ilS Ct> t-I t t,:tIl 5157rfiliUsisleur hwn bWtlie hIton satn,-nssrfh ilio vtive, Who hli elslite IBrick CansbiO hieWwwdn' ea se iMI, land Wsho Iis Brilc &'ill4ec>se tsl inithsu e 1i t"nnelb!.' ét-terwullie laectCliosesb>' hi.o part.Mr . -iipine'loitaeroýintr i irl'tmer nser14-lot, B. Kent. ij0 c~j. ~te î%l ha"it e gi assi to eorhie easraslig i stier;2d, J, Pollckl. 5.g av t ratee tripe. ______ ly ae nier-lut. ilCMillet -0 My itertre, 2 deG. 'aelow, 2 Dr4gtis a oe tr. Girlstraces tier i 'tiaJ. t-ce ceas I tile a'lsthe Ilu. ilesahitve0e1 lranaptos tes-n cousee, e-elN ls titoii51 55i1i -as tiie was avjoiht0ilive the freeholderi eof thslu it ll, t il llfrotat ttwn aa ncete relais thCl J.W. grace-lit, Win, Oallaglier. ;ge Soistieteialeszia cshl ylwgaatcu s ,Hme.meaitlene-snscîtf th triks hati tNds cfithcoshcare mespeer, miPlLong jitl, lL)tati-2sdl > gnPt.ta ton es reeet the cempeen>' tramWhlte. ' ' 1twas laîstiisia yt~e tisions fihat tuhlega0lvantagoftthe lIon gear-A,,O.Wsclng lecues laeIc. ttub Iliai5nes esut et the hegle. a Ii matteW-a-la sthe faar t uî t' 5 t rkjrns.anti titistfiat have hbesuthé> thel5ramptai-alace. blai mehrse A.0OILW. utarrietimesie>raeae-lsîtiitxituiitiiherf itietmsccrarlly oi o nc n!1have is asiuIl . IIst atD. s laris. iv. ssesoslcc> i Tise litltiu e-ui ilitit the Bramepton hy.las- Itnt tno ist-ltt itîe s. j ethi vs csicsat imitea tor the i- .11aithteavlh e . lstetlereeese WhlSée'. uses t fJe, shile the ti-Ile ceas walli Mr, 'silliams, The talloceleg le 1101 yartds rt-e-lut, W, aloceer- lu ritet. asnte ttiteltt llghuly tO,)ppeaifrtrmthe Cesttsera t rtnst nti, N. Ryler, - - 'Ivto thase" îeet iwchleh tiecetit ,It a Jmeeting ttt th.t- ecs . tci t Fat tmaie - j-- i. S, Audeit-itats l ttteti setettlîlea ditè-ent frrnttotal Bramptones t-d on,]5thist,, tut. J, Armstt-attii ,l'prlYms, antIthae Ilit ery ieia- WatW0 eeat-Tlat the eineil Btlineatle tttetee_ li 1 O ille ia oCa that the bitlîdise eteraise fotr itie ltttritteat-tmulttee Oet he etiBHWilt lettre llt ortht-u er ce.Il I h af tt, e ceaeeh-eeiaele-c 'lroc uIiiMtitt i etî, N teeste»dstit taaste oves- the est- titi-hotie Otf urn tti u cisaar ' hrse, tgd ru e s 1w, tllsg infnitifslie !100, l'le pet-- ilt ettl ia ivn trateieecmpany t're ctl Ii eatîo> a ieltirte irtsthaIt et the yecr, tIl e-rtciltsetl hgJ, W, Willilams toi- anti Iyiet- t211d, Lit ittuand Sieatt e1,01tîttttlii l t w'eett, ulus-andtieCt- tli-ilitlîc-ît e-t-l2Wateta Syards rie- et I »c I l l yiguer - lu ýit lliiOn,nit, 'rit oft t ee lauidingas iciîlttsueltluuee-g ý astipleelte tht- W'. lalittsay. - j- 1liItitaille-(IrtheClii irOrte limite foltatili i'te îasrsIg ontî utt.fîtsti. t , a te t4 e l, er ai milliotsecîcsî-e, that l keiiîle. CPl Iniacl'î-îitn s t it rind wîîo c it,0. ti, 1v hi' Iiten îc- ti Iîats l li1. te cuit. cii--e iitt t t hi-r i le, lutht- uvt'iaithtccr e -ttc attutiher -ttîttîtn a or îtaiaa te te -t, Tht- liii. i~~~aegciteeîalt--a etta tîtétIle-ltt-nit-iorllsj-yg t-twh et titis rt lm l ittîîiîtttîsittiult iît ittles.ifti he-lbondandlHar,-i-t-v - tuf Clu ret ettitM ltl oir'lag an)>- tit ittit. ar t 1'.liy i the leiair. tiC l'ta,-ta av et-at f~ie :: hune ttl'tlt itlîaàa i i 1ticIote -ui stttt itie nditt- , t-t hal t11-e. Pa-tilt el-l a.titau-ttit sicît-fitttgu-t-e etariltes etofail t'Mt ttii t-,ani~ --- ii ag tlt. -gta. ilIit-t iutlteit MAY s- ,llehu'tl IntSltt 1tbaruthi-air'.lx, aaptéi lteitiat ltla titi,-i- tttell~ i uuitt -1 u'h-S ati u-atf - i. tte-a e-eit, tuiit. r itutu Itit - tii V r cuile t, hi t ut-u. -ItII e a cie th r tu t.utu, îleil --ell i ciuuî-tuatlititi- u Waork________i___,___ti-i tlifit- tlti-i- tt»tctle tt ici lutn i-i-itiiit (utu sitttr ti sefac auttii t uit iialiu. I wli.a. Lit r e ilte r l u l îîîluttit liillIo îî,î egt i lttl i lii- tutuce ~~ i - . T h.i - li., ltic l,- tuu"-u.t îow t ofl flt b ,* SSe k i ,Ii I I»,-.%I "r"t- si 1lui", ,iitu t iitttu ltti uut uti ltiîIl-,.,îuti-a-uî, ,,,e i ll -t. 1h iciif 'lt- lutiu -î n iu st ttut I - l I tItitit i f iit , lue , .t- I-i l i i.t i il- Il i ilvit Il tt ii t utt il t gia ii tui t i , . î u u i u k - ti i i t l i i -1, i î u l t- e u i - t î turCte u-a ft, t iftt- lll ii tt, tt, l litt-t"ii. a. eu i ut it , - ut jtiiili-ti ii tutu-titi,,tStarkiI tut I tuu tit- -îî t I . .- ...... la lit îfi its tuc u-tti i'Verttti-. ittutti , t' li a i i l1 Iîli,- li',tiii t tutu l ?,ii 10Yi t ii iI» lit a-uuuîuuuîîîîîc.,,îîîît ii it t i utucui tl,*.Ittitti 11111 ,eI'. t I'l, linII Ifi i iii,- lt-i teti-ttiltitIl.. in ia Iu --i u i l,, t i - -.,,iIli -fi'..r i cfl in t i tItI . Ci... 1tii lii. glon utllîieîll a l-ltutu 1uîIlIu-îlilI . tu-t o I i - îîîî ii l,- tlu 5titttittt t ii i1,o i îîu lt- , l it iit .aa l ig'îfi: 1-îg.t~ hîg . II 1 7i:x i:,î, . Calié i ai tior al i-t ut--. , lu.lalti tîtcIil, t itie l lt-- lttif lt iC 0 1 lV -ii il l.ilittt î,î u-,i. t tii itit-i. -î I -l it e utte- tilî ai, lti t otiie'ih.l ti i t-Iti r Cook1'. v.-o11ttol I llo Ao i CI - l. u- - î - - i-l"Ite 11iti g ifilin, litstéule ,, li îlg-. unir s i e If,-Jeal '.enti,,,,,j: - c iI t tii îyîîîP i, j'Il -Il. vilh ,:îuî;~..;îî:î;~îî t-u ili filut ' -ut uP ... wie IIIittlil. l iieuiuuttttf iltttuteîîitîi a b. Iut l kcg-îîu M u. liiîu,î-îh -îîîî, i N TI E îîî' îîîîîcîîîîîuî, Eis j 1. fiali 111.i1-okoîe 111, rt Coltiti qi-aul'tIIîîîîî-iîîîîu-e- a iti-at, lliii-l . t Ntti ttiLtli-l t I u ii III. SuiPI! tunun:ti:itlnuuytutie~III.x ,-ateIll. tte- ,, . ,îc - -tteî1 î.-.î%V, - '.. fillint-c 11,t ii -ti..,t, iitititi iii tti I- I,:îX, C r la. iX- u .Ifii tut i,, ttiti Ii l haututu. Il,t1I l ' i li 1i Cu IIl i Tie 1-. î, ,t- i i iutti te-.i.tiiitut ,uuiuiîîlîtuî'ulueaait uia uS t'-" Ii .t a tlî a. u t ii - iii i ii t-. lu' îît ultimi it vol uîîîu,uI' tîtt-ole îuîuîî , gaîîcnP.fflt t aeîtuusuuîleîg a.itl M î ttu,,i ,,,,-i iaalik. t p.uttlItItt.I PIttit.i.,itut al ,t lii atIIIul'u n'. tiutt-e il' -uutti teuîîîi - l',N , gîî .î.. -î-Ilw I ,-, C: 1 tauu~ a, S, I luit-t-10 i l a-i l ct ,: , ,ettuutt i'îe t tat uînlu-î ii -tr l lin i îu,îiîîîît. uhe iii t-V1 iiI .ft t i tutt ilsl Illa, it liai, it -rtt itiuei i le ,a î.cîî Ilu, ttpn'eit -l Il- atd.h re-ue- uu tti iuulu- i at ol, ly jeg f 1-9-1141 ncna uufteiy itniti -n o 'ss -I.,cl"cu -uiaa ,e0iactilieit ltitni-sua -aruo-, It cla Ilu-l Ilgutres" li j"t.ii tiit- 1 lti e tt-i l -iuaoot suu- , ~ ~ ~ A it 2 ieaalitf Ctr.It'i,-ilui eue- H i - l a v N t t t i u - t u t i - i C a - u tti C it e c e i n C c s c c s u t c e e h > uP M U ýse -tt t a I l u o . î 5 C u e l I CI-t i- u a i l , ,,t C hI c ls a tt t r y kC s - uttaîl.utea tIl- yt 9t;t 2's tita eea, thttureu. tt uet ieptktIe toi le-last-teSetI uuîîuuul ii ttIs iti 10t t i r,- et .. saVttaraner Tte> hvelaîge ui.e 4 lo:pittttu>ti ttu te s 1Ie< rctidnt, alftact-uepItt n al îM ,le- uîe- t , .,j îîul-l ita lt- ftt-essl i pl, a n 0t i ue t ngs n g .111st-eCuta itt~tleI. lia ae- a lle-t-th'.es ueJI. Ot-sltit- . t eatu isei ee4 mui t te1 tl uTtu -rtei t r le. , elagea Iu-" uuI..t ..i atctn uh ie tieat-t inlvesctsItt and rutî . ..... 1. oiauîist is>u f tuatiete ruvsîs aIhtau~tee' duibeettreste hiOTICE.en,, tintofati _ I I ,rt-l-, s' Icatit 1asil, a ny Piet e . 311 e tai C l » ij ei 'tt l l .. t-t. tti.tus-lltagtli S ts s tittit5l'l;,. a , lIj im ra i li t at w estm ui~.trts~tti e tsI isilss1'". anlu i p'. ui i o, i harda ta le. le ildl. A fili.p - îita( ,,,,iet it YOU ARE QUITE FAMILIAR with the big values we offer at our regular prices, so it will be an easy matter for you to figure out how mucli you will save by buying a suit now, when you can get one for exactly J- less than regular price. [<EVI NSKY'S ,The Store That Satisfles," asFarnq Labororsi EXCURSIONS $io.oo to WJNNIp'£ Anti Ceatrali tls ita Western Cannela inciadiuc poin te on Grand ratJ]Ilicifi RY. via Ch'i-agoDuIutb and Fort Francis ' $to ADDITINAL itTURNîN. c LUIST li2tà ts att itila ndtuile s ,T 050 IUGUST 23rd BaeîistsTtc hSy andwse îïîkont ADINTi WÇ E d SwodlI~i. Be e- e - i sisnvio wo ha' how tlt"tebobîying puJ the ve lts Ai oîdt ie the o L I Il 2 o the 0th I1Yii doîng thjsbuslne a hri f Gk4Des Goods Sde Ii' i A fair essortmonhi of' colore, twoed eff eets, 1tistreu ai-d otluùr wCutCTI vale p e 0c.. . t...........Sale Price l5c. Great veriety o! wVeevee and colver,, 'n plain atnd t'ncy tire-s g-ti3 for dresses, sikirts, wiater wîîiets, school dresses, &c.,a regtulaian t -S......le.. Price 35t. A nice aseorsiment of exclusive drese paîtterns (no tîvo llike), pilain-, I;i tweed effeets, very fine weaaiee, ri-gular valuue vîP to $1.511. i 79 yd, id. id. V Té the ffctors :of Ifalto» t1 11altop, thile one of the smaliegt couies in Ontario, bir sa larger acrcagc dea'oted to emailifruite Iban JenY ather county lu tht> prvince T-he market for sceal fruits mnuet slecesarily be tbe irger cenresoftpopulation citlfin a tew hours of honme',Ontario farine are netrer the great eegitern Amerioan sentPe.50]! population thont are the terrltoties hy which these great centre arc nOw Iagely ted, The County of Halton sle oiv three bours trom Buffalo. Halton herries and cherries von bie hîîded lu the preut minin ond ironvcrling centres <f Penns-ylvaiiiis boore the fbretftflush et pr- fection bus pasoed frsm the fruit. At the very loceest estitoate, thenl, reciprecity ceould double the market for the tceeu wlî bas s$nal] truits te sellu I this respect il u'euld banefIt Haiten mure iban any otber county iu tbeh roInce. Ifagriculture andi bordienIta e are tecontinue ta prouper and iiacrease lu Canada, cee muet tret cateuil our markcets, Tbat, te eue, sees eue oi tbe strougest rlasons cby itee eboulti support recilarecity. Ia business it won't do te "Jet watt enougb atone." liImon avbe lusatiolled avitite business be bas, aili ceeun bave lees. To de business to-dey, yoa ituat getl ad gel etller il. The Censercvalive leader së telling. the people tbat fic tariff lilIt np Caneadian iinuntactarce beeue il gave thein eaimarket. Wle bave leen builditng np a maerket fer toanutacturers fer tbirty etitre îînosvii el te taraîera' tarit. 'li t rit ait pruducitâ telisîil canntobll tbe fermer, be- cauose iu onr agriculttral countriy lcre e ealvays enougi andto i ejîarc, adft l nbt ilicre is te spore ibel fixes ftic price. Witlt reciprocityinlutn rotîedacts. tiiere avi bea aktît lfor tiare tittasi e toit irudace, aaiî tbcth restaIt tiat a tremntdens titai- nli usiv ill lie given le tagriculture in aailite bratnches. Il avili inale agriculture ini Canada imire litait ever vertb wbie.tetAnd agrieui- tuerie, st contintu ebc te bacîtiioib is countlry. liteieitiber Iliat titis recilîrecity agreemeut affects tiiity ntala -titiftooti rodeels, iadlience titere is neoondation forv(lite ii>- laliîg ctttîicii>et ofthe oposition tialthe eountiryaililac12Seaoo- !,il lwithi lîited iStatesa iaacittaî-reîl gitt ielitce theae teilil ie atil- 'ltre bitlîiillf., Walter 1larland Smith. Trafaulgar l'ai., iiiulariî), cIýIi.riý ia-hl. i taher itîing the Alltt.T 22. titi. tri-i-k.pent w 1 - i Par tti t- l, iiwa-tt,ittlt-ri.l-t est w-e hit-î-t-ttIal. MNis hrrty ulyt-itgliti. WnIiggieatvsrlth. lltti,-ial ,îî fii, I t hi, te- .t 4- ilui -tte eltiti ititi, t iiîulîý rvW's' L4 t-i-k.i the at.wÏM = ulsi I.»IeîtiSatinila> otîi sîiican e h e 00?nrn ti1 , leItxaidit ui ii.1 ate-uPcteet TenthOnt Mri.tit. if liu lit-it-, lt., lit aS,,- 80t.tpit Ieap s- ait tss sts ,,1ii t e m lIen W wsu:osllateeaaî iai u t mit dtlisi Il Black Taffeta Silk, "Igtarateon ûi1ge," 36I inches aide-a lovelydi or siitable for early feu Qts. biold alwaysal 4 . fl pet yd-.... ..... ........... .... », ..O ur Price 98t. J'd, Satisfied Oustomers, our Best Advertisement '?ýýJ. L. SANDERSON H. WHEELER, Teacher l ci A t Pans unran ad ud;n - TH BIG- - Sam l"lenson Clover Seed. Iii on and wiII bt ctontiniîpd intil the cnd i of the month.te-iiItuc Wa araeclearing ont the Stnnier Stocît, and ut the i titIlle-t saine tiin ofolering ail kinds of 2 1-- Grs oods at Sale Prices Wool I iTue iighe-st ti go thet those who corne to bny aummner goode rîîay et the nilal] utile ofiNCa saine lime get their ail round eupply et Buexgain PUCen Dont cait until the sae is over and miss lice big bar- geins Ihat are going.___ Loti; o! goods ordered in good lime ceruae in too laIe for a dil ordinery selling and have to eceaein et Cacasean I e loes. The remainiig days of Auguet ailI see the finish of our GfM aumucer stock, and goids willo e old et a sacrifice b acse- cooiplieh it. la»'Be sure and get your share of hheanenps Ihel areEX IIl I bound to go befora the rnth closes.MI1U Mnr. anti irs. Josephi Roimee 8.e- ot wl.i enu as- ten, aneohSite ,lie1eMgms À.et ot Iuuüd ti5OSIit It-çis, tl-ts»k A in ibj L o t - ud it oa tisl5a,*u ti o i-cltict,: - let Mu i i d -i--il t bel; Ens t,, 20 CoLt - t.. O-te- - - un ensuit i AI A -ci - kle.'-At,- .t,;>~lutt-î~ Pli t s DOliii~ut 't el i are at-- nleedse t ThMetroK sir\vlPl'~t MEAD OFFICIl ,Àv IN tl11 s-t 'et i LeadU SUI ~ r \iac Po. Gatli Boledttl tt-t tII SILI< SPIfCIAL