - Il , e jý'what h.;Pined ý If éan't lie two wliere It la ce- .,utside and Il ýý ; Champion etutirleàý, Direciter.Ve las him, and oaw tant lie liad touched "That la the mài Mli Dois ho >til forgotten . Y-ou obtalned agréent ta do this, wben GrIswoi y - blank spaces Il , . the collarette, about my titrant. ý 1 ýhad logiquinally served. Their Majeuttes telsite deoJgQ,ý JaLisailu, ""--"-"-ý-1 a resPonolvé abord. Hersyes','ýai continuai "Who $foie Mroi. Miento"noecilol.boo»aeion of the a Once nec lace 0 the Monter of the House-, - -1 1 th lie cast a wttherlnË look or the club- Il rosi for JRSDAY MORNING m W 01311ava » If lier 'very seul vibrai el Wlthdiamondat" , 1-fýÎh. one WItIý th a &ton dia. man-Ilbrought me the substituts. b Id. overnigbt the racine in which inever mai ý1 . , Ji , ý P, Si K. Butor. »Étions rage. Hot breath conte Md The wealthy widow, standing eiear,ànond, Yeu know?" 1 they dédire ta breakfast, and the Mes. file didn't know, of course, that 1 was ter' communic-at" Probably mu: ,jl of p.bli,.ti.., d..d.y 8 1 &W. Nent la short limaille. Her fin'q!ýt the dent, put ber band ta ber h t ILS: elle ching ta silence as ta a rock 1. the pay of the Prince, and I dldn't Honte Stewai the Order tu the!Oecorattons a"' MILTON, ONT, 8=d.y Sa ý f 7, . , , t'wloted and I untwioted nervoualy, in If about te feint tram the ejabrociL of refuge. Britz, Btlil rocking light . ..g il Ep..rth ý, ' 2. ji infoli him of it, 'l' Wli ^et M ý ille seemed te lie on the point of , Sands. hie ouly thought bol ta oup. ]y on hie buste, raitied a finger war ' Weil, One nlght Mr, Two oldeboards and a round table -Il Ic - Y.- 81 W ,P.,,i:,n , , -, , t , IZ4. ,Vldleit revelation When the situati# ln Il a trying moment 1 91Y and Jouirait et ber wlth that 1 ave tu ha put Ili the r m., , . 1 f a 'fdJsoioner acier much urging on my b ,,MM the Ir and ËM W. m 8 Iii of P. . sue Il ,part, toi the th 1 au . ý a r aiestie and . 1 ý1 botween M ý . 0 L.di . fil: 1 .. wontbaz a p.za iwas tnterrUpted by a knock on th' foi flic présence of all Otbori, itail qMile oarcastie seuils. , collerette tram hie ' il eue ., '... ý. 1 1 - èt N ta - ý WME0 1 ý . -nth et door, '- 1;)"Oed hie avait about ,I.wll,.'. 1t.iviii. Md let me wear It Moi ai once of r skiant. ' .', . tffieae--ipe ain- - Il -il, lie ..i,.,. L t . , the "Yeu know au Weil as plarty. Tt was filon Breakfast in Berved ai 9 Ji .. - .ý Il 1 m ,lit. ...pt ut th. option P ni ' lier oboulders ' 1 do, Mrq il J lit Je . Pet P.M. , . , - > . ' ' ' l' 1 Britz, a ledit of amusement in big ta ý steady ber alightly ,owayinW ferait. Delaroche, lie went oit, llthat Cur! f . -, iû , mill, À pwt-.tFW-e ni tu dis- Kx« cjguacx I made the substitution, ý ý service used Io a white patati aile, te "I'.1 itodki..t. lier. w.k m ý face, walked' ta the duce, opened itIEIInor, with a little sigh, turned te GrIOWOld dIdn't steal the Motterai -,Whist dit! Yeu do with the réel IVILIt a gold band. and eài place in gli , o li' â! tu id'a.,. .....; es , S.M. and 7_pm. 16ic dis United îtntli 12.0l) à 1 1 - 1ý ai mintoter.: and thrust hie lisait out. In the corrI-ýFIteh and clasped both hie band h Idées. Whatever alliée crimes 1"2'necklace?" Manning interjected. a Royal crown and a, monogram lui ret . - P, M, julien, 00 ý"M ý EL 0 ith a eti.d. Il, 'a der établi a, man tram the Detective'unmistakable tendernetois. Thle'.8 lier nuepon him, ho 10 guiltieus of thut- ý - I-1 kipt Jç' Mrs. Delaroche fit. The dignes geileraily -1 --- - ---- ý-ý-,ý..Bluujmnllàtol46p.m Bureau Who, oald: filmait oank open hie shoulder, In dot, ai any rate," ,,, e teinte- dormi ýý in n ', .., ýI 1 P Mý ýima,,;ýwmaumigy4atf.aup.m ed with a blond maille. Informeif used are part of a very magot el Bliv tolloTimiNti 4AT&,iý "The pilonner, Griswold, requeste libeller, hallier than Bands. e cluit ve silvq' l . . 1 Il , VV9 15 et qutboibobù W«b4ïi;of The woman képi ber Cyan on thelPrince that 1 had Chai my mind breakfast service, wh as a w - ' l le ,l,ýmm..te, -t'illu. a luit.h., ý - et 0 P.M. an Inimedlat,ý Interview with Lleu.'her waiBt wlth hie ovin, il partly turnid away. about committing the robbery, and 1 ding-present froni the rosa et Ge loi; nd-ý linoidil 7 e--te Pe, un-h P-, :«T.hjý»yýiB»eâ 1 - ýIv orbéer face .. blé ,,, l'e Te Ilffle On the sani Weil -tm t Brltz.' ý BrItz C Others attrait et Britz fortuit] Mr. Griswold that I bail beau n'My te Queen Ma ý m e= i P- filii et 4»80 Il 1 an 1 . ithout mailing il, MOV 1 ry* . wu, ý ý . 1 ý&re 1 ; ,ý - iiýi, on'uje a Britz.be Itateil a minute, thon salit: Interrupt .t,.,.ýýh:do amagemen O' d".. P" ýj ' a Mes. Delaroche, excepting the Chief anoblis' ta moite the substitution." 1 In the centre ut the table le âÏli 10 ý 1 13V BOJ3 «BrIng blm in hors," and tien roi band habitait bien and pressait Buriau. -, ý . O a Mai gilver flower-bowl, )111 eV ' ". 1 ý. of trit, un., oý,ýj-"'8ù.uu P., 1 ý ,aloi th. Det'ý.tn1,s . . ý 'But the peste jewelo lie hall Siva, 1 - . ,,r Il ... 1'. ini ... d Rév. G. HOQ]UMLlu, n'enfer. turned IO Mrs. Delaroche. ibutton that communicateil With ýt le i 1 wfth white and pink flow, M. .n.lir'd l'y n ,.ai..,( ri dit a Plý)M. Ila.m. and 7 iii i 1 "I aboli not agit Yeu ta faite my room where Gordon and Hicks walted l'Ut'a mu through the pages of hie- Iroul did .von tel, hint in regartf tige madeýfi'om the 'a. ' W , Y L ý Ab M. d. = 1 lm Jury. Mrs. Delaroche," continuai the te them?" Britz asked. Porri I= si ý 1 ,W#Dý ýý ý1 litéii ii i..ýt'..tiý., ý et j', P..Mzt*=: à plot al forms part or the ý ' in , « a - 'Word for Il, madam," ho sai "FIl with the four Hindoos. The comnel lieutenant. l'poireautai bistory, of "I ,IIMPIY told hlm 1 hani lent flétri way' -. , Idl a" . Y.%of«Obtpoýtb about give Yeu- proof of the vêry béat; Ing dont opened and the Orientale cours fi la seiýyed ln .. - -.... ýovli te feint, .il ged-.rdi.gly. ' Uri ", si history of a clever Ilttle 84 replied. "The tact of the matter menu. wi ,tb..bj.,n.fwblebi.t.1 in si. «,ÀxGATBOLIV catrèsen ' kind that 3vhot 1 bave toid you about could lie seen withlu. Mro, Delat*ëbe, MI., Fru another foulure or the Royal ,.I Vincent, one of the brightest la 1 Moisit both the Prince and Mr, lit h' ýArmY Ci, ,y ...fit of .ay ili Mr. arlawold la truc. just oit ovezýabscvbed In lier own grlevanoes, ln- - ' - breakfast, Bari grapes, veulent, ri ico' no, ,', fond, wlll be latur. rÀV»13 $.%VAGO. Young Warren ln Paris. You témoin Griswold. Of contes whon litre, Mis -bonne ýeacheo, ,tW...." ..il ýh.,g.d 1 1 = tenly ri .%.IýT.x AND>Taàrý&wAR-2" a 8.90 tiers L. thloalcave where Yeu eau- C lui a and apples are Quectio a a tien yengeaiàce tbat ébloui ber lier whau site was, an art atudent Ibn r dIscover.d tît. rcbbery gr. bot . on Griowold tu v ,a among the fruits regularly served. tu the origin dtý,, il Umm , et net lie néon tram th, middle of th the ery t,,,,' ,getting along as well as obeart wold glissant! what 1 lied àène, Frequently the KIng breakfasts off ray" 'Terni Il .Y. .1. . Y , 'eku, in enclot eau fouridation of 'the man, Ïgafit, fired .. or ' ý NTtý, delli inid .."i.g... M, d' ,,,,W.&," ,,» Milton et 8.1i room, and pay attention ta what goee uld o:ký a Moi England Incarne Ili and mince filon lie has been urging porridge and fruit. ta a soidier tri ,ý1 1 ý a lier ayant upou hfin as abc Continuait id ý.t».Iu-nt.g.ril.ý, ----- --- , =.II ý the Latin Quarter. A bright, clever'me ta fart the jeliii over ta bien, When the breakfast dishes bave H. Lfflile êiý Idýy.d,.Wl.. a. wa.t., Mes. Delaroche vins fou tue gens ln ber denuaclation ta the détective. Ifti girl $ho wU, ta lie sure, and It'But I was déterminai[ net ta let him Relit and Manning listened gllrtly. , ý been placet! on the table the serv"tu Queries, that IpÊ . 12 ..te ýOr th" rlret TravellerS' GUIde. the throea of jealo as tac bad elle hall such a bord have h-m Outil atter out marriage, 'l'Jouve the mont -"il do not romain year Le or .-h ..b.q..ý. . usy ta ha squea-- Gordon, ln the adjoluing voulu, ,*hip-. réel ' 1815, whëÏ il e - lob. Sb, crosseil the route quickly poil out a ratatinait and biglant taking-tmggle ta les lier artisticolle added ln a volice laden with the in attendance lo, wait ai table, décent Book" wÏ -km. PANTON, 1 CANADJAL PACIFIC RAILWAY and sentait hersait ln the place des- In short-hand everything the woniau dreaxi vindIctiveness elle toit, nets Contrai they du et other. mêaII3. a War Office ciri 1 1 GOING EAST. , balai! by Britz. Shortly aller filet. sald. Edito, and Proprietor. ' W ý Mi illa hantera listeront attentivelyl The semicircle of liste The ladles and gentlemen or thelsi 1816 sainýi Uriewold tram brought Jutai the ruent, ,, ' -Mro. De-mche, ln attire of resolute.tod until Mrs. büéoloner, Mise Hel- %usehold whil are "in waltinji break- (for cai and , ý .- . - -- - -, - i il 57 a. ni, (flair). 7.25 a. m. 10-2il a'n', and Ili lieutenant, hie bande ln hfis Yen, Yeu étale the jewels," mal eifoi ta apposai IndJlerent, full as Corail, Bands, and Fitch were close faut togetlier tri the Household dIn-lied the circuler, ýEGAL- 1 2..'Ap.m. 15,80p.m. 8,15p.'in, pauliste, hie shoulders squared. hie Mrîs, Delaroche ta the Crouchilig clu. faithfully as the cithare. ta Belle. The'deteci turning ta the Ing-room. The Household bre:f,,taýt e or them thi 1 GOING WEST. featur-s cast ln an Iran mould, Cer, man in hie chair. 'il liftait know fi prince Kanandamovedforwarduntilothers, said: -, la servait liait an hour es ., th = - la used a ===:ý=----- ý - - ý - ýs I:ilt 'il, l).(W8.m. 8.38p.m. 1,07pi frutti the elubruan. Whou yoý gave them ta me, and failli lie stood w1thini foi feeV of Mrs.1 "I have bad'the gond fortune ta te. Royal breakfast. Thii; Is dors 9OýAtJvJns evidently' , 1 ,- I l , -wu&" 1. Dicif, 1 :, 8.25 P. M. 1. "How long le ibis farce going ta that I wai the suopielone,-i might Delaroche. Sbe.l.t éd bei shght- cuvée the Maharani diamond for Jeu, filet the secretailes may go through'in file severai pli ý 1 ---BUWDAY- have boit were kept aloof'by My - Ji Ài 'le aticol mutual Men. Misoloner, and If romains Obly the mornIng'mail whilst the King and ture occurs it 1 (CDUCY(ýrownAttor . ha kept up?" Grlewold demanded. fections for Jeu, Yeu wooed me r recbgnltlon posent! ho 'tilient, but ta trace the athée jewels of the neck- Queen lire ai breakfast. ni" have 'lie Atkiris X hie mat -Y, .15l"M. "le rital: ,,vhat Yeu came hors ta aok long finie. Yeu toi me 1 waà a go quickly tient It -*Îs'ijnobser vast volume of côrre6pOfý tw-,-d Cý.,.y..-,, M Il',,,,,-,,, -'s.2i Bute.57s.m,,o -twéên _il Id 17. ý - - - a -ved by lace. 1 date gay Peinte Kananda car) 'a.-. Bu ' al adds, turialy dlai ii ,jJjw,,1ý1 1 me, Mr, GrIswold?" returned Britz. y Worrian ln the world. Yeu low 0 the Othêýs.'7'ý Thé '. PrIri ' eyed lier tell us whore they are.,, and arranged fol, ritale ý 'm ' - Atkino" was auge , -- lil'AND Ti RA1LWAYý.- ether Jeu never liait a aingle thought of a steédify, à,WitIL , gulant gaze, as of spection and attention dJ oeil., Ea . "Yen, ý want ta know wb I a. ,ln , ,ýý-il 1 . "As 1 told Yen avez, the telepheme r -J il- Wellington ln 184 ýî01 ell"iüLhf, (K. & K. W. Mviolon.) a princier, or in What capacity 1 a' citer. And si that finie, lit 00 0 a man Who hie '6*éiW'ýtrieked. A wild Lieutenap Mes. Missioner ab: faut la avoir, ut an especWiy 'r, I ,allant. & ji N.t.iy I.bil ili'i';(i NORTE. , GOING soluiti hors. If the former, 1 insist up ri - a ýt Britz," a you W te Courting this Mrs. MliâlOn- filet leappij lÙfbýIJaér 'eÏeo and elle swered, ' 1 have te When a foreign monareh Io staylng qwtL - regiment-tl' lit I- -W». - laiton belote a magistrats, ai once,. or Yeu were seeking te Win j 1 covéred my jewels.- st Buckingham Palace, breakfast la. 1,1 of ati (.tE..- 1145atri. 4145pni 10,25a.m. 8.35pim. 'ng - ti moired 9wgy,ý odiiulx, cluoe: ta Britz. *'Ail?" asked the detectve, slightlY .. li 1 know my rWhto, and I will have for lier wealth 1 ou lit matters of course. setved ln the Stafe dinjug- GOLD ALOý, ------- --- - ------ 1 ,Ilt'.Ion',t ta 'lie' wOndý'red, et"' outil autoniabed. ý them-depedd jupon fi." ' ' von yÏ 3g - inpeýhetIëgUý; - 'lwWn yeu ra- l'AIL' replied- ýt widow. in. and the recul la thon of a much , i net for what. An wbile ou 9 wý ý ', ' "' Mime - BA., ' f M "Yeu Imé 1 ý ,j4 ý - lie "Mure- rue ' rollowing a eiM,' X ELLIOTT grest deal. don't Yeu, were In lier bouse a recognizeil; el 1,.Ibb'miady;'b'iirdëhfps,, _Vincent Overi 1 do net cars ta Pressants any. more c ramonions character th Tý lit, N. 0. i Tt DOIV'T FORGE7 r. Griswolwd?'a ' 'fioileered Britz. "Weil, even an acceptait 9 l Jeu- rçhi âlîàüra -,'výhaü ýý,Q#,-'ýexàeàftièr On hOw one connecteil with their disappoâr- ai 9 R.M. lit the Bow Room, and the We Il The whole Royal party assemblé e ri Gowgari - mot-Y pubien. jtlillily W ý ' ' " i' - . 1 16et il--, -«t nt Xiiiii ý let me moite Juin understand filet Yeu the very wqmàn y u ally iitended,'DiÂny- ' i' Iùgà,'ÎÈ'eýýbuj'jo trýudge ta once." P y Ci£ enginwi -pins ý V ý. , 1 ý King with the visiting Soverelgn" n,7 , matn-.t.. Milwa. 1 have 1 1 are hors as Ion a tIme as wo choose ta mali Il 4 1 Ii , ",4,ory-ý'IWý-1)1'è Lou-ýre wltb- "Net the Ilindaos Who were te- consort, and the Queen, with the v 0 taý, nest assort ment ! toi keep yoU.ý ý 1tes; yoir- ore a urisener, Turring with a pontai speed- and out ',,cý'yetnp 'Itni q)0'>,-"-Ié,bfiàolation ýOf a sporiolble for matir second disappel Ing monareb, lest! the way ta the $laie the coulait P13NZAL. of and Yeu are ,gblng ta lie one for a with lis steely errent -- . - , purpii - - 1 gth, elle addres- Fr.di 1 'kfîami,ýihat ýî4,,permJtted ance-is It possible Jeu do net wigh diffing-room, and are followe by the agriculture" ,ý 1 1 . p, z, lUdeoiig , i' ,'open gond long l1fri gond Mari Yeats. and herself again ta Blitz. à,'ýî;-î9 ý àý ý. ý ý - - . lu ' athens ta lie Pupished?"* Britz expias- marri of thalle respective d bouse- ta bc another!Poic llâtaire Me le ý1jjffl - L ' - , ý -- , . S' ý - Y.Ù déri't lik.i'jhé élàoÏiflcation, do ,,M P oneyu ýbe red ly the Jnli -=-ý _- -- HIG H-C LAe 1 1 1 t IL r. Griewold," elle sald, . ,- i,ý.. lit waan'f tulated, ý Ii . -- Wli yol4'ili have jeteurs il 1 I., ils. , ' 1 1 ý ý a d n- «I do not," said, Mrs, Missioner The Germent Emparer ý Il ý ý , ý ,ý ', , Yeu? 1 necklace a few es a exactly, ýline'*-fflf ý. rhe-report Bay ý 1 A ý.. ellatomarily englitinerg. w ie ý- ý tiolit, ,Idùdlà,-. ....."ý19.i." 11, " mond necklace. 1 - - i , , iiêüýionailt ý' 1 - ' ris- quielly. 'il underotand théir colonne sale a hemurtier - 1 âAllii L.Î18.. ,, 1 ,udod ri Y, ý 011" eu el but elle . breakfast titan any a , ý1 lie la the derlialla nifille wl . - Il Wold, elabinant- so'cletY man, e - the jewel'ease Yen ln- nir 1 Idétýàtie ,Èasterie,êïýý, d beau fÏitroâu. tient With the mystery thorogghly. In other torii Royalty, and , Il vi-it àfijt.. on th. . zier, iitould-be Olïél thief.'l 1 ' 1 1 .1 . ý "' r , ý 1 - Europeau monarch litho drinko quartz veine occe, ,4üy Q; .uh ...th. ora..: M P ý - , - L ý Hé'told me lie h te . -Até Bd ta bérý formàli euclugh, ,big lie, si of the drastie méthode they pur- OnIY In inali parts. Vý ýý . Grigwole , 11, P ý eli fi 1 ý 1 me, and thst fit W ý e bJgý bridai ýhÀVIOUr'LWao;> al , WýXË re>ipýqCýtfUJý and éiied, 1 do not'blame t#e»L Tfiei ton, et breakfast. Ir 1ý 'ý , Il ' , - 1 1 1 - -à î seel. were gtruÉ il lilial, bée . ý 'â#lke "ifiei 1 érbf ý#w e0flé Ive Ï11L 1, woýdered mutin ""nce sa- D'à - the Jenner attends of the neek. The King of Spain drinks chocolats alze . , ý 1. a 1 1 . ý tl aboi "i 2I ft lil ïbe-,ýw4èA verý,ý,ý;)noly, an ln morne of theseA Il in O. ý ý ,Wordi." 'iiiid: 1 ripped-'hfo' Wr'Jgl rid, of" the présent'. but. ho assured M4 yery b ne and 'littdý,ý, ,v;!t,, ýbýffiÏr.y." ý re, and a cup of chocolate and Borne 1 ableiLi. tt'ilý.";.elrcf MIW M cr', "h'inýi- - leýdë, 'In fauf; ý thosoi génie *ore ,. . ý , rcely alifi -11 . .. , -Mrs - Delarochý'biÎ'he,ýÜpý-oàid, turn- tùie Meal biscuits terni th. Stimuli W» 11, Whirled .Îlot lui ýa chair.. ý. ' ho *aoamau of îuqJý griâter weaith di The whetber gold waai L, - 'ý - " ý ý1 1 ggneràJJjý»L- > ý 1 1 à.,,ýü'ý.,Bi-iü,-,e,ý,ï k ý ý ýpýMI thla moivaing by one et wheat Yen Can Bity Tb,, nt City, -pri lé À l IWI'Bjt down!i' ý ,ti',ýd I A.d,ý' tholi Wâs il L CP)pooed, and filet , - du , ', .. ', Cul, If, ý . 1 1 1 1 of s*ud'h.,regent- th'é"OJenM .,.ýr-aý IMua-ýii iie!Îilàrly ai- monsfeb's transi mornIng-Mel "Theme rocks ali , T-- an tfiÊr, ' -1wed,'wà would live lu m 1 that MiÏ ,3ýîosjOprr",àýà ýMW taitiment ýnit-,biîgh chegaoter, whom King and QuIon, of Norway both drl»k ter, te Ilkl, tbat, i fi% Whêb vré *ore, Wo would live lu en - " tention un accon , , . 11 Maire atuoth Z' Il . ' cultes a breàkfast, and the King, a '310COLL, hf.D., ('ALLýAxp, BER T'Eni - et ris la r, w 1 ouýluxm ý,qualliqgilfitefanyonoinNéw,.Hblcým'b" litilë, 1 mat in-the Ment lrJIësý t ý îýêw 1 alli 4;ý,.aý, a, ý -dévalées- disociverfes. and. Ia au a Coroner ofeus - 1 . . ,i i lý ,af ýyAlu. , If' , . a ; v > Id Lhdru. He ý1, lAnd fi , le Ymi, WjjjLý,bsvO ürevéhi Noii never cars anythlag et break 1 . - 1 ý 1 , ý - . .ý York aeéiëty. 1 hall needý,É,àbtýroïli uý,,ý'trlz iauàiýcs, Il prospectii 12 2Lfiantitôtoi , ý î ý ' a ' .1 I , - toit but a Ilttle fruit. The Tsar's Cavell ai . w1iii .1, * , 1 ' -1ýthat ý,kli thL. volimbed death and ffne'Fbo "" ' ' ý "The Iran formaffil , t ý , 1 Il -1txi il lx) ý, Çýhufl 1- - ý -, - ver. silla . lit 01 Rami , -B - ýUé ra- exp and flint ha *Iobed' méta Joli ëý12tInuà;, - - umeýnt ta - l 'akfaut uni consiste of thJâ dry , &Z, 1 ý 1 Oil h ho P, te 1 ý , li Ir- à îÏÏ eh afin atý-,oIIce- as ý en i , ý ý-ýý ', ýý 1 ' ý ' roug t -à m hi aCqUaln' JeWel, WhJC h 1 fakli ' , Crownsi out Outs and hffi ' ý kali - lie -h -tiJ b", !considered of eli « . b ' ý 1 0 , i 1 ' ý - .W& - 111 Deh-elice 13 ne 'r,,ýcklaCë ' - . a peau "I'n - ý id titifilit croient, followed hy a 'le ý 1 ýeý ý bbMrel" - ' ,,-';i. 4 , - , : b u il if ln hiý9 Own sport; tancé iýyitpan-Anierican mtail-ràllllon. thoir eyes à"$ wag the.Hý)lý I ýàIf1 »fýt' .4 , 1 . 1 ý 1 A 11j Ilobeâr. li ' no, td I.otre.b,,glneu rend djidiare, the àèèèpted frIquçl1,,ýJýzý)e, cour Crusaders. L:I- >. ý - , ý i e- GOWLAND, id À e vieil Grh, . - - ,ý 'l _OU > 9 '« ' ,, ý - . ., , , ---ýý-ý , ' - - Il As a,ý4uêstlon;iiét'bierý mimait oup of blaçit celles. .;,il 'X 0 P - .. N.B. Faàoy Debormieo, EM ý, .ý mon 'l.ah" .1 et ,Jt-to a «fe'-depo*Jt evon going IF,, Of religion, but ,q;ý1ý,ý-xvrbàme L Piety - - ý E10lP' à il 1 , Jeu blunderilig--" dýý% 1 ýý 1 ý , . , , né, féales frok[thi rýcu Fin, , ý ý 1 UNIT $, -ýà .2 - m..'ýi ýý ýý JIV ýN..g,ýq ý el; tp-t a el swOl c2Cny Whim the: news of-Üe MI do fat ast ,., wi h bitu let èevoi With them, under 0 ýý,ýýù'm.f.ý, MARKITIONLY16fis ---1ý ji r 1 1 ni tolmetchI - ', ý E djMIoUd 10 a 1 tlu 0_11a r - whiéh'Parli ce , ,c , , , , , 1 Impérial Retinien A , . Medslist of i 1. . , 1 ý ý týý the g 0 oà,y , ha le! robliety wu& publièh of th ri la for ÏX, tý- apliest 1 - Voirtit,,t. Il - , 1 .- 1 " 'ýý _ 0"", 1 . , - ' 1 Cannot - Coli U - , 1 ý 1 1 , - g-fadàÙê,; ýý,e','t'î Lf"ý1uh1 Corner ai ta ..il kitid, of ital Yu Ili ul la In, la the newellaiters, 11, ýrJcan WAS à man:WIllit 'thora, ber t'O wMteýmCe- irIttiv , M - of that 1 . suy -T 1Iýw va ýIier ýôV" 1 enun el 'I (va -1 -, > ,- , -, . le, ý!'âfiiî2 ; the, botter loi, ait colle a. , Mes, Il it tO,ýJbè lýstil-l'ourposed tO'b,ý lty-a , big. good- attempt ta ý. Duülsh them, Beold .Yft ,KNOW ,Qý,of.FRESH 1 1 - . _ 0 ' 1 . - . - - " ' - 1 The Importe sà . F PA IV ÏI ý Iý _L Delafol bas týjd-évOfythJri flanca", Uri d ,exprleiojuéd-'lWàndér aï natui whole, sou 1 ed' Chili); ,'th'dtoùgbý ithëie,,was ý dýlmIstake. In tbc'ae,ýWsttfoi) ' L - - - ' - ,tit =,O=& 1, GrhWoJlýjnqufrod greaotical]Y, Whèther, ý ý ', ý ý l ý ,PwdREm ý, ý 1, ,',And l 1 1 - 1 , 1. lir 9aff@fled'wjthýh1s fortuti IiIm-jorýtfiéýýMëharajéé illainond. ý il cation of'ropoiito Ooaéd of titillait, aime te uffltOý -rlý ,ý, .à. ira, ytzsloner'a . dIamol ý -lIéý produfe 8 . ut ý ; . > 1 What, prïay'; hàd âhe ýtâ tell *ore ,"«beatitjttil _aa thaïe -ýh ' ý '1 ý lange £O theme men or the Fmtý, They. ý -,rr'ede,84nds Ont ThîriefýýjChcohi Inithe, Canada. t Ili Tiocha of üw - -ýý;el , M gli te. He 'aeked 2me ýtO, lisi ù l ý ý , , , ýý tua ty., stows ý- , Therii why shouldn't thi are free to lote Il. 1 qu-lrréndlýr ýall ý :I - -1 ..,:,grows m .. 1 ý -A griýat-,deal'Irripirir'illialil, ý, ,ý- ý en __ ,!fý, , 1 -jý , - veied iCritz craitl- tliffii'ibout-m> ,ý.ýý > 1 .. 1 , Il ' ,gý Àý 3&fgi eÊjDi7 gny claim Io W- 1 , , The producesection or fi Il - - - ' - 1,'tneent 1 . --ý TýroIiîdJ fou -in. T'of .- , ý., - --Ï ý sioner kýcw'a. , dpsý, Il 1,ý 1 1 a da, pettapg, gavai lltile wjtb an rifir et ilstakabilil, ri II ý ,ý ý 1 ý ý -ýipo#sCgsIon of tboî- -, - 1 1 ,ýýl' tippon , ait fil ' , , ý L . - - , ý , , jif !I ý, ., , lace'bntgO - - He 111. ý - - j ý lob 1 1 .- - "' ý , ' " "' VyeàdIngdayý î ý ,ig unit ".il of Trade 'deIJ ý. OýÀskài Il ý ý ý 'lm , .i 1 - , 17, 1 , , al'. _». 1 , - .- - ", ý È . ,, !Olp .', 'i , 0 ' , , 'l' Il him? ý shu oi '1y,ý pect Britz turned 'towar.d the' vil4p - , , 11, le - i 1 ,,, 1 t- i , ý1ýL,, _ ý -» à ý -k ý 1 -Don't r.,entýOIii thst ladili ri WhO Jl4eVîièîÏ:jýI04ý tho,.,d r t ri' "Il' , ,- M va. c it ý "In, thé ! - ýýýý iý , ,1111ýý W. -- 14MOIZ ,tgp-elg.kl' LL - l 1 lif 9ella uîfs % jbý4q ý ý 'x, W4 1. 4y. t hii al -,-_ >, ' 1 , - -j - -11 , a -IlI the ëveâ or.,;It,ý I.-', h- .fV" ýý " . ' t ' 1li i , Là - , î1ý, ý ; maetoOrdler Estimates gyeri1 able yerly rter.