J ST. CROtX JOHNSTOreE ~ ;- '. -l - lioadicg fon- llonîig Time., 1 - -o--iltt, UIdt,l,, hi i, I:11 11 l'ai I. Il... tî t, l o 11 - c tht Oang e ' l îto l "ic Il l.il u Il I it, Iccl c 1 ii t o c, hc b h ,itt g 'dc Il t t.ttiIi. M ligurelIlliOrlnte >.ltte)tliioc. h-tltti lil ot- Itît - t l I i tt -tt- t tttt't -tth, "YY HE1ITAbol li. nti li tti- dii.-th.t,-, I'-.." tt, .... .......1 ossoli-ti. ct, oîMorttl - l-y ltof¶ Morphinnel ....t . 1 lo TnecI esa teik ltocc 1 ocobtIei 'e o S-r g~5 Set ta Wot.oî Wte Y, 15 Saito W otrog ?iT 17 l 2,O Fol NZIE S V2 Ien- of the criaiel anng rench allalis spart1cu1ar interest attIl çbf tean t at n th1e -Figaro- of a Oners ati lch - a representatlro Cf hat Paper a Vlth Prince Vicier sfapoeon. The Prince hegina hy say- ~gfranki, that mean we. misanea _____ moen then- creditet hlm n-51h a blind and ËYBtematle apecie ef opposition. a uc yLdaLPn~ 11e0n-uit neyer loin lain rtrigneswhl.Ï1c SCW db yd a- n-euit compromisce the nations fOIner. VgealCoian esta ond paralyze 1the action o tei 1110gbbe mpu French Geernwent abroat. e il art ,k~"hdenern 1e tlltblht roleos heu fer seven years.vn-ae alirun dowe, ,,e,,n onny qnarters, and that su- a nd se nervous f, trlY Oas taching. cul etdo0 Ret hinhe. antdn-an-y pliticlans. ho -thoinTe de ny-- sales are erth1esainme opinion. that 7 treatot me for dif- eariisoontari8m bat reached its lest feont thinga but eluie. he rinc reail tlw siua-dit mnto get. i lion Wlth1 hhe 1e l-t Napoleon ado s o ts teaht, andtofttheatotilîteofeth1e Second .4oYi- ont lJIeed1 Empire ton-arde the toiai criaisn-hon -. OOor night. liinl lit alle-edt lethie n-rkig chisa te thderenditien 1 rond r1ght et coalitioe, c-hloh he111e ipubiicof -aE.Pink- 0f 1848 had reocaod. Wbat France 0heinsaV eetable 00no eet. ,Prince Vicier cettloueotCem poox oand .as a Goemen ooof cncor adtof &bg li ue eand action. OtO tnomoe equorrels of par- n-cote te MJ in-.Pîham fer edvice. In dlesantd coerle e aeShottlin-o ihtfgitet n-y average Il vasetchba Goere,-tth01 the w I git and a oe-sec and weil." Party of Appeai tote People clahot Mesr. SALLIOSTESî, Ft.Ne t etO 1100 0 Seo.It nos occh lorenor 31, Box 3l, Waurka, Ohia. f fo or-01 or inittiotns then 10for i , 4ohr Gralefni Wesnan obenor ctheoperonneol. He bat cci a staffteoutd filîn- oic forples ,LndnOnt-I feleesif 1eeeîd and aeort lie ad no ,cupdity I et tellbeenoucgli bout the gcc, stisty tio i vascetnoce,-a o ele Lyde E. Pinkbeoc e VegetaleloCe-- lion. adie,,-,y rame t'or poece ilccnd heedoforeeme. 1iwuns' W88 aprogrmme. ea and tied tht jcouldnoct oelt I lainn4 etnatic ight Ioa a ighte. A frieci,-ecommcn-ed ycee so (f eai - it-Cmepound an] 1 octtfecedboeaîlt tel t rhe .'l iion.ofit0"00.0t1Rb- and etecgîc,Icc îold no,îih tc f0iiiict.,iicettiet-ech s. dep-btter hlcenow bter -oen ,cnllto FI""fgntctof( ntion n, wh bchave aelorthe siepurpoe 1' j 0 .-ltigbt et 0lt, Lccdcn- Ont -le iliici c '- 1.0fl1, ici,,',id lihî Lyd,,,L E 1.cbbc,,.-gctebie Cein-- t' c i-JI P -1 ciics,ssne, oct pcctc l'abel, ot-eiyd .n00y Cases of 11-iy,hn-t. Ftocn,, lIc ilitc,-c asilammatin, ceet «ho 'Idi,-atit eeaî ei, icioIcc- bhecd tuo-e, ]"rad, ,-i t i o-e,,aie I ,-to- I iteg i f,-iti,, c-iodic ipains, back- le,, ini ,1,,. 'J'Oé Parof ,thli cbi,,flhnt b-a-icg-dowcc- fciig, and ihe.i-,',,,, fur, e,-cIUton, buit for ,-cvoua proetralion. il1ý, eet, - t ,e-pficn- ne ile ie 1tl. -Repubbl i,gt t o lis,,- c ,ic i',ccttt LECTRIrCrY AND BEAU[ VLtis î, tr icl,ed beri icet I~Oet-, _nIc oInec 'n ,ithe ,,,et 1,-le- TeEe 'lAliWiiIîaL-,dd t. O .jni ,.coId ce,,te lot,, in il, t, iisi, -1 tesn 'a ta !, ziîooio ol,,l, lllOt't lulc d --vil G l l 100 . i i ..-.. . tîittgtttH ckt tl,,dI., B-. 1 00 5 m5 FINE ARTS. (bac No,. :U, 7 J-l vvoit ,tt rucit, hi,W Id iohI 1 Où "îc Il ot>othjc orcepîu 110 -i c,I-j", . pi iltt.î,,0t,,,,Netieo iucsrto tot 1 xi in o I- t.I ro i-in-1-t-t. pl tc t-I,- t u,î , i W t r oot... 1(iI il Oy ,-,, t,- -,1 N in 1watr thc,,. ntJ'L (i cha oti0)1 I Wvý Y »tiýlent Iind I, is ...,1 , I0;yt PluîO, o,ù.iî00 nelo, -,d in lotig -.-- - 1 00 teo-r""""i,,l loyoîs ae. oh,, LADIES' WORjy. IbcoNlt 3 Kllt, tting0 tio - - I0 Wiwk t tR,,î,,0 otj,, 1l loote,,r, 00 1 Où vloi 1 Il) & 21 . .. ... .. 11Ou01 f',p-rt 1 00 b5 - 1 0 50 lhOcllNOh1 0 j» fitu,,l 1-Z15(0 go Àpplee. 20 vairieies, on~U aed àl5 0) 1e l 4',1 à '15 00, --3 4i 55ieheilPipiM-,. 17 0) 12 SRngopkns - 75 50, Iii SA ercn Golden .....e.t 75 50 8 5iRSlSînrenetin- - - - 5 5 0 il anerre- - - -75 5go i ny5 0111ario ar....f.. , 765 '50 102 Rn g yTbrraiiwi nt 75 * '50 13 Po ào, lî ritieeGuide" ynamed.Sa 725 m 4 5 ien-n-bBauy - 75 50 15 moîc BnDr. e - 75 50 Dec-bGraves tAinge s - 75 au 17 fit.Laebnce75 50 18 Brn- te d vaietya ll 76 M 19 Ley tîser rey i r 76 'au 2) If v peie cs-ltstJynm 15 a 20j1 5 1o ilHon-il.a, .... ....- 75 50 5 iDucebo 'ngu, e 75 5w àSliwotr- --, . .... -5 au --, cb cs-d'nj-o .... ... . 7r, 50 -t Bs-ot avobite76 50 2P 41 w let 75 5 5 dao-75 5 5 -dir75 50 -', n yottîco. 75 50 S tiOtt- oCcîî.. ... .. ... 75 60 ii 5',,îlrellsi- 7f, 50 : - - ,,e,-it-e egtreN ...B ..... 75 50 5 li, Olc'lie ' Gg,75 50 2.anya,,, y. 75 2w Nigaa75 N PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Clois$No,. 6 il ,1 . ,. i ft i -tc ,i PLANTJS ON POTS 3 5lio,îb,îo 10 25 i -- il tit. Pionîtý.a. 5S0) 2 i -cJ - e,, I - 10. 25 - iO-î.î,g,î il'~iît,~, ce,,ti 5 25 --ii----- c î,,,î i50 25 -il-t - - M-25 25 i, li50 M .. . . 50 25 500 25 - ;>i, i,..... 5 2h n -- 5 250 -i,,,,,i,,, eÀ 25 REPA, fct hic... j50Fh (10) 50 58 Buhey Wdis !lat on list 20 0 59 CallîetIoiyPnWoeh 115 1 50 60 bilpliyof:Millineey Co... ot..... CqILDREN'S WORK. Ail,1n ete ,buoisby Satîsrd&y. Sept. 2art. A ýtek nnit be doue by pilehbt n'lteat snasise pa a i e t ô e t e e r . -- , , 15e feesor osemhemblp ticket reqairot4.* Psîpils cf publir sobooleofaIHalis nte JUsO 30, 5051. Ch"fredile nfer eCm in prepse-atien ont neatooeof arrangement. Foch rxabibIt Dusait show the name ef 1the publile arbel, 1the Dame of the teerhor,,the peatal aseasst;anme ont oge cf 1the I1tCollection f Iil- Ftwest, pre-eol out esl lt u an on acalnn 1 -s... 10.. ....5 2 (Collectiocf Wton-ho;jHaon-;proaseit, leceat. rl and naniet - - - -1-0 0* 0tCollections ef Methe or Bittrs-lil, nativ-e i100 5 4 Coisancientorrturc 10 50 5 5 PosaeSIen-ps . ..- -.i1 Go 5 t B e s t a p o iC i a n a d a , c l r e , s o h en -lg c h i, Spb>cili ilsîret, pelitîcol tivisions, 7lBout Pencl Dr-ong, original .1 2.. 5 25 m... .by p.i1 nds-0 W. 5 21 Ça Brut Dsnn-lng of Lecal Se eeihose. by 12 yearaa nd unders.. - . .. 50 ?-à l0ORs-et Paititincgof Ficwerc os- Fireit, by gis-il 12 year nlaer s- -. .. », 5 55 il llpecciens of Wî-tiag, by pepile in 4111 îccer, n-rite let t aen oNationael XAthrîn (girlos) 5 Z 1 2 Ilpecloonnas In No, 11 (lots),el . . . 25 2e5 13 Specîmnene as in Ne, Il. encept by lotoidio o 1 s-et reochetd th oteros-(girlol 50 255 15 Speimonscie Ne, lSlotî....501 25 10 But sanpiecof Embrodery ...it0 25 17 Bout asoireof Plain Sewir)g. 2 25 1 Bot Cake, aey la laid- - 0 25' 5 IMPERIAL FOUNDRY Co.oo oetpreelaasc THE IMPEDIAL NOT WATER -AU lSTEAN BOILERS 11gb-ctloWal-,i ot tha t-,enec ,c JlII T nrnc Enhîlîjîlcenett Otroi, L Ib IO t-os-o coîll 4latr d nflion tl ra uUFtbuldnsAtSat&Stn ti0t4he lw tingI e ee.î lus ernfcreeci They ore Non- Manufacturat sasu dret Vards Lesg-Oiuoeers of Ospesîns nlmecana Att as Ebestes londs la Canada n-hil boeg 1 the Crewn con b ocilired ha elîher hy Purchase or conneession or "VISIBLE LOADINIotG-s. 'On in 1iýenou e. Ans-petronlmas- REPEATINO RIFLE IreeIel tn-itot ao ilense, bsn-en-es, IesJIl - LisPrie. .00sî n 17 a former mnrmotPectean dis- *Vitibie Lent ng-iacbigad. coeeot epasils et Importance, ont n-astsg l'nesethemridge 1the liraiton)litmine begon operotions 90eIa th- chrbaber. Yon 5 t sbertiy tiorwards, Itla natsoitihat wnotheegosa laloiet. the onterprloo oa o apoieg one fren 0-'05 011theigantatarifgheVautmiaes ln att n-sm filsoff h. trne e slf opuntisInthe lirait len-peore. on. Piotc icont cloaset ni1 0f these ls naîdtolehan-e paît $24,10 tLb1cF eiats diootie. In ene yeeo apon an itateOleent ef Alibeteo was-tt iin:t In Itely CoonnirY hol Protaced t i aonea.- es'c ~ - noceot i-et. The ltellaeaoebesaie( isne- sls pPearotîe ant grey g te breltsaluceor. Otten 1the fibres a.sk» ai. ae sen-orat fcotIiniengîh, sos Asesoseunon iOOVlng 1t1e cobing faOeds Il ent001tte 1spinasing maille ID c? ,. buga hotldgo tnaohuntret poants. r Ontitten 1 ~ri-aai. Iait frfeoartet hy R a ochinsoimlIas tte 11 5-teelh 9111a50 uginoactn cettîno Ille, This seps- a00copiy raies te langiet libres, 0flter n-bIcl W P.0.n-asUI titnal caî-ting tahres Place on a reguan &lm- F osa. tiîg machine. lVhen theabesais Iran-os tho certing machine il la, craenht moiasndth11e fibres lait rrutna Oiro mss, This Oas leireatet 1.lo i a rters-spinning mach- T Is t ra i asp in a t so a c ors e sa rn ', andt thelatrawandsontpls Ihies-arn uftllfi bociesieOnt qssite tressg. qurdfrcertain fohrica the ashesins' Yern ibrenseare eohinetl,0f cornae i il the noses 11t e IMPregnateÏ Iv rbhte RosmoeIh, hord-fîniabed ihreed la nolt esirahie, The epining et ashealca fer a Inn g -tî-e seeooît cf great tiffilali- nning ctheoTalonner I0n-hbich 1the Ireats! perlasiot i t ippingpat each nîher. Fýýlalîs-t oas tiseeveret that anter tOMicroscope o Ébroaetofshâesesi "42~P~~ 5s5. I 7 t J t I k0 ,I . jgtO i H.P ANZ LOCAL C SCREW FACTORY M ILo1j Aise Ail Kiqnds ef ELE' B0Pi 1 8scI vcrr, 'andI c ýr O xiii AT PATIR Pmj-c6. SATISFACTION cé14-RANr-ri> P. L. RobeIiî4on MgIr(i CORONM ION YEAR LE, DS lc Lluo3Isg* amd Agriculture- Al-- olool, G pal hw on >0 g.ii,,.a - Ie e C i - , .,- it,- , l jT H R E E G E T n 0 FOîilIvaOfetEmpi ie - ClIIiiil1211 1! lo- seO- icicbos OF O.,,, MdAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS 0F COROIqAJifý Fi.v ~' a ,t-f-f ùr z, means cI-î-/ -. more sales -i or nký t"'Y ebo,"tt"I' SOUVENIR FLJRNACEI Lion-y nate brugc (New Idea Series) thcie pc- e, l , , , il Oc iI-,,ý, ..' The tSo"9" 1 IffltdiffI Thic,, Pe- e. t ei til t t t-, ,/5i li crt-hs eec,, 01, Th,, SoId bY EI. F. EARL, M~ilton. 5hsphF E L E 010.1 : ~Sm US ~ 1t T V1. -of ', c Qls~eisaI.1 IlÇest - ns uuss cos (~FV a,îIi'illI 'i:! ansubO11 t cIce ,iAsct c ouli c11, 1, 1 tt. ,it M- 1 j. a $44