A Strong anSa Progressive FDlioy on &Ri atteCe t, the wefare osf thte people tof Onltario, (10D SAVE THE KING. llob ' ,,r'Cloiatm ym-ai,. I IC-,E l IL cI, l i A. W. 't'ixo, n n o. Aîm î Mm-la acAgmîa tlmt ileDtie REAL ESTATE_ l,,-ls. 'i'aa-Caaiifimla NaltD'il l IL.- I. NC. CT'.t.- hai t -lî Il Dr.,,,, îî,a. ' e-a tmtltm fl t ool fue heet heildil lot It e wtm but ta gice IH.J. lit ca e ec' ll agol f ,. 5180 cea hesttsaamsitsV. $179K) tmcli hy hbriais haeae ngondloacationanemdlSe godrelue. Il. C~5a.cs..~jp ~ ~ .lh.at~l t - Bola holmsm nm- a,,, MiCilt ogood seema Wa have e Pr î'ctassae.,.cg ah.,, ltee hi $c15.at,,~ M , i00ill iily CdCaisaialm iimap, IHcelaa nd Lot in Naegagi c c, ' iu , r ,,t, , e m. i tras i l.,,it . Ma"î , A gond.s.sC Cstti, lms, iteeaacp. '41-1 fii, Viiit leat. 2miiesfrotmatintmbuidintg n ist.,lassshape. i- Lg , i-tac .'l.- l ii.r acti A C,,, pi5,1,IIio, LIL, l. .L i' ft «T- l if ' i'c.,e" , . , ak micl b-nSa ndheeejeg e ah, Il, ifi , if alCa Si,, Jo lace t Ilt si, il , Ce, a, tmaJ# lc l et . ile nfron « W 4O! ..,.- , - I ,,1h,,Ib'i, l'î..o 'l n,,,,, I lf, l. csi %tt%. ... ...I f,1. l,, - Yes, By il Meanl f il, , î, i l'.h.c la I hi ft J' Not lîdiig1s sIl .'...lg ILI-cafcd. fiti, n, Hl LI i , 1lt T ý,,, ,, L o I i î t r ' s e r t x h s e t5- ill. Lit N"th"-gîmsso %Ll appCecci(Ie n g .- 1 - Z n lllmci, cfig lllîmOtl i 25elSttt. the g0<) A mi Sw ete rs "iiIi l;L, fail litc .a fit. 5 la,, [)i ok Oc r îî th Ls Posned2y5isId a er2.50 Il 1I 2 L-tIIfil$1.00 'Ital irl l aai, g fim t,,I tlt LI » "iiist i o thisi je Iz l c is mnc s o t egrea h li lit'Il.. a, ne a ekmel'-aîds C ' tS îd nw eaes w 'h fl - Ii,,,,,5 If-' 'Aa t '2Me5s L o s Ovrçoat Ort ' In- it0.1sitt10 e $1800.t 45 c' , c I .t>Lt,- l,,, Bufiys t os' Cts .......a c O I '.)( ttu 50 t 8 0. o $20 Hoke. Hsirts aoee CapVEs Llk t IL î fa. tae - OC-to te .3 5 . )Oc ',00 e .t FORYti HAinR i mbnain(et.orGlt-25kTes and.5 lea ii jI . t tamii ael l0SI Sc sp to m at h $ ,0 0 toi$ 5 , S s e d r la(1,t~ , 4 1.012525.$.0 .1,,,,,-' '-.,,," whie t e " i in" us ect Godnes vlr he gaid as i Meta~îcIN . .OL EP.î a lvmeas.xhng ladyimadne astorchfriasln tut NeIiv styls annetidea wiI gre oiis %,l [e i asis Yoti T yo .,,ae- cmi tas ',,. u *s 5aso, yaatm m laî a-i.5as Itle a lllH t lI. aiy t l, -- miCa, ______________Caps_ Ul 0 McNamaa Pleeded Guilty. 13,tmcaid. Maemaais pîle~ ltiyaumitiea tisa In Ange- 'ii ,,,a adlng inmoC9t. el.eoisa-i , j .'îiasic hiiad 21 parxne mar Ma. hislec,, oareco tri ae nidar 'I")' r1,, lite. Him heotisea Joi,, 15..t ptlit yanrcc Ijoti mem«w cOs t rth',. Bqede eCtît Inutt u-i,1 itetion0al liet î I?,'iil,l,,>Celce , hacu,, t tc., 'luit fSl,.. AieN amer ;e. e Je 1,."le l, sslm, tier reort'f y as-SJ, ltsmnyioeyht, wol r-ai Cl'il'atl,l na.totiset THE NOINTIOS. . whole j) ceyo that tC ~itei In isstor 9uîî 'i 11. 8. Ace~ge uv.- J eeý t":* .. ..ÉfOeÀoral D iri1V_ t' F'ine Valia~i, Raisins b ori5 J~a~fFju uresf3 1 Jbs for 2 a Of Ciro PelaC NOT Cooking ogg -1 îlsai New prunes lbfor i2n50nbihha W,-Wetjleyl[4 Minco Meat ýe. Iofthe for 28FI S h e l e d A i r o n a n W a n u t . 8 f o r e25 e " f i on A M aple Syr p M â ture, quart perlb Sa0àA t P i so rui~tiee' Xme BreLa CréeeeWater 'ce W11ere, APple fies. I BenS , Ta tir , M aple Crem e, and m any oth r . A r Y o If t P t d P o n a n d B e e oe, . . . . .- 'd ie i -r Quaker ameal .2cnfo28 Hafnt Mixd Pikles in ottjs.. 8 lb for25elnfg reliabile Nu, Haea êeior Hies alon.ornamenta i. Prie Rghî. To or glerSamon................. par cent 15e Com fo t or Surprise Soap.. , . . . . . .6 bar for 25e L S GE N OSE]WY IN Sr Ammooa .... ........ . . . .. . . . 4 pkg, for 25eST N &-W L I G 81 'k-Snap-great hand cleaner................2 fr 5 New O rleans B aking M oas es. .2 aor 2,5or P rti elhr and pr k... ý bo u t t. W h ite W in e o r C id e r V in e g a r e . . . . . . . . . . . . P er g a llo n 25 eJ. B L E N R , p lc y P Ameicn Wte Wil oolCi . . . . .per gallon 15( . eehî>Atfaorjjm. p tion, Me o nS BirS okn osco . .. . . .. . 3 plage for 25e fOr ta R. H. LUIR, clerkcc P. Prin ce Of W ales Ciswing To iacec . . ..3 plugs for S ~I L O N C o l u a m p , n n p l e a . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . 8 0 e , 4 0 c , 5 0 0 S O U T H O N T A R I O ' P A G I F I C R I ' A Speciei l jr<ms egS VBrg aijn i1-WAY OMPA Y, Olir regeler 40e Biait, Green or Mixd-Xrmas Spacini, 8 lise for $l'of) WaÏ,comm1is.nn eel Cana'Lte ertinof ,mot S l fl dCo îm er a Ou r B es t. A dvertife m ent. a a P f- t. 1 "c ý 4 h MOÎ nPY ri fu n d ed fo r g ed n t sa t efa eîry . a s- he S ut n a i l e u MILTONS CASH STORE' . L A D R O 11711 ala t.*"...Fy lu 5anth ae.pp . f 1llrr,e e c atn, detee,îh l h Wec ,a BSRN. tcei n ' . su .Lf N Ov . ' h . 10 11 , t- M r. a m i M p es :DC7 7c ~ Chaieý B. Lwie, a dîghte ' L. IIýI V I L N DaaMARRIED. ChIS MA DeMarhmrntaîAtA coa onNov.S 22nd, by Rer. J. C. Wilson George Dnde il M- Sarah Marshment. anMena, G ene tat Session Pe.Jy.ta~ Mî ieeIO Iy a few Weeks Away T. WI Carochn-m Nmugawya ongMen tiiet the court o lGe rc, e- d y, Nov. 2 th, David Car aoh a,d of G eilsî Sre., aged si yaars. sions of thePence a Court ofthe aid * anot, antl erofMr ad s.Ch. acson. n will be at your holiday shopping. willb lcdi.te or iri udny WdedyNvWhat a job it is seleeting the gifts-aun'tie n tMLTe R9tig a t t opita, îltec.TO WN A . f e c i a ,n n e ' Y , l a r.a iae y fk e t i s , u n e l e b a s l o t s o f t î t n O Fe Mt L T O -Par to ent. what On earth willi1 get for those Childien. TUESDAY, BECEIWBER l2tIi, 1911, Fa»~.et ýebuo tahe outr aei' aOlaec .. of avhahilJPtiae 2.is Pil, i,, ln N ew iure Y, T ra falgar 2 m esw c , u us e s te G aul ra cc i'rom Milto 00ea, ,îao' tais, se a bles, j' l ara aesfplewîa n a, a eelew eaiiDan ttn i . A pp y C n ,ml 2 sî F _ _ 1 e to 7 ox19 ilonP0.4 oforeail dîtiewhich ales,, SUILDIN8 STONE FOR SALE. OuWBSER bdandtîaoflimetoa, itae fr r S t r .8ic1o~ i ff, ùqC c c 2 - W . J , A nTLE y M l o ,N vcSl) l 2e.3t ' Miieup~and we will Solve the problem for you. Our Pw±r s4~j, XmGas Stock is thebest ever. 10O m'200 e,, ituat d la a con. T a0 v heu le 0 aiYa d w t n -c - a iurc lm po reet c h caictîciltaa ie-,retis 1 e he gee)d laad, hildingan e ces admueti f 0f ge rade. And ea Wio eaeid te der ar __ deliver. W a A A I H O G "P t De, -cTisaCirat upply Your every need. BROUTE CAR LINE c a y e d r Ti s e u c d e s ! t e a s n n u r n s i ~ e O s ~ T î c neesrl-,p,,DAILY SERVICE 2e-ut S *eacar OuraI N-waM 3 Ih a nrde. 'ecrro .TOrie.ro..,Agi.. f Meruucio~g are the best value in Mîiton. 1 t e m d e r je u a ms e lioe lm ed I dear8lexperience s f farn et0[ck ae lasre,, e weaiG e ts a"'0tise (ý0t as ONTOtemac Il 9- jdget,.prcjte 'or taau p -ùseasgiTÔ S JT, rig eira e Sae 4armne - aTh, ake pp rorit' thn M tq '"O e g. 5 ' , p r O9e ,,tU P N amitn _sAYt' ' ltJe 1î2 <'- ceacc c'ont 'rsl d et -'; y a r o $ P . , D - iâ , la, n) U I.~fOn ldes g T anFo=P (ilhp,)ýc pý#,,tCisrY_ cà]Plet andle _F' t S V omtiuum Our. Satu Dor rug gis OAN 'D C5EI Th ,m vetropolý I, Yp TrÀlPArl)i T .C ..i ,a8I,ERvE FIJ ý..... t2M)VI DEO PE() 1t' H-EAO FEG FARMERS BL Mioses.Brali l, - MCL 1 MELLan k' 0iovr eed. Fc ýem eeclelk neealY ae ceekdillait) Cok Waeeds tebieh ia 5- , ce M eI nt ep cara rsa eea lMa OZaatcat' ",, .c~~ t Ceads M hem Oc e" t e'ttl' Fervie a m il. ,ag - 52- AjlO ITR 0TCH,% H 1 Promiers o et Wl MAJORITY of the peol, %The dStore ofthe Mt right'than vnong t'ie MACKEIa/IE'Sas tb Tate your (le (li -Piseyar c eet Here money goe f tii- GIFTS Tiactwiiimae I., hatppy : D s Sets Atoias,,-s Cemisand Brctth Hai, NI c,-. Sets .,, .c BoýnnetGBrusis.. I"l GIF'TS Tisant midI bruioey tac I Munie Molln Rat Fia ,. Ferfomaes Xnaest BlousIe Sets Sesing Sei, Hnuyîea'î Ooolatea Fin Treys Dailety la1s f*Inve and Mdkl. Bexa, PurFea Breen Billes -I Atomioaau -Dalla FlieaBooks. 'Bna srnicettt.tle15petty a'g. Sad laegeýva0lety of tmhjac-la Cents and Boele-1 .. c .-: Dalandars ........ 0NO.