4111 mth pP. tl il ü",,Oo, , 1NTEÀL TiIU4KsLONG SAULT oc fige, M41s tei omae~ f *ottgni,è;d o 'FIGIH XPNi VE r Ivmeth Mair, OflI %Wesaip, 0< Dta lnv, WI$8elle end n-etaFeta0e, halen mai tmoj til, K *Prinim P tem elaatm.ie a1tle4meOUther.0l~ Fantharnton a Idor lGabutt, Joseph later 19, 'bassin teoriel ldicttonsm0la àm 00ma s - 4daoie Motivet ciamPli et Ileney Anudrews. Bir bis ai rardinbr p-4 arabî rat ur Ia lmbrae Btod l r Ie '-HarryBesenflel. Fredirl'h "Witlt11 six menthie fbé emary 1tP 1, - ntet. KA Saflebr fBodýo rd it.0. 'eu 1 itb M acr nwibm . harl' W ____oý__ id Shlpplig PFedralo-Dili Averae a " edaîîy07,tee magtfimte ncelaifin pitmei-. Ente Manternon TrinTasc era, lat e n ie h ai rffiMot à#tu 49110cr pehim, rebr. te im e ar _a t me,ùytoosctM reageatedi fr Expemmea 'ai tWab E l *usYuxle-sithe-rm dýbI Oea. J _J.Wele_ fsn an ie are $flas; t iaro Imto y . elm AleaRae The Joue Upplueotas. attifroal'im ametflm p ai~t th list Tousad"-ppeltlea te tir Parker Betiar Mey Bllot Ymer the tiret laamttat primn e,,fe 104r$aFettWho nima - ius i a b Lammlag Si. Lawrence Io on the Oawli. Dr. Luther, taliSc ummit, hlm, mauvtri 8fSr Wtlliam tmmW'é bamm' promeua abjrmt. lp100md 180 t taa fi fe Os Wge-Omebec le Seea TramnP- Burton Egbert levanson ami a damma te vas 'raptien fm ep ialaml-, mati lo«a. lm roine-evntn ea L thar wet -knewv Mtmam reamkeeg lng the fine et job aes ater, 111e AriTîdîste 1er. 1. Akmirm. i11rmh oui Provmse-s goecmfm teuron the oetrthutmre tac the JueeLippin. tfnderIm.l rostiem1a iîme cb tiab Commiesio.,m b rtI 0 ~ae Prmîes e b Pomp Iynectteo. The complete enolain l e !prIzerans hLtas ci reofprIme, Ums- mn ai,àyeta81.00be Brol t -10 F'vter," an adorahb le ef theathHltet rIm, e loa e ms,_!iim mae !e iiI 2li- iirviv Coreponent uthland. motidrtel In lis Word. oral liroteyau mthe raillo îin 1mat pear, erders a bava eaeh@ rreo mmr aira tmro.emadmtt. o ee-' gl In tye. This primo for Emelih. omiemei rsltOOd Coumtry imatmDla5 te aia foatrrai. jtta o th.-Petriottan Cthefi 1f"- ytaatir amptlg'înoooo la101-ymd mcytîk.TheElennrMaa ItlY. mmm eshort- Thwltet, tamehinlelp"tIntt, uirng hOVsiatIle BOeï WpnuCiaok eitgquestons,. Let otartes. howvvr, hava beaattrectlmg fimieMr. Asquitb mmm lit #ChitIelar i ugltiln a avelia iO;to qFitii',f the ILott iat )-agrn eI imttttn Ths boy themehi et sons .lu for naea P, meintleamn ormilpai distritiOa' ipan Cîpay.oéttn owat lriraicar kmhan ntmmoabing plat, ih Celtprimo ho anmattrefrot the Im taeparloi t fGleemeP, CicBâo bp 09 lIma t .t. Lavrelic livrt' atthe- 010e-me prielag happanînce mnl a meteat oban ho hoard Chmt Young 1telmlt lma ot aib g Siant iix 1i,,. eCr o'nwaoll, dominant lova intarest Thoarnare Asqmithb tramle comin 1am jpmrlmb tleakaaot me nothar pai lie upfr a herî-,g le-irî'the mCou-eaittnly shortt corlea. on a wida valrety "Stijlla IeetfIhi rlilÙatcy va' wharaibm ,vîar lvod a ime-amd'a'bm1t Ritm tver.n ailHarboai.teoetthr oi thenlea. Dr. Luther Halery Cahot., itI .rmet t va ,t rmrotchUmuma boucshe rainajornor tram amember Part iPtihin,,i'Coigtrews.a.. Wrmlry dirrrtcct- tu tba Rlttterll sage Fann- mîtIl ibm talueaprimo !O1'IttteT eofngri et0hmisparlob. il,- f tMorri.1aleg. Otii,nwent dattionci- ltît on "'I'ho ltiratmant land. h tram et amy te Imagine, in itj lms Cbat la mebreamolbas beIaua .,.înoI,,e, entsmac ctdmrt£omd of HealhtetExarcrim.' fNewThought epte et paang Asqelti'm.brilllancm laproedmcod forera trt timm ait mme Il ldj -pnril ,tur theXamîlpcint andi C'atncnon ne." la the ' tett tthea chobiraete, tbha hepvby bWo cratat Ptanc.. Tbe e Prneemm hem k t~t le 'aoainn looing feg t, r at a Meearoma e i -n.'irote. tîveit m ilghbrY a walmmteti freot bea aeccomefmllapplat te the mmm, n -'Ifelits It nom L1- tMson inqirco"Wat I a Chars tea dCty, vsl Ra d, eeIn.lmti ola"mnsfrUieD Mira tbt M. Alîîe'iti- trip, Grain.t" ami thon anewmteghis mm erder ta sa tha.usttreestrblch marecomfmcmye et lonap.gBlacha fremme la tiamthlng it,' iftetr-. tle,îanaal <quetion, andl Elhiil.(),Jonco ive una 0texapanstivem in Coe atiyo, wmemitis e he amî-makoae etîacart ae- lie 1 t isasking ,reî lureroeon t niral eth caltiLol't eHave day oa t ta is ai t ofthe Brtish taie uu-mmbarmInt omai hmvoe a fMnfed o 'It meri, aint ime aulcoatheigla.tommeimam pâtirtic iaattvr oneritlittinatmot-l if g "fi yi.c "Andi Mr. Aqatth hîmoît base$COUii- a val meitietofcutti deaon « ,eda eail a îîîî.î'tleofitlita Lant,'tep MecîgoMor.tl. iutefemei thatincmatmn ambitiomnavet- Ortractoainemauemdevinaiti hpmarln la- ý:'rmia tram la id autmlicl i tr eaeonom jaole, jingîoieîl asc-. itradts Le ID; forer hoateeta a venter. h Conslite Ib e mmeet1matine "Lt I itralmnatl .O ic-d olars.- dcii.'the tnatm l W - -cti îmr te ehl pi sJeaClteel Ire. mhlcieh teepetiabout the' mat ifittacactî,iaai îlllrict.oti th'nmel.,ponter Clm--that assocatinetoftîti ire anmd sammatibhck and forfth bp mnl 0- !M.alai-g.'e aoaait for i, boys ef the Cip ty o deaon kmol atmira mter. The test caoratât! là id u aî-îI 31pAti inal for ,dc't mr lor thjtaeiie audr-em Ihthepccanofe thtreegh tha entio. A Crie20Iahes le o a acoui. tota of lianaI ordet Irai-e- h e, tIal ~ bainsmadle Hoe acreay, that la titametar cee hm tallait la ix mia- ge iorsi nenn i afi coltahsI nai it ccaa.lmnalîp en iesmu>' tromtohal a 1li -for'.-Citcm..Il I, alt provincial t bcrîectheoaretictrl, ha mealt loeoknit. e'Ms of t me-Uts 'd - t press-oaieîoftheoIn oameamr, tremoirt-elrhool mt -i,. trcb aoemmty et Che o eeaiof Thae reata irs Cybell ai Hell, 0 Tia lt lr. Attimoaihait Miaelaarrt- ihe ta ctltlerd et At. Parliaeot te bamoalisa mte frina, EgR am..n amy merpem it, hoe.ther lrtake he joil,-I,,o, i..>' ce i eaamhn.Brai,-rt,-Idg, Chathamni. tt,n.tlde htmbimg oet epart ho himmellitbihaatrremadime country-tba in- tt.anlty and liait îîl ciiotoan>' hlp«Nepanread oeil e lpay Chars lauififtue'- trueamiet Cetten al, aIt riol. igestio,,a ,,--a am-a-m t p-cr Foth,, inatitiint, Cral, ti r-m-t camot gaypfilet peemeÀAsuithtTbe Hall argoas em Ie mauelsmmd 1Ia dev,,tu, 'i in, th., Atico,= hain,. Kingstan, irilli,. Itcrnfrread mm pepuar. Ha va.s etsnet mi emng fibm istep ara a cemplle e r tel . ia utri-eiîm1 iance'North Blay'. ,atiii-ta-. r-aléady mortlgaine. le ddntDit Cintm. li charl met oetitmpat, hostisaliezh M3r. Allie,,, i. iitii,-î,to i n eatm, rire taiiot, ial om omeilte sanamiaeent anti ecqaîret percussmnnte rments; the loira- I mterr. mi h-i'ii,. it tIllt î .1c,în M-,-iiti-nt,,'jth.,,îralaie Ihe- ropuailet 0fbaume mhat va termi ment la a rcbeatrm IDla it. Tari Lo.It. . îi. ,taId net 'lirationamfi, eiiadmion ri ot ,caih 'temd-ettimh.' Net hecaueo haonm 1-hp. mCorroara mmn! ferCilsalbal il velI,1,ig a ici'the Long the cîutvi-'tilt.r i.y AIigiet lftttinterIit> aaoeclahle, hat atmpîy be- leva. Thea iamlomtigpIe votmbm hall ta eil ,,-ilg. Ifi u at i a ' oniatfort ii-il l'y hîte. N-IcaueaIl ves mort.,ati vork atome. muaBelesanmd the largam haIt a tati. tiiiicrM..AllIim ,iin.nl uit hlaii t ta Midi- ivbcbappoalad ta bits. Beptat.plap A teema patemt hem boomumemoati i w t'ahIas. miu. iutaî.i g-if ai'oea-mas. snet part et bt& programme, mmd fer the manuatetra inmthe Soae fait n ý ahdnga t c ci'rtiîOcati'. atpareatî>'hobefaitite force biai.beauof apIlredacitatle the1.place et v.. tatttact. Letacihti.iii i tai iî,r attrait toit te he aothar boys.,rMillir, Tha procaam consisean taire .t-e îiUlv ieattl i icar uit hic.iiiIr e, eacllmg Varp Tenmctoam redmtloe et thea ei otthe Soya bien nIeLmg attîe, , ,iii.A i.cilt in ofttitis ag-eu'« Ilcee pitlithmrevw--a amaitI, t eick, tegh liqumî thrgmeh ibm mn>', n tam tt r li-t.li-an tt îîl i I -iill tndt C,- ith t ii'rerasqaare-hemdati lad, mîitm proe.adtionilofet etric ei. Allfr tra n oucil that tIc teaiiv's ea ri0ti' e nne NcotiNrth-country accetanmd freaimant mtIhtelkadstiosheaIb ati ather thont, ryat-yittUcamanere, bat wmInesmixtIe.la boatoti te 150 degraea, Setc Moatotal. CORONATION PORTRAITS. strecht.rallie dill aiiJet saimelfg, IDE a temggh. bby amnie preihoti 1'ttvml-nc. -mme i-rp maie ce cee p 'n.Phoraoiamlar t le rhar b oaeau eval g té ie - wo oe uc mecli-Iupenm mtlie mae conîlzd bytheearne preaan a rab- tob~-oirifS ttKig George Y. and Qmîca Mery'. ver>' decldmd, amnd Chot mme tha cet-amibar. pane atm amitiie'f hma liIlme ailcarangi. apeiieitp et pracîîcalîp ocorylmlef The lmeuet a maddtng toast tua1 itiethea il tt r eiaý enc l'y mliich i.î,a roe ari ow(-î,àiwlanche Nothet 1Euglanti ta maphine miaitaIlingarlam vllage le reportitl i-mntryit and 1 ,îot bhrittiiî alýroatkîiaipiimtaitsaomiInthdcaSouth, And asufile malerIt>'Oetftram Vienne. The wmadig rajotangm lictreparedîca of Put-- rît-i.- MajoeîiieIt ing ti'e ihathepoysef the seheol more trointhebm tartationea aMomitya>' temnanad 11h t, il Dowml, tg, at ti'-ýel ui.-Mary. Tlii'Tas-.- l'y te, Sout h. thîn tapie catarati>' ladt teveia setedt!tlThmroay alebi. Thare tt.1cii'lhy oti'y tîîIî-- uilai ".nilli- eailtargueentas.met Youmg A&- re 140e gee. atidtepcomsmail ,lDltitm ' 'îtrt. 'i, - ..,îof ,eand qaîlb h eaitremarablm teaactîp luaumnomeroaoeltad mhe, atght cates.iaht te, fi e cc,4X) P c ,- -,,>yri», T«a.iiy 11,raid tard mîctcîef le bisea nd at1Ihaaveice tombe,.60saesa25ltet-kepa, 1,200c i inrtry 'figursciiaîm ,w %% -t.ytar ofMonrt-ieat lian oeraial i Itna.a m .(»'ýf thia acte>' ctmii-- il,,i- 'anadlien, tîglatsaind larcri-,- î helr hamîbasasit-Iacm boy, chimbeas, 608pigeons, ,400 bai-an.400 t Leau way boc1<f1rl imicIn aaîtcingth-potacîit fihi, cati- o ln ecame a mamber oetIhe debattng tims ef bacaitu. 2 bhai!etimgh i m1 maa na o tîîii. altî-t11g aretii-r Wh i-o uiil oîet>' as nsaadvaeonib îerat, ho t-ie@, 1320 galoasetaia.. mm &d 1001 tchan ,it L.aayen', L ta îîî eint mcrliy fte baolanicf mmmsai-on thon atremet>' appoeota b arrage ot beor. Filsm baduplapad1 miundintnami-,iiof lti t cm ity Cet'.,ta. W itliniteiiî omeas Sfftre.dort g thaetertalameat.1 su ther icliiîi.lie Championi, mli, ii- aiilly Heralîl AlropiceofethUe dolntetfthtnede Mme. Retier, Itaet f atammdow ý,th dntig C, r. va N'elcy ta-fo, ir sin pl h atlag oceîp, 1 mîget mnion Chata !tha dmateiga t i.- - cîî Wcty Hientsi.andcie '<D-"'[oAbimt, the lheatimonte, kmi-a-e.mt Bore, n olad slatmleba Is fnettîtt-lto ,ti'tlii- i a i>' i cttro rei v ImItei that, as grouildant et thee oclety' peemUilar mpartance. tha gond lady. ntrl tirne llaci] c 9t. T-rirai-o ottirataeion haetten atteaded Usa debates- but Mmnrloast impamala0 oi5,tlt ht ldii,,pîti,c-o lrtiata-iOî tOc l aîemr retml !e»tlarge liera-bis fMrett floalertdm-1 ile Inci.tno iai a i tsîa.hra a md mn tlt»d tt hlm mmmi-a reliant ittiaad go mt i'i,.ri-eii-mtalis-vt'r ipro, agu, va. mittang doalag labar gai-dom LI teiaahotamnIutithe Iatc>' a i- t y . iirig <>',,, ý- come. il van lins ontat»te fta abn a aet-toetboat-stmnnddbot el. t n tns oli- jd t, b th h t 'njnta- tbebof amrclouairetiaheetanti admtti edn tUse bai. Wmblmg tii Çinvethis ttal nIliniiic îîcrnti lu- le etLIuilclae 'terro.m correcctChose whiteopreeli- mmad t-all thet Imdanger oethelitua10 b alctes toiti i,cl Mjein einmtmic acl 1iil'itii m ver Use debatee. Pet vhan 1Mr e. ouvwttgreat prononce ot t»lait the itere ., Ilitoetetaîeso'-hna-rl timn ii uiî'ya-alrAsquth aaîared theooclet>' hi bocame ent ear 10 mn empt i>' b m md boo rhati' le 14I ~~~~~~~~~t~~nt,-y ~~i. iiicea I meîaaiiMn> nîeoel.c tt li-rbai loto I, veepalmhm a ri tec ltYa ital h e i i xii o ty etsieliiartotmteremtailIntelouc fthboep heeg mln't hietevaglnile va i-e t-Ii-m1 lI. ,,,--i.e lt fuiana ltii-ePrima MinIter thalihe talit Lookbossesono. Mme. IRodher-es mdol-ao a iaicra i î,-r .iiic'y'Int tîit ecîî itîfflalite cencontrate itmmd mn eaiaahoa tiltle'taitm le leon tlie,.iaîtiî,îtiitrmlt. Te ltter aorte enercîse. and. ttnally, mhaa.i-er c, Thea pt'ifostonai loi,,lofin'ai- -,,hi Iil, blieimought fri-hlIcptii-i-. Yong meAaquith bld the fIoor, Dr. Ab. URGLARS' MESSAGES i W ba~t jane 1attmn.r-ti,,sm itI hem van ohiiged t emsae biaisemt te ' Inceil ui tubmlng attention. es a aritlit Apptchy Sctînei Report,. "Tha Cui>' cîmelDowmsaeditng Scela Vai-tird iott-aes Nvei-1 -[runit>' i'lrl ai Ihiaigi tirai'da1't-. F a pen the Thomaa Emhenbmeat. Jongle1 1 aBom ore t»Waiamll fatatlIna I lti 5 ataetsCrteln On. tracn liite .tti,f ti-c cay.n,, iabu,-i luiirgh.hilding la Mill Street hut itla la evpd attytiraitret-,MCait the aintaeoft Ingu ýt it ut oet Itla a e ait et geeerattp bneva! DP mied Mua iaitamî'. Teîit »tla, IEgi irmuui. iiechotnte entitforth mnep ppths.ttn rtmhnt cil"fomaî phichrt hie- îe Hiii1ia1i E-Ilatilrt,(»,lMcii. iled tean n almlar coete M r.ema cyphere of Choir oma iventona al Ir .igfoieh ac Ptui t iauhi-l îîi uAil quîeihSoaetfansotticlotara Maa et-dat- te commamîcato itîh IthIi ~bth i-vilm M.fi îe thuîî,eiîî. , A ltac, R.1t,,*L,, haeats Qio <hoîtci-ee 1"ait ied Pan,,11I-Novia Alta,, Hli-- i e t,. Cmateivalii-oa. hut t dont Caro tva oaftamt ete a natihr et a ln.itel'a-eta Hcm,>' vlu'til, L pt 1-higi 1 Ji. ,î, mn trait alatieetfpltilcg me sti-basem" ara Peai-n ro d, t nait of miitm iii ~~~i.'emi. lect; itadierationt et aur OI ett enot- nem IOoîetad nimte tiOliti. Ia,,tV .1,-. 0,-lIha Mî't'Iiatagi,. etiamTertemmd LîhernIn are eaima..' Chathe i--bt-mn tiphed-sýaim oae. Ij C hrq'i'uc.M,'ii hielui.tî,i- This smitIayeceptione. trbhal i-tO i'imii',ii atddCIl lbe epertsla. mm oanti on W paîerIeî-. A MARVELLOUS FIGURE mburglar ammeti Mncdetim'd. vIe i Il Fornigi imi1%', i. .llaic pila menceorne fmima e111hak eamibe Cdi W'uuei .uiî, Iood, H,îaîîAtkl,m mlaieivappmrlaa intclîîu i.L0tiit>Mc NVi.-.W.Blaiiard. Ifdith jtimmnm,. WerhmanHm e ctiGrmmt. inde foi-Ib atheatpto nmrtder etftie- Blailsririaaiii-av-lmipecmi- Heoper mmd itber %V.tiJ.-uui-htdîue*lmtutFima s tifWond i1h. Warld ottîcera hpahoteiiClet»Wtth s j tLiiicti.u e a aO etfthe onmee tivatioms mon.k. ravvei-ai- eli abb aitn In tîat.,-il -, . ... t -wleld a t ugonSan, a iei -i' b". 'iiii îac WilttmggoteTnt.e nChanc, men lth t eti l0 a Heamema Mua- la Ceatetip. IIIIofToeotptin, e hem rai-yorrd The Foegolg ffice. the Secrt foi- tI'ilt'I-iî* - Tere wm.rccenttp iai,' i e, an a tigurome I odm 1.batî biiIa eiîeHm fr mel <aIintrCV DO "huC cii iAIata,,àco a euh-t 11..1-Ir! itrreauita v@0te m ee lcoi e b> atteie andmte Hera rlaithli- Iexete rded iiiciii honi-l. ete,ufin,.- hiîîg tvaca necm mi»mitie. It e t tareae!ament lm aidehtm h , £botaîteetredChoa i lsIe jiuhsea-acia;iie . a lmvt,îaahdmdlI huch -ici-anmdbahresmand îtoe a ie ha sonnonse ryptagiat» Îuet ileyndoi paiici e ie rtofr nîtmlchtiamme ati met a mare eiealîeamjumht leo îanat bat hil.e iutauîiii y t, i ts 'me-r ai tIe har"'*catteit ,fontthea oefi-ai-l eOlmseulncmleart ftleh gs nmd lni-m. y ý' t f.. uryeeteaostîgare bas nd penee ot lia conmtruction mont bei-et-e la-g te0a91 'iue.uucii, - i."tpl mm a lalnia> b mnt r matd a uae, M mâgretborate, for meme Of those Chat bei-e t-ieotIecc ciitî'îî', 1i lui- ime>' ,t' hemmm amcdth ni lll erodmatie.vMeahî em tas aitb. be oon dere rai 0fcmcradt)gtp In- a li. îey nd a a, liil,- box.iverea.q ae. <-tluak Ir'a n faîeterpa bencoi iery star, van sud tricote constractiloe, oaaeCoo mI liort y1nd11-I'ileth i.-uiutecu l-huîs- - -i-i-tati>',analwrtnhte te ha eon hmahg@ i' oab m mobody.I trm ' t% 1mai, It ta lu-litiiThei iigu-eiaCao iii luaeiuite0t Opa. Th tîgaro ta conVosaed ort2.080 <o a fîva yiuî.îraîl f i, i1.tt îlpi," le teaIt>' replidet etiieemtaimaij piacestronble, ermevei' for It le thd oitar anaoii înmlmîldo f lu i it emitt>'la trainl'. tacto fodvtallOuudI ototi v Ut aIme ta ilIn hdtng-plmmeof il îeoo a.nae imit, u hirciîmg air hik '-"ni -ul --fron o ma I onde-tel ablUibpCht D elqeWrh0 lgnJwle cue oiclt il.,,, ftil d rbey.mîl-t'e mi i,, cane hdetecteti._______ n'ihIai-tota.»'i'-t,raesricgi, c,iaij a dh> I Icrn.- Tmp boills mare dtIi-îta<Ifor Cihs ra- pli hitabtenyar ic rcm'aîîl nosîî " t Strtt. ltton et haire, andthibm ondes fit A FIGUE o RIFAI nmglo.,frae or ahrilit tî ýure almiglasa yeapraantysplasheala Net-e lm a lttli fre&k lan fgni > t i ' tîeh u îd lta ver CUAT K. 0F K, trhlch me titolmlaritytg t hMmklelawbe ii mara em m h o aI tpi aitt>'hapîm naitu ta oilîc Prieeht arametiClintbaar bodotecteti. leanlWit l pomi-ft ound lpyo ____1_hae_____ofKitcener The Jepanama rt t m patibeimeen t PtrAîD ourftm iartnet aIlt ai- pited CathIbre lo imi mirrora whit te 49 l;g imfig. brailer, b umo f>'n en FALLINB HAlO Ilutli>eaofr bts Cotamay'naIthetare, anti foanema frliot» DmillItnim. FORFALIN HIRCîtofic ee temia atrcnt»Iood- ptotoa hog 'ta -mmm DohmdeIL Aniubete i al ien. andiliscrtlclam taearit ta le te ficbm fOttmun ect ataor,mWho hatpprml >ia e itheriag, Paranail>', bai moe eOttonen mtîtrip eai àloanfote idmmmhefetlngser. ta N Rts Whm Yo (J. TIî5 ares nellica for mhaî la laid oftrl. vihWallitUe artiat. u The fleui-m .1inli> remi ty7 ia r Remedy. 1Ikbeîm a mn on the staf f e apu-stend$mih e uitile It.La en bntjtuau bor t et rU ,s tbmia' ce" tinât, if pî-Iarnpar wmîlhc eittclaed hlm ratIer o.ntci an liuntemat frc b aisaloAd mbe ec rgesi a~~pebel>'net lonig a8i0Wbo celird upZm ior s lit.oorestapatm. omrs. ta m.l ý't, ami >'oen bai- oit lot fitgîto tndabdoa btdr Iger, ts-the lsa« e inca ' t',at- bhdfiua .thin fuI yaeceeraati Ue dnn.Ifi SI- taid K. et K.,tflzng im vlt nie£reun lok of inle a 1-X yaa donc ael mcyS'g ealirep"W'a chamsyaigamre, pomri-atitbashmamîi --- 1 iii h. t ýiimbrof ettinUt 'ae w>' îeaistn<c ltriti ine Tha a tou, My Oprionmon la__t1i.,enm. r0P ea~aanaha ni*att bject Cabinet. thecefore. Iiteoet abar- Dit'hl j omul55#t mil le â ýi M tt i niOtihe>. et ereu>' emtoitf ,1cm>aiatli,, Ï:elamt rm1befematteiving giroflieersei-Iboi. J ti exs, Aiclamai- o ifuatin oBaste h rnîti collaci hide 'lsta pie mati- BaliI cLe ai-rlirlaId feintfi mt!ejGIàInCanif it Inaabetflr.my pIteeti 10 Uta. tiÔr<jIJil~ - Vbk mnpubnlllpeosfmtnmeet PAINTER'S SECRET in Paîniti TSI-t>' Veurm Anc SOI As atieaAu New Thce living Worthbf ouceei merk te alvapa recognionti, et-etinlamait itncis, Sige-pmtntere do not ueaeiy arbit-ce vrehtb or ftea. pt f0ls natid lIaI a fortune fiaeits îhe mon Who paîniata tioon g Iai-opt-m Ferry, an the naltimeoreanmd ChIe flIalîntiehrttp nttor tle cfflplaîtlC of tefe lIasatelpoint. Tbe Western sectipt RmEgla.ero bas the aguoni exhihbiionai choir ronmm. The engleera are trplng tu, amier talin Who mle t he pelitanti appiltid ht le the niant, mblh mmm oplacet!inI position Atitheba erereFerry station about ihîirypesare ee.The neimmarst béat Ced minter'a Marrms bave la ac trCP dîmmedtheibmtre if thebaPli emedti l mainIbmhe rda 'liarprm Ferry.' Thi>'stindties aboltl i>'m ta do>' Ibm>' mermforinetib>' tbm aritls brasb. The omodti ronati tha Jettera bas borau moreebout ne-nlxtsemth 0f eti Inch b>' mati beaton m alei tIl Sm tierce mmeda. bolusthelters have mîthtntIhe elflmonte. Itlat asertodti tn eitamna teeteretil wamadapa I emit litadura, blili>' tu chat mhteb mmm appi o t1h. etti aigu, mmd If Ibm permon who mImaI te lutiving and ti c aoeadi-metaga ai Ihe nacrai ba posuassesse mcet»s oi posteii Ifitanlieaeati, hp engagles ta the palet-mennfmctMlg hbusinass @Don ramninlte voat. Ai Blmgtep lialpi. Birmingham, the rmcord pt-iee et fftloaabuntiratigai nous met i-eaemtly raidfor a tshort Inra hui mallpImtyto momiba miL In Every Home tiare chltnd ho at teamt one Ont0 baon l'erioical, and Forent aui Streami is the bast. Il la îe lde tl ail Imst t.nomn ipar la hIE fit-Id undt Standard Authiarily an ait mattera perlainhng ta ontiloor lite lte articles on Hunting, Fiehlng, Camiping, Cuemootan, Yachting, Crahaing, Travet, Spor, Advcntmre, ire 1>' mon vho t.nom Pu'mtsi "Wmekiy-52 tlimes a yoax, itlu.tral l itInlinc et.rî eni ho ood, field andl on thc mater. Forest and Stream talla pon the Hdam, tise WHICnP the Wlicii, mmd abat toe epeat vison you gott<haro. tes Butreau af Intoraioiciteorth osucrpthon prico ahome r for partirUa reand al meacopy. FOREST AUD STREAM PUB, 00. 27 Frankin ta Bt Nam aa rvjgty~ -8 r ti feUffuàl sr i - e iborama.i louiIaO.iE W W ~ l 'tti aa ga, miUs joaelteilheai- * the liard tWhaat fPour gtoarated tfm dirappingdil'thae thor le an îidaafa t ntua, bo-me om a goid- - Tonjuat î.tj-if hl ldoeo'gma ia rtulgÎbt ti mm hi-r nlI, mmd en il 1s Prchet goe ay ot oo'hakTa' b sr hi laont long. teo.nlnace a Plccadtttp,1 nL er,,1Mlh Compaay, L, wLondoa, tii-m comp lateti an ei-for U .mI sîva at :cî t he i-ame :1 $06, - Oii1IDçnaI..<1mi 000, timalemtne& thm promomitif a m»il.______________________ 4itobaire te mn E£"fera ptantale,'Tue ali-ar tacluedt a tahle maiglIlg 6000 ' For $010 AV t. SIEI, e ouncon, a ira>' alght,talt ndiamati-. endi a service, a'ahI n otîtigolti, fora -- --- - thboenti pgalunm-a ibeend amil-e tiatirpalo, a ibomumeti smalleiOi,.. pa ieeoa ti uav o mo'etamand Baby udirages and 004 14 la Ensilait noe bnesha. thero are -f- Il 'u' ýimanp senviceos olidcottiami stiver ml imat, if net qnIie. eïasvlele as samater Clai-ba rantati urcbae. __________ Andtie mchina lm om aimant tahelom i-a.». Thm Duea e Argyll beasi-e- Doit dotîy to lîttle oncesail th 0fued $20.000 for ble white anti amit Ceenîtiton ahina; Lord lillingdinmo and sunshîna that is golng. 1: snpoi-b hanti-paiotitedWrcester dîn- er-sarvlce for tmemiy-doar persoee le a siiitable carruage or go-cait i -amuai et0000; anti Lord Dudley Ian a3 Cealperi gaine-ervIce morth $6,700, cartjve to take them out. c wblle Lord Rothmchttdns Drettien anti Soi-rm mare la almeet prîceleia. PRICES IIERE ARE 10W. dPRESIDENT TAFT'S DESK - R. BURLING & ta a Tntemn otf Geetitaltwmeen Grent mrltmn and thlUite Stastmmes Toeeehne No, 63. Funeral fil Thead tiaBonmati theWhite Homme bp Usa Pramtdet oetnitited Statea te leterinm le Ilsoîf, sporitfrot ia .O -e.t.n,..-"... -,n-n. connoctlan wthîe rater of e nation, fAheT-na 91er fila e oIne e a ootihisit lag bolmeam tGreat Britai n md the Uitei Sintes Atthoegh hicoapplaf i0 an prament a phare l In t îfcialFO rmtinca of the cbooen gai-art-,h ta met af Amerbcan manefacture. It masas tmitnetilu Ittgiani. atid ea taIll maso a preai rem Qmaen Victeria teIo a farmer Premîdent. h mmes matie trot PLOW I lb. titubor£ et H.M.S. Remitute mhlce tram mentInteamrche Sir ohn Fan- We îlen te 12. The -nblp mon gought, ta hW H tha Ira aot ad e he bmdancd itPL OW OA i-as met desne ttego te riecea t InOW fraon matera, homver, Ae AImerlcan iL, mîmior tiecovarati anti emiricated I Casting a ta 1865, ati Il mmi inbneqeentlypupr- a chmirti and ment tenlier Mejeety b>' ibmeJHigîrat prie, Pridont and tha people oathes Umnitd tatetsasa tbInof ot odmît and frlentip. ___ __11[IL ta mn Engitlidcbpardth îe Rema-______ lote wonasimletambroeon mp, and tram ber titubera matieak ometiamch e as seat b>' Use Queanl'ame mmr- lai if Use courten>' and loitg binti- nom. mhtab dîrtatedtheIbmoffar if thm glf ttoftho Remoînte.', Athis dekitc a moproneetettve MAC H I N ERY R E tha Pranitiant dopnsthea&trester part et tti vrIla& of ail kîmudo promptly attendcd BLIJNDERS ON THE WIRE SCREW FACTORY. MACHINE Togileei-m e Mlmtakmm lts a veac CammatiMach Annayancp Aise Al iids of ELECTI 'Tan," Bi the teographtreopera. Nickel, Sihvr and Copper Oxit' to,'Ibare Iom1me deehi tInt the aiieomî malceratadepioen 01 thIaMore mpmAT PAIR PRICES. lt»m cf tOegrrpbYhan commldarabtp timfied th ie nuetoetmisînan sSATISFACTION GEJARAW matie In the transmission et tela- uramal, but the t2eagraph In mtli a leng M g o va>' tramtbolus an mnmtigalei kmn P. L. RobertsonMf.C. ati hla.mlaa.Mmm>of'et mymbole are an Peri0lo ut>'eltihet errera are MILTO0N, ONTr. stamio ecar tram tîma 10tîlme. "Por Instance. 'ba' nt'md 'trail' araM faimpesetilunI dote antIl tineth b e - Oltferencebaing lha< la 'deati Userasa 1,- a i-ety allaIt saneh-pna ttda met errla 'bti,'The tiftaraencola ~, y l liong i-mrp ttemiiepl orI me îlhivbmoar ib t OInhero VV I No%, hlata a mont anformemo aleto R4P tt mu>p la ai- ei-rp fond piNG A HARVaIr 0F 5 nlgImphrase 'eua et'ford In in1, an .thoe oara qelte aa number of'd~.~iM% ~ian -P lo VTfED. J4mited, ek hie. r Cmeie $arad eda lles dk niL select at. Amnd for bread md, Toronto ed Çuaiity 7P.h air lu have an in- SEE OUJR IISPLe rsa nd Enibalmîrs ÎDRY ful fe f ;HARES, charpe a t1 MOllFli-' i-i I for s-1 .a1l- at the FARS H'OP LOC 1 1 b 11. A. M Priva ohe ~1