cet irn G&CO ettDie' itors and £nibaIMe,8 1 [Mi PE R 1 AL~ OUNDRV AN STEAM BOILfl 11 i iMachine aiv os dk bbrh a Sliu i, el REPAId HINE SHOP CTR opLA lin IA i fi D.1 Ehibtà$n S itember 1lIth S S TH t fiA 1,lL A ] j'iLWO KS besrnî.e C' ob'u- Ont icl. han aotoi lMiym MORT, Mrml, or ruent mIbi-aL--a, o 20 fig1 balle-- a i ;we¶is &la DI8, ,tM O!av"' witilt &4fTp0 a1loDî itte cb Yi y'ôpbI lsd 1 'GiunBo 'OÉ~O ia o f4 andbas b eaaaW üiY , elle -t11 r tal ' soI woil u ac grl Tot erpg,,' 7008sba'b Y -t -n , lu t raNr )= 4 'PUIJ ag éthec« tte qiegbot iiAro D' nufluae'a I g iaryon lf'slta f ier e"e stion sud h-Yea. Lo . jo l il . 1 1 1 l U e a - e li t n ht a t e mab 1 0 B te 0 1 1 0 2 l j0 fe e t 'z o t b a e a c la a t ý ~ e S ~ 4 t~ ~ ~ù d i o e b «é' ' lo t 0 1 ,d 1tiy FI Pra C l ia aol tisiiidlfIabaya t'aiusgu &, aboe ubec O D YÙ nlsialibled reul"dilerott lOgallina sometl bo rt «Cnmtt lIequèty.8liei o Jt ,, DWfl reMe -- -set.-gny to, mr, abi oage I f? a11 yankee1, ora e o ir a le ft h alOteli?'iaat r a sac a yeatbei " layed.atra pobeindtagas! SPesBI ses tel ae o ug'ttC b gy lbu mahi ý at' fi no, bav a mtlet r ISSni ti vu N l la a 8 1 ~ '1 " ~ U il 10 12 O t~ l 12 11 e a il to b o ve1 " fs o O rifiti e t e* aadn d1a s. 8hd8 gw onrC iea 10 th e 5 ' "81151h ee s ta r tî 10 421 1 odt oi h fcure1d. 1dEl." 0; ,ornaItno',e doas fta taaghe BO- dAtL, y ~~a~a~ . ~ ais acita laol t'-lb -11,l ¼lic te7£000 e Wlvty ,,a tedli ei Ou ae e Ie I dl Oorun tLldaplc fbrkl A M"" la bs a ir 1tbt aaan È Wbd aott~aaeiamt~obowOil 8 0lais a't. 10o0to1 ý fie eegoareufber-lTatonsssint et21e rrO11b1,behoblpered 8oS a leo f 1 8 7 - a exi i 00 te 1 1 -l- a 8vailtteinfOto bilga brin msae t L 11 8l a . O6tgranit i Oonarl a g11t, if there ni a lt s î a i a s b r tltO O b f o e r u d b r - a n e i s d i i d î ia 'y u a oaxe. a If t e are -a ideot a toCîbe a ros 4ur-lb wfltOSbr d 4eliecatd l ha l or nauetadItt L 0 oen, rLi - - ~1fog; 1eor o age ebt, wifrb bi bc a artg; ad le rleao'd ia legl. yag ad baîi' ifua re o>odmaIL~ye l LI fiind Meeings; nd hlie JrilTouI Iilea a letîabao helii 1,t eh."D..Idi IeiileYoung.' a nbOî lea t yadI our ea Soott2auawerell witb a grie code. e ey'z" àe "It ea' 182. xa lng 0 jan 0 tie ige~O. ntI Onda wY e ,eatagIbe "Dite r015115 turnod ap trlapo? "a, ot agaiIltelhoi ot lig 10a wia.ttak aslonbt Im tebted 1tli'îi "'An i rea i'goue ast Il"'Ae uu alee UP 10 4 K . . ÎleBabl. A IIII s f W ai niesse Ca slpbebvils; pose ta ben 1115 ab eu ia d d arrie s I ' aw nDie.el Ar tulieis piea li c b ed t b y ug en b ,~2lirebtatheland tfreedola. for i0ney 91sp eab rait.llf'Pliut" ag luiO suxm Of four figure. ifAreo'eu? 'PO. c deys etbaiaxiasblie. ltSdowa If be bga ,an ad if aet for he e ThOt' rde t1ra 11 1t a "uez sîe'blî tr iai; îfl1tl evwersethl e npeceh.advteor 'LhulteW r l e d OOilie, aso n as a tier 1 titti ie ieaaugvne ttOi ttitis1 "2>1da'.asa 0 ii Ia i' latef IL o bv Ie tue t'1Beture"g5ror>g 11050 -P. ed pue. tu'tei dawp0alca busosbt llisabsigre tii leer. alym2u12tb.,peaIl 00fI 0 0 ,tUa trdggje?,u earefieWl>12 ol u Bhlce >4bga 10le Pleiii Ie dfil a e btt'eou witt t lad tli àh lan= r15 b lugil.'s eatherbeaptber etDu1e caof pre actaanleoidtt'" wavîîg îî lire aua, signaîloei ÂiO îi£0' I .0 .îî>11 ansrt,4 Aell. nulit' îdrdOebe. eofaabkiper picblng 011 as ixany ai Mrie'i taler sdOoî,w I l f0 10Wdo ,y linow t'Oui ileara otbiîg bahappa e er a bott1er~IeBiecd Ot"Ii e y ()r & F W 1 - 9 tw e n t a t e e d 1o f tv u d o r t b n a M il l n v fl g 8 te n d s o s m a t " e u b asiO s e at s a b ex i . h e m i e c dathil ~ s rd r W I D I K , IllM agiig e fo g gy tig b I, M y rlag-> oa ten e c o t pu t s e tt > o S aa io oU ib afils é fi e ui i O ll. faidgrif li p Is t o i ythe1 a tim adds sradageud e sIld ekhagMsudton, Davi Cleixet11e eae. SUMeelo h0 ave bnown ocf Iat artier bn itetso hbtsialg cheptre;l' a auglipoil bave outgrowva t1e eewiet , liaev id runîhag Ila a W& à Il.la1. 'hralevo. Mnaco.rre, sia li b. dtd; 41 asexi'od t is e a ir.Iat-b b.dooa aid EuS tbfiilg Ibat poetslo n t oia vassle c01e, w 't'lesu Ibe"Whtl teu 1bea rppile c l e e n 0 c o ro a g i a it buloi, aes t>l a t l e g ; ' s a i > w e 1 0 z e t ' b u t i f d e e p b l fn t e t s e r au d f s r v a i e L I" t w i l l c a m e , e f c o u r s e - . T n a t e d o i 115 w b n hDca s eiasi " o i. M as il 'tg vetilaep e p e n e c o iet ea u>1 C ra e r . t ' e y a re ro u a d p o n d s 0 f a il f ali t; a n 1 e ' s l I na s t bist Voilres as 51111 xtiaaba 0li ; t itaitO waer Dow, er aballow capslivila baPPY sie- V a t d a l C i î i i n ' h r~ .~ t C O . pélti s bit ef pi51t'. If if o ar ro gh e nît', " etiemm," lie aid.- aid h r 'e gv si ap o e ec 1201i bet'a satrend t'i w neWienreipth sa tet for bel110isuht bave bnenn 121ene w tRien ies18e' ~vie01it. ~ i lnrflld finill s crovdlaevegetatin.,Thet laiabered down 1 asofcurehamuthae Th.ors ehile, eoay ia e a a1 7011qiadi utO stoo. O.tlabItueleurcOOeese"iageOD latitBut, lodont pik 111eWbut F 4 1 1 4 T i ' 1 ~ l b I O R M N G i a i i s D h Bi et I l d ld , b a r r I n te l . l c b 'z f e g a d s e d o Il e w hlan d ao î4th ed b î t t g i r , bw o u t a g d i s s t ,ýi ft flo a o e w - r oyer ' a e t i n 1 e e a b s f O O S 1 i i . 1 a d w t t I "I ONT. D. i. uc, al 01Dlb.bw t be uer '15011 oCf ef) a th Ibebonr Thmlea Id 1one11 p ere Ibair fura utbao 1111111a I 1bad1eubande nds. 8=asdslit 'flxere w re5. Andlep- the u. rerbrangeibae.sBuferdoult fbois P 1e;plaer agodmanNlturoonlit' givraaglaaopcli tfer- teeace hace lngsfalliet thebattant ffq MiI. oi, OOeNT.i . wuder aow; 1 bnow. athno fL tO ewr at.argaraete 1-iglit and driankDus. coitentait, prbaps. ndver' I liebea, ce>,ado hi abe 1wrý ,ut,"h ui iha tsa ohoead Bibi iIsis'2.W P...' Jackcabout I, Hocalcuiold 011buta f at id lleie. li sa-. 0 8rIa 1bv 'îvaind zTlon, itchiteed 111e tillît'1Cana 11, Meet ai mndcache letie feia.est e uue bPn0;frl arried te a w0mi1n wo apa rw aueb 1118 ecte aid 111 ou donrai looo ut w-. d(1fe 0W O - Ai ansd it at' ysiprelae jôt' eflite. itued 41t ivr e adeliai covered wiîia geriment cf tak th e 1eprescriptien UncIE of the moi att"rvantIf ,soas" bia Euc3- Subruh Btw Adta e 1the osa e wl rst hpp t "Nouy $1 'a tiau aeel d. iW'oa ntc1h 0 gdanter wla ve ulie 't>ablt.she i e a11 snt 111eglhes u o lac11e score te f 11cr aa Ti., .i crorub -b aros lOu.a. lover"OraUn e8 tiII rWbexphoor81tenti 0sic>i b> cac 1 od 21 îdie 1eiaicao res iebî nt.t '1 peritIllatswastlWte o' ount l 11111. iat t t wlicl s til o be ; Abai hl woai uei. ttebtot fte lswt agt I yt sonda1 Scheel 22) P, Me IpO aelp.GI' ' keepsibasgoad-theionedatria borncer sente OlienHoie la d>11 Pr aehrle cosat.' As 7s.ld...eho01lock11n, tisseilnd Bt' i ele ssi 10 ahrei111eesîruegla.in iecpteeaetolteteDI Ucuhwyo o Bîlxr None 0 .W;1 1e lc oe" adV oeeite olîcu. i dlg saxtîn obl; lbuth11e fog en d e o 0fill11ui 0geen uMaonwii s eathe "40 511 20 Sobool'olet'aenctTdhe'ho"O - .2.011. n.I si2oath'5 oà atte a ne? Jhoa t ar eali aseftu tnlier ta en'5 eareriofIL 0diet50lg M'a. >aoeeiousatisna adî,0 ro C o' eYu nP O Mari At 8 p"t.th.eHavehIthbali, n. ni r.Wil eyalitbave 1 eotdponilerYe Cu aid lou0e r fgtteb mtg a roî ginttt a ou rianp the ogse 110l, fanie 1 a ni uscoulli ywlefcol $7 00 TI utçd . ga d es.onl 11e weat b. RigioCli la. Mites01 uhe. Juistang, gîte!5151 tecberer 0 lCs5lhi1OîO5' Whero 01> 1ee oy dfr h neprto i h 0-i e ~"" t>idjt' ai15 loepi 1110 151-1110 Vcobp121of801 no»id hofft 110 cYcuItled witb cilllasit gool>Oaxene - 0.-bn to foraO he ig baut Ifeblae d ee h pibo asat'.optu e eau t o you inka n b0tgan xC îa jtioelYbîatts ee laOu te f ttiat lit Roù,111 cot ss' 55 ersriiin the M0P51 11 on hu , or cerli!f V" e *'Owa. Ter. 110nth Coff t oi PP elfo heeuelrles>' it bon u ses, ol l sid bcb cthl e t e a. arno as eu" eu - I l , I a ie8' I eA I s o m e e v î f 1 1 1 l w b i n nd 1 ,-glBt a ot e u e um as t l b .p a l nerv e T e o a l e x 1 i f 1 1 0 5 1 0 1 e c a t h1 le a e . o t n e l a > ' N o bl e t 1 w f a. I e p c . h T. r ILO- u, DI, 1. ' ion.taNep offtwt liYu i--l-ntboresitathe RinrOglit" otlS dr oe.t'eu..11 fiba o'bnHatv sa hrei u'vllg f 1e yu le en tar a" foc WMb-he1rnehoe bis pcus uaidea. Wat1>ol0 iriioulyweldas 101yau. love aewiligo tegot rfr a, at I. o e ads brtee rteSabe beuO e o re trOa in tlierse.natieigermenhabca e Pivelb mn ug at jtr t e ry h i a, . î l. a-a e 1d11u ia od n h t era y n utb el -2Rai pu. iiiiîVi, .1e ufiiettju 1e 1 1.> on 101Hrienin"agtid Bt. ish"avtenair ~oug b t atepa'miepergaieTo weins ue- ' 1211 av is'$. 111410 abonle bc Hveyorcaie m' helI oScab. of eluatWgh>sevs eteeorden. Wbt arBleuBut'1> jeuhora hL br li caice0flbPetî110ro sIte wtseadefreiajcre. Hîle orutil.IIIand I as i... RO nM kANe'fOSe 1110 oe 11 obIi D i save hoie lngeeode." utIf;th Drlpe10 eiio te aiiia pat; Otct't Illr Lalab hler tulw Okd oinales@,D I n omthotlefou. bv eu n od c no S argu'fiel.' 5."10 a shore>enteraO gone ou te ispse f mus a Mr hit atb1, its gosoi io i oart le do "orbe tte lett htleOgli,1 fBoa ie . utAd tla'osi t2 ndIbtu i th dteuaow s r.edroTu. 1agr e tareptgrP IL tntYO abutttet cadaauI.sl,- donteIr as ob.eWih abi ba980 10- t . ii T a e l ' G i e 19 s ea pre ell bw d e il "attci."osetlt fioera gove arraift li le ge 10111e wu " 8 outa s h ond,lie ;oulia1end t scos.;T elown Ae them 81t - .b N PU Nhi».0 Ra. tvo> > oog liO h osbersotBtlo ogan1 esikdw e n1jtm hne gsîgel udby cig Duth le r GOIG CAO.aargît ad on'udeus, lteesere loaitos.Cahglîtn î0le6 Vanel nor is M re ats f 15 fr b i tuemt tbo fitt he.u t eel o ove d e ugg t e O î 1'> ~ .117 a 0 - a i l. 1 2 5 A an m o e t e' l ttt e ta a bia.vv a uion c e . d o 'sa1o id ,o nW i tan a i d e nt00 4 0 0 el e . îl e S lie c e I st e r. O rt p p l Ou l d em10plu ssirethe disPe ou er ile l inb i leoedsa lthteumeiu girlcaue Y 121e wtr fteBuLk a ue'goeqeyi onr isght sbat elle o 11net1la0 It maeu MasI Haen s t Lbte at' 1111ae exri aiIa evereunord I aut'. ____________ Seauelean , i. Ilrber elellatan0 o or er, e t e îinOte e isea oi. amdt or monde DOW. Do Yeu remember trier au Oin~~~rate Iotaalobinge s dowi.if 121mnir at' m nae on w t o bve gl.a d iu a white ba ndmar i coi41sio.3.3 -I, -0.P sîedu ' w ene'radt e dispo ellaI Is rlO ha t 3crteia 11Ou1fer1 -cid inot> weelbOr ube 0. 5 . .b eoit a ir otI omt>d 11 et 11e I iedea e u b 0 uflli. a l a dîer or u b ab u belle ad Iio. anod beipllme lt0 t'e go"Yeu go ubslS11>,0anttfrigtlo"tnid Varneln.ber4chec i.>cetope le. Tr --les iG ide setsa l ca11e1b out tld at eleoad rttrht î oîiinr 0 bute bacte IL a la cn 41 onuifand ytb.it t121nteutaasiabc1 Yeus beforetopctibeul, si t uî ls01e.ante u avtes no0DI te agircV e t 12> Vl> lag fÏwahv ba o s rle nbuia 140felv tel UN 001510 EAts C>T. bacs bo fiugt t e"juti ona e ao t t ea d nu m a aba I en. M boy , 1101 isgîl efee 8 on'txl Y e go ete l. v at a b c ' 111ut fl b. eisb le roaso nrgban d 1ofthe o if 1101 10lIe h e P tIftora ealvb rddae ressortîo. etherDpte patrois s Ifco re C.c D. IsA.auglied t saî ail5P.- 10et11viett1110r0110oLobngulYeugÏ'tgirlcte Inaveo onibol'iIIr0elin I t eYgethee O i l Butsrog I weodibtu lng c IBo d u nî .sidd doubjtîm whclher g P l neOe n hli eusecrelofldMin ra . rrgoni G R A N D R IJN K R A IL N A 'y d red ý JI el e told m e , a d w e' l ta b e tagh e "aoetsn a nltele1lo vsaYeuay oba ll M n Yeuu0 te i.l ba12.20 lela. n.1b il niglile1101 taet0 0 ne allant11Oe dia'tIîtrieut11.r1.nyot011Aber. Ilst'e __________mdebisMorly_10_mlle a t >e trl 1ucoape, sepleboeauenfe ac-bt fs eggoel te belYeu nadbire.lbinlee01ltcutrga 0 t il terier tber ffm ne cO th e ar lb. petit l b 1100 roas4.48n11 ab at no?"rlesuppoe. F14>hi1 ala a slntsfe 10e 1,1ug ealis. Lobetladhb. ohîte iluada in partnele ta bobl 100 a t al tacon th t-iptalon 0 s0beraug.and li eu b er Y u h r i 00 10 u d . oR S lW o,0Murriia t e l and1e le.mOrroo . - Toil b a tr yure obligtior nWIve pronidIIc -.aV2DAT e a w l ei e ab aIe lipc andl ur t an 51 . t g e as oif iel t ::beyc bgireltlhe ilit lbca d ixleo SOs l 041tm.1.0t'ît.7.17.a. sb itsbdwbn 10 01 i ba ba10 ri a bave in lýau r >" enolli> own fot'eu bltal art. "'<Ouu Thn1 ragefulYuie bat "bavcbon aveberelte' etiY Cbutl IbeoucdYeu ld e tela' th@8.2I-a0u aa fie e ir s b n re lm n l' in h r, a h n l id h a i Ib eLI , Ifof o rhIs e a olo va o e u ' t h e t t hM . e ata g l lot my dagliilrt1ailp Helot.t0f cee h 1. 1 IL tIg BA., Wrsthgs mina>g11. ;t'oyltdge of"'<a0.I aIlieltntenwr adprsntyTh s tig utBt cteppod ubai 11101 'harooug agitiill.a eor voles:-." 1a die h lit O 11.1iD lIA LNVAY do The >î.îîî tobilow8 Rien r.whigvie.tanasdoisferd10Y08 3_ - -t bve 00s or 104e obueleleuf m i erfc u o yh a , aat lapriesb1! M cadmd tella 0li aeuod 11tndl le sen i .\W ilit t> aîe'aullei' The Fasbis mxoliaiet' ta cae aiohug y ou r « Lprlea"'o e io ov m n twe e t e skn n Ls earZdY.W $r3.00 petbae lrolla.hiO 51 od e100 O train 5c. bt010. H. dtm 1a eto b overdi fi e lbes01Mo idwb-o t "Tbeu m MiguO bat> ieffvrod o-dat' f0r1tenetaireeWbor lb. bicsba 1ai'Xiouli sotd eEIOsIb .....y e ,.s1 .ue #'P erletlt lat'tellea a thaat 1tlo ve y .'< o u a b a v a p "D you i p p a se sou aL 5 À5lin"1ok e te i LI- I "t".ta11051a oti g of lis ou reab. er. lainlîve on Ko LET M CAL AND HOWaltesa <ui O 11eleî e.;adGl W sc arb ero ugha oli asth -ai i 10 1 le m tt - n e 11 4 e dll c l ' l oeEa di icttser n ro e t l V ' 1 e oa e I 4 e 0 s urei 'T11 aie1rw0>wrIa liautrad .id 11e Csadu 'MY. 10Iber la e" oat.aad Ibitbc uruf ..eUleoc¶ia0r imsOfrdt r e t un e u.tliqerstional n as ' 101 péjI 0 The0Crpet ii 1 0 My 'isi 11,1 site th e ud.>111101 - . 2 11". t .e p O D C . i ) n8 . . b g a l L ao;H o b ad-r' y o e m t i _________,__tmine,_but__las.eatbert>,of Ir ma(tyedobut lie aloi ccoted), the crie Ctldt DWHow oup f*W' aa-rO U fla "sitciî b eoit ne , d ndbor 0 tal e br lu obis point.xe r dif 0b .streig k .S IomsliO eaid, "but-" andoula"outieidi1141> 24 - ~ , 1118 f fafa m if 1 if.t fou be savon'i "11 is rI b al g ti tlove bu. Hor acO "Wli tbolu ub'U 1 detorbeaed tep.O "e, ad db- î»es,tb o itîb I " 0SiAL.' ii <at et. î LET M EstlI1O D551~ ~ as.m t a 4 3 o yoiew-W elt. m atni egpai n, att-c . ýBnabild1210 àtels tlabierinoadbise es sial'& j t-e ,es.541-s L,..le...tb1t1 '.~î.>' Tbee,,e 50 b>o Ibt mltea-1 ctîeo~1 nastom >AliÀi .GOM LANDlA J er' Private Funds 3Ot eil ure,>puyebi1 î.ely or boit. Baeioter Millen. 1uibe rh 1th." % carnagtcj, ter l1O uxî s tu ~ning te 1121w cabir- ger ui n the yen. galber wat aboutl teVilalage- pookliu la i~n a boat, beeo feand an wel -d t te vents laàgens. I ebut teleg- 'ayen, Bel' udijr, eIolbOd mnlte whicb the podrole. aewrapped te'was - bot joobed voit' ith a4aneb. ,Igad teOe te wîîh t'eu? borryte h0 ave et' tlie me uub.d ElBu 0f couruet mieîî ausuer. el' tbis lb4ng nOOoauent?" ?'Aid 51b0r0 orugi. b. ow. "and >51 ýeéd la Vague» înbest Io Ibit opinwefln heb 11411 aul nai the probatltl >001 and strucls neltlinion 111e jve tales the 't lb.the101er; rosuse b. 5101 n wtquarro W;ilio5ed ereel RI meafilnî 0, drlp.' ,yu ast nlgbt. Ocon',urred01 0 hitud bve ea cuhd 11 bave carrled i red. aid 110 F o te. DIsap, mhat li f0 aid Tfe mas Must yoialne. h t olrScarlorOacbh ai ice OsL'b' Ici' ix y -4 I le