#toi11 dytlaP.tr E ulrvei ert b i,,fldttselj-i ceeno ti.tt -et r separt1 ISTONE & W LN JB. LEONARD; ,À ppeby1 lotor Cars and Truc I 't12 titis are unsutp as tt, ad rftcecy. s,150i poer caret17. inToronto fully eqti 1(al w.1 ,1 al 11 e U itAilslaide. j-t, TORONTO. APPLICATIO TII PAHLIAIý f std t--W" c ti tle t cth-e asnov te hrch. A".isil st-Tcii lt dt-nv -t,,-se Iv ms tittt- m - - te tee "idj 'lt W etttat, - 0 a 'e. se -- JcA-re-nci th Ir-.e ., cule B tc e -ttttheti olme Phote-ttt-tn 57 itd C. E. GaIloway& B UTC HER [3 iit il ec- tht, 13 -cin t-pet-tdlf tes. end erçg A t Lowest Cash F, F OR CASH ON] t itdSalt AI r J i-Poultr.y Ilà ;sagS, &C. 1 -i -ts"w 'St-- VflNTEB- Rl ltS Caiiornla,5 Westerp9, isieamechep 00~êi* . .e . .e.n.lp.g.e.....i Peee Olten. c-cn tet-a teng' dct5higen eeirecise. npcccj dncliltetelcd Caf-cmi lums. Appty an itetle Ch4 t-c wi-mnedds bore g-tcgt-eet Octd it ih the ttc*.j convaen0Ir, Pit opbitmec ctcc f2=7Tole Dru Thle iVetropolitqn Bank i hPT-lAI PAID UP ...*à0000lOOo lOtSERVE Pt \D............ i,250,000.t-O i ic IVIDED RitiOFITS .. ... ll-16 HEAD OFFICE, TOFONTaO FARMERS' BUSINESS t-t n creelatt eîtio. Lane enet ore-popnible ferteri Jr 1,iýns t- -tctpurposet- S' le-Ntes dîsrennted etrt-ollecte d Miltoq Drq ,-W.B lm ts t- -SPHELLVtI'sIL OFPICE Optet-for busi-ne-s Peetla> aedFPi dn ofet-at-to ceeh, AS IF YOU USE RERTISIG PAYSMEDIUM- - ---W--st tlamb ctt~ ian gercé in daegmcrat crecodod 1o bîn e got-td-Jamce.-At the llnptitpaoet-'. htsc'eaed Mei's e& rtasa and OCt MARRIRD.Setr, crtotei ttoe tbae bc adtatoe afe.P e 't.JiWe-dccmy, -Tau-e att- .Tee foretc-'s 3R yRe. latees, M ra tscrca. tc ge-det eteck 41.tev-Siecar-AIt tbc reetdencc t-f Wee-An-ceactent-o Di--Ce lot- j-e lic!d'esrettn Weédeede aynRateà aeeeted et the Jan.Ote, SpRer Oc.~atgt-~-t~champio flea lacnd ltt nn edeetise. KaR nogvàtdavibte cf ,c'ment et the Icen cf jt- $10 bOteo. H-e ce 'Ie . Ueaî,ter enterJ acce retire-Iand' rcpcrted j-bat toc Atten, et lastsee. n ba J. sad ttoceî eeInapcettc Inehts, troeTser. DIM oThc ladies etfCt-aie tibsrtoiateed Pettee-AtStrej-ertts, ~ holding n pancahe cepper on Shet-ce r t8tvle Jan -di n 7 Pe-eda, Pcb. the SIth. Pse-tber pasr- Ja.Mte, M, J. Pulten, te ber 88th ticelare ecxt eeh. tilmenrmece-At Seilirtne, oen SUU_ 831ALLPIE.-On Saturday after-, day. Jan. 2t-th, RsB , tnd.celtent-nOvbrtecinth p-c cof GeogeZimmnermnane 2prtof th dettt t-f Mnj-i, Brt-eh, yergeagd o n CommercialtStreet btonj can put B-amocttopya fecr pelist-ofcrter before jtoc cmAjSetigc.PeinTedat-, arrival cf jtocfireene, hacteued 'sut Jan. 8Mth. Ped kitArthur, BSA., wbce the alarms rcueeed. etldest son t-f Cet. Wm eetcree, agcd SesuActoi--On eeda -I1 cenrs. SROSACDi-nMoni Ie rs e s sn., ellpcded dfeit t-n Wiltiameee-At Sertinglen, oce Oen. the tee ie rear cf her bt-esc e P hemn day, Jan. 2fto, 191Z. L1ite Arma. Street. Cee t-f ber tbli o btes ean etrenZi. cife OfE- t.W- WjtiiseeIBO, toette.Onth a break o le aicap eged - y eare. serions and hej-ha mcccet-9laItn , IteL.arc-At ERochester, N.-Y., ot-ewàecrn e octcn cttcee of ber aege. tt Prldap, Jae. lOtto. 1511.Jane .t i ez-rcd that tocs recoeret- 1CiSh man, crldsc of the ltesucnMe- y-e.o ba Senftcred gcontpFeor Larce, ft--metly of Lacknocw, Cnt., tcret-ape and etgts, tout thte Pal ba Ie bt-c 0h yer.bat-tme tacs ad i hemtsemenre easity. i , t>tl Se:î H ee. 1'u. tsc', -k îidiïatee c f Anicustlie F e tart t-t4iyo1tth-ts.There tMt3 f square Étimber, raftoco ned brneos forsacte. Apptp te A. Suri, CSgb. 354t Mx DceonfE.sirs-The mangted bt-dyt-f Chas. J.Ntebijt,eflcrtcigttn, Wrasntidce tbe tO.P.. ,trot-ecar Pt-rt tint-tdit t-cFria-dy. The pt-eeg macncrevéat borecn ce -bev-ieacday. An icquett can t-pt-cedanS edicureed ectil ldth test, fernr- ooeveetce. Cecere Attornoy McPadden, t-f Poeet, 1bac ccked the Atjtrney Gteern that -be ieareetstt-bcnende by tbé prc. Tmmweaicr Sone $ Octs.-tOet yesr typecrritcrn nsupptie, paper et att gradesc arto-pp, ytoce rat matebines, ett.. at ehtOailt-e t-Me. Priee terrtbon thtet- of trveitere. A BSo- tE.m-H&mtltt-e baida tbtg ficc et- Mt-t-dapcrbichbtot-tetentethei tttbegrpbcn andprietteg ptant et the t-lt-brt Dnt-an Ca.. etaticeers. t-anrt-otf James and 'York $treete. On anet o f frt-te hydanets tbc firemen tond diffiestty In fOghtLng it. Tbaeachote block cracIe gecat danger fra ttmc. Tche ttlto- caaot t 00,000; ineotdieg damaect- CoIt-tc& t-n sbt-tkvst-re,aned Nt-tdbetmcc-e pteee cend mascse.'c Mee's oot--t terwt-nrShi-to aned Drawrr, rogultn, doltar vaine, et-w lt-c es. Flteec.end endorwenr 47c. eaeb.--attoxctth & Comnpay. -H. B. A.-ti aneesat metcinig et the Ilaltoti Rfeoren Assocition cran bt-id hero ytsterday. Pbcrc cran a targe tueineit. Tht-er asneeoeen, ieg ce the qestcont-f reetpri-ty, bat iecctd o»eral mefideace that the IAtocra Itlctttcrn t-e j-b eat 4en necntgeratecaiee. 1Ot-rswere ett-d a n tecc -résidtet, W. iF. 3Y. Fieber, Berttegtxce t',lot Vice peidccj-, B. P. Hart, Mtttt-ee t ld f Vitc Precdejet, H. Ceunningbam, 00cr- val.t Sec...Pren, J. H. Peaeeek. MeF t-rsuceDeerrOreto-Citn -tep cccateg, Pcb. t9, the FEpwocth t.eagcc and Youneg Men àBi ble Cts cf j-be -eptbndint Chureh are bcieg ansoccial aecniag. Ct-me and epeed a pjeeaant erevtag erttb tbe yceîeg peopte. Nmsr.ccseCiAN&e-Thc fcttccring in an cnj-rattfiree thcmitttia generat crdcrn cf lOtto Jan.. 2tb Bt-glacent Hlatten RlOfe-Leteaat (murere er)y>. . D . Bet Io atoertontôt tbeoe acttointomot, vce-pre-etelenai Leuteant W F. Bradtley, chrb-ier- isittel to ettire, 2fth Detcentoor, 1h11; pre-vlsitnat Leutennt <opereamer- art?-t A.P. Mtcaughan te pereelttcd te retre , led Jeonary,1912, Leutenanat W. J. Pt-ppitjt is rettr oti, rsJami. ary,lOlltprctetteat Lieutenanat Ccpru= mravyî 8,.Cot-tes Io abeertood 1et tesabtishment, ltlith antary, t.t-tvmLt-tA-Pbce tortnirnea-t fer te endySct c! f St. t-'-rge' Chercb, Itwctttc, crit tt en e b too-ettf tte cehvrcb on Frtday, itlo !lotté. lProganMe prt-vidcd top then childeut-an»t-jt-vrs. esPt-a m-cd frcm 7 t- 8 P. M. Admteice 15 cet-es. pj-to»irît C e moen a teacng ceneMPtaed that ho cranrcttodip a Srmt- otdpig aller livthiik a neemer etfdrielte t hee, tht--et- an Mcidel, bat not-ïierw cran -a. Ils et-iteant, 3Mrc Tract-rAkippel te Te. anot-Mer t-f t hoet-hitdm-t-'c Prc-otlco ActiteCjet-k t-barge. A mac naolSc jý%atled le o ce "eQ tht- hcoe crc 100 1iIandcooActfor oe Jisgie Ic-li ill 't- am fro. esith fcrnsinlgiqlscr- te a btt, Boy FARM NEEOS biw i m Vo srt -tii î:rvlFormulas$ ti- c%-. cijIi t'- -îîpot-îîd tlîenî Pitp tit,%. fimt-utftfit--iettingre- Rt-- l 2,7)cti$L50 can-i ani tii 10lt - S Is 0 I Sliiijtii 0Ibsi)-o Maci î~ Toi iPowdet' for If, jrt-- tti1tatt I-, 25C pkg. la tr jtei PC) rcfîcîbl Ni large stock ef Patter'n.s on hlnd. -follet Preparations Witch Hazel Jetly A telgl -ttîl prepacatit-es in-tubes. 25C. Edelweiss Ct-ea-m Nat grecsy ; ext-t-lot-t fer chepped tands, Euthyml An entietitcandt vleîltrent liqtule meetto cacto. 25e ttie. Nyat'5 Face Creami Tht- greannthet alcape s -c eis fttte Net- g9ay;quicklly ehcîtbad hy ttcin.26e&. 00e jet. Ct-ohm oË 4 Roses Daintily<pctfumèclt- ytcncil forfcelort- bads,- 262n. c f lets Sick Boonj Suppi es Guarenlsod Rot Watsr Botttac fycen *1.00- te $4.00.- Peutalin Sprnges, Ied Plios, Medit-ine Tubes, Mledioce Gies, Inot-oli Pccdtng Cupo,ý Purec3bl Castotiatr Oit Capnuécs, Etx tcat Bt-cl, laiS Yt-td, - Cough and ctold Prpieattons- Gèives prompt rt-lef; h-aJýilS thé n-g. -YII Ho anS SOX tot-î Tise cisildrents favorite r-nd~ gtceef pr c e it-;de ot-s Itt tt-am pim.lO-bc(lc. - WhitePut-and Tutar A catluabto' tIetdyfor aticeliscl - -ct-lds, S e 6 btt.ip-,t- ys' Kc --ers Hle",tvy WO<ý1 S0a NÔWv6 49c,. No w 191 ,L3RÀAITH &I COM ïht- c-c ty caîictî l f Pet- elSPrt- i re iveiek tliet peie T ees14asen halb l neùt- esay or eig pt-ecetoc be teai. ctf ttseêctc Maey cestieneecattr beieg 'l' epe tln m -necf jt o cnt- co btet--rl lb Idet Qabvfie t-le SnettpttItem., ce receire and 19sic' edesfer tht-e omhetit-e of the- CemeteryBridage. AereÀtco-S.B Brandon bs eneter- ed a &ilBal gai j-bte je-gmenet gln by e dge Cceeam ine beueit Tletfoiva. tC. etten eed iS. ut. Bran- don, tIncrtsitte danaget, crere ecrnrded a g int Mr. Brandon for 1 ejuelat-c tht- ptetetiffre berce. ,> By Roquent. MA frnters estdi, tttilttt-e.riday ad Setee'da ey.Pb.t-j-b & ltj-, regejar $3.0 te $5.00 gei& tlied etspectceSaed oye, gejescfer 81.00. Et-e tet-mincI irac by lte. Eegbaee,- fcrmer eptient maneager]tce ccert Tr ntot. -AllER 8TOGý-TÎAKIKO SLE HARDWARE 000tfaLet ced 's-cce o me, lihi reste-I. meg-. 7 is --, ot-e iSle price- 16 Ibo. 1crr0?ec. i 1l celle Ileldy RSce0g. roeg. 8.25 pcv eqacrc; mmpletecrwiti cepsend neite t Steel Range, Netet." egm-et 1500, Sale pritc $1275. 1 Oxford Rane, Nlt-c, 0,t-l orm- et-cin v od condition, wtthotresercir, o 1 Cck Reater, ltvor c r oc, met-nier $12.00; Saesprit-e $9.71. 3 Oak Reatis. tcet or sced, No . 7,o $12.50. t e dcc. Childees Oteitbet- meg.-t- l-, 1oe Ie- eh. 7eyttrme dcea. ek grieil, s-ivh tc2. to rtttI et-. e3 ;reetl- tt tnt-eh ed bletest- t-em- 810 Il Lleec HerseSinhtece-g. $t50, lor 4 îtet etr thobtes, plîf lnet dtc, m-e-. $12.00, et W per t-et lt-ff 3lbmto. Heetîts Reps. îIande, ititeces.cl 14et-lb.; Sae uic-re ltJe- lit-. dc.- e Ga-l tme wl Pea 1 .,37 -a.n l0 b la . Reherteen it- e Citesil, t-e aI i ltonepefetigoete, 5 ttc t-oe 05c. M. E., NIXONI MILTON The Continuous Orowth of a Ban k ,en ...edobut t-cc lbing-j-het the service t rendere itt tes- test-ns maltes fer pt-ricane-st1 t sieoteoa relatit-se The ... Bank of Toroj;ntol - cutis mtoret-han à55 pears ol cn00tcatict-e et-age- ment tedatitot-y ser- j O.ss Tax, iionJdItDollars,ï Men's for Men'Is UndershWrs and mattes ; well fit-joled, àcà Men's Workinp Shirts, large bo-dit-s-dou-blt-ses! Cashmere Scl-et Ct-lt-ed Cachetrt- Soff patterns, deuble sole, il1 Mlent Suitse 110w $3.98 t .en's WinterOcaps Now 320. q O0F MILTON li Needs ,oldDays lrawers, in tht- weil kno ut and plot-sanS to crecr, rom.... .50c. to $2.50 each heavy dri-l ishirting, extrat ak and Fency Embroidered good variety o-f colors and ,and tbe. OVERCOATS .l(ea dy-to-vwea,,r Overcoats that wiii ht-ct men- and boys creli nt next year. Tte coct-tvltx even the 6mb îvorcoat on the t- tt-ed to ccli forî ;e) but to-day tht- prtcc 18 $10.OC) NEW SUITINGSI Now is the tiniae te have your it-w suit mnade when are net tot- but-y. Special valties frosn $16.00O b Ne twe ahike. WQ. [3EWN-S SONl~S berchant Talioand Men's Furnishers T. G., Ramshaw REAL ES.TATE gttt- wilt imy tha t hieding latin ict. Llwkic-jap $1-000 iil beuy gcci bs-ltk hanse i gscd i n,c olene Mill St. for sale or te icent.P -ctt Fru-it farta forse, 2 milex f: cen slation,. -itet-it ani , !. kiede cf tiret cheet- fruit, iciig gc,. pHýrig t-t AVant Lc bey e it-cl,iaicprcved lit> c fri-t tt, ear i, Fore-sane, l2MSi cretsytunie frcm Ilttce c a irtieej-,a, m'- wtt ablefcrnailkinds of -rming, ndi sitttstcotn ,t,,t, $iffl wil by 0 arie farm lnNscgaea stI...,î.e,îand bilidings in gond ceea-. $UÀX5 ciilbcy an acp-i.c-date taire 25 mile troctMtltt,,. Vtt'chave houses [ocr salevn gant Mers.Mi. tsts, ', neercint, Vitj-rin, asni Martin st'.* Tcwn tlsts-coresae. Price $100 acé epi%-aid, et',,,ling t,,J, Wlierui ,ned Plire tetraee,ý,qfltandtetts t>,, tc,,, ar-e ettrciie. OFFICE:-Oie flar East HOCK(EY. M1iltvcedefeae-m t-i il t-n tem et moessr p ofjeniai . It li. end odt- pisyes here iesj-Phevsdîm eenleg. tl w5t-. Thecgemecratheesughffltov-i play ihere. TP im lItter., fOadlec t'Caeeesceecsd t-r0kt-ht trip, Fing.eianhiegal hotdji,.asd tb cet e ttaisted. Pcntlt-s Bshcwee werecfecr. Reercell Risfiied bac, be mhorsticte.'j-lte rddld et-t t-c thc Bramap tee lilae.p. TPiajtf3llItoi crac, gent- Sinclair, pcltît, Pes-Isce, Cerer, Manec.recer, liateon, for- werde, Cbilhalm, Benene. Pond. Tht ceege gamne t the rilcl, Miltea ce, Geo-rgetocre Weedcere, pmisto ho s ripper, Thc Waederers bac, net bat-n benten this scema and tht lecal$ wii pet on their be-tserccn. Fightisg tht-rirtntsWhit- Piquje, said (ho Vict-ieipSurt at ne Distant Dtte. Atgcnumbar t-t er ipeoptce,-sv cet-bet ae rnattebt-tr anliceture jtoc iIScr etar iho lta jon - 8enita uoc Associa Ion, nt KMedc c ath ohogl hona. HM Wcmhlt ao XfCoit, olfdthe h& -b au pre bbccg t-tm c rttqwlh avi l,,erë tee d mt ucevtI t-t n t hé Z o -t 40. 839k of Hamillent- MILTON, Mciannett's if PALACE GROCERY t-t-t thle Feau' uight lty deatleng wlth us. li c - heelqeartere fcr t-ccd, ft-st laoe. Groceries, Provisions, Confection ery ilere are s Ft-eciller Prit-en wr Punon. t .. Ort-12e, 11- lit W Dates ...l3ib4tfrt- tts.Guets ......... J - "-Store-ddt-I '-btatSisetitlt- e t OtI Dutete Ciessec,, c cge. Am mani . t-.... t. t;Itson efu Sscp-...2.5" l1teib Bft-sii Dli crodit DsU t-sleu Ccecd-fr' b o#'f«nY I5TYLL BOO 1 t.- lu 1 a -3 ai