1J-. - -un i . aopres cf hics R(LTONV JRANCflIWc 6l CLEME¶TS, ManagerI -Dr, Mboor being III. 1Mr. Am-I ccPlsclh01c,pen fort.r esq Tiaic hT, k, aneaccac 0 1 Y chacov , of wilmaOfre wUn.5O lit. Tic cnjnt cfthotal mneLor aile Specia liv y vîyDay l'roim Fa). ter pi. OseM caseMi i Egeliton 15h pit sprt', 2icoe idscocL o Sedin youci'ordera. c oprf ,tSo. 2 fflahi 'Vent ho Niagara, Fdlc o oaa ho cho attnd thoeosn ' caacs ofthi anrccdLodge, Dccogihevî cf B aWllell copcsied onTuciy ai,-dquarters F 0JOhn. hon portint Gonds ~~~nture .oetal IiLTON, ONT., sachc OifcLdn Magazines Gn htga~aTowo iaIher. , 2,54i Pietture Franing n, t.tcn hhiiDfl cibhc oarenlca I - Ih ràlS ' t - h a m pau e i o n a n - t 1 1 e h i nTic ns f o r n rii c e h i o The B uter StJudio,, mgasr ei nd icatnaedceaofArccIi ncaa aheioicti. eil aci rs oneh, V. 0. Iveins, . J . cinsthoe. MA NETC ETIifITON arc gchenactlnic.A. Mabad E onri. L; Mnre, c) A P. O'BieO n oe~M, O'Bcils, iB. - - - - -A. itoo., I. T. pasenoro, iL . F.riae, T. Poic L. i )l , M M. Shatblas, ** - , S.I lila e (hloors>, M. 1. Torsbiali, 1 L i laIiiaclaanaritt;ashui;, fai, i 1 O 11 m hece ufic iia. Sasoi- ilbtoaci Ch es nacra feet ool and l4cnal-lhl PLg. 'ojo rî aea O odi otr Ny- aiaiihcr\'Aetsrrhteictacrbfl frn 4 erccs rih N c al(-um lnhccn o'tiaj o 'delli Di4 e Iaa nicciccaclcr Fi e Fate. ci1K. , xtui l firi tnn fca s oda .c orrcchtiitch5 rr Fo t, c~eîccîc t hoiUmcc)ch 1, c. rircc i. 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