1Pil Oneeeba-deliteboeracî neg As the compact roade mt thae114hf statue appuiese imant .'altogtheil eatirai, predeatai, ihiii bo a fariner imue, 'the cmouot depaudicg nu h., the atoe e ard te ueupuacit0 .affectiug their inteaaol o utpueti ceaegulaethie auj both are dfracti. -their argumente t thaeeeu. t'tere oasa stndig affro e proalty mt thttetUited Statro iq th Natienal Pallay adopted by the me donald Govai-umeut lu 1870 and'1 ateeed for yearw, He, it lu fer eeopa ceeu ilt thel5Ptument Preposal .Aey er il ed the toillmiugau-tiete tiantee t aY t animais ot ail bleu, goufruit, hay, truir, bran, soado ý aI iodo, iagetable, lcudueg pet colia ndnIther routa, plante, trees. an Avit., ceaI aed coket, sait. hop, cloat, pitsuaud bcoux, imrley. ry> loati, ludlaucra, lmckwtaat, aud at otter gralac. Sfeur af bcot, and floc etf1-po, li ecmrl, aid out ms etd Ttc uenltfrany Oitesrgfil botutr.'tuillet. uetu. ttc- a tot itltî-lalunel.u,ncay bc iuporbe ioto CnactEluteofcflnty o t aoles 'cccc loi oty titan le prcceliildly thi 'lt it tteîcpo-te'lîcc,,tit ftfIbeliai wh,'cl'cn iietniay lie Lioc U'n ecer t I Ippcaie t.tt hi. ucifaeîtic t bt cimtilar ati-iîlee frotntCanuadamai e itcpteold cMthelUnitedl Staté it"tlîîltymltceaePau- ..fdîty no attlîgIat payable îtt te oul,. -no-el c,n anto hî.i. An tpi Vrdict Sp Loc'rllle .Jury. lotc'ili,îbî. A.-Aittttpeu eerb< i-cltc idta tag"rl ctte,,th "tî*l> île'th' cilb- a tetc "' 1 îcbcl.(l-t-'nie ryt-Itic olctt t-le e,,,i-ictîr.t,- e eay t. lidirinî Tocrttt, t iet ,, 't.-'ni ,te lîcoacI tîigiî cte, e-at eiyic-tl th ,ebo tii î,at- fte th, I- b, ey la l ..elctcîtiee 4c itc'ocîlitc'tt.e a ernotttîl ot-t,,-ion. tif. WHl. Sicea. ieitlg c-xpcetit I i.' o,-jlibe w- cieieth leia aî"In, l, l-holdwi,,- ofl,. il , pareîiî,fîtr' t . - i .t, 'lîetî .,îi tt-tey h . ' cii.t 'rilîe l iit,în ".î. îîiI h tluc.tî'tvin,t'ttc-îl .io iti the, 1,Ah, ttir'iîl-,cc.lb,î,,e tîI-Llii tllit. itl ecîci .IcîTh, tc' i Il . IV0 lt andittî . o.îl Ii 'til) îtîtî,buit - o Ch g i. il ' citci ie, I l'.i,- o lotati t Kic i îl. Iîl. _.e -' c , N,2 Ctîy Jalge'i Crimîcol Court. he, dlîtt I..ldti i.'.' ut .i et hliîî'îc i - i ,,it ite' tu4 i t' t, i ellI . îtî,îcî- . il. h., I penoo-d guil'.I l,-e Elgbî Lives Led,. -î it at. fî i l, tîeîiîî i, I'- hil lit ..tvt- liti iit,: îîîîî'Iî" ute l', Sco . t iîîîlîthe t rt. t ie tuj, ýT hoit. i mli, ' t, , , -i buiding te .,itii t'ei at I tI--titvil,iciandl ool tthThe 1 il.oetMil . li fiîtt n'ie.J .tîtîiî "c ite tîî i cl t eu t-Iititiît c-Ii ' ci. î, 'ite litl M'c,. -l ît' andit' ,îîî leîîigit.-t. 'cetti. -ofNeo,, 'î-.-î'C.tetit ii.to il Br wivd l it , 'oe q tic'cîîl.iîrlt--.-ee-k. 'c gt'îîd iorlez. alti 'twili loiv l' thla" chtiil l h'ttn Mr.It ai."ac Sc. K-. tctoddecc cclî'rideey, Aîîg 11itih. At'coodeltc mhegahcccme au u-t îî,cd,.lrccibaynel,'ouue. Cn liglo,. ________ Apple Crup Siffcred. lhlC'cfrit -elutcocreil a -'et-e ti,,iî'frctcllt eC eetevielent wile cb,rut. acci'diicg t eeptu't t-ctei-,. by P. W. Hialgeth.,e, ciuvtey ef th.- Ontario,, .rltîi-iaAsoeiatleu In i e r Sale iy tgenou; food matfris' mmalbe l n- tlu e â1,1ëplam ibe 'oe llh éjterearlua value. No bled orfueatIc ei-. t vol e sto ie mi tw triu perceutaguet fp -4ua hee.ajmed edtou~~a au drled bSea conralno a achigraleor ditions gce thiecause ,lu le-ll,t-lpg e lcm porceutage of mater, the otherlfui and un appbroinu là ihkccwn to ncotltiue, apart tribu the Proton, tinge Cle Ruer fronem j ndt- t eu" u a tetichletal than fisfournitlu cheee. fiued 'Oicein e lsa s 5 uvital-s , ' ë1t 1 f t4d resh beet as purehued bau, meght relief fkoiediweeeit i rsmud lvi c5 ffor melght. uitile more Uthbait the lug caunti.We cemini4 ;dthef w.ï ..it food value et cheee lasifler trottoirslugutal*mèft Jte-a.7 ;=b, lié or ft, aud the samne la trieetr ae* tmrulWi aét i bm buso, i"a " t nt4 caiî911Il ther fraih menals, whlalchave, oeuvest. bla. mue Macalie, Glefetcloi*uu êàîààrsh lu maur couec cuch a large eerceul*ee Ali acyso "A fli yearcâgoie- of ot ater tha lbey are uotlceahly ln-cm clairct elcoyII sce- ferler te cliecue lu food value. Bgeefifut tirutl aud wonaalYthe lime.a, reit it'or pork fat are exception". but their co-eeeîti d ur faucilIyf dodueflalf, ,r ood value Ile ioely lu the lut, whili ne f oule alter teniclitb c ée ilce.,ellbep,, dAtc cou lhe and lu refila o ea grlat ex. gr d utulîr got belli r eud wrakerou tout by the curliolydrateu uf vcgeta- tItilud cLt de mi w ort plu___ eme'ne mhles aamicleguot and oeiuvient th anther M'hile' the pru-e dLae Perlaiuai a benefit totbhîe uu dI<lîcYoncuofitdeclue ,aund ~c ot h theconseuumer. Fubui<ecueWamwclimOats m4hjo ee el3 & ar î 'y550Poriloci euom i 4;1 port eacelhave a ouiaylarge per- 1uelte t hia1enltl ctaliTIro ud courage of refuse, whlle efgobave a i,l WguuotWy and fret, cuii fuJdaa ca. bigh perceulogeof e tuer. Te outhe hermine- a t,eiplete eerv ous re-eh cudi ou an -:c1:1t; hécleeuntvo rtrm e.macler uit, a Pound Ot ibeece hou oie- OOne day ohile viitieg auttma nf tioýfeu lnrel y5eouc aeg il 1y the camle food value as rmo peuuidoeId geaterieu mîce wa ta lof DETtbotfli4aùdlmvalti:ttles Imposible. SQIO Q ouieoffresuiecor 007 tber tîeeb meutoca l, i nlk Pille fer partla upar. oureuu. a uRifood; Ih lu ,ertb as muec e as eo ltaiursi,,eînded tthent taemle flmore t l o pund oetbhumcad lu merea ent cet ced geot au-ee boes, fint Aeic oto'cuyl olghr u u e.a u esu or dgeestible, and e l qe ete cithon, ute h f init thtley wouîld outhe rtàlouittthe attempt e0 local Octeber. IlicamuT RADKO4P,. ws impoadeuofecguor clre oitrie ofo u. bejillc'.butthisteirethey mccc eue 1i luetlgatfflu cuoolfy outihom cir O Phene 714. LeWirll'OP.1 _______ait îccprenecnt U1odn.u e Jic lth"'uemlc'uf the eueocer- cuto u fi fiaehlctr NOVEL PLACE 0F WORSHIP ùe reklcgthirille, u'a .tmaedtha.tgmwng tlch rmc co ioti te o og_ _e 1mww cime- bcprot4ted trom tugscolclated W o ,1i,.llyec1eri.litld deccy meik ou ruulaéua etaton for veeuclty.Uc- Ne-retae eu eccee A a ulhe o ccecraîed o Chapel ,ocilv acee re1I boldune la my fle, ferbalelu, th e lIevrtliaru ae N,,, .re os omlo teson Wheetu ccand t, tottteldlme tîiha iecoidbeelli unâmle toiagreeasoutoc wtlch sport fi-ut erchuulMiltoeu large ffreedeý, 2t - i CtI"'ly Iloe tbe chacnge inie. a, o r paatîeue ccelui the moioctIles fBuitrrea ~raticre uppt y ou th net A chalc riot îcho 111beultbl nc boihelecet bp ttot1and hecca the contu'evec-c Th'e ar .Fo atId1mae&110th onuaeacd y esbaslîctt bet I' ,i eld lye cccccjg ugel Nec' Ialwaya epinilac u eaemous that -teni l isesi. 7-t. Tbisnaovet place ocIleila le ci ie.epfl,,.Iillx.-mmhltct cd IIf 1fesl couesetheleaisat. Naut ln erdeu the- barcc i ettge ot teo pilcl.futie-do ree yraitu,- i fi)]tethr, icrutlgatoim bave cr-etor! uhetieg Tatr 'atd Bent n tor ine resdeiic. I 1. lou, cill x c il. lt ft gelin ric 'prlcial phlcé, tellowed hy uaing T e i a t - Il lu eeanodinry o ço van, he J'tm- 't.aed waîîng. et wtich lit lc behiocns jttercer cf e hidI ifed eith c e lis-u s1111ihail -i tî-te dealerseloirby that ncrea cfar au attractirve Ifid fer Fer M. m. Ne, 17, Traufalgar;-oinceor eta, ou ,,tili,[mens el bx rix bere for the caue witt au eluotie Imaginatioun, lr u iailcte eîal.l cir ite a- tî iDui e, e Mec . AJfb'111, The l'c1c),dî'uiFrer itlulc peint, hewevrc-.theile-$Jep t« a erceeal applicatieon pi-e- .11 clît prie l kc n celemre tfoi edoeI1 4 ece.O t etgaoshv tird tp toul,îrl t'. ltt wl'. shtipictgatei- haeteiredp tosîlefori c; ap .Ictol eceleid tem Aîg. ,if eDibvine e tîlet.t e I h h c t uce they eedthe flot mith gellelf i, th y i.j WilsccncAoh. egwe timi cnch the 1eucompng aud lllileg. A- u roielt_______________ ,d tramentantheelI1,Jte., t t le Western Canada. couein and anglîcmuare tip ile ae ci atrvlin o L I, b- teh oit' hecand tend ln thele uoolertii tha the e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a Ucllete thtl t ' hir'lled.tg. Ici. c--eegolefr aîceetuy the geareut inth~e il i i Thc bl,- litcecd eeth 111 t it'e t!or tt' t megb lisyeatt c tatil werld bot ha îment etupld, aveu x aloc il,,tî l tc t ýiicto 'rI t. 'i. Itîtît tuefea allb oit et- colbrl e t ictiie]atui-mhW ho ut in at Accla. îî îeilciîet.te t. c'uil y r il 'ctt. ,id if cf-lcthloicm oanid hctwhons F r a re icl eh tthi ttt tcitt l'tttett'tht-e pt c'iî e outilele talcou vicenea galieon of gano 3 L borrs oitt atîtVee.cîIi]dl,, l l e g cedctl ee.i f tin îîebr te.euî t miefltcea prebable i luat e-t owl luiteîd ,t ntoeite h 'tctte-cctîceeilycasuries ttedeecimol ho1te asliy clclded E crin t~~ Ilc cet __________ t--i fo treetctcilrytboivent ereutf the Maieudfeappelitctt.ee itehte'teYlemse i'tclmllc nittcr teta eIteetigute the cicatti teS. W fn BEAUTIFYING THE DOGS m trtii.,itcc e c ite Pierli-ithe lmefitteiftthe publiplaygieuicda 1s 0 , vo i b lc. îca eîlt mf heicveeitlgateco ______ clc ettic hg fc'tt ttu'l. thle-. grec ticat Ifthctleva rccfi,bt e t4 e -acdeerilc Pein.ta Wes.-uie tucd. tAle httttt toi itrgetont-tbltic r-it ttteeltivtcdin the cremlngctg hil<l lîl e clutibtete, ruchaud Prfrei A Vet elei Sec UeOtoki 1 ,--I Ieetom- ll blltt fcle .oue lueucd lebe i o-tei ,t teccic. iludc oteuia. -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Il biogrWrlc i t otcîtttelIy Ie~ acd .cîcetilig. À5,tîlV, Teitecut - "-~~~ h -. lite n l île'i tî oit'c'ftlllg- 'mts L ,ccORImleiev ae trcotcdci it ut -îIî ilnd.1 li .,-y It telt, t h igbeetceterntege Thut lb lu peoible tct lire fer Acaucct 1 -ieocu11 a . ,,,ceeof bu, -lated - ete let e -rn te l ai 4 i4 f lhmss c 'hinn ai t t tbicg, eeilan Mofeuidl and inc lcet lalilîcu calcm a cTJi.. c e sarcla w i I e a ltlI i tecteM b eau- l: l t'soIIic.eccc'tlcil42. eptcttbe incereuieed mct cf living ievrie. t.ehe i,ucd Wuanulmo.dm ceâl tat Il.I -t t 1. hhb l-"ti tttcttleîe l-lrr'eele-rCcoin mt. eit lelatieg the lîtteruf the lac', lc Ocmutat 1. ltulît eb.tae i e .tIt. t h, thtI ll etin- ittt425.9. Thcis lcasju et ereectcuattel beetre a Ault¶oh-eeeTorontoeand sations et ti ucpes ofa C t -elltc Ihî le ý i t falel u Ic tt ,,i',ttestit, irotatIngeicns incta e t ecbrce Onaro.sh: aut accehlotr e ce car..Atc -.e li .th.1h. e-,Id. %c'bitm)localfiace n e cra vsteretu a OmtbIat utceceîeet 'Alocruton etlof th.1Ipt.oritt'tChh- - et g fttttltt,'- 'tmoittunb- tmeme thlecaa. r lec honrlug . .hccblieaittcrTrcc ~le celt'c 11, t .tII îtt bat crue fottrper ou the fat et the elty wltbeîît a inge -tiiet (titlflaSel.ctcJet. ta hC .do. -h.' iotI.,-'t l.,lîet Ébat o.t eya. eeu "if ,tc uol. lectri îc cj OaeTict ofabcitdce.g tttxi tttoigI- n I'n1tact e ttg ea-effeetIlep isicas sme lc m le thet Aguamt.Oariec A . Eni uDe i»blt.pamue r Y '-hancgieofthle î I l ale , H li Ici t' tl 3- ltttt tite, indrodI eîthec'egttlac-t-edetoefthc et hIî -fbi. g ît'... ja Iî,i tjîlliebytbtl wltetee tili weon ering fracn c tcs etPii 'lieur.'.il îî,I, ,î - g4gi n tll theb, bît'tey tierleclcel ilTb.eo le, 'te- ter~~lteheo~t~IlIît ,t:lliiIl l.istt!tetnctatnîticifnt iiuitrîîepîy meat C 'hl'aeCa nad îaî'i ortîîerîîRy -h bacttttec'-,itlae..a.'ehyuoe 1a tlt ________ t. - -l( i.t> ttîtfbte milewa a u tpli50,000 SO EIIIG I[ PS(L 'ttt1ttt mI. ' ri, fi~tle Petile a ittd ofer ihtil esnob ltite cethe tl l'tilc'-tE APLGU ýif t t Il- lutaittîbouetic bho b elîctiel , frepreecat Ha'v esters Ntt'i- itet' l- > .tO1tethtttett eletueýJteu cuever th. bill, An Acivac S HretofeiLecet , 'tbec-pi-tetiec Iito ff airait e A I iicel l oi n 1 , tai ttl c'on tnom t It tlt llttîllalîd 1tttpltîit i)ttatît ceuhploý etu.c'b i te guve' inttr , ie ea1j erotc. lrli1vitttvea, a..oîcheiefund; tintc ecttfer d-rcen Tedîtaiegil 'eeî,î tteiaeî te, e tacc r te lite. gIel ctlct- YPIIrQIfiO RaOM fu t'il i, of l J elllt '~~C, te îîcîcfig ail che eîcîtrina,îterAtaEXCURI OUNSEASTERN ct-nIe t e ael ong 1e r k Iet t t itl h 'vt.i - ie i tiie t-'thtttarecolctteocigirateroethtbeplan lied tANADA tbnhteiieer Alp eetcc L Ilcit ciî; i.î,c ie îce thîec'ar. likt'auprine mibhttcta penny ofex.r @ect b etce c hIeeth .11etî-phut. Hiodiscoptien mac tctifinate'ly_ Sce tb I hhdaphcoheclîad. tit prohibtionc Fighttlle Mainc. te erderedhub e eca delvoi, aid Tc Wlactoc ,Ctete ! iîncic eot I eattlhleltlytîy llîl0h h hh,te ilie eettng bad beea flent enecat Ith, a icaiaeiiachthe .,uiuh 'cen -ec cacl'ttdli lîI eîît tttu I f filee e ci f cettevclintoril ycpeton 'ils et, edtcfront whnclpo îW [Infleini.s eem n teu cct i t g.tt e'irt'iii; leIo th, Ntliîî lîît tiiiî t eet ertiniet , ethilcîcîttserins,,,, harge ionc.m alteol cceInant»î, neotts, blel hdecît iei e aceseî. ctýr,Iet It. il' 11tî tlt -t ' Mi llte fti)- ffty melict eultl Ce celu e aa eat binte ro Tcue, ai $t8. e-.atitlncgouda, tI.ib theirpî tihe Itait , l e i a 1 l .Itt 'Il - u t le beotlg Ae t' teevers] ît,,cucî n ,,, hecn oec cnalzctit. tliî theit Ailhhte i is ecust he tt..'. !ikt't"îit itttgt.-in t m -i td tpi- t het' chearge le net trt.îicliig DATES OF SALEC tcteti eee cîi b yb tI l l.te-îtî -theiti itthe iegeeiîterviiter. 3,tt mue.e.btch .tcc ehctuOTnRTfe W cIelhil e ndleroti, t i r't,____________c. -cmienis.i d.ca ait.. a t iîe tta fleadî cttelcg Cetdemi. ey ct- ite I t i eIol t if'ontîEnglouti, f. t The Cumpalgu in the West, A I.,l'h.l..t.t cîcteu-ialie Iclîl Fe pie fclle'[ 01, lIte lodci flothi lIt-tcIr tliill t tîtîtîcîgei for Ibe iccin e- l orlth TrccdootS e. ibcb 1 fli cc hie teîee titîlel h t lii, tet ît'îî,tt tttt îl-'Iiiît. S.t elr. Peiet e i ceit a i rancheadth orh Elliot, R C. H nder. Prelidee lPttile cru na en ccaec lst e h Itle t, îontl. i itt eî'i i i Il. ,iI lttte itîc'rtectiott, 'cnibcbeGrannti-tleru cnIoetitî 6,eeePo-i,. ut-ot,. tci ti ai. t titîeitîhttt Lento. titlt' e vteli itt cin it rcI,-andîlR. Meecele, SSceetarv cf lb,- PointsWetTroneoeiceOntrieo, Auuectei l c.tît,îtîetîo Id îtteuc. alitî. htîîtel.tI.Itdil hlit o ltt l't, cmaie Iereu-ln Trntoîtimeiîfc t hAttlo i.o 25 iiucfceciae decps îthohait Ctltt:leItit i le ttt. tiitthttetl. liq'tier,e .Il onIati ît- 'lIvt- taeperleol fartiere.t ili lo Th-bt-c-p. ai.eunth.eiaeufrtb. formui t le - - - - let,.itt ii "b"ii.d puelitceiu il ] tMarmite tc CAfOAOIAN O eTJERNiba AII.WAy mg C.. I d i tt'îttt eî.Id tir I.îi-u eîî ". l 1tho Stitti etand tecan1 -ftecil At hacot mi, Wbciltcet"Oae teibout maceonace ttciî 'd e he"""teco utted; lîn t. tegttt g t Iîî n .îtîî.it, A-ae tî to reLcoi tab f alploit ri dlt b ell I Ica l.. bttîeî,'tît ececct ,t - î. lnlactafthè e .tau e . plA ir t iest, l ieefoietalcaeb -_ail__________l.1. î -aacitutal.ieao akkhI ret ýaoiuAlbet ate uu- PRTlA"oT. 1lce Ccaadietn tccibeai te tîc II I t, h-c pllle itt lie ttlt l tt tIrîeîtieiî i tl ce ,ac e tcocoluatle, cl,.yPiCaa I i h L iVou m b C 1 te iCeith.A, c tîtteyc'e -iiîe-tttîttale ui tiîee 0ra,'o i i.Wabi ,,uorifa , enea i oI ii 1biI la enPJue ,l ' l ,le-tiîit.itt-~e s ofprc eity. nb pff rev lnyialrav u by 1 longry, moetlpittlityfiii te tha cet' ù]f Foefapit nommtinapy wi fiet ic It.- litîttî.t.,iltlteth'cui uidete thn m na io ,cl0 . aigu fini Rllw&t oiene .a c.a rb 'cl tI itîoi IetC iI ldo iteIIl.ttîîe .'n ohPris fuiw owl upr f-tel titI gml 11 01Qunt - ca, tihoIprotittIteailled e, provrîts ceW- tt -tand oit W,.t tea et -III itît dcoec ud c i-ie e'i..... w l t . is e e cm Y 1______ thl.ittîîttttceipeopet MIIk W anted Das..ly tîce lt t C ar get- la ' o ue IltCa-,tNettilttcToronto.iî--ottt'h ettL=. IlDelîvered te the Ui îs StatîotibillTorouto, on Thc di, a el o euad Il et el - tcIeîiiliit.frh mul le teent e .ýLc ute'i et(- I i,' be ii.' îtteîît ite- ' rie arie las uid re' 5 ur i Pn Ft i î'.ee.f cîi ne, ced tteyhe U ni n D a i o, T o ro n Tra T hL u m .a t it o n p tg c y - ct p a î - . c o ' t c c î t t g 'î e u g , a i t e i l g t b l a h l I t' îî îIî i s S ihk l a l modefrot poi ui i hatthe ar. Writ fo paricuaLi IfIUCH MENSe CLOTHEC Stdete Fra AT'm] POOu, hRewMINS RCE S Largest Selection ! Lowest for. 351.Ii f'or 1. ,5c Pri. Plices! Tuesday Evoning wiII ho Bargaiq fdiolit Next Week as Wednesday is Civît Holiday. Store Closed tlolldays. Boyst Knickers, neir stock, special-----------------------------.... Boys 2-piece Suite, Norfolk style, regular $3.00, for .......... .... Boys' 3-piece Suite, regulor $5.00, for ........................... Men's Tweed Ponte, regular $2,00, for- ,.. ... ......................-l..ý.....1 1.. g 3 x 4 Tapeatry Rage, spasiol value..................... ....... Now Fail Goods are etarting to arrive anîd we aejiiîtti, wide Linolenîns, 2 yds. ivide, Floor Oilcloths, piles of Plainîaitîd Fan .1 nelettes, ail kinde of Coat Sweaters, Hosiery, Underweer, ete. Weeo for o great big foul business on new goods at seving priees, Full stock of NEW IDEl. PATTERNS. Millinery Orders Promptly Attended Wýo. NCfw*J L. SANDERgiON H. WHEELER Ireaîheî 01 MUsic eO s BARGAIN PRICES In Chiqaware and Crockery, Dinnor Sets and Dedroom 5ets Ddd Ceps and Sentiers, plein white, heevy, 80c. doz7 White and Gold Clover Leaf Caps and Sentiers, 95c. doz. 'aney Colored Caps and Saucers et $1,10 per doz. aînd up. 'laties iu aIl sires, in both plain white and fancy. Msfô-a great veriety of Feney China and Glass Goods-iii faet the only complets stock of crockery ant inîiîware lu tomo. We keep a dlean, tidy Grotcry Dapartîuent, full of resh nom goode, andi moke prompt and careful delivery. 'houe us your ordere, or if yoîî seud the little tots tlîeir immonde will receive our moet careful attenîtion. FARIIERS 1 Bring us your butter and egge. We pay te highest market pnie for themn in trade or cash. Wc ode yen mîtot goode you mont and pay cash for thet bal- tee. No quantity. is too, great for us. Wéare selling sto' ple goods, snch as Table Linene. .'le Naplcins, Tomele, Tomelling, Flanuelettes, Prints, ;teeno, etc., et the closeet prices. Mie are also clearing ont Summer Mueline, White insu and Indionheod Suitioge, and ail kinde of Stram and oea Sommer Hotu (menla, boys' and girls'), et Clearing Nices, - Haye a look In and se, whfat-We are deug. -~fr Wbl lI hato eieeed 75 theXater of the-Xutàte ofWIîùiamjTehiut slieEe amee ofthte¶l'Ie*hlp tffra.1ethI i ~ 09 ~ Me1ey ftouitoh ihht Mi Carpenteab J Itao . e. Iienson .ayt.. hL ' Er,-.--Con tractor, eîe ttmeel Nol [ce tu Uredlito-c 1,itl 1 th.gTe ec f Ni noiuttbîor ilt dy . Fbtte el . bcolduvef Ib .Il .,1- t ndersicice.itofor (')cdit i uit tiao te e~tce th àec CitillJ_ bccal d tMilIce, cbb5 1h d, N otI C E Yoipkc Menaltupucma.lit. ' fter ibat dor . cd..' uel ahled tt 1 a e etSpdte..î' Dth etr Scicclic, I1 ZrtCT NTR(10 eMUcbnbaàtý, ]e IMe teqcu face.r t th - ieciîîîof ai' dci t.IdItf ana't~cdase bbi Iefl boter sle eeticfi¶ _IýnveSfg'te Th."#,$ . ________1HEN GET - U$)Y-'-- 4inch Týweed Offeet and plainl Dress Goods, reg i 3t 0c, for_ -44 inch lVash:Dresa Goodse and-plain Press Gâids, reg. up Lo ti 24 inch Wbite 2Perry Cloth, for bath towels or baby bibo, reg. 25, White Dot and Cross Bar Mtiolins, regular ......for . White Vestings and Mercer Mulns, regîtiar 25c, fo .. Large Linen Towels, -regular 35c, for ...........11.""...... .. White Frilied Cartain Muslins, regular 20c, for-..............1 Offord Shirting, large range of patterns, regular 15e, for ..»,..-1, Embroidery Flouning, very deep work, regular 75e, for ..... Men'&,Black Bib Overalso, regular 85e, for ... .... ................ Hiram Walker Overalls and-Smocks et Cash Store-Price. Bgyptiafl of flil l OVUS A *uare palt1 s à mer8 (Vi \ Jeadqu 'lA1 The lîot Weath iNeCessit etTî,ni ît 1A 1îldtcy a loue t MaLTOIN uuî' uxîîgust sale of' nlgn-ciass suits for mien and boys offer the very frnest of Ready-to-wear CIQLhiîîg9 at prices far below. what theé goods are really' Worth. Yoti eau now own a "ich inian's suit" at a époor man's pî'ice" if1 you corne here. Ail $1000 Suits AIl $12,50 Suits BOYS' SUITS Ali $1500 Soîts Al *16.00- $7. 00 $900 Boys' 2-piece Tweed.$25...1.... $2250 AIl $14.00 Suits Blue Serge, 2-pieee, 3o. ,~25 Tweed, 2-piece, for - 850........o Sote, $1000 3e peefr 4o tGOk- LLVINSKY'S + Tho2ï tiI-,' t