-rio .L Dica, of ant, ta be altn T 1t r£ "adîs y at T1 on te ijj JI An Ln L~j~ PACIFI 4j PAt -dias tssons for the 1~ )st )îîl'1 i w : til~ is w on tlierno., ai four Vrthe i e10trIoPOili»ltOi r n HEA-) rrecpiTORon Oucr< Satrapons:0-aa Mite Braijt:, onW. B.,Duuj your i <LII I afis a>iaa Th a1e Ipl ieaihvreek 'S_kMcA NTS THE PALACE ROERY Headqoarters for Fra>hRoi abir -GROCERIES SETnU OR IaE O .t Christm as Baking iSy kVo wtillsd or prî.'es ig UUECurrants, Fga Nu JIW Raisins. Dta ie. O W Peeri, Prunes Lard C -lve- Se- -,nsan-la,-lta-flOmS-Mcanntt' Baling Powder, the Cannei Teniataes, Crn, Pesa, Beets, g -Coklis CU>tfootl tc@Upoui Puiphin, ickles, Olives, Syrups, ~!hsresltitatne Zanl nid Nelsses, etc. onwhiehWsnaieai IVE US A CALL. Butter and Eggs Wanted. T,1J.tnwIWnd Phone 37. Mals Stret. CMA CKENZIEtS. Christmas DISPlaY! 1 i Prhave ines the begînnîng been selected by tl * 1AJU Il1 ' ihe and the country neyer has gone to the doge. ii., Mjority Rules. Pin your faith on it, for mare People t ;11 o li:('Iajority of people in Miltaon and vicinitY have select( 1 N I I r. lace ta buy-their Christtfas 0-ts. ~ I <i 11,111i thei Majority and select yaur Christmats Gifts at MAI 1, e} lui t irjIe largest and biggeat assortmfeOfaigifts ever abows 11jr il. ait- 1 n ,oiioliteos-bond- Yensave whtn buying bore. S GIFTS GIFTS I ,,01 OM E Tisat aiti brigita tisalo rhtaoellittia 'iïsar tands for aoy Masu j i- ' eerything. We have iota f nsi Smkin Sicpets Ç ,, its tisat i l.li jiaetisa haine Tobisec Jars Pressing Cas 4 j -, -'F -rgita'.,astiisil and nmore uniBtiT Brsiea>'Tic Bai -pinerae". oisiGr I FTeS 10h,; , N. i. N ,1 N , '-e.sai ., ' r tarda ans, tOrd P lSy ao oe@ ie -Wll9'iOISt JNO. reprnls ha ire ted Cn. Ck. iteneba tse5. . ntrtziisî I0elph. h'lags t. vi'ýet1 .. soeing, e.i ZT od rgain vet s'nt t e pItt, more ititen wo .y th h.1 alre. Amisaisi wi ~.ieeksaega. [~u nL 4< I WENT T. O]Rqns-Â su» CniJée lDýCunnSinsy a. deMIU Muasyas eepe t ta Mrs y 'lbth nesr ilpslattsh r# on Taesday even so irtiseTa n-sors'ae B en - lu ne t d1 %,ats ~ ta, t the Metisadiat Charria thiee, Trne Litsrty.' Guod alnging. Staang- atee5, ieiaasaes They enjoyed it greatiy. Btsttey 4id aralafersys 'relcoaan. j L1.t5 ais>amaiiipr5rsms orss t a a ve fresisnppy o lprcatad tise ceiemegives th mM iJnetoSsdugsdAieSeliHie by the Rornby Methodies. eislee new orangeslaoneus, prisses,-!Stickïlus ao PckStrsps, for(s CsrTEcvoasaS.sI.n-Three Haitis <dates. fige, appiea, minseessat. abre ,Sî ae iie grde rose, due ta,,caIve tn Jsnlsav). s «aYor rdei'O' Wr drliieripromptly. Hockey lauitlet,su d Per- hang ast 1sreiarrdHaaten bailports. 'à licire Bo-e,aooi oi.A ' A bld ni$11 vwsanale yesterday it fcli ni uprS Biukp Zinnermian,.22t a shergly' e ifîr Xelymiesta 1. . . F--Es'î'slng Star irîlge of tihe par vaine, ofi$4000.Tiahe rSgslosfr maGft Daîgisarsai trbkai. hlîla sry eie <ine was thea property t le and aadsu 1 eit hone at ýhe wssisBrttîr Nesbtt pot thea aosey hdii a l al vestrtay evýenisag. ai thse Fariners ankas Hall and Lirarj' Lsmps, There ives a larger attandanre ai the IBayna edhin p5,p membalerlandttbrir Nllltn rrlrnçla. ail 'lias & Sou, Lad., havaeirougistBig Ban Ala-ron 1Cnks Oatslde norutiers &Bd rleiisme ait tirii' îaehinervandlfiiant iron Puaea, Case pipe%. irans Hlanîlitan. Brampton. George- Bramnptan anda ae iaving fIt toa> iiitt> Sâfaty anad Brr la tasen. Aah. Hmaby anal eisawlare. position in tise Winn building as rety Essors. ReemreMaanrt'alath iara lytas posile A nare nimiler Bazar Strops1 Bra>hes, ta Iboy ireasraceaies far Chriattaa Poeket Knivea. Ne Iaksag.Nrw earraa>ta, raisias; pools, A.*G.0' aders"n 'et t ra.Niackai Teapote,'Ne nuts. parerlard, etc., at ight prla<aa. bek .. ieyer g NM a Igke.Ceami.Teas W'Arrnwostgs EXTENSION. -MltOvita u itsInare eteday reiib. c arke s iviius, srater-iloers wîîî bagiasitatirtisat riamiltaonîforiew nda ta i brB k andees Gl the pipa. lise irons bobig A Bnila Crta anh te Fias Fors., I ssi heeonnceifit~ h etRrnr ta isswestern honte. Nst crac kN e ,ir ~ ta-day cr ts.sarrasr. T'L1s Thse bolier ina tise saser iosesgot Aio <arausaabondancer of ,atari- atr tise aontaofrderoian-iMon gay anal aslhave Abso fui.ata,, aIst ntil the papulatianao a i iclasietrir ligisafor tisreni&ht.. CînoatiîBri thconicesR raatly Tisa Fortssnatiy tisa soens w i irons, te 15ns franar wsei. rwr om ta brý con- Tiesday analtise weateisr h ison Carei gr"wate air the am initte h tisecrear, sea treat ights e ent iss n ars w.khsbe uhdltl. AaoE3inv.-Tisadat hanse et thse e___e Dent argai tisa hazsar hisattfer. taon hall fin Frlday ëerring an a neen sud the concert hie evenisio, great sacres. iIn rsery aay Tisa M. E. NIXO~. N bth ai the Cewn hoas sn& asaler tht ""neii rfthis tlton Orchstra wasaea arw e, - M to It ws r>nranuias ngeed H rw r,- M lo auspices outW.AeofGraci Charcis. a<~ ian f aithie ity rchestras Fine AT BURLINaToi-J. C. & M,1.C. engageadat former nas bies oecin tTri. Smth, of Buriington, Iiot tlîir CC5p HRo' - DaniactMnaofaresai ratr by lire as FrIday nigisi astis vs Dnil acîî ,ofTrants, -- ail ita rantants, a costly pant anit a ilr gise a leture an "Amant tisa The EilstibaCmpta large qsantity ai driet apes tr. Wrlin Fla yMinutesa, ar a ida In tant waei',s!sme of theaChampioýn Thetaren $asaotol la. inaurasar ,YPVlriAwo AilOur Minsion Plids." there was a sains ai a certain choir botwen M ad lifl) Twnty-ve ithtise aidaif100 imeigist stews, tin taappear as. aa rtire chair, "A aar- 040.Tany i e ahPreobytarian Cha>ei<ison Fr1- a ira chie'irlasamissmar tu a caneri hnsaest oaier m eirntonIa- day. Dc.ltia iM.nindrtiste tiig. inasiaa s a "surpiie' laia couit f tre ire eoawners Ray e.ltdt7 tiseyrt aielikriy ta bud agoînlif aasices aitish. S.Admimsian t5c.. whitaliisen vetnsnt warn bY a Prlast do Intheir buîiling Wi1 b e'oSerf b, id ras re. ar deacan ai tise apoatatie r rr. ihry > Ber a srpllre rchoir sriotd br a renient aadios,.natot o. Pîraî.ia Ct'aOaa-il-orutPI-greaaî INihir campaaeit of clergynman la tiseir Narie-Aitperrsans srho are in ar--trisg iade-by Tbiao.Drakr, the ranl. offiiavestnetS.What is smmetimra mearritherproperty trp.*IIlai rrs.aiepeiits t fi raieaa <rpirr risoir" shaid br are reqiesîrd ta attend ta tie anie ( irte basculent ai tise publsie ratirita veatai choir." l.e., a nnibrr withoast fait briora tise l4ti Dcreaabrr. arlaal buldings ta tisaPins Streetanincaroawearlng rassocs asitcotts. -S. Dirr. Catietr. blI,.Itt Oasoasa fo as <tnhasilt e. gtisechair in Grâce Charrs, Mil- tise end ai test wrek. tisaa>hisit ta'ta tas, Christ Chiarri Cathietral. Ramili WîvTR FAis.-Tlar Oiatial I- p-rfiltreiih, irains 12 ta 14 i .s ian rietan: &c A chir wearing gawns la -ram of nti(,- Otaila proi,-ncial plac. i. eraimbnDabees rereiied. The fair- milI toqne"a iiniieritd ehri. bc ed ai thtie Winter Pair Builinsg MLoN ras soirT. On Taeatay J. 1 iltotn, Der. , 1a.lai. -ramier. irom ra .nday, Der. Ilti ta trdAy, W. Elijat K.C., auiiiittila ta the N E Der. lrth. The prorassaae hsis rianty eoinscii his opinion on tisaaap- ULrÎ RNT . dltrone, and thsefair promieta ur- pintnent othe second boardaiof pass ail thasr aififormer yrare. Tho arîitiatars in tisa mattar ai tisepru-' We are aitbarinqil by tise pabiisiesr ifair buildngosu iaanw acmmnlnte FaSOnew ecisoni section at Milton ta giaseater chat everY Persan aho, 250 bamsea. 2W0 eattlr, MO10 nteap, 1115) îiiLgis. lus. Eiiiott peantuanaat tise dring tise mantis ai Decembar. pays iags, 60110 birda anal 2000 bisssieta ai appiintiaant regniar and In accrd- a yser'a sbsariptisas ta 'Tise Faml sert grain. bSinge arra an raitsrays.rince aitis tise provisions ai tise Publieclierait anal Weakiy 8»sr aifistatrra. FussirTsnn "oin CALE Oea. IKeler cehoal Act,i5l». He gave nt) opinion' witi reralse a aapy ai tiseir valsaahle will dispose cia quaiatity ai fiarottare On tise awart ricthe board, sot iaving, prensm ietara. entitiet. "Rame by private salac-damy, r,,laita beê d ta doon. Ais.,, tise Faaîliy Haraid anal Sataseday. Der. 7, S andl 0. Tise articlras a> ta MeJIauDtt'S fîa>Cii ~as a<a W eki trs beriptia0 reeeiavezn may br aeen et E. N. inrialrs. Pearl rasaticqre sh bonbons, horaistea 7iarenber 1se10 per est. os'er Ct..biittan. Fcr Ie eposters. ereans rant>y. tafflea isambssgs, pa asn tensrr iStO a wimhadnt trr KNsOX Cnmctm-This ariiîg essbInisaut. . h1y ail risahava secs lt tains tise bet ject wiitibr, '-Tisagleaninga ofthe THESzsiaîsss.-Tha Cssnty Court i es er gisan altis a neSslaper. gleofEham"Atjer, Teachas anriSni>a o atnal ~oeho iail ta setem a capy wili Jr. ' (At anal Eve,' is rac a$a enraTSess iofr ad a rtwî. hlnvesetrta bâme. Tise Pain. t,-'Aam and on "tise frt (eaibirî. One ti e cases onltheadotiset ily Heraldansd WeistY Stralsei seiso emn nteemagi-as ofa ieautiiol plaera ail i>rane toilai l tise OtlTestament. Anchesi, "-isefor triâit isaliagaiist Gee.o; la sýin ehsrcave vaue tlatsunpersan can ai' Lar i M heisad. iSe . A Mr-wiiela ha Is chýaagrd itis inltasalag 8,,itise it. Tise pitare la gris.n Laoen.d isstaa Lew(iswC.lA.oMa a publie nairoante In tise eape ai an fodt salae.) Tie i.yaaRose cffeisgIIii. or.Anstier la theisnat Joeaphia t ea rsaianalnew snbscribrs. tasol. TAlfe aksy wiltrsis at u Rifer againot tisa soasty ane4altin. then sr.ca Ml rue,ýa e disdamages mr injuries ta las ~ WiTm FûMawllÂi-FeIt SiQpp1en sn i noe îth c West End rocery Frit Bouts and Oserhea, .Attliinda _____ ai tisabet grade ai Rabbems. Do t j AcisSate. PinE ol 0. MainSCt., MILTON wer nmand ae 111Y- ase' hii Auditfin P; r0.E.Besl Idlolt Stare, opposite pot effice. 1 in.NS, Tafalg a l aW,' b r ulaasaba<nrid aD a. SttItlse M,. and Mis.C. J. Leêwis anal de é oêaf his farad sto i ,9,le aï. mimses Lewis ntnd.t te.iive fur E ýg st. ea. Adxsr1ae. Acî land next weekd islo tei iiu<e -a a the" fiethe fatiiea. lus. Lewis la rr'-'- whit ye aatd- tho ght klind, Tan ?re bemsée keep1 ilssBaiteutbe NS Exdeptionally Good Values in I-en's 0Overcoats! We have on display the finest styles in Men's Ov@rcaats minter wear, well cut, nicely finished garments, with a ig ta them that le dressy. Prices reasonable. ýFurqishinga for Xbas ifts I idkechiIefs-Nice Silk Handkerchiefs, 25e ta'50oc ea. Linen Èandkerchiefs from 10c, ta 25c. each.. rktles-Beautiful colars in Four-in-hand Silk Neckties fram 25c. ta 50c. each. ove$-In Mocha Tan frein $1.00 ta $2 50 per pair. ckscarfs-From 50octa $2.50 saab. -ces end Armlets-In individnal boxep, special values, 25c tu 50c eacb. Le4 i nes of Furnishings'F411y As,3arted, Mercliant Taîlers and V. BEW SONS9 Mens furnïsherb THE DRNýK 0F TGftDJN INCORPORATEO 1855 CAPITAL...................................... $4,000,000 RESERVE ..... ......................... 4,75,00 STOTAL ASSETS .............................52,2U2,105 We afford you the protection af a large Capital and a stili larger Reserve Fond, aong with the experfence of avec haîf a; century of careful and successful bankiug. Ws 5oIicit Tour Account iMILTON BRANCII- - H. M. CAMPBELL, Maoï When schoal opens won't your boy and girl nete1 Shaes ? Buy them a pair of aur pecial- Valuie School S'b HZADQUARTERS FORScH-IoOL WIIsn'sShop Stoi r ?wLw ST.,-LTON pissea VioletMe tgsa ,whrg ar . a iur 'c Feniman'a îJsderea~r Stanfld Underwea 'a Si. George Ue4d - ry FanîpyVina, and Cse W~t syChristmase GrocèArli, Christmt~'as Caniei ~CQChriYsia Sh i e w hrrrla ;eDri-al s".. IL TO N 2h, 1911 -*t .in .f peg LY )lGH INE 'S ima, pin testa Ta 4 v