V 1 ds ERON ~L r i. iud of Mosit fi-r. t -urufran for, "i-W Žtted. j'> 'ant8d t tee o3J fo 9h) STOCK t cpa tis sR TUBRER?. --uniltîIsiid fîaiicc. (on 1 sbrick rc partertyrc 'N'AlIrtis iec Postt1z - terBrn.Brunlh . , got MI c. eelý 1la4) m f a r , a nl ittsso i- t fo r ti oir A f er w rd h e f n t îsn +Th eir o n1 t a l c T épalntcru, ograiner PoceScict. econtob ouet asreccdataewb0nb A. Mr. W o nMiontto"h.slinigu: 1 ltisShté, ~ n Ai Br.n l acpcetdlynllwroasnsc~astage¶ic nlv i e O * anisOf he a ror autnt noucl ni ote oie A on frime fmi Us ndrineti illl sictinciî-ù lTh kaypIt.Anau TUele aetiopoiltion 'Bat k gienetMi SctWlo rnotice, y.f IL_ý u, onot t> t I ircih ,wirben amn tfott ' be, c D H ed oobjcetst re for- t er ni h s pel . 120,0.0 o e r re od oy cÇ th*ona nier E e laus v, ee n t o d M ySc o .Pakr sî,oooo .o t ro bt cf Eclpe t o A a«,an Nlse noW llkl ee At the Pren by-, o o '> l~pihied ElgIe, aha l e rb colicdfiAffbiSBu v mIur&NeOM Suit ______ Tisia meeting hec h~~ ~~~ati l ».M.P.ami flira Isjeorrî,<~ fai lkue aE avy t ek , Br do ar,__ __ __ __ _ilst ee L h sie whpa}> t iM e a r s i n tin s beo a re W la m ic i n e e n it n anti... 1,0),0 .W ot ter i r lu edan y a iis ts i - theio, enft ubje tN x W c d i t w i e e Re noe. eooeElinant ,i m as. ' H s .T a W . l e i rtn D. .JiiM W rIBut iaeî a i ue titi)~~~~it Oi t ittoli - .B O S,«nri ngr TiHiet io'fS catT OI.IG râeTise MUSIC-i Ray - i oS our Neir FaO poci as Thmeeting bil ep en a et ioa as ho w à W it * s , ôt Pete v it Sadre. cfTer o ta IL Ja veyc i L ie b or itrs in F n y W ntd e ed aS Artan Interle t n al niltoopatteronalokc Malte ynn îolecton ca t t Buoleno Trannctcd.bunacvn e.. 1ois Iot a isanethar nseel helt n hrlo Ci o , tn a t d ol. r n cl Plady evisit er, - t iso it.n i)' l.'pTo o . C.tViewn Odnt legb o.~. MSept4, at Mnl" n Telfs, iac.om h ere anbjffeny i .1rk .72Thmand year. Montedro LbrL.F Hýoft Borlngen s lhe tieebuairef Wemes 0 andCLWalteIÔ, k o nd Smth. tr9atr. M a o btv ertate i l rIa s ogli e 5irtB..sLj-à w i thoal e t i TOamBR N ( s-W O.mnge. FR SH AtL Y r irk ba es ci. - e baflo e sd tims ete c ieM idway W.eL .e o t hro d eD. ole i. ýaîph AtLo f o rN w F l ut nÏ n i' '"t" t. -rin eiiay& i.tayeeacsire O n aT rRLr and ee T he m - b n e îpop rîn f1dPtn rsO ot f n ty 'n c o nipte in pain color, t h saund Tw e s metn v o dy, hP M O m e lbi d tîc rthtie ehi ito e Toth , goflToycrot,. inJsi Special:1 DelivROSSnyeEveryMu Day o cnt HeitOt n -L h7o St 4 .m ynM e. Cemi t 'h a it madaotaser at etts cmsy aec mpeteit'Ssppro N aoary, nTs 1:l B snes er He, tAconl b aerrln he il aset-maon ir n Opn-s haa in-- noy, Septatternliti Anot.MIisegister M .a1n Danlahan vice i rh a bylnCrisCu tisrre fortiste ocr nle hisîe dUn a mptea - y Atcucth iS . PiOnE o . 67, recor d. ayiSet. actn. e. toM n I Telfer nc biiton ir pis s da ns-At Sýt. 5lo totni c ubeir w1aea0oy lag1aneo1pto, ,,g ,ieo t te7.9 tis e v .i cir. C 25cf 3Çc, Slnoc. Mil _N __ACHf_ rgiithat andtlcelonse at.............ý"ý- dW .CE ETMngr avyisefcrht deati l ac teeraI osfrîe , adaisie e ein lgeaiisb Msaicn syr - i iems ues ay F iday of lle b w eL R E S H D A IL Y b t t tIe lae t e-daychassa oppm. t h ev e tse i ao f th a i sW r eeso D a ee- na e, a t lteo, ntiN g i e e 5 1 Ile d u r e sFD. o n tn heiscfisEDc ened.te neOreCap &gre o eptopan ti ia oan idPt rs, oyo eloently 5ws a n t r ipo as Coain ol rwt ndwto be] fecm t y is edrc tden e l .Cph î Oen- f l i s b solorne at i ept.iseliAin ced olas i .... .......... 0 i 5 . 10 Sp c al D li e y E v r D yala.t e a ed5 y a s el-alIENE B ICtaYIonelt es repecec insg 7u xhbons i nonIan atenion.l ytti-t' t e etLr a mel w~ a s a Epnea ea, c c owoyaev ere c ontt s I pran New Sweateron T urs Picure Postal MITON4 . mN. Jsce lo er eNaace e a g ise c t se ch tb aur tise ioe asf i r u a ,S egat.ninte1are Aonuethe an roun secncana5nffflSflf~~f usisar for ccn.eab otsix 0s ter ooe.sm adiseera allahfor li reet is1 Butteniur rd=kkoeHnPatternalffepar, botme s cenr er a. s' iece Steve. oppcali p eatefc. eoenets a tas and hasse I rmire h v te o or y n O y cala d b e .V td Etc. lwircu Is o P ton D o vetA o r W th nlenin tie or e ïg bc . aieW.3 fa yisaort Pa mon . cr a te Sfar M est, ____________ CampEc.briroaeatsemuoffrUstel wcr r W .hal BE W S' SO NSybe ffbadan Spemer2d, Ilii H rorngevetcailugraro.m dtîg anti curebi dathe ifn e a ltau o uunbe oIL Miln or SU IteMcantd aîles a nd Me............ Fur.nîC, ,ShiC biscînets2.nvutatin.etantitsoccin-bargeontheybevtc s.r acti act oct te the he H uFeOtdo ete se lt oeRai,, a.c ecrteryWtei oc.ts p tcil tl IL'6k . M of apickd5 e te o t H IENEcticrt aîîoieroaporeiertya is icgcnr e nt- calri"lLu te uGftlIPz'ntacethers MAN TEEMIT N.atige oe >co f c. Ee tseg msentin tebhely c undI and gven Disient atention New ie mof tind rs oear e ¶ fqeasan d ee u bt e b i s ice, MUtes. e c m b na io s. T mon$c is §sortâb e n o i r îv, io red , and eE lles _ _Tor. catit theur rieti iras ca tha tralofRedpath'sexcelleIt Bingetqaq THE bis pec' P ttrnsetpqqlacios fo u n b oi cile osc o msybgc srlir fr nuW l ibi OtepiscPlylit N 1 A ~ .but.71 flme bot te r hthelar. 11h onE r utihr nirnmr. Man onndu o LA t) cf tise bsn.eantihatercoltshowm ne Sugar air lr an ecnirfl. -G o d ho otrie astin d t rere pstepnua fc nsd re eai ptl rt M o d y .U L i u m m u fo ogrve cniecads W nean U.de Il iei p raiOAIeTRS WEKltonte uat bilsmeorm n r Hei Whaiine k itespotiaser iasff ~>>i ~ NePaooat slLoborL.P. HeyiK.Cs antihent*atisfnr't andtieoptedbynosPearr tâ n esi ee eroia t hemilGeoreowi «a tnieboulets )fl 111100111 eamhîN OR OR TE 8 5 toh le.meeting u iii an lncondait e efne>'luOa? caibinaerbotuthaobat Fara te LOtee netriliii. Ursan as> ricis bnncoing-peEr reoutsiiite b or ne dolarCamp-is Eta a oytse at~cecIaly m ern pi pîy sla ra ctn& iT y fPe.,ato ieaar .m - 5 01Main ana i.OA AST..........i&321 1î~~~ACKENZI E S of telge, i oinacd Acruas__________s) Mndy. thar ougitie erel, bot icmagen aoo ngua etricd rcctt MA aelliyt fnahnt a eafedyntepoecino tg lu> t ituiStar, Ne0 EAeciTeIBooka an1iFScfibbtu'S wîtb gIR iltOFilATu '4> t tn-s- Som Ifthre a nytin ne l Seeo SupleS.tn ye t iettn. acke ise oin ter mmaeiiioh Rd- acs5ge4forfanget rtem en aeil aneRc-v .ul ol ibritis.teis eYC andc abic . i n t oU b uif TRE aS ce-Apla l -Pee Chaplny apta at bat ha dindongMeomasrfit tPAndbuS quE ,..UM' _______D ___INC__ a O R teP AE DIefoe55 1 '> tm b'hadn igi erM cenî' at onl eti.trsoiiça fan ip ialadi a eRf b rmtn FenanPus$a0 rukon peti a m m o atâofpiMcmt ist c L ti. cay ns e t 1e bx. oh liLeeicf raflg n, ce tr G oeies rimt t s . F r ci tu Tour. uts 15.Se e l a s 25 M len c? ~ sDon" C onf. e t h- buy t orePIonL ah........p.rs...5oIic ..t ... O BUU.t Sodtl. JchulnCusurc poNir uts teTte 10e., BoNT, lo to "ue anti,10eigne lctPThe wesa. .rso C B D f Lot N&.C l, !( t l. e oir ethe15e.n.2th ne e cd fem.L u er, f u. - aorterivinngy frbl ou el wsrbunn o i om u Cm , lt astobyt e ispcan» o E E ,....... ..... ,5,0 4el' Cross, Cn t Pel,:&f er1sulieur 0 cespyt M 'idBineantiBiack19 ~ ,~ ~wIog tpey5 41e cfùemllon, r fPPLES WANTD MITON RANCI - -R. M CAMnELtopjiofger fess-,"-> M C E N 1rO M ai Dxoa n inMcc sif. Hi a paMlnsA IR LO ______ ____________ t-n. - ~~ ~~~1otMlD8Yar ~ ~ hrses1marig n e s oc fe- rcaPua PsApWEAORTR_ t ut-ilHolden Be. raena.L-e ni TTObI '-,WfeR ie cfr nWba Ordiqe Busi4s -\ . .,, - -$: îrt t Fisalonm pe -h ' t A goo h alpatfe 't (ut Iu t hoBoxes 10e.lli -newn ollB supplipas aCdToiirdlire,-Pot b»imtne o! asWofi0CSIadvctas butSlie bnuetonaFiy. Heswrrl? <t y alegdachth Mit$ ulyofq8e haf P S o i ea - - t - r g h f r a ru in ,wûd aiin PHONE JNO.Y TOR 4 0'> Fu"T.0 m bo os er gwih O ORGrs a tdcnuyofcrfladsccsflbnig 4 o j r il - 1, .1 - c